W.O.O.D. – 21 July 2023 – The Ennui Of Waiting For WW III


This is another of the W.O.O.D. series of semi-regular Weekly Occasional Open Discussions. (i.e. if I forget and skip one, no big)

Immediate prior one here:

and remains open for threads running there (at least until the ‘several month’ auto-close of comments on stale threads).

Canonical list of old ones here:

“Me” News

Armageddon By FORD

I’ve chosen to set up the FORD Expedition as the Bug-Out-Car. It is already partly full of the needed gear to “camp out” on the road for a month or two. I’ve still got to find a few bits that are somewhere in the house / boxes to unpack. But 2 x sleeping bags, 2 x {air mattress | foam pads}. A “Kitchen in a bag / box” with camping stoves (yes, plural), cutting board, a few small pots & pans along with a small mess kit. Thermos bottles. Knives, other “silver ware”, plates. Bug repellent, etc. etc. All the usual lighting and such.

Kept full of gas at all times. In the driveway with nothing in front of it, nose pointed out and ready to leave instantly.

I do need to make a “food box” to put in it. Filled with things that don’t mind Florida Summer Heat… and add a flat of water. (Filtered is OK, but having 36 bottles is a lot easier). Basically, add consumables.

This might be needed for a hurricane bug-out, but it is more likely to be needed for a Geo-Political Aw-Shit (given the current PDO / AMO conditions & the fact our Western Rulers are Bat Shit Crazy and poking the Russian Nuclear Bear…)

Hurricane Season Is Here

So far, a big yawner. May it stay that way. High level air PDO Pacific Decadal Oscillation influenced causing a deep “trough” in the jet stream, chopping off the tops of tropical formations.

Yet AMO Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation causing warm Atlantic water and more formation of potential systems.

These two are fighting. Lots of stuff will start out looking like it will become something, only to be curved back out into the Atlantic or if it gets too close, have its head chopped off and decay.

BUT, one could always get through; or the AMO might beat the PDO. So still need to watch it all.

The World At Large

The Ennui Of Waiting For WW III (or an apocalypse like that)

Wars develop very slowly. Typically over several years. When we look back on history, a 2 year build up can be presented in one paragraph. It looks exciting and fast paced.

The reality is that the slide into Armageddon & Apocalypse looks more like watching desertification kill a forest than anything like a forest fire or earthquake.

So we’ve had a couple of years now of “Red Lines” being driven over. No tanks turning into Leopard IIs and Challengers. No long range missiles becomes Storm Shadow and Patriot systems. So far, we’ve not yet sent in an Air Force of F-16s. Probably mostly due to them not working from short dirty runways (which is all Ukraine has now) and needing experienced F-16 pilots (that Ukraine does not have).

Now Poland says it wants to send in troops to Belarus. Russia has said “OK, fine with us; but do know that shortly after that Poland becomes rubble.” It will likely take another month or two for the Poles to work up the needed level of insanity to march on in; but what’s one more Red Line, eh?

After several failures by The West to actually honor the “Grain Deal”; doing things like not allowing payments for Russian Grain to be made, dropping off various sea drones to attack Crimea and the bridge to it, and more: Russia decided not to renew the deal for a (3rd or 4th time?). That made the ports in Odessa a target. So Russia has destroyed the ports and not much can be shipped from rubble. Oh, and there’s now a bit of a Blockade on the Black Sea. Eventually this might actually result in a declaration of war between Ukraine and Russia (one does not exist just yet… go figure). There’s talk of America sending war ships in to “escort ships to Ukraine”. Nice War Starter that… were there any port left at which to arrive…

So Russia has put a Knight Fork on Odessa and the Sea. This makes Ukraine a land locked country. Oh, and Putin announced they will replace all the grain that was supposed to be going to poor folks in places like Africa. For FREE. This too is a knight fork in that the grain was actually going to Europe to feed animals mostly. So now Europeans will have more expensive food and Putin is a hero to Poor Africans.

Oh, and some few dozen African Countries are headed off to the BRICS Meeting in South Africa. Putin is going to stay home and attend via electronics. Expect to see BRICS add a few members. Likely Argentina, Saudi Arabia, and maybe more. The EU / UK / USA are 100% hard losing the Economic War. But it will take another winter for Europe to realize just how bad it will be.

In the mean time, Ukraine has decided to destroy its current army (what is this, #3 or #4?) Anyway, the newest one equipped with Western Wonder Weapons (that from the videos I’ve seen burn really really well when hit by cheap Russian missiles). Once again, fixated on Bakhmut. Well, now the Russians must decide just how to best “do it all over again”. Fall back and make a “pocket” which the Ukrainians will rush into, as they always do, then rain down artillery into the Kill Box (as they typically do)? But these are mechanized attacks… so maybe just use The Alligator to stand off at 9 km and burn them up with missiles & drones (as they have done all over this months long attack by Ukraine)? Decisions decisions.

It has all become rife with tedium.


Because it is the slaughter of 10’s or 100’s of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers on the altar of stupid. There is simply no way at all for this attack to work. They can’t even reach the actual first line of Russian prepared defenses.

Armor and Troop Carriers are fighting against helicopters, drones and rockets. That’s a guaranteed loser. Add in massive and rapidly deployed (automated via rockets) mine fields, and it becomes Instant Disaster.

Infantry are fighting against mine fields and artillery. Also a guaranteed lose.

All of NATO has run out of old Soviet artillery ammunition and is scraping the bottom of the bucket for 155 mm “Western” shells. Even cleaning out the “do not use politically incorrect” Cluster Munitions. It is just sooo… hard to fight a war when you run out of ammo.

All while our Western Rulers struggle to understand that, as we told them for a generation: Manufacturing ability MATTERS. Labor skill matters. LOGISTICS MATTERS. Inventory is a GOOD thing. Sigh. They were told for decades. Now they get to learn why some things don’t work will with “outsourcing” and “just in time” production.

Dear GEBs, DNC, and Left Wing Nuts In Charge: It is called LOSING. This war is already won by Russia. You can keep going a few more months, but you are running out of Ukrainian soldiers to kill, ammo to shoot, and Wonder Weapons in the cupboard. Oh, and learning the hard way that “Tanks against Air Power and Missiles” without air superiority is just an giant Iron BBQ. So you are also running out of tanks and troop carriers. Better hope YOU don’t need to fight a war anywhere…

I figure about August Russia starts to just roll on over the rest of Ukraine. It will be whenever the ammo, soldiers and / or machines on the Ukrainian / NATO side completely run out. Oh, and the $ & € & £ run out – which will be as soon as the lenders realize there is no way any bonds will be paid from the western failed economies…

So it goes.

In Other World News

Is there any? I mean, other than NATO & Friends trying to start a 2nd Front in China… After all, Biden has not yet gotten our Navy sunk.

Brittle Failure In Social Systems

Just a small side note on Brittle Failure. A copper rod will bend and can be bent back. Often many times before it fatigues through and breaks. A glass rod hardly bends at all. More and more force is applied, and then it suddenly snaps. That is Brittle Failure and there is no bending it back. Once the break happens, you are in a new mode of reality.

It is my assertion that Social Systems are subject to the same Brittle Failure, but that the Western Leftist Rulers, GEBs, et. al. think in terms of molding and shaping and forcing society to flow into a new shape. The just do not see brittle failure coming. Well, it’s here now.

Cancel Culture worked when first applied. Now it gets an immediate Buycott and a good dunking. See Goya foods, Try That In A Small Town, The Sound Of Freedom, Trump Indictments (resulting in ever higher poll numbers), “End Oil” or whatever their name is.. being dragged out of the streets by Ordinary Folks who are past their breaking point.

Brittle Failure of the “soft social control” has arrived. Folks are done with the Leftist Crap. States are banning chopping off genitals from children, as just one example of The Break. San Francisco is being abandoned by pretty much any company that can leave and the property market has collapsed. California is becoming a waste land (both human and otherwise), so Good Luck on the generational plan to march Gov. Nuisance into the White House. You dodged the repeated recall attempts by buggering the election process in California, but the rest of the nation watched. And learned. He has zero chance of doing anything but retiring. Nobody wants Nancy Pelousies Nephew.

Continuing to push the antics of Antifa, BLM, and fellow travelers is just going to get ever more harsh push back against them, and the GEBs / DNC / Left Wing Nuts. Defunding and intimidating police (by finding them guilty of enforcing the law…) has just resulted in a growing movement of people “policing for themselves”. This will continue until peace is restored.

We’re past the point of Brittle Failure. Folks have realized they are not alone, they are in fact the majority, and that these “movements” are bought and paid for political theatre by the Leftist Rulers In Waiting. They know who’s the problem and they are now ready to “fix it themselves”.

As the Western Economies stumble more and fail, an increasing pressure to get rid of the cause will focus increasingly on GEB institutions like the WEF, Davos Crowd, etc. etc. Pushing D.I.E. (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) and ESG “scores” is just killing off the assets owned by The Rich Gebs. (Look at the losses by Target, Disney, etc.) This will only get worse. Folks are past the point of “doing nothing” and they are increasingly aware of “who is the cause”. Blackrock / Fink, WEF / Schwab, Soros & Sons, etc.

But it takes so long and has become so tedious. Looks like another 1/2 year to a year for the USA to boil over. EU perhaps sooner as Germany has a failing economy with fleeing industry and winter coming… IF the UK can stop their Parliamentary Navel Gazing and get back to being a global trading economy they have a chance to dodge this particular bullet; but so far they are busy squandering their political possibilities by lusting to sink with the EU, and take on Russia in Ukraine. Stupid is as stupid does… so not seeing a lot of hope there for the UK.

A Positive Note

Well, at least Russia looks to be increasing in prosperity, and China & The BRICS are busy building a new Global Economy of Nations. So there IS a future for the world and for humanity. It just isn’t in The West right now.

IF The West can avoid W.W.III, collapsing their economies and stop driving industry away by strangling fuels; it too can have a bright future.

Near as I can tell, the EU is busy flipping governments, one nation at a time, to Conservative Nationalist governments. IF that can reach critical mass before the nations are destroyed, then there can be a nice future for Europe. I don’t know enough about the EU Structure to know how many more countries must flip to change the EU Governance, or perhaps how many more Exits it would take. But at least the trajectory is there.

And, of course, the USA is “only” a year and 1/2 away from being able to flush the horrible Biden and DNC. The big question there is just how much cheating and fraud can be removed from the voting systems. We’ll know soon enough.

In Conclusion

Things are dismal due to the corruption of The West and their lust to be Rulers not Representatives. The influence of TLAs is way too high (Three Letter Agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.) and likely now too corrupt to repair. So we’ll need some kind of an internal reformation. Hopefully it can be done politically and not via revolution.

Our current Rulers are idiots and failing, and even too stupid and stubborn to realize it. But that just assures their failure in the longer term.

But with any luck, we can, recover “after the fall”…

Maybe even without any need to learn Russian or Mandarin…


This will continue to be DIY for a while still.


For more recent events, see:

Bongino Report:


Or Whatfinger:


I’ve also gotten addicted to the Top Ten Memes of the week from WatchMAGA here:


They have interesting “bite” to them, along with a tendency to highlight the news of the week in memes, so good as a social attitude pointer too. Plus they are “way fun” ;-)

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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343 Responses to W.O.O.D. – 21 July 2023 – The Ennui Of Waiting For WW III

  1. jim2 says:

    This is funny. This is sad. Those poor victimized researchers!

    Oregon State University students drew backlash from university researchers after posting mocking responses to a survey regarding LGBTQ students, according to Friday reporting by Fox News.

    The university’s research team claims 50 of 349 responses to the survey were “slurs, hate speech, or direct targeting of the research team.” The researchers have used the responses to examine “engineering culture,” and have linked them to the purported “rise of online fascism.” (RELATED: Rapid Uptick In LGBT Identification Driven Is Driven By People Who Are Actually Straight, Report Finds)

    Researchers detailed the responses in a paper titled, “Attack Helicopters and White Supremacy: Interpreting Malicious Responses to an Online Questionnaire about Transgender Undergraduate Engineering and Computer Science Student Experiences.”

    Students reportedly mocked the survey’s request for demographic data. Roughly 24% of students identified their gender as a type of helicopter. The students filled out responses including “Apache Attack Helicopter” and “V22 osprey,” according to Fox News.

    When asked about disabilities, some respondents claimed to be illiterate. Others argued that transgenderism should be considered a disability due to its “inability to come to terms with biological reality,” the outlet noted.


  2. E.M.Smith says:

    An interesting and somewhat objective view of the decline of The West vs Russia:

    And why the GEBs are afraid of China:

    Those who lust for control and power and love to use the destruction of others, are seeing their empire stolen via diplomacy, honesty, and refusal to kneel… Makers vs Takers… and the Takers do not want others waking up their Maker Serfs…

  3. John Hultquist says:

    WSJ has an article:
    The Rise and Fall of the Chief Diversity Officer
    Diversity executives hit the exits as company priorities shift; ‘everything is a battle’

    The photo of 3 diversity officers has the middle person with the worst photo I can imagine. “She” should sue!

    Paragraph #2: “Companies including Netflix, Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery have recently said that high-profile diversity, equity and inclusion executives will be leaving their jobs. Thousands of diversity-focused workers have been laid off since last year, and some companies are scaling back racial justice commitments.”

  4. YMMV says:

    In Other World News. Is there any?

    Yes, we just have not been told yet. Syria? Iran?

    “The US is weighing a military response to Russia’s presence in the skies over Syria, a Pentagon official told the Associated Press on Friday.”

    Directly? Not getting someone else to fight?

    “Earlier this month, US Air Forces Central commander Lt. Gen. Alex Grynkewich claimed that Russian fighter jets “harassed” American MQ-9 Reaper drones over Syria on three separate occasions in a week.”

    The US military is playing the victim again.

    Syrian President Bashar Assad invited the Russian military to assist his forces in the fight against Islamist militants in 2015. Russia has maintained a military presence in Syria ever since, as has the US, which launched its own bombing campaign against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) in 2014. The US also provided covert and overt support for dozens of militant groups opposing Assad’s government.

    Did I get that right? The US is fighting Islamists. The Russians are fighting Islamists.
    (The same ones?). Plus the US is trying to overthrow Assad. I’ve forgotten why. Too friendly with Iran? Too friendly with Russia?

    “Around 900 American troops are stationed in Syria at any one time”

    “Regarding Iran, the US is sending F-16 fighter jets to the Persian Gulf this weekend to protect Western cargo ships from seizure by Iranian forces”

    Those Iranians again … but wait …

    Iran attempted to seize two oil tankers this month that it said were involved in fuel smuggling, but was prevented from taking one by the US Navy. One of the vessels was successfully seized and more than a million liters of smuggled fuel discovered on board, Iran’s Fars news agency reported.

    Tehran and Damascus have repeatedly accused the US of shipping stolen Syrian oil via the Strait of Hormuz. According to the Syrian government, 80% of the country’s daily oil output is taken abroad by “US forces and their supported armed groups.”

    “the US of shipping stolen Syrian oil” — could it be?

  5. Ossqss says:

    Keep a peek. This should update accordingly.

  6. anothyer ian says:

    For studiers of geology – a couple of links to the Tetons dam collapse


    And, by the comments, also a study in “government know it all”

    Shades of the Snowy Mountains 2 pumped hydro scheme where the tunnelling machine is stuck a couple of hundred metres inside the start of a kms long tunnelling exercise

  7. jim2 says:

    Why will AI never match the performance of Humans?

    It can’t think out of the box!

  8. jim2 says:

    Wait! What?


    Texas A&M University President Katherine Banks announced her resignation Thursday night, saying the conservative backlash created by her attempts to hire Black journalist and professor Kathleen McElroy to run the school’s journalism program was distracting from the university’s mission, the Texas Tribune reported.


  9. H.R. says:

    “Wait! What?” indeed, jim2.

    You mean to tell me that the President of a major university, receiving big buck$ and eyewatering perk$, decides to throw that all away just because she can’t hire the person she wants to head the Journalism program?

    She can’t just cut that loss and propose another lib-to-her-liking for the position?

    Something seems a bit ‘off’ about the whole thing.

  10. jim2 says:

    A massive $2 billion theme park is being planned near Tulsa, Oklahoma, to rival the woke Disney theme parks, officials announced on Wednesday.

    The American Heartland Theme Park and Resort is on the drawing board to open sometime in 2025 in Vinta, a town just to the north east of Tulsa. Tulsa World reported. The new attraction hopes to give families a wholesome, American-styled place for families to go as the Disney corporation continues its headlong rush toward extreme leftism.

    The resort “will attract visitors from around the world to celebrate all that we stand for, here in hometown America,” Vinita Mayor Josh Lee said during a presser on Wednesday.


  11. E.M.Smith says:

    Per the Ok. Theme Park:

    Nice idea, wrong place… Why? The weather.

    Aside from being in Tornado Alley and that putting the entire construction at risk… It is Damn Cold for a whole lot of winter (lost revenue time but the mortgage remains) and way hot and humid in Summer.

    One thing Disney did well in siting the original theme parks was maximize year round usability. Southern California is basically a 365 day weather. Central Florida is close.

    I think there has been one or maybe 2 hurricanes run over the Disney World property in the last several decades (perhaps the life of the park) and it had degraded dramatically after landfall. Damage was minimal. Winters are ideal, spring and fall also near ideal. Which leaves summer. Despite what folks might think, central Florida summers are quite nice. Mornings are glorious. As it warms up toward “too hot and humid”, the convective thunderstorm process kicks in and you tend to get an early to mid-afternoon bunch of warm rain. Surprisingly pleasant. After that, the air is once again cooler (but still warm) and pleasant into the evenings.

    Compare “minus OMG” in an Oklahoma winter and “sweltering for weeks” summers. Spring (when it arrives…) can be glorious and fall is very nice. Oh, and remember to keep the tornado alert turned on and know where the shelters are located. Don’t forget freezing rain occasionally in winter and “golf ball sized hail” can happen so make sure you have comprehensive insurance on the car…

    FWIW: I have nothing against Oklahoma. Mother-in-Law was from south Oklahoma before she married a guy in Texas and moved to California. I.E. I have relatives and even stayed with a friend in Oklahoma. The place is absolutely beautiful to drive through (especially after crossing the Western Desert and West Texas…) and taking I-40 through it is my favored route. (I-10 is faster but boring…)

    So I do wish them well.

    But they ought to have looked for better round the year weather. Dollywood did a better job of it.

  12. John Hultquist says:

    @jim2 – – Katherine Banks
    ” … marks the culmination of Banks’ two-year tenure, which was often met with pushback from faculty and students who consistently raised concerns with the direction …”

    I’ll guess she wasn’t fit for purpose and this fits the straw and the camel’s back fable.

  13. rhoda klapp says:

    I don’t usually associate Aggies with woke.

    As for Tulsa, the only time I went there it was early November and 17 degrees. F. EM is right, too cold for a theme park. And he’s right about the twisters too.

  14. H.R. says:

    I think one of the rides at the Oklahoma theme park is going to be “Dorothy’s House”.

    You go into the house and wait for a real tornado for an actual thrilling ride in the flying house just like in “The Wizard of Oz”.

    It sounds like a good idea, but the legal team is still trying to work out the language on the indemnity waivers people will have to sign. And then there will always be a few waiting in line that the house lands on. They do have a good trauma team lined up, though.

  15. another ian says:

    More “woke up” coming?

    From today’s Covid and Coffee newsletter.

    “Finally, yesterday Governor DeSantis announced that the State of Florida, which is a significant investor in beer giant Anheuser-Busch, will now investigate the woke corporation for mismanagement that breached the company’s duties to shareholders and injured the state’s investment portfolio”.

  16. Power Grab says:

    Re Tulsa being 17F degrees in November:

    That would be very unusual. It would be more like a temperature you would commonly see in February when the winter is at its coldest, and that would probably be the high. But there is a great deal of variability.

    Now, if it were 17C, then I would enjoy that temperature.

    I was just looking at a map to see how far Vinita is from Branson, Missouri. It looks like about 2 hours – and that’s on highways that aren’t a straight shot from Vinita to Branson.

    Northeast Oklahoma has a fair amount of tourism built on outdoor activities. I have been on float trips riding canoes around Tahlequah several times. There is an annual rock music event at Pryor. Bartlesville has had an annual music event called “OK Mozart” for many years. More than once I have taken visitors to the outdoor presentation of the musical production of “Oklahoma!” at Discoveryland on the west side of Tulsa. I have been to big concerts at big venues several times.

    The Port of Catoosa isn’t very far away. When it first opened, it was mind boggling to see big barges floating on a waterway in Oklahoma.

    Regarding tornadoes in that part of the state – there was one on 12-5-1975 that caught everyone by surprise. Somewhere I have a clipping of a cartoon published in the Tulsa World shortly thereafter. It was a drawing of Santa and his reindeer, in a tree, hung by the sleigh’s traces. Santa was ranting at Rudolph, saying, “‘Let’s start early,’ you said! ‘Let’s start in Tulsa,’ you said!” The point is, that part of the state doesn’t get an excessive number of tornadic storms.

    Vinita is right off I-44, so it isn’t really off the beaten path. If you were to take your family to attractions in Branson, you might very well drive a couple more hours to something that rivals Disney’s parks, but without the unsavory associations.

  17. Terry Jackson says:

    Amusement Parks can thrive in the North. See Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH, with a short season. They grew to Cedar Fair with 17 Parks.

  18. John Hultquist says:

    @ Ossqss – – that tropical disturbance
    Was “yellow” but now “orange” –> demoted
    Textbooks used to call these things “Easterly Waves”
    El Niño wind patterns often extend over the Atlantic and decapitate these things as they start to increase in height.
    Current thoughts: “Unfavorable upper-level winds are forecast when the
    system moves into the central Caribbean around midweek, …” {Forecaster Pasch}

  19. josh from sedona says:

    how much do you actually use your vehicle(s) ????

  20. Ossqss says:

    John, the scale goes Yellow 60% probability of development. The wave coming behind Invest 95L is one to watch.

    Here is the GFS 12z run. Click play if the link works. Anything past 5 days or so in a developing storm is a dart throw, so I am not sure the Outer Banks need to worry yet. The one behind 95L is the one that shows up, so far.


  21. Ossqss says:

    Well, it appears that word press did not like my greater than and less than symbols and mucked it up as if it were HTML. Doh!

  22. jim2 says:

    josh from sedona says:
    23 July 2023 at 5:24 pm

    how much do you actually use your vehicle(s) ????

    Every day. And have to drive more than 30 miles at time.

  23. jim2 says:

    Some here may be surprised to learn I’m a vegan. I eat only corn-fed catfish, corn-fed pork, corn-fed chicken, and corn-fed beef.

  24. H.R. says:

    @josh from sedona re vehicle use:

    Our household is just the Mrs. and me. Here’s the scoop.

    1) 2013 Honda Fit with 107,000 miles. From 2013 to June 2016 I was working and my round trip commute was 70 miles. Then I used it for errands, fishing, and visiting mom (she died at aged 94 in 2017) who lived about 40 miles away. After mom died, I am now just doing daily running around, which is anywhere from no driving to maybe 20 miles a day on longer errands. I suppose it all averages out to maybe 10 or so miles per day, now. From 2013 to June 2016 when I retired, I had a little over 70,000 miles on the car. It’s taken 7 years to add another 37,000 miles on my Honda, so that’s a little over 7,000 per year.

    Oh, Ha! Not much in the way of passenger miles on that Fit. I’d guess that there’s been someone in the passenger seat for maybe 1,000 miles in all those years. Last passenger was my daughter-in-law in 2021 for a, 8-mile round trip to a Dr. appointment I took her to.

    2) 2015 Cadillac SRX, with 58,000 miles on it. That’s Mrs. H.R.’s car We bought it just off lease in 2017 with 26,000 miles on it. She had a stroke in 2010 and since then, does not drive very much. We use that when we take trips. Otherwise, it’s her transport and the car can sit for days until she has a hair or Dr. appointment. So that’s 31,000 miles in 7 years; about 4,500 miles per year. (She just replaced the factory tires last month.)

    3) 2021 RAM 1-ton Pickup, Turbo diesel, Crew cab, 8′ bed, dual rear wheels, 4-wheel drive. It has just over 10,000 miles on it after 2 years. That’s our tow vehicle and I use it on short trips to pick up materials for the odd project around the house. In Florida, 2021/2022, it was our daily driver after spotting the trailer. This last season, Mrs. H.R. drove her SRX down to be our daily driver. I used the truck for fishing and my errands, but that wasn’t a lot of miles. Most of them went on the SRX. Much easier to drive in traffic and, trust me on this, much easier to park. (That truck doesn’t fit in a lot of parking spaces.)

    So that’s the vehicle story on one retired couple in the U.S.

  25. another ian says:


    “Interesting Report Noting Bud Light Regional Sales Pattern – California Sales Minimally Disrupted by Boycott, While National Sales Drop 34.2%

    July 23, 2023 | Sundance | 94 Comments”


    Now, if they can only californicate the rest of US sales will be back on track?

  26. another ian says:

    More nobbling

    FWIW – a reminder

    “CDC Changed Definition Of Breakthrough COVID-19 After Emails About ‘Vaccine Failure’ ”


  27. H.R. says:

    CDC changed the definition of vaccine. @#&!@#$!!!!

    That was one of the big tells towards putting me on the ‘Wait And See list’.

    If you have to lie about something, that ‘something’ is best to be avoided.

  28. E.M.Smith says:


    When I lived on one coast and did consulting on the other, I’d clock about 120,000 miles a year some times. Then, semi retired, that dropped down to about 25,000 a year (a few years ago). Now, fully retired and consolidated into one place (almost entirely…), I’m doing about 4000 miles a year, locally. I still have one or at most 2 “coast to coast” runs to do over the next 2 years, so add 6000 miles when that happens.

    3 of my cars get, maybe, a tank of gas a quarter. One, the spousal car, does most of the local driving. The others, I use for my around town, in rotation, so maybe a tank of gas every 2 months? 1500 -2000 miles / year? Then the occasional run off to the other coast (now deprecating) or to the boat ( 1 tank of gas) every couple of months.

    I really need to get rid of a couple of cars. When you are looking at a future average of maybe 10,000 at most, spread over a few cars, that’s a bit silly ;-) It made more sense to have extra cars when (1) Any failure meant lost revenue and (2) I had some on each coast so I could just fly in and have a car.

  29. anothyer ian says:

    More “high science” from The Lancet –

    “The Lancet stretches half the axis and then heat deaths look worse…”


  30. The True Nolan says:

    @Josh: “how much do you actually use your vehicle(s) ????”

    My vehicle usage dropped drastically once I got firmly retired. I have a Ram 2500 and put something less than 100 miles a week, for most weeks, interspersed with short round trips of a few hundred miles every month or two. Wife drives an old (2001) Toyota that only has about 85,000 miles on it. She does maybe 20 miles a week, but again we occasionally jump in for a trip of a few hundred miles.

    Were it not for using the Ram off road (well, it is sort of a road, simple dirt (not even gravel)) and needing 4 wheel drive and towing capacity, 75% of my drives could be EV. Were it not for the occasional longer road trips, my wife’s car could be EV. So why don’t we have an EV? Because those occasional road trips are a make-or-break condition. Because the off road and towing, again, are make-and-break conditions. Either of my vehicles will drive to Florida if I wish. As for heavy towing, there simply is NO EV AVAILABLE which can match my Ram — and certainly not one with a long range as well.

  31. Ossqss says:

    Do hurricanes stop advancing while you charge a vehicle while evacuating?

  32. The True Nolan says:

    @Ossqss: “Do hurricanes stop advancing while you charge a vehicle while evacuating?”

    During hurricanes you can just switch from charging to buying gas. Do a YouTube search on “putting gas in an electric car”. Looks like people do it all the time!

    (I really hate to live in a time when I am concerned by not having placed an /end sarc/ after that.)

  33. beththeserf says:

    ‘Do hurricanes stop advancing while you charge a vehicle while evacuating?’
    … Only in a post modernist world.

  34. jim2 says:

    From the screw-up-a-ball-bearing-with-a-hummingbird-feather department …

    Following a series of policy initiatives targeting everyday appliances such as gas stoves, air conditioners, water heaters, and dishwashers, the Biden regime now sets its sights on portable gas generators in the name of climate change.

    The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has proposed a policy that, if implemented, would pull nearly all existing portable gas generators off the market.

    The proposal includes a strict policy that would trigger an automatic shut-off for generators when they reach a specified emission limit. Smaller gas generators would be required to reduce carbon monoxide emissions by 50 percent, while larger ones would face an even greater cut of up to 95 percent.


  35. E.M.Smith says:


    Well… that “generator” issue has just cost me a $Thousand (or maybe 2…) as I now need to rush out and buy a “whole house size” generator (or maybe 2…) before they too are screwed up with Green Gunk.


    Lucky for me, I have both the (worth ever less and time to dump it quickly) $US to buy them and the space to store them… (or maybe 3 …)

    The Stupid, it burns..

    The whole point of an Emergency Generator is that it works 100% of the time (God Willing) during an EMERGENCY. I’ve already had my 3.2 kW generator, in testing, do a CO shut off when it was not yet warranted. So no setting it next to a wall, I guess.

    I guess I’m going to COSTCO to blow $1k on a machine I don’t yet know I need that’s not as quiet as I’d like because I’ve not had time to search out The Ideal For Me…

    (OTOH, a $14 jug of Paisano wine is cheaper and then I won’t care ;-) /sarc;)

    OTO OH, maybe it’s time for me to do that DIY Diesel Generator project… Get a Lister type Diesel engine from India and match it with a generator head set…

  36. E.M.Smith says:

    @Ossqss: Per Hurricanes:

    No, but it is sooo nice of all the EVs to get out of my way during the evacuation and let me blow on past them to safety…

    The other big question is: AFTER the Hurricane, do the EVs self-charge as you wait for the electricity to be restored to get back home? Or drive around after you are home?

    (Related question: Is there a truck that delivers tanks of electrons to places without electricity? Eh?)

  37. jim2 says:

    I went ahead and got the $700 dollar deal at Costco. I was afraid this would happen since getting a backup generator would allow us to continue to live without them. I had the all-electric house piped for gas and we now have a gas stove. I will run the gen on gas.

  38. josh from sedona says:

    self drivng cars are here…
    wonder how much a ride costs?

  39. The True Nolan says:

    @jim2: “The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has proposed a policy that, if implemented, would pull nearly all existing portable gas generators off the market.”

    Ever wonder why small diesel generators are so hard to find these days? There were fairly common Chinese units up until maybe ten years ago, when the EPA “interpreted” some new regulations as applicable to small, portable, generators even though the actual words of the rules seemed to clearly indicate the restrictions were to be on larger, stationary, units. Looks like they are aiming for gasoline too…

    “Outlaw private production of electricity? Of course not! We just want to make sure that the filthy gas generators are cleaned up a little. For the common good! So, now, you DO have the new model, don’t you? The one that has the side tank of lithium hydroxide to scrub the CO2? And the built in phone link to notify us if you try to bypass the scrubber?”

  40. Ossqss says:

    @EM, You don’t need no stinkin charger :-)

  41. josh from sedona says:

    30m. at a time sounds like semi-rural and an hour at a time, maybe 2 hours a day?

    @HR I’m envious of your ’21 4×4 dodge dually cummings, is manual with a jake break too? even if automatic still VERY NICE….

    if a car is paid for and still runs? ….why get rid of it?
    at your peak you were doing 10,000 miles a month? that’s in the range of pro driver, like 400m a day x6 days x 4 weeks…..

    “When I lived on one coast and did consulting on the other, I’d clock about 120,000 miles a year some times. Then, semi retired, that dropped down to about 25,000 a year”

    way above average amount of driving…..

    @true nolan
    …in my best jeff foxworthy voice…. “if, you need 4 wheel drive, to get out of your own driveway, you might be a redneck……”

    sounds like we all pretty much peas in a pod….
    but none of us is the target demographic
    i’ll add more to my thought later……

  42. cdquarles says:

    Silly gits, why do you want to scrub *Plant Food*? Argh. What do you do with the lithium carbonate when you’ve saturated that tank? How do you handle the caustic lithium hydroxide in the first place? Shaking my head …

  43. YMMV says:

    “Outlaw private production of electricity?”

    It’s coming. Because you must be dependent on the state.
    You will own nothing, but the state might let you use a little if you’re “good”, ESG/DIE/DNC-wise.

    Speaking of owning nothing. It seems nobody is buying music on physical media anymore. Streaming is big; so you rent your music by the month.

    Record stores? gone. Video stores? gone. Newspapers? mostly gone virtual.
    Journalists? gone.

  44. another ian says:

    FWIW – thye Peking Pox

    “Let me point out that at this rate of error resulting in death the entire pandemic’s death count can be accounted for over three years time. In other words it is entirely within the statistical boundaries of this study that the virus killed zero people and medical stupidity was responsible for every single death.”

    Much more at


  45. The True Nolan says:

    @josh from sedona: ““if, you need 4 wheel drive, to get out of your own driveway, you might be a redneck……”

    I don’t need a 4 wheel drive… well, not ALL the time. Sometimes, if it hasn’t rained in a week the mudholes are dried up and if you go slow you can pass right over ’em!

    By the way, I would like to say a few words in praise of rednecks; they get way too much bad press. Let me start by differentiating between White Trash and Rednecks. The quickest way to check is to read the tattoos. If they are spelled correctly you are dealing with a Redneck. Having interacted with my share of this class of American originals, I will tell you that as a group they are some of the brightest, most ingenious people I have ever known. Book smart? Not usually — but some of them have degrees you will probably never find out about. Still, your average Redneck does not know the difference between Chaucer and calculus, but he can take three pieces of trash and make just enough of a boat to go fishing and catch dinner. He can take two wrecked cars and make a motorized tricycle. He can explain the difference in ballistics between a Swedish 6.5 boat-tail and a British .303 — and he can explain why one is better for wild hogs and the other for long distance deer. You average Redneck may be drunk on Saturday night but will still be shaved and dressed for church on Sunday. His family motto has been “You ain’t the Boss of me!” for the last six generations. He’ll be the best friend you ever have, or the worst enemy you could imagine; your choice.

    Honestly, we could use more Rednecks and fewer Harvard Business School graduates.

  46. E.M.Smith says:


    My fastest personal time, coast to coast, was 56 hours. That’s 2800+ miles. I’ve done that run more times than I can remember. I’ve gotten up and done 400 miles before breakfast…

    For 2 years I did a daily triangle of Marin County (just N. of San Francisco) 20 miles over the hills to the office, then about 90 miles to Sacramento, another 120 to San Jose, then about 70 back to the office and 20 to home. Not always all points of the triangle, and some times I got to stay overnight in a hotel at one corner… So not always 320 miles… but they you have to add in personal driving (it was about 210 miles back to see my folks, and about 150 to skiing or 300 round trip on a weekend…)

    I’m glad I don’t do that anymore…

  47. another ian says:


    “Russia Raises Stakes With Bold Strike On Danube Port”


  48. E.M.Smith says:

    Looks like Russian “breakthroughs” are happening in several places. It will likely take a day or two to see just how much and how far they go.

    Having stopped Ukraine from even reaching the first Russian line of prepared defenses (all of it so far has been in the “Grey Zone”), and having moved a few Hundred Thousand fresh forces up to the border / line of contact, and then knowing that Ukraine is running out of men while NATO is running out of equipment and ammunition to supply: It looks to me like this is about the right time for Russia to just push forward and “go for it”.

    So give it a day or two to see how much this accelerates, and how much NATO / USA / EU / Biden try to escalate into W.W.III… vs realize it is time to fold… then we’ll see what happens.

    Ukraine is now effectively a landlocked country, so how any “aid” can be delivered (even if NATO can find any more to provide…) is an interesting question.

    My guess is that Russia is going to go all the way to Western Ukraine. I don’t know if Russia will stop at Lvov or go all the way to the Polish border… It will depend on how much Russia wants to give historically Polish lands back to Poland; or how much Russia wants to keep a “Rump Ukraine” state as a resentful “buffer state”.

    So “watch this space” as we are at a Hinge Point of history.

  49. Josh from sedona says:

    @CD as per the generator thing…. pretty sure it was CO not CO2

    @true nolan, you forgot bead-seating tires with starting fluid!!!! WHOOMP! !%$&*”! ;-0
    ….just like all jacuzzis are hot-tubs, but not all hot-tubs are jacuzzis, redneck is kinda a countryboy merit badge….lol, not sure if im a card-carrying member, but definatley got some points…

    @em, got a few marthon drives myself, personal vehicle of course. LA-Seattle, La-chicago, La-new orleans, No-key west….returns too and a couple others, all just stopping for fuel, 30+hrs behind the wheel at a time… also lived in super8s for months at a time, even done months of tent camping at a time for jobs. And then i drove truck… yes the regs are kinda a pita but its good thing they’re there, way to many drivers already on meth.

  50. jim2 says:

    I watch auto shows from time to time. One is Roadworthy Rescues. The guy finds an old car in a field and fixes it up.

  51. Power Grab says:

    @ YMMV re “Speaking of owning nothing. It seems nobody is buying music on physical media anymore.”


    I would rather pay one time for my media than pay repeatedly to stream music or videos. Also, it creeps me out to think how easy it is for TPTB to surveil my entertainment choices. (You never know when they’re going to outlaw decency and beautiful art and music – right?)

    I also bought an old DVD in the past couple weeks.

    In fact, during the weekend, I was playing an old album from (I think) 1982. It was on my MP3 player, which I was playing through my old-fashioned component stereo system. It had a couple skips in it (it was from an LP that I stupidly had on a slight tilt while I was converting it, and never went back to correct).

    So I got out the original LP and switched the stereo input to the turntable. The LP is just fine. I just needed to avoid tilting the turntable while playing it!

    Also, I had thought that one speaker was in need of repair, but when I switched from the MP3 player to the LP, both speakers produced sound.

    The album was made by real humans playing real instruments together and singing the songs.

    Oh, and BTW, I have 3 keyboards. Two are 88 key synthesizers, but I also have one of those tall pianos that is probably around 120 years old now. It has amazing sound.

    I have to admit that most of the sheet music I buy these days is downloadable, but for some projects I have been known to seek out antique music on eBay because that’s the only way to get an original arrangement.

  52. Power Grab says:

    @ jim2 re “I watch auto shows from time to time. One is Roadworthy Rescues. The guy finds an old car in a field and fixes it up.”

    That sounds fun! I haven’t heard of that one.

    Last night I stopped at one of our Sonic drive-ins for a late supper. Two bays away was an old car that had no insignia that I could see, but the shape reminded me of late-60s or early-70s Plymouth of some kind. When they fired it up to leave, it sounded like it needed a muffler real bad. It didn’t run smoothly (yet). There were two guys in it that appeared to be in their 20s. They smiled and waved when I turned to look at them as they were leaving. I waved back. It didn’t run like it had been restored yet, but I hope that’s what they plan to do. It was a dark grey (not glossy), so maybe they were in the process of restoring it.

    It warms the cockles of my heart to see an old vehicle that’s been taken care of (or restored).

  53. cdquarles says:

    CDs, DVDs, and vinyl all sell rather well, locally. Oh, hard copy books sell well here, too. Though business is down, my nephew is into resto-mods. We have a small collection of classic vehicles, of which a few are muscle cars. His current interest is in electric propulsion conversion. I see his point. It seems forgotten that 100 years ago both ICE and electric vehicles sold. There was a classic car show locally a week or so ago. Lots of Model Ts and others of that time period.

  54. Power Grab says:

    Ooh! Ooh! I’ve gotta share this one:

    It was on this date 45 years ago that I got to ride in a car just like this one!


  55. Power Grab says:

    @ cdquarles re “CDs, DVDs, and vinyl all sell rather well, locally. Oh, hard copy books sell well here, too.”

    Oh yeah – I also prefer to buy hard copies of books as well.

    In these days of “cancel culture”, I made it a habit to buy real books from my alternate sources of information – especially health and medical information. One of them I ended up ordering 3 of because the sellers kept banning it. But finally they actually delivered them.

    One seller’s web site was hacked right after I ordered the book from them. So I called them to ask about my order. The human on the phone did some digging and was able to find my order after some time. I’m not sure that would have happened if I hadn’t called them. (It was Barnes and Noble.)

  56. cdquarles says:

    You don’t need lithium hydroxide to scrub carbon monoxide. Activated charcoal works well for that, if I am remembering correctly; or you can use a catalytic converter, the old style two-way ones work for that.

  57. Keith Macdonald says:

    Re Ukraine ports

    Marine Traffic AIS is still showing plenty of multi-national non-combatant bulk-cargo shipping queuing to go up the Danube. Quite a lot in fact. I’m guestimating about a 100 of them. Anyone familiar with Danube shipping? I’m wondering if it’s like the Suez canal where a one-way system means shipping goes in batches one way then the other. Or does Danube shipping go with the tides?


    The Danube is one of those quiet slow transport routes that hardly anybody remembers, until something happens, and then we notice how much it carries.

    Today, as “Corridor VII” of the European Union, the Danube is an important transport route that crosses the whole of Europe. Since the opening of the Rhine–Main–Danube Canal, the river connects the Port of Rotterdam and the industrial centers of Western Europe with the Black Sea and, also, through the Danube – Black Sea Canal, with the Port of Constanța.

    Odessa? Not so much. Maybe about 10 tugs and pilot boats, and only three cargo ships showing on AIS. Of course, there might be more with AIS turned off, but they’d still be visible by other means.


  58. another ian says:

    “Interesting news for aviation and military history buffs”

    Remanufacturing Catalina amphibians


  59. another ian says:

    Wasn’t the Danube canal system in trouble with a low water problem not so long ago?


  60. another ian says:

    “The greatest invention of all is… booze???”

    “The oldest brewery ever discovered – by archaeologists, in a cave near Haifa, Israel back in 2018 – is an astonishing 13,000 years old. That’s how long the bar has been open for. For context, 13,000 years ago there were still sabre-toothed tigers roaming around Britain and Stonehenge hadn’t been built yet. In fact, it wasn’t going to be built for another 8,000 years.”

    And more


  61. another ian says:


    “Ballot Manufacturing”

    Link: https://noconsensus.wordpress.com/2023/07/25/21230/#comments

    Have a look at the Rasmussen reports items in that first comment by Mathew

  62. E.M.Smith says:

    @per booze:

    I’ve said many times that “Beer is the foundation of civilization”. The reasoning is pretty simple. “Hunter Gatherers” can get all the food they want by gleaning the land for animals and greens / roots / tubers. There are tribes that live entirely off of animals (Watusi and their cattle) and many who live from manioc roots (AKA cassava aka tapioca) or sweet potatoes (including the leaves) etc. When grasses are drying off after making seeds, you can gather them too. (Not to mention ‘nuts and berries’)

    BUT if you want consistent booze, you need consistent supplies of fermentables. And lots of them. Elephants are known to get tipsy by seeking out fermenting dropped fruit; but that only works for a short period during fruit season. Fruit does not store very well. But dry grain… that can store very well if kept dry. Once crude beer is made, it will also spoil fairly quickly (no pasteurization or bottling yet, remember…)

    So there is your cave man’s dilemma. How to get enough DRY grain to make a consistent supply of hooch. Gathering wild grain can work to some extent. Then you get the winnowing and cleaning processes down. Basket making to collect it. Buildings to keep the rain off (or caves if you have them). Clay jars and jugs to drink it and transport the beer. Larger vessels to ferment in and store grain. All that work and design gets done for that Big Fall Party when the grains are ripe… But then winter comes… and now you need to migrate with the winter animals for your meat supply…

    IF ONLY you had a way to keep eating and drinking without moving all that clay stuff you have now made…

    And, IMHO, at that moment the idea springs forth of helping those grasses to grow more, so you can store ever larger amounts of them in dry barns, and continue to eat them while having your booze too. Farming and sedentary agriculture is created. Some of the animals get pens so they don’t migrate away, and you can feed them the straw of your grain harvest.

    What do we see in the historical record about 12,000 years ago? The start of agriculture. Gee… just after folks figured out they really really liked this booze stuff and wanted a LOT more of it, consistently…

    Then once you have a collection of farmer brewers, you have a society and something the hill folks want to take, so you either fight them or invite them to the party. Oddly, there are very old cuneiform stories about the wild men being “civilized” with beer…

    So it fits all the available data.

  63. jim2 says:


    Florida-based retail health company Mercola Market and its employees were shocked when JP Morgan Chase Bank suddenly terminated their bank accounts without explanation, Florida’s Voice reported.

    Mercola Market, a company renowned for its specialty food, drinks, supplements, pet products, and other health items, is owned by Dr. Joseph Mercola, a critic of COVID-19 vaccines and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

    Dr. Mercola has practiced medicine since 1985 and founded the world’s largest natural health website.

    On July 13, the company, along with its CEO, CFO, and some family members, received identical letters from Chase Bank stating that their accounts were to be closed. The reason for this sudden decision, however, was left unexplained.


  64. H.R. says:

    E.M.: “All that work and design gets done for that Big Fall Party when the grains are ripe… “

    And thus, tailgating was born, which continues to this day, particularly at football games. 😉

    There has always been some kind of team sport involving the skulls of your enemies and some sort of goal or basket. I don’t know when they started substituting the sewn hides of animals stuffed with grasses or feathers or some such, but that, and the invention of the helmet took the fun quotient of traditional skull-based ball games down a notch. 😉😉

    Now we have oblate spheroids filled with air and the two teams are swaddled with high tech protective gear, and if it looks like the other team is going to kill you, you get to throw the ball to some other hapless team member, who then has to run for his life. But then there’s all that high tech gear, so hardly anyone dies anymore.

    Almost all the fun of running around with your enemy’s skull while the other team tries to catch and kill you is all gone. Now THAT was an adrenaline rush. 😉😉😉

    Oh, and beer. Lots of beer. That hasn’t changed in thousands of years.

  65. Ossqss says:

    I hope it posts.

  66. another ian says:

    Re that Palermo temperature

    Hottest Day Evah In Palermo!

    As a foehn wind was involved –

    If in ,say Colorado or Alberta, the headline could have been

    “Cooked by a Chinook”

  67. another ian says:

    More weaving undone

    “Biden Blows Up”


  68. YMMV says:

    Raymond Ibrahim is an expert on Islam, but not a friend of Islam.
    In this article he looks at some similarities between Islam and the Left.

    “Despite their many outward differences, Islamic authoritarianism and leftist liberalism are, in fact, very similar, especially in that they brook no dissent.”

    Every day, and from virtually every official institution and channel — academia, media, government, etc. — we are bombarded with very obvious lies, for example, that women can become men, that men can become pregnant, and so on and so forth. Does that mean that most Americans believe this? No. But that’s never really been the goal — to get you to believe what is unbelievable.

    Rather, the ultimate goal is to condition you never to publicly challenge such sacred “dogmas” — that you never openly blaspheme against or openly apostatize away from this new cult, thereby encouraging others to blaspheme and apostatize — the dreaded snowball effect which every regime fears.

    As with Islam, the Left cares little if in the quiet of your own mind you refuse to play along. All that matters is that you formally go along — that you formally acquiesce — even if through silent though implicit consent.

    Resistance is Futile.

  69. E.M.Smith says:


    I’ve been wondering how hard it is to start a bank. Thinking that we need a “Conservatives Bank” that steps up for anyone who is de-banked for wrong-think.

    Perhaps we could get a certain Orange Haired guy to put up the start-up capital…

    I bet it would be insanely profitable, what with all those conservative folks dumping money into it and being good credit risks…

    @Another Ian:

    On the news here today was a report of a HORRIBLE THING. A mere child left in a car in the sun while the parents ran into a car rental place for a while. The interior of the car was, GASP! 105 F Degrees inside! They then nattered on about children dying in cars and the horrors of cooked kids…. All I could think of was “105 F was my bedroom in summer growing up. Basically from June to September. All day.

    “Child rescued from low risk environment after Concern Troll Karen calls the cops to bust parents for not continuously hovering” would have been a better headline…

    (Yes, I know, kid in closed car can be lethal… but so can too much water. “Size matters” and 105 F just isn’t there yet.)


    When reading all the cultural anthropology and archaeology and all reports that go on endlessly about Priests and Religious Rituals after they found some char on bones or a dead pig or some cups: I now always mentally substitute “blowout party” and see if it reads better.

    Substantially always, it seems to fit better.

    Now ask yourself:

    Which has the higher attendance: Tail Gate At The Arena, or Sunday Sermon?…

    I think people have not changed much in the last 10,000 years.

  70. Ossqss says:

    So, is it just me, or do we see the downfall (planned) of the re-election campaign happening today right in front of our eyes with the judge doing the job required with the Hunter deal?

    In the words of an immortal philosopher>

    “Watch out where the Huskies go, don’t you eat that yellow snow!”

  71. E.M.Smith says:


    IMHO, yes. The Dimocrats have realized (belatedly) that Biden is now a full on Laughing Stock and there is no way in hell he can be drugged up and propped up enough for another four years (perhaps even not another year…).

    They also have realized that Camel-Ah is an empty air head who has the gift of pissing off everyone of any party who interacts with her (or even sees her on video…)

    Their current ticket is uber-screwed and they don’t know how to fix it.

    The problem with being an Evil Empire Dictator is finding “Good Help”. Either they are clueless idiots who can’t see you are an Evil Douchbag so can’t do anything right and well; or they are reasonably sane and aware… and refuse to work for you without very expensive bribes for those with no moral scruples… who then think plotting to overthrow you is a Good Thing.

    Let the backbiting and character Assassinations continue…

  72. jim2 says:

    This may be the ultimate electric vehicle fire! :)

    Fire continues to burn

    But the effort is being hampered by the nature of the fire. There are numerous electric vehicles on board the the 656-foot roll-on/roll-off carrier and Captain Joao Mendes Cabeças said their lithium-ion batteries have ignited and will need to be taken to a port where special equipment is available to extinguish them.
    The Golden Ray ship
    Issues with car carriers are rare, but not unheard of as the Golden Ray capsized in rough seas off the Georgia coast in 2019.

    It remains unclear how the fire began. It is uncertain whether it was touched off by a battery fire or if the fire led to the lithium-ion cells igniting.

    “The ship is burning from one end to the other… everything is on fire about five meters above the water line,” Captain Cabeças said during a meeting with reporters.


  73. E.M.Smith says:


    We’ve got another one, the Fremantle Highway, currently burning in the North Sea. See the most recent posting for details.

    Looks like both of us got onto this topic at the same time…

  74. jim2 says:

    I have to wonder if this recent Congressional testimony about UFOs is an attempt by the GEBs to distract us from the very real problems in our Republic?

  75. cdquarles says:

    Yes, it is. Just like the rumored Trump J6 indictments (or was that GA) to drop soon. Anything to distract from the very corrupt USA federal government.

  76. The True Nolan says:

    Room temp superconductor?

    There have been a LOT of claims in this field. Most are claims of “we’re getting closer!” but few of actual room temperature compounds. Another nice thing is this seems to be non-exotic elements (lead and copper). The photo, if real, certainly looks like Meissner effect.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed.

    One nice possibility if this turns out to be true is the possibility of cheap access to space. Imagine a large loop of wire, say 100 meters across. Place it somewhere near the North or South magnetic pole, a place where the magnetic field is more or less perpendicular to the ground, ie where the gravitational field and the magnetic field point in the same direction. Start a current in the loop such that its magnetic field counteracts the gravitational field. Levitation! Of course nothing is free, and as you rise up the current in the loop will drop. Now for the sneaky part… Build a rectenna (a rectifying antenna) inside the loop, and have a phased array, ground based, location send you microwaves to power the loop (HAARP?). Once you get up a few hundred miles, tilt the loop so that you can add a horizontal component. Once in orbit, use onboard power supply for course corrections and orbital changes. Only use the ground based power when doing major velocity changes.

    Obviously there are a lot of practical issues to address — but this is the major thrust of it. (pun intended)

  77. AC Osborn says:

    TTN, this is another report on it.

    This is one for our Science buddies on here to comment on.

  78. H.R. says:

    E.M. wrote in part (my bold): The problem with being an Evil Empire Dictator is finding “Good Help”. Either they are clueless idiots who can’t see you are an Evil Douchbag so can’t do anything right and well; or they are reasonably sane and aware… and refuse to work for you without very expensive bribes for those with no moral scruples… who then think plotting to overthrow you is a Good Thing.

    Dang! I forgot about the inner circle at the top.

    I’ve written here a few times that once the GEBs succeed at destroying the West, there will be a big knife fight as every one of the GEBs think they are the Smartest Person In The Room and should be in charge of everything.

    But you just hit on what happens “after the revolution.” We’ve seen it in Russia and in China. The Top Dog starts purging his capable and smart (and sociopathic) aides, because they are truly a threat to him and his power. He knows what they are capable of because he depended on them to do it during the takeover. Poof! The cadre at the top get disappeared.

    So, as I have written before, the GEBs will knife each other for Top GEB, and they will also be eliminating possible threats from within their organizations.

    It’s not always all strawberries and cream being a psychopathic megalomaniac. And their minions? Well, it was fun while it lasted.

  79. The True Nolan says:

    Many people familiar with Doctor Mercola will have heard by now that his business account (Mercola Marketing) with Chase banking was suddenly, without explanation or warning, shut down. You may not have heard that some of his employees, their spouses, and even children had their accounts canceled at the same time.

    We have, of course, seen businesses punished financially, for “politically incorrect” actions, but this is the first I am aware of with additional attacks on employees and relatives. Concerned that Chinese “social credit scores” might be used to punish you or restrict your access to goods, services, or even you own money? How about if you are punished for the actions of your relatives?

    In a related but personal story, 99% of my financial transactions go through a small local bank, but about 2 months ago I decided that I wanted another account in one of the Too Big To Fail banks. My reasoning? IF (big if) the smaller banks are being forced out of business, or forced into merger, or just forced into illiquidity, I wanted to have a reserve fund already available with the GEBs, they being the most likely, “last criminals standing”. I had ethical issues with the idea — but belt and suspenders still sounds good. Anyway, I opened a checking and savings account with them, went through the usual bee-dance to get things set up and ran head first into a problem. Their web site was very easy to navigate, and it had the standard procedure for linking external accounts, the old “we’ll make two small deposits in your to-be-linked account. You tell us the amounts and we’ll verify the account. OK, did that, all looks good, account linked. Go to transfer funds, Chase shows local account linked, lets me set up transfer to new account, shows transfer pending. For a couple days. Then shows it canceled. Sometimes by ME, sometimes by Chase. No explanation. Call service reps, they have no idea why the transactions are canceled. They have me go through the “two deposits” dance again, everything still looks normal — but the system still won’t take a transfer. Call again, service rep contacts some IT gurus, and finally transfers go through. Once. Then they stop and won’t go through again. Call reps again. Rep tells me that “most banks stopped doing some sort of handshake a month ago and transfers don’t work normally anymore. No idea when it might be fixed.” Remember that the main Chase web site says NOTHING about transfer issues and all normal clicks, buttons, and pages are, well, normal. Rep suggests that I load Chase phone app (I really do not like putting financial apps on my phone!), write myself a check on my local account, photograph the check and enter that into my phone app for deposit. OK, I go to site to load phone app, and get a message that my current phone will not accept the app and I will need to upgrade my phone. I try once more to redo the “two-deposit” dance (which goes fine, same as before) but still no functional transfers. Chase still has zero idea WHY they transactions won’t go through or why they are being canceled by THEM.

    So I closed my two six week old accounts, savings and checking.

    I will say this though. The Chase representatives, even though they could not resolve the problems were some of the kindest, most polite, well spoken, reps I have ever interacted. I WISH their system worked. But regardless of how polite they might be, their accounts were doing me zero good, not unless frustration is a good thing.

  80. The True Nolan says:

    @AC Osborn: Ohhh! Great link! And that article feeds off to some f the original papers. Looks like production of the material is EASY, nothing peculiar, rare, or too technical. Their original PDF https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2307/2307.12008.pdf
    claims a critical temperature of over 400K. (260F) This means that plain old water can be used as a coolant for a lot of above-room-temperature applications!

    This is exciting. Yeah, trust but verify — but this is looking believable, and with the simple productions method should be either verified or disproven quickly.

  81. Ossqss says:

    For those in range of sight, it should be a good viewing to watch these 2 launches at the Cape tonight (10:20 & 11:04). Hopefully the clouds allow it. I think it has been 56 years since we had 2 in one day or something like that. The heavy is really bright going up.


  82. cdquarles says:

    That will be impressive. I got to see a launch from the Cape as far away as Orlando. A Shuttle launch if I am remembering correctly. Much better viewed live, yourself, than the televised ones.

  83. E.M.Smith says:

    Dang it! I’m going to be on the Atlantic Coast… TOMORROW NIGHT!

    Sheesh… “Missed it by that – much”…


    I’m toying with the idea of setting up a bank account in some off shore location. Not much, just enough to spend a few weeks in a hotel if that became necessary. Yeah, I know, Tyranical USA FOREIGN BANK reporting requirement. Screw ’em.

    Haven’t gotten to the point of picking a place yet, or even deciding I want to do it. But… I can see that place from here…

    I’m fond of Central and South America (and speak the language “ok”) so maybe Panama or Costa Rica? Argentina would be interesting if they were not such a basket case… Anyway, you can get “Retiree Residency” for about $1500 / mo. income proven and then open a bank account. Then fly in for the “beaches and bars” and have a non-GEB Country bank account.

    Still in the “Just a muse” Stage…

    FWIW, I’ve typically had 3 different bank, bank accounts essentially forever. One is a Credit Union (so different insuring agency). Since an “auto-deposit” authorization is also a “Take all my money and run” authorization, I have one account for “auto deposit my checks”. Then I move the money via check to the “spend money” account that has zero auto-anythings. Anything extra moves to the “investment account” that has ZERO auto-deposit nor auto-spend anythings and also where the checks are not written to anyone but one of the other two banks, so no “give me my porn via this bank routing number” issues from a check written to a guy to clean carpets in a rental unit I owned… (It’s a long story I shared before…)

    I resent that I need to do this. I resent MORE that I know I need to do this and the bank staff are clueless. I’m now resenting that I may need to make this a cross national border process to once again just retain banking security…

    All this for a retired guy who’s major “risk factor” is that I buy wine and own guns. It really is pretty simple: IFF I’ve had too much wine, I can’t do the combination on the gun safe. There just isn’t any risk here. But I’m not PC.

    Oh Well.

    Maybe it is time to take that vacation in Panama…

  84. Ossqss says:

    @EM, you can see it vividly from you house tonight. You just wont feel it like being closer.

  85. H.R. says:

    If y’all recall, the Mrs. and I went to see a big’un launched while we were down during the Winter. It was pretty amazing.

    But a double? Well now, that would be worth staying up past bedtime.

  86. H.R. says:

    Oh BTW, re “After the Revolution”: I was just assuming that everyone but the useful idiots knows that the useful idiots are the first to go.

    Sad to say, the useful idiots think they will be part of the insiders. Nope. They’ll be pushing up daisies. But they don’t know that because……………………. they’re IDIOTS!

  87. Ossqss says:

    Well, so much for the double up launches. Looks like things have been pushed back some after reading the latest updates. The big boy looks to be going up tomorrow night now.

  88. E.M.Smith says:


    Oh Boy! So I’ll be just a few hundred miles south and on the same coast when they go up! Oh my stars and garters…

  89. E.M.Smith says:

    BTW, where do you look to see the schedule of launches??

  90. Ossqss says:

    The link I placed above is dynamic.


  91. another ian says:


    Sefton Delmer was the head of the organisation which ran the British “black” broadcasts and other such operations” (psycops in modern terms) in WW2.

    I have just read his book “Black Boomerang” and it was a very interesting read.

    One might ask if our modern spate of psycops has done much more than multiply what they were doing then.

    And he has a very interesting look on where West Germany had got to by about 1960’s.

    Thus gets a “suggested reading” from me

  92. another ian says:

    Re Sefton Delmer

    I’m waiting for library service to get part 1 on how he got to speak German and how he got to that position.

    He was a UK news correspondent in Germany at the time of the Reichstag fire and got a tour with Hitler’s group.

    More when I know more.

  93. YMMV says:

    The title says it all:
    “‘It’s Murder’: Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA’s Shocking New Move”

    Remdesivir, because we can’t spell Euthanasia.

  94. E.M.Smith says:

    I wonder how long RFK Jr. will live… he names the CIA as the agent of death…

  95. The True Nolan says:

    When JFK was killed, I remember there was some speculation among the adults that perhaps LBJ was involved (as it now seems he was, in conjunction with the CIA, and with at least the tacit approval of various other entities). But the “LBJ did it” ideas didn’t seem to pick up much steam because most people just COULD NOT BELIEVE that high level governmental officials would be that criminal. I suspect that way more Americans now realize what level of corruption has been reached.

  96. another ian says:

    Keep the pressure on!

    “Anheuser Busch Announces Hundreds of Layoffs in Effort to Recover from $16 Billion Loss, 25% Sales Drop and Systemic Corporate Cultural Infection

    July 28, 2023 | Sundance | 326 Comments”


  97. another ian says:


    “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”


    And the comments!

  98. Ossqss says:

    Ok, so, I just completed a 20-year study on Stove Top Stuffing tonight.

    I always liked it when it was part of dinner, but this study was not about dinner.

    20 years ago, I was faced with a deficit. It was Friday night and we got home late after partying (locally), and I got hungry and had squat in the munchy snack list available.

    I was faced with canned vegetables, soups I did not like, and some stale stuff that I was not sure what it even was used for at the time.

    Butttt, then I saw some kind of paper foil can that had stuffing in it.

    Yeppers, that turned into a discovery that has been tested, well, let’s say frequently for 20 years and still holds a top 5 munchy rating.

    I am talking, RAW out of the fake paper can consumption, dry. Eat, and put back the plastic cap, back on the shelf, and nobody knows any difference. :-)

    As you may expect, it happened tonight again>>

    There is no “time to make it” involved for me.

  99. Ossqss says:

    And another curve ball, for entertainment purposes only to Funk you up>

  100. another ian says:


    “Bidens Wanted Billions, Not Millions, From Burisma”


    Via SDA

  101. YMMV says:

    “Bidens Wanted Billions, Not Millions, From Burisma”

    That story explains a lot.

    Meanwhile, “you will own nothing and be happy” can be explained by
    “you will know nothing, and be happy — because ignorance is bliss”

  102. YMMV says:

    RFK Jr thinks the CIA will get him. He thinks the CIA got JFK. Which is why the DNC hates him — he is against the CIA (and hopefully all of the Deep State).

    The question is how will the CIA get him? Being suicided? An accident? Some patsy with a gun?

    Biden cancelled the release of all the rest of the secret documents on the JFK assassination, Friday before the Fourth of July.

    Good interview with Oliver Stone. You can skip or fast forward over Russell’s bits, since his questions are overly long. But each of Oliver’s responses is good.

    First, Ukraine is like WWI and will end badly. Very well said. Second, Snowden just released information the public should have been told. Third, Reagan did it right. Since 9/11 it has been done badly.

  103. The True Nolan says:

    @Ossqss: “Ok, so, I just completed a 20-year study on Stove Top Stuffing tonight.”

    I never heard of that and it sounded like a great idea, so I just told my wife, and she says “YEAH!, It’s good as a snack, ‘though I prefer Pepperidge Farm. It has fewer preservatives and stabilizers. Good as croutons, too. Or add peanuts, dried cranberries, pepitas, and make it a mix.”

    Weird… Where did she hear that? Are you two collaborating on late night snacks? I better have a talk with her…

  104. Ossqss says:

    As part of the due diligence process, I have successfully completed another field trial on Stove top stuffing.

    As 10 pm approached, the research opportunity surfaced.

    I once again enjoyed the vector of snacking. I would note, the big paper can is now at 50% after testing.

    The thing says it contains 12 oz. Do your own math. LOL

  105. Ossqss says:

    I would not lie to you all!


  106. jim2 says:

    The Climate Doomers are pushing harder and harder for faster and faster changes.

    An Overheating Planet Requires Extreme Climate Solutions

    Heat is accelerating faster than attempts to counteract it. Here’s how experts at eliminating carbon pollution think we can catch up — and cool down.


  107. YMMV says:

    “The Ennui Of Waiting For WW III”

    For those who wake up each morning with the thought “I’m still alive!”,
    that thought could now be: “The world is still here!”

    On the odds of nuclear weapons being used — it’s inevitable, it’s just a matter of time.
    Whatever the “thing”, the risk of an accident (or worse) can never be made zero. No matter how much you try.

    With nuclear, they have been used before a few times, and they have been tested (open atmosphere and everything) many times. The world is still here, and even the cities they were used on are back. That could be taken as “no big deal” for their use.

    On the other hand, their use is no cure-all. Despite decades of “it got Japan to surrender”, if you look into that closely, it didn’t. The Russian invasion which was coming is what did it.

    So while I am still against using nuclear weapons (escalation leads to more escalation), the fear mongering about nuclear power is irrational and anybody who wants to save the world, should be working on more and better nuclear power.

  108. another ian says:

    FWIW – The progress of “advertising”

    “They’re ALL ‘National Enquirer’ Now”


  109. another ian says:

    Willis E has a look

    “The IPCC Says No Climate Crisis”

    “Give up? So would I.

    What these phenomena have in common is that the IPCC says that there is no significant evidence that these phenomena have changed (either increased or decreased) in the “historical period”. In other words, there’s no evidence that “global warming” has changed the strength or frequency of those weather phenomena.”

    More at

    The IPCC Says No Climate Crisis

    And comments

  110. Ed Forbes says:

    Hidden Bio lab in Reedley, Ca shut down
    This is worrying and next door. And I thought crack houses were bad neighbors.
    “ Local code enforcement officers stumbled upon the clandestine lab when they noticed a garden hose protruding from the rear wall of the building. This observation led to a startling revelation. Upon further investigation, public health staff uncovered a shocking array of blood, tissue, bodily fluid samples, and unidentified serums. The facility contained thousands of vials of fluids suspected to be biological material, all unlabeled and potentially hazardous.”
    “Upon conducting tests, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified at least 20 potentially infectious agents, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis, and herpes, among others, from the substances present in the lab.”

  111. another ian says:

    On the EV scene

    “What Happens When a Rivian EV Runs Out of Battery Charge?

    We ran our R1T pickup truck’s battery pack completely empty and things didn’t go well at all.”


  112. H.R. says:

    I’ve added another skill for my EOTWAWKI prep; Leather working.

    I have been wanting a carving knife like the ones they use for turkey, ham, and prime rib at the carving stations at fancy-pants buffets.

    When I got my smoker and in all the smoker videos, the serious guys had those carving knives, I couldn’t find one at a price I was willing to pay for something I’d use 2 or 3 times per year. $40 bucks was the best I saw. So,I use my Bowie knife as my brisket knife instead. It’s just not long enough to make a single cut across a full brisket, though, and the blade is a bit too thick.

    [“And then a miracle occurs”]

    I ran across a clearance on the carving or ‘brisket’ knives 2 weeks ago. It had a nice, thin 14″ blade with the ground relief pockets for smooth slicing. Snagged one for $14 dollars. No problem paying that, but there was no case or sheath. *sigh*

    I decided to make one out of leather, and… the fun began. I bought some tools, waxed cord, needles, leather sheets, a Speedy Stitcher (used for sail canvas or leather) and watched a bunch of videos. I already had a few things that are needed, but I still had to snag a few leatherworking tools.

    Whoops! Intermission. I needed a stitching pony. They are $25 and are just a useful-for-leather wooden clamp. So, I burned a day making my own stitching pony to save the $25 bucks. And I decided rivets at key points were the smart thing to do, so off again for some rivets and a rivet set.

    Anyhow, I don’t advise starting out on a project with about 34″ of stitches. I’d recommend something a little less ambitious. My knife sheath came out nice enough for a first effort, which it does look like. Not bad, just not slick and polished.

    But (!) I did learn enough about stitching and how leather behaves that would enable me to make leather garments and shoes, so I was pleased about that little bonus. I also learned that canvas sail making and leatherworking are cousins. I don’t have time right now to learn the differences so I could make canvas sails.

    I’m about $70 dollars all in, and that includes enough leftover materials for several small leather projects I would like to do.

    Oh, I made a couple of tools out of scrap tool steel I had. No cost and I was glad I knew what was useful and how to make it. That said, I am pretty sure I could now also make leather goods with flint, or locust or acacia thorn awls and bone needles, But I don’t think that will be necessary.

    To cap things off, I am just about done making a wooden tool chest for all my leatherworking tools. It’s looking pretty good.

  113. beththeserf says:

    $70 in and all those skills gleaned along the way.
    Cheap at half the price, H.R. )

  114. H.R. says:

    A lot of that $70 dollars was for the leather, Beth. It’s pricy.

    I thought the leather would be cheap and the tools would be the big money. Not so, as I found out.

    (Yes, I saw what you did there 😉)

  115. Ossqss says:

    @HR, I see a full set of leather Chaps and Linger Lodge in your future :-)

  116. another ian says:

    Modern car dash signs explained –

    “Have you ever looked at all those icons on the dashboard of your vehicle, and wondered what they could possibly mean?

    Fear not! Roberta X explains all in a post on her blog. Examples:”

    1. Motorcycles ran over snake three times, left.
    8. Built-in adobe bread oven has been left open.
    21. You are *so* fat-bottomed!
    26. Warning! Anal probe unlocked!


  117. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    I thought #54 was “I need to PEE right NOW, STOP!” ;-)


    Oh, good! I have some shoes that need fixing…


    @Ed Forbes;

    That is creeping me out… and I’m glad I left the area. A friend lives very near there and I’ve stayed at their house…

  118. H.R. says:

    @Ossqss – It would be cool to make chaps as they are particularly useful for wading through Florida scrub. They don’t call it saw palmetto fer nuthin’.

    But I wasn’t kidding about leather prices. The leather alone would probably set a hobbyist back over $200.

    [Enjoy this Jeopardy theme while I’m off searching]

    Yup. Here ya go. You need two of these, which are on special for $95 each. The link is going to die when this sells out.


    Then you need a bit of strapping, waxed cord, and some hardware, so I’m just quick guessing that it will be about $250+/- for materials and that assumes that someone is always running some special like this.

    Or you can buy these ready made leather chaps for $167 Very nice, functional, nothing fancy.


    I also ran across some REALLY nice custom chaps for $640. (I lust in my heart for them).

    So if I show up with chaps, they’ll be the $167 dollar chaps, and we’ll all just pretend I made them ;o)

    @E.M. it’s getting harder and harder to find shoes with leather uppers and leather soles. The manmade soles are really good, but repairable? Not so much.

    There’s a certain style of Skechers I like. I’ve gone through 4 pairs. The molded soles are great with excellent arch and heel support, Happy feet!

    Unrepairable. The leather upper is formed, then molded together with the sole. So it;s a tradeoff. Modern shoes are so much better on the feet, but they are generally unrepairable.

    Old-way shoes with leather uppers with leather soles can be reworked and repaired to where there’s not a bit of original material left, but you can still say it’s the same shoe you bought 30 years ago 🤣🤣

  119. another ian says:

    Must be “leather season”! One son just handed me a belt to rebuild.

  120. another ian says:




  121. another ian says:

    Willis E investigates a case of “extreme couldness” in a paper on the next oceanic tipping point

    “Salty News From An Old Salt”

    Salty News From An Old Salt

  122. another ian says:

    What it looks like to be dive bombed by a kestrel


    Followed by an article on “preparedness”

  123. another ian says:


    “Lessons From The Unraveling Of The Roman Empire: Simplification, Localization”


  124. jim2 says:

    Grab your wallet. Again.

    The Environmental Protect Agency (EPA) just announced a 40% production cut in 2024 for hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the widely used class of refrigerants being targeted for their claimed contribution to climate change. As it is, the modest 10% cut in force today has already caused many HFCs to triple in price, including HFC-410a which is used in most home air conditioners.


  125. another ian says:

    “Won’t An All-Meat Diet Give Me Scurvy?”


  126. jim2 says:

    UAH global is out. July ’23 is the hottest July in the record, but not the hottest month. It’s pretty high, though.


  127. The records starts in 1979 , hardly impressive.

  128. The True Nolan says:


    I am still holding my breath a bit, but there are reports coming in verifying the Korean superconductor.

    Best of all, the ingredients are relatively cheap (at present) — PbO, Pb2SO5 and Cu3P.

    As copper wiring is replaced and/or recycled, this might drop the price of copper a bit, but it ought to raise the price of lead.

    This raises so many possibilities I don’t know where to start.

  129. The True Nolan says:

    One addendum regarding the link: I would place some confidence in the National Lab verification report, but the video of the Meissner effect shown by the small flake is less certain. The flake stands on edge but I do not see it actually levitate and remain stable. Instead of superconductivity, it may be exhibiting a high value of diamagnetism. Again, to be really convincing, it would need to be completely off the surface and essentially motionless.

  130. E.M.Smith says:


    There’s also the risk of a N-S axis magnet in the chip with one end attracted down to contact and the other raised. Levitation needs actual levitation…

  131. Ossqss says:

    I was reminded of our lost friend, Larry, when I heard this earlier…

  132. Josh from sedona says:

    Pretty sure this is already been covered here, but just in case….


  133. another ian says:


    “Lawyer: Newest Indictment Gives Trump Legal Power That He Never Had Before”


    Also picked up in Covid and Coffee

  134. jim2 says:

    Threads, Meta’s Twitter rival, is struggling to retain users roughly a month after its highly publicized launch, according to fresh industry estimates showing that app engagement has fallen to new lows. From a report:


  135. another ian says:

    FWIW – Trump things

    An item in here 


    And add this –

    “Seriously Sketchy – Judge Boasberg Sits in Back of DC District Court During President Trump Appearance

    August 4, 2023 | Sundance | 100 Comments”


  136. another ian says:

    Another FWIW

    “A Non-Pretending Discussion About Barack Obama
    August 4, 2023 | Sundance | 349 Comments”


  137. another ian says:

    More sh!t!

    “Founder says CIA & FBI control Wikipedia and made it “the most biased encyclopedia” ”


  138. H.R. says:

    “Founder says CIA & FBI control Wikipedia and made it “the most biased encyclopedia”

    There’s a surprise. 🙄

  139. p says:

    Do you take comments on old threads at all favorably?

    I have a recent discovery about the aged discussion on ammunition you started, here:

    Short Barrel? Short Cartridge!

    TL;DR — a cartridge combining a .22 SHORT case and a long 60 grain .22 caliber lead slug.

    Thinking hard…

    [Reply: I have no issue with comments on articles of any age. Only “issue” is that if comment threads are left open “too long”, the Bots find them and start spamming the comment thread. To prevent that, I had to have articles “self close comments” after a couple of months. Oh Well. BTW, I think it is Aguila who have the L.R. length shell with a short case and heavy longer lead. I’m looking for some but not found them in any store. Not found the CCI “Quiets” either. -E.M.S.]

  140. another ian says:


    I guess by now we’d expect them not to tell us that

    And FWIW

    “Desperation Creeps In”

    Kunstler looks at USA


  141. Ossqss says:

    We are all on the outside at this point>

  142. Keith Macdonald says:

    Al Beeb is finding new ways of spinning the “We Are Winning” narrative.

    In two months Ukrainian troops have advanced, at most, about 10 miles (16km) in two areas along the region’s 100-mile (160km) front, according to independent analysis. Progress is being made, but it is slower than Ukraine and its Western allies had hoped. …
    But it hasn’t all been bad news for Ukraine. It says its troops have recently retaken the village of Staromaiorske in the Donetsk region.


    It then mentions

    Ukraine is also using US-supplied cluster munitions.

    with no mention of their UN status.

  143. Keith Macdonald says:

    South African asks a BBC reporter some uncomfortable questions about Iraq, Tony Bliar and weapons of mass destruction.
    “We don’t have time”.

  144. Keith Macdonald says:

    Norbert Lammert, a German diplomat on a trip to Namibia (a former German colonial country) complains to the Namibian president about Chinese people being in Namibia.

    Norbert gets a diplomatic slapping.

  145. jim2 says:

    These asshats are relentless against Trump. They are the ones that need to be thrown in prison for treason.

    The Justice Department on Friday asked a federal judge overseeing the criminal case against former President Donald Trump in Washington to step in after he released a post online that appeared to promise revenge on anyone who goes after him.


  146. jim2 says:

    The above is a Trump ad. Thought it would expand.

  147. another ian says:

    More on meat diets

    “Vilhjalmur Stefansson and His All-Meat Diet Experiment”


  148. another ian says:

    Re the Leprosy “epidemic” in Florida –

    The anatomy of a beat up –

    Leads to a just posted paper on connections to the Peking Pox jab – with the suggestion that if you are interested better grab a copy before it likely vanishes.


  149. beththeserf says:

    Re Jim 2 link:

    ‘They told the judge that if Trump were to begin posting about grand jury transcripts or other evidence provided by the Justice Department, it could have a “harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case.’

    A political trial is different from non-political rule of law trial. This isn’t about L-A-W Law, this is a sham trial and Trump is right to fight back. Compare to Hunter Biden case – under – wraps by the same cadre that went after Trump.

  150. E.M.Smith says:


    Rumble links do not “expand”. EwTube is still “special” in that regard. I think that the WordPress programmers went out of their way to make “big sites” expand, so things like EwTube and Amazon, but didn’t bother for little sites. It’s a crap shoot.

    Personally, I often put “Link: ” in front of link text to prevent it from expanding, as generally I don’t like Amazon links expanding into “junk”. Some of them turn into “Kindle link not found” or some such error message instead of letting you just click the link.

    It is all just a bit of a mess as to what expands, what doesn’t, and what errors out.

    @Per Trump Show Trials:

    The Trump Supporters are not going to be buying into that crap; and if anything it strengthens their resolve to put Trump back in office.

    The DNC Cordyceps Corps already “know” that Trump is the Devil Incarnate so will not be influenced by the Show Trials anyway.

    That just leaves the Unwashed Middle to influence. But at this point, who has no opinion about Trump? Only those unable to form an opinion… so I’m not seeing them as being influenced either.

    It all looks to me like an act of desperation by a group of TLA controlled minions who are out of touch with the actual state of things. Grasping at Lawfare Straws at best.

    The TLAs need to just be shut down before they get us into W.W. III or shove The West into terminal decline and decay (Oh, wait, too late… /snark;)

    @Per Leprosy:

    Curable with drugs. Lives in Armadillos. Common for thousands of years. No news.

    That there’s another Fear Assault on the minds of Americans is also no surprise. We now know that the TLAs have parasitized the common media and are running Psychological Operations against the American Citizens (along with many other countries) in the Color Revolution attempt to control the world.

    I did find it interesting that The C-Jab looks to be compromising T-cells enough to cause leprosy to spark up. Nothing to do with Florida in that, but the TLAs can still exploit it. I’d expect to see Texas next on their target list…


    Yup. Ukraine will be “winning” right up until they no longer exist. They are already approaching that point as a people. 30% permanently left the country. 20% are Ethnic Russian and voted to join Russia (Donbass, Crimea,…). Another large tranche of the young healthy men now rotting corpses scattered over the landscape. Figure maybe another 10%? folks too old to do much but wait to die. What does that leave? Maybe 30% of their population still in country and viable?

    But their whole economy is on life support via USA / EU Debt – and that is in the process of a slow explosion into economic collapse.

    Shortly they will be a landlocked Rump State since they have been stupid enough to use “Sea Drones” to attack commercial shipping in the Black Sea. Frankly, Putin has been struggling to hold back the War Hawks in the Russian Body Politic and in his government. I suspect Russia will just hit the “Hell With It!” point in about a week and start to just roll-up Ukraine.

    There’s not enough Ukrainian Soldiers left to bother continuing the “Russian Retreat, Ukraine “winning” their way into the kill box, artillery barrage of the kill box” process. The entire West / NATO is out of anything useful to send to Ukraine. So not much residual benefit for Russia from the “Keep sending aid to Ukraine so we can blow it up” shadow dance. The UK has decided that watching Challenger tanks burn would not be good for sales so has asked they not be used. The USA is dragging feet too.

    The only bit that looks interesting is the Polish desire to ride their horses into battle… and be buried in the forests of Ukraine. Russia is just waiting for that assault so they can “respond” by attaching Kaliningrad to the rest of Russia with a nice chunk of Poland as the glue.


    So yeah, lots more “Winning!” to do with Poland…. Ukraine not so much…

  151. The True Nolan says:

    From the Lew Rockwell site:

    “It will be a felony to even discuss the possibility of vote fraud if Trump is convicted in the “January 6” case. That is what he is accused of: Discussing with HIS LAWYERS (aka “unnamed indicted co-conspirators”) the possibility of vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Like the good Stalinists that they are, the Demo-Bolsheviks want to be free to engage in massive, massive vote fraud involving literally millions of fraudulent votes, and then imprison for life (or execute with the death penalty) anyone who even dares to question them about it. The latest indictment against Trump does include the death penalty if found guilty. Why get the CIA to murder deep state political opponents if they can pretend to do it “legally” instead?”


  152. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    Nice article on stoves, but the Rocket Stove is best as a fixed campsite and improvised large solution or as a fixed construction.

    I’ve made a couple and used them.

    Now I have a couple of small portable camping backpack stoves that use an alcohol burner. That, with a gallon of methanol, will last longer than most folks food supplies or patience… Oh, and the ones I like best can burn small twigs and sticks if you run out of alcohol… or they can use tri-amine fuel tablets. collapsible and fit in a pocket easily. One of them, with the stuff that just falls from my yard trees, can cook all my “survival” meals all year long, I think.

    Oh, and I did a test some years back, posted here, where I cooked grains in a thermos bottle. (Larry did it too… Go Hotrod…) Basically, pour boiling water over rice in a thermos, put the top on, come back in 20 minutes and eat. VERY fuel efficient.

    So for maximum portability & efficiency, along with minimum fuel use, those stoves with a jug of alcohol works very well.

  153. Ossqss says:

    I remembered a pretty educational video on rocket stoves with cinder blocks :-)

  154. Ossqss says:

    Well, that was not the same one I thought I had copied, but it is basically the same.

  155. E.M.Smith says:


    I posted one by a lady who lived on a farm and looked a bit more, um, covered in a long dress… FWIW, I made such a rocket stove and assured I had the needed materials to make a couple of similar ones. All that left in California and not yet re-bought… I did buy enough bricks to re-make my G70 stove… but they have been put to work in the garden as edging… (I’m also still a bit tentative about just what goes flying in hurricane force winds, so don’t want to leave too many bricks laying about on the yard just yet… )

  156. E.M.Smith says:


    For anyone who doesn’t know, this is my G70 stove, AKA “Pile Of Bricks” stove:

    G70 Stove Pictures and Use Report

    Putting “stove” in the search box at the right side near the top of this page will give a list of all the various stove articles I’ve done over the years, along with comments.

    I noticed several pictures and videos are now dead links. “Someday” I need to go back and fix them…

  157. jim2 says:

    Yes, reality can have a sobering effect.

    The primary challenge for Ukrainian forces is the continued difficulty of breaking through Russia’s multi-layered defensive lines in the eastern and southern parts of the country, which are marked by tens of thousands of mines and vast networks of trenches. Ukrainian forces have incurred staggering losses there, leading Ukrainian commanders to hold back some units to regroup and reduce casualties.

    “Russians have a number of defensive lines and they [Ukrainian forces] haven’t really gone through the first line,” said a senior Western diplomat. “Even if they would keep on fighting for the next several weeks, if they haven’t been able to make more breakthroughs throughout these last seven, eight weeks, what is the likelihood that they will suddenly, with more depleted forces, make them? Because the conditions are so hard.”


  158. E.M.Smith says:


    On a conservative talk radio show today (while running to the store) I heard someone from Ukraine (with a bit of a British English accent…) explaining why if ONLY the USA would send more tanks, HIMARS, ATACMS, F16s,… Ukraine would be winning this war as they were “devastating” Russian command centers and ammunition depots with the few Storm Shadow missiles they have… They even “killed a bunch of Russian Generals in a command center”…

    And the host was lapping it up.

    So send a few $Hundred $Billion more (cash & gear please) and it is a slam dunk that Ukraine will defeat Russia and depose the Evil Putin. Propaganda at its finest.

    Never mind the kill ratio that is exterminating Ukrainian Males of fighting age (and a decade or three each side…).

    Never mind the complete lack of any attack getting past (or even to…) the FIRST Russian line of defense.

    Never mind the utter destruction of anything resembling a Ukrainian Economy.

    Never mind the 400,000+ fully equipped and trained FRESH Russian forces waiting for the moment to stroll to Kiev, or the Polish border.

    Never mind the 1 tank and 3 personnel carriers destroyed per 100 yards of advance.

    Never mind that Russia Electronic Weapons Operations down most of the missiles and drones now, having learned what it takes…

    Never mind that Ukraine had to launch 12 Storm Shadow missiles for 2 of them to punch holes in bridge decks that can be fixed within a week.

    Never mind anything but the Ukraine Is Winning Narrative.

    Just amazing.

    I hope Russia just gets on it and wraps this up before November.

  159. The True Nolan says:

    @EM: “Never mind anything but the Ukraine Is Winning Narrative.”

    Curse the people who made this happen! Assuming that it DOES end without nuclear escalation what will be the human cost? Screw the amount of dollars! Yes, that is a loss, a huge loss — but what about the dead young men? The widows? The mothers without sons or daughters? The orphans? The 16 year old kid who now has no leg and has to crap through a f**king colostomy bag for the rest of his shortened life? The 22 year old young man who was going to get married and have kids — except that now he is so burned and scarred that no woman will have him? What about the men who are now the psychologically equivalent of a bucket of maggots? They will be living another fifty years of Hell every night when they sleep.

    Damn the people who wanted this, who cheered this, who made this happen.

    And the truly, truly, sad ending of this? In another five years none of the rah rah rah chorus of American sheep will even remember that they ever puffed out their chest over this. Curse them.

  160. Keith Macdonald says:

    Building a Cathedral without Science or Mathematics: The Engineering Method Explained

  161. jim2 says:

    Amazon is the most successful manufacturer of Arm server chips, accounting for just over half of Arm-based server CPUs currently deployed, while some chipmakers are also now betting on Arm-based Windows PCs.

    This information comes from a report issued by Bernstein Research which estimates that nearly 10 percent of servers across the world contain Arm processors, and 40 percent of those are located in China, as we reported earlier.

    But that total is beaten by just one company – Amazon – which has slightly above 50 percent of all Arm server CPUs in the world deployed in its Amazon Web Services (AWS) datacenters, said the analyst.


  162. Ossqss says:

    Experimented on a new tool purchase the other day.

    KelTec KS7 manufactured in the Free State of Florida!

    Will report on performance once I get a chance to use it this weekend.

  163. another ian says:

    Shades of Victor Borge’s uncle – the one who “invented the cure for which there was no disease”

    “Disease X’ — UK Scientists Start Developing Vaccines for Unknown Pandemic”


  164. another ian says:

    FWIW –

    ” So-called Normies might be musing, this month of approved mental languor, whether the mighty efforts to suppress news of all kinds, about everything, have concealed the true tendings of our wayward country — leading them to wonder whether it is even possible to be a Normie in such an abnormal time and place.

    What news is suppressed? That the USA is worse than dead broke. That the people were poisoned, apparently on-purpose. That the spectral “Joe Biden” sold out our country. That the war we started in Ukraine, on purpose, for no good reason, is about to be lost, and with it our standing around world. That there actually is such a criminal organism as the Blob at large in our government, responsible for the astounding abnormality immersing us. But never mind all that… for now, just go see Barbie. Have a clam roll, a dip in the ocean, another margarita…. September will be here soon enough.”

    More at


    Moderation didn’t like the reference to “Victor Borge’s uncle” in the last post – or something else. The K-man might flag this one too.

    [Reply: You misspelled your email address. I’ll fix it and get it out of moderation. -E.M.S. ]

  165. another ian says:



  166. Ossqss says:

    Just trying to contribute.

  167. another ian says:

    Something different – Big Boy working

  168. another ian says:

    Some reading around wind turbine problems via a comment at Jo Nova

    “The title of the article is Fixing Wind-Turbine Gearbox Problems:

    http://www.machinedesign.com /motors-drives/article/21831955/fixing-windturbine-gearbox-problems “

  169. another ian says:

    Hmm! I don’t see such an article so have asked for further directions


    Achieving the ultimate (/s) –

    “Wind produces zero power in Sask three times on Sunday”


  170. jim2 says:

    I can only hope Biden doesn’t do this, but we all know about “hope” don’t we?

    President Joe Biden said he has already “practically” declared a climate emergency. But he has yet to actually make a declaration, which would give him a host of new powers to combat climate change as the country faces record-breaking heat and more frequent and intense floods, droughts and wildfires.

    “We’ve already done that,” Biden said Wednesday when asked whether he was prepared to declare a national climate emergency during an interview on The Weather Channel. “We’ve conserved more land, we’ve moved into rejoining the Paris Climate Accord. We’ve got a $60 billion climate control facility.”


  171. another ian says:

    If anyone is looking for a tourist spot the Great Barrier Reef is still alive and kicking –

    “Climate change causes another year of record highest ever coral cover on Earth’s largest reef”


  172. another ian says:

    E.M. – FYI and opinion

    “Russia’s CBDC – Exploring the Truth of Russia’s Central Bank”


  173. another ian says:

    “Luxury Electric Vehicle Startup Loses Over $500,000 on Every Vehicle It Sells”


    Econ 101 done with “modern maths”?

  174. jim2 says:

    Article on WUWT saying Biden will declare a climate emergency, and worse, approves of a UN initiative to grab power if there is a global emergency. Once obtained, this power would never be curtailed if I’m reading this right.

    Will Biden and the U.N. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’? Looks like it.

  175. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    It will take a while to cover the Digital Ruble. It’s complicated.

    The way too short form is that “CBDC” is evil IF the folks operating it are evil. It can just be an incorruptible global ledger for settlements if that is what the creators of it desire. So one needs to dig through the implementation details and figure out the motivations of the operators of it to know which it is.

    Since we know our Rulers are Evil, any CBDC they create will be evil… but we don’t know what the context is for the Ruble.

    We do know that Russia wants to bypass the BIS / IMF / Swift / etc. so is motivated to make a Digital Ruble that is more like Bitcoin: An unstoppable means of trade.

    We’ll have to see how it works in practice to know what it is, for sure.

  176. Jon K says:

    Looks like people are finding ways to counter the issues caused by the COVID “vax”.

  177. The True Nolan says:

    I am not normally impressed by musicians who simply play fast. Of course they have to play well, also. But is there some level where we have to call it hyper-drive?
    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qri_DvU_9aM
    And for something a bit more melodious:
    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJsl1cJcC1w

  178. jim2 says:

    Looks like the Lefty-Loons have become upset that President Donald Trump utilizes gravity.

    Astronomer Claims ‘Direct Evidence’ of Gravity Breaking Down


  179. The True Nolan says:

    @jim2: RE gravity — That study seems to be in line with https://physicsfromtheedge.blogspot.com/
    physicist Mike McCulloch’s ideas. His theory has a minimum acceleration which pops out as being one of the observable consequences. Simon Derricutt can do a much better job of explaining it than I can.

  180. Simon Derricutt says:

    TTN and Jim2 – yep, the observed acceleration in wide binary stars cannot be explained by adding in Dark Matter – you can’t propose a distribution of Dark Matter that would simultaneously explain the accelerations of different wide binaries, and they would also conflict with the distributions needed to explain the accelerations on the outer stars of galaxies. You can explain them if gravity doesn’t exactly follow Newton’s (and Einstein’s) inverse-square law. Thus there was the MoND theory, which had an adjustable parameter to make it fit, but that parameter needed to be fitted for each galaxy. Mike’s theory has no adjustable parameters at all, using the (observed) Hubble radius and expansion rate, and fits the observed data on acceleration for wide binaries and galaxies, and also works for observations of galaxies at a high red-shift about halfway to the Hubble radius.

    Mike’s theory implies that the underlying structure of the universe (and particles themselves) is somewhat different than we’ve thought, and there’s a paradox problem in that it needs both a limiting velocity of c and an instantaneous transmission of information (and reconfiguration of energy distribution), but it seems few people recognise that there’s a paradox there (though that “instantaneous” problem also applies in quantum theory). However, the theory predicts that we can manipulate inertia, and produce a force by judicious shielding of Unruh waves when the horizon is near enough, and those predictions are experimentally shown to be true.

    Since Mike’s theory allows us to produce a thrust without needing to eject mass, and this is experimentally verified, it also allows us to generate energy from *nothing*. In fact, any such “reactionless” thruster can do this. I think that will be the biggest result in practice from this theory, though of course getting to space without needing rockets will be a pretty big advance, too, making it a lot cheaper. Anything needing reaction-mass to be chucked out the back to get a reaction thrust has a problem of running out of mass pretty quickly, so getting to the stars takes a very long time. On the other hand, even a small but constant acceleration results in very high velocities after some time, reducing the travel time.

    TANSTAAFL doesn’t necessarily apply. The power to run the main drive can be produced by a couple of drives mounted on a generator. Thus you don’t even need to carry fuel on your spacecraft. Since that also applies to cars, this could make electric cars actually useful and safer. Given enough development time, even flying cars and hoverboards…. All sounds very science-fiction, but the acid-test comes in October when IVO send up a satellite into low Earth orbit (LEO), and if their drive works as stated then it stays up there, and if not it will crash in a few weeks.

  181. jim2 says:

    @Simon Derricutt – I’m happy to see the concept tested. Obviously there are some problems with physics theories. If this pans out, it will have implications beyond motive force.

  182. H.R. says:

    A video led to a video led to a video led to a video… and I wound up at this one. Y’all know how it goes.

    This could go on the Darwin’s Garden thread, but it’s a little broader than that. Definitely off-grid living material. Oh, and net zero living 😉

    He is a religious fellow, a minister from what I gather, and discusses his relationship with God and Jesus throughout, though it doesn’t really get in the way. It’s not the focus of the video. The ‘Amish’ lifestyle is what is being covered (he’s not Amish, btw). He has no SS number! I’ve not heard of that before.

    We have a broad spectrum of religeous beliefs here on E.M.’s blog, from atheist to New Testament Christian and all points in between. I think one item he discusses that would be of interest to everyone here, including any atheists, is his answer to the direct question, “How does God talk to you?” It was a very interesting answer.

    This is almost an hour long. I played it at 1.5 speed with no loss, and I only use cc. I don’t know how speech is at 1.5, but with cc, I could have gone 1.75 speed. But still, it’s “sittin’ around in the evening” material and not something you can listen to in the background.

    Here’s the contents blurb from the video and then the link will be at the end.

    “Deep in the woods of rural Appalachia is a man that lives alone on his land. He grows his own food, has no government ID, his overhead is $140 a month, and he possesses a claimed happiness by being free from the system, inspired by faith. Join me as we travel into the sticks of Kentucky to dive into the fascinating world of Titus Morris. If you want to connect with Titus you can email him at: titusmorrisministry@yahoo.com Make sure to leave your phone number and he will try to call you back!”

  183. jim2 says:

    A GoFundMe for criminalizing squatting …


  184. The True Nolan says:

    @H.R.: Very good video, and yes, the part where he talks about animals and the voice of God are well worth listening to. I particularly liked that he stopped his carriage at 19:00 so his horse could say hello to his friends. :)

    I met a man locally (rural Ozarks) with no government ID although he was in, I think, his mid-40s. He had grown up in the area and was currently living on some family land. He was not as self sufficient as the guy in the video, but he lived very simply and spoke quite a lot about his religious beliefs. He was basically a Messianic Jew as far as I could understand.

  185. E.M.Smith says:


    Maybe the law is different where that GoFundMe guy lives, but when I was in California, we had no real problem getting the Sheriff to eject people from houses for “non-payment of rent”. My old college roomee was even involved in setting the precedent that a property owner need not show any reason beyond “to regain possession of my property” to have someone ejected.

    As I recall it, you call the Sheriff, he verifies you are the owner, post a notice of eviction, and they get something like 10 days to leave. After which time the Sheriff shows up, puts all their stuff “on the curb” and walks them off the property.

    Also, IIRC, as owner I could sue for any damages in civil court (the problem there, of course, being that squatters rarely have any money to attach…).

    Pretty simple process, really. Of course, that was about 40 years ago that I was last involved with it, so maybe somebody changed the rules since then…

  186. E.M.Smith says:

    Oh, and you can just demand someone leave your property and if they do not, tell the Police or Sheriff and “trespass” them. Then they go to jail…

  187. The True Nolan says:

    I was doing a bit of study on “coming of age ceremonies” and came across this:

    Am I just old fashioned? I find that rather creepy and more than a bit irreligious. Arguably sacrilegious. I LIKE dogs. They are great pets — but they are not people and they are not “fur babies”. Am I being an old poot?

  188. jim2 says:

    In some state there are horror stories of squatters.

    Police in Maryland, and in many other states across the country, aren’t authorized to remove someone from a home during squatting disputes and the cases instead must be dealt with through the court system, That can take months or even years assuming the squatter shows up to court.

    “If somebody is living in a home and saying ‘hey, I signed a lease, I’m paying rent, I have a right to be here,’ whether or not that’s true the police hear that story then they hear a story of somebody who’s not living there and saying ‘this is my place these people don’t belong here,’ the police officer can’t make that legal determination,” Jim Burling, vice president of legal affairs for Pacific Legal Foundation, told Fox News Digital last month.

    “I think it’s a fairly big problem and I think it’s pretty hard to avoid,” Burling added.

    When Park, through her property manager, filed an unlawful detainer with Prince George’s County over the “unknown” occupant they were told a court date wouldn’t be scheduled for months so at the recommendation from police the family filed a criminal extortion charge against the occupant.


  189. E.M.Smith says:

    Looks like EwTube has erased Scott Ritter.

    Well, at least now we know he was telling the truth. Confirmed and certified by EwTube being so scared of him that his channels had to be erased.

    I looked on Rumble and found a few references to him (i.e. small channels) but two of them were in Russian and the others had very little on them. This leads me to think they might be Fan Channels.

    Hopefully Scott has his “stuff” saved on his own disk and can pop up a new Official Channel on Rumble (or similar) and re-upload all his stuff.

    If anyone finds him “up” somewhere new, let us know where.

    Sigh. The TLAs running EwTube management sure are thin skinned. They just really really can’t stand anyone saying that Russians are OK people too and that Putin has some good reasons for moving into Eastern Ukraine (to stop the Western Ukraine part from killing over 14000 ethnic Russians via shelling them, to restore Russian language rights, to enforce the Minsk Accords that were being ignored, etc.)

    It sure looks to me like the GEB’s Pwnd TLAs are starting to panic about Public Opinion rejecting them. Their propaganda is failing… and you know what happens to folks who fail to “kiss the ring” of their Godfathers and fail to deliver “the goods”. So the attempt to destroy Russia is failing, the Ukraine Puppet State and their Proxy war army there are both being destroyed. Most of the people don’t want to spend more on this loser. Niger isn’t backing down so we might get a 2nd failure / debacle in Africa. The EU is having countries Flip Nationalist / Conservative about as fast as they can have an election; and the folks taking over are like Giorgia Malone and Viktor Orban…

    That’s just got to be a big load of heartburn right there. So they are lashing out…

  190. The True Nolan says:

    Here is a Bitchute link to Scot Ritter’s video, “Agent Zelensky,” detailing Zelensky’s back story and corruption.

  191. Simon Derricutt says:

    Jim2 – yep, the experimental results always trump theory. Over the last dozen years or so I have seen a lot of bad claims for experimental results that go against theory, but in the cases I’ve mentioned I’m pretty certain that the people are honest and the measurements are good. Developments of such things tend to take a while, since it’s a bit hard to get them financed and there’s a lot of work involved. New ideas need time. Also, at the start, the effects tend to be small and on the edge of measurement precision and accuracy, and so are hard to notice (and can be dismissed as measurement errors because theory says they can’t work).

    The test in space removes all the possible ground-based error sources. Should make people sit up and take notice if it stays up there, and of course it should lead to new ways of producing energy too.

  192. cdquarles says:

    One of my ideas is that space-time is energy, time is rate of change, and can go in either direction; just like matter can when the necessary and sufficient conditions exist. Still, being contingent, this didn’t bring itself into existence. Once here, though, science has things it can say about it, within science’s own limits. I may be very wrong, though.

    Part of the issue I have with current quantum theory interpretation is the idea of instantaneous action. That does not exist. What happens when we examine entangled, and thus unknown, states; our actions determine one of them. To the extent the other state is singular, we know exactly what that state is, even if distant. No action occurred, just that an internal to us epistemic state changed. If the entangled state isn’t singular, we still don’t know, with any certainty, what’s happened elsewhere.

  193. The True Nolan says:

    @Simon Derricutt: As you say, effects start small, but just demonstrating that they exist is the biggest step. Not sure if I have posted this some years back, but here is a very nice illustration of violation of the 2nd “law” to convert ambient room heat into electricity. The idea here is surprisingly simple and just requires using a magnetic field to put some order into thermal electrons. I have thought that this should be very well suited to scaling up the effect by using modern photolithography such as used for producing integrated circuits. Obviously, the performance would be greatly increased if the units were raised to higher temps. Drop one down a geothermal well, no need to have a low temperature sink.

    Click to access 0311104.pdf

    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCCPeEKIVvQ

  194. The True Nolan says:

    Looking for that after-the-grid-crashes electric car? Two seater, 1000 miles per charge, built in solar cells provide 40 miles per day from sunshine. Sound too good to be true? Caveat emptor! You are probably right!

  195. The True Nolan says:

    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqSA-SY5Hro

    LYRICS –

    I’ve been selling my soul, working all day, overtime hours for bullshit pay,

    so, I can sit out here and waste my life away, drag back home, and drown my troubles away.

    It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to for people like me — for people like you.

    Wish I could just wake up and it not be true. But it is. Oh, it is.

    Living in the New World – with an old soul.

    These rich men north of Richmond. Lord knows it all. Just want to have total control.

    Want to know what you think, want to know what you do.

    And they don’t think you know. But I know that you do.

    Because your dollar ain’t shit, and it’s taxed to no end because the rich men north of Richmond.

    I wish politicians would look out for miners and not just minors on an island somewhere.

    Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothing to eat, and the obese milking welfare.

    God, if you’re five foot three, and you’re 300 pounds, taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds.

    Young men are putting themselves 6 feet in the ground because all this damn country does is keep on kicking them down.

    Lord, it’s a damn shame – what the world’s gotten to for people like me, people like you.

    Wish I could just wake up and it not be true. But it is. Oh, it is.

    Living in the New World – with an old soul.

    These rich men north of Richmond. Lord knows they all. Just want to have total control.

    Want to know what you think, want to know what you do. And they don’t think you know. But I know that you do.

    Because your dollar ain’t shit, and it’s taxed to no end because the rich men north of Richmond.

    I’ve been selling my soul, working all day, overtime hours for bullshit pay…

  196. Simon Derricutt says:

    TTN – yep, that experiment by professor Fu is undeniable as I see it. Didn’t stop most people picking nits and claiming it wasn’t a proof. My fellow 2LoT nut, Phil, had some talks with professor Fu. His son is carrying on the development. Still, given the work-function of the emitter they used, the number of emitted electrons isn’t high and it produces femtowatts of power.

    It’s more useful as a pointer to using a field to change the direction of the particles carrying the kinetic energy. It’s a way that works, so needs that principle applied using more particles (to get more powerl. Thus it was part of my dataset to think about. It helped me find the problem in the theory (basically kinetic energy is called a scalar, but must have a vector, so the definition is inadequate).

    That experiment was a breakthrough, really, and very few noticed.

  197. josh from sedona says:

    i would have guessed this thread was stale, apparently not….

    sure everyone has heard of this…. but how many actually HEARD IT?
    without further ado


    hopefully the link works

  198. josh from sedona says:


  199. josh from sedona says:

    and one of my favorite quotes….. from the guy who gave us “grok”

    Robert A. Heinlein > Quotes > Quotable Quote

    Robert A. Heinlein
    “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
    ― Robert A. Heinlein

  200. E.M.Smith says:


    I have to point out that Heinlein was a major shaping influence for me. I took that quote as a directive. I can now do all those things fairly easily… and have done a lot of them. I’ve not planned an actual invasion, just studied a lot of them and planned a couple of hypotheticals, I’ve not butchered a hog, but have done fish, rabbits, chickens, pheasants, and a few more; and know how I’d do a hog. I’ve designed a building, though a little one (and built a very small one). While I’ve not written a sonnet, I have written poetry and a song, so I think that’s close enough. I’ve done all the rest except die gallantly, but there’s still time for that one…

    Not too bad, really… but I think he ought to have on the list these other things I’ve done too: Build a radio, overhaul a car (motor and transmission), do electrical wiring, paint a house, fence, and car, put on a roof, fly a plane (without a motor too…), sew a shirt, knit clothing, make explosives, barber hair, cure diseases, fix wounds, and climb mountains (I’d also add ski, fish, and hunt but those are more entertainment these days than needed skills…)

    And yes, I’ve heard War Of The Worlds many times.


    It doesn’t look to me like it can pass the mandated Crash Tests…

  201. The True Nolan says:

    @EM and Josh: Heinlein? Yes, VERY big influence on me. He was the FIRST author I ever remember (in 5th grade?) going back to the library specifically to find more books by. No need to go into details, but I had a rather hellish childhood, enough so that I was eventually removed from home and sent to a foster family. Heinlein was my great ethical teacher, one of the few constants in my life. His characters were people I wanted to emulate. I had the great pleasure to meet him and his wife Virginia in 1976, very briefly.

    @EM: “It doesn’t look to me like it can pass the mandated Crash Tests…”

    I am not sure what crash tests there are for motorcycles.

  202. cdquarles says:

    Oh, my most loved authors: J. R. R. Tolkien, R. A. Heinlein, and Isaac Asimov. I found Heinlein’s and Asimov’s books in the local library. I was at the University when I found Tolkien. Oops, don’t forget C. S. Lewis, too. Yikes, can’t forget Thomas Sowell!

  203. E.M.Smith says:


    Is it a motorcycle? I thought you said it was a car…

    I didn’t count the wheels. Is it one of those 3 wheel “motorcycles” that poses as a car?

    In that case, the “crash test” will be when you are between the out of control RAM Truck and the bus in front of you…. so “no thanks”…

  204. E.M.Smith says:

    Yep, looked more closely. 2 in front, one in the rear. So won’t have the “Pitch Pole” problems of the 1 in front, 2 in the rear (don’t corner fast or over you go like a Trike).

    But any impact from the rear, or anything that hits a front corner, and your “car” is likely to be toast. The batteries will by necessity be inside the passenger compartment. Given the shape and small size, I’d guess you are sitting on them. Again, “no thanks”…

    THE thing that keeps you alive on a motorcycle is the ability to open the throttle and shoot out of a bad situation “on the 45’s angle” along with the very small size that lets you shoot through a hole. Trikes generally lose that to some degree. One hauling around a load of battery weight and solar panels will likely be even worse.

    FWIW, I’ve had a motorcycle license since I was 15 (learners permit but you could ride alone then) and still have one. I’ve owned a half dozen motorcycles over the years. Maybe more. I’ve had many “close calls” on the road including a flat tire on a bridge at about 45 MPH (very exciting…) and doing 250 miles one August Night at an average of just over 100 MPH (hey, it was about 1 am to 3 am on a freeway through the mountains and the road was empty… ) so it isn’t like I’m afraid of motorcycles or anything. It’s just that I have “certain skills” learned over that time that inform me that folks on any motorcycle who are NOT Motorcycle People are a horrible death waiting to happen.

    So this will not be “the car for everyone”.

  205. cdquarles says:

    I’ve never operated a motorcycle. I have used a regular bicycle. I’ve had the license to operate a motorcycle from getting my learner’s permit through today’s valid operator’s license. I could learn, though, if I had to. I’d much rather have a metal box around me than not, if I could. I hurt myself a few times on my bicycle and have seen too much damage from motorcycle accidents.

  206. josh from sedona says:

    “A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so if one’s life is cold and bare he can blame none but himself. You have a chance to select from pretty elegant furnishings.”
    ― Louis L’Amour

    iirc this was from “to tame a land” but it could have been from half a dozen other books. L.L. did tend to cut and paste certain things

    anyhoo, the context is that the mentor is encouraging his charge to read the classics, read Plutarch’s lives 7 times, read “Blackstone” for law, read such and such etc.

    L’Amour was a big influence on me, not just his stories, but his bio. i just recently purchased his semi-autobiographical book “eduacation of a wandering man”

    i think i’m going to crack it open today…..

  207. josh from sedona says:

    oh… way earlier people were talking about leather, did i mention i have 4 cowhides in my chest freezer? anyone want to have a tanning party? ;)

  208. The True Nolan says:

    @EM: “the “crash test” will be when you are between the out of control RAM Truck and the bus in front of you…. so “no thanks”…”

    Ha! Yes, that would be a heck of a test! On the other hand, after a CME grid crash, having a small vehicle that can self charge would be great. And not much traffic around to crash into you either! Speaking a little less tongue in cheek, I think that something like the Aptera would be best for: 1) Environmentalist virtue signaling points, 2) Single person getting around suburban area, 3) Older, widowed, or retired person who only needs minimal travel for groceries and medicine.

    Actually, I have to throw in a bit of fantasy 4) Live aboard barge big enough to hold the darn thing on deck. One of the issues with coastal and waterway cruising is that when you get somewhere interesting you are still limited in your land travel. Having one of these little things means that you could range an easy hundred miles from where you are docked or anchored. Ah, well… Just a bit of fantasy.

    “I’ve owned a half dozen motorcycles over the years.”

    I have had a few, and while I do not regret the experience, I have no strong desire to get one now. It became clear quickly that the greatest danger is always the other guy, the one in a car who has a couple tons of metal protecting him. I remember getting boxed in when a semi changed lanes to his right into the lane where I was traveling. Nowhere for me to go because I had a foot tall curb immediately to my right. Barely managed to miss his rear wheels and bumper as I braked to fall back before he squeezed me out. Brrrrr. No matter how good you are, the other driver always has the option of killing you.

  209. Ossqss says:

    While I have never owned a motorcycle, or had an endorsement on my license.

    I do ride a 2003 Yamaha Zuma nearly every day. I probably have resurrected or owned nearly 15 scooter type bikes over the years. I settled on the Zuma as it is considered a light dirt bike and actually does quite well, off road too.

    I don’t ride on any main roads or ones with over a 35-mph speed limit.

    I enjoy the convenience for errands and just local travel at ~ 50 mpg.

    I would note that there is room for nearly a case of beer under the seat with ice and it is self-draining :-)

    Here is a picture of a 2010, but it is the same as a 2003.

  210. The True Nolan says:

    @Ossqss: “I enjoy the convenience for errands and just local travel at ~ 50 mpg.”

    Not bad, but Wiki now says about the Yamaha Zuma, “The United States Environmental Protection Agency mileage estimates for the Zuma are up to 123 mpg”.
    Maybe the newer models are better mileage. Or maybe that is measured from the Continental Divide rolling downhill! :)

    And it works as a dirt bike too? Would that include gravel?

  211. josh from sedona says:

    @ everyone
    when was the last time you read a newspaper? or sent a letter snail mail?

    i’m sending a letter snail mail tomorrow, it is signed and sealed, just not delivered.

    i realized that it has been ’bout 25 years since i did that…

    i think i’m going to get some stationary, envelopes and stamps soon.

    i already have a newspaper subscription

  212. Ossqss says:


    I bought a new one about 8 years ago and it was an absolute dog comparatively. 1/8 th the throttle with a bunch of exhaust recycling crap.

    I took it back after I rode it the first time.

    No 2 wheeler does well in gravel or sand at speed.

  213. The True Nolan says:

    @josh: My wife and I are dinosaurs who still send out the occasional birthday, anniversary, or get well card. And she has a newspaper subscription to our local (county) newspaper which comes weekly.

    @Ossqss: Lots of gravel, dirt road, and trails around here, and while I think about getting an ATV, I keep wondering whether I would do better off to get two (or three) dirt bikes. Pragmatically, at my age (and the wife’s) I really would do better with an ATV. (But maybe if I hid a dirt bike out in the shed, she wouldn’t notice until too late!) :)

  214. Ossqss says:

    My Zuma does trails very well, TTN, and passengers, to an extent.

    With only 49.2 cc’s, you gotta manage things. Less than 5 brake Horsepower is why you only need a driver’s license.

    Some folks put a 70-cc jug kit in these and do 60 mph.

    Not me, on those small fat wheels.

    Don’t make me look at my 4 stroke weedwhacker engine cc’s again! LOL

  215. Ossqss says:

    I said I would follow up, so here ya go.

    I just got this unit yesterday.

    I like it a lot and have applied a light to start the upgrades.

    From one of the engineers.

  216. Ossqss says:

    I would note, I do have the tube upgrade also, now.

    Couldn’t pass up that upgrade option to have if wanted. :-)

  217. Ossqss says:

    Remember, that is an 18.5″ barrel on a 12-gauge shotgun in just 26″. Just sayin.

    I spent $399, free shipping, 7% tax, and a minimal FFL charge to get it down here from https://palmettostatearmory.com/

    My update is complete :-)

    ~I did transfer a butt pad from another shotgun to it because it kicks. What do you expect from a 12-gauge gun under 6 lbs empty>

  218. E.M.Smith says:


    Does it come in 20 ga.?

    I’m fine with 12 ga. but after a box of full power lust for the 20 Ga… that I gave to my son.


    Sand and Gravel need “flotation”. that is big fat ATV tires. Motorcycles have narrow hard tires and sink in sand and bog heavily in Gravel. Sister was on a Honda Trail 90 that dumped when it hit gravel. Now has knees decorated with scars where the gravel was removed. Do NOT enter gravel at speed (i.e. anything faster than you can run if you jump off… or if the bike goes down under you.)

    IF you expect to regularly run over gravel, get an ATV. Trail bikes are for hard packed trails.

    FWIW, I have a modest desire to get a Pocket Bike… for no good reason other than I could put it in the trunk…

    Link: https://rcfminibikes.com/gallery/

  219. The True Nolan says:

    @EM: Sounds like good advice re an ATV. Thanks!

    As for the pocket bike, those look fun — but Holy Cow! Some of the parts are a bit expensive, or maybe I am just out of calibration on my expectations. Saw a ten foot chain (and it is a REALLY nice chain, but still…) for $869.


    By the way, there is a series of videos on a very small, very low tech, home built, cruising sailboat designed and made by a couple up in the panhandle of Alaska.
    link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTjI8v7wcyPx1OskH61D-zW0juzukEMQf
    They have been sailing the area for decades in small boats and just recently down-sized as they are getting older. Lots of good ideas for minimal living on a boat.

  220. jim2 says:

    Why is it that only lefties can pull off this stuff??

    Indivisible started as the Indivisible Guide, a Google Doc guide to organizing locally to pressure your elected officials to resist Trump’s agenda. It caught fire as millions of people picked up the guide and its name – Indivisible – and organized their own local Indivisible groups to put the guide into action. These new Indivisible activists formed a nationwide movement of people taking matters into their own hands to build their own power through collective action.

    Indivisible national is a social movement organization that grew as the Indivisible movement grew, building out a professional team of organizers, wonks, campaigners, digital and data specialists, and other experts to support the movement and fight for progressive values. Like other social movement organizations, Indivisible’s staff both supports and works independently of the movement itself – just as local Indivisible groups both take autonomous action and also coordinate with each other and with our national team.


  221. H.R. says:

    @jim2 – That’s from Indivisable.org. They are lying about the “millions” unless they mean a couple of million useful idiot Dims that will sign anything.

    The regressive commie left lies about everything. And you’re going to believe that they are flipping Trump supporters?

  222. another ian says:

    FWIW – sounds like might be essential reading –

    “The Shadowbanning of the United States Internet
    August 16, 2023 | Sundance | 142 Comments”


  223. cdquarles says:

    Expanding upon TCH link, which I agree is essential reading, I will leave this: https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/the-china-convergence (now I see why I now agree that 1984 wasn’t the warning we were taught, but one of the offshoots of the instruction manual “progressives” from the 19th century desired).

  224. cdquarles says:

    Hat tip from a comment seen on W. M. Briggs’ site.

  225. E.M.Smith says:

    Per the shadow banning, censoring, media dissing of Vit. I, etc. etc.:

    I find that I’m now just assuming ANYTHING in the Yellow Stream Media or from the US, UK or EU governments is flat out LIES until and unless proven otherwise.

    Strange that.

    I used to trust that various government agencies were sometimes incompetent, always inefficient, but mostly tried to “do the right thing”. I used to trust that MSM / Lame Stream Media / LSM were biased medium Left Wing, but generally were believing their positions and were at least trying to get the basic stores right with the facts.

    Somewhere over the period from the start of the Globull Warming Fraud to the Mid-Covid Fraud; that all changed.

    Now we’ve got the Ukraine War Fraud Bundle, the Biden Crime Syndicate in charge, the Blackrock Financial Corporate Governance Corruption (DIE, ESG, etc.) and the whole Soros Government Parasitism and Destruction on display. All while “The Media” try to spin and sell it as all A Good Thing.

    Makes a fella want to wretch.

    At this point, I trust Putin more than Biden, Russia more than the EU, UK, or USA; and find that “Disinformation” Sites have the most accurate news while “Conspiracy Theory” marks something as Breaking News to be confirmed in the next month or two.

    I used to have just one or two “negative indicators”. Like “Movie Reviewers” who were typically Literature Majors or such and disliked anything the Common Man would like (things like Westerns, War movies, Action & Adventure, etc.). So when the Movie Review said something was trash I new I’d like it and when they said something had great drama and a rich storyline, I new it would be boring as hell with a lot of weepy slobbering. Now, my “Negative Indicator” list has grown to nearly unmanageable proportions… Whole governments, political parties, media, most any corporation in the S&P 500 (as Blackrock et.al. have forced them into DIE, ESG, etc.). Hell, even Disney is now a negative indicator for a movie I’d want to watch or a safe place to take your kids.

    We need to find a way to fix all this. It’s just gotten too crazy.

  226. YMMV says:

    Going back into history, mostly (it seems) it has been some sort of autocracy.
    Kings, dictators, etc.
    Where a few men at the top decide what’s best. Mostly for themselves, but it may be masked as what’s best for you, sometimes with a hint of “shut up or else”.
    The modern gold standard is Hitler, but others could challenge that (Mao, Stalin, and many more.
    The means vary but the ends are always the same. The means are being perfected.

    Democracy? Great if you can keep it. paraphrasing somebody.

  227. YMMV says:

    “Somewhere over the period from the start of the Globull Warming Fraud to the Mid-Covid Fraud; that all changed.”

    That’s when may lost trust, or finally realized there was a problem.
    When did the deep state really begin?

    JFK had wanted to separate the intelligence-gathering branch of the CIA from the planning division, RFK Jr. said, describing the latter as “the ones that assassinate people, fix elections, overthrow governments.” Before he could do so, he was assassinated during a visit to Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.

    THAT was a milestone. And the secret investigation? Still crazy after all these years.

    According to RFK Jr., the commission wasn’t really run by Justice Earl Warren, but by Allen Dulles, the long-running CIA chief that JFK had sacked in November 1961. The evidence was “overwhelming that the CIA was involved in the murder, and the coverup,” he said in a radio interview in May.

    “The only guy who went to every meeting, and looked at every piece of evidence, and developed the questions for the witnesses, was Allen Dulles. He was running the entire Warren commission. And he should have been the prime suspect,” Kennedy told Carlson, accusing Dulles of secretly communicating with the CIA and J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI. “The whole thing was a coordinated, kind of, Kabuki theater,” he added.

    In 1967, the CIA instructed its “Operation Mockingbird” assets in the American press, which RFK Jr. described as over 400 senior writers and editors, to dismiss any critics of the Warren Commission findings as “conspiracy theorists.”

    All of the documents related to the JFK assassination should have been declassified by 2017, but the CIA is still sitting on some 4,000 of them, RFK Jr. said, even though everyone involved has long since died.

    “It’s a fair assumption they are not protecting individuals, that they’re protecting some institutional interest,” he told Carlson.

    with link to Tucker’s RFK Jr interview:

  228. Ossqss says:

    Stats> I did ask about pre 2019 adjustments to the data.

    I hope I copied the right one. LOL

  229. Ossqss says:

    As always>>>>>

  230. another ian says:


    “Stunningly Low Prices – A Visit to an Average Russian Supermarket
    August 17, 2023 | Sundance | 61 Comments”


  231. jim2 says:

    I have heard a couple of times COVID cases are increasing, but haven’t been able to find one smidgen of evidence it is.

  232. YMMV says:

    COVID cases are increasing? That would be hard to know because almost nobody is reporting cases anymore. Dr. Been discusses this a bit at 3:00 and 24:00. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T56cBGUHbO4

    The CDC says hospital admissions are up 14% in a week and deaths are up 10%.
    “it’s up but it’s up from like the lowest level they’ve had in since since the beginning”

    But why trust the CDC at all?

    “it’s a it’s a dire emergency of criminality that has become so normal that we barely notice it”

    Heart damage from the “vaccine” is not rare, it is not temporary, and it’s not just the heart. For more details, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox4j9VUARnM
    Any cell the “vaccine” hijacks to make spike proteins is subject to be killed by the immune system. Too bad if it’s your heart or some other vital part, the CDC does not even have any sympathy for you.

  233. another ian says:

    More Dr Jiohn Campbell

    “‘Moderna paid 400 million to NIH’

  234. another ian says:

    An interesting read on “free speech”

    ” “A bad day for a federal government lawyer. “What was pooh-poohed as conspiracy theory even a year ago is now a cat hair away from being addressed, and potentially proscribed, by the country’s highest court.” ”

    Via http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/2023/08/18/let-that-sink-in-50/

  235. another ian says:

    An invitation to help make a list –

    “Lower than B-movies – how about Z-movies?”


  236. another ian says:

    An important thought on over reaction (IMO)

    “If we anti-establishment folks finally do win, and I think we will, is there a danger of over-reaction? Imagine President Trump winning the 2024 election against all odds, somehow navigating 753 criminal charges from 16 blue states. His first act would be to pardon himself of all the federal charges, but the state charges would survive. Then President Trump might ask an enraged red Congress to indefinitely suspend Habeas Corpus, so that he could deal effectively with the state charges, and lock up all the criminals who orchestrated this heinous coup.

    By the time we get to that point, a lot of people — including your author — might be furious enough to think suspending Habeas Corpus is a perfectly wonderful idea. And that, folks, could be the last hill on the greasy plume to ending our Constitutional Republic.

    I don’t have any suggestions for you. I don’t want to change anything except winning faster. And don’t get me wrong, we must win this war. It is a civilizational imperative. But the risk of overreaction might be something to think about as we are getting there.”


  237. YMMV says:

    “We have to get back to normal, not create a rightwing dictatorship. Just saying.”

    He’s “just saying” that Trump would be a rightwing dictatorship?
    He didn’t get that line quite right, it supposed to be “far right dictatorship”, didn’t he get the memo?

    The problem is that the deep state is uni-party. The Republicans (except for Trump and a few) are just Democrats with a different lapel button.

    The GEBs used to be Republican, and now they are Democrats, but they are still GEBs. Even back as far as Eisenhower, the CIA was overthrowing governments to benefit the GEBs (and claiming they were fighting communists).

    Oil etc. Take the case of Chile, it elected a mild socialist, and before he even had the chance to do much, they killed him and Pinochet took over. For decades. If you want to call him far-right, that might be apt. But Fascist works too. America’s friend!

    That would be the kind of dictatorship to avoid. While also avoiding the left-wing dictatorship that we are rapidly becoming.

    To Trump’s credit, this Swamp Monster (Victoria Nuland) was in every administration except Trump’s.
    She is a color revolution fan and the super hawk for all the recent wars and especially Ukraine.

  238. Ossqss says:

    Think about this … — …

    Tomorrow, I move my 18 yr. old son to a college dorm (lots better than what I had).

    How scary or exciting is that in today’s world?

  239. jim2 says:

    Ossqss – maybe you and your son should talk to Mike Rowe first. Just sayin’.

  240. YMMV says:

    Who is Mike Rowe? (I don’t have TV under my rock). I did find this:
    “”America is lending money it doesn’t have to kids who can’t pay it back to train them for jobs that no longer exist. That’s nuts.” – Mike Rowe.”

    That college dorm is probably connected to a leftist training center ;-)

  241. E.M.Smith says:


    Dirty Jobs host. Goes out and does a job for a day or two while filming it. Raking muck out of sewers, garbage man, being in the oil pit under trucks draining their oil…

  242. YMMV says:

    There are a lot of jobs that I would do for a day or two — which I would not want to do for the rest of my life. Not because they are menial, but because they are boring. Or other reasons.

    One thing for sure — I would not want to be 18 right now.

  243. jim2 says:

    Mike Rowe sponsors an apprenticeship program.

    What’s the problem?
    We’ve made work the enemy.

    America has become slowly but undeniably disconnected from the most fundamental elements of civilization—food, energy, education, and the very nature of work itself.

    Over the last 30 years, America has convinced itself that the best path for the most people is an expensive, four-year degree. Pop culture has glorified the “corner office job” while unintentionally belittling the jobs that helped build the corner office. As a result, our society has devalued any other path to success and happiness. Community colleges, trade schools, and apprenticeship programs are labeled as “alternative.” Millions of well-intended parents and guidance counselors see apprenticeships and on-the-job training opportunities as “vocational consolation prizes,” best suited for those not cut out for the brass ring: a four-year degree. The push for higher education has coincided with the removal of vocational arts from high schools nationwide. And the effects of this one-two punch have laid the foundation for a widening skills gap and massive student loan debt.


  244. H.R. says:

    @Qssqss – Ha! I lost a year in there somewhere. I thought your son had one more year to go.

    He’s a good kid. I wouldn’t worry about him. Just don’t give him that old bit of advice, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

    You don’t want him to get expelled in his first term now, do you? 🤣

  245. another ian says:

    H.R. – around that area

    A bloke here tells the story of entering a boarding school headmaster’s office to be told the reasons for his son’s expulsion.

    And remembering that the last time he was in that office was in the course of his own expulsion.

  246. jim2 says:

    It turns out the CEO of Ford Motors was completely oblivious to the challenges of driving overpriced electric vehicles until actually taking one for a spin.

    Charging has been pretty challenging… I went to a low speed charger and it took me about 40 minutes to 40% (charge).

    It was a really good reality check of the challenges of what our customers go through and the importance of fast charging and what we’re going to have to do to improve the charging experience.


  247. H.R. says:

    Journalism is what you major in when you keep tying your shoelaces together each and every morning and blame the fact that you keep doing faceplants on “I’m just clumsy. Always have been a bit of a klutz.”

    Mrs. H.R. had the local legacy broadcast news (NBC? ABC?) on for the weather forecast. You can get local weather and radar instantly anytime online, but the local weather show gives the regional picture out to about a 60-70 mile radius. Quite useful.

    Anyhow, after the weather, this popped up on screen with a Q-code so you could text your answer to the station.


    Instant Poll:

    Do you think the economy is doing better or worse under Joe Biden



    What genius figured a Yes/No response was the best way to gauge opinion on that question?

    How many people approved that before it appeared on screen?

    How the heck do they even manage to get a signal out of that joint with brainiacs like that populating the station?

    “All right team. After this meeting, should we leave the lights on or off?”


  248. YMMV says:

    Ivermectin goes to DC. You may be aware that the FDA is being sued because it prevented use of IVM for Covid.

    Dr. Campbell has a short video on this, well worth spending a few minutes on.
    (and he worries that YouTube will take it down).

    If you want more details about this trial, Dr. Been is doing a series on it.
    There was a short bit on it in here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T56cBGUHbO4
    And this is Part One of the new series on this trial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuoxcBrh4vw

    Although the FDA has admitted in court that they really did not mean to prevent the use of IVM, that may not be really true. It was a conspiracy, perhaps an inadvertent one although I doubt it. It was a conspiracy to devalue any and all alternatives to the new Covid “vaccines”, because of the Emergency Use legalities.

    And even though they admitted that, you still might not be able to get IVM. Why?

    Understand the model of NIH/FDA/AMA collusion and it all makes sense. In simple terms:

    NIH is the policymaker. It decides which drug(s) to fund studies on, like the Big Pharma vaccine$ for the uninfected, or remde$ivir for those already infected and hospitalized. Under no circumstances would it have financed, at least early on, a study with the same burden of proving efficacy as Big Pharma, of a generic like ivermectin which might prove to be effective post-infection, because then the FDA would be pressured to grant the generic approval for such treatment, and then the vaccine$ would not have been granted EUA and eventual approval.

    FDA is the decision maker: It decides which drug(s) to grant EUA or approval. Unless its credibility would take too great a hit with inaction, it would not “approve” of a drug like ivermectin. (Note: Both NIH and FDA scientists involved in the science leading to EUA/approval of a Big Pharma drug stand to gain financially.) A physician has a right to responsibly prescribe a drug approved for other purposes off-label, and that certainly applies to human-form ivermectin. The “horse” narrative was to scare as many away from the off-label drug as possible.

    AMA (and other medical societies and licensing boards) is the enforcer. It threats doctors with discipline including disbarment if they dare prescribe ivermectin off-label for COVID. It is this that prevented many patients from gaining access to ivermectin.

    And top that all off which YouTube bans, and other media thumbs on the scales to prevent you from “being misinformed”. And all the local and world politicians with their thumb in the pie.

    And admit they lied? When does that ever happen?

  249. another ian says:

    “What’s in a name”

    The latest new, scary strain of the Peking Pox is ERIS – who was the Greek Goddess of Strife, Discord and Chaos.

    And on the likelihood of more US masks and lockdowns – and corporate profits. Plus.


  250. jim2 says:

    Lot’s of channels on cable, odd ball and main stream, and internet breathlessly reporting weather events and blaming it all on climate change, global warming, now global boiling (not kidding, it was on Bloomberg TV) and not mentioning Tunga. Then any and all wild fires are blamed on the same, no mention of bad land management and logging companies being shut out. The lies are growing at an exponential rate as of late. And I’m sure the sheep get more scared with every passing day … and they will vote for Dimowits one and all.

  251. Ossqss says:

    Ojai is under assault. Zoom in. My guess is the low-pressure influence on Cali from the storm may have enabled some of the faults in a progressive manner. There is a crazy number of quakes there today.


  252. H.R. says:

    @Ossqss – It’s been 24 hours. No calls from the police yet? 😉

    @All – That link above that mentions that Russia is making gains in the North, it’s looking like perhaps the Russians may be in position to surround Kiev (call me old-fashioned for that spelling), and Ukraine is making preparations to evacuate Kiev was all talk and no cc.

    So, I went to DuckDuckGo and searched on Kiev evacuation. All the results were YSM such as CNN, NYT, and whatnot. No clicks on those from me.

    Aha! I finally spotted a result from Aljazeera and clicked on that. Those sneaky, cheeky Arabs! All they had for their sources in their article were from CNN, NYT, etc.

    The other item of interest was that the Dutch got an OK from the US to send F16s to Ukraine. The fine print, if you looked for it, was that the F16s wouldn’t show up until Ukrainian pilots were trained. The upshot is that F16s will be up in the air over Ukraine any day now real soon just you wait and see… right after Mr. Fusion-powered cars are delivered to chauffer the Ukraine troops back and forth from the front lines.

    I’m figuring things will be getting very interesting in the next 2 to 3 weeks and there will be plenty of conflicting reports from both sides to sort through.

  253. Ossqss says:

    Not gonna be pretty in Hispaniola in a couple days. Too much rain gonna be big trouble.

  254. Ossqss says:

    @HR, no incoming, but I have called them on my ISP, but the tell me I agreed to the stealing via contract……..

    They forced me change my modem/router last week and it is a big problem.

    Time to toss their crap out. Even their technical support can’t change anything.

    Talk about tyranny and censorship of options stuff!

    If anyone has recommendations on a modem/router with VOIP support, please let me know. This crap is outta here.

  255. jim2 says:

    The ISP can screw up even a router that isn’t theirs, lock it down so you can’t do something like bridging. But I did discover I can set my wi-fi router, through which everything passes other than entertainment, to use Cloudflare DNS services and that cuts off the ISP DNS.

  256. Simon Derricutt says:

    Ossqss – you can buy the VOIP function as a separate box that plugs into the router over ethernet. The Cisco PAP2T is pretty cheap and works well. Allows 2 VOIP connections that each need a standard phone attached to the box. The manual is rather large, with a lot of things that can be set up the way you need them, though in practice the defaults are likely to be adequate to get it working OK.

  257. The True Nolan says:

    Who doesn’t love a trebuchet?

    How about a 1,000 mile per hour trebuchet?

  258. H.R. says:

    I might have to get busy building one of those, TTN. The squirrels are damaging a lot of pears and they ruined TWO gorgeous, perfect low acid yellow tomatoes.

    The squirrels must DIE!

    (Sounds like a C or D movie title, eh?)

  259. Jeff says:

    Mark Rober (NASA Engineer and now inventor) has some clever and funny ideas about dealing with squirrels.. including making them fly, and think, and who knows what all :)

    Version 1:

    Version 2 (new and improved):

    Version 3 (better yet):

  260. E.M.Smith says:


    I understand that your garden has a severe mineral deficiency.

    You do know that it is incredibly important to assure all your plants have all the necessary nutrients, micro-nutrients, and minerals, no?

    So, IMHO, you need to invest into a pneumatic mineral projection device such that you can cure your clear lead deficiency in the garden.


  261. The True Nolan says:


    Yes, a good movie title. Personally, I think the screaming headline looks better to pull in ticket sales.

    @ E.M.: That 50cal air rifle would probably Osterize a squirrel.

    As a side comment on Hatsan air rifles. I have a Hatsan 25 cal with the Vortex pneumatic piston (instead of a mechanical spring). Their literature says that you can leave the rifle cocked. Don’t. Or at least if you do, don’t leave it cocked for long periods of time. A few minutes, a few hours, are probably not an issue, but if you store one away for some years (ahem!) you will be sorry. The gas WILL leak out, the piston will be in the compressed state, and the latch which engages the break barrel will not mate properly. In short, it won’t pump and it won’t fire and the only way to reset the thing is to use an air pump to repressurize the piston. No matter what the manufacturer says, do not leave air rifles with pneumatic pistons cocked for long periods of time. (Don’t do it with spring powered rifles either.)

  262. H.R. says:

    O0000… I like the squirrel chucker, Ossqss. I think that’s a winner.

    @E.M. – The attractive feature of .50 cal for squirrels is that there’s no disposal involved. Just a quick rinse with the garden hose whare the squirrel was and you can call it done.

    I have a pellet gun, but I can’t be assured that a ricochet might go into the preschool play yard that’s about 100 yards away across the open area behind my property.

    If I had a wooden fence across the back property line, the squirrel graves in my backyard would look like Arlington National cemetery.

    @TTN – Better yet ALL SQUIRRELS MUST DIE!!!

    Filming begins when I can find a few angel investors. I’ll have to see if I can sign John Wick for the lead.

  263. Ossqss says:

    TTN, is correct on the loads. Leave them flaccid if you will :-)

    I have a Benjamin break barrel .22 Nitro piston unit. Dead Nuts with the Center Point scope that came with it. Only air (Nitrogen) rifle I ever shot that had a bit of kick.

    HR shot it.

  264. another ian says:

    A bit of digging

  265. jim2 says:

    New York and California Each Lost $1 Trillion When Financial Firms Moved South
    For the first time, hard data shows the scope of the upheaval


  266. YMMV says:

    You will have nothing.

    no meat, no dairy, no car, and basically only used clothing.

    Click to access Arup-C40-The-Future-of-Urban-Consumption-in-a-1-5C-World.pdf

  267. The True Nolan says:

    Heat your house. Cook your food. Run your natural gas powered generator. Heck, make a big gas bladder, mount it on the roof of your vehicle, and run your car, truck, or tractor. (Yes, that was one of the approaches used during WWII.)

    You know where this is going. Wood gasification! Here is one of several offered from China. Shipping? Customs? Good question… but $1400 for an off the shelf unit is not bad.

  268. The True Nolan says:

    By the way, the gasifier does need some power to run a built in electric blower, but of course it produces a LOT more power in the gas than the blower uses.

  269. another ian says:

    Cover blown

    “BUSTED – Fox News and Martha MacCallum Caught Presenting Koch Brothers Activist as Fake GOP Voter in Wisconsin to Support Ron DeSantis
    August 22, 2023 | Sundance | 130 Comments”


    “Oh what a tangled web we weave – – “

  270. anothyer ian says:


    A good time to be in Florida!

    RAW video of the most insane flash flood down Whitewater Canyon, California – Tropical Storm Hilary

  271. another ian says:

    But in other places

    “California Tried but Failed to Have an Extreme Weather Disaster”

    California Tried but Failed to Have an Extreme Weather Disaster

    “Check Out These Devastating Pictures Of Hurricane Hilary’s Aftermath”


  272. jim2 says:

    A new COVID strain has been found. It’s the scariest one ever!

    BS 24/7

  273. Ossqss says:

    Surprised? I think “shot down” is a better description than crashed.


  274. YMMV says:

    Wow. This is good! Amazing how much of what we think of as southern (or even black) customs and speech patterns (and more) came from specific places in the UK.

  275. H.R. says:

    Re Prigozhin – Tonyb brought that up on ‘Invade Belarus’ thread.

    I said there, and I’ll say here that I will just have to wait for more information.

    That said. you heard it here first! I finished mowing the lawn and had a little time to let things percolate in my little pea brain. Here’s my conspiracy theory.

    The CIA or a CIA hireling shot down Prigozhen’s plane. I am putting it out there because…

    1) Putin didn’t kill Prigozhin right off after his march on Moscow. Everyone seemed surprised by that.

    b) Prigozhin is smart enough not to get on his plane and fly through airspace where Russia (Putin) can shoot him down. But he did get on his plane, so he seemed unconcerned about standing on balconies or flying. He had to be feeling secure with whatever deal he cut with Putin in order to get on that plane. Prigozhin was unconcerned about Putin going after him.

    iii) Unverified but Prigozhin burned the CIA for $6 billion and did not deliver a coup ousting Putin. That would crumble the CIA’s cookies, big league. How embarrassing!

    numeri quattro) The death of Prigozhin, obviously taken out by a missile and not just some “Check Engine” light thingy, will set off a LOT of Prigozhin supporters and loyalists enough to blame and go after Putin.

    5) Where the CIA failed before to overthrow Putin, they figured “Hey! This just might work.”

    vi) And… a little payback for Prigozhin screwing over the CIA.

    In a nutshell, CIA shoots down Prigozhin, points the finger at Putin to stir up a hornet’s nest, and sits back to see if that gets Putin ousted. Plus! A little payback for the $6 billion.

    But sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and Putin just decided to take out Prigozhin.

    (I actually don’t believe that because Prigozhin got on his plane. He’s not that stupid.)

  276. The True Nolan says:

    @anothyer ian: That is a neat canyon flood! But if anyone tries to say it is unusual, rare or historic, ask them to explain why all those boulders are so rounded and tumbled.

    @another ian: RE “The Raw, Uncensored Reason We Invaded Iraq”

    I believe that the overthrow of the Shah of Iran in 1979 was also related to preservation of the petrodollar. I cannot verify, but although the US was officially VERY much against the Muslim extremists who took over Iran, there was talk that behind the scenes the US was secretly supporting the overthrow. Why? Because the Shah was planning to take Iranian oil and use it to fuel a huge petrochemical industry in Iran, producing plastics and oil derived chemicals undercutting other nation’s industries. By converting Iran’s oil directly to petrochemicals and cancelling that portion of petroleum sales to other countries, Iran would effectively bypass that part of the petrodollar.

    The US should have NEVER instituted the petrodollar. The Bretton Woods Agreement had the US promise to never create more dollars than it would redeem for gold. We lied, and began to create large amounts of fiat. De Gaulle warned us to stop. When we didn’t he demanded the promised gold. We paid — but then cancelled future redemptions, breaking Bretton Woods. The petrodollar was NOT the solution which allowed the US to become strong. We were already strong. The petrodollar was the solution which allowed politicians to CONTINUE the creation of gigantic amounts of fiat currency out of nothing and still effectively EXPORT the inflation overseas where Americans would not see it. But even the petrodollar would only soak up so much new currency, so as the politicians became increasingly greedy it was necessary to send our factories and industries overseas, insuring a continuing suction of dollars as other nations struggled to get the dollars needed to buy US machine tools, patents, and knowledge. Essentially, the petrodollar allowed the US to import cheap products while we ate our seed corn. We impoverished our country so that the politically well connected could continue the financial rape of America. In only two decades, the US went from being the greatest creditor nation in history to being the greatest debtor nation in history.

  277. another ian says:


    You might need to reset a couple of assumptions? –

    “Wagner Boss Prigozhin Killed in Private Jet Crash North of Moscow, Says Russian State Media”


  278. another ian says:

    Food for thought

    “Maui Wildfires: Barricade Blocked Only Paved Road out of Lahaina”


  279. another ian says:


    “Thacker: Leading Medical Journal Busted With Huge Conflict Of Interest Over ‘Medical Misinformation’ Expert”

    “A leading medical journal, JAMA, recently published an essay lamenting that the National Institutes of Health would be slowing awards for “misinformation research,” aka, studies to justify censorship.”

    “Yet, what journalist Paul Thacker uncovered in a recent article in The Disinformation Chronicle is mind-numbingly par for the course given the propaganda we’ve seen from leading ‘experts’ over the last 3.5 years; Baron is totally conflicted.

    According to Thacker, Baron has been collaborating with Pfizer and Moderna’s PR firm, Weber Shandwick.

    But wait, there’s more!”



  280. H.R. says:

    After speculating here, I went over to the Treehouse and Sundance had a nice little list of possibilities, including my guess.

    But! BUT! He had one I never considered. Prigozhin was not on the plane. Everyone thinks he’s dead, even though the bodies were positively ID’d (yeah, sure, uh-huh) and Prigozhin gets to retire with no one looking for him.

    Anyhow, it’s an interesting list that Sundance has put together.

  281. YMMV says:

    Someone shot a video which seems to show a hit/explosion and the vertical fall of the plane. posted on Telegram:

  282. Ossqss says:

    @HR, EM and Rhoda.

    Attended the funeral this evening for Frank Gamski. The original creator of the Linger Lodge as we know it. He will be missed after knowing that great person for 32 years.

  283. H.R. says:

    I never got to meet Frank though you told a story or two about him, Ossqss. Thanks for passing on the news.

    The new Linger Lodge stayed pretty faithful to the original, but a few of the fun things were missing. The very nice new, larger restrooms meant that some of the old things had to go. I was too busy chitty-chatting with the assembled dodgy denizens of this blog to notice all of the changes.

    The new owners of the property have done a fine job of updating the campgrounds for the newer RVs being made. I’ve seen the before and after and it’s kept the feel of the old place while everything is actually new and improved.

  284. another ian says:

    World’s most accurate pie chart

  285. E.M.Smith says:


    Keeping an eye on that Gulf tropical wave area. Some projections have it a hurricane headed for Tampa in a week, others have it just wandering and breaking up. So time for “watchful waiting” for a few days.

    @Per Linger Lodge:

    Maybe I need to go there again and lift a couple…


    Supposedly (per Russian sources) shot down by Russian Air Defenses in an “accident”. Nobody is saying it just fell out of the sky.

    Thus my thesis that the Russian Generals he was crabby about hinted to the Air Defense Battery that there was this Ukrainian Spy Plane headed for St. Pete…

    Who was most hating him? Not Putin, but the Generals He Dissed.

    Now it is possible this was a Putin Psy-Op to let Pregozhin retire in peace to somewhere in Africa… or Crimea…

    @Another Ian;

    The probability that I will believe ANYTHING coming from: The WHO, FDA, CDC, JAMA, The Lancet or any other “Medical Professional Organization” is now zero. They all flat out lied about Vit. I, Hydroxy… and frankly, most likely Chinese Wuhan Covid and treatments for it as well; all in service of The Big Drug Companies. They have blow all credibility. So new “mandates”? Go pound sand.


    There’s a bunch of nuance that could be applied to that, but the basic structure is right. (For example, USSR was a major gold producer and loved to stack up their gold for a once a year dump. This screwed with the $US when it was tied to gold. Essentially a massive whipsaw of “real money” caused the $US exchange rate to wobble widely. The other one is Johnson wanting unlimited war money for Viet Nam and the Nixon trying to balance that against a gold standard and failing, so when France hit the Gold Window, he closed it.)

    But yeah, those are just tactical things around why it was an annoyance to have the dollar pegged to gold. The strategic bit is as described. Everyone in a position to say “No” to letting the peg go, benefited from letting the peg go…

  286. jim2 says:

    One thing, a dead Prigozhin couldn’t be tried for war crimes. He could easily live out a happy life in Russia or a Russia-friendly country. The more the West tries to control the world, the less the world cooperates.

  287. YMMV says:

    The friends of the Russians in the plane that Wagner shot down might be getting a little revenge on their own initiative, perhaps with a blind eye turned.
    In any case, Russian SAM looks likely.

  288. The True Nolan says:

    @E.M.: “But yeah, those are just tactical things around why it was an annoyance to have the dollar pegged to gold. The strategic bit is as described. Everyone in a position to say “No” to letting the peg go, benefited from letting the peg go…”

    The Constitution defines “dollar” in the same section which gives the Feds authority to legislate other definitions of weights and measures; a “dollar” is (or rather was) a specific weight of silver. Further on, the Constitution says that ONLY gold or silver may be used by the various States as money. That restriction, both the one defining the dollar and the restriction of usage were both put there exactly to prevent what we see today with run-away budgets, borrowing, and monetary creation. The “chains of the Constitution” worked pretty well until the Greedy Evil Bastards figured out how to pick the locks. I would also note that the technique they used to break the restrictions was (AGAIN!) to change clear definitions of words so that they began to have other meanings. First, a dollar was silver. Then it was silver or gold. Then it was a paper receipt for silver or gold held elsewhere. Then it was for paper receipts for silver or gold, or Federal Reserve Notes. Then only receipts for silver, or FRN. And then only FRNs. Why break the law when you can change the meaning of its words and the law just goes away? (And how long have they been trying the same trick with the Second Amendment? Do most people understand “well regulated” or “militia”?)

  289. Ossqss says:

    For anyone interesting weather or tropics and modeling, here is a great site to see basically all of them.

    You can select region, model, run time, data displayed (MSLP, PWAT etc.) and press play to see out a couple weeks or so.


  290. cdquarles says:

    “Well regulated” means trained (and does not necessarily mean military training only). “Militia” is the people (back then, healthy men late teens and above, though recently age limited to roughly 60, if I am remembering correctly).

  291. another ian says:

    The Law of Unintended Consequences strikes again in London Lord Mayor’s “emission control” –

    First barrel

    “Sales of old fossil cars are booming in Ultra Low Emission London…”


    Second barrel – the frontal approach –

    “Just Days Before Khan’s Car Crackdown Goes Live, One London Area Sees 90 Per Cent of Cameras Destroyed”


    And how it is done (heavy on /s)

  292. another ian says:


    “Congratulations, everyone! It’s time for another COVID variant! Did you think having already been vaccinated and boosted was gonna get you through this one? Think again!

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported on Wednesday that the emerging BA.2.86 COVID-19 variant could potentially lead to infections in those who not only had COVID before, but have previously been vaccinated.”

    The rest b3ehind a paywall but you get the gist


    BUT – It’s Working!

    “What did I tell you? The Establishment Media’s covid variant alarmism has once again saved the day!

    According to CNBC, after a week of wall-to-wall scariant coverage, sacrifices to the pagan god Eris, two minor mask mandate announcements, and anonymous officials whispering about plans for new Fall lockdowns and airline mandates, shares of Novavax shot up +13%, Moderna’s stock closed up +9%, BioNTech was up +6%, and even Pfizer’s stock ended around +1% higher.”

    More at


    A comment at another thread reckons the new strain’s correct title is

    “BS 24.7”

  293. another ian says:


    “Taibbi And Orfalea: The COVID Lie That Started It All”


  294. The True Nolan says:

    The attempt to rid London of petrol cars got me thinking.

    I know that some rural parts of the country have a lot of urban deer hunters who only come out once a year to hunt, and have very little sense of safety. Every hunting season there are stories of ranchers who have cows and horses shot — whether by accident or on purpose, who knows?

    What is going to happen when a 30-06 round hits a Tesla shorting the battery out in someone’s driveway? Or maybe even on the road? That sort of thing might be bad enough out in the rural areas — but what is to stop some vandal from shooting a 44 handgun into an EV battery in downtown London? One or two guys on a motorcycle wouldn’t even have to stop, just drive by, BANG! Having London push toward all EV traffic seems like it is creating a target rich situation.

  295. another ian says:


    But London is a “gun free zone” – (/s)

    Would a stabbing work as it has quite a record for them now?

  296. H.R. says:

    Re ULEZ: When is someone going to hack the database and change the flag to ‘Compliant’ for all license plates.

    My guess would be that the Bombastic Bumbling Bureaucrats would be congratulating themselves and awarding themselves bonuses because “It’s working! Not a single one of those old polluting ICEs has dared enter the city. Guess we taught them!”

    With luck, it would be years before the bureaucrats realized that the database had been hacked and noncompliant cars had been zipping in and out all day, every day.

  297. E.M.Smith says:

    @TTN & Another Ian:

    No need for guns. There’s a device used to puncture tires that’s basically a big bent metal spike thing that always lands “point up” when tossed. A few of them just high enough to puncture the battery from below, strewn down the middle of the road (to avoid the tires) will assure lots and lots of EVs with a metal spike through the battery and just bursting with enthusiasm to burn…

    I suppose a bit of tuning would find a design ideal for the task…

  298. E.M.Smith says:


    My approach to a ULEV Mandate Zone would just to be to Never Ever go there. Anyone demands I come for some reason, I’d inform them that they were in a No-Go Zone and not reachable and that any mandate that I go there best come with a new car provided… and a small claims court suit if for some reason they wanted to penalize me for non-participation… (As businesses and governments pay someone to go and I can go to small claims for free… it can be a real drain if 1000 people do it… so 1000 x $1000 / hour x 4 hours to wait for that case to roll around…)

  299. The True Nolan says:

    @E.M.: “There’s a device used to puncture tires ”

    Ah! Caltrops! Xenophon wrote about those 2500 years ago! In his time they were mostly used against cavalry, although you might get a bare footed soldier or someone in thin soled shoes. Also used in hunting wild boar if you know what paths they are prone to run down.

    Not sure how big to make one that would snag a battery pack… but pneumatic tires are fair game.

    You can buy caltrops for tires by the hundreds at most farm supply stores, although there is a little bit of assembly needed. You know the big, heavy duty, cattle guard panels?

    Get the heaviest gauge panels they have, and use some light bolt cutters to cut out pieces where the welded wires cross. Cut at an angle and the wire ends will already be sharp.

    Put the wire “x”s in a vice and whack them with a hammer to bend them into caltrops.

  300. another ian says:

    “ULEZ” – a sign post on the way to “U – LEGS”?

  301. another ian says:

    As an opener – back in our pounds and shillings currency days the slang term for a pound was a “quid”.

    So “Biden ‘Renting’ Mansion From ‘Green New Deal’ Billionaire
    How much of Steyer’s fanatical eco-ideology is getting in?”


    Does this sound like

    “More quid, more quo” by any chance?

  302. jim2 says:

    General information on the Costco Tri-fuel generator.

    2 year review

    If natural gas is used, a low pressure regulator will have to be installed. The NG pressure spec is 0.25-0.4 PSI, 101 ft3 at max load. This is usually installed to the bottom of the genny frame, as the regulator has to be as close to the fuel inlet as possible. These run $50-100 for the part only.

  303. Ossqss says:

    Floridians, if you need something, take advantage of the sales tax holiday on hurricane supplies starting tomorrow.

    Click to access TIP_23A01-02.pdf

  304. E.M.Smith says:


    Does that cover Whiskey & BBQ? (Asking for a friend… ;-)

  305. E.M.Smith says:

    Oh, just looked it up, the “Hurricane” drink is made with Rum, not Whiskey… so:

    Does Hurricane Supplies cover RUM & BBQ?…

  306. another ian says:

    Confidence inspiring?

    “Boeing: Extra Holes Drilled in 737 Max Pressure Bulkheads”


  307. another ian says:


    “”Nothing’s Working” – China’s Latest ‘Stimulus’-Driven-Rally Lasted Just 30 Mins”


  308. H.R. says:

    Here’s a little something for the geeks on this blog, i.e. everyone ;o)

    “Automata: The Extraordinary “Robots” Designed Hundreds Of Years Ago | Mechanical Marvels | Timeline”

    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Nt7xLAfEPs

    It’s a few seconds shy of an hour long, but I played it at 1.75 speed and didn’t feel I was missing a thing. Double speed is probably doable, but I was enjoying it all too much to speed it up.

    There’s a bit of a promo for Timeline at the beginning, which can be skipped over before getting to the main show.

    The history behind the development of the Automata is something I knew little of, and I thought I knew a bit about the development of manufacturing. Nope! Always more to learn.

    I think this has been posted here before about recreating the Antikythera mechanism, which predates these automata by thousands of years. Now I am wondering if fragments of the knowledge wafted their way to new craftsmen who carried the knowledge even further.

    It also raises the question of where the maker(s) of the Antikythera obtained their knowledge.

    I am convinced that advanced civilizations with advanced technologies have developed several times in the past and have crashed and burned as perhaps our current civilization might do. But if if none of the actual kit survives, so long as a vague memory of the technology survives someone will grasp the threads of those ideas and begin to bring it forward again.

    Here’s the starting video of the build of the Antikythera mechanism.

    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML4tw_UzqZE

  309. H.R. says:

    Rats! I shoulda deadened the links so they wouldn’t embed. Sorry.

    That ‘slow to load’ is partly my fault. Shouldn’t have done that at the end of a long thread.

  310. YMMV says:

    Dr. Been has two more videos analyzing the court transcript/video of the FA IVM hearing. It clearly shows how incompetent and creepy the FDA is.
    part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvlY5jmNzmg
    part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xVa1-daSUk

    And then there is a paper which says the mRNA vaccines are gene therapy, not vaccines, and that they should have gone through much more serious testing before being approved: https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/13/10514
    and: https://brownstone.org/articles/the-vax-gene-files-have-the-regulators-approved-a-trojan-horse/


    Genome integration.
    Germ-line transmission.
    Insertional mutagenesis.
    Embryo/fetal and perinatal toxicity.
    Long-term expression.
    Repeated toxicity.
    Excretion in the environment, such as shedding through seminal fluid or breast milk.

    Add to that a recent change in YouTube guidelines: ~whatever WHO says is true; and everything else is false~ (and will be censored)

    Add to that a new EU law: Digital Services Act (DSA)
    “The internet has become less free in Europe as parts of a new law took effect on Friday in the European Union (EU) that require large online platforms to take down content that bureaucrats in the bloc deem to be “disinformation” or “hate speech.””

  311. E.M.Smith says:


    No worries, I’ll fix up the links.

    BTW, most of the “slow to load” is because I ought to have made a new W.O.O.D. about a week ago… I was planning to do it (again…) yesterday, but hurricane prepping got in the way. Yes, low probability it will hit this low, but… So I’m painting my window covers. Last time they absorbed water, swelled up, and didn’t want to come out easily… I debated calling that a “feature”… A “self sealing expanding window cover seal!” But decided that waiting 2 days for the plywood to dry and shrink enough to remove them was more annoyance than feature ;-)

    Present highest probability is a landfall as a Cat 1 about 100 miles north of me; but also possible it might not get bigger than Tropical Storm (or that it might get a lot larger and come right at me…). Aren’t computer models fun….

  312. E.M.Smith says:


    Censorship can only control what the least interested can hear / see / read. It will fail among those motivated enough to find the truth.

    It always eventually fails. From clandestine newsletters to “coded speech” and encrypted messaging, there are ways around it. Already I’ve moved my viewing of several channels over to Rumble just to bypass the EwTube “guidelines”. Apace with that, ‘creators’ are posting every more “See my Rumble for the rest of the story” type videos. Besides, Rumble doesn’t shove a commercial at me every 4 minutes ;-) Yeah, the ‘creators’ end up hawking their store or books or coffee or whatever, but if that’s the price of freedom, so be it.

    For now, Bitchute, Rumble, etc. alternatives are providing enough alternative space to bypass EwTube “mental straitjackets”. Eventually, especially for stupidity like the EU mandate that ~’politicians are always 100% correct and honest’; we will need to move to encryption. But I demonstrated how that works a few years ago. The Tech World has been busy building the needed tools for decades now, and Peer To Peer systems like Mastodon are all over the place. Just need enough motivation to get folks to “go there”. So the more things are locked down, the more folks will leave the prison.

  313. another ian says:

    “Big Pharma needs money. Hey, COVID’s back — time to get your booster.”


  314. another ian says:


    H.R. Attempted follow up but this wasn’t acceptable at SDA just now –


    Kamaz trucks 19 win.


    Some other well known manufacturers names seem to be absent

  315. Simon Derricutt says:

    Yep, though the desktop box doesn’t notice the excessive size of WOOD, the netbook does and takes over a minute and a half to load now. Maybe we should call it MOOD instead….

  316. Pingback: W.O.O.D. – 26 August 2023 – Thug Life Rulz | Musings from the Chiefio

  317. The True Nolan says:

    @EM: “Yeah, the ‘creators’ end up hawking their store or books or coffee or whatever, but if that’s the price of freedom, so be it.”

    Very small price, and more power to the creators!

    A week or two ago I mentioned to a young man that I was “old enough to remember when the Internet didn’t have advertisements”. He looked at me like I was Moses come down from the mountain top. I think I need to get a ring tone that sounds like the old dial-up modem handshake.

  318. YMMV says:

    “Censorship can only control what the least interested can hear / see / read. It will fail among those motivated enough to find the truth.”

    That leaves too much to Hope for my taste. It could be true in the long run, the long run meaning long after it matters. Maybe the historians of a future generation can dig out the truth. Or not.

    In the short run, there are the general masses (who can vote and influence decisions) and there are the conspiracy theorists (who are mocked and disregarded because the masses think they are wrong).

    The authoritarian state owns the media and the education systems and most of the masses. Not to mention the justice system.

    Censoring, indoctrination, compulsion, bullying … those motivated to find the truth will need to be super-motivated, and if successful they risk becoming a martyr, or at least cancelled.
    The power of the authoritarian state is too large: You Will Be Complacent And You Will Be Happy.

    BTW, the Unibomber said something interesting in his manifesto:

    What usually happens in practice is that decisions are made by public officials or corporation executives, or by technical specialists, but even when the public votes on a decision the number of voters ordinarily is too large for the vote of any one individual to be significant. Thus most individuals are unable to influence measurably the major decisions that affect their lives. There is no conceivable way to remedy this in a technologically advanced society. The system tries to “solve” this problem by using propaganda to make people WANT the decisions that have been made for them,


  319. YMMV says:

    WEF: “YOU will own nothing and be happy”

    There is a good interview with Carol Roth on Epoch TV.
    This one is by @crossoads_josh https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/realities-of-the-wefs-agenda-to-have-you-own-nothing-carol-roth-5475338
    (I hope that link works)
    Carol Roth has been interviewed about the WEF by others (that I have not watched).
    She also has a book about it.

  320. H.R. says:

    You will own nothing and be happy… or else.

  321. The True Nolan says:

    @HR: As you say, the official prescription is:
    “You WILL own nothing and you WILL be happy”.

    I doubt it even occurred to them to say:
    “You MAY own nothing and you MAY be happy.”

    To an authoritarian, every prediction is an injunction.

  322. E.M.Smith says:

    I already own my home, clear, and my cars, clear, and my guns with plentiful ammo. Clear? …

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