Interesting brace of quakes – 6+ in Alaska and Oregon.

Over on Tallbloke’s he had a posting about a quake in Oregon:

Huge earthquake off the Oregon coast
August 22, 2018 by Robert

Sparks fears of the “Big One.”

A magnitude-6.3 offshore earthquake 6.3 hit 188 miles (302) west of Bandon, Oregon, earlier today at a depth of about 6 miles (10 km), according to the USGS. Bandon is about 100 miles north of the California border.

The quake has sparked fears that the so-called “Big One” could hit any time now.

The “Big One” strikes along the 700-mile-long Juan de Fuca Ridge about every 400 years as one tectonic plate dives beneath another. The area is also known as the Cascadia subduction zone

Previous “Big Ones”, all of which reportedly measured above a magnitude-8, are estimated to have hit in 600BC, 170BC, 400AD, 810AD and 1310AD – which means the next one could be overdue.

The shake followed an intense week of seismic activity in which the so-called Ring of Fire was rocked by 70 quakes in just 48 hours.

When I checked the USGS, I found another big one happened in Alaska:

7 Day big quakes map

M 6.3 – 45km SSE of Tanaga Volcano, Alaska
2018-08-23 03:35:15 UTC 51.511°N 177.881°W 43.9 km depth

That’s out in the Aleutian Islands…

Looks like the whole arc of the Ring Of Fire is on the move. Guess it is time for me to do my proforma Quake Prep Kit check / resupply / water change / etc.

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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21 Responses to Interesting brace of quakes – 6+ in Alaska and Oregon.

  1. philjourdan says:

    I read an article (off Drudge) that there have been 16 major (6+) quakes in the ring of fire in the past month. Not an arc, a circle.

  2. JP Miller says:

    Saw a news report that something like 60+ >4.5 mag quakes around Ring of Fire in the last 48 hours. Some kinda record. So, once again, why about the research that suggest helio magnetic fields associated with low sunspot activity impacts earth’s magnetic field, which stresses tectonic plates….

  3. John F. Hultquist says:

    The source missed the last big one.

    The last big Cascadian quake was January 26, 1700.
    This causedThe orphan tsunami of 1700.
    We have been to several presentations.
    A complete story is here: LINK

    A summary is here:

    The irregular timing of these (the Variance) is great enough that the term “over due” is misleading.
    Universities collaborate on the research under the heading Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array (PANGA), found here: Link to a CWU site; and other activities.
    Lots of other stuff from OR, WA, & B.C.

  4. John F. Hultquist says:

    I need to mention that any discussion of the Cascadian subduction zone quakes ought to mention this fellow:

  5. ossqss says:

    When did you see a 7 plus here last. This week?

    I have followed quakes and space weather events for a long time. I get custom alerts for filtered event levels of activity. I have had more 6+ alerts in the last week than I ever have from USGS. I think I tried to post the filtered USGS link unsuccessfully a few days ago on such. There are many quakes everyday, everywhere. It is best to only look at the labeled significant ones from that site.

    BTW, you can easily sign up for such alerts if desired from the USGS sighe and the NOAA space weather site. Make sure you filter accordingly. Here is a link for one.I kinda want to know some of this if needed, even if it is only a few minute heads up. Just sayin ☆¿☆

  6. E.M.Smith says:


    Not sure I understand your question about seeing a 7… My link is to a 7-Day chart. Yes it has 7 size quakes on it, but far away from the Pacific coast of California (so not important to me 8-0 )

    I think there was a 7 in the Caribbean …

    M 7.3 – 30km NE of Rio Caribe, Venezuela
    2018-08-21 21:31:46 UTC 10.855°N 62.883°W 154.3 km depth

    Just what Maduro wanted… something else he can blame on the USA ;-)

    Ah, just realized your link is to the same stuff, not the generic top listing page. OK, you are saying that quake happened… Got it.

    Maybe it’s time for bed… I’m starting to get sloppy…

  7. E.M.Smith says:

    Setting the map to “30 day significant” and including the “terrain” setting that brings plate boundaries with it shows the “big ones” in an arc around the top 1/2 of the Pacific Plate, plus a pod over around northern South America. Like the top have of the world is bing squeezed… and it’s all giving in around the Pacific / S. Am.

  8. agimarc says:

    The Aleutian quakes are not unexpected. Ones north of the Brooks Range in the Prudhoe Bay oil patch are not. A 6.4 quake and large aftershock near Kaktovik a week and a half ago were the largest ever recorded. My eldest rode it out. Said it shook the camp pretty well. Cheers –

  9. Power Grab says:

    Re: “The last big Cascadian quake was January 26, 1700.”

    I have this knee-jerk thing I do with stuff like that. I divide the time from now to back then by 11 or 10.6.

    Divided it by 10.6 this time. It was 30 even. So 30 solar cycles ago.

    A nice, even number. :-)

  10. oldbrew says:

    Huge earthquake off the Oregon coast…A magnitude-6.3

    New definition of ‘huge’? If it was on land the USGS would rate it as ‘some chimneys broken’.

  11. Larry Ledwick says:

    Hmmmm – I wonder if this explains some of the 45,000 sealed Federal indictments sitting out there?
    Maybe a huge mass charging event prior to mid terms to send a message and support he narrative of illegal voting?

  12. E.M.Smith says:


    I think that was more of a W.O.O.D. than an Earthquakes…


  13. philjourdan says:

    If Larry’s suspicions are true, it may well be an earthquake!

  14. H.R. says:

    @phil: Ha! Nice save. Larry owes you a brewski.

  15. Larry Ledwick says:

    Oops posted in the wrong thread – sorry

  16. E.M.Smith says:


    No, no, Phil explained it for you… (do I get 1/2 a brewski?… ;-0

  17. Larry Ledwick says:

    I would gladly buy you a few beers if I ever meet you, but you keep whizzing buy Colorado and telling us when you are someplace in east Texas or “just got back from . . . ”


  18. E.M.Smith says:

    OK… So I’ll announce a trip through Co. “soon”…. How abut near November 18?

  19. Larry Ledwick says:

    I should be past peak season then and be able to breath – works for me!

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