Dear Ms Merkel – phone encryption

Dear Ms Merkel

I understand that the U.S. Government has been listening in on your “private” phone calls. You have my sympathy. You see, it seems that the Government here has decided to spy on everyone. ( I used to say “My Government”, but since the pathologically named “Patriot Act”, that seems increasingly out of touch with reality. This is no longer a government “of the People. by the People, for the People”. It is now a government of the well connected elite for the purpose of increasing their power and wealth. If that involves trampling your “privacy”, well, small price to pay for domination…

It does not matter much if they are a ‘Progressive / Aso-Liberal (American Social Liberal, a kind of socialist – as opposed to the Classical Liberal of the U.K.) / Socialist / Leftist’ or whatever other name that group has cooked up for themselves lately. (They have a long history of re-branding and trying to be a new fresh advertizing name in front of the same package of failed Central Authority & Control. It is always the same old Marxist stale fail crap. Yes, minor variations like Lenin pushing for a single Global Socialism while Hitler pushed for a smaller National Socialism – your country already experienced those modes…) nor does it matter if they are a bought and paid for Right Wing Nut happy to fund Rich Evil Bastards in their drive to trample regular folks under foot. (Like GE getting a light bulb ban on cheap lights, with a nice loophole for ‘colored lights’, where they just happen to have a special bulb ‘Reveal’ that doesn’t get banned. Drastically increasing light bulb profits on the loss of our freedom to choose…). In the end, powerful folks always want More Power, especially concentrated in one nice place where they can buy / bully or blackmail it. So Central Authority just grows. Until it fails catastrophically.

So in Europe, y’all (that’s a USA south thing… “you all”. Functionally the same as a “you-plural” as opposed to “you-singular”. A useful adding to English, IMHO) have had a long history of playing with the Socialism Shiny Thing in many variations. (And repeatedly crashing, BTW). You also have a long history of The Evil Bastard Dear Leader. From the Roman Empire, to the Byzantine Empire, to the Holy Roman Empire, to the Spanish Empire, to the French Napoleon Empire, to the British Empire, to the Ottoman Empire, to the Austo-Hungarian Empire, to the present EU Empire In The Making. Remove power from the people. Concentrate in a few hands. Push the borders out. Works well for a little while, until it falls to corruption and the eventual malaise that leads to easy conquest from outside. Y’all do love your Evil Bastards and your Central Power and Authority.

We had done a pretty good job of avoiding all that for a couple of hundred years. Then, about the time Ike told use to worry about it, we started down that path too. Didn’t matter which party. FDR kicked it off with the “New Deal” (before Ike) but Nixon kept it going with his “Progressive” policies and creation of Central Authority agencies. Every President since has “moved the ball” more toward the same goal. More Central Authority. Obama is just the latest (capturing heath services into the Federal Mandate and Mangle model). Baby Bush (the younger President Bush) did his share with the Patriot Act and with moving Federal medical care into drugs with “Medicare Part D” drug plans.. Daddy Bush (the older President Bush) expanded government into fuel control and more spending on education and childcare – two things that have no business at a Federal level. Clinton and his supporters in Congress captured real estate lending with a load of anti-redlining laws and mandates that banks had to make bad loans. Republicans demanded that their Big Bank Buddies get a repeal of the law that forced separation of retail banks, from ‘investment banks’ (think stocks and bonds and brokerage houses like Goldman), from insurance companies. That has all blown up in their collective faces; but they have done a marvelous job of pretending they didn’t cause this mess in the first place. Even leveraged it into even more intrusive control of corporations with a load of new laws and regulations (with names like SarBox and more. Trying to prescribe from the top a ‘one size fits all’ fix to the problems caused by the government in the first place.)

So now, a good 30 or 40 years into the American slide into Central Authority & Control (whatever you call it, and if ‘left’ or ‘right’ labeled), we have a nice comfortable Police State. The Police State, like the farm, is a very comfortable, secure, and well fed place, with nice cages to live in; right up until the Farmer gets hungry… Well, a great information hunger sprung up in Washington during the Cold War. When that ended, a load of folks needed to justify their existence. Along came “Terrorism”… Our latest fun fraud is the idea of having a war on an idea. Like a “War On Drugs” or a “War On Terrorism”, or any one of dozens of other “Wars On Thoughts” or “Wars On Stuff”. You can only have a war WITH another Person or collection of persons. Somehow this truth is uncomfortable for The Powers That Be. Likely because they find an amorphous idea easier to war with in perpetuity, than a war on an actual people… Someone might ask the embarrassing questions, like, if all the “terrorists” are muslims, why isn’t it called a ‘war on muslims’?…

Now we are nearing the end game. Collapse of cultures and Empire moves slowly some times. It can take decades, or even centuries. But the end game tends to the same profile. The People discover they are in comfortable cages, but not being fed as well nor protected as well as they thought. The see a very few with untold power and wealth abusing their position. Folks are forgiving, and some are a bit slow, but eventually the day comes where they realize they are not getting all that good a deal. Well, that’s all it takes, really. Not some giant revolution. A few folks will make that happen. The major part of the collapse is hidden below the water line. That is the simple “failure to support” the power structure. Little things, like me talking to my son about volunteering for the military. Which way that conversation goes depends on the larger context. Or the willingness to get up and go to work every day. If, as a grunt, you get about the same ration of chow in the slop trough if you pull the plough or just lay around the pen, well, laying around the pen looks more pleasant. Like the conscripts in Italy who had a mediocre performance under Mussolini (and his “Bundle” / Fascist flavor of Socialism – with focus on labor unions (the ‘bundle’) and Central Control of businesses – the first “Third Way” or “Market Socialism” – currently being resurrected as the darling of The Left under a new name).

Every day, someone has to make the machine we call civilization work. That works best as a “Self Organizing System”. A distributed set of independent actors. Private enterprise. FREE Markets (not ones regulated to death and under Central Control). Individual contributed welfare via things like churches. (not the bogus lie based ‘contributions’ that are forced from folks by law and taxes – any ‘contribution’ that is not voluntary is NOT a contribution, it is an extortion…) We simply must have those ‘bottom up’ self organizing systems or we will fail. Look at all of history. Central Authority grows until it fails, then it fails spectacularly. Every single time. Usually in wars, often with failure of food production and distribution, frequently with a great reduction in the “Elite”… (Remember the “French Haircut” of the French Revolution…) It takes a lot to reach that point, but well before then, folks just stop showing up to crank the machine. Or they work it only enough to avoid punishment; but well below what a free people will do. As Central Control grows, the regular folks struggle for a while, but then just adapt. It doesn’t take much to keep us happy, and we can do that for ourselves. Unlike power hungry Central Authoritarians, we don’t need admiration from anyone (above or below), nor vast wealth, nor power driven ego. We like things like chocolate chip cookies, beer, a bit of TV, maybe a video game, and some time in bed. Pretty easy to do that, even “all on your own”. Basically, we don’t need them. They need us. We can just walk away.

Back At Phones

So, Ms Merkel, you have just discovered that as far as the Obama Government is concerned, you are a chattle and not a Farmer Of Men. Welcome to the club.

You ought to have expected it. There is NEVER room at the top for more than One Evil Bastard. Even if it starts out as a collective effort. Even if there is initially a Senate telling the Caesar where his limits stand, eventually the pull of Empire is too great and Caesar decides to be Emperor… “Some are more equal than others”, and you, dear Angela, are not in the anointed. After all, you run one of those minor ‘not quite a country any more’ departments of the E.U. Empire. About as important as a Governor of a State in the USA. Since the E.U. has usurped the role of Central Authoritarian in Europe, the Westphalian Nation States are more or less destined for destruction and that means you are irrelevant. Sorry. But “welcome to my humble home”.

As a house warming gift for you, in your role as “one of us”, I present a ‘self organizing system’ solution to your desire to have a private phone call. Yes, pointing this out will also give it to the ‘Terrorists” of the world (but they already know it). Besides, I’m having a harder time deciding which is worse, the terrorists or the cure… “We have to destroy our country in order to save it”? What is America if we have no privacy, no self determination, no FREE markets for goods or ideas?

The basic solution is encryption. But since we’ve seen that someone (likely the NSA) has leaned on commercial software companies to bugger their software such that folks with large hardware could break encryption, you need ‘strong encryption’ from private “self organizing” free software sources. This will involve a bit of work on your part to learn some tech, or paying a bit of money to your own guy to build it for you (and verify it is clean – the NSA will be trying to bugger this code too and likely plant some broken versions around, so learn to compare hash codes and maybe even compile from source code). That’s the bad news. You need to do a bit of ‘roll your own’.

Though I must point out: There’s an opportunity here for Germany to manufacture certified encrypting phones that have strong encryption built in. Overnight you can sell to the entire world (since the NSA is snooping on the whole world.). No fear of competition from the USA either, as this government will not approve any phone that breaks their data sniffing ability and will demand US makers leave holes in their security.

So what is this software?

There are several choices, and you can mix and match some parts as you like it. The good news is that some folks, even more security aware (‘paranoid’ was what we were called prior to the NSA leaks showing we were under stating the reality…) than me have already worked on this. That’s the beauty of a self organizing system. Always some guy somewhere whacking away on something that may be irrelevant, but just as often changes the world. Like Steve Jobs and Woz in the garage. Not something Central Planning can ever do. So the heavy lifting is already done.

In some ways, this is like using Skype. But Skype has been buggered so that it is not secure. We need to put encryption back into the process, but in a secure way. It’s best to do this on a dedicated platform that can be locked down (read only software) to prevent it being hacked by NSA / other TLA (Three Letter Agency) folks. But for initial bring up and testing you can use any old computer.

First off, look at Zfone or Zphone. The same Zimmermann who brought us PGP went on to look at telephony. His stuff is very well thought out. It is already built into some products. I expect it will be built into a whole lot more pretty soon… Maybe one with a German name on it? Hmmm?

There is a PBX (Private Branch Exchange) software package that is open source. Asterisk It lets you do fun things like have a single phone number, then someone must put in an extension to get each person in the home. Yes, you can give a private extension to your kid so only their phone rings when someone calls for them. It also lets you put up a challenge (i.e. enter the pass code) or the person goes to voice mail. This kills SPAM callers. Turns out that the Asterisk folks have already built in the Zphone protocols. ZRTP Oh, and it will run on a Raspberry Pi, so you have about a $35 price tag. Nice, eh?

There’s another interesting product, called Twinkle, that offers “soft phone” functionality. That is, it makes a computer into a phone and has similar PBX ability, including ZRTP . It is likely the first one I’m going to get working. It looks a bit quicker to bring up and simpler to configure.

Now all these things have two significant limitations. Each end needs to have a gizmo to do them. So this will work best if it comes built in on a new generation of phones and if a lot of folks adopt them for use (or ‘roll their own’ at home). That was the major hurdle for the last decade or two. Somehow I think we may be moving past the ‘lack of interest’ barrier now… The second problem is that if the platform under the software is compromised, so is the software (in that a hacker can insert a broken version of the encrypting engine). That’s why putting it on Microsoft Windows or even Google’s Android is not likely to be secure. They are both VERY much under the thumb of Central Government Approval. To my eye, it looks like there’s a fair number of “security exposures” in each that are not trivial exploits, but weaknesses that a TLA with funding could exploit. Android is a bit better in that the source code is available and a lot of folks play with it; but it has explicit data gathering behaviours that are “not good”. IMHO, a dedicated and secure Linux base is the best choice. Built from source code, then written to a locked media (like a locked SD card or CD-ROM). At most, a reboot assures a clean system for each new secure use. The nice thing is that this is very easy to do with Linux and a lot of “BBC” Bootable Business Card CD Rom releases exist that could also be run from locked SD cards.

OK, so you can likely talk your friends and family into using encrypting gear if you care about privacy,. and “pretty soon” there will be standard “mixes” of encrypting phone Linux on the net – being spread around by things like Bittorrent and TOR if nothing else. I’m going to be doing a ‘roll my own’ from sources just to be sure I know what’s in it. Details will be posted here. Likely a bit slowly, but still, it will be done. Frankly, I think we may well find a Raspberry Pi encrypting phone download before I can even get a posting done that lists the links to what I’ve already found. It would take about one long weekend for someone familiar with the parts.

So, Dear Angela, you could always just get one of the large number of Linux guys in your country to cook this up for you. It would be amusing to see you demonstrate the use of it while at a conference with Obama… Heck, gets some Swedes on the team and you could likely get it packaged into an Ericsson handset. (Or Nokia from the Fins…). Yes, you will have folks pushing you to not do this, asserting that all the phones of the world need to be running bare ass naked to the TLAs of the world. Do realize that the Bad Guys already know how to do this. It is public knowledge; and now that the fact of the snooping is known, the fix will be applied. You can lead, or you can bring up the rear with your friends in the NSA… I’m sure they can provide “motivation” for you to stay on their side via something you said over the last few years… Your choice, though. Lap dog or leader. Besides, the farmer rarely eats the lap dog…

OK, I was going to put the “Tech Talk” in here. But this is already a bit long. So I’m going to put the links to tech stuff with discussion in a second posting to come up a day or two after this one. That way folks can choose which they want. The background, or the How To.

Here I’ll just put some links for you to dig through.

A decent write up from Forbes:

DIY phone scrambler


Some bits on various PBX and related things:

Zphone stuff: for Mac

I’ve not vetted this bit of software, but it looks like a nice encrypted alternative to FTP:  Encrypted Compressed Transfer Protocol

From Europe, Francophones need privacy too ;-)

Open source soft phone

Some generally useful and interesting R.Pi tricks.

Using an IP based encrypting phone that runs through a VPN to a remote phone line out can nicely hide things like contact trace information and location. It also means that someone tracking the phone, now has to find a second place to attack (where the VPN tunnel comes out, that could be inside a private home in a different legal jurisdiction and with the phone then going to an extension, so not on a public net) AND they need to break two levels of encryption with different technologies (so if one is buggered, the other may not be).

A generally good file and system encryptor, TrueCrypt. If you travel through customs at all or therough the TSA, you need to run an encrypted file system, and not the one from Microsoft…

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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56 Responses to Dear Ms Merkel – phone encryption

  1. Petrossa says:

    Reblogged this on Petrossa's Blog and commented:
    Things to worry about ….

  2. omanuel says:

    Thanks, E.M. Smith, for the message.

    I agree, but reluctant to characterize anyone as the Evil One. The survival of humanity may depend on ability to see that:

    There is a bit of good in the worst of us; A bit of bad in the best of us; We hang together or die separately.

  3. omanuel says:

    I.e., survival of the One Evil Bastard depends on the survival of others.

  4. Bernd Palmer says:

    Excellent! I doubt that Angela M. understands the more technical part, but she may get the gist of it.
    Your political part is hitting the nail on the head.
    “Trying to prescribe from the top a ‘one size fits all’ fix to the problems …” Angela likes being on the receiving end obviously, otherwise she would send the EU parliament to hell.

  5. Mr M.A. says:

    Have the Europeans finally figured out that Obama is a terrible and dangerous President?

  6. Churchill said: ”there isn’t such a thing as permanent friends, or permanent enemies; there are only permanent interest”

  7. R. de Haan says:

    “The new German Government mobiles, manufactured by the Canadian company BlackBerry, were delivered in September after being updated by the German company Secusmart.

    They contain a special encryption card that scrambles speech and data before transmitting it.
    “The speech is encrypted by this card,” said Secusmart founder Hans-Christoph Quelle. “That means transmissions from this card are encrypted bit by bit.”

    I think the german Government just bought themselves a “Lemon”.

    Next time better.

  8. sandy mcclintock says:

    As I read about the activities of your TLAs I am reminded of the phrase that was applied to USSR by President Reagan – “The Evil Empire”. I guess all of the world’s TLAs are doing the same thing if they can, but it’s who gets to use the intelligence that is gathered (and how its used) that reminds me of Reagan’s phrase.

  9. omanuel says:

    E.M. Smith

    I agree with your statement “This is no longer a government “of the People. by the People, for the People”. It is now a government of the well connected elite for the purpose of increasing their power and wealth. If that involves trampling your “privacy”, well, small price to pay for domination . . .

    Do the currently rapidly unfolding events mean this is only a transitional form of government as total collapse approaches?

  10. R. de Haan says:

    Gun confiscation underway?

  11. KevinM says:

    “Now we are nearing the end game.”

    Technically that statement is never not true, from the moment of inception.

    However in the sense I think you mean it, I disagree. The US population is not willing to entertain a third political party, or even a rogue candidate from either current party.

    Try this post again when the congressional reelection rate is below 85 percent. That would represent a milestone. I don’t see it coming in any of the coastal states this decade or next. Because:

    1) The government can feed every American on a picayune fraction of the federal budget.
    2) There is so federal much fat to cut, early dissent can be placated harmlessly.
    3) As long as there is electricity, ten dollar delivery pizza, and new reality tv/sports/video game releases the bottom half of the population is going nowhere. They might not even get out of bed, shower, or leave the house without duress. The top 20 percent is on 1.5 incomes, two or three cars, kids in a good school, decent 2500 sqf house with a yard, three weeks of vacation and travel every few years. They are not going anywhere either. So your Randesque strike of productive workers is relying on the 50th to 80th percentile, who are politically neutered by the two party system, divided from each other by social issues like gender guns and babies, and as rich as Rockerfellers relative to almost the entire world population outside the US and Nortern Europe – and they know it.

    No revolution this decade, unless leadership forces a non-proxy war with China or Russia. We’ll tolerate all the ME-NA-SEA invasions they choose until the pizza stops coming.

  12. omanuel says:

    @ KevinM & E.M. Smith

    I believe we are nearing the end game for reasons given in “A Journey to the Core of the Sun”

    Important information is typed in red and highlighted in yellow on:

    1. This one page synopsis of my research career: “A Journey to the Core of the Sun”

    Click to access Synopsis.pdf

    2. Chapter 1 tells the history of meeting Professor Paul Kazuo Kuroda in May 1960

    Click to access Chapter_1.pdf

  13. R. de Haan says:

    I watched this video about 9/11 presented by a lady called Judy Wood who makes a case of explaining where the all the rubble of the buildings went, how cars were “toasted and flipped around blocks away from the site and observations about people taking of their clothes before jumping and her observation of tons of dirt being transported into the site over the years to come.
    Just watch it an come up with some comments:

  14. R. de Haan says:

    Sorry, thought I was posting under TD

  15. John Robertson says:

    Thanks E.M I am strangely cheered by your wisdom.
    Funny how hard it is to control people, funnier still the actions of those obsessed with controlling the rest of us.
    We are currently grinding production to a halt, thro regulation, tax theft and govt enforced monopolies.
    When there is no one left outside of govt to rob, it will end.
    Hasten the end, get a government job?

  16. R. de Haan says:

    Or hit the street and start protesting.

  17. Larry Geiger says:

    Almost exactly two weeks off, then this. Wow! I’m impressed. Poor Angela.

  18. omanuel says:

    If the Australian military was really guilty of setting the brush fires, . . .

    Then our totalitarian one-world government has now achieved a new low !

  19. R. de Haan says:

    At least sea levels are’t rising:
    No sea level rise since 1841:

    Even the use of the word sea level rise or change is an exaggeration.

    Close down the IPCC immediately.

  20. R. de Haan says:

    It they listen in on Merkel’s phone, all they hear is BS anyhow.

    Merkel is full of it, just like Obama.

  21. omanuel says:

    Life on Earth evolved over the past three and a half billion years (3.5 Ga).

    Humans have only been around a short period of time and are probably 95-99% controlled by instincts.

    The scientific method was designed to help mankind to know reality and to not lose contact with reality because of instinctive FEARS of powerlessness.

    ResearchGate allowed me to pose the question there that Nature refused to let us answer:

    “Is the Sun a pulsar?”

  22. tom0mason says:

    An NSA operative was enthralled at hearing the sexy way Angela Merkel said
    “Auf wiederhören”

  23. Tom says:

    For those of us who are decent at setting up and configuring/managing Windows but have no background in Linux, what is a good distro to start with? I’ve head Ubuntu is easy to use. It would be useful to have a high level overview of what’s needed in setting up and migrating to the types of system you described: CD based system, what distro, how to get apps installed, how to keep it running, what are some the things to watch out for. The one thing about Windows is the apps are easy for non-techies to install and use – my mother can click away on Windows and run Word and Excel. I’ve thought about Linux, but when I see all the arcane commands and having to download and compile packages, my eyes glaze over. Guess it’s time to learn a new OS.

  24. Zeke says:

    Just for grins, contrast Nigel Farage regarding German dominance of the European Union.

  25. omanuel says:

    I don’t know Nigel Farage, but I like his direct, frank style !

    This may be the one to help end the one-world tyranny that plagues us!

  26. Once again I am gob smacked by Chiefio’s brilliance. This may be one of his best!

    All forms of government tend towards Oligarchy as stated by Robert Michels almost 100 years ago. All too often oligarchies metastasize into fullblown dictatorships run by evil bastards supported by the evil bastard’s family, tribe or buddies.

    Here are some of Chiefio’s gems that resonated with me:
    “Daddy Bush (the older President Bush) expanded government into fuel control and more spending on education and childcare – two things that have no business at a Federal level.”

    “Central Authority grows until it fails, then it fails spectacularly.”

    “So, Ms Merkel, you have just discovered that as far as the Obama Government is concerned, you are a chattle and not a Farmer Of Men. Welcome to the club.”

  27. Steve C says:

    There are some thoughts on this in this morning’s Sunday Telegraph, by Janet Daley: “Trusting the State is costing us our Freedom”.

    When exactly did the West stop referring to itself as the “Free World”? Presumably, it roughly coincided with the end of the Cold War. When that clear division between a totalitarian Eastern bloc, with its command economy and closed society, and the Atlantic model of individual liberty, gave way to a much messier and more ambiguous global picture — that must have been when the certainty of our commitment was lost. Perhaps because freedom does not seem under such imminent existential threat, nations that would once not have dreamt of trifling with its basic principles are taking cavalier risks.

  28. Steve C says:

    Hmm, it’s an unusually good morning for scanning the papers. It would be nice to think that the great somnolent beast that is civil society was actually stirring in its sleep, although I shan’t be holding my breath. As someone once said, “When all is said and done, a great deal more has been said than done”.

    In “Power to the People? Don’t Make me Laugh”, D.J. Taylor reflects on the power structures revealed in the recent Forbes list:

    “It has been a fascinating few days for anyone interested in the nature of power as exercised in the 21st century, the identities of those who exercise it, and the relationship between the exercisers and the people at the bottom of the hierarchical pyramids that these behemoths command.”

  29. Steve C says:

    Ouch. Damn this lack of a preview.

  30. Zeke says:

    @O Manuel,

    Nigel Farage is a wonderful communicator! And has been a real jolt back to life for the UK. I go to his channels often to understand events and developments with the EU and the legislation from Brussels affecting the UK.

    Here is his latest radio interview. He answers questions regarding immigration and energy, and loses absolutely no love on worthless wind turbines and the deletarious effects on the landscape and on power supply.

    He remarks on the “bazaar assumption that energy prices will rise in the next few years,” and counters that shale gas has the potential to reduce energy prices by 50% in the UK.

  31. p.g.sharrow says:

    For thousands of years it has been known that wind power is second best to other forms of energy. Just better then nothing. Only Government dictate can “make” it work. A Liberal Progressive idea that works in prose, not in reality. Any engineer in energy production considers wind power as a Last option, as it is not dependable, is an expensive to build system and has very high maintenance requirements.
    The best option, generally, is to scrap them and use something else. That is ALWAYS the case if anything else is available. pg

  32. tom0mason says:

    British wind is a true scandal in that the official (minister) that OK’s such projects has major investment income in these windmills, and is on numerous company boards that build these things. He also just happens to be the PM father-in-law!
    Just look-up John Gummer aka Lord Deben.
    Here is a good place to start –

    The comments on this page are hoot!

  33. Zeke says:

    Thanks Tomomason. Those are great comments.

    I wonder if DirkH were to comment, he might say not to let Ms Merkel’s banal appearance fool you.

  34. Steve C says:

    @pg – Dead right. As a friend pointed out recently, a couple of centuries ago we had windmills everywhere. And where are they now? Oh, yes, we discovered reliable sources of energy and scrapped ’em.

    Seems the human race had more sense 200 years ago than it has now.

  35. p.g.sharrow says:

    @Steve C; Certainly most politicians are dumber then a wooden fence post. New batches must be re-educated every generation. We just cleaned up the Carter “Green” debacle in the late 1980s and and this next wreck was underway by the late 1990s. This time we need to clean out the universities faculties of intellectual posers as they just keep teaching stupid to a new batch of ignorant inductees. pg

  36. p.g.sharrow,

    When governments interfere with markets the consequences are usually horrid. Unfortunately, there are always a bunch of “Evil Bastards” who make money at the expense of the rest of us; they use their influence to keep the gravy train rolling.

    It is simply a case of “Cost/Benefit Analysis”. The taxpayer gets the cost while fat cats get the benefit.

    You can also think of it as the “Inverse Robin Hood” effect where the poor are robbed for the benefit of the rich. Is it not wonderful to discover that our taxes are being used to subsidize the sale of the Tesla Model S that only the rich can afford:

  37. tom0mason,
    You are dead right about John Selwyn Gummer who appropriately attended Selwyn College Cambridge.

    I dimly remember him from his CUCA days; he was an arrogant windbag. Exactly the kind of person who does well in politics.

    The good news is that he is almost as old as I am so he won’t be doing his mischief much longer.

  38. R. de Haan says:

    Zeke says:
    4 November 2013 at 3:50 am
    @O Manuel,

    “Nigel Farage is a wonderful communicator! And has been a real jolt back to life for the UK. I go to his channels often to understand events and developments with the EU and the legislation from Brussels affecting the UK.”

    He indeed is a wonderful communicator but that’s where the buck stops.
    He runs his party as a totalitarian and doesn’t come up with the plans that would enable a UK retreat from the EU.

    I follow him for many years now and I get the impression his only function is to channel anti european sentiments. This would make him an insider of the same establishment he “attacks” in his speeches. And that makes him the biggest traitor of his own electorate.

  39. Zeke says:

    R. de Haan,

    This is something that is often said about challengers in a two party system. (Ross Perot cough) A third party can easily be cast as a “spoiler” vote for one or the other party to win an election when the electorate is almost evenly divided. And there are a lot of “independents” who like to use their vote as a swing vote to get junkets and personal gain. (I am using “third party” as an American phrase and not as a literal term.)

    First, I have looked over the entire UKIP manifesto, and they do have a broad set of policies that are extremely sensible and resonate with the people of the UK at a time when most of the parties resemble eachother more than they differ. “You can’t get a cigarette paper between them!” As Nigel Farage likes to say. The UKIP is the only party speaking out against the fraudulent renewable energy plans, against immigration, and for a return to having grammar school choices. Nigel Farage has taken a great political risk in pointing out that opening the UK’s borders to receive millions of immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania is daft for reasons of crime, youth unemployment, and drains on the social and welfare programs. He is called a racist for this but the people of the UK see through these ridiculous charges. Romania has not recovered from the depredations of communism, and is a very, very poor country with, unfortunately, a serious criminal culture.

    Secong, the other parties are now forced to give at least lip service to having a referendum to leave the EU, so you can thank Nigel Farage for that. And while this seems like a single issue, it affects everything in Britain.

    And as for local issues, what could be more helpful to local towns and cities than opposition to the worthless wind turbines, and the suggestion instead of developing their own shale gas resources to bring energy prices down?


  40. tom0mason says:

    Zeke says:
    7 November 2013
    Nigel Farage has taken a great political risk in pointing out that opening the UK’s borders to receive millions of immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania is daft for reasons of crime, youth unemployment, and drains on the social and welfare programs. He is called a racist for this but the people of the UK see through these ridiculous charges. Romania has not recovered from the depredations of communism, and is a very, very poor country with, unfortunately, a serious criminal culture.

    Here is a useful link for Bulgaria (Bulgaria is approximately 11.67% of UK population)

    Here is a useful link for Romania (Romania is approximately 35.56% of UK population)

    Given the population differences, unlawful killing appears to be the most worrying statistic of both countries. UK certainly is not without flaws here but I’m sure the UK does not want more criminals arriving from any foreign country.

  41. Zeke says:

    It appears that either there is actually more crime in the UK, or Romania does not prosecute its crimes.

  42. tom0mason says:

    Not only does it look like there is more crime in UK but they acquit at a high rate*! I fear you may be correct about how Romania prosecutes its crimes.

    * From definition –
    Total acquitted in criminal courts. Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence.

  43. p.g.sharrow says:

    Total acquittals indicates excessive charges and policing and not high crime rates.

    “It is better that 10 guilty escape then one innocent be prosecuted.”
    “The greatest sin that can be committed is to unjustly charge a blameless person.”

    To attempt to destroy another’s reputation with lies is a greater crime/sin then murder. pg

  44. tom0mason says:

    To attempt to destroy another’s reputation with lies is a greater crime/sin then murder

    Amen to that!

  45. R. de Haan says:

    Zeke says:
    7 November 2013 at 5:09 am
    R. de Haan,

    This is something that is often said about challengers in a two party system. (Ross Perot cough) A third party can easily be cast as a “spoiler” vote for one or the other party to win an election when the electorate is almost evenly divided. And there are a lot of “independents” who like to use their vote as a swing vote to get junkets and personal gain. (I am using “third party” as an American phrase and not as a literal term.)

    First, I have looked over the entire UKIP manifesto, and they do have a broad set of policies that are extremely sensible and resonate with the people of the UK at a time when most of the parties resemble eachother more than they differ. “You can’t get a cigarette paper between them!” As Nigel Farage likes to say. The UKIP is the only party speaking out against the fraudulent renewable energy plans, against immigration, and for a return to having grammar school choices. Nigel Farage has taken a great political risk in pointing out that opening the UK’s borders to receive millions of immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania is daft for reasons of crime, youth unemployment, and drains on the social and welfare programs. He is called a racist for this but the people of the UK see through these ridiculous charges. Romania has not recovered from the depredations of communism, and is a very, very poor country with, unfortunately, a serious criminal culture.

    Secong, the other parties are now forced to give at least lip service to having a referendum to leave the EU, so you can thank Nigel Farage for that. And while this seems like a single issue, it affects everything in Britain.

    And as for local issues, what could be more helpful to local towns and cities than opposition to the worthless wind turbines, and the suggestion instead of developing their own shale gas resources to bring energy prices down?



    Thanks for your detailed views.

    Maybe I can convince you about my views by mentioning the fact that the sole objective of UKIP was get out of the EU and “give the UK back to the people.

    UKIP without any doubt triggered a panic within the Tory ranks, including Cameron.
    This panic went so far that Cameron 7 months ago offered an In/Out Referendum in 2017, written down in the Party Convention (this to prevent any chance for him to paddle back on this promise as he already did twice). This was a great opportunity for UKIP but they didn’t take advantage of the opportunity. Instead they chose to simply behave like any other political party offering more from the same an taking the wind out of the sails of their primary objective.

    Just watch the September meeting presentation of the Bruges Group where Bill Cash MP
    Nigel Farage MEP and Peter Oborne held a speech. Especially listen to what Peter Oborne has to say as he claims that UKIP now has become the best ally of the EU.

    Very interesting exchange of views.

    I would appreciate your opinion.

  46. Zeke says:

    R De Haan says, “UKIP without any doubt triggered a panic within the Tory ranks, including Cameron.
    This panic went so far that Cameron 7 months ago offered an In/Out Referendum in 2017, written down in the Party Convention (this to prevent any chance for him to paddle back on this promise as he already did twice). This was a great opportunity for UKIP but they didn’t take advantage of the opportunity.”

    Not being a Pom myself, I had to think back on this debate from months ago. It is true, Cameron offered an “In/Out Referendum.” The problem was, he is incurably Europhile in action, has promised a referendum before and did not deliver, and furthermore, he was offering to “renegotiate” terms within the EU (if he got elected) and then after “renegotiation,” offer an In/Out Referendum. Some might believe Cameron only “if it was written in blood!” (ref: )

    Cameron’s actual offer 0-1:45
    Nigel Farage responds 1:46:

    Besides, Cameron’s madly in love with worthless wind turbines! Zeke

  47. R. de Haan says:

    Yes, because he’s married into a family that is lining their pockets from wind farms build on their lands. Other than that he is a traitor because thanks to Mary Ellen Synon we know how why he offered the referendum in 2017.

  48. John Robertson says:

    The worm is turning, realist are in elected office in Australia and Canada.
    Jo Nova has a couple of fine posts on the terror in the eco-nasties camp.
    “Socialism masquerading as environmentalism”,the Australian Prime Minister has a fine speech writer.

  49. Graeme No.3 says:

    John Robertson:
    The Australia P.M.’s speech writer is Tony Abbott.
    I think you can regard those words as genuine.

  50. David Cameron has created quite a storm with his “Green c**p”. Did he or didn’t he?

    He will keep us all guessing as he did on the referendum promise:

  51. adolfogiurfa says:

    “Paper-Clip” recharged?

  52. KevinM says:

    Re all the Farage talk.

    Doesn’t like ceding UK independence to foreigners? Wonder how he feels about “returning” Northern Ireland.

    My empire building is for the best, but your’s is terrible.

  53. R. de Haan says:

    Cameron is a complet jerk. He’s crapping on his own policies. Only a complete moron does something like that. But the biggest blame has to be cast upon the public who puts up with all his crap policies and his dog and pony shows, especially those who elected him in office.
    What’s happened with the people. Where is the tar, where are the feathers.
    You know where he lives. The address is Downing Street number 12 (LOL)

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