The Debate – A Waste Of Time.

I don’t know what drugs they had Biden on, but they were pretty good. Not good enough to hide his stumbling bumbling and not good enough to make his voice clear, and certainly not good enough to make his “Give everything to everyone to buy their votes” basic pitch more palatable.

Trump was clear, but it was largely the same old same old “I did great, I’ll do great” and a lot of “Biden is a failure and destroying the nation”.

Everything else was a waste of time.

In CNNs favor: The Debate was not too obviously biased in terms of questions asked nor was the thing devolved into a lot of yelling and talking over each other. Giving out minutes at a time with kill switches on the microphones kept things focused, sort of. There was a whole lot of “Let me answer the last question” with a ‘followup’ asking the given question over again.

I doubt it will change anyone’s mind. MAGA Trumpists will still be for Trump. Dims for the pResident Bidetn will still vote for all the “free stuff from government” and “tax the rich” tired old Dimocrat Vote Buying Method.

I’d have been better off with a 12 pack and some chips, watching Miami Vice reruns.

Oh Well.

My personal response to it was that Biden is not capable of buying groceries, forget running the country. Trump didn’t get into his typical “knock down drag out” put away of the opponent. Seemed a bit tame to me. So I’ll likely be voting for Trump based on what he did in his first term (I.e. a good economy and cutting government) plus the assumption he’ll do a bit more draining the swamp this time (given the hit jobs done on him so far). Weak tea? Ah, yeah.

Oh Well. It’s in the can now. Now we get a week or two of Democrats saying how great Biden did and now Trump is The Devil Incarnate, while the Republicans say Only Trump Can Save America!!! and that Biden is a zombie kept mobile by drugs and electroshock. /snark;

Oh Well.

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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38 Responses to The Debate – A Waste Of Time.

  1. josh from sedona says:

    i had it on the tv, but dozed off 5 min in… glad i didn’t miss anything.

  2. jim2 says:

    Seems it wasn’t a waste of time for the dimowits. Now they want to toss him and find someone else. Trump’s record spoke for itself. All he has to do is what he did before. Although there are a couple of new problems. I think the debate was useful mainly in that it showed Biden up for the incompetent he is.

  3. Ossqss says:

    Our current president was dreadful and simply confirmed all the conspiracy theories.

    The big question is, how does leadership (ally and foe) around the world react to this now confirmed and undeniable weakness.


  4. cdquarles says:

    I quit watching this stuff long ago. From the reports I’ve read, I didn’t miss anything nor did anything unexpected happen.

  5. jim2 says:

    I was worried that because it was hosted by CNN, Trump would suffer. But he handled the even masterfully.

  6. jim2 says:

    So right now we have Obama’s third term. I wonder what this SS would look like?

    A couple of painful hours later, after a debate in which Biden, his voice raspy and halting, looked every bit of his 81 years, that vision for the future seemed cloudy. Biden’s pale and frail appearance led to immediate and widespread speculation that he would be pushed to decline the Democratic nomination. And that kind of talk, in turn, leads quickly to Newsom.

    Of the many prominent Democrats with aspirations for higher office, Newsom is arguably best equipped — in fundraising chops, in messaging and in campaign infrastructure — to step up in an emergency. And this is, by all indications, an emergency.

  7. YMMV says:

    Didn’t watch.

    Elon Musk even noted that “Tonight was a clear victory … for memes.”

  8. beng135 says:

    Agree it’s a waste of time. Dog and pony show, bread and circuses. In the US (and many others), the “elected” people have little influence now, the bureaucracies control things.

  9. Canadian Friend says:

    Newsom who ( indirectly) made it pretty much legal to shop lift if it is under 950$…and who has made all sorts of weird changes that are destroying the economy of California and making people flee California…if he was President would cause even MORE damage to the entire USA than Biden has.

    Did they not also reduce drastically sentences for pedophiles in California?

    If he becomes President, the USA may never recover.

  10. another ian says:

    FWIW –

    “The Liars Have Been Exposed”

    Those being the MSM

  11. E.M.Smith says:

    Some notes on Gov. Nuisance:

    Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, he has been groomed to become POTUS his whole life by The Democrat Machine. Installed as Mayor of San Francisco, he set in motion all the crap that turned San Francisco from Tourist Destination and Business Mecca, into “crap in the streets city” with some of the most iconic properties in the WORLD ruined.

    Alioto’s and Fisherman’s Grotto, two long thriving restaurants on Fisherman’s Wharf (Alioto’s since 1929 so even the Great Depression could not kill it…) have both closed. Gone. There’s a guy, Metal Leo?, does walk around videos showing the miles of closed store fronts in Downtown San Francisco.

    He then was installed as Gov. of California. We The People tried to recall him 3 times, but the petition review process was jiggered to block as many signatures as possible (so IF any bit of your signature touched the tiny box lines, it was rejected; as one example). He’s given us a $Billions “train to nowhere”, mandated a $20/hr minimum wage for “fast food workers” that has resulted in well over 10,000 of them laid off and hundreds of fast food restaurants closed (along with the $15 big Mac meal and $4 Breakfast Jack). BTW, you must now ASK (they are forbidden to offer) for any “single use” condiments or things like napkins and straws, salt and pepper….

    Oh, and gas in California was running about $5.80 to $7 / gallon when I was there a few weeks ago.

    The List Of Horribles would go on for several pages… Now they are banning Diesel Train Locomotives. Never mind that there is NO alternative. The cost to electrify the freight lines would be prohibitive so they would close (it was tried once decades back on a stretch somewhere in the northern plains States). Batteries are NOT going to cut it. (Also note that California electric supplies survive only due to a big load of imported power from Palo Verde Nuclear Plant in Arizona AND a DC intertie from Washington State… not things you can increase overnight…) So expect trains in California to also fail in a few years when the law hits.

    HE is largely the reason I’m now in Florida, not California. Got out just in time, too, as they are pushing an “exit tax” on folks trying to escape…

    I urge every California Escapee to tell your friends, neighbors, and strangers at the Gas Station that they ought to never, ever, vote for Gov. Nuisance.

    Unfortunately, I suspect that the same buggered voting system that installed him as Governor has now been used on the National level.

    IF he gets sElected POTUS: Make sure you have a 2nd passport, and have set up banking offshore somewhere. You will only have a year or so to escape…

  12. jim2 says:

    The dimowits will want someone who will break any classical US cultural tradition, moral norm, ethical guideline, break any precedent, and even break any law; as we have seen already from the dimowits currently in power. Nuisance certainly fits that bill.

  13. gareth says:

    Just watched the whole thing (from Bligty). Oh dear…

    Well, it confirmed that your dear prez is, as we had thought, a mumbling idiot entirely unfit for the job.

    Sadly though, The Trump did not impress. All he did bad/worst, I did wonderful/ we had the best…

    Both a bit wacist, if that triggers you: “The Blacks” etc.

    Neither making a direct and compelling pitch to the folks that they presumably want to vote for them. Neither selling a clear vision or plan. And no mention by the Trump of Swamp Draining – which must be his USP and sine qua non, Shirley?

    Maybe you could get Tucker to reconsider?

  14. Doug Leach says:

    I disagree it was a waste. Up until now the Democrats and all the pundits (but I repeat myself) have been saying Biden’s fine, and everything the Repubs have been saying and showing about his misfunctions is all lies and fakes. Last night it was there for all to see, where it’s really hard for the average joe looking not to believe his lyin’ eyes. Joe is just not functional, at least not without stimulants and a teleprompter. Trump on the other hand was very civil and mostly stuck to what he did right the first time and would do again, compared to all that Biden has messed up. And it’s been fun to listen to all the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC.

  15. Canadian Friend says:

    Pardon my pessimism,

    but the media have been exposed as liars a few if not many times before, there is a bit of a reaction, shock, surprise, a little distrust, but it always quickly disappears and the naive public goes back to having complete trust in the MSM as if nothing had ever happened.

    Years ago I began calling that the battered wife syndrome

    we have all read about those women that keep going back to the man that abuses them, every time he promises he will change she goes back, and a few days later he hits her again

    she will leave him 50 times, go sleep at her mother’s or her sister’s but will go back to him 50 times

    The media could tell the biggest lie in the history of the world, within a few days the public would go back to it like moths to a light bulb.

    The main Stream Media have something seductive about it, and anyway, where are people with busy life going to get their news? they don t have time to read articles that dissects the lies of the left and their lying media

    it is far easier to just turn on the tv while eating supper

    Maybe one day things will change but yesterday was not a big enough event,

    people who think CNN or the New York Times are the best sources of information are today getting their news from them as if yesterday did not happen, like moths to light burning themselves 50 times, returning to the hot light bulb 50 times

    as grumpy as I sound now, I did enjoy the article you linked at Hotair

    yesterday does show, or even prove the Media lie a lot, but it will not change much in the minds of people who love the MSM.

  16. Canadian Friend says:

    E M Smith

    to your governor nuisance comment I say

    Amen !

  17. Canadian Friend says:


    ” … The dimowits will want someone who will break any classical US cultural tradition, moral norm, ethical guideline, break any precedent, and even break any law …”

    To join criminals gangs like MS 13, you have to prove you will break the law at the drop of a hat.

    Democrats have a similar way of evaluating people, although it is not murder or robbing banks or raping young teen girls, the more you prove you are willing to rig the system, to cheat, to lie, the more the democrats welcome you with open arms or promote you if you are already a member.

    Same thing in the Main Stream Media, the less you care about lying or saying absurd yet shocking things ( like Jake Tapper saying Trump is exactly the same as Hitler ) to help demcorats, the more they ll pay you, the more they ll promote you

    Normal people keep at a distance dishonest evil people, democrats CRAVE them !

    I know you all know that, I am just venting ! ;-)

  18. The True Nolan says:

    @Canadian Friend: “Years ago I began calling that the battered wife syndrome”

    Yep, good name. And for the Republicans I call it the “Charley Brown syndrome”. For those who never read the old comic strip there was a running gag where Charley Brown would try to kick a football being held by his nemesis Lucy, who ALWAYS promised that “I’ll hold it still for you thins time, Charley Brown!” only to snatch it away at the last moment.

    I watched a small bit of the debate, but the only thing that surprised me was that is was more fair than I expected. Not 100% fair, but better than I thought it would be.

    I understand that Democrat leaders will be meeting with Biden to advise him to withdraw.
    Joe: “I’m a little boy! I am! I’m a REAL little boy!
    Obama: “No, Joe, you’re NOT a little boy. You’re made of wood. You’re a puppet and it is time to put you back in your box.”

  19. Canadian Friend says:

    ” … Trump did not impress …”

    The problem is that things that would impress republicans or those on the fence not sure who to vote for, are often the exact same things that would make liberals recoil in horror.

    Deporting millions of illegals… to give one example out of many…

    thus Trump has to be carefull and has to hold back , and present a ” diluted” or ” watered down” message

  20. Canadian Friend says:

    The True Nolan,

    that is a good name for Republicans

    they are too trusting, they get fooled by democrats every time, yet they keep going back, like Charlie brown and the football always removed at the last second.

  21. jim2 says:

    The lefty media act like they just figured out Joe’s head is empty. They have known it all along and were quite happy with it as long as President Puppet let other dimowits, such as Obama, run things. But now dimowits have to get reelected and Obama can’t stand in for Biden. If it weren’t for lies, lefty’s wouldn’t have anything to say at all.

  22. jim2 says:

    @gareth – I’ve seen Blacks refer themselves a Black. I really don’t see how referring to a Black as Black is racist. It is “realist”. I’m not offended someone refers to me as a White. That said, I’m sure there are some Black people who are offended at being referred to as Black. You really can’t please everyone.

    I would like to hear what others think, especially if you happen to be Black.

  23. Canadian Friend says:

    “Blacks” is only “racist” when a republican says it

    Democrats and blacks can use any word they want, they are never accused of racism.

    By the way I am white, in fact very pale, I have blue eyes and blond hair, some say I look German…I guess I must be a racist ! lol!

  24. The True Nolan says:

    It looks like the question everyone is asking now is “Who will replace Biden (and Harris)?”

    Place your bets! Place your bets!

    Me? I am thinking Newsom for Prez, and Hillary for VP — but Hillary will run things while Newsom is the front man.

  25. E.M.Smith says:

    Per “Black”: The Dems will simply say that ANY term which identifies a person of African ancestry (as different from an albino Swede) is “racist”. Especially so if it comes from the mouth of anyone NOT on their approve list.

    I’ve been “In a bar with a friend” who was a Black Guy. (He gave me his ~$700 40 years ago “Kilimanjaro” motorcycle riding suit as he was leaving the States. Not a small thing, if you know riding culture… I still have it. We rode together… ) These “tough guys” came in to the bar wearing brown leathers and looking cool… He called them “Niggers” and alerted on them. Not sure what he saw that I missed, but he was on alert. So I went on alert following his lead. I’m “not allowed” to use the “N-Word” but he was fine with it as applied to these 2 “players”. That was the moment I stopped caring about words for a race. I realized it was just Crap Talk to demonize some folks and I wasn’t going to play anymore. My Black Buddy was just a Black Man, and I was just a White Guy, and that was FINE with both of us. So I “let it go”.

    BTW, we left that bar a little while later and found somewhere else (away from the “niggers” that made him nervous) to have a drink or two. I still miss him to this day. But he and his Philipina Wife moved back to the property they owned in the Philippines to retire. No idea how to find him now…

    We worked together at this silicon valley tech site that was bought by another company. One of the “fun bits” we did was to wire the patch panel / network room with the colors of the African Flag. Hey, you need to use some colors anyway, so why not have fun with it? I think it was “my idea”, but who knows, we just came up with ideas together a lot of the time. But it was kind of “way cool” to open the networking “closet” and see Red, yellow (gold), Black and Green blocks. We didn’t have any white much but that’s a minor color in the flag. It was fun watching the I.T. Director of the company who “bought us” see the wiring… he was a (my guess) 1/2 black guy and got a kick out of it ;-) It took him a while to “accept me” and realize that Tellas and me were buddies and that I didn’t have any “baggage” about race.

    Oh Well… as you might guess, I really “miss that guy”… But I have no idea how to find “some guy” in a country 1/2 a world away who might not even still be alive at this point… Some 35 years after we worked together… FWIW: He was the Microsoft Guy and I was the Linux/Unix and network guy. Together we ran the I.T. shop. A great example of the Law Of Mutual Superiority. We could both do some of “what the other guy did” but recognized that we were both superior in our focus skills.

    I don’t know how you can come to love someone like a brother in a couple of years working together, but I did. Oh Well. 35+ years gone now. And 1/2 a world away as he was moving to the wife’s home turf then… yet I still miss my Black Buddy.

  26. E.M.Smith says:

    FWIW: I think I have a bit of clue about my tepid reaction to Biden vs the larger Media reaction of “OMG!”: I think they had just not kept up with his deterioration over time. I’d seen that he was a Geriatric Decay Case, and this was “news to them”.. So I was “Yeah, that’s Dementia Joe” no big change… and the MSM just realized it…

  27. jim2 says:

    EMS – It’s hard to see how the lefty media missed Puddin’ Head’s deteriorated mental condition. They are among the few that can get close up to the President and even ask questions or talk with him. They had to see it with their own eyes. They tried to tell us that (at least some) the clips of the President freezing up, falling, and stumbling were fakes. They have known this entire time he wasn’t all there, but continually lied to us about it. I think you are letting them off too easy.

  28. E.M.Smith says:

    There’s another interpretation that I’ve pondered. That the “handlers” and the up-close media folks DID see it and acted to cover it up in the Public Space… but knew it wasn’t going to work any longer. So “word went out” that they needed a different Public Face and Biden had to go. Thus let him do the debate. Let everyone see his status. Then roll out the “OMG!” stories from everyone (even those media who are “on side” like CNN, Bloomberg, Washington Post (Bezos), etc.)

    I feel like that is the better explanation, but I don’t have any evidence for it. So, absent evidence or facts, I had to go with the idea of “maybe a few knew, but this was everyone going OMG!” and “discovering” it…

    I do find it suspicious that so many On The Left and In The Media all came to the same conclusion at the end of the debate AND were able to run stories about it more or less in sync. It just smells of coordination. But I have no evidence.

  29. josh from sedona says:

    per the friend you lost touch with….

    i hate to say it and you’ll hate to hear it, but facebook would be a good option.

    i actually had a fb friend in the Philippians that i made on fb, we would video chat, so pretty sure he was legit. if you posted in a local group abot your friend you might get some hits even if he isn’t on facebook, the whole six degrees thing……

  30. cdquarles says:

    Remember the Journolist? Even though exposure of that ended them using that specific message board, it does seem like a “talking points” memo does go out, whether officially or not.

  31. Canadian Friend says:


    I also think the media people knew that Biden was barely functional but were lying about it.

    Just as they know – to give two examples out of dozens – that Trump years ago when he said ” they are animals” was not talking about all Mexicans but the ones that are criminals who rape and murder
    …and they knew that at Charlottesville Trump was not talking about the violent people when he said they are good people.
    But to support their lies they use edited videos that only show the 5 seconds that can be used out of context.

    They know because they have access to the entire videos or they had journalists on site when it happened, they know but they lie to demonize the right and convince the masses they should hate conservatives.

    the rest of the time they lie to either hide what is wrong with the left or to “embellish” the left.

    my opinion of the media is lower everyday

    I think it should be illegal for the media to lie that much, or lie at all for that matter.

    If on a can of Pepsi or Coke it said ” contains twice the proteins of one pound of steak” the government would force them to change that.

    Why is it illegal to lie about the ingredients in a food product but the media can lie all day long ?

    it makes no sense.

  32. cdquarles says:

    It does make sense, sadly, in a way. The people pushing this have power and want to keep the power they have and get more power.

  33. another ian says:

    FWIW – Replacement theory complications –

    “Uh Oh… More Bad News for Democrats: Biden Cannot be Replaced on Ballot in Three Swing States, Except for Death or 25th Amendment”

  34. Canadian Friend says:

    Biden cannot be replaced in 3 states

    well……… Democrats are known to ignore rules and laws so……………….they will come up with some way to do it anyway

  35. another ian says:

    More on that –

    “Tucker Carlson Gives His Opinion on Joe Biden’s “Dementia” Debate Performance
    June 29, 2024 | Sundance | 8 Comments”

    See “replacement qualifications” at the end

  36. Keith says:

    Will any of this benefit an Independent Kennedy?

  37. The True Nolan says:

    @another ian: From the Tucker link — “Democrats don’t need a candidate who can beat Donald Trump; they need a candidate who can give plausibility to ballot counting results that say Trump lost. The issue for Biden is that he makes the fraud too easy to see. Democrats don’t need a candidate who can win votes, the Democrats need a candidate who makes fraudulent results seem plausible.”

    Yes. They need a majority. They just need plausibility. Maybe not even that. They may only need enough confusion that conservatives fail to act.

  38. H.R. says:

    another ian posted this quote:

    ““Uh Oh… More Bad News for Democrats: Biden Cannot be Replaced on Ballot in Three Swing States, Except for Death or 25th Amendment”.

    (Is it too early?) Joe Biden didn’t kill himself.

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