A.I. – Well This Kinda Sucks…

FWIW, the reason you have not seen a lot of “every Friday Market postings” is because I’ve come to understand that machine driven trading dominates the Stock Markets. There is no reason trying to predict “what the market of people will do” when the market is about 75% to 85% computers (which it is).

It becomes an exercise in “predict what their algorithm will do” which is a bit daft from the get go.

So I largely decided to “bank my position” and bridge to retirement. (And have succeeded at that).

But this video is creepy. Especially given that it is 2 years out of date compared to current state of the art (and likely more years behind “what Darpa can do”)

It really is a bit over the top when you realize that your worst paranoid moments were way short of the reality… Facial recognition from above based on things like your ears and gate? Well, OK, I can see how I would program for that… Oh Damn!

So, OK, add Large Hat to my “going out side” kit and also add “Monty Python Funny Walks Department” but not as a gag… Can Guys wear a Burka?

Sorry, no /sarc; on that…

We are in fact sleep walking into the 100% surveillance society.

Then there are several bits of A.I. working on “Pre Crime” to predict when and where a “crime” will happen. But given how governments have had a rather flexible definition of what a “crime” really is, that does not provide comfort. (On the way home today I saw 2 billboards about home delivery of cannabis… Yet folks are in prison today for past convictions for possession. Absurd? Yes, but it is reality.)

In Australia now it is a crime to defend yourself or have the means to do so. I’ll post the videos on that at some point just to make it clear. But someone invades your home with a knife and you hit them with a baseball bat and “stop the attack” – there’s a set of Monday Morning Quarterbacks who decide if that was “proportional” or not (i.e. could you have just run away and let the take your stuff and rape your wife and NOT clocked them one) who will determine your fine and / or prison term… for being invaded and attacked. Simple possession of something that could be a weapon is a criminal act unless you can show a justified reason for having it. Like, oh, a baseball bat and not on a team – YOU go to the pokey. I’ve never been so glad I decided NOT to take that job in Australia….

Who will run this attack robots? You? Or The Globalists? What happens when the Yellow Vests are met with a Robot Police Line?

It will be here faster than we think…

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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23 Responses to A.I. – Well This Kinda Sucks…

  1. Brent Buckner says:

    For disrupting gait analysis I’ve read that putting small pebbles in your shoes may be effective.

  2. Simon Derricutt says:

    I suspect they’re using “1984” as a template, and not as a warning. A while back the Chinese AI caught a guy they wanted when he went to a gathering of around 60,000 people. I suppose that shows that Chinese don’t after all all look the same…. There’s also a trial in China of facial recognition being used to pay small bills (restaurant coffee plus) rather than using cards and swiping them. What could possibly go wrong?

    The Australian crack-down on anything that could be considered a weapon, and basically treating the victim as an aggressor for self-defence when attacked, is worrying. Given that you can use car-keys as a weapon (as well as the car itself, of course) then everyone is likely to have some sort of weapon on them. I have loads of lethal weapons in the toolkit and gardening/farming kit, and my pocket-knife is indispensable for daily life. Pencil, ball-pen, torch etc. can all be used in defence, too. Maybe the aim of all this is to make the normal law-abiding population criminal so they can be better-controlled.

    Surveillance of this type works best in cities, though, since out in the sticks you’d need too many cameras and network to be cost-effective. Still, supply people with a free app that runs on their phones and they’ll flock to give up the information of where they are at any point and what they’re doing. There may also be (effectively) penalties for not joining in with that in future, where a lack of surveillance information could impact your ability to get loans or government handouts – a non-person may find it difficult to exist. Sorry, we have no records of your existence….

  3. Bill in Oz says:

    Chiefio, you being abit over the top about weapons in Australia. Farmers can get licenses for guns to use on their properties. They do need now to do a weapons handling & training program however. Urban folks can join gun clubs or sporting shooters clubs and get a license to own a gun either long barrel or a pistol. But no one but the armed forces have a license to own military style weapons.

    This restrictions on weapon ownership, since 1997-8 have had three major effects : 1 : it eliminated the type of mass shootings by lone gun men that happens in the USA. There have been none at all.
    2: It has lessoned the number of people using guns to suicide – though not the suicide rate as a whole. 3 It has significantly reduced the number of gun homicides.

    From an Australian perspective these benefits far outweigh the cost of the restrictions. And there is overwhelming support in the general population. We are different to the USA and we do things differently in this regard.

    The right to self defence still exists. But if a house invader winds up dead because of excessive violence by a home owner, the police will probably take it to court and let the jury decide if a crime was committed. I can’t think of any convictions in recent years. The only one I can think of was a house invasion over drugs, in my state South Australia, around 2008. The occupier defended himself with a samurai sword and one person died. He was found guilty of a a man slaughter charge but released on a ‘good behaviour’ bond because of the circumstances. Recently someone broke into a house and woke the owner. The owner confronted him and there was a struggle. The home invader died in the struggle. But here no details have been released by the police about what he died of. The actions of the home owner are being investigated by police.No charges have been laid that I know of…but even if it ent to court, it’s the jury which will decide anyone’s guilt.

  4. cdquarles says:

    Bingo. See Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”, which was written more than 60 years ago. [That’s her pinnacle. She wrote stuff decades before that and the ideas here stated date to early on in human history.]
    These folk do NOT want the PEOPLE to be free. They do want them as pliant herd animals, but often forget that even pliant herd animals ‘go wild’ at times.

  5. Pouncer says:

    Hi Brent! “I’ve read that putting small pebbles in your shoes may be effective.” Yeah. IIRC that was a detail from Heinlein’s novel _Double Star_ . (Perhaps among other places)

  6. mark fraser says:

    My ears are kinda funny and my gate is closed. My wok, however, is well seasoned.

  7. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting video – only in small details is is surprising, as I work in an environment that data mines big data and sifts it for morsels of information.

    The capabilities of big data and massive processing power is far beyond what many people think.

    I think the key message in there is that once machine learning solves a problem, we have no idea how or why it gets to the solution it does.

    We point it at a problem and tell it take this mass of data and pick out X, a while later if becomes very good at identifying X in that context, but we have no clue how if finds and identifies X. Is it because it is very good at picking out shapes, or colors or patterns of movement, or is it that X wears Nike shoes, and always has a coffee at the starbucks at 5th and Main at 8:30 am, and it follows X’s movements for the entire day after X leaves the starbucks?

    When you don’t understand the problem it is hard to find the solution. How do you unplug something when you don’t know what it uses for input?

  8. E.M.Smith says:


    There’s a strategy that was being proposed by Tanenbaum (Minix creator) who has a new micro-kernel design / BSD userland (Minix 3). With the micro-kernel, they can restart the userland processes that do things like file systems, networking, device drivers, etc. He suggested they could have variations of them and periodically stop one and start another in a different address block. “Rotate the shields”… as it were.

    This is similar to what I do with whole systems. I have a constantly changing “fingerprint”.

    So extend that to the person tracking. Vary hair style, wear several different kinds of “sun glasses” including some that look like regular glasses. Dye hair from time to time. Have a rotating wardrobe that includes several hats… and about those shoes… I walk differently in sandals that might fly off, heavy boots that need more “lift”, and tight dress shoes. Keep mixing them up too.

    FWIW, there’s a group of folks working on makeup that confuses facial recognition systems. It is an interesting ‘look” in that it puts wedge like things on the cheeks (sort of noses…) and spots in other places (sort of eyes) along with eyebrow like marks and more.

    I’m wondering how long before we find “stick on eyes” in the cosmetics department ;-)

  9. DonM says:

    Three years ago I had to get the whole new drivers license (photo & all). The lady took the picture, seemed to not like it and took another. She seemed to not like that one either. She took a third … this time she told me that the computer still did not recognize it as being me, but she wasn’t going to mess around with it anymore.

    Until then I didn’t know DMV was doing that.

    If DMV has your record you can bet a bunch of other government agencies will have access to it.

    (5 years from now I will put a couple of big wads of bubble gum in my cheeks and poke my lower jaw out to see what happens)

  10. H.R. says:

    Interesting that you mention that, DonM. Last time my license was up, I went in and got the new one on the spot.

    This past July, my wife’s DL was up. She did the paperwork, sat for the photo, and then was informed that it would be mailed to her and she’d get it in about a week.

    We both went HUH?!? There was no real explanation other than they state was centralizing the production and issuance of the licenses. It made no sense to us at the time.

    So now you have me thinking that the old machines they used weren’t networked to anything, just stand alone DL makers. Now I’m thinking the new machines are networked (obviously) but the delay is due to the searches of who knows how many databases against your photo and info as well as sending your info with the search results to Obama’s database of everything on everybody (thanks Maxine Waters for blabbing about that one).

    I think I missed the full data Monty last time, but next time my DL is up I’ll be masking the typical ID features; shorten and shape the eyebrows, shave with a dull blade, which really blotches up my face, borrow some lip gloss from the missus that fills and smooths the lip, clip on earrings… anything and everything I can think of, although I guess that a high quality fake scar is probably some sort of felony.

    Oh, for a lark, I’ve been letting my hair grow out so I can do the geezer ponytail. Then I figured I’d go back to the ‘Republican Cut’ after I’d had some fun. Already my hair is covering my ears in somewhat of the old ’70s style. I think I’ll just keep it long.

  11. E.M.Smith says:


    Recent advances make ears as usefull as fingerprints. Keep the long hair….

  12. Larry Ledwick says:

    We both went HUH?!? There was no real explanation other than they state was centralizing the production and issuance of the licenses. It made no sense to us at the time.

    I believe that is part of the process to have “real id” compliant drivers license, by sending it to your nominal physical address they verify it is a real deliverable address.

    Section 202(b) of the Act directs that REAL ID-compliant licenses
    and identification cards must include the following information:
    (1) The person's full legal name, date of birth, and gender;
    (2) The person's driver's license or identification card number;
    (3) A digital photograph of the person;
    (4) The person's address of principal residence;
    (5) The person's signature;
    (6) Physical security features designed to prevent tampering,
    counterfeiting, or duplication of the driver's licenses and
    identification cards for fraudulent purposes; and
    (7) A common machine-readable technology, with defined minimum
    Section 202(c) of the Act also mandates certain minimum standards
    that States must adopt when issuing driver's licenses and
    identification cards intended for use for official purposes (referred
    to as REAL ID-compliant cards). Those standards include, but are not
    limited to, the following:
    The State shall require, at a minimum, presentation and
    verification of (1) A photo identity document (except that a non-photo
    identity document is acceptable if it includes both the applicant's
    full legal name and date of birth); (2) documentation showing the
    applicant's date of birth; (3) proof of the person's Social Security
    Number (SSN) or verification that the applicant is not eligible for a
    SSN; and (4) documentation showing the applicant's name and address of
    principal residence. Sec. 202(c).
    The State shall require valid documentary evidence that
    the applicant is lawfully present in the United States. Such evidence
    shall include documentary evidence that the applicant: (1) Is a citizen
    or national of the United States; (2) is an alien lawfully admitted for
    permanent residence or temporary residence in the United States or
    pending application for same; (3) has conditional permanent resident
    status in the United States or pending application for such status; (4)
    has an approved application for asylum in the United States, a pending
    application for asylum, or has been admitted to the United States in
    refugee status; (5) was lawfully admitted to the United States using a
    valid, unexpired nonimmigrant visa; (6) has a pending or approved
    application for temporary protected status in the United States; or (7)
    has approved deferred action status. Sec. 202(c)(2)(B).
    States must establish procedures to verify each document
    required to be presented by the applicant. The State also shall have
    entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with DHS to use the
    Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE system) to verify
    the lawful status of an applicant, other than a U.S. citizen. Sec.
    States also must confirm with the Social Security
    Administration (SSA) that the SSN presented by an applicant (as
    required under Sec. 202(c)(1)(C)) is registered to that person. Sec.
    States must ensure the physical security of facilities
    where driver's licenses and identification cards are produced; and the
    security of document materials and papers from which driver's licenses
    and identification cards are produced. Sec. 202(d)(7).
    All persons authorized to manufacture or produce cards to
    appropriate security clearance requirements. Sec. 202(d)(8).
    Physical security features on the driver's licenses and
    identification cards designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, and
    duplication of the documents for a fraudulent purpose. Sec. 202(b)(8).
    The Act also permits a State otherwise in compliance with the Act
    to issue driver's licenses and identification cards that do not conform
    to the Act's

    [[Page 5274]]

    requirements. See Sec. 202(d)(11). Federal agencies, however, cannot
    accept such driver's licenses and identification cards for an official
    purpose and States must ensure that such cards or licenses must state
    on their faces that a Federal agency may not accept it for an official
    purpose. See Sec. 202(d)(11)(A). States also must use a unique design
    or color indicator so that it is readily apparent to Federal agency
    personnel that the card is not to be accepted for an official purpose.
    See Sec. 202(d)(11)(B).
    The Act requires DHS to determine whether a State is meeting the
    Act's requirements based upon certifications submitted by each State in
    a manner prescribed by DHS.

  13. H.R. says:

    Sunnuvagun! The Feds are even into States’ DLs.

    I’m not sure if that is stepping on State’s Rights or if it falls under Interstate Commerce so that every state can be assured that another state’s ID is kosher.

    Thanks, Larry. What did you search on; “why the heck is my state mailing me my DL?”

  14. p.g.sharrow says:

    My street address is not deliverable by the Post Office, Most address data bases won’t accept my street address as valid. But will accept our private PO box address 30 miles away. Very strange, to have to argue that you really do live at a real address that these people/computers insist doesn’t exist. Maybe it is safer that way?…pg

  15. H.R. says:

    I think you hit the jackpot with that address, p.g.

    p.g.: “Come and get me, coppers!”

    Police: “Uhh… it seems we can’t get there from here”

  16. E.M.Smith says:


    While in Florida I did a test run of privacy. My car was registered to one address (a real one of a friend), my DL to another (mail drop), and then I lived in a third place that was known only to the folks renting it to me, my family, and my Florida Friend. It took some doing, but other than the cell phone fingering where I go, it was unknown to anyone where I really was.

    I’m now under California DL again (and they checked the One ID database at my application) so I’m pretty sure the Florida DL got canceled by California (though an interesting question how a document issued by one State can be canceled by another…)

    “Going Forward” it again will be interesting as I get a new Florida address, still have the old drop box one, and have a California one for “a while” (until fully moved out and sold).

    It is getting harder to be “off the radar”, but still possible.

  17. Larry Ledwick says:

    What did you search on

    I searched on “real ID” which is the name for the new ID’s which will be acceptable to board an airplane and similar government uses. A few states are still not compliant so people from those states will not be able to use their state drivers license to board a plane, will have to use some other acceptable ID like a pass port.

    Not sure if any of the extensions in time are still in effect but if not those folks are locked out of activities that require “real ID” using their state drivers license.

  18. Power Grab says:

    Re: “Can Guys wear a Burka?”

    Yes. I have seen it done.

  19. H.R. says:

    @Larry – hmmm… maybe my DL is not a “Real ID” then.

    I don’t plan on flying any time soon as the travel trailer won’t fit in the overhead bin. I’m sure as heck not going to bother checking if my DL is a ‘real ID’ as I don’t give a hang about it. “Come and get me, coppers!” ;o)

  20. Larry Ledwick says:

    If your new DL has a magnetic swipe strip and anti forgery features (hologram etc) it should be good to go. You can check to see what states currently have real ID approved drivers licenses.

    Looks like most are compliant and the others are on extensions to make the changes


  21. E.M.Smith says:

    Those that are are compliant have some embedded symbol (on the Fl DL it looks like a 5 point star upper right corner) and non-compliant new have a statement like “Federal limits Apply” while those that are old (and non-compliant) have neither. (I have all 3 ATM. My old Ca no markings, new Ca “Fed limits” and old Fl w/Star…)

    Yes, I chose the California option of not bothering to get a “compliant” license (Fl gave me no choice – I had to send home for a birth certificate and bring 2 or 3 statements from “Financial Institutions” or utility bill with the “right” address on it). I figure I’ll just get my passport renewed and use it if I ever need to fly (or get hauled into Federal Court for something…)

    Wonder what happens if you get a “Must Appear” notice for a Federal Court, but don’t have a “compliant” ID? Does that let you skip the court visit as they would not let you in? Hmmm…

  22. p.g.sharrow says:

    As I no longer have a valid ID. guess I must be an illegal. Good thing I live at an address that doesn’t exist….pg

  23. Alexander MCCLINTOCK says:

    You said … “In Australia now it is a crime to defend yourself”
    I don’t like the sound of this – I look forward to your links to recent cases.
    I found this recent ruling against the ‘invaders’ – the case concerned an argument about a ’19 year old female’.

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