Lords Of Chaos In The Empire Of Lies

Just sharing the result of some pondering.

The Lies

I was having a bit of a retrospective on our society, actions of The West, how The Powers That Be, the Globalist Evil Bastards, our Governmental Rulers (as we have a “Rules based order” per them, we do not have “representatives”, but Rulers implementing the “rules”…) and how the High Political Mucky Mucks in the news have managed the world.

First off, I realized that just about everything we get is based on lies. I think it was Putin who coined the phrase “Empire Of Lies”. I did not hear him use it, nor saw it in print, but heard it ascribed to him by a western YouTube video. But his, or not, I think it applies.

Not just lies about “Ukraine Winning” or “Putin did all the evil in the world” nor even “Trump did it!”, or even the lies of Minsk 1 and Minsk 2 agreements that were a fraud; but also all the lies about Covid, The Jab, the border with Mexico, selling the Strategic oil Reserve (and the Strategic Helium Reserve), and so much more. National Inflation statistics buggered to lies. FDA “Food Pyramid” designed to make you fat and unhealthy while enriching the Processed Food Industry. Mandating medical treatments that enrich Big Pharma while not making you healthy. The Big Lie of “Global Warming” to take your car, meat and fuel.

Simply put, The West collectively, largely the USA, EU, UK, Canada and Australia; they all are managed and run via lies. That’s pretty clear. The only unclear bit is just where, if at all, there are agencies without lies. Is anything said by the Political Class NOT a lie?

The Chaos

How about those Color Revolutions, eh? The long slow march around the world over decades overthrowing elected governments. The destruction of whole industries. Coal. Oil. Cars. Banking Crisis. Money destruction. Ending trust in the Medical Establishment. Now trying to destroy farming and farmers. Trashing cities, the once beautiful “Baghdad By The Bay” great night life city of San Francisco turned into an open outhouse of filth and poverty. Shopping driven out, whole shopping districts empty and closed (due to organized theft gangs that do not get prosecuted, or even slowed down). Flooding nations with hoards of Illegal Aliens here just to take what they can (and break or kill what they can’t, from time to time).

That is chaos. And these rulers of ours, these who lord over us, are the Lords Of Chaos.

So welcome to the Empire of Lies run by the Lords of Chaos.

I just hope my little corner of Florida, that still has the old Standard American Values, can keep the Chaos out a few more years… because what is happening globally is not going to hold up.

The UK is at best stagnant as the Political Class works to thwart the will of the people to be fully out of the EU and the EU Drama. The EU is busy de-industrializing and searching for economic collapse, all while looking for genetic & cultural replacement via not having their own kids but importing a load of foreigners (who largely want to tear down European Values, History, and cultures). The USA is busy selling out to China while borrowing all the money it can to create wars around the world and a “Color Revolution” right here at home, too. Congress and The White House are busy ripping off and selling off everything they can.

So how long can that continue without a full on collapse? Hopefully longer than I can… but I think it won’t.

I’ve listened to many bits of Putin’s State Of The Nation speeches. I’ve never seen him lie to his people or the Duma. His histories match known historical facts. He does not bluff, and when a warning is ignored, does exactly what he said he would do if it were ignored. He has warned NATO that if they put troops in Ukraine or start to directly attack Russia, he’s willing to move to a nuclear conflict if that is what it takes to protect Russia and Russians. Our Rulers act like that is a bluff. It isn’t, but they want to push it. “They have no reverse gear”- The Duran. I just hope we do not end up in a Global Thermonuclear War because they believe their own lies and bullshit instead of listening to the clear statements of a Man Who Does Not Bluff.

The Lords Of Chaos ruling over their Empire Of Lies may yet kill us all.

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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20 Responses to Lords Of Chaos In The Empire Of Lies

  1. Keith Macdonald says:

    Mass psychosis – How an entire population becomes mentally ill

  2. Canadian Friend says:

    on a somewhat lighter note,

  3. Canadian Friend says:

    Speaking of almost everything being a lie,

    this morning as I was telling my girlfriend it would have been legal for Pence to not certify the election, she asked me where I read that.

    Could not remember so I gave Google a try,

    I got hundreds of results from different sources ( New York Times, Politico, AL Jazeera, Huff post, etc ) ALL saying the SAME; no Pence could not because it was not legal.

    But I am not crazy, I know I read it was legal.

    So I kept searching and searching and eventually found a 112 page paper, written by a team of law professors.

    They were leftists but honest, and by reading random parts of it, I quickly found 3 paragraphs where they address this and they say that although the law or rule is not clearly written yes it would have been legal.

    but that is not all.

    they explain that in 2022 Democrats tried to have that ruled CHANGED so that no one could ever refuse to certify an election.

    I vaguely remembered about that…so I googled it

    and found hundreds of different sources ( mostly the same sources as in my above search; New York Times, Politico, Al Jazeera, Huff Post …) all saying that democrats in 2022 wanted to change the rules so that no one could refuse to certify elections .

    the same sources that told me ( LIED) it is illegal to refuse to certify were telling me democrats wanted to make it illegal because it was legal.

    they lie so much that they don t even remember they said the exact opposite a month before or a minute before…or they don t even care…psychopaths don t really care do they ?

    if it had not been legal to refuse to certify an election then why would the media be cheering for democrats to make it illegal ???

    The Main Stream Media are in the business of lying, very little of what they say is true.

    and they always lie to help the party of lies; Democrats ( and in Canada ; liberals )

    Talking to someone who believes what the MSM say is like talking to someone who lost their mind.

    one last thing,

    last year the media was showing thick smoke coming from Quebec forest fires and landing in New York.

    It looked like the end of the world…on tv it did.

    But I live in the province of Quebec, I live 20 min from Montreal city, the US border is about 40 min south of me. As a matter of fact the state of New York is 40 min from my home.

    but during those weeks of forest fires it was blue skies an no smoke anywhere from forest fires.

    If I climb in my ladder to go on the roof of my house I can see Montreal very clearly and I saw no smoke, zero, none niet, zilch, squat.

    I don t know where they went to find thick smoke but on a clear day I can see probably as far as 30 miles and there was no smoke, in any direction, none at all.

    The media were lying about the thick smoke, it was not everywhere and it was not the end of the world.

  4. John Hultquist says:

    Canadian Friend, 

    Your comments about smoke interested me because of the 1950 fire called the Chinchaga fire. Find it on Wikipedia. Scroll down to Great Smoke Pall.

    I was in Western Pennsylvania and watched as this smoke turned the sky gray and the Sun deep red. Then all was black as night. We could not smell smoke and no one knew what was going on. Some thought the end of the World.

    If you search for maps of last year’s fires you can see the paths on various days. It moves around as the large air-currents shift.

    I was also in the path of the Mt. St. Helens ash. The boundary between blue sky and dark sky was stunning. I drove from blue to dark to get home and managed to do so before being totally engulfed. That was at 250 miles from the Mountain.

  5. Canadian Friend says:

    Not sure what your point is but I am not saying the Quebec forest fires did not happen.

    I am saying they were not as bad as the media wanted people to believe.

    Quebec shares a 500 miles border with the USA and the media made it sound and made it look like all of the 500 miles were covered in thick deadly end-of-the-word smoke.

    smoke so intense it was overwhelming New York.

    it was lies, a big pile of lies.

    the smoke was only a few miles wide. Only a tiny fraction of the 500 mile wide border.

    The other lie they kept repeating was that global warming caused such fires.

    That is a scientific impossibility.

    I repeat; a scientific impossibility.

    The sun rays alone, even in the hottest places on planet earth do not provide much more than 150 F and that is on dry black objects, like a piece of metal painted black.

    On trees and grass it reaches maybe 130 F

    and to set on fire grass, bushes, trees, dead wood you need well over 500 F

    Human hair starts burning at about 425 F

    paper starts burning at 450 F

    the hottest sun rays are at least 300 F too cold for that.

    gasoline requires 530 F

    Diesel requires 410 F

    Kerosene requires 410 F

    It is a scientific impossibility for the sun rays to set a forest on fire

    yet the media were telling us Quebec forest fires were because of global warming

    they were lying about that and lying about the amount of smoke

    I live in quebec 40 min from the New York border and there was neither smoke nor even the smell of smoke.

    It was blue skies as far as the eye can see.

  6. YMMV says:

    Dems: ”no Pence could not because it was not legal.”

    They admit that there is some rule that the VP certifies the election, so that means to them that the VP must rubber-stamp it, so there is another word which has lost its meaning. Actually, there was hardly anything that was certified in that election.

    CDA certifies mRNA drugs are safe!

    FAA certifies Boeing planes.

    Leftists certify ‘Lia’ Thomas is a woman.

    A whole bunch of people should be certified crazy.

  7. E.M.Smith says:

    @Canadian Friend:

    Trees tend to adjust their transpiration of water vapor to help maintain a leaf temperature around 86 F. Anything much over that (like 110 to 120 F depending on the plant) tends to kill plants (especially if the soil is driy) and depending on the particular plant. Clearly Cactus care less, and other plants have issues sooner.

    FWIW, I think their reasoning is that heat causes more drought that causes drier dead plants that catch fire more easily and burn more.

    The problem with that is that is that most of the Earth is oceans, so more heat would cause more evaporation and more rains, not less. The present “greening of the Earth” shows the claim of drier is bogus…

  8. another ian says:


    “”Nothing Will Make Sense To You Unless You Accept That The 2020 Election Was Stolen…” “


  9. Keith Macdonald says:

    @Canadian Friend

    All this talk of specific temperatures reminds me of this:

    In the years since its publication, Fahrenheit 451 has occasionally been banned, censored, or redacted in some schools at the behest of parents or teaching staff either unaware of or indifferent to the inherent irony in such censorship.


  10. Canadian Friend says:

    Speaking of erasing things,

    A couple years ago the Trudeau government deleted , erased temperature data from a few decades ago.

    I don t have a link right now, but it was something I saw at Smalldeadanimals, and it was definitely true, not a conspiracy theory.

    They actually erased temperature data. So that no one can compare to today and prove there is no warming…

    Which reminds me of something else just as dishonest,

    Here in Quebec there is only one provider of electricity, and it is owned by the government.

    on their site you used to be able to look at archives that showed how much electricity your house used 5, or 10 years ago.

    They stopped that last year and told us that data would be erased.

    So now you have no way of contesting a suspiciously high electricity bill.

    For example, last fall I replaced my 40 Gal water heater with a 7 gal…I live alone so 7 gal is enough.

    and since it only uses a little over 1000 watt I use a timer that turns it off at night,

    and so far we have had a warmer than usual winter.

    well guess what ?

    My electricity bill says this winter I am using MORE electricity !!!

    That is obviously impossible.

    but the archives are gone so how am I gonna contest that ?

    one of my friends who made zero changes to his house also received an electricity bill saying he used more electricity, he told me that did not make sense as nothing changed and we are having a warmer than usual winter which logically means using much less heating and heating is what uses the most electricity.

    But without archives we cannot contest the suspicious bills.

    It is like burning books, they burn archives to better control things.

  11. beng135 says:

    That’s the most glaring characteristics of the current fascist/oligolist world culture — the lies. All kinds of lies — outright/plainly-obvious lies, half-lies, lies by omission, and many other kinds that aren’t as obvious. Numbers seem to be the very first thing(s) that are targeted for the lies.

  12. Power Grab says:

    @ Canadian Friend re:

    “I don t know where they went to find thick smoke but on a clear day I can see probably as far as 30 miles and there was no smoke, in any direction, none at all.

    “The media were lying about the thick smoke, it was not everywhere and it was not the end of the world.”

    I figure, since the MSM’s stock in trade is pretending/acting, they are more likely than not to have dredged up some footage from some random forest fire and simply told their audience that is was in Quebec, and the smoke was blowing into New York. Who could tell the difference?

    I don’t think I made this comment anywhere online, but my personal opinion was that the smoke started up at pretty the same time in disparate places because there were underground tunnels that were being firebombed.

    Some of the comments I read about the smell of the smoke (and maybe even chemical analysis of it) made me think there might be a fleet of EVs in the underground tunnels that got set on fire, whether on purpose or not.

    Up until I saw footage of the beginning of the forest fire smoke taken at a high altitude, I had considered that EVs might be a good idea for transportation underground. But when the reports of EV fires being so persistent and destructive came out, it made me think, “Well, I won’t be one of the people who depend on EVs in underground tunnels!”

    I haven’t dug into the underground tunnel idea, but I see the occasional comment about them. I did find a significant article that told about the ones underneath Las Vegas.

  13. H.R. says:

    @beng135 – The numbers! That’s why they don’t teach math to kids anymore, except the nonracist math 😉😡

    There are few young’uns who can read charts and graphs and they sure as heck can’t analyze government reports, see the numbers and what they represent. For example, GDP. They can’t break it down and go “Whoa! Exports are $32 billion, and imports are $85 billion. We are running a serious trade deficit. “

    They can’t do rough mental estimations to check for errors or if things just aren’t adding up. Pre-calculators, we were all taught that.

    We have bureaucracies spewing out numbers just to say they are ‘informing’ the public. Yeah. Suuuure. Not a lot of people under about 30 can analyze various government measures to determine what the reports mean to them personally or to the country. Heck! They can’t make change at the cash register.

    Keep ’em ignorant all the while they think they are informed.

  14. Canadian Friend says:

    The “EVs in tunnels” theory seems a bit far fetched to me, but I know that many of the quebec forest fires started either the same day or within hours ( if not minutes ) of each other.

    Which in itself was very suspicious

    I think it is very possible that Trudeau and his liberal government sent people there to start those fires because they desperately needed something to scare the masses into believing even more that global warming is a serious threat.

    and although I cannot remember now who- where -when, I know that they often eventually find out that forest fires were set by humans intentionally, not by accident but intentionally.

    I know I read articles where they showed the people they arrested for having set forests on fire intentionally.

    Our leaders lied about Covid in ways that boggle the mind ( this has now been proven, it is now undeniable ), they certainly are capable of paying people to go set forests on fire as a way to better manipulate the naive masses.

  15. Keith Macdonald says:

    A glimps behind the curtain?

    Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and a fixture at the United States State Department, unintentionally disclosed a revealing perspective on the West’s intentions in Ukraine. Often dubbed “Regime Change Karen,” Nuland seemed to deviate from the established narrative during a recent appearance, shedding light on a dual agenda behind the substantial financial aid provided to Ukraine by Western nations.

    While the official narrative presented to the public emphasizes the altruistic motive of aiding the Ukrainian people, Nuland’s statements on CNN hinted at a different reality. Initially mentioning the familiar themes of defending democracy and freedom worldwide, she went on to make a surprising revelation: “And by the way, we have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back into the United States to make those weapons.


  16. another ian says:

    FWIW –

    “Study Destroys Economic Arguments In Favor Of Mass Immigration”


  17. H.R. says:

    This is part of a Nuland quote Keith M posted just above.

     “And by the way, we have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back into the United States to make those weapons.“

    With 10% for the Big Guy.

    Well, actually there are lots of ‘Big Guys’ with their hands out. By the time it’s all said and done, and the thieves are through with it, I’d imagine it’s more like 10% for Ukraine.

  18. Canadian Friend says:

    I know very little about Nuland, but, as far as I know, it is the second time that she reveals something like that.

    A few months ago , when everyone else in the Biden Administration and the Main Stream Media were firmly denying the USA has Bio Labs in Ukraine, she said they had dozens of them.

    Twice ( maybe more I know little about her ) she has revealed information that is not what the Biden administration wants to be out there.

    I am wondering ;

    Is she doing that intentionally ?

    Did they do something to her she did not appreciate and this is revenge?

    or is it a warning a sort of blackmail ? and she is showing the Biden administration that if they don t do something ( who knows what ? give her a few $millions ? ) she might sing like bird and they will be in deep trouble?

    maybe I am wrong, but it is unusual for someone to reveal stuff like that so casually…

    She is either very clever or a bit dumb…I would lean towards clever even though I know little about her…

  19. John Robertson says:

    When all is lies,words mean nothing.

    As our dear Leaders always lie,the words they bleat have no meaning.

    Thus we cannot judge their intent,motives or guilt.

    From their words.

    Communication is impossible when talking to such people.

    Because they lie,by choice and default,they naturally assume everyone else is lying.

    So forget their words,observe their acts.

    And then abandon words when holding them to account,for your words are wasted.

    Kinetic Communication.

    The only way to reach our Progressive Comrades.

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