Get Your Zinc, (Chocolate & Red Wine – WooHoo!)

I think most of us already cottoned to the idea that you need your Zinc to resist the Chinese Wuhan Covid Plague. But there’s some more information on that front.

Also note that both Dark Chocolate and Red Wine are sources of Zink, so:
“Drink up me hearties Yo Ho!”

Dr. John Campbell does a rapid review of the literature on Zinc. It’s all over your immune system and folks crashing from Covid are often deficient in it. About 20% of folks in Europe are deficient, so don’t let that be you, OK? (21 minutes at a relatively fast pace.)

So about 11 mg / day for a male. My Zink pills are 50 mg… so maybe one a week… assuming some amount is in the diet. But what about foods? Well, perhaps my immune system runs so well and keeps me so bug free comes down to Red Wine…

The percentage of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for zinc is based on a 15 mg RDA level for a mature adult.

Top five wine products high in zinc

Below is a summary list for the top five wine items ranked by the amount or level of zinc in 100g.

1. Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, red : 0.14mg (1%RDA)
2. Alcoholic Beverage, wine, table, red, Merlot : 0.14mg (1%RDA)
3. Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, all : 0.13mg (1%RDA)
4. Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, white : 0.12mg (1%RDA)
5. Alcoholic beverage, wine, table, white, Chardonnay : 0.12mg (1%RDA)

So 100 g of wine is basically a shot glass… Looks like I can get 10% of my RDA from a Litre a day 8-)

Well, OK, looks like wine alone will not get me there… drat.


Dark chocolate is also a source of zinc, with each ounce providing 0.9 milligrams, or 6 percent of the DV of 15 milligrams. Zinc is needed for forming DNA and proteins, immune function, healing wounds, cell division and a proper sense of taste and smell. Your body doesn’t store zinc, so you need to consume a small amount each day.

OK… daily, eh? 6% / ounce means 16 ounces a day … Maybe a litre of wine can cut that back a bit… I mean, I like chocolate, don’t get me wrong, and I like wine too, but a pound of dark chocolate and a Litre of wine EVERY DAY? Man, the sacrifices I have to make for my health… /sarc;

Turns out it is meat, shellfish, and legumes as the Big Three. Good thing I like chili with beans and a side of oysters ;-)

Meat is an excellent source of zinc. A 100-gram serving of raw ground beef provides 44% of the DV.

100 grams of beef? Man, that’s like, what, a couple of hordourve meat balls? So three to four of them a day and I’m set? (Or maybe three with a quarter pound of chocolate and a 1/2 Liter of wine… Hmmm… sounds a lot like a cocktail party ;-)

1. Meat
Meat is an excellent source of zinc (4).

Red meat is a particularly great source, but ample amounts can be found in all different kinds of meat, including beef, lamb and pork.

In fact, a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) serving of raw ground beef contains 4.8 mg of zinc, which is 44% of the Daily Value (DV)
2. Shellfish
Shellfish are healthy, low-calorie sources of zinc.

Oysters contain particularly high amounts, with 6 medium oysters providing 32 mg, or 291% of the DV.

OK, now I know it’s a cocktail party. Half Dozen Oysters on the Half Shell? I’m IN! I love oysters. Half shell, stew, whatever. OK, Prepper Time: Stock up on canned oysters! Got it!

Other types of shellfish contain less zinc than oysters but are still good sources.

In fact, Alaskan crab contains 7.6 mg per 100 grams (3.5 ounces), which is is 69% of the DV. Smaller shellfish like shrimp and mussels are also good sources, both containing 14% of the DV per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) (7, 8, 9).

OK, Crab and Shrimp on the menu too…

Then, about that Chili:

3. Legumes
Legumes like chickpeas, lentils and beans all contain substantial amounts of zinc.

In fact, 100 grams of cooked lentils contain around 12% of the DV (10).

Whoa… I have to down a kilo of lentils to get my zink? OMG… I just can’t do that.

I suspect vegetarians and vegans need to go the zinc pill route…

4. Seeds
Seeds are a healthy addition to your diet and can help increase your zinc intake.

However, some seeds are better choices than others.

For example, 3 tablespoons (30 grams) of hemp seeds contain 31% and 43% of the recommended daily intake for men and women, respectively.

Other seeds containing significant amounts of zinc include squash, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

5. Nuts
Eating nuts such as pine nuts, peanuts, cashews and almonds can boost your intake of zinc.

Nuts also contain other healthy nutrients, including healthy fats and fiber, as well as a number of other vitamins and minerals.

If you’re looking for a nut high in zinc, cashews are a good choice. A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving contains 15% of the DV.

So about 6 ounces of cashews, per day… I can do that on some days…

6. Dairy
Dairy foods like cheese and milk provide a host of nutrients, including zinc.

Milk and cheese are two notable sources, as they contain high amounts of bioavailable zinc, meaning most of the zinc in these foods can be absorbed by your body.

For example, 100 grams of cheddar cheese contains about 28% of the DV, while a single cup of full-fat milk contains around 9% (25, 26)

OK, 3 ounces of cheese? So 10 ounces for the day? OK, I’ve added cheese to salads and put it on burgers and all, but I think I’m only at about 2 ounces for the day. OTOH, a bean burrito with cheese… hmmm…

7. Eggs
Eggs contain a moderate amount of zinc and can help you meet your daily target.

For example, 1 large egg contains around 5% of the DV.
One large egg contains 5% of the DV for zinc, as well as a host of other nutrients, including protein, healthy fats, B vitamins, selenium and choline.

OK, I’m getting basically 10% of RDA from my 2 egg breakfast every day. Got it. (One less meatball to eat diluting my wine and chocolate ;-)

Nice to note the selenium plus up.

8. Whole Grains
Whole grains like wheat, quinoa, rice and oats contain some zinc.
Whole grains can provide a source of zinc in your diet. However, the zinc they provide may not be absorbed as well as other sources due to the presence of phytates.

“some zinc”… SOME zinc? Man we are getting into weak tea here… Note To Self: Do not expect grains to meet your zinc needs. Or, it seems, vegetables:

9. Some Vegetables
In general, fruits and vegetables are poor sources of zinc.

However, some vegetables contain reasonable amounts and can contribute to your daily needs, especially if you don’t eat meat.

Potatoes, both regular and sweet varieties, contain approximately 1 mg per large potato, which is 9% of the DV (33, 34).

Other vegetables like green beans and kale contain less, at around 3% of the DV per 100 grams (35, 36).
Most vegetables are poor sources of zinc, but some contain moderate amounts and can contribute to your daily needs, especially if you don’t eat meat.

10. Dark Chocolate
Perhaps surprisingly, dark chocolate contains reasonable amounts of zinc.

In fact, a 100-gram (3.5-ounce) bar of 70–85% dark chocolate contains 3.3 mg of zinc, or 30% of the DV (39).
The best way to ensure you are getting enough is to eat a varied diet with good sources of zinc, such as meat, seafood, nuts, seeds, legumes and dairy.

These foods can be easy and delicious additions to your diet.
Written by Helen West, RD on April 19, 2018

OK, I’m hitting the BBQ, Wine, Chocolate, and Chili hard. With some oysters and shrimp appetizers. Beats the hell out of a pill…

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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15 Responses to Get Your Zinc, (Chocolate & Red Wine – WooHoo!)

  1. The True Nolan says:

    @EM: “I suspect vegetarians and vegans need to go the zinc pill route…”

    I have been a vegetarian for over 50 years, and yes, a need for zinc supplementation was something I figured out fairly early. For me personally, the noticeable symptom of zinc deficiency was a sort of lightheaded inability to concentrate as well or as long. It would resolve after a couple of days once I started taking a supplement. I have read that bright people (ie, the people who frequent this blog) need more zinc than neurotypicals.

  2. All my life I have had a very poor sense of smell, that is until last year when I started to take zinc ion supplements. Now I have an excellent ability to perceive scents. How so? Because zinc ions are critical to the correct functioning of both the nasal cells and also the taste buds.
    Dark chocolate with oysters? There is a new recipe in the making there Chef.

    p.s. Pine nuts contain abietane diterpenes. Although the functions of terpenes are not fully understood, conifers appear to produce abietane diterpenoids as a form of defense against insect and microbial attack (Wikipedia).

  3. H.R. says:

    @Philip M – So if you get a cut, you slap on a pesto poultice?

    I made it sound silly, but no winky on that one. I can see that pine nuts and pine nut paste just may have been in the medical kit of our forebears.

    Then there’s our own pg, who likes to have his cup of pine needle tea, Same or similar effect, I suppose.

  4. rhoda klapp says:

    “Fortunately, the median lethal dose for humans is 1000 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. That means that an 80 kg human would have to eat 5.7 kg of unsweetened dark chocolate for it to kill them (going by a theobromine content of 14 milligrams per gram of dark chocolate, although it varies)”

    So you need a pound of chocolate to get your RDA, but about 13 pounds is the LD50. I suppose that’s a safe margin…

  5. John Hultquist says:

    serving of raw ground beef contains
    I’m not fond of raw ground beef.

    About 20% of folks in Europe are deficient,
    For the USA, I saw a number over 40% [ I think it was 47 ].

    Costco’s Kirkland ‘Daily Multi’ pill lists Zinc as 11mg; as 100% RDA.
    I was told to break such pills in half so they don’t go through without fully dissolving. (?)
    I do a half twice a day.
    I’m a fan of wine, chocolate, and red onions — all in moderate regular amounts.
    Onions have Quercetin, but not real close to a recommended dose.

  6. YMMV says:

    From the horse’s mouth, so to speak,

    “This is a fact sheet intended for health professionals. For a reader-friendly overview of Zinc, see our consumer fact sheet on Zinc.” which is

    Interesting: neither page mentions Covid.

  7. John Hultquist says:

    ” Interesting: neither page mentions Covid.”
    From the 2nd link:
    Zinc is a nutrient that people need to stay healthy. Zinc is found in cells throughout the body. It helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses.

    To mention Covid explicitly would likely lead to some low-info person chewing on galvanized fasteners, such as a bolt, or many other things. There are also Zinc flakes in a spray can.
    I suggest not recommending the spray can treatment for Covid.
    However, Zinc is used for treating humans:

  8. YMMV says:

    @John Hultquist, If I had said “interesting and rare” that the page did not mention Covid you would have recognized it as a sarc. Because as soon as zinc becomes known as an anti-Covid aid, all web pages will say the usual “there are no studies that prove it helps with Covid, so DO NOT TAKE Zinc supplements”. There already are some. Rolling Stone is probably already putting together an article about low-info people chewing on bolts.

    Zinc flakes in a spray can. Yes, the ultimate acne cure! (topical zinc is used to treat acne). And you won’t rust.

  9. E.M.Smith says:

    Well, I’ve got my “Get Your Shot Or Else” papers…

    Employer handed me the packet to “fill out”. Basically requires the jab or a weekly test. Stopped into CVS and bought a test kit before I read the rest. They had 2 kits. One reports to your cell phone at about $40 / try. The other gives 2 tests (read a stripe on a display spot on a pouch with swab in it) for $30 (or $15 each). Guess now we know why Gates & Friends bought a testing company… YOU can pay the GEBs via the shot & hospital, or via the tests.

    The Paperwork includes a “what is your vaccine status” choice, and a “release” to let it be shared with a bunch of “agencies”. I’m now pondering what to do…

    Well, first up, I’m going to write up an article with the details in it. So “watch this space”. Sometime in the next few hours it ought to go up.

  10. Jeff says:

    @YMMV: They must’ve read your comment, as under the “reader friendly” suggestion, there is this reference:

    “For information on zinc and COVID-19, see Dietary Supplements in the Time of COVID-19.”

    Gotta keep that narrative going… just hope they don’t start pulling zinc and other vitamins off the shelves…

  11. jim2 says:

    New article on IVM

    Using the drug ivermectin for prophylactic or preventive purposes among healthcare workers with high exposure to patients with the virus reduces the risk of presenting symptomatic Covid-19 by 74% compared to their peers working under the same conditions.

    This is the result of a study carried out among 542 healthcare workers (matched 1:1), or homogenous groups, with 28 days of follow-up in two healthcare centers of the Rescue Group, a network of healthcare centers operating in tourist centers in the Dominican Republic.

    The details of the study were revealed by the directors and researchers of Grupo Rescue, headed by its president, Dr. José Natalio Redondo; the director of Research, Dr. José Morgenster and the international consultant, expert in Big Data, Álvaro Olavarría, while participating in Listín Diario’s “Cita con el Covid,” hosted by its director Miguel Franjul and the journalist specializing in Health Communication, Doris Pantaleón.

    The study entitled: Ivermectin as a Method of Prophylaxis Before Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in Health Workers was an observational and retrospective cohort study matched by propensity scores, was carried out at the Bournigal Medical Center (CMBO) in Puerto Plata and the Punta Cana Medical Center (CMPC) in Punta Cana and included doctors, nurses, administrative personnel, among others.

  12. cdquarles says:

    Since this seems pertinent here and in the vax mandate thread, I am posting it in both, if I can.

  13. philjourdan says:

    I will take the wine route for my Zinc. :-)

  14. E.M.Smith says:


    Only part way through that “heart damage” paper, but felt this deserved emphasis:

    The spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 is a trimeric, or three-part protein, composed of two functional S1 subunits, as well as a structural S2 subunit. Each of those three units are, incidentally, bound and inactivated by the drug ivermectin. In the absence of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, the two drugs most thoroughly studied and most widely used in early and late cases of COVID-19, the spike protein remains in a conformation that enables it to attach to the ACE2 receptor on human cells, and to enter by that portal. Conversely, either of those drugs are able to change the conformation of the spike protein in such a way that prevents entry to the human cell.

    So IFF I’m forced against my will to “take the shot”, I’m going to load up on IVM ahead of time…

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