It’s a bit cold in the North Oceans

Sea Surface Temp Anomalies from 15 Oct 2014

Sea Surface Temp Anomalies from 15 Oct 2014

Now that was the 15th of October. Here is the 28th, just a couple of weeks later:

Sea Surface Temp Anomalies 28 Oct 2014

Sea Surface Temp Anomalies 28 Oct 2014

It was already cold. Now it is getting way colder way fast. The only warm spots are some coastal areas around the mid latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere.

I think we are starting to see what happens when the Sun takes a nap, and UV drops by double digit percentages.

Coupled with the reports of early snows and cold / crop failures, it looks like Global Warming Has Left The Building…

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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16 Responses to It’s a bit cold in the North Oceans

  1. philjourdan says:

    Elvis is hiding in the deep oceans too!

    We are getting our first freezing temperature this week. IN years past, it has not come until December.

  2. omanuel says:

    The survival of mankind is threatened by the 1945 decision to forbid public knowledge of the force of life:

    Click to access The_FORCE.pdf

  3. tom0mason says:

    As the nasty heat is still missing during the hottest year ever, the outlook is for temperatures globally to remain cooler. And temperatures could, on average, stay that way for another 10 to 50 years; or not, depending on how wrong the weather and climate events are misinterpreted, or if a nature springs a real surprise.

    We do indeed live in interesting times.

  4. hillbilly33 says:

    Thanks for the ‘early snows and cold’ link Chiefio. A very interesting site and nice to see our Hydro’s cancellation of the A$2b King Island wind farm get a mention. I’m hoping they do the same for their mooted big project in our highland Lakes district.
    We are blessed in Tasmania and luckily had people of vision early last century. Unfortunately Bob Brown and his Greens gained influence and stopped us being able to complete the process which would have given us enough clean Hydro energy to ensure expansion for any increase in population into the foreseeable future, and in the process drought-proof the State to the same extent.
    Heavy snow on Mt.Wellington in Hobart Tasmania earlier this week accompanied by some very windy days with damaging gusts causing a bit of havoc throughout the State. Nothing particularly unusual though, as we occasionally get snow in December/January, mid-summer..
    What amuses me is that “our” ABC and other CAGW supporting TV stations now seem to show even our usual average warm days Australia-wide in a fiery-red colour looking as though we’re living in a furnace, accompanied by descriptions of ‘searing heat’, ‘scorching conditions’ and ‘people sweltering’ , all events of course being ‘unprecedented’!.
    All part of the scam and dumbing-down of the populace I guess. National Greens leader Christine Milne is so bereft of rational argument, she still refers (on National radio this morning) to CAGW skeptics and the current government who wiped the carbon dioxide tax, as ‘climate-denying’!
    I’m not sure what she means as I’m yet to find anyone who ‘denies’ the climate or ‘denies’ that climate changes!

  5. Dmh says:

    I agree! :-)
    Something is not right, but I don’t know if it’s just a “glitch” in the UNISYS map or the beginning of some important change in Earth’s climate.
    It could be just a symptom of the flip of the AMO, coinciding with the return of the PDO to negative mode, after the big spike of the last few months.

  6. David A says:

    The data set Bod Tisdale uses does not agree with this. At this point I do not think we know if this unprecedented drop is real.

  7. tom0mason says:

    From a comment at Steven Goddard’s Real Science –

    I don’t know quite what this means, but it was posted on the UNISYS website dated 10/22.

    “Unisys Weather has been receiving reports of incorrect maps of the daily SST contours. The data used to make the maps are the official NOAA RTG-SST and anomaly grids, being pulled directly from the NOAA NWSTG.

    We have found an issue with the color scale of the mapping, and this has caused some users to misinterpret the maps. The color scale being used by WXP is wrapping, causing the same color to appear at very low and very high ends of the color table. The color table is also stretched beyond the actual values in the SST anomaly plot. We are working to correct the color table and color bar issue.

    A comparison of the Unisys generated map with the NOAA RTG-SST anomaly maps indicate the contours are in line with NOAA’s maps.”

    Are the UNISYS plots reliable?
    As I have found it very difficult to navigate around UNISYS site I can not confirm these remarks but the color scale on the your charts are messed up…

  8. Espen says:

    Colors are easier to understand in their “new version”:

    Still very different from the daily map from noaa, though:

    Unisys shows strong cold anomalies around Scandinavia despite a very mild October. Doesn’t look right to me.

  9. Espen says:

    Hmm tried to insert an img-tag to the Unisys new version there, that didn’t seem to work, so here’s the link:

  10. E.M.Smith says:


    Notice that the northern oceans are still all blue in the graph you posted. It’s the same data, only the color scales are different. It is still significantly lower surface temp anomalies in the whole of the N.H.

    Personally, I find the Unysis graph more informative as it is in much finer grain increments. That the color scale ‘wraps’ isn’t much of an issue for me. I start with the neutral areas and just follow the gradations out. It hasn’t shown much ‘wrap’ anyway. ( it takes about 5 degrees each way to get to a potential color confusion and that is just a very rare extreme, while the Blue / Yellow graph puts most stuff in just one of those two buckets and you lose the detail ‘texture’…)

    Per Sweden: Well, were the winds in off the cold water, or out off the warm land? (And would you really feel 1 C ( or 2 F) of lower air temp off the ocean? That can shift rain / snow times and amounts, but is hard to feel.

  11. A C Osborn says:

    For quite some time now I have been questioning the Satellite Temperatures.
    Quite often the lower Trop temperatures do not bear any relationship with what we are actually experiencing on the surface and are usually quite a bit warmer.
    Are they actually measuring the heat escaping to Space which is making it cooler for us on the surface?
    If so they could easily be masking some dramatic cooling taking place at the surface and it could go on for quite a while before they also start dropping.

  12. Espen says:

    Well, this Met Office map of the North Sea shows mostly positive anomalies, and as I thought the anomalies are quite strongly positive along the Scandinavian (and German and Dutch) coasts:

  13. E.M.Smith says:


    A man with one watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure….

    But I’m not sure I’d take The Met Office over anyone else on anything. They have been wrong rather a lot, and like diddling data… But as I’m now a man with two watches, I’ll leave it for others to figure out which one is the real time…,65.90,351

    shows the cold blob in the N. Atlantic, but also shows a bit of warm up close to the coast of Holland. YMMV. I’m not sure anyone has real data with that resolution, so I’m wondering who has modeled stuff and who is using ‘real data’… nullschool runs a model, but with real data fed in at some point. IIRC, Unisys uses real data. Met Office? Don’t know… but they have a nice big new supercomputer and like to use it…

  14. Espen says:

    Hmm. I’m still not convinced that the unisys map is ok. The noaa map doesn’t show the same “bipolarity” – it shows more cold in the south too. But anyway that big Atlantic cold blob is interesting. If the AMO is about to go full cold mode, the “record warm 2014” will soon be forgotten!

  15. phlogiston says:

    Unisys uses a different base period to NOAA – this is why the north hemisphere SSTs (sea surface temps) look cooler in Unisys. WUWT poster Matt G explained that the Unisys base period is probably better than the NOAA one – the latter is a cherry-picked cold base period to make SSTs always look warm.

    So yes – the apparent cool NH SSTs are real.

    And BTW Unisys changed their colour palette to remove the “colour wrapping” that the Goddard article referred to – with no change to the NH cols SSTs.

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