France & USA Out, Russian Africa Corps In

I’ve not seen much about this at all in the USA Media. Then again, I’ve tended to check out what they are saying less and less these days. Something about years of consistent lying, making up stuff, and doing TLA / GEB Spin (but I repeat myself…)…

The basic thrust here is just that France has been kicked out of their former colonies, the Africans are choosing to keep their gold and NOT ship it to Europe, and now the USA is getting the boot out of Niger. Generally after a Military Coup has deposed a hand selected bought and paid for “democratically selected” leader who was willing to sell out his people.

Then, most of them have invited in Russia. While it had been Wagner group there before, when the leader of Wagner Group died when his plane blew up, Russia created a regular military Africa Corps.

You can get a sense of what all is going on just by looking at the titles of stories reported here:

At present, it looks like Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger have formed a kernel of African Independence from “the West”. Formerly members of ECOWAS –

States that have withdrawn or been suspended

Mali was suspended from ECOWAS on 30 May 2021, following its second military coup within nine months. Guinea was also suspended on 8 September 2021, shortly after a military coup took place in the country. Sanctions were placed on both countries on 16 September. On 10 January 2022, Mali announced its decision to close its borders and recalled several ambassadors with ECOWAS in response to sanctions imposed for deferring elections for four years. On 28 January 2022, Burkina Faso was suspended from ECOWAS following a military coup. Niger was suspended from ECOWAS after the 2023 coup d’état and threatened with military intervention if President Mohamed Bazoum is not restored to office, causing the Nigerien crisis. Additionally, ECOWAS closed all land and air borders between other member states and Niger and instituted a no-fly zone on all commercial flights to and from Niger. The suspension removed all commercial and financial transactions and froze Niger’s assets in ECOWAS central banks. On 16 September 2023, Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso formed a military alliance, the Alliance of Sahel States, following ECOWAS’s threat to intervene to restore civilian rule in Niger. On 21 November 2023, Niger’s military government asked the ECOWAS regional court to order the lifting of sanctions imposed on the country. Until the coup, aid from countries like the United States and international organizations like ECOWAS accounted for almost half of Niger’s annual budget. Following Niger’s ECOWAS suspension, Niger’s neighbours closed their borders to the country and 70 percent of its electricity, coming from Nigeria, was cut off. While these sanctions and consequences that have followed have impacted the individuals and economy of Niger, the government is not backing down. As a result of the suspension, children have not been able to attend school due to lack of supplies, and businesses are shutting down due to rising costs. Further, the ECOWAS lawyer pointed out that the Nigerien government is not recognized by ECOWAS and therefore does not have the power to ask the regional court for a removal of these sanctions.

On 28 January 2024, Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso announced via a joint statement that they were withdrawing from ECOWAS “without delay”. The three nations, all of which are currently ruled by military juntas, accused ECOWAS of implementing “inhumane” sanctions in order to reverse the coups in each nation. Under the ECOWAS protocol, immediate withdrawal is not possible, and the three member states could remain in the bloc for up to a year. ECOWAS said in a statement that “Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali remain important members of the Community and the Authority remains committed to finding a negotiated solution to the political impasse.”

On 24 February 2024, ECOWAS announced that it was lifting some sanctions against Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso. For Niger this included the border closures, the freezing of central bank and state assets, the suspension of commercial transactions, and the no-fly-zone for commercial flights to and from Niger. However, the political sanctions and targeted sanctions would remain in force. The communiqué said this was done for humanitarian reasons, but it was seen as a gesture of appeasement to dissuade the three junta-led states from withdrawing from the bloc. ECOWAS also lifted sanctions on Guinea and Guinea-Bissau.

To me, that looks a lot like a Western Control Structure blinking and trying to weasel back in to some kind of control when they saw Russia tossing a “lifeline” to the African Nations giving the middle finger to Western Dominance.

Regardless, it is clear that Russia has become the “Family / Friend” of those states, and that France and the USA are getting the boot.

From my point of view, it looks like corrupted African leaders installed by the West have been deposed by the people of their nations, and the chaos imposed from outside to keep them down is also being rejected. Globalist goals, aims, and money flows, chucked out the window.

Seems that pissing on people for decades doesn’t work any better in Africa than it does in “The West” for us “little people”… (See the farmers protests, etc.)

BRICS+ is lined up to get a whole lot more African members as fast as they can be added.

BTW, the speeches from these new Military Leaders are stern and clear. It’s over and they won… IF they manage to improve the lives of their people, this will spread, and fast. The World Evil Forum (WEF) and Soros funded NGOs are going to be out of Africa, and BRICS+ will be in. The EU is in big trouble if they expect to extract money or resources from Africa.

Now if we can just get their tentacles out of OUR governments…

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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12 Responses to France & USA Out, Russian Africa Corps In

  1. Keith says:

    Re. France being kicked-out of ECOWAS countries in West Africa – and those countries becoming BRICS-aligned.

    On 28 January 2024, Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso announced via a joint statement that they were withdrawing from ECOWAS “without delay”.

    That must have hurt the French ego a lot. I’m wondering if Micron’s “promise” to send French troops into Ukraine is an reaction to that. It seems like a desperate move to try and prove France is still a power to be reckoned with(?)

  2. E.M.Smith says:


    A very good exposition of just why France is so Butt Hurt over being kicked out of Africa… and yes, France desperately needs to get Russia out of their “former” colonies (and present bribed Satraps) or they collapse:

  3. another ian says:

    FWIW – punting on this thread

    “Eventful 24 Hours: Moscow Terror Attack Follows Massive UA Grid Strikes”

  4. Keith says:

    Re the event in Moscow.

    Our BBC said

    The US had singled out ISIS-Khorasan or ISIS-K, an offshoot of IS which seeks to establish a Muslim caliphate across Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Iran.

    Another BBC report said

    They were just hints at first, until President Vladimir Putin openly claimed that the men who attacked Moscow had tried to flee to Ukraine, helped by contacts there.

    I couldn’t understand how both could be true, until I found this older new item from five years ago.

    How Ukraine became the unlikely home for Isis leaders escaping the caliphate

  5. Canadian Friend says:

    I could be wrong, but it looks like , even though

    it was executed by ISIS men, it was organized and financed by Ukraine.

    Had Ukraine sent Ukrainian men it would have been too obvious who was behind this, and Putin would have retaliated very harshly against Ukraine.

    These days I have less time to read, so maybe I am missing something and this “hypothesis” is wrong.

  6. E.M.Smith says:

    Yet Another France B.Hurt moment. Seems the same three countries that have kicked out the French military are also working to dump the “CFA Franc”. An artifact of French Colonialism from 1945. France prints the pretty paper that their “former” colonies must use, and in exchange, said countries MUST deposit 1/2 of their National Reserves in the French Bank… So you ship GOLD to France and they ship back paper? Hmmm….

    This also moves monetary policy to France. And it ties the CFA Franc to the Euro preventing effective competition against the EU via exchange rate adjustments.

    Now, since the European Clearance system has decided Theft Of National Assets is OK with them, and plan to spend stolen Russian assets on Ukraine… ALL nations, companies, and individuals must expect that they are willing to do the same to them. Meaning that the 1/2 of “Reserves” of the “former” French Colonies are up for grabs too… 

    Were I a leader of a CFA Franc nation, I’d be looking to dump that second class Euro for a national or regional currency AND repatriate all those “reserves” from France and into my own national Bank (& economy).

    You can guess that a Great Sucking Sound of Gold being hauled out of France and back to Africa will not sit well with Macron, or his managers (owners? puppet masters? handlers?)

  7. E.M.Smith says:

    Per Moscow attack:

    I’m pretty sure this comes under the heading of “My enemy’s enemy is my friend”; and that Ukraine would be happy to help plan and fund it.

  8. E.M.Smith says:

    Looks like Niger has just announced that the National oil will be managed for the benefit of the people of Niger. China oil company is out as manager… contracts being let to a Niger operator.

    Looks like that block of central African countries are tired of the exploitation. Same kind of thing is on the cards for Gold and Uranium mining, per the tag lines in the video I saw, but I’ve not gone looking for confirming stories yet. so likely needs some proving up.

    It does look like the Sahel part of the Francophone part of Africa is fully “in play” now and going to P.O. a bunch of Euro-GEBs…

  9. another ian says:


    “Escobar: It’s War – The Real Meat-Grinder Starts Now”

  10. another ian says:

    Started? –

    “WATCH: Russia Retaliation Strike Sends Hypersonic Missiles Into Kiev – Building Used by Security Service of Ukraine SBU Is Leveled”

  11. Taz says:

    Whenever I see such headlines I smile. “Events making it easier to extricate oneself.”

    France and the US are better off without Africa. Getting kicked out might finally end the money suck.

    Why should anyone think that buying friends was ever a wise choice?

    I did like what they did to Nuland though….Told her to take her money and join weightwatchers :)

  12. Keith says:

    Interesting remarks from Dominic Cummings, one of the strategists behind Brexit.

    Ukraine. NATO’s strategy has shattered and they still have no new one. Support for war is falling in Europe and America. Ironically sanctions have, as I said would happen, a) failed to achieve their goals with Russia, b) are totally cheated across the world (our regimes can’t even stop European manufacturers simply shifting exports for Russia to the central republics), c) have boomeranged to strengthen anti-Establishment political forces across NATO and undermined Eurozone economies especially Germany, and d) have boomeranged to incentivise huge global investments in payment systems to escape the reach of US sanctions and courts, thus also accelerating the decline of the use of the dollar which is so central to US power. If Ukraine tries to raise hundreds of thousands of new troops for the doomed war then it accelerates its economic and demographic collapse (if it can even do this without the collapse of the regime which is debatable). Every single aspect of the NATO argument has a) been proved wrong (e.g Russia will run out of everything in 2023, the world will support sanctions) or b) they’ve u-turned (e.g Putin blew up the pipeline, the war has nothing to do with NATO membership). And the old media just spews new lines that directly contravene the old lines without, obviously, explaining to voters how and why the official story has inverted.

    See how how he notes the significance of BRIICS expansion? And the MSM compliance.

    Wider NATO failure. We’ve greatly strengthened China which is making vast profits selling stuff to Russia at high prices to blow up our stuff in UKR. As I’ve said for two years, you don’t need to be Sun Tzu to see the UKR disaster as an enormous win-win opportunity for China. And the West has totally isolated itself globally on another dimension with its shambles of a ‘policy’ on Israel. And we launched missile strikes claiming we would ‘stop’ Houthi attacks — another failure. Our Idiocracy is accelerating its own disintegration on almost every front.

    The last line in bold is his own emphasis.

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