Mid-July, after the 4th, looking for fun… what to do… Ski Squaw!

Well, here it is, the middle of July. Well past the 4th of July. In some, particularly cold and snowy years, Squaw Valley manages to hang on to July 4th with maybe one run, just for the news value I think. Well, that’s a week+ in the rear view mirror. So what to do now? Isn’t it the hottest year ever and with everyone by now forgetting what snow is? Think of the poor children, never seeing snow…

So this might be your last chance for them to ever see it again… Time to Ski Squaw!

From: http://squawalpine.com/skiing-riding/weather-conditions-webcams/lift-grooming-status

Click image to embiggen…

Squaw Valley Ski Resort open with 3 runs 2017 July 15

Squaw Valley Ski Resort open with 3 runs 2017 July 15

Only one? Something unique? Well… no. Down south we have Mammoth Mountain.


Summer Shredding

With over 600″ of snowfall this winter the 2016/2017 ski season is still going strong and we’ll be skiing and riding into August.

Well, with “Global Warming” like that, I’m going to need a new pair of skis, a better parka, and my ski pants updated… /sarc;

I can never ever remember skiing in August in California. It may well have happened some time, but I wasn’t around then. For the “hottest year ever” it sure has a lot of snow. One must also ask how that whole Hansen thing of filling in stations from those 1200 km away can possibly be right. July at Tahoe when it was hiking and camping a few years back MUST have been warmer than Tahoe with snow on the ground. Now GHCN no longer has a California station there, it fills it in from the coast. But it MUST be overestimating the heat there now, compared to before. The Great Dying Of Thermometers preferentially pruned high altitude thermometers. Those interpolated values now must be wrong… Cooked books? You bet…

For those who might not have seen them, this is where I looked at how GHCN systematically lost high altitude thermometers:



Plus some others you can search for.

So, the big question going forward: Will it start snowing this year before all of the last year snow has melted? Hmmm? I suspect glacial growth is about to pick up.

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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8 Responses to Mid-July, after the 4th, looking for fun… what to do… Ski Squaw!

  1. Steven Fraser says:

    I’ve been watching this too. Squaw looks close to being played out for the year, but Mammoth is going great guns. As to season overlap, first snowes in Mammoth have been on Oct 5’the last 2 years. I will be interested to see if skiing goes past Labor Day.

  2. Also see http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-40620077 which reports on an unusual amount of snow in Santiago, Chile. The France 24 report showed someone there remembering the last snow as in the 70s, but the BBC says it last snowed there around 20 years ago. Then again, a single snowflake on top of the Met office on Dec 25th is counted as a White Christmas. There are probably a few political puns available in that statement….

  3. Ian W says:

    I was in Santiago Chile during 2006 and there was snow around Santiago then, not a huge amount but sufficient for a Venezuelan I was working with to have his picture taken in a coat – as his parents had never seen him wearing a coat.

  4. philjourdan says:

    I like to tweak noses at times. But Alarmists have no sense of humor. I wrote my usual “AGW causes normal weather” and you should see the acolytes go ballistic! They are even arguing that floating ice causes sea level rise!

    They really do not have any sense of humor.

  5. E.M.Smith says:

    The basic problem is that near the equator, and near sea level, nothing really changes. As the sun goes quiet, the atmospheric height for any given pressure gets lower. (Atmosphere ‘shortens’). This causes 3 effects that I’ve noticed so far.

    1) The change to a more “loopy” jet stream (thus more cloud).

    2) Effectively (in terms of climate) higher mountain tops get colder and more snow.

    3) Wider “Polar Night Jet” where the Cat 2 Hurricane force winds at the tropopause deliver all that air to a circular descending polar vortex. With less altitude in which to tighten the vortex, it spreads out more at ground impact, so very cold stratospheric air hits a wider chunk of the pole. (This also puts dry stratospheric air over a wider area enhancing long wave radiation of energy to space…)

    The net net of all that is polar regions get colder while equatorial regions NOT at mountain heights do nothing. Yet the mountains get colder and snowier. In between, the mid-latitudes just get more prone to weather swings from very cold Mobile Polar Highs freezing them to hotter tropical surges as the jet stream loop shifts sideways.

    Since most folks don’t live at the poles, or on mountain tops (and few active thermometers are there and fewer still in GHCN) those changes get ignored by the “climate scientists”. That just leaves the low tropics where “nothing much changes and it is hot” and the temperate zones where “crazy weather” can be blamed on “Global Warming”.

    Basically, we need a new data set of temperatures that DOES properly track over long periods of time the mountain heights and the polar regions. They ought to show a very pronounced set of temperature cycles in sync with the solar cycle changes.

    I think it is no accident that any data useful for that purpose tends to be erased in the GHCN and related temperature histories… That data is “in” for the baseline during a cold period and during a rise into a warm 1/2 cycle, then “out” in the present so it can’t show the present cooling.

    What we need are long duration temperature records from mountain tops and near polar regions… Which would likely require collecting that specific data outside of the GHCN from the actual nations in those places. Until that is done, all we have is “anecdotal” news reports of frozen mountains and frozen ‘near polar’ temperate zone places.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Absurdly cold in South America: https://www.iceagenow.info/south-america-absurdly-cold/
    yes, I am triggered. I watched the last series of winters, the snow and cold events in the Middle East and North Africa this years, Camels in the snow, one meter of snow in the Sahara and the incredible mass increase of the Greenland Ice Cap above normal. Always good to be vigilant. Especially since our press is only producing Fake News, even during the daily weather report.

  7. R. de Haan says:

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