Klaus “Dr. Evil” Schwab To Retire, sort of…

I think this is a good thing, maybe…

It seems that Klaus Von Dominatio Schwab has decided that he ought to “step down” before he dies in the saddle… Sort of. He’s basically handing over executive functions to… well, to be determined; while he stays on as non-executive head of everything (though what that means is also a bit unclear).

I do wonder if everyone in the world coming to realize they are a major coordinating force for Evil and Globalist Domination Dreams has anything to do with it? W.E.F. World Evil Forum and all that. IMHO of course.


Jenna Moon
Updated May 21, 2024, 7:59am PDT
World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab steps back from executive post

World Economic Forum founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab will be stepping back from his role running the global gathering since he founded it in 1971.

Schwab announced his intentions in an email to staff on Tuesday that was shared with Semafor by a person connected to the organization.

He will be stepping down as executive chairman and transitioning to a role as non-executive chairman, he said, adding the change in his role is pending approval by the Swiss government.

So my guess on that is just that he’s going to have someone else doing all the actual work while he passes judgement on it. He’ll still be the “Figurehead” while some “Mini-Me” does the actual work? Maybe?

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Forum said that the organization is “transforming from a convening platform to the leading global institution for public-private cooperation.” The Forum’s governance structure is set to change as a result of that evolution, the spokesperson said, and Schwab “will transition from Executive Chairman to Chairman of the Board of Trustees” by January 2025.

I note this says what it is transitioning “from”, but not what “to”… other than a “platform” for “public-private cooperation”? So what’s that? I also note in passing that it is focused on “global institutions”, aka Globalist Machinery. Also “public-private cooperation” like NGOs to do the bidding of Governments where governments ought not be doing “it”, and parasitizing of Governments to leverage their power over the people when private enterprises can’t get it done?… /snark;

And then we get to wait over 1/2 a year to find out who’s going to run the Davos Man Enterprises going “forward”…

Schwab has not named his successor, but said that over the last year, the group’s executive board, “under the leadership of President Børge Brende, has taken full executive responsibility.”

Brende is a former Norwegian conservative leader.

For now, at least, it looks like the “executive board” is to do the “work” while the President takes the blame, er, “responsibility”.

Then there’s a sop to “conservatives”. Are there really any conservatives left in Europe? Even tepid right centrists get vilified as “FAR RIGHT”. Is there really any meaning at all left to the terms “right wing” and “conservative” in the EU or Europe (including the UK)? But whatever… A “Norwegian conservative” has the vague whiff of oxymoron about it. Like “Swedish Prude” or “Trusted Government”… /sarc;

Schwab, 86, is synonymous with the organization that he has managed for more than 50 years.

Golly! 86 and still functioning. Wonder where they get the transfusions… /snark;

Now, the annual WEF meeting in Davos attracts dozens of high-ranking world leaders and CEOs each year, with more than 50 heads of state attending in 2024, according to the organization.

Might make a good list of who’s in the pocket of GEBs and who’s most to be watched.

The Forum operates much like a family business, with Schwab’s children appointed to high-ranking positions and his wife Hilde heading the organization’s foundation and awards ceremonies in Davos.

I guess a little nepotism never hurt the family business…

In recent years, the Forum has shifted its focus towards the center, and away from liberal politics, Semafor previously reported.

Hmmm “shifted towards the center”… from where, and how far? Oh, from “you will own nothing” toward “Ve Vill Own Everytink”?

The Forum has also been navigating a difficult political landscape, and has steered back toward the center in recent years after embracing progressive directions in culture and finance.

A “difficult political landscape” meaning folks figured out their Globalist Machinations and they were the source of much of the Global Screwage going on. Klaus even saying the quiet part out loud when he said maybe they were too open about the things they wanted to do TO the world… And they call that being “progressive”? Gosh!

The WEF, though a nonprofit, is a remarkable business: The organization brought in nearly $500 million in revenue in the year ending March 2023, and had a neat 200 million Swiss francs sitting in cash, Semafor reported last year.

A remarkable business indeed. $1/2 BILLION a YEAR? No wonder they want to keep it in the family…

I’d suggest that Corporate Boards (and shareholders) ask how much Corporate Money gets spent on this Influence Peddling Junket Machine (my opinion of it). Then Citizens ask your Governments how much they shovel at it, and why… and is that really better value for money spent than, oh, I don’t know, perhaps fixing potholes and providing medical care improvements?

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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1 Response to Klaus “Dr. Evil” Schwab To Retire, sort of…

  1. Skeptic says:

    This must be a shock to our “Glorious Leader” Trud’oh. Now who will give him a pat on the head and a scratch behind the ear before sending him back to Canada to try to screw up more Canadian’s rights.

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