Trusted Authorities? Any left?

Just a minor note…

I was watching a video about a kind of conflict (which kind does not matter) and it put in a Pro Forma Disclaimer that it was not to be used if you were in a crisis situation, and that in that case one ought to “seek help from Trusted Authorities such as Medical Professionals or Law Enforcement”… at which moment I realized just how God Awful the Cultural Destruction had become; as I asked myself “Are they still trusted? And the answer was ‘not so much'”.


Well, for Medical Staff (can’t call them “professionals” anymore) the answer was that “First Do No Harm” was chucked out the window in a New York Minute when covid hit, followed close behind by the Nuremberg standards on medical experimentation and the sucking sound of Informed Consent being suctioned into a canister for disposal…

For Law Enforcement, it is a bit more nuanced, but only a bit. It became blatantly clear that “The Retirement Check” was far far far more important than any moral compass or rule of law or even minor inconvenience of asking your “superior” officer “Isn’t that illegal? or at least immoral?…” No, y’all outed yourselves as first and foremost “suck ups to political asses”. Everything else was secondary. “Just Following Orders!!!” was your jackboot mantra. Let the Federal Buildings Burn but arrest folks for walking around where YOU led them. Got it.

From The Political Class (that was always a bit tarnished, like the lawyers that make up most of it), the “brown stuff coating” has drizzled down to cover Doctors, Judges, District Attorneys (and by force of reality, Bar Associations too for not removing the trash of their “profession”) and on to Doctors, Nurses and even Dentists.

I remind everyone that I quit working for a dentist when I was “required” to “get the jab” because his “Dentist Licencing Board & Professional Association” had informed him he could lose his licence if ALL his staff AND CONTRACTORS were not jabbed… So I have some “skin in this game” along with a Theatre Medal saying I said “NO. My Body, My Choice.” and walked away from the money, on principle. Despite a 40-ish year friendship and professional relationship. It was NOT an easy decision. But I did inform him of the efficacy of Vit-I and how to use it, and as near as I can tell, that was followed both by him and his staff… so there’s that. Principles are immutable things for some of us, but we can still help others even as we Stand Immutable.

But that brings me back to the point of this posting:

It does not matter what education, or license, or profession a person professes. It matters what principles are in their soul, and what moral compass guides them. There are NO “Trusted Authorities” anymore. It is entirely up to YOU to asses the persons in your life that you chose to TRUST and assure they have a good strong moral compass and are guided by Principles First. That they can stand against the Social Flood Tide and Just Say No when it is necessary.

Look at Trump. The assaults on him are many, strong, and entirely Evil. THAT is why MAGA folks stick with him. Because he has shown he will stand before the Flood Tide and defeat it. He will not, in fact can not, compromise Principle for personal gain or comfort. Because “what is right”, just is, and can not be bought, intimidated, or “redefined”.

So for now “Trusted Authorities” are not members of any particular profession, but individuals YOU have evaluated and found “NOT Wanting”. Folks guided by principles and with an evident and strong Moral Compass.

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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7 Responses to Trusted Authorities? Any left?

  1. Keith Macdonald says:

    Coincidently, just been talking about this very thing with a friend that works for an international marine safety & standards organisation. He gets to go all over the world, to check ships and shipping. That also means he gets first-hand exposure and experience, working with people in some of the far-eastern countries that are succeeding and passing-us by. While we (US/UK/EU) are on a slippery downhill deindustrialisation slope. Working and socialising in those countries, he also gets to learn what other countries actually think of our “leaders”. It’s not nice, and it’s certainly not reported in the MSM.

    His take is that information and science have been weaponized, some scientists and ‘experts’ (intelligentsia in bubbles) really have no clue how much damage they’ve done to the reputation of, and trust in, science. By prostituting themselves in the service of political agendas and staying silent. He’s now distrustful of anyone claiming we should believe them because they’re an expert.

    Others are of the same opinion.

    Which reminded me – I spent many years working with data and doctors for two-legged medicine (for humans). Of the four doctors I worked most closely with, I would have only trusted one of them to actually practice medicine on myself. The other three were highly money-motivated, and certainly not primarily motivated by doing good medicine.

    Which reminds me of the quote attributed to Aneurin Bevan, on how he successfully started the UK National Health Service, in the face of opposition – “I stuffed their mouths with gold.”

  2. Keith Macdonald says:

    How to know which experts to trust?
    They’re the ones that show us the evidence, and the raw data, and encourage us to ask questions about uncertainty with a positive attitude.

    Examples from Dr John Campbell’s YT channel

    “Death of science and covid” with Professor Angus Dalgleish

    “Zero covid and smallpox” with Dr Clare Craig
    If anything good has come from this it encourage a lot more free thinking and I think a lot of are now genuinely wanting to look at the evidence for themselves.
    yeah I agree is the nature of scientific empiricism – it’s all about the evidence

    I’ve only just noticed that YT used to plaster huge “misinformation” labels over the top of John Campbell’s videos. Didn’t he get banned a few times as well? But now, that labelling has been dialed right back, down to a much milder (and less hysterical) “Get the latest information from the NHS about coronavirus.”– it’s almost like even the GEB media is getting the message the “expert” propoganda is not sustainable.

  3. YMMV says:

    “Trusted Authorities” == oxymoron.

    “More proof that COVID killed medical ethics”
    A February 12, 2024 Slay article reported that thousands of elderly COVID patients in the United Kingdom (U.K.) were secretly euthanized in April 2020 by injection with the drug Midazolam.

    Saving hospital beds was more important, so
    The rapidly developed new guidelines effectively opened the door to implement a policy of euthanasia in UK during the pandemic.”

  4. YMMV says:

    That Darkfutura link explains the 1% who think they are superior. That they know better and they know “what is good for you (deplorables)”
    I wonder about the roughly 50% who evidently agree and trust them…

    They’ve started to notice that Biden is “too old”, but have not yet noticed that Biden or whoever actually is in control is *** crazy.

  5. H.R. says:

    @YMMV – [Emily Litella voice] “I’m a big supporter of Youth In Asia. They are the future and it’s important that they get a good education, and…

    What? That’s ‘euthanasia’?

    Oh……………… never mind.”

    Killing granny to make room for younger patients? That’s just murder, plain and simple.

    @Keith M – Two good links. Thanks.

  6. Keith Macdonald says:

    More on Scientific dogma and “consensus”

    The ten dogmas:

    • 1 : Nature is mechanical
    • 2 : Matter is unconscious
    • 3 : The laws of nature are fixed
    • 4 : Total amount of matter and energy is always the same
    • 5 : Naure is purposeless
    • 6 : Biological hereditary is material
    • 7 : Memories are stored in your brain
    • 8 : Your mind is inside your head
    • 9 : Psychic phenomena is impossible
    • 10 : Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that works

    Why no questions? “We prefer to call it intellectual phase locking”

    “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
    Nikola Tesla

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