Civilian Guns In Russia, Who Knew?

Well this is surprising…

An American Ex Pat in Russia explores Russian Gun Culture…

Surprisingly (at least to me) not that much different from USA Gun Culture..

I find their licensing rules a bit of a bother, but yet, reasonable. Own a shotgun for a while, then move up to rifles for a while, then a few year later get a handgun license…. BUT as a high performance precocious American, the idea of waiting for YEARS to get a rifle or hand gun sounds a bit oppressive. OTOH, compared to the “No Guns Ever For Anyone” ideal of the Dimocrats… it sounds quite fine to me. In comparison.

I find myself being ever more in agreement with Russians on general principles….

But, in general, I prefer the USA Attitude. You are an adult? You can buy, own, and carry any gun you like. At least, that was the idea at the creation of our union. Now? Well, it is under attack…

And now I do wonder how long before Russian gun laws are more “lenient” than our “constitutional guarantee”…

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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