Sanctions On China (via Russia) – Buy Junk Now.


Whoever is running the US Government is busy moving as much power as possible from the office of the President to the Permanent Government of the Bureaucracy. This is being done to “prevent” Trump doing anything when he gets elected, and because they can do this with Biden in office since he is too clueless to protest it.

Secondary Sanctions

The US has now empowered the Treasury to put “sanctions” on anyone (Banks, Companies,…) who supplies anything in the way of support to Russia, via declaring that Russia is running a “War Economy” so the whole economy is OK to target.

This, then, points the Sanctions Weapon at Chinese Banks and Industries… And also lays the groundwork for direct sanctions on China once the TLAs tell congress / POTUS to start a war with China over Taiwan.

The idea is that this will break Russia via breaking their dependence on China.

But 2 problems with that idea.

Russia is not dependent on China, we in The West are. (Over 90% of medicinal chemicals come from China now, as one example. Rare Earths. And a whole lot more.)

This will push Russia and China closer together, not further apart. It will also push a whole lot more countries into the BRICS+ sphere. 59 at last count waiting to officially join (and move away from the Colonial Abuse of the EU, UK, and USA systems).

Sidenote: The Russian Stock Exchange is now pricing, and clearing, with Yuan instead of $US since the $US is no longer stable from their POV. Ever more things in Russia will now have Yuan benchmark prices.

Note that China is down from over $3 Trillion of US Treasuries to $750 Billion or so. These are likely Short Dated (less than 10 year maturity) and will “run off’ even if not sold outright.

Note that Saudi Arabia has sold about 1/2 of their TOTAL US Stocks. (It isn’t just the $US and US Banks that are now untrustworthy, but Stocks held in brokerages as well). Expect a whole lot of other countries to be moving out of ANY Financial Instrument subject to US Sanctions (or EU freezes or confiscations…)

These folks are not dumb, so will be moving out of those positions in a very controlled way so as not to crash prices.

Where will they move their money & stocks? Into BRICS+ nations and Banks, I think.

FWIW, I’m using Brazil and India for my BRICS+ investments. Mostly just due to Russia being unavailable to me in the US markets, and China being less trustworthy than I’d like (a long history of adulterating products and materials, spying, and capricious rules changes by the Communists running the place).

There are likely also some banks in places like Malaysia, Cayman Islands, etc. that will benefit from a rapid run “off shore”.

I’d expect a lot more stock buys from folks like The House Of Saud, to be into Chinese and Russian companies, but also India and Brazil. Then there will be direct investments into places like Africa and South America where I can’t “take a stake” as it isn’t an exchange traded product and might have the USA ban it anyway… But, as usual for all things stocks “We’ll see” and we will let the charts be our guide.

So, IFF you have a pile of $US and you have things you expect to need in the next 1/2 dozen years that are largely made in China; best to convert those $$ into “stuff” and put it on the shelf (assuming it stores well…). Between ongoing (and rising soon) inflation, decreasing supplies (due to sanctioned companies), and prices shooting up suddenly (punitive tariffs applied suddenly). That’s my POV and what I’m going to do for me (you do you based on your needs and abilities). So going shopping for some tools at Harbor Freight, getting any “kitchen ware” and appliances I think I might need, looking at the replacement vacuum cleaner, making sure my stock of canning jars, lids, pressure canners, etc. are good for a decade or so worth of use, making sure all the tires on cars are new-ish and getting that oldest car painted (most paint chemicals no longer come from the USA…). You get the idea.

So “Going Forward” I’ll likely be making some postings of graphs of Indian and Brazilian company’s stocks vs EU / UK / US stocks. I’ll be avoiding any US & EU Bonds (and likely and UK bonds as well). The last US Treasury Auction was something of a dud, and The Fed ended up buying a lot of them – this is, IMHO, likely to get worse.

So, in addition to “stacking” metals, one ought to also consider “stacking” things you expect to buy in the next few years ( I need some more shirts, shorts, & pants for example – so buying a decade worth since my size doesn’t change much ;-) along with the usual “collectibles” that go up in times of inflation: Gems, art, etc.

I don’t see anything at all moving against this onslaught. The Greens and GEBs are busy destroying Western Industry, Western Financial Systems, Western Currencies, and more. This will result in a hard recession (perhaps even reaching depression if done long enough) so I’d not buy Real Estate until after that finishes crashing (usually a few years after the economy rolls over). At this point, I’m of the opinion that even Trump can not stop (or perhaps even slow significantly) this World Evil Forum / GEBs / TLAs push to destruction of The West and The Common Man. So pretty much “Duck and Cover” financially is all that I see as available to me.

Here’s The Duran take on this:

End Note

On FinViz, I’ve noticed they have blocks for Bitcoin ETFs now. They are fairly large, indicating a lot of money is in them. I’ll likely make some kind of posting of how they are moving relative to other currencies. Why? Not because I think BitCoin is investable. It is, IMHO, for trading not investing. BUT, I expect a LOT of folks with “questionable banking history” desiring to move money out of $US, &Euro; and £ to look at BitCoin as an easy way to move cross borders and into “sanctioned” destinations that might otherwise have their funds blocked.

Essentially, I’m curious to see if the tea leaves show such money flows.

On the lower right side of this chart:

you can find tickers for exchange traded funds (ETFs) in Bitcoin. Tickers like FBIT, GBIT, BITO, IBIT and more. That’s one way of watching for price action there.

Just why our Rulers here in the Rule Based Order want to destroy the western financial systems, currencies, and trust in our companies, banks, and laws is a bit beyond my pay grade. It could be sheer stupidity, hubris, or some “clever scheme” to buy it all up once collapsed. Who knows.

About the only thing that is clear is that “This will not end well”, and trying to get off the sinking ship and into financial lifeboats is best done before everyone else is trying to do it at the same time (likely a few months from now IMHO). We have a Global Cabal of Puppets & Clowns as our “leadership” doing very damaging things based on fantasies (such as Global Warming or Ukraine can Win or Russia will fail…) and thinking themselves smart. But who is pulling their strings… WEF? TLAs? GEBs? All of the above?

Sigh. “Intelligence is limited but stupidity knows no bounds. -E.M.Smith”

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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16 Responses to Sanctions On China (via Russia) – Buy Junk Now.

  1. Canadian Friend says:

    Not much to say ( I have a damn headache) other than; is there ever anything liberals do that is good, that makes sense, that is the right thing ?

    Instead of steering the ship away from the iceberg they keep finding ways of directing the ship straight for the iceberg while assuring us they are saving us from the iceberg

    weak analogy, I know… I blame the headache ;-)

  2. cdquarles says:

    Mostly hubris, I say. These folk reject He That Is and have substituted themselves as stand-ins. It will not go well. What is that saying? Yeah, Pride goeth before a fall.

  3. E.M.Smith says:

    There is also the possibility that there is a ‘2 step’ involved:

    The “useful idiots” are true believers in their upside down “logic” and really do think they are “saving the planet” or “punishing Evil Putin” while their “leadership” are, in fact, truly evil and manipulating them for an evil end. Be that amassing vast fortunes from “mandates” for solar panels, eCars, etc. or buying “Prime San Francisco real estate” for pennies on the dollar after ruining the place (then getting government ‘redevelopment’ grants to make it worth a lot again…); or be that just the joy at destroying something you hate (like Soros and Klaus Schwab hate Christian Values and the nations that embody them).

    That’s my main thesis. That a group of Evil GEBs have figured out ways to manipulate 51%+ of the people, to make themselves filthy rich and destroy things they don’t like (or don’t care about) in the process. Remember that Soros made his first big fortune shorting the British Pound and damaging the whole country in the process. He’s also wanted to “take down America” ever since (and seems to be succeeding now…).

    When you have an existence proof, and their personal statements: It isn’t a big leap.

  4. The True Nolan says:

    @E.M.: “It isn’t just the $US and US Banks that are now untrustworthy, but Stocks held in brokerages as well.”

    Yes, absolutely. Most people do not know that the stocks they “buy” are not really theirs. They have a legal right to dividends and proceeds from sale — but Cede & Company actually own them. And who keeps track of all that stock? Another company , the DTCC, the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation.
    (I do not endorse EVERYTHING at this link, but it does a good basic info.)

    Most readers here will already understand how fractional reserve banking works. It essentially allows banks to create and loan imaginary money. The use of a private corporation (the DTCC) to record stock sales, and a private corporation (Cede) to hold legal ownership, allows stocks to be treated the same way that dollars are. just as fractional reserve banking works until there is a bank run, as long as there is no popular sale off the creations of phantom stocks can be ignored.

    There is another reason for “fractional reserve stocks” in addition to the profits generated by brokering fiat stocks. It has allowed TREMENDOUS amounts of fiat dollars to be absorbed into the stock market. Every dollar thus absorbed (just like every dollar sent overseas for use as a petrodollar and every dollar spent on Treasury Bonds) means one more dollar removed from general circulation — which helps to slow price increases and inflation. The public has less reason to realize what a scam is going on. I would only add that the extreme rise in cost of housing, education, defense, insurance, health care, and now in automobiles — all of these serve to slow the inflationary effects of those dollars in the more immediate and obvious consumer goods like food, clothing, and entertainment. In my opinion, the GEBs have hid money under every mattress they can find, thus allowing them to continue reaping the profits from fiat dollars, but now they are running out of dollars, and the middle class cannot afford to lose much more. And other nations are feeling the same way.

  5. The True Nolan says:

    Typo of consequence: “now they are running out of dollars,” should be “now they are running out of mattresses”.

  6. Keith says:

    The thing that makes me shudder the most is how many nice innocent people have put their savings into pension funds, trusting the pension fund providers to be honest and honourable people.

    But the pension funds are all rolled-up and invested in stocks, bonds, gilts, real estate, whatever… might even be loans to Ukraine …

  7. Canadian Friend says:

    I don’t know in the USA or England but here in Canada there is something called GICs, Garanteed Investments Certificates, they garanty both your capital and interests, but it does not pay that much,

    Right now they are around 4.9% for one year and 4.3% for 5 years ,
    a few months ago they were at around 5.25 % for one year,
    but a couple years ago they went a little below 2 % for one year…

    once you buy one the interest is locked in, it does not vary during those 1 to 5 years.

    They are 100% garanteed by the government of Canada…so I guess unless there was a war or a gigantic economic crash, you are sure to get your money back plus interest.

  8. cdquarles says:

    I am going to look into that article more, but the first glaring error is the subtle falsehood that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation. It Is Not. That was ceded in the article by the mention of congressional action that created the government ownership of institutions sold to or seized by the GSE we call the Fed. I will agree that we’ve seen over 100 years of lies and gaslighting by our government. That also applies to things like FNMA, FMAC, FDIC, and others. I suspect that DTCC and CEDE will also be GSEs like those I have listed.

  9. jim2 says:

    The Role of the Federal Reserve System

    As you can imagine, my colleagues and I spend a lot of time examining the forces that determine our economic prosperity. I would like to begin by giving you a little background on the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve System has a unique structure that is both public and private. The Board of Governors in Washington is the public aspect of the System, and the 12 Reserve Banks across the country are the private aspect.

  10. cdquarles says:

    That makes them a Government Sponsored (and controlled) Enterprise. When you answer to Congress, you are *not* a private entity.

  11. The True Nolan says:

    The Federal Reserve? The Fed seems to be a private institution if someone complains to the government, and a government institution if someone tries to sue them as a private corporation. Like far too many institutions it is a sort of Schrodinger’s Agency, existing in two differing states at the same time. It takes the form of whichever flavor is more beneficial for it at any given moment. Be assured, that is NOT a design flaw, it is a feature.

  12. Canadian Friend says:

    Last week some of you mentioned Stonehendge if I am not mistaken?

    well global warming idiots have vandalized it!

  13. E.M.Smith says:

    Per The Fed:

    I won’t get into it here (as it takes a volume…) but realize that the “member banks” must own some of the stock to be “members”, making it mostly “privately owned” and a stock corporation; yet they do not have “control and voting rights” in the usual way… so Government tells them what to do and picks the leadership… So it really is a private corporation AND a GSE.

    And, FWIW, lots of corporations get called before Congress to ‘report to it’… IMHO should not be that way, but it happens.

    I like the British term for such things. QUANGO. QuAsi Non Governmental Organization…

    The Federal Reserve Banks are not a part of the federal government, but they exist because of an act of Congress. Their purpose is to serve the public. So is the Fed private or public?

    The answer is both. While the Board of Governors is an independent government agency, the Federal Reserve Banks are set up like private corporations. Member banks hold stock in the Federal Reserve Banks and earn dividends. Holding this stock does not carry with it the control and financial interest given to holders of common stock in for-profit organizations. The stock may not be sold or pledged as collateral for loans. Member banks also elect six of the nine members of each Bank’s board of directors.

    So all the authority of Government along with all the legal protections; but the profits flow to the “member banks” via dividends. Nice gig if you can get one…

  14. another ian says:

    FWIW –

    “Collapsing Empire: Georgia and Russia Restore Relations”

    looks like a “colour revolution” seen through

  15. Snowleopard says:

    Buying stuff you need (or will need in the next few years) that now only comes from China is good advice. I would expand on it somewhat though.

    Obviously China needs to produce so those products will likely be available considering our porous border but at much higher prices. Secondarily I would suggest stocking up on any necessities you cannot purchase or acquire within the range of a bicycle or horse trip. Banks may shut down, grid may shut down, internet may shut down or be restricted, gasoline price may skyrocket, or require a permit to purchase. Consider sourcing everyday needs as local as possible even if that costs a bit more now. Later when local demand rises you will be a legacy customer.

  16. The True Nolan says:

    RE the Fed. When it was created, the private banks ponied up an initial capital fund of $100M, quite a bit of money back then! Part of the agreement was that if the government ever decided that it wished to, it could buy out the Fed, lock stock and barrel by repaying that same $100M. That clause may have been removed sometime in the last 100 years; I have been unable to find out. Not likely to happen, but if that clause is still in force, it would be a simple, legal way to discorporate the Fed, and these days a $100M price is not even a rounding error.

    PS: A rounding error for when THEY are spending money, but make sure that YOUR taxes are paid to the dollar!

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