Why Land Air Temperature is Exactly Wrong

There’s a problem (among many) with how “climate change” is measured. Largely, it is measured with Land Surface Temperatures.

Each of those words constitutes a failure to comprehend.

First off, Land.

70% of the planet surface is oceans. More is ice, snow, and rivers and lakes. The part that is “just land” is pitifully unrepresentative of what this planet actually is. This is a water planet, with some mud and rocks strewn about. Where we do have a lot of land, the relative temperatures of the different parts are largely controlled by the degree and nature of water on, over, or near it.

The Pacific Coast of California is generally cool in summer (sometimes even cold at night) due to a large body of very cold ocean just off shore. At the same latitude, South Carolina has a very warm coast. It has a warm ocean nearby. More inland, California has Death Valley and record hot temperatures. Same insolation, often even the same crystal clear skys in summer. Very different temperatures due to the very different water profiles.

Where it is dry, it can get very hot. Where it is wet, the water turns to steam, rises, falls as rain, and the land cools. Temperature over land tells you about the water nearby, or in the clouds and rain. Not about the radiative profile. Florida, far more south than California, has a daily summer tropical temperature profile that peaks in the low 90s F. (Sometimes less). Water all around, so lots of rain to cool peak temperatures. It’s about a 20 F to 30 F offset between the dry places (Arizona desert, Death Valley) and the wet places (Florida). Another 10F to 20F cooler along the coast of California near San Diego. It is all due to water, not due to radiative differences.

Next, the Surface.

Heat is measured by considering the mass, temperature, and specific heat of the substance being heated (or cooled). It can be no other way. Measuring a surface does not measure the mass. There’s about 14 lbs of air and water vapor above every square inch of surface. What does measuring the temperature of the fraction of a gram near the surface tell you about the 6 kg of air and water in the sky above that point? It’s just wrong. The actual mass varies with the barometric pressure too.

Without that mass, and the various temperatures in all of it, and the specific heat of that air (which changes with the amount of water vapor in it), and any information about phase change of that water (making ice, evaporating water, etc.) you can say nothing about the change of heat content. The latent vs sensible heat ratio can not be known.

So not knowing the chemical composition of the whole air column (water content at different heights), nor the actual mass (barometric pressure), nor the phase state (hail, snow, rain, vapor, dry air), nor the various temperatures at different heights: Surface air temperature tells you nothing about heat flow or changes of heat content.

It is not sufficient to just “assume a standard atmosphere”, as the atmosphere is not standard over the surface of the earth.

Finally, Temperature.

Folks with a decent background in chemistry or physics already know this, and I’ve mentioned it just above when talking about why a surface is not enough to measure. Yet it is a very common error, even among folks who ought to know better, to conflate temperature and heat. The two are very different.

Take a pot of ice, put a flame under it, and melt 1/2 the ice. At no time will the temperature change from 32 F or 0 C. Yet a great deal of heat energy is put into that ice. Similarly, at the boil, water holds a 212 F or 100 C temperature while a lot of heat is added. Going the other way, water condensing to rain liberates a great deal of heat energy. Ice, when forming from water, also lets out a lot of latent heat. There are massive heat flows in the atmosphere that are entirely unrelated to temperature changes. So what can temperature tell us about heating? Well, by itself, not much. (It can give a tiny clue, in that when temperature changes a lot, it usually indicates some degree of heat change; but even that is not guaranteed. A body of damp air at the surface at 95 F can rise high into the sky, with temperature dropping all the way but nowhere for heat to be lost, eventually cooling so much that ice is formed as hail.)

Temperature can be used to compute heat gain / loss. But only with the added factors of specific heat, heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, mass, relative mass of water and air, and any changes in things like pressure on gasses. We generally know none of those things for the total air column.

In short, surface air temperature is about as useless as you can get for making any statement about actual heat gain or loss.

But Wait, There’s More!

The “Narrative” of “Climate Science” is that radiative “forcing” (a word not found in my Physics book as a noun…) will cause heat to build up and temperatures to rise. Well, one must ask: “Heat to build up where?”

IMHO, “where” the various radiation types go matters a very great deal to what kind of ‘heat storage’ can happen.

Air does not store heat. Air rises when warm and at the tropopause forms a Category 2 hurricane force wind headed to the cold winter pole to dump heat to space. It is a ‘working fluid’ for heat transport. Similarly, liquid surface water evaporates and conducts heat into the air (and then on to space). Infrared light is nearly instantly absorbed into surface layers of water, causing it to evaporate. Increased infrared radiation just increases water evaporation and runs the “heat pipe” of water vapor taking heat back to space all that much faster. Blue light and ultraviolet light penetrate water to some depth. The only way to increase heat storage via radiation is via more blue and ultraviolet light, not more infrared.

Now; many times I’ve said “the heat isn’t stored, it leaves!” often followed by “the same day!”. That is true for atmospheric heat. It has been measured and found to have a few hours lag time between sunshine on land and rising hot air masses at altitude. (I’ve got a posting here about it somewhere ;-) Yet heat can be stored in two places. The earth itself, and the water. The earth, though, is heated from below. Dig a mine and you are rapidly in 100 F+ hot holes in the ground, even in the far north. Heat flow is from the molten core of the planet, out through the dirt. It is not from the sky into the dirt. At best, it acts as a small capacitor storing a bit of heat from summer into winter. In the end, just a couple of feet down the temperature tends not to change seasonally. (This is used in ground source heat pumps that cool in summer and heat in winter). The mass of soil is much larger than the mass of the air, reinforcing the irrelevance of air to heat storage, but still less than that of the waters of the world.

It is the oceans that can store heat, or provide excess heat from storage. But never at very high temperatures.

The lower levels of the ocean are uniformly cold. Water becomes most dense at a bit above the freezing point. That’s why ice floats. So that most dense water sinks and gets trapped at the bottom. The water below about 700 feet is pretty much irrelevant to heat storage. It is only the upper layers that change. The thermocline (point where the temperature changes rapidly from warm surface to cold bottom water) changes depth with the seasons and with latitude. It is here that some variation in heat storage can happen. But NOT from air heat. It is cold water that sinks, so it is cold at the poles that drives the global circulation. The surface waters are pushed around by winds, and by tides. This causes much of our weather. Surface heating just drives air circulation and drives water into clouds, thunderstorms, and hurricanes; dumping massive heat to space, not into the ocean.

But what can put energy (and heat) at different depths into the ocean surface? Solar heat from blue light and ultraviolet.

When the sun has a quiet phase, as now, it makes much less blue and ultraviolet. When the sun is highly active, as it was in the 1980s and 1990s, it makes a lot more UV and blue light and less red and infrared. This changes where in the ocean that solar heat is deposited. When the sun is highly active, sunlight is absorbed more at depth, slowly warming a huge mass of ocean over decades. When the sun is quiet, much less is absorbed at depth, and more is absorbed in the surface. Less is stored at depth, more is moved as rain into the sky.

It is my assertion that this differential solar heating of the oceans is one of the key methods by which global heat balance can shift. (I’m not discounting thing like Svensmark’s GCR theory nor lunar tidal mixing nor other mechanisms that can cause weather shifts – mistakenly called ‘climate change’ by the “climate scientists”. There are many things that influence and change long term weather cycles. I’m just asserting that one of them is differential solar heating with UV shifts of the sun.) So now, with a quiet sun, we are getting loads of rain. Heat that prior had been deposited 20, or even 50 meters down in the ocean is now absorbed into the skin and promptly evaporates some water, eventually to make rain. During times of high solar activity, lots of energy goes deep into the ocean surface layers. So we have a very long, slow, ocean warming likely over decades (with the attendant slow warming of the air temperatures with some time lag). Now, with a quiet sun, we have a lot of rain, and a relatively warm ocean slowly cooling. It will likely take a couple of decades to get the heat out of the surface layers of the ocean.

Not surprisingly, the “climate scientists” are now trying to assert that the “global warming” heat is now flowing into the oceans and are finding that the oceans are warmer than in the past. Apparently missing the point that that heat flow is in the past, and the artifact of those high UV and blue light levels prior to the year 2000. Present heat flow will be out of the oceans. In a decade or two they may notice that, as things get quite cold. Yet a quick look at the ocean surface temperature will show that it is not abnormally high. For heat to be flowing in, the surface would need to be quite a bit warmer now than in the past. It isn’t. For heat to flow out, it can do that via evaporation and with either surface cooling or no temperature change, depending on the ratio of heat loss via evaporation and heat transport to the surface via convection or similar mechanism. (Tidal mixing, wind mixing, etc.)

Sea Surface Temp Anomaly 9 July 2013

Sea Surface Temp Anomaly 9 July 2013

Blue is colder than normal, green is warmer than normal, aqua is roughly normal. IMHO there’s more blue than green…

In other words, the ocean is NOT abnormally warm at the surface.

Unfortunately, the precipitation data for the world is pretty slim. Both in distribution and over time. THE most important factor to measuring heat flow on our water world, precipitation, is widely ignored, and has insufficient history of data to do much of merit.

What we can say is that it was not raining much in the 1990s (remember the “Drought Scares” being shoved at us then?) and it is raining a lot all over the globe now that the sun has gone quiet. (Lots of floods from the UK, to Australia, to Florida, to…) Yes, Texas had a bit of drought. A “Loopy Jet Stream” does that. Some places get the warm lobe, some the cold. When that warm lobe comes from somewhere like the deserts of Mexico, it doesn’t get much rain. The net net of it, though, is that colder poles make for a loopy jet stream as more ocean heat heads to the pole, and more polar cold heads to the equatorial oceans. So more places get a load of rain than get a drought.

Eventually the oceans will cool down some, and the sun will transition to active, and we will go back to evaporating less water at the surface, and warming the oceans a few dozen meters down more. Then it will be more like the ’70s again. When there were droughts in California and I learned to ski on patches of hay between the patches of snow. But the same solar cycles (driven most likely by the planets stirring the sun around) are expected to stay quiet for the next 20 years or so. We have a lot of “wet and getting cold” before we go back to “dry and getting warmer”.

The Sun Planet Connection

I’ve had this open in my browser for weeks, meaning to post it. Now I’ve lost the pointer to who told me about it, or where I found it. It is the elusive “mechanism” by which planetary motions can cause solar changes. This is just the abstract. On my “to do” list is get around to buying the pay-walled copy of the actual text. I’d like to read the whole thing. (Now that I’ve got a studio with kitchen and all, I’m going to have more ‘home time’ for things like reading and posting ;-)

Still, presuming that the article backs up the abstract sufficiently, “Houston, we have a mechanism!”:



We derive a perturbation inside a rotating star that occurs when the star is accelerated by orbiting bodies.
If a fluid element has rotational and orbital components of angular momentum with respect to the inertially fixed point of a planetary system that are of opposite sign, then the element may have potential energy that could be released by a suitable flow. We demonstrate the energy with a very simple model in which two fluid elements of equal mass exchange positions, calling to mind a turbulent field or natural convection. The exchange releases potential energy that, with a minor exception, is available only in the hemisphere facing the barycenter of the planetary system. We calculate its strength and spatial distribution for the strongest case (“vertical”) and for weaker horizontal cases whose motions are all perpendicular to gravity. The vertical cases can raise the kinetic energy of a few well positioned convecting elements in the Sun’s envelope by a factor ≤7. This is the first physical mechanism by which planets can have a nontrivial effect on internal solar motions. Occasional small mass exchanges near the solar center and in a recently proposed mixed shell centered at 0.16R s would carry fresh fuel to deeper levels. This would cause stars like the Sun with appropriate planetary systems to burn somewhat more brightly and have shorter lifetimes than identical stars without planets. The helioseismic sound speed and the long record of sunspot activity offer several bits of evidence that the effect may have been active in the Sun’s core, its envelope, and in some vertically stable layers. Additional proof will require direct evidence from helioseismology or from transient waves on the solar surface.

And with that, we reach the end of this posting.

We have a sun that can vary in output, cyclically, via planetary stirring of the fuel. It changes color (an observed happening) and that changes where the heat goes. Into ocean storage in one case, into precipitation and off planet rapidly in the other. Add in that lunar tidal mixing is in orbital resonance with those same planet motions, and that tidal mixing is as strong as wind mixing of surface ocean layers, and we have both differential heat loading of the oceans, and heat liberation via tidal mixing.

Those tidal cycles match the historical weather cycles, including the 1500-1800 year Bond Event cycles and 60 year PDO cycles.

All you need to do to figure all this out is look at the working fluid of the planet, water, and ignore the irrelevant gas CO2. To look at UV and blue light, and ignore IR ‘trapping’ and ‘feedback’. To look at the planets stirring the sun and moon in a synchronized dance.

In short: “It’s the water, and a lot more.”

(For those who don’t know it, that was a commercial jingle for beer in years gone by ;-)

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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84 Responses to Why Land Air Temperature is Exactly Wrong

  1. omanuel says:

    The corruption of science unfortunately led to the destruction of constitutional government and the enslavement of society – exactly as George Orwell predicted in the futuristic novel he started writing in 1946:


    Here’s the rest of the story: http://omanuel.wordpress.com/2010/08/01/nellie-the-neutron-and-neutron-repulsion/#comment-2905

  2. adrianvance says:

    Jim Hansen invented “forcing” to overcome the truth that water vapor controls the atmosphere by saying that CO2 controls water vapor! This is insane and harkens to the pre-Wholer synthesis that killed Vitalism which had maintained that carbon that had been in living matter was different from carbon from minerals. He overlooked that most of that was once living, but there is no difference as Wohler demonstrated in 1832. Hansen will say this nonsense from a podium even if it is being recorded for TV, but he will never put it in print because he knows the peer reviewers would disembowel him in print.

    I saw a physicist friend of mine on TV in the audience at a Hansen speech when he said, “Man made carbon stays in the atmosphere 400 years!” Which is utter nonsense. I called my friend and asked why he did not stand up and yelll “Wohler! Wohler! as the audience was all science people and he gave me a one word answer, “Comity.” No Ph.D. will ever embarrass another in public, “You cover my butt: I cover yours.” I it just that simple

    CO2 is a “trace gas” in air, insignificant by definition. It absorbs 1/7th as much IR, heat energy, from sunlight as water vapor which has 188 times as many molecules capturing 1200 times as much heat making 99.9% of all “global warming.” CO2 does only 0.1% of it. For this we should destroy our economy?

    Carbon combustion generates 80% of our energy. Control and taxing of carbon would give the elected ruling class more power and money than anything since the Magna Carta of 1215 AD.

    See The Two Minute Conservative via Google or: http://adrianvance.blogspot.com and when you speak ladies will swoon and liberal gentlemen will weep.

  3. pyromancer76 says:

    Hey. E.M.! Florida agrees with you just as much as California. The new job, extreme living experiences until stability, and the Florida heat/ humidity did not affect the synapses. Thanks for keeping us posted on the latest science — so much that seems to be coming together to give a more comprehensive understanding of Sun/Earth/Solar System/cosmos/ and climate. Glad that all seems well with you.

  4. tallbloke says:

    Hi EM, without clicking your abstract link, I recognise the text. It’s Wolff and Patrone’s 2010 paper ‘A New Way Planets Can Affect the Sun’.. I have a study copy Charles Wolff kindly mailed me, so keep your wallet in your pocket and drop me a mail.


  5. hillrj says:

    EM OT but have you noticed the low level of earthquakes lately?

  6. philjourdan says:

    It’s about a 20 F to 30 F offset between the dry places (Arizona desert, Death Valley)

    Yes, but they have DRY heat. ;-)

    Fascinating article. If I take away the correct information, it means that the “hottest” decade was due to sun activity 10-20 years before. The release of the heat from the oceans caused it, not any heavy breathing. I read somewhere about the 60 year (roughly) cycle of climate, which means we are not headed for the 70s, but the 40s. Which for anyone watching war movies, knows it was not a “hot time”.

    The beauty of observation (versus proselytizing) is that we can watch it unfold in awe, while they have to fear what will occur.

  7. adolfogiurfa says:

    @E.M.:A master class!….But now, as the Sun, and everything, works electrically, how do we translate all this to charges being exchanged?

  8. LG says:

    Bob Tisdale has referenced these NOAA precip pages ( in case you had not yet checked them ):
    Land dataset:

    Ocean dataset:

  9. adolfogiurfa says:

    Some other factors:

  10. Zeke says:

    “There’s a problem (among many) with how “climate change” is measured. Largely, it is measured with Land Surface Temperatures.

    Each of those words constitutes a failure to comprehend.”


    Compounded by the “global” averaging. Though I am sure it is all a statistical heaven for them. (:

  11. adolfogiurfa says:

    @Zeke: Where intuition lacks it is immediately replaced by an statistical lie so we all may sleep comfortably and forget about it.

  12. adolfogiurfa says:

    Statistically we are many, and they are few, that´s their Big Fear.

  13. Jim Breeding says:

    Actually “It’s their water”…the Artesians that is.

  14. Gary says:

    It’s too bad that energy can’t be tagged like the different atomic isotopes. Then we could figure out the flows and storages.

  15. Power Grab says:

    I’ve been dying to ask this question:

    Where does the water come from?!?!

  16. Power Grab says:

    One more question:

    Since the moon is in the “Goldilocks zone” the same as the earth, why isn’t the moon have lots of water like we do?

  17. Power Grab says:

    Argh – should be “why doesn’t the moon have lots of water like we do?”

    Sorry :-(

  18. adolfogiurfa says:

    @Power Grab: In the NASA site search for Water + Moon. The Water cycle it is not closed but open. All the water we have on planet earth originated as Protons and electrons from our electric Sun.

  19. Adam Gallon says:

    The source of all our water is still hotly debated in astronomical circles.
    (OK, it’s Wiki, but this bit doesn’t appear to be contaminated by politicisation!)
    The Moon’s lack of water is probably due to it’s lower gravity, leading to loss of atmosphere and the exposure of water molecules to UV dissociation. Thus any water still present must be sheltered from sunlight, either deep within polar craters or below the Moon’s surface.

  20. Pingback: Global warming stupidity | T W A W K I

  21. Wayne Job says:

    Thank you EM my thoughts exactly. The world is an unplumbed heat pump with the sun as a
    heat source and water as the refrigerant. Weather is the chaos in the unplumbed system as the earth chases it tail trying to come to equilibrium with constantly changing parameters.

  22. Gail Combs says:

    Power Grab says:
    10 July 2013 at 8:28 pm

    I’ve been dying to ask this question:

    Where does the water come from?!?!
    Volcanoes. When the earth was first forming and cooling down the crust was a lot thinner and the earth had a lot more volcanoes/earthquakes.

  23. Gail Combs says:

    The fact that water rules the earth means that a ‘Runaway tipping point’ is impossible.

    Vostok ice core temperatures

    5 million years from sediment cores (WIKI) HMMmmm, seems the earth is cooling down.

    Climate Change Records: An education module created by Gary Acton for introductory geosciences courses (has some good charts)

    750 million years of temperature and CO2 (this has an early spike I really wonder about)

    ….leading IPCC scientists have no idea what the real mean global temperature is. They’re making things up. Hoffmann only looked at charts used in Germany. Imagine what we would find if [we] looked all over the world.

    Next time you see a temperature chart, check the vertical temperature axis. You may find more surprises.

    Would somebody please tell me WTF the real global mean temperature is? This whole thing is just a total circus.

    Yes the whole show is a circus for the sheeple to distract their attention while the slave collar is snapped around their necks.

  24. Richard Ilfeld says:

    Bear Whiz Beer….It’s in the water.

  25. adolfogiurfa says:

    Out from Peter Kling FB page:
    Skynet rising: Google acquires 512-qubit quantum computer; NSA surveillance to be turned over to AI machines

    Quantum computers are not made of simple transistors and logic gates like the CPU on your PC. They don’t even function in ways that seem rational to a typical computing engineer. Almost magically, quantum computers take logarithmic problems and transform them into “flat” computations whose answers seem to appear from an alternate dimension.

    For example, a mathematical problem that might have 2 to the power of n possible solutions — where n is a large number like 1024 — might take a traditional computer longer than the age of the universe to solve. A quantum computer, on the other hand, might solve the same problem in mere minutes because it quite literally operates across multiple dimensions simultaneously.

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040859_Skynet_quantum_computing_D-Wave_Systems.html#ixzz2WoJWB3Rq

  26. Power Grab says:

    Thanks for the many replies to my query about where water comes from! :-)

    Is it possible to calculate the net charge (positive or negative) for the earth? the moon? Are they opposite?

  27. Zeke says:

    EM Smith says:
    “Take a pot of ice, put a flame under it, and melt 1/2 the ice. At no time will the temperature change from 32 F or 0 C. Yet a great deal of heat energy is put into that ice. Similarly, at the boil, water holds a 212 F or 100 C temperature while a lot of heat is added. Going the other way, water condensing to rain liberates a great deal of heat energy. Ice, when forming from water, also lets out a lot of latent heat. There are massive heat flows in the atmosphere that are entirely unrelated to temperature changes.”

    CheifIO has convinced me that the energies released in the phase changes is another key to the energy in earth’s weather systems.

    This column brings the discussion back to where it belongs: to the water, and to clouds. The phase changes and the varying altitudes of cloud formations are not well understood. From the highest Noctilucent clouds, to the cirrus, to the little cumulus clouds oscillating in and out of existence close to the earth** (in very green areas) – not much is understood about clouds. (**ref: https://chiefio.wordpress.com/2013/06/09/the-true-sign-of-water-vapor-feedback-is-negative/)

    Phase changes also release electric charges (ref:http://www.worldnpa.org/site/member/?memberid=152).

  28. greymouser70 says:

    In answer to the question:” It’s the water…. ” Olympia beer.

  29. Mddwave says:

    My thinking has evolved to what have stated. You just explained more clearly than I could.

    I like uv/ir ratio and ocean relationship.

    It seems that the temperature versus depth relationship on land masses would a good long term relationship to long term climate.

  30. marchesarosa says:

    Hi Chiefio,

    Have you looked at this website run by Anna Makarieva and colleagues?
    I’m sure you’ll find it thought provoking if you have not already dipped into it.



  31. adolfogiurfa says:

    @marchesarosa: Great article: The biotic pump.

  32. adolfogiurfa says:

    Interaction of our Earth with Object X:

  33. Gail Combs says:

    If you recall I mentioned how the Department of Homeland Security intentionally made the Mexican border UNSecure.

    Now we have the Department of Justice intentionally formenting race riots. The whole darn thing makes me sick. It certainly underlines what is said in America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution

    Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests

    (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained documents in response to local, state, and federal records requests revealing that a little-known unit of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Community Relations Service (CRS), was deployed to Sanford, FL, following the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman.

    JW filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the DOJ on April 24, 2012; 125 pages were received on May 30, 2012. JW administratively appealed the request on June 5, 2012, and received 222 pages more on March 6, 2013. According to the documents:

    March 25 – 28, 2012, CRS spent $1,142.84 “in Sanford, FL to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.
    …. Battles said: “Thank you Partner. You did lots of stuff behind the scene to make Miami a success. We will continue to work together.” He signed the email simply Tommy.

    Carswell responded: “That’s why we make the big bucks.”…..

    ….the Orlando Sentinel reported, “They [the CRS] helped set up a meeting between the local NAACP and elected officials that led to the temporary resignation of police Chief Bill Lee according to Turner Clayton, Seminole County chapter president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.” The paper quoted the Rev. Valarie Houston, pastor of Allen Chapel AME Church, a focal point for protestors, as saying “They were there for us,” after a March 20 meeting with CRS agents…..

    “These documents detail the extraordinary intervention by the Justice Department in the pressure campaign leading to the prosecution of George Zimmerman,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “My guess is that most Americans would rightly object to taxpayers paying government employees to help organize racially-charged demonstrations.”

    THAT should make any American no matter what race uneasy.

    Ex-Sanford police chief: Zimmerman probe ‘taken away from us’
    …The George Zimmerman investigation was hijacked “in a number of ways” by outside forces, said the former police chief of Sanford, Florida.

    Bill Lee, who testified Monday in Zimmerman’s second-degree murder trial, told CNN’s George Howell in an exclusive interview that he felt pressure from city officials to arrest Zimmerman to placate the public rather than as a matter of justice.

    “It was (relayed) to me that they just wanted an arrest. They didn’t care if it got dismissed later,” he said. “You don’t do that.”

    When Sanford police arrived on the scene on February 26, 2012, after Zimmerman fatally shot unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, they conducted a “sound” investigation, and the evidence provided no probable cause to arrest Zimmerman at the scene, he said.

    It had nothing to do with Florida’s controversial “Stand Your Ground” law, he said; from an investigative standpoint, it was purely a matter of self-defense…..

    Eye Witness: Trayvon Martin Was On Top of Zimmerman, Looked Like ‘Pound and Ground’

    Photos of injuries.

    After politics raises its ugly head we get: Police: Trayvon Martin’s death ‘ultimately avoidable’

    And an interesting side note:

    Florida State’s Attorney Angela Corey has been indicted by a citizens’ grand jury
    ….he indictment of Corey, which was handed down last week (see http://www.citizensgrandjury.com), charges Corey with intentionally withholding photographic evidence of the injuries to George Zimmerman’s head in the warrant she allegedly rushed to issue under oath, in an effort to boost her reelection prospects. At the outset of this case, black activists such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who whipped up wrath against Zimmerman, demanded that he be charged with murder, after local police had thus far declined to arrest him pending investigation.

    Following Corey’s criminal complaint charging Zimmerman, legal experts such as Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz condemned her for falsely signing an arrest affidavit under oath, which intentionally omitted exculpatory evidence consisting of the photographs showing the injuries Zimmerman sustained, and rushing to charge him with second degree murder under political pressure……

    And after all of that the politicians are calling for PEACE? ROTFLMAO.

    ‘Raise your voice, not your hands,’ cops urge as Zimmerman verdict looms
    …Anticipating that the outcome of the very public, and racially-tinged, case is likely to disappoint one swath of the population or another, law enforcement agencies have set up a response plan….

    ….Millions of Americans have already made up their minds about what should happen. And no matter how the verdict falls, authorities worry passions will be inflamed…..

    I wonder how well this is going to work for getting the Democrats the Hispanic vote. (Zimmerman is not ‘white’ but Hispanic) I think someone in DC made a really big OOPS based on his last name so now they are spinning it by calling him a “White-Hispanic” in the news reports.

    No matter how the trial comes out Zimmerman is a DEAD man walking and there will be violence all thanks to a bunch of Meglomaniac Community Organizers. Puts a real different twist on the meaning of Community Organizer doesn’t it.

    I really want to gag.

  34. Gail Combs says:

    OOPs meant to post that in T12 not here

  35. adolfogiurfa says:

    @Gail Combs: Right, however it is affecting the Climate and it is part of the general phenomenon: How, then, water turns into vapor?….isn´t it by gaining energy: i.e: changing its molecular arrangement to a wider angle and so violating the holy law of “Saint Newton” (The same happens with zillions of tons of water happily floating over our heads…). We should become atheists of established paradigm holy Egos as an epistemological method. We have been taught to BELIEVE and not to DOUBT, which is the basis of acquiring new knowledge, a refreshed perspective of the world we live in, just because if we start doubting we will end the very and undeserved comfortable existence of a bunch of invisible “land lords” not of science but of MONEY!!

  36. adolfogiurfa says:

    How does the universe work?….Easy!….but not politically UN-CONVENIENT, not really “cool” ya know… Universal laws are written and shown everywhere, however we are to see only the final episode of George Zimmerman´s case!

  37. adolfogiurfa says:

    Typo “politically un- convenient”

  38. Gail Combs says:

    adolfogiurfa says: @ 12 July 2013 at 4:00 pm

    @Gail Combs: Right, however it is affecting the Climate and it is part of the general phenomenon: How, then, water turns into vapor?….isn´t it by gaining energy…..
    I should have said water + the sun, however I was focused on the fact that a tipping point on a water world isn’t going to happen at least with the continents in their present configuration. (The continents determine the ocean currents.)

  39. BobN says:

    I have always wondered if Earth isn’t constantly gaining water. The sun ejects Hydrogen all the time, so I imagine some of it gets to earth even with the electromagnetic shield protecting us. If some Hydrogen gets through and combines with Oxygen we should constantly be adding water. It might be slow, but over a few million years, it could add up. Where is my thinking wrong?

  40. adolfogiurfa says:

    @BobN: That´s why the Ozone Hole….it grows with UVL and decreases with protons: The ice cube machine is at the Antarctica (where ice overflows the mountain tops).

  41. Zeke says:

    The present paradigm of our planet’s hydrology needs a thorough revision. It is imperative to understand it now because of the armies of unscrupulous scientists and activists taking advantage of our ignorance. The scary water shortage models are the root of many many evils.

    There is overwhelming evidence that water is being deposited at the poles.

    But in relation to temps, Cheifio has placed water in its rightful place.

    “Where it is dry, it can get very hot. Where it is wet, the water turns to steam, rises, falls as rain, and the land cools. Temperature over land tells you about the water nearby, or in the clouds and rain. Not about the radiative profile. Florida, far more south than California, has a daily summer tropical temperature profile that peaks in the low 90s F. (Sometimes less). Water all around, so lots of rain to cool peak temperatures. It’s about a 20 F to 30 F offset between the dry places (Arizona desert, Death Valley) and the wet places (Florida). Another 10F to 20F cooler along the coast of California near San Diego. It is all due to water, not due to radiative differences.”

    And that is not bad for a day’s work.

  42. adrianvance says:

    The “Ozone Hole” is another fraud for money. Molina and Rowland wanted to get a $60,000 and wrote an equation that had never been observed in nature and could not be accomplished in the lab as the thermodynamics are backwards. Molina is at MIT today trying to make it work. They got a Nobel prize for having enabled billions of Dollars worth of new patents to Dupont for inferior replacements. The stuff in your refrigerator is the same chemical that killed 400 people in the famous Copa Cobana fire, but has a new patent, higher price and you’re screwed again by the fraudsters in white coats.

    See The Two Minute Conservative via Google or: http://adrianvance.blogspot.com and when you speak ladies will swoon and liberal gentlemen will weep.

  43. omanuel says:

    Later today or tomorrow I hope to complete and submit to the Space Science & Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives a manuscript that explains the post-1945 destruction of the integrity of science and constitutional government.

    The paper will be posted in my dropbox and made available for any individual or organization to reproduce, republish, criticize or praise at will

    These are the conclusions:

    1. FEAR of nuclear annihilation, and
    2. REMORSE for using nuclear energy to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians on 6 & 9 Aug 1945

    Convinced world leaders and leaders of the scientific community to:

    3. SACRIFICE the liberty of individuals
    4. FORM the United Nations on 24 Oct 1945
    5. COMPROMISE the integrity of government science
    6. ELIMINATE national boundaries and national constitutions

    I deeply regret that I was unable to decipher this information earlier.

    With deep regrets,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo
    omatum@yahoo.com; 1-573-647-1377

  44. CompuGator says:

    Re: Why Land Air Temperature is Exactly Wrong (Chiefio on 10 July 2013)

    Alas, my education in physics and chemistry didn’t enable me to add much of anything to the hard science, but perhaps I can tie some aspects of your–dare I say–‘model’?–to the shared experiences of participants in 1 category of outdoors recreation: Scuba divers. Altho’ perhaps only the really rational ones; there are a lot of ’em whose thoughts are driven by emotion, and thus easy prey for orthodox environmentalists using images of charismatic megafauna to solicit–or demand–support for the warmist agenda.

    So just a few remarks here and there:

    The Pacific Coast of California is generally cool in summer (sometimes even cold at night) due to a large body of very cold ocean just off shore. At the same latitude, South Carolina has a very warm coast. It has a warm ocean nearby.

    Relatively shallow Atlantic waters off Charleston S.C., at a latitude comparable to L.A. (Cal.), are warmed by the N.-flowing Gulf Stream (fed from the N.-Equatorial Current and Caribbean waters), as are the Atlantic waters (beyond Chesapeake Bay) off Norfolk (Va.), at a latitude comparable to Monterey/Pacific Grove (Cal.). In contrast, the overall-deeper corresponding nearshore Pacific waters are chilled by the California Current (perhaps same as Humboldt Current?), which flows S. from even-colder N.-Pacific waters. These currents, which are more accurately termed gyres, rotate clockwise between land-masses and certain island chains N. of the Equator, and counterclockwise S. of it. Thus, it is the United-Statesian geographic bias that perceives the major ocean gyres as flowing southward along the Lower-48 Pacific Coast, eastward overall along the Gulf (of Mexico) Coast, and northward along the Atlantic Coast.

    Infrared light is nearly instantly absorbed into surface layers of water, causing it to evaporate. Increased infrared radiation just increases water evaporation and runs the “heat pipe” of water vapor taking heat back to space all that much faster. Blue light and ultraviolet light penetrate water to some depth. […. So] what can put energy (and heat) at different depths into the ocean surface? Solar heat from blue light and ultraviolet.

    As scuba divers are routinely trained, for any encountered level of turbidity, the light in the visible spectrum is scattered in decreasing order of its wavelength: red, orange, yellow, green. The now-probably-collectable New Science of Skin and Scuba Diving (Council for National Co-operation in Aquatics, 3rd edn., 1968, p. 33), published numbers based on the experiences of then-rare underwater cinematographers shooting feature-length movies on color film (e.g.: Beneath the 12-Mile Reef, and Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea). They had to be very meticulous about color rendition, so they limited themselves to very clear water, e.g.: California Channel Islands (off L.A.).:

    Warm colors are absorbed first, with reds being removed in the first few feet, followed by orange at about 15, and yellow at around 30 feet. Beyond 60 feet blues predominate and gradually deepen into darkness. [….] Where visibility is usually good (little or no turbidity or plankton) and the water is deep, [black-&-white] photography becomes difficult beyond 100 feet in depth without artificial light.

    More-modern scuba-training materials avoid numbers, presumably because no single set could accurately represent the dramatic variation in modern diving environments, even if limited to recreational diving in the U.S.A. (cf. Florida fresh-water springs, Florida Keys, California Channel Is., Monterey Co., Mendocino Co. (both Cal.).

    Digression 1: The diffraction of light can reveal some unexpected secondary colors: At depth, the loss of red can lead to unpleasant surprises. The NOAA Diving Manual (2nd edn., 1979, §1.8.1) described one important possibility:

    Substances with more than 1 peak in the spectral reflectance curves may appear different in color on land and under water […: A]t the surface, the reflectance maximum in the green is swamped by red, but at depth, the water absorbs the long-wavelength red light, and blood appears green.

    Definitely including your own.

    Digression 2: Among those deep-water predator fish that appear black at depth, some, if hauled to the surface, might be startlingly red! Why? Because the natural pigments for genuine black are glossy, but those for red are flat. So evolution will favor some predators that further conceal themselves by depriving their prey of being alerted by a suspiciously out-of-place glossiness within the spooky darkness.

  45. Gail Combs says:

    Here are some of my favorite graphs.

    This graph shows the relative energy by wavelength of sunshine vs Earthshine. Not it is log scale so you are looking at ‘billions of dollars’ for sunshine vs ‘nickels and dimes’ for the Infared emitted by the earth. http://www.udel.edu/Geography/DeLiberty/Geog474/energy_wavelength.gif

    This graph shows wavelength/energy intensity at the top of the atmosphere, surface (with chunks removed by O3 and H20) and 10 m (33 ft) under the sea: http://lasp.colorado.edu/sorce/images/instruments/sim/fig01.gif

    This is a more detailed look at the wavelengths/ intensity and penetration depth: http://www.klimaatfraude.info/images/sverdrup.gif

    This graph looks at infrared energy (wavelength) and penetration depth. (it is in microns and millimeters) http://klimaatfraude.info/images/MODIS_and_AIRS_SST_comp_fig1.gif

    This is the absorption spectra of H2O, CO2, CH, O3… (note CO2 is strongest ~ 20 um so it doesn’t penetrate the sea beyond ~10um) http://stevengoddard.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/atmospheric_transmission.png?w=640

    This is the Total Solar Irradiance from peak of solar cycle 23 to now. http://lasp.colorado.edu/sorce/total_solar_irradiance_plots/images/tim_level3_tsi_24hour_640x480.png

    This is an interesting graph. It looks at C14 hematite stained grains from sea cores as a temperature proxy vs C14 as cosmic ray proxy: http://kaltesonne.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/bond-et-al-2001.gif

    From the paper: Persistent Solar Influence on North Atlantic Climate During the Holocene
    Gerard Bond,1* Bernd Kromer,2 Juerg Beer,3
    Raimund Muscheler,3 Michael N. Evans,4 William Showers,5
    Sharon Hoffmann,1 Rusty Lotti-Bond,1 Irka Hajdas,6 Georges Bonani6

    A prominent feature of the North Atlantic’s Holocene climate is a series of shifts in ocean surface hydrography during which drift ice and cooler surface waters in the Nordic and Labrador Seas were repeatedly advected southward and eastward, each time penetrating deep into the warmer strands of the subpolar circulation (1, 2). The persistence of those rather dramatic events within a stable interglacial has been difficult to explain. Earlier work (3) suggested that a low-resolution record of North Atlantic drift ice in the early Holocene may have been linked to the energy output of the Sun. The likelihood of any such strong climate response to solar variability has long been debated because the magnitude of the forcing is small. Results of recent atmospheric general circulation (GCM) modeling, however, have shown that a decrease of only ~0.1% in solar activity over the 11-year sunspot cycle could produce a change in surface climate through the atmosphere’s dynamic response to changes in stratospheric ozone and temperature (4, 5). Here we test the solar-climate connection by comparing high-resolution measurements of drift ice in three North Atlantic deep-sea cores with proxies of changes in solar irradiance through the entire length of the Holocene…..

  46. adolfogiurfa says:

    Star water:

  47. R. de Haan says:

    E. M. Smith, very nice article. At WUWT there is a similar interesting article from Bob Tisdale about http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/07/13/a-quick-look-at-the-sea-surface-temperature-anomalies-of-european-coastal-waters/

    In the end he makes a remark about the effect of volcanic activity on sea surface temperatures.
    Maybe, maybe this is an underestimated factor: http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/erupting_volcanoes.html

    Also have a look at his latest article: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/07/15/mid-july-2013-hurricane-development-region-sea-surface-temperature-anomalies/

    One thing is 100% clear to me. Apart from the well known Urban Heat Island effect there is no evidence of any Anthropogenic Global Warming signal anywhere on the planet.

    No need for Europe to import wood chips from Georgia USA to be fired up in EU coal plants, no need for wind mills, no need for solar, no need for bio fuels.It’s all corrupt establishment money grabbing. Nothing more, nothing less.

  48. R. de Haan says:

    The environmental hook to grab Global control over our resources. The concept of Global Government is an old cow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_government

  49. R. de Haan says:

    WW III however already has begun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZK5gRLJ9h0

  50. Zeke says:

    ATTN Counterpoint to the above video. America has not been “toppling” nations and “expanding.” The systems of the various shades of communist governments and the brutal regimes that slaughter their own citizens collapsed and the free markets prospered.

    The video is correct only int that the wars are now covert, and are being waged through NGOs. I think China is involved in the economic warfare on our country through “sustainable” policies that destroy whole sectors of the economy. Russia is involved in destablizing our country through the destruction of education and entertainment. The Muslims and the UN seek to create Sharia courts or use treaties to est. the use of foreign law in our courts, which is war on our legal system.

    “Former Russian Agent: Public Schools Targeted”

    Now America, here is the whole sum of your wealth. You have nothing else:

    It always has been, it always will be.

  51. R. de Haan says:

    Mmm, I also noticed some strong claims in the video about “the USA toppling governments” as I know European countries have been and still are in the same business. I also see every period has it’s own merits and what one party calls it “toppling a government” and an other party says it’s “liberating a country”. I also agree we had a very nice period which brought economic growth and prosperity but I also see that the developments in Africa were not pushed by US/European impulses. On the contrary. But Iet me refrain myself from to many details and accept that what we have seen from the side of US/NATO expansion into oil rich area’s world wide after the fall of the Berlin Wall is rather remarkable. I also understand the proposed message to opposing nations stating that if they didn’t walk in the requested pace, they would be cut off from oil permanently. The reality forces us to accept that this policy eventually has failed because fully unexpected Russia but also Africa became big oil exporters overnight providing an oil stream outside the control of the US/NATO doctrine. The same of course goes for Latin America.
    China of course jumped at the opportunity. In the mean time we have arrived in the situation as it is and which includes a completely disturbed relationship between Western Governments and their own citizens.

    What we also didn’t expect was Russia to become the No.2 arms exporter after the collapse of the USSR in 1991. If you look at the numbers Russia is almost on par with the USA.
    I think we underestimate the effects of our bio fuel scam hiking food prices (and fuel prices) in combination with the Internet and social media triggering the Arab revolutions/
    I also think the West suffers from a general state of apathy towards government behavior especially since 9/11.
    Fact is we are at war since that day if we like it or not and we have not seen the last confrontations.

    This is only the warming up.

    For me the entire process of globalization and the people behind it are not my cup of tea and I agree with the Russian guy that the USA is the last free nation but only i we manage to wake up the people because the political system is completely rotten and out of control.

    I have given up on Europe because it can’t be saved.

  52. R. de Haan says:

    As for Europe, it’s broke and it left it’s eastern backdoor open believing the Russians wouldn’t pose a threat in the near future. The latter is a big mistake. We now have a highway running from Moscow to Paris and we have lost all industrial manufacturing capacity to replace war losses.

    Only Germany could boost some output but it is the most bankrupt country of Europe although they haven’t told the Germans yet.

    The Wet European youth is a bunch of pussies who think they live in la, la, wonderland.

    Some contrast with the “Professional Russian presenting a demo of their latest Russian AA-12 shot gun:

  53. R. de Haan says:

    WW3 brews as Nation is distracted by Trayvon Martin Case: http://www.prisonplanet.com/ww3-brews-as-nation-distracted-by-trayvon-martin-case.html

  54. BobN says:

    While Putin flexes his muscle, Obama cuts 10 divisions of troops, unilaterally tries to cut our nukes way back and hastens the removal of several carrier groups from action.
    Putin saw how weak Obama is and is acting accordingly.
    Yes, China is systematically taking us apart.
    No one says much, we need to worry more about Trayvon!

  55. adolfogiurfa says:

    @BobN: You were the favorite asset of the Honourable East India Company now it prefers to do business in India and China….

  56. Stephen Wilde says:

    I agree with that in general but there are inconsistencies.

    Chiefio notes that in cooling spells air flows more often in and out of the polar regions with looping meridional Jetstream tracks. That suggests a forcing effect emanating from the polar regions which expand when the sun is quiet.

    However Chiefio also proposes that it is changes in the amount of UV entering the oceans that has the forcing effect but that would show up more as coming from the equator so in that case there would be more meridionality when the sun is active due to the tropical air masses expanding.

    Instead we get zonality with an active sun and meridionality with a quiet sun.

    Having puzzled over those matters some time ago I eventually concluded that logically the initial forcing must come from the poles if we are to have meridional jets with a quiet sun and zonal jets with an active sun as observed. Zonal jets develop when the polar air masses shrink and meridional jets develop when the polar air masses expand.

    Then one has to consider why the UV changes that Chiefio notes do not seem to be in control. The reason is that the effects of those UV changes are dwarfed by the cloudiness and albedo changes that occur when the jets switch from zonal to meridional or back again.

    Then it all falls into place with the top down solar effect from the poles being in control but modulated by the lagging oceanic response from the equator.

  57. omanuel says:

    Two seemingly minor lies, promoted as scientific facts in 1945 to save the world from possible nuclear annihilation, instead destroyed the integrity of science, education, research journals, the news media and world leaders and faith in our Creator-endowed inalienable rights to self-governance:

    1. Neutrons attract neutrons.

    2. H-fusion powers the cosmos.

    My research mentor, the late P. K. Kuroda, directed me to start research to reveal this deception in 1960.

    I regret that it took so long to complete that 1960 assignment.

    Later today I hope to post the manuscript here with links to the irrefutable data and observations.

    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA PI
    For Apollo Samples

  58. omanuel says:

    Here is the long-promised, but forever delayed, manuscript to members of the Space Science & Technology Committee of the House of Representatives that was just completed and submitted today for their consideration:

    Click to access Creator_Destroyer_Sustainer_of_Life.pdf

    The conclusion is just this: Two seemingly minor falsehoods, promoted as scientific facts to save the world from possible nuclear annihilation in 1945:

    _ 1. Neutrons attract neutrons
    _ 2. H-fusion powers the Sun

    Destroyed the integrity of science, education, research journals, the news media, and world leaders – and Creator-endowed rights to self-governance, just as a virus living only in nerve cells might totally incapacitate an entire organism without leaving any visible outward sign of its presence.

    A copy of the manuscript was sent to others interested in this topic, and to the editor and publisher of Nature.

    Comments would be appreciated. Contact me if you are unable to open the link, and pdf or doc files will be sent directly to you.

    My research mentor, the late Paul Kazuo Kuroda, directed me to start research in 1960 that would finally reveal this information. Four others provided helpful information about events and emotions that elevated scientific models above scientific observations in the tragic ending of the Second World War: Fred Hoyle, David Snell, Robert Jungk and George Orwell.

    I regret that it took so long to complete that 1960 assignment.

    With deep regrets,
    – Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA PI
    for Apollo Samples

  59. R. de Haan says:

    This is what is really going on in the world in detail including an historic feed back: http://newparadigm.schillerinstitute.com/

    Just watch this, it might save your life.

  60. R. de Haan says:

    Talking water, I love this plan called NAWAPA XXI http://larouchepac.com/nawapaxxi/feature
    It’s about a 2000 miles waterway to bring run off water from Alaska to the South of the USA.
    It includes dams, lakes, power generation en lot’s of new jobs (6 million) It’s part of a three pillar full recovery program for the USA: http://larouchepac.com/fullrecoveryplatform

    A similar program could also work in Europe but I think we’re to late for that.

  61. R. de Haan says:

    Stephen Wilde says:
    17 July 2013 at 1:38 pm

    “Then it all falls into place with the top down solar effect from the poles being in control but modulated by the lagging oceanic response from the equator”.

    That’s a really fantastic view, a view that explains it all.

    It is really brilliant to explain a highly complex and therefore difficult process with the use of such a small number of words.

    I am convinced you and E. M are on the right track.

    Wish you all the best.

  62. R. de Haan says:

    Paul Craig Roberts: `The Unspoken Truth: Coup d’Etat in America’

    The American people have suffered a coup d’etat, but they are hesitant to acknowledge it. The regime ruling in Washington today lacks constitutional and legal legitimacy. Americans are ruled by usurpers who claim that the executive branch is above the law and that the US Constitution is a mere scrap of paper….

    “The basis of the regime in Washington is nothing but usurped power. The Obama Regime, like the Bush/Cheney Regime, has no legitimacy. Americans are oppressed by an illegitimate government ruling, not by law and the Constitution, but by lies and naked force. Those in government see the US Constitution as a chain that binds our hands….

    “The only constitutional protection that the Bush/Obama regime has left standing is the Second Amendment, a meaningless amendment considering the disparity in arms between Washington and what is permitted to the citizenry. No citizen standing with a rifle can protect himself and his family from one of the Department of Homeland Security’s 2,700 tanks, or from a drone, or from a heavily armed SWAT force in body armor.

    “Like serfs in the dark ages, American citizens can be picked up on the authority of some unknown person in the executive branch and thrown in a dungeon, subject to torture, without any evidence ever being presented to a court or any information to the person’s relatives of his/her whereabouts. Or they can be placed on a list without explanation that curtails their right to travel by air. Every communication of every American, except face-to-face conversation in non-bugged environments, is intercepted and recorded by the National Stasi Agency from which phrases can be strung together to produce a domestic extremist….

    “The serfs are obedient.

    “The people who helped transform a democratically accountable president into a Caesar include John Yoo, who was rewarded for his treason by being accepted as a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, Boalt school of law. Yoo’s colleague in treason, Jay Scott Bybee, was rewarded by being appointed a federal judge on the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. We now have a Berkeley law professor teaching, and a federal circuit judge ruling, that the executive branch is above the law….

    “The executive branch coup against America has succeeded. The question is: will it stand? Today, the executive branch consists of liars, criminals, and traitors. The evil on earth seems concentrated in Washington.”

    He concludes, “If Americans acquiesce to the coup d’etat, they will have placed themselves firmly in the grip of tyranny.”

    Roberts served as an Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan administration.


  63. Adrian Vance says:

    A fact or two woold help this contention.

  64. omanuel says:

    @R. de Haan

    You are exactly right. Thanks to helpful comments from Ken McMurtie on the paper,

    Click to access Creator_Destroyer_Sustainer_of_Life.pdf

    the following addendum was sent to the Space Science & Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives today and posted it on my web page:

    Who Cares If Neutrons Repel and Stars Make Hydrogen?

    A nuclear “holocaust” was avoided; nationalism and racism were reduced as the result of official deception in 1945-46. So, who cares if:
    o Neutrons repel, rather than attract, other neutrons
    o Stars make and discard rather than burn Hydrogen
    o A pulsar is the Creator, Destroyer & Sustainer of Life ?

    These consequences of the 1945-46 falsehoods provide the answer:
    1. Education was “dumbed down” to hide deception.
    2. Egos of world leaders have been dangerously inflated.
    3. Many seriously believe they can control humans and Nature.
    4. They are dangerously unaware the Creator, Destroyer and Sustainer of Life now lurks beneath the Sun’s placid photosphere.
    5. Technology depends on the reliability of mathematics and the physical sciences, but the foundation of physical sciences was destroyed by promoting falsehoods on the energy (E) stored as mass (m) in cores of atoms, planets, stars and galaxies, including the foundation of astronomy, astrophysics, climatology, cosmology, nuclear, particle, planetary, solar, space, and theoretical physics, for example.

    The whole world is in a “mell of a hess” – precisely because world leaders and leaders of the scientific community used deception to try to save the world – a noble goal.

    Members of the Space Science & Technology Committee can either correct the situation now, or wait for the next major EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) [1] or cosmic eruption [2] from the Sun to do the job.

    – Oliver K. Manuel

    [1] Stuart Clark, The Sun Kings: The unexpected tragedy of Richard Carrington and the tale of how modern astronomy began (Princeton University Press, 2007) 224 pages: http://www.amazon.com/books/dp/0691141266 http://www.bookslut.com/nonfiction/2007_07_011472.php

    [2] I. G. Usoskin, B. Kromer, F. Ludlow, J. Beer, M. Friedrich, G. A. Kovaltsov, S. K. Solanki and L. Wacker, “The AD775 cosmic event revisited: The Sun is to blame,” Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters 552, L3 (2013): http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201321080

  65. R. de Haan says:
    17 July 2013 at 11:19 pm
    thanks, great link RDH (http://newparadigm.schillerinstitute.com/)
    You are right, everybody should be forced to watch this & pass on.

    my respect to Helga & “Green” Means No Humanity – There are No Limits to Growth!”

  66. AndrewS says:

    There is enough water in the moon to make concrete. All the materials are already there.

    Click to access LB2-515-ConcreteMadeFromApollo16sample.pdf

  67. JP Miller says:

    I just re-read this post and I think it would make a great basis for discussion of the fundamental physics of climate at WUWT. Have you offered it to Anthony?

  68. ”Where we do have a lot of land, the relative temperatures of the different parts are largely controlled by the degree and nature of water on, over, or near it”

    Where land is far from water – climate is warmer/ hotter and dryer.. Water is life. Water is a shock absorber – cooler days warmer nights http://globalwarmingdenier.wordpress.com/5floods-droughts-we-dont-need-to-have/

  69. Adrian Vance says:

    CO2 is a “trace gas” in air, insignificant by definition. It absorbs 1/7th as much IR, heat energy, from sunlight as water vapor which has 188 times as many molecules capturing 1200 times as much heat making 99.9% of all “global warming.” CO2 does only 0.1% of it. For this we should destroy our economy?

    Carbon combustion generates 80% of our energy. Control and taxing of carbon would give the elected ruling class more power and money than anything since the Magna Carta of 1215 AD.

    Google “Two Minute Conservative,” http://adrianvance.blogspot.com When you speak ladies will swoon and liberal gentlemen will weep.

  70. E.M.Smith says:


    Anthony has been given permission to use anything here that he finds of value. I don’t push my stuff at him, but he may be too busy these days to read other blogs much. If it is good enough, folks will point to it.

  71. E.M.Smith says:

    @Stephen Wilde:

    “However Chiefio also proposes that it is changes in the amount of UV entering the oceans that has the forcing effect but that would show up more as coming from the equator so in that case there would be more meridionality when the sun is active due to the tropical air masses expanding.”

    Um, I don’t think I ascribed any sign to the equatorial vs polar effects from UV. In particular, I think that the UV effect on atmosphere thickness is very important, and that happens “way up there” for both polar and equatorial zones. On short time scales (such as air temperature and zonal vs meridional flow) I think the UV / air effects matter most. Mostly from changes in atmospheric height squashing the action down into lower absolute altitudes. The polar vortex gets shoved down to nearly surface levels at the pole, and a much stronger outflow from it pushes the jet stream equatorward.

    On much much longer time scales (20 year range) I think the slow accumulation or loss of heat from the ocean is slowly modulated by UV vs IR ratios. But since central Pacific water reaches the Arctic near Alaska in about 18 years, any equatorial heating would be transported poleward on those time scales.

    So what just happened in about 2000? A dramatic cut in UV, increase in longer wavelengths. Nearly the same time, the jet stream became more “loopy” (meridional). Not much ocean time lag involved. Over the following 13 years, some of that ocean heat that had accumulated over the prior 30 years migrated poleward. So we have hot water making equatorial air want to go to the cold pole (large blobs of hot air headed to the poles) and colder air headed from the poles toward the equator. Both trying to push past each other and making loops…

    A load of cold water started showing up off the S. American coast (coming from the Drake Passage IMHO partly driven by lunar tidal changes as well). Now as the entire ocean is cooling, we get even more meridional strength. So a fast atmospheric change, then a long slow decades scale ocean change that slowly intensifies the original air changes as the water changes finally make it to the poles. Eventually the oceans will cool enough that some of the “hot middle cold poles making loops” fades and we’ll go back to a more meridional flow. Eventually the sun will swap back to more UV, and we get back into the tall atmosphere, warm equatorial water, meridional action.

    FWIW, I see this as complimentary to your thesis. You have worked out more of the air dynamics. I’m mostly just adding a ‘where does the driver come from’ in pointing at UV changes and how it shifts ocean heating long term and atmospheric height fast. But it’s definitely a rough speculation that needs some proving out and refinement. I’m mostly just pointing out where we have known facts. (UV change, atmospheric height change, ocean depth penetration based on frequency / color of light, differential heating and differential time lags for air and water) and trying to see some patterns. You have a much more integrated air dynamics mechanism, but it seemed lacking in ‘first causes’ drivers (last time I looked at it). I’m looking at fundamental changes and asking if they might be drivers…

    Truth likely lays somewhere in a synthesis of the two points of view; but I don’t have the time to try integrating your understandings with my observations / surmise. Maybe next year ;-)

  72. @Adrian Vance

    water vapor doesn’t produce any GLOBAL warming also, same as CO2 – They absorb heat in the upper atmosphere, where cooling is much more efficient. That’s why when is cloudy, days are much cooler have look the truth about water vapor: http://globalwarmingdenier.wordpress.com/water-vapor-h2o/

  73. Adrian Vance says:

    “Forcing” is an invalid, pre-Wohler, 1832, “Vitalistic” concept calling for molecules to direct one another as if they had tiny pilots. The only other hypothesis is Divine Intervention, but Jim Hansen promotes “forcing” and it is total BS.

  74. Adrian Vance says:

    Total nonsense. Look at the absorption charts. I have a paper on this even you could understand. The physics has been well documented since 1857 by John Tyndall and reconfirmed by Svante Arrhenius in 1897, published in “Physique,” the famous German physics journal.

  75. @ Adrian Vance

    Hi Adrian! Why do you need some shonky science to relay on – just compare the temp when is cloudy for 2-3 days with the same date last year, when wasn’t cloudy.

    Now climatologist are lying; but they are restricted what can get away lying; because of high scrutiny – in the past they were telling much bigger lies; unfortunately lots of people trust the old lies. Can you remember: when gets cloudy -> cools down during the day, but they keep warmer at night – when is no sunlight to intercept

    b] during the day water cloud AND CO2 cloud intercept sunlight HIGH UP, where cooling is better – at night they slow down cooling – those two factors cancel each other, OVERALL ZERO EFFECT!

  76. omanuel says:

    Climategate was the first public exposure to decades of deception designed in 1945 to hide evidence neutron repulsion in cores of heavy atoms, stars and galaxies cause:

    Fragmentation, fission and neutron emission that becomes H-generation after n-decay.

    To save themselves and the world from nuclear annihilation after 1945, two falsehoods became standard, settled, 97%-consensus science:

    1. Neutrons attract, rather than repel, other neutrons.

    2. Stars consume, rather than generate, hydrogen.

    Both statements are empirically FALSE, i.e., falsified by observations.

    The vulnerability of mankind to nature has increased in direct proportion to the arrogance and overly inflated egos of scientists and world leaders since 1945.

    With kind regards, – Oliver K. Manuel Former NASA Princial Investigator for Apollo

    Sent from my iPhone

  77. Adrian Vance says:

    Who said neutrons repel one another? Some nucleons do. Stars consume hydrogen to make helium. “Vulnerability” and “arrogance” do not equate.

  78. omanuel says:

    “Who said neutrons repel?”

    The rest masses of the ~3000 different types of atoms clearly show the generation of mass from neutron repulsion.

    This fact has been published in many peer reviewed articles since 2000, when it was first shown on the front cover of the Proceedings of an ACS Symposium on the “Origin of Elements in the Solar System”, organized by Glenn T. Seaborg and me

  79. p.g.sharrow says:

    Neutrons have a static negative surface charge. The result of it’s hydrogen electron shell charge. Protons similar positive charge strongly repel one another and must have an electron charge between them. Neutrons similar negative charges repel one another and must have a positive proton between them. The negative surface over the positive core makes the neutron appear to have a neutral static charge but it carries both charges and exhibits greater effect on the Aether ( dark matter, dark charge, whatever) to cause greater mass/inertia effects then the proton. Oliver, your neutron repulsion cause of mass effects is correct but you need to continue the logic as to solution of mass/inertia causes. How can matter have mass/inertia? gravity, charge etc.? Effects of charge at rest and under acceleration point to the cause of mass/inertia effects solution. pg

  80. Adrian Vance says:

    Nonsense: Citation? You are living in a fantasy world. Pure gobbledygook….

  81. omanuel says:

    Sorry. My reply to the nuclear engineer on Navy ships and submarines somehow appeared here instead of there. I’ll try again.

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