Some Music While The World (And Paris) Burns:

Here’s some Holiday Cheer as The World (or at least Paris) Burns:

You can call me Al:

Video Killed The Radio Star:

Piano Man:

Land Of Confusion:

Walk On The Wild Side:

We’re not gonna take it:

Riders On The Storm:


One Night In Bangkok:

River Of Dreams:

Destination Unknown:

And so we go Into The Future!

Weird Al “The Saga Begins”

Ode,Joy,Sabadell… Flashmob:

Teach your children to love music, to appreciate what history can teach, to know mathematics, and that all Politicians Lie any time their mouth is moving… And that the only thing we have in this life is a moment of joy from time to time. Press on through the confusion and the down times, find the joy in the moment of now.

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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11 Responses to Some Music While The World (And Paris) Burns:

  1. u.k.(us) says:

    Promises ?

  2. u.k.(us) says:

    I will now exercise my self control, but only after posting this:

  3. Larry Ledwick says:

    Long cool woman in a black dress

    CCR Green River

    Shoot to Thrill AC/DC ironman

    Flash from the past Wooly Bully
    (anyone remember the live dance shows like American Bandstand)

    The Zombies Time of the Season

  4. u.k.(us) says:

    OK, we up the ante.

  5. gallopingcamel says:

    My idea of “Music” is J.S.Bach in any form…….play it straight with the original instruments……MJQ, Jaques Loussier or whatever.

    Even so I love the compilations you feature with prancing women violinists and all kinds of image that enhance the audio experience.

  6. llanfar says:

    @gallopingcamel my favorite Bach piece. It was played as the recessional to our wedding…

  7. Larry Ledwick says:

    The technology of those massive cathedral organs just fascinate me, not to mention the dexterity required to play them at that level.

    The world will be a poorer place when those cathedrals are torn down to be replace by Mosques.

  8. H.R. says:

    @gallopingcamel: My earliest memories of music are of Bach, Mozart, and Hayden, with a few Beethoven symphonies thrown in. Those were the 78s available around our house.

    I grew up in a church that allowed only A Capella singing. Wonderful training for the voice and ear and many of the hymns were from, or had their roots in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. I learned a lot about harmony and improvisation in church. (Weird, though. Almost all of us kids from church played an instrument at home and school. Just no instrumental music in church.)

    I was picky about my rock music listening habits. I liked the Beatles because they moved rock forward and away from the 3-chord and a beat music of early rock. I was fond of Elvis not so much for great songs but that man had an amazing voice. Janis Joplin had quite the unique voice, too. For several years after her death, new female vocalists would come along and be touted as the “new Janis.” None of them panned out, though some had success with their own voices.

    Anyhow, if I had to pick a half dozen albums that would be the only ones I could listen to for the rest of my life, I’m with you; they would all be from the Baroque period and at least half of them would be Bach… well, maybe a Beethoven album might slip in. I’d have to think about that 😜

  9. Steve C says:

    There’s really only one piece of music for an Auld Wagnerian like me to listen to as the world burns: the last act of Götterdämmerung, in which, er, the world burns – or at least, the Gods’ bit of it (Valhalla) does. Admittedly, you do need 16 or 17 hours’ notice of the world being about to burn, or you won’t have time for the “prequel” 3 operas and two acts … The Ring is an awe-inspiring piece of work: I’ve been listening to it for nearly half a century now, I’m still hearing nuances I’d missed before, and it still leaves me trembling every time I listen to it.

    Having said which, and as it’s Christmas, I also go along with G.C. and H.R. in loving Bach and the Baroque. At this time of year, J.S.B. really hits the spot, and his music can be heard sometime on most Advent days wherever I am. (Currently, his motet BVW225 ‘Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied’.)

  10. beththeserf says:

    “Music while Paris (Rome ) burns, E.M. apt as evah. Escape from Brexit, Deep State fifth column betrayal, et (Big) Al fake science modelling…

    Music! Deep bird song! Oh my! Oh Ray! Iconic, like Elvis ( 3 octaves) Biology meets romance, irresistible conjunction. :)

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