SHTF Moment Starting In Canada? Illegal Order & C$ 1/2 Billion Vexxine Damages

There’s a lot to unpack in this video; and I can only hint at it. Partially because it involves Canadian Constitutional Law. But I can point at some spots and say Hmmm…

It is 56 minutes long and covers a fair amount of turf. Here’s their description of it:

141,518 views Jul 5, 2023 The Hard To Kill Podcast
This is Hiroshima level explosive news. Did PM Trudeau order the military to impose a mandate in 2021? If so, that would imply that he is usurping the power that is only vested in the sovereign of Canada and that would be King Charles II. And if the Canadian Chief of Defence Staff took that order without telling him to stuff it, that would mean that there is a full blown coup against the Crown and we’re no longer a constitutional monarchy.


This is just one piece of a massive scandal that is being unfolded in front of our eyes in Canada. I spoke with Valour Law barrister, Catherine Christensen about here $500M mass tort lawsuit, representing 329 CAF members that were wrongfully dismissed for not having taking the jab.

There’s a LOT to take in this conversation and my head is still spinning. Implications of torture, psychological warfare, massive political corruption and straight up evil is exposed in this must watch episode.

The lede is that a lawyer specializing in military law has dropped a C$ 500 Million law suit on the Canadian Military. I think the basis of it is an “Illegal Order” to get the jab in violation of Canadian constitutional rights; plus details on denial of exemptions. One “kicker”: there is a Catholic Priest who was told his religious convictions were not deeply enough held to qualify for a religious exemption! Talk about your Clown World. 329 military members wronged and dismissed.

Scattered through the presentation are some marvelous quotes, especially some from the Gulag Archipelago. Those quotes are highly reflective of what things look like now, to me. Both in Canada and the USA (and to some extent in the UK & EU). One of them, in particular, references folks being smug in themselves for being “progressive”… so looks like it has been the “progressives” screwing up countries for a very long time.

The first 10 to 12 minutes are introduction and context (that it is a “Mass Tort” not a class action, so only the 329 plaintiffs can be paid, but opens the door for others to sue to.) Then it gets into the amusing “accommodations” denial stories.

At about 16 minutes, we get a discussion of the “Just Following Orders” issues. As folks from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom chose to break the law rather than stand against an illegal order. Up to and including functional torture duty for “deniers”. Then it turns out that a lot of the officers who said they would not enforce an illegal mandate (22 minutes) were suddenly faced with “sexual harassment” charges… Hmmm, Cancel Culture Writ Large? Or is that Lawfare? Or just blackmail?

24 min, Alexander Solzhenitsyn

“And he who is not sufficiently courageous to defend his soul – don’t let him be proud of his ‘progressive’ views, and don’t let him boast that he is an academician or a people’s artist, a distinguished figure of a general. Let him say to himself: I am a part of a herd and a coward. It’s all the same to me as long as I’m fed and kept warm.”

Another revelation (26:32) is that the Canadian Prime Minister can not order the military to do things. They report to, and take orders from, the King or the Governor General. So the PM saying “I ordered the shoot down of the Balloon” is a violation of law… So if J.Turdough “gave a vexxine order” to the Canadian Military… that’s an illegal order and violation of his oath of office. Seems that the King can turn the military on the Parliament, if necessary, so the PM is not in the chain of command.

At about 37 minutes, the fact that illegal orders were issued, folks knew they were illegal, and now everyone is demoralized and have no trust in the chain of command. Gee, that sounds really familiar. I’ve got zero trust in MY Federal Government, at any level, now. All of the TLAs are now seen as evil. (Realize I sent my resume to them after the 9/11 thing and thought the FBI was full of honorable folks. Note: that is a “was”…) Lots of folks have gone through this “Brittle Failure” mode where all trust is now broken. Shattered like a bent glass rod.

At 38:10 Catherine Christensen says Canada is at 40% of the recruits they ought to have (and the USA is having similar recruitment issues). They then discuss that perhaps they need to just start over with a new military. Dave Morrow speculates that perhaps it is an intentional breakage. That would fit with the Euro-GEBs desires to break Nations and make them serfs.

Then there’s the question of how well Canada can fulfill NATO expectations (and the answer is “not very well”). Then they suggest that perhaps Canada ought to withdraw from NATO until they have an effective military that can do their job. So “good luck” with that whole NATO vs Russia thing if NATO is not only out of ammo but at half strength on the military and those still in are sick from Jabs, and having hormone therapy…

At about 50 minutes, there’s interesting praise for the Canadian Truckers. The interesting bit there is that it just might have caused a great deal of “Pucker Factor” among the GEBs pushing this crap at us, since despite all they did to destroy those folks, what it did was create a strong sense of solidarity (and that against the GEBs).

It sure looks to me a lot like a whole lot of folks are ready for Push Back against the GEBs and their puppets running governments and trying to be our rulers… It is certain that a whole lot of folks are now paying attention to the fraud.

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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1 Response to SHTF Moment Starting In Canada? Illegal Order & C$ 1/2 Billion Vexxine Damages

  1. YMMV says:

    “Another revelation (26:32) is that the Canadian Prime Minister can not order the military to do things. They report to, and take orders from, the King or the Governor General.”

    That is interesting. They seem to believe it. Not me. The Queen made a big deal about being above politics. The King was an activist, so we’ll see if that tradition continues. The Governor General? “Appointed by The King on the advice of the prime minister,” usually because they are famous or something. She is sort of like Biden’s Karine Jean-Pierre, in a way.

    True, she is commander-in-chief, officially, as in figurehead, but I doubt it in practice.

    Under the Westminster system’s parliamentary customs and practices, however, the monarch and viceroy must generally follow the advice of his or her ministers in Cabinet, including the prime minister and minister of national defence, who are accountable to the elected House of Commons.

    Trudeau is an egotistic dictator who always gets away with everything, numerous scandals. So don’t get your hopes up.

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