Australian News Presenter Says The Truth About Our Cultural & Political Mess

Clearly angling for the “Tucker Carlson Truth In Journalism” award…

This Australian news presenter, who I’ve seen before but can not name, breaks out of his usual “just following orders” role and speaks the naked truth. What a mess the collective “west” is in. How “conservative politicians” let it happen (and sometimes helped it along). Pretty much covers the whole process; and effectively. The only bit I can see that was “left out” was the “behind the scenes” actors pushing for it.

But that’s a bit understandable as the actors pushing for this reorganization of society in the west are actively trying to hide. (Though some, like Klaus Schwab, have not caught on that their “private club meetings” are not private when filmed and put on the internet…)

Well worth the watch as a summary of what’s wrong in “the west” (that is largely the Anglosphere and EU). Only missing “who is pushing all these countries simultaneously in THE SAME DIRECTION of failure.” We didn’t all wake up one morning and decide to run off the same multi-culty-progressive cliff together. We wuz pushed.

There’s a fairly large group of powerful folks, largely processed through the same few “educational” institutions, all chummy with each other (and certain that we “rabble” need them to “fix” us…) and rolling in money (sometimes rolling in other people’s money) on a crusade to make the world a safer place for their greed, avarice, and self ego stroking.

They meet in several different places and if one is caught out, it can melt away and be replaced by another. See Larry Fink shying away from ESG (as a name, but not as a process…) The Extra Stupid Goals or “Environmental Social Governance”. When the real truth is that it is a political Greens driven Progressive Agenda being pushed on companies.

It is unclear to me if “they” have co-opted the Three & Four Letter Agencies of the world (collectively TLAs) or if the TLAs created the other forums and agenda. But the TLAs are certainly in the mix. And the political class knows this. What was it Little Chucky Schumer said? ~”They can come at you 6 ways from Sunday”? Something like that.

Then look at the Massive Hit Job being done to Trump. Love him or hate him, doesn’t matter: This is a profound perversion of the notions of Law and Justice. He is being publicly attacked by the Legal System (not much to do with law or justice in it any more), the press / media (or ought I say the “Progressive Propaganda Machine”), and the political mob for the “crime” of representing functional conservative values and trying to slow, stop, or maybe even reverse some of the most self destructive and stupid Progressive Policies (like Cancel Culture and Open Borders and so called “Modern Monetary Theory” that is really just “Bugger the currency by printing and spending all you want”).

These are not random acts rising from a left leaning population. These are fundamentally created acts driven by a ruling cabal (even if hidden from view most of the time) of the very rich and politically powerful. They need to be fully exposed. And that takes full freedom of speech (which, IMHO, is why free speech is under attack to a degree I’ve never seen before).

This is made clear when the 60% to 80% who lean more traditional / conservative finally get P.O.’d enough to act. See Disney going down in “Get Woke Go Broke” flames along with Budweiser and more… while Goya has just expanded greatly after the Leftist attempt at Cancel Culture on their Hispanic chief officer for supporting Trump in public. It is made visible then that The Public is not in favor of the Progressive Crap. Now also showing up in Europe as one country after another starts turning to the conservative side in the face of Progressive Overreach. Note, too, than anyone to the traditional / conservative side of Far Far Left Progressive is called “Far Right” or worse in the media. There’s a clue right there.

The simple fact is that we, globally, are in a Culture War with a hidden cabal of Globalists. They have a specific agenda. It is to destroy any traditional conservative or “nationalist” values and replace them with a Global Governance that lets them control the world via a government that is beyond the reach of We The People. Like your language? Your people? Your Religion? Your historical culture? Or even your Nation? Can’t have that…

There’s also the “green” angle. I don’t know if they actually believe this distorted view of reality, or if they are just using it as yet another tool of control. But it is the old ’70s & ’80s view of “Mankind as evil despoiler” along with the Overpopulation Scare and Technology Bad (especially any tech that frees The People from their Globalist Yoke or prevents it from being tightened.)

So to reduce the “population bomb”, encourage sexual perversions that do not lead to children, endorse the removal of genitals from children of The Rabble (but not their own…), force dozens (hundreds?) of “inoculations” on babies and don’t look at the hints of damage being done to them, make the official Food Pyramid conducive to fat sick people who have no energy and demonize the meat needed for a truly keto driven lean and mean soldier.

Something similar is in play with the “Global Warming” fraud. Cook the temperature books even as the planet is no different from when I was a kid a lifetime ago. Use this fraudulent data to claim an existential crisis (and remember to “never let a crisis go to waste” even if you have to make one…) so you can destroy the effective energy infrastructure of The West and with that their leadership in industry. (It is no accident that as coal in the west declines, it rises in China, and the jobs and industry move with the coal).

Following that, true freedom of movement depends on oil, and not metered, tracked, controlled and increasingly expensive and unavailable electricity. Think it is an “oversight” to advocate for eliminating oil while moving all that transportation to the Electric Grid (needing to double generation and distribution) at the same time that you blow up the coal generation, eliminate any oil or natural gas based generation, and condemn coal power plants? No, not an oversight at all. It is a goal. You can all have nice shiny new eCars, just not be able to charge them, or able to afford to charge them. You can have the appearance of freedom of movement and “privacy”, just not the fact of it. (Every Tesla has cameras all around it recording and sending location data to Tesla…)

We are in a Globalists vs Liberty war, but only one side is actively fighting it. The bulk of The People are only now starting to catch a clue that things are not as they seem in the media…

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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10 Responses to Australian News Presenter Says The Truth About Our Cultural & Political Mess

  1. beng135 says:

    From the video, it’s obvious Australian “conservatives” are the same as European “conservatives”. They are actually liberals under any American definition, just softer ones than the hard-core Marxists. Still, true conservatives (not Rhinos) in America haven’t been strong/brave enough to do much of anything to stop the rush toward the cliff.

  2. Simon Derricutt says:

    I’m in contact as well with some pretty bright people on LinkedIn, and it’s surprising how many swallow the AGW/CO2-is-existential-threat etc. line. Almost everyone seems to be trying to reduce the CO2 they produce (apart from holding their breath, of course) and even Formula 1 racing is putting a load of money into that. Of course, far more fuel is used in getting the spectators there than the race uses, but Oh Well….

    Thus you may not need to specify some cabal driving this. Once enough people have the belief, it’s self-sustaining and amplifies itself. Sure, the TLAs will be pushing it, but that’s because the people there believe it’s right and can’t see the data that shows they are wrong.

    Much the same as The Rapture where a load of people were out in the streets for the first time,then “sorry, got the calculations wrong”, and were waiting for the second date, but AFAIK stopped believing mostly after that. Ends of the World, and how to avoid it, tend to grab peoples’ attention and bypass any logic.

    A fundamental belief is just very hard to shift using logic. That may be part of the problem that Westerners have with Islamic people. There’s a fundamental worldview that is not compatible and each cannot understand the other’s point of view. I also get the same sort of thing when attacking some fundamentals of physics where people I’m talking to think there are laws that can’t be broken, but I’m looking at the reasons for those laws normally applying but not in all circumstances. Of course I’m more interested in the loopholes that allow us to do “impossible” stuff if we design stuff right.

    I always thought my politics was a bit left of centre, since some socialist policies that stop people becoming destitute from problems they didn’t cause and means they can again become productive members of society is actually good for all. These days, seems I’m right to far-right.

    Still, having been paid a pension for quite a while now, and I seem to have a lot more work to do and wonder how I fitted it all in when I was employed, some sort of UBI (universal basic income) should actually work out OK. Should mean fewer cock-ups if the people who don’t enjoy the job aren’t doing it, but can go off and play with what they want, or fiddle with their disks (yep, spelling, and I’ve nicked that one). Robots should be able to do the manual labour, after all. May be a problem if they want emancipation, though.

  3. Canadian Friend says:

    French is my first language, not English, so I may not be able to say this as well as I wish I could,

    The left in the last 50 years or so as spread its tentacles, it now controls almost every institution, education, news, entertainment, social media, FBI, CIA, United Nations etc etc etc

    Liberals and conservatives are not equal opponents. One side has obviously 5, 10 or 20 times more power.

    The left is like a giant, leftism is a sort of hegemony, they have power over the right.

    These may not be the best examples but

    —when Trump was president, many of his executive orders were rapidly and easily blocked by judges no one had ever heard of before…compare this to how powerless republicans are to stop any of the crazy and dangerous things the Biden administration is doing such as leaving the border wide open, sending bulldozers to remove barbewires to make sure illegals can invade and doing that at a time when Hamas openly say they will send terrorists to the USA…How come Democrats can stop a republican President as easily as I can turn off a light switch, but Republicans are powerless???

    — BLM and Antifa in the summer of 2020 burned down police stations, tried to burn down a federal court building – while people were inside – , took control of part of a city, murdered I think it was a total of about 20 people, and caused damage to businesses in many cities to a total of over 2 Billion dollars… …Yet not only did those terrorists ( BLM and Antifa are terrorists , anyone who says they are not is delusional or a liar ) receive the support of many democrat politicians ( they called Antifa only an an idea while buildings were burning ) , not only did they get slap on the wrist sentences, but in at least 3 cases a judge forced either cities or police to pay Millions of Dollars to those BLM and Antifa Terrorist because their feathers were ruffled while they were trying to burn down another city… …compare that to conservative Trump supporters who are in prison for 10, 15, or 20 years for nothing more having walked into a building that was opened from the inside by the security or police.

    I could go on with easily 20 or 50 other examples, that clearly show the left is a sort of hegemony that has powers much bigger than the right.

    So what is my point ?

    Conservatives are scared.

    ..they see how easy it is for the left to throw in prison anyone they want from january 6 peaceful people to ex-President Trump ( who is not there yet but may end up in prison )… … the left controls the DOJ, the FBI and the MSM…each one of their bogus charges against conservatives is embellished and pushed in the MSM as totally justified, every despicable thing the left does is spun into something good or justified by the MSM…

    Yes some conservative politicians are actually fake conservatives, but the good ones, I think most of them are scared because they know the left has 5, 10, or 20 times more power and can destroy their reputation, their carreer or throw them in prison as easily as you can order a coffee at Dunkin Donuts.

    The good conservatives know that the FBI may break their door at 4 am and take them away in handcuffs while CNN videotapes the whole thing, then the DOJ will twist rules and laws to find those innocent conservatives guilty of something, anything.

    In Canada the government illegally froze the bank accounts of Freedom truckers ( a conservative leaning group of people ) and even some accounts of people who simply donated to those truckers…I have never heard of the government doing that to one of their favorite groups such as BLM, Antifa or those angry feminists who illegally protested at the house of Supreme court judges.

    It is scary for right leaning people, very scary, their opponent, the left, have gigantic powers and are above the law 9 times out of 10,

    I do not blame conservatives for being very careful, for not going too close to the gigantic dragon as conservatives are armed with butter knives to fight that dragon.

    Beating a dead horse here but had Trump let in 3 Million Russians trough an open border he would have been hanged for treason or jailed for life…. …but Mayorkas and Biden have let in over 3 Million illegals and have admitted that 600,000 of them they do not know where they are or who they are !!!!!!!!!

    one side is ultra powerful and above the law ( and they will not arrest themselves for their crimes ), the other side has butter knives to fight a giant powerful dragon.

  4. beng135 says:

    Simon, many bible scholars I’ve read recently say the “Rapture” is misread/mis interpreted and really means the sinners are taken away, and the righteous left to minister the world.

  5. Simon Derricutt says:

    beng135 – you mean that the righteous don’t get to go to Heaven whilst still alive and enjoy singing with the angels? Instead, they’d need to carry on working to get their food and shelter sorted with far fewer people around to support a civilisation, and would thus drop to subsistence level? Doesn’t look a good option to me…. Still, it doesn’t have to be logical for people to believe it, and it also points out that any book isn’t automatically interpreted the same by different people. Language meanings shift over time and place, and most definitions are circular except for the things you can actually point at to say, for example, “that’s what a tree is”. Even then, it might be a large bush.

    Then again, some people chose their burial plots close to the wall so they had a head-start on the others emerging. One man had his wife buried head-down so it would take her longer to reach the surface.

  6. The True Nolan says:

    @Simon Derricutt: And then there are couples who reach beyond their graves to stay together.

  7. cdquarles says:

    Reminder: Socialism is the politics of jealousy and envy. My rights end where yours begin, so work best with rules that are mutually beneficial and mutually agreed upon. You don’t need socialism to minimize destitution. You just need a society with the proper moral structure. That is what the West, and that means its current PTB, want to and have destroyed.

  8. Graeme No.3 says:

    Cory Bernadi, former Senator.
    Was in the Liberal Party but left and founded the Australian Conservative but they had little success. These days they might have much more.
    He runs a daily on-line news comments which I get.

  9. Zeke says:

    Loved it. I feel precisely the same way Cory Bernardi does about the conservative thought leaders we are given from on high.

    John Anderson has some very nice guests and I like him personally. He has his limitations–for example he interviewed remainers on his show and never once, ever, spoke with Nigel Farage, back in 2016.

    Tony Abbott is a lovely chap, very inspiring and often giving a near perfect analysis of things like good bilateral trade deals between English speaking countries, but I just try to keep in mind he is owned by his party, no matter what he says. Guilty pleasures, all.

  10. Zeke says:

    Here he is 14 years ago–

    Say NO to an ETS – Cory Bernardi
    This is a short video explaining the implications that an emissions trading scheme will have on Australia.
    dur 7:53

    What were the other speakers doing around that time?

    I know a couple of years ago John Anderson interviewed John Howard and they noted in passing that he, a conservative of the Liberal party, had been the one to disarm Australians citizens.

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