Warming not extreme

This is an interesting article. The gist of it is that ‘recent’ warming in the 20th century was not out of range of normal as compared to other times. Has a couple of nice graphs, too:


The claim is often made that the rate of temperature change the Earth has experienced over the last 40 years is ‘unprecedented’, and is therefore likely to be man-made.

A quick look at the Vostok[1], EPICA[2] and GISP2[3] ice core records do not appear to support this claim, even within the stable part of the Holocene:

At that point there are some nice graphs showing trendless jiggly wigglies. Well worth hitting the link to take a look.

Then in a comment:


Juraj V. says:

This is the rate of warming/cooling calculated between the individual decades from the CET record.

“Can someone explain what data does support this claim?”
Alas, only these ones:

I’ve taken the liberty of linking to that first image here:

Temperatures CET by Decades

Temperatures CET by Decades

All in all it’s pretty clear that the only thing “unprecidented” about the rate of temperature changes is the hype being shoveled about it.

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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8 Responses to Warming not extreme

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Before 1880, the proxies cannot be relied on…

  2. C3 says:

    Hi E.M.,

    We just recently updated a previous post that spoke to extreme temp changes using the Greenland ice core data. The 2nd chart of the post is definite eye-candy for those challenging the “unprecedented” meme for modern warming.


  3. Adrian Vance says:

    CO2 is a trace gas in air and insignificant by definition. It is a poor absorber of IR energy from sunlight. Water vapor is seven times better and has 80 times as many molecules making 560 times the heating effect of CO2 or 99.8% of it. We should destroy our economy for 0.2% effect?

    Carbon is 84% of petroleum and coal type fuels responsible for 80% of all our energy. Control and taxing of carbon would give the elected ruling class more power than anything since the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 AD. It is just that simple.

    For truth, science and humor see The Two Minute Conservative at http://adrianvance.blogspot.com Also on Kindle

  4. R. de Haan says:

    It’s good to continue to point out that the claims made by the UN IPCC are a scam.

    There is no climate problem.
    We for now only have weather problems and do what we always have done, we adapt.

  5. R. de Haan says:

    @Adrian Vance,
    Thanks for leaving your site address.
    I’ve paid a visit to your blog and will do so again.
    I didn’t leave a comment because I don’t work with Google accounts etc. because they use the data for profiling and surfing behavior but I like what you write.

  6. What we have discovered, since “Climate-Gate”, is that Global Warming is “progressive” :-)

  7. Adrian Vance says:

    R. De Haan: Thank you for your remarks and visit to The Two Minute Conservative.

    You can block anything Google would want to do through your browser or by regularly erasing your cookies. There is very little they can do if you do not have a “gmail” account or blog, as do I, and they are no trouble to me. I rather prefer to get offers on stuff for which I may be interested in and I like to see all the new stuff even if I am no going to buy it. The choice is yours in any case.

    Sincerely, Adrian Vance

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