W.O.O.D. – 11 May 2019


This is another of the W.O.O.D. series of semi-regular
Weekly Occasional Open Discussions.
(i.e. if I forget and skip one, no big)

Immediate prior one here:

and remains open for threads running there (at least until the ‘several month’ auto-close of comments on stale threads).

Canonical list of old ones here:

So use “Tips” for “Oooh, look at the interesting ponder thing!”
and “W.O.O.D” for “Did you see what just happened?! What did you think about it?”

What’s Going On?

The garden is producing beans, squash, and some greens already. More planting for later in the summer on deck.

I finally finished the GHCN v3.3 vs v4 Asia graphs.

The broken starter on the Baby Benz has been fixed and it is home now.

Don’t Forget Mother’s Day!

From the “Very Fast Meals” department, three of my favorites. just in case you need to make a meal for Mom today:

1) Resurrection:

My Mum wold make a big Sunday roast surrounded with lots of vegetables. Chunks of potatoes, carrots, celery, occasionally turnip or rutabaga. The major protein was usually a cheap cut of beef, sometimes lamb shanks or leg-o-lamb before they became trendy and expensive. Put it all in the pot together, put it in the oven on about 275 F, then go to church. “a few” hours later, it is done. But that’s not the fast part. Have your late Sunday Lunch, then the rest goes into the fridge. The next day we would have “Resurrection”. Cut off some chunks of roast, scoop some vegetables and the pan juices (usually gelled) into a bowl, and microwave it a minute or two until hot. You can also just use a small sauce pan on the stove. Dump it over a slice of bread on a dinner plate and enjoy. I usually do this for 3 or 4 days after a roast.

2) Quesadillas:

Start a large skillet warming on medium heat. Take a large tortilla and “dot” 1/2 of it with bits of canned refried beans. Leave gaps between the 1/2 tsp or so dots. Sprinkle on the desired hot sauce, then cover with either 2 slices of cheese (one in the middle, the other torn to fill in the gaps) or with a good thick sprinkle of bagged “Mexican Cheese Shreds”. Fold the empty half over the covered half and gently press together. Put it in the skillet. After a minute, when the bottom is starting to melt, or if you smell anything like too much browning, flip it over and do the other side. It is better if you start out with the skillet a bit cooler than desired so you can find the right setting on your stove. Too hot it gets dark char spots that don’t taste good. Too cool it dries and crispies, but doesn’t get the nice brown spots. Still fine to eat though,so better here than burnt for the first few. When both sides are crisp and brown enough and the cheese is melted, use a pizza cutter to cut it into thirds.

Using a cast iron skillet you can cut it in the pan. If using a non-stick pan, remove it to a cutting board first. After you get good at the timing and all, you can start loading the second one with “stuff” when the first one hits the pan. It is also possible to put various other fillings in too. I’ve used bits of sliced roast chicken, olives broken to bits, slices of peppers. Whatever you like. The spouse is fond of “just cheese” – no beans no hot sauce. It’s sort of a Tortilla-grilled-cheese.

Only real downside is that a big package of tortillas gets moldy if in the fridge too long, so expect to eat a few of these over the week… OTOH, that isn’t hard to do at all ;-)

3) Decorated Bag-o-Salad:

When I get down to about 1/2 dozen or less “old eggs”, I’ll buy a new carton. The old ones go into a pot of water, raised to the boil and held there for 10 minutes. Then drain, fill with cold water; repeat. Now add some ice cubes and come back in 15 minutes. These go in a bowl in the fridge. At any time during the week you can have a snack of a hard boiled egg, or make deviled eggs, or use them in a salad. (For deviled eggs just peel and slice one in half, put the yokes in a small bowl with a 1/4 tsp or so of mustard and about the same volume of mayonnaise as you have yokes. Stir it all together to a smooth paste and fill the whites. Sprinkle with salt and pepper as desired). But this is about salads. I also stock ham sandwich slices and either cheese slices or cheese shreds in the fridge. Just add a bag-o-salad to your shopping list.

Now one day you come home hungry, NOW. Dump bag-o-salad on the dinner plate or in a big bowl. Peel a hard boiled egg, slice into quarters, and place around the edges. Roll or fold over a couple of slices of sandwich meat and cut into bites, place on one side of the salad. (Salami or SPAM work well here too). Spoon on some olives and top with a grab of cheese bits. Dress it ( I like Ranch), put some crackers on the side or a slice of bread and butter and enjoy.

All up I can do this in about a minute. 2 or 3 if I add avocado slices. It is a very filling Chef’s Salad. I’ve also been known to put a 1/2 can of drained tuna on the side, or bits of chopped up left over roast chicken or turkey.


Both Labor and the Conservatives lost seats in the Counsel elections. T. May, despite looking grim, spoke of it as meaning they needed to get on with The Deal. No, Ms May, you misunderstood. It means you need to get on with LEAVING. (Both the EU and office…)

Where to next? Who knows. In about 2 weeks we have the EU Parliament Elections so things might get exciting then.

The EU

The Yellow Vests in France continue. What is it, about 23? weeks now? Macron wants Facebook to stop people criticizing him (had Zucker over for tucker… and a chat).

There’s those elections coming.. and the “Far Right” (i.e. anyone not carrying a Socialist or Communist Party card) is looking to take a lot of seats. Everywhere East and South of Germany / France is not keen on what the EU have been doing (with the exception of Brussels).

Sargon Of Akkad is running, and has been attacked by Antifa at an open mic meet-and-greet-and-Q&A. Not willing to take the mic and be polite it seems. He’s also being defunded by YouTube and generally the whole Social Media Attack Machine is being brought to bear. Can’t have free speech advocates, after all. Just not done in a totalitarian police State of the kind they want to build.

What these rampant censors hope to achieve is that by silencing any “debate from the right” only the Left will be heard and so the magic power of consensus and social pressure will win them all elections and free them from The Evil Trump. What really happens is when you ban someone with a million views / day, you royally Piss Off 1 Million people a day. We will remember when we vote…

Should be interesting to watch.


God Only Knows if this thing is ever going to end. The Coup that wasn’t in the revolt that didn’t from the person who can’t against the person who ought not… What a mess.

But they have Chinese and Russians and Cuban’s galore. Speaking of which, Cuba has announced some kind of rationing due to economic collapse in progress in Cuba. Guess they are OK with economic collapse and poverty as long as you have Right Think.

I was going to quote Al Jazeera for this story, but right below it was NYT, so just for Serioso, I’m going to put in the NYT link:


Cuba Rations Staple Foods and Soap in Face of Economic Crisis

By The Associated Press
May 11, 2019

Oh, wait, so the NYT is just repackaging the SAME Associated Press story as everyone else… Oh…

HAVANA — The Cuban government has begun widespread rationing of chicken, eggs, rice, beans, soap and other basic products in the face of a grave economic crisis.

Commerce Minister Betsy Díaz Velázquez told the state-run Cuban News Agency on Friday that the rationing would begin in order to deal with shortages of staple foods. She blamed the hardening of the American trade embargo by the Trump administration.

Economists have given equal or greater blame to a plunge in aid from Venezuela, where the collapse of the state-run oil company has led to a nearly two-thirds cut in shipments of subsidized fuel that Cuba used for power and to earn hard currency on the open market.

So I guess when your Socialist Sugar Daddy runs out of money, you hit the crapper too. As Cuba grows things like sugar and eggs and beans and… I’m not buying the notion it is an American Embargo that’s the cause. (Though I’m sure it contributes – but the embargo was there for decades, Venezuela cutting off nearly free oil is a new thing.)

The non AP version:


Cuba launches widespread rationing amid economic crisis
Chicken, eggs, rice, beans, soap and other items to be sold in limited quantities as the US tightens trade embargo.

Cuba has announced it is rationing staple foods and hygiene products due to shortages which it partly blames on the tightening of a trade embargo imposed by the United States.

Faced with a grave economic crisis, the Cuban government says it will control and ration the sales of chicken, eggs, rice, beans, soap and other essential items.

Commerce Minister Betsy Diaz told the state-run Cuban News Agency on Friday that various forms of rationing would be employed in order to deal with the shortages.

Golly, it looks like a paraphrase of the same AP story but without the attribution…

(Or why it doesn’t really matter where you read the “news” as it is almost all Reuters or AP repackaged).

The Weather:

It has been cold and with surprise snow in places as diverse as Australia, Sweden, Minnesota, Colorado, etc. etc. When it is winter storm advisories in both hemispheres, it is not being particularly warm.

Even if the cooked temperature data are saying it’s the “Hottest Evah!!!!!”.

We are in a cold turn and things are cold, not hot. There are issues with late plantings from late winter rains all over the Midwest and parts of Europe. Hopefully this will resolve soon enough that not too much crop loss will happen. Farmers need to be preparing for shorter, colder, and wetter growing seasons; nor trying to figure out how to plough and haul with an electric toy tractor.

Other Stuff:

Turns out ‘ol George Soros is behind all sorts of creepy efforts to take down the USA and POTUS. Even funding the efforts to de-platform and de-fund and hound from the public square anyone who supports Trump and Conservative Values. Aren’t there laws about “contributions in kind” to political campaigns? About foreign funding of opposition groups? Surely some of what his is doing runs afoul of various laws. So why does nothing happen? What about RICO and him running a corrupting organization web?

I think maybe I need some gardening time to clear my mind and re-center on reality. Here in California it is finally getting to somewhat warm afternoons. Still cold and overcast in the mornings. Not at all like the hot May of the late 1990s. “Global Warming” has left the building…

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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170 Responses to W.O.O.D. – 11 May 2019

  1. erl happ says:

    ” In order to understand a phenomenon, we need to drill down to the detail. Climate change is not a simple phenomenon. It can affect night time temperature and not daytime temperature and the winter months more than the summer months. Unfortunately, few people are aware of the detail and are easily persuaded to take a simplistic point of view.

    When we drill down into the detail, climate changes differently according to the month and season of the year. Plainly, surface temperature is not simply aligned to change in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere. Temperature is governed in the first instance by where the wind is coming from. Before we jump to conclusions, we should keep that in mind.”

    Above are a couple of thoughts from the conclusion of a paper on how the local climate is changing. That paper is here: https://reality348.wordpress.com/2019/04/13/climate-change-in-margaret-river/

    It’s based on the data recorded at a lighthouse on the south west corner of Western Australia at 34° south latitude. Dry summers, wet winters, it’s the climate that California thinks it has. Daily recordings of the minimum and maximum temperature. Original, data, not the adjusted stuff. No changes in the location. Starts in the 1890’s.

    Critical observations:
    Broadly speaking, the decadal average of maximum temperatures declined till the 1930’s and increased thereafter, except for the months of December and January where the warmest decade was a hundred years ago in 1907-16. Furthermore, the February maximum in the last decade is only 0.19°C more than in 1907-16. The mooted greenhouse effect, supposedly due to carbon dioxide, is not evident in daily maximum temperatures in December, January and February at Cape Leeuwin. February is the warmest month. No need to take (remedial) action here.

    If we are concerned with the welfare of succeeding generations, we should bear in mind that the average daily maximum temperature at Cape Leeuwin, at 23° C,(the warmest month) is not that favorable to photosynthesis, upon which all life depends. From that standpoint the daily mean temperature should be about 25°C and the daily maximum about 30°C.

    This paper was written in response to a local initiative to : “Get involved to find out more about the role you can play in helping our community reduce carbon emissions, including: What is already happening on both a global and local scale to reduce carbon emissions and secure a climate resilient future. The economic, social and environmental outcomes in the Shire, if we do nothing and the development of local solutions and clear pathways for everyone to take action.”

    We have a federal election in a week and the word is that the climate worriers will get their way. Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Save us from those who want to save us.

  2. Larry Ledwick says:

    Snow water equivalent in Colorado this year

    Click to access snownews1905.pdf

  3. Graeme No.3 says:

    Not sure if this is appropriate but I am puzzled by a comment on 2 neolithic tombs, Maeshowe (in Orkney) and Newgrange (in Ireland).
    “The rear wall of the central chamber is illuminated on the winter solstice”
    Both built before 2,500 B.C. and probably much older as the Orkney society ( Skara Brae and Ness of Brodgar ) started about 3,000 B.C. & seems to have been abandoned around 2200 B.C.
    The build date for Maeshowe is given as 2,800 B.C. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maeshowe
    and Newgrange as 3,200 B.C. https://www.newgrange.com
    We are told that the Milankovitch cycles mean that the Earth changes inclination and that the seasons change i.e. summer in the Northern Hemisphere will, in time, occur in Dec. Jan. & Feb. How is it that 4,500 year old structures are still keeping the necessary angle?
    Maeshowe has a entrance 36 feet long and 3 foot high and the rear wall is about another 14 foot back (I’ve been inside), Newgrange has an opening above the tunnel for the light to shine through.
    We guess that the Neolithic peoples were keen astronomers (Prof. Thom et al.) but why are both tombs still at the right inclination?
    Any thoughts?

  4. Alexander MCCLINTOCK says:

    “The Sky is falling” is a story that’s as old as the hills.
    There is a nice wikipedia account that suggests the theme actually goes back thousands of years.

    The link to mass hysteria is clearly made.
    I tell my friends the theme can be generalised as:-
    “You (the general public) have a PROBLEM, and I ( with my vested interests) have the solution – just trust me!”

    Here is a version that is close to my recallection.
    Which character in the story equates to the real world of CAGW?

  5. Bill in Oz says:

    @erll happ.. That’s an interesting comment Errl. Well spotted !
    Thanks ..Over there on the Eastern side of Australia is Cape Grimm lighthouse on the North West tip of Tasmania. CSIRO has been collected air samples from Cape Grimm for decades as this spot has the ‘cleanest’ air in Australia.

    BOM lists 2 weather stations for Cape Grimm here : http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/data/lists_by_element/alphaTAS_36.txt
    but BOm’s web site says that they don’t exist !

    But the Cape Otway weather data is in line with your comment.

    Maybe just suppressing the data because it does not support the Global warming myths.

  6. Larry Ledwick says:

    @Graeme No.3 says: 11 May 2019 at 11:47 pm

    My first impression is that the angular change is not enough to be noticeable in that geometry over only 4000+ years.

    The change in total polar tilts ranges from 22.1° and 24.5°, over a cycle of about 41,000 years, we are in the center of that range right now current tilt is 23.44° (so even if 4000 years old, only about 1/10th of that cycle has occurred. The max difference is only 2.4 degrees.

    So over a 50 ft long tunnel (600 inches length) [ sin 2.4 = 0.04 ] so the shift of the light column from maximum to minimum excursion would be 25 inches (if we are only 1/10th of that cycle then the edges of the beam today would only be about 2.5 inches different than they were 4100 years ago.

    Other parts of the precession cycle not include. Would be an interesting question to ask NASA and have them dial in all the possible precessional movements though.

  7. H.R. says:

    @Graeme No.3 – Your same question has often niggled at me. Stonehenge was the first that set me to wondering. Since then, I’ve run across other very ancient archeological sites that are, to this day, still aligned with the solstices. Sometimes the equinoxes are thrown into the mix.

    I would have thought that 5,000 – 6,000 – 10,000 years or so would have thrown those places a bit off line, but it seems not.

    Something is not strictly kosher, but I’ve never delved into it. I’m just glad to see that I’m not the only one scratching my head.

    That’s one nice feature of Chiefio’s blog. The W.O.O.D.s are the perfect place to throw something like your comment out there. Nothing is particularly off topic

    For example, I’ve got this nasty rash that’s on my… oh, erm, ahem… nevermind ;o)

  8. H.R. says:

    Follow-up to Larry L on Graeme’s comment – Yah, but… I realize it’s inches but I’ve always read articles about such places as “dead nuts on.”

    So until Graeme brought it up, I had always let the various pronouncements slide as “close enough for government work.” Maybe that is the simple answer; off a smidge, but not enough for the archeology crowd to bore people to tears with the details.

  9. Larry Ledwick says:

    Of course it depends a bit on how you define “dead nuts on” too. A 2.5 inch shift in the beam position would correspond to how much the beam would move in about 57 seconds on a 600 inch shaft length.

    Dead nuts on for the day of the solstice, essentially dead nuts on for the time (hour) of the solstice but an error of less than a minute on the minute and second of the true solstice. Most people would consider that dead nuts, only the most anal astronomer would protest that the 4500 year old observatory was 57 seconds off of the absolutely correct time of the solstice.

    That is assuming you were observing with a stop watch running to check the time difference between true astronomical solstice and what “appears” to be the moment of solstice in the chamber.

    Since the solstice was important as a “day” marking the seasons hour, minute and second errors are pretty much irrelevant in my mind.

    If you have ever watched the shadow on a sun dial you know how quickly it moves if you are looking for fine motion. By the time you evaluate the shadow is on the noon marking and raise your head to comment on it would almost take longer than the 57 second error I postulate for 4500 years of precession. If you are talking about elders sitting in the structure watching the sun beam, it would take them longer to crawl out of the structure and announce that the solstice has arrived than the probable timing error.

  10. Larry Ledwick says:

    The folks touting the accuracy of the observations are also almost always folks who are invested in the theory that the ancients were amazingly accurate, so they would have a vested interest in ignoring such a minor error (even if they happened to notice it) or they would kill the market value of their latest book on the Chariots of the Gods etc.

    Same problem we have with climate science, who publishes error bands for the measurement of the accuracy of the alignment of the bases of the pyramids or stone henge?

  11. Bill in Oz says:

    The Yellow vets are still going. Footage of a . giant march in France. But it is not being reported by the MSM..Not here in Oz and I suspect not elsewhere.

  12. Graeme No.3 says:

    Further information:
    It appears that the original description I read was more enthusiastic than accurate, in that it claimed the whole chamber would be lit up by reflection from the back wall.
    On the Winter Solstice, the light of the rising sun enters the roof box of Newgrange and penetrates the passage, shining onto the floor of the inner chamber. The beam illuminates the inner chamber of Newgrange for just 17 minutes.

    Newgrange sits on a long ridge that is cradled by a bend of the Boyne River five miles west of Drogheda.
    The entire area of the Boyne Valley has figured prominently throughout Irish history. two miles downstream from Newgrange, is where the Battle of the Boyne occurred in 1690.

    A survey of the roof box, passage, and chamber of Newgrange in 1972 found that the Winter Solstice orientation of the site was an original feature, and that the sophisticated constructions maximize the accuracy and length of the beam entering the chamber.  A further study showed that at the time of construction the sun-beam was so accurately framed by the roof-box aperture that Newgrange could be used to determine the exact day of solstice .

    Within the mound is a chambered passage, which can be accessed by an entrance on the south-eastern side of the monument. The passage stretches for 19 metres (60 ft), or about a third of the way into the centre of the structure.

    On the mornings around the winter solstice, the rising sun shines directly along the long passage into the chamber for about 17 minutes and illuminates the chamber floor.
    The sun enters the passage through a specially contrived opening, known as a roofbox, directly above the main entrance.
    The alignment is such that although the roofbox is above the passage entrance, the light hits the floor of the inner chamber. Today the first light enters about four minutes after sunrise, but calculations based on the precession of the Earth show that 5,000 years ago first light would have entered exactly at sunrise.

  13. H.R. says:

    @Graeme & Larry – I think the archeology gang just isn’t all that interested in the precision of the Sun-marking features. I think that when they are interpreting a site they likely are in the mindset of, “Hey, what’s this? Oh! It’s a solstice marker.” Then off they go trying to figure out whether any virgins or goats or virgin goats were sacrificed or whatnot.

    I’m thinking that later on, they toss it over to the Astro gang and ask them just how good the builders were. But as Larry pointed out, some of the claims are most likely exaggerated by the “Aliens must have built this” crowd trying to sell their books.

    Overall, I think that my own niggling questions have been answered sufficiently.

  14. erl happ says:

    @Bill in OZ. There is a data series for Station: Hobart (Ellerslie Road) going back to 1882. Could be worth a close look.

  15. rhoda klapp says:

    Farage on the BBC today. Demolishing the interviewer, the egregious Andrew Marr

  16. gallopingcamel says:

    rhoda klapp, 12 May 2019 at 3:18 pm
    “Farage on the BBC today. Demolishing the interviewer, the egregious Andrew Marr.”

    That was a real eye opener…..to me it says that the BBC is another “Enemy of the People” along with the bait and switch folks in parliament.

    Your “Media” seem just as bad as ours and your members of parliament are just as ready to betray their voters as our Republican party is. Both countries appear bent on destroying democracy with no thought to what will happen if they succeed.

  17. philjourdan says:

    For us old geezers, a sad passing this weekend. Peggy Lipton (Mod Squad) has died. She was the only reason I watched the show.

  18. cdquarles says:

    @GC, well, I say these folk think *they* will be the winners and do not consider what would happen if 1. they do win and 2. they *don’t* win.

  19. Ossqss says:

    @GC, i read this earlier and upon reading your comment, thought it kinda fit in.


  20. Bill in Oz says:

    Farage is a future PM of the UK. The BBC will fight against him as much as they can.

  21. Bill in Oz says:

    Erl i just looked at the Hobart (Ellerslie Rd ) data as you suggested. The most significant change is in the the actual, the average & the medium Minimum temperatures. Maximums not much change.

    As the city of Hobart has grown over the past 140 years the impact of Urban Heat Island has grown. It’s smack in the heart of Hobart now ! ( http://hobart-tas.street-map.net.au/ellerslie-rd/)…

    What does the BOM make of this I wonder ?

  22. POUNCER says:

    A testable prediction at the intersection of climate science and economics is being put to experiment.

    The prediction: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/milton_friedman_387252

    “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.” Milton Friedman

    The experiment:

    UN Targets the Sand People

    “On Tuesday in Geneva, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) released another report. Its press release tells us that sand needs to be planned, regulated, and managed by the UN. ”

    I note the experiment scaled right up to UN, rather than US, management.

  23. Ossqss says:

    For those of you subscribed, checkout “World War II in color” on Netflix, quite interesting, but I can’t qualify the background information they convey. I wasn’t born yet……

    Ya gotta see it to understand the caveats!

  24. Ossqss says:

    Hummmm, it seems there are some new rules on mibile chrome for copy paste processes……?

    Adding a dash at the front of the Link to shrink the page. Does this work better?


  25. Ossqss says:

    Ha, trifecta while I am here! Make it a good week folks!

  26. Steve C says:

    @GC – Yep, British government and media are both solidly Uniparty, opposing views not mentioned (preferably), made fun of or dealt with by Antifa. But I disagree with your comment “both countries appear bent on destroying democracy with no thought to what will happen if they succeed” … look at Brexit, they give no thought to what might happen if they fail, so unthinkable is failure.

    And nobody here is talking about how little difference Brexit can make anyhow to a lot of the stuff we don’t want. It’s not the EU flooding the country with hostile aliens, it’s UN policy. Ditto the “climate emergency” our stupid government has announced. Ditto God-only-knows how many programmes and “initiatives” for expanding communitarian control. And then there’s Soros.

    Hell, we even have an “educational charity” (ho ho), Common Purpose, dedicated to training “leaders” to push UN rules even further and harder. CP are an evil fifth column inside every official or semi-official body holding any kind of power here – though most authorities “cannot” tell you how many of their officers are CP, strange to say.

    Until we (all) do something to put the UN under proper control, and get rid of all the local “sustainability” cr@p, UN – appointed “mayors”, etc. etc., there will be no end to Agenda 21/2030, and no return to civilisation.

  27. E.M.Smith says:


    Every blade has two edges….

    While enforced correct caller-ID to help can robocalls is welcome, the closing of the door on the ability to make anonymous calls will chaff some privacy and security issues…

    I’m also not sure how you can physically make it happen. EVERY phone switch out there has a configuration setting for “what is my outgoing number”. This is set by local site phone-admins. So, for example, The C.I.A. might not want every outgoing call to be “fingered” to the specific site originating the call. Their phone switch puts out the main switchboard number so folks seeing the Caller ID get to place a return call to the main desk. Similarly, Microsoft doesn’t want caller ID to finger their top employees to all the headhunters of the world. Similarly….

    So just the logitical nightmare is hard enough, then that the phone switches do not support that enforcement, topped by “who enforces the enforcer” as at present the enforcer is the local phone admin…

    Finally, how does the USA enforce this in, say, Jamaica?….

  28. Larry Ledwick says:

    UK’s effort to do weapon sweeps and get knives off the street.


  29. Ossqss says:

    @EM, I use my cell for work and get dozens of robocalls every week from spoofed numbers. I welcome this with opened arms. I did not see anthing related to other call types in that write up, only robocalls. I am certain there are measure that will be available to assist with other needs as applicable, kinda like law enforcement having a priority phone numbers on towers connections.

  30. E.M.Smith says:

    I’ve been chasing down some of the “warnings” on data loading for GHCN, and put my findings in comments starting here:

    Some Notes on GHCN Database Using Odroid N2

    They could likely be somewhere better, but that’s what I chose.

    The “bottom line” is a couple of irrelevant things were easily fixed, and for the 50 lines that were “truncated” it looks like a much more interesting problem. GHCN used the escape character in the final position in the record as a ‘source’ indicator for Antarctia. That means a total of about 2188 lines were seen as “really long continuation lines” as the backslash escaped the newline / end of line character.

    Good news is that at most 50 of them are NOT in Antarctica and all the rest are. 50 single month single location data items in a sea of 16 million will not do much to the graphs. The other 2188 will be Antarctic. So basically all I’ll need to redo are the Antarctic graphs and see if anything changes. Not a big deal.

    That’s the short form, for more see the other comments ;-)

  31. E.M.Smith says:


    I was not saying it was unwelcome. (I’ve gone to strict “only answer if your number is IN my phone already, otherwise leave a message” white list behaviour. That lets me miss any valid call from a real place even if important to me, like, oh, someone wanting to offer me a job and NOT willing to leave a voice mail). I’d really rather not do that.

    What i was addressing was just the practical impossibility of it. Like legislating the temperature always be 72 F in the afternoon.

    There are literallly MILLIONS of phone switches in use all over the world. This includes Asterisk for your Raspberry Pi …. Many from companies that are no longer in business, so no new software updates in the pipes.

    How, practically, do you get all of them to enforce accurate Caller-ID outbound? How do you get all of them be moral and even try to do it? Especially in other countries. Especially since a lot of calls can have their origine via internet VOIP providers.

    It is just the amount of work it will take, the amount of policing, and the high probability of failure that I’m pointing at. One comparison example: We’re on a “do not call list”. Doesn’t stop me from getting “a few a day” around dinner time…. even though there’s a law…

    Oh, and I can’t think of any way to only enforce this on robocall companies. Aside from robocallers not being identified to begin with, being from any place on the planet, and comming and going at great speed; there’s just the fact that any company controls their own PBX (by definition) so unless the penalty is “way high”, they are highly unlikely to put themselves out of business by compliance.

    It would be easier to just make robocalls illegal and be done with it. But that won’t happen as the Political Class uses them (and gives itself exemptions from things like “do not call” lists…)

  32. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting thread on how China manipulates exchange rates to rip off the rest of the world (and pander to its internal consumers)


  33. Larry Ledwick says:

    I do the same thing, if your number is not on my phone I never answer a voice call. If it is important you will leave me a voice mail. If you know me and my phone behavior, you will send me a text message in the first place.

    The only way to get rid of robo calls is for everyone to stop answering random calls, or to put some expense on calls so it costs the caller something to place 100,000 calls.

  34. llanfar says:

    I’m a bit different. As my (and my wife’s) cell phone still has a MN area code, I almost exclusively get spoofed numbers from there, which are easy to ignore. If it’s local to NC (RTP), ill usually pick up as its likely a recruiter. Not looking, but want to keep my network active just in case…

  35. Ossqss says:

    I wondered why there was not more gun control uproar on the recent shooting. Now I know why.


  36. tom0mason says:

    So Nigel Farage says he would do a deal with the UK Labor (aka the loony left), or the UK Conservatives (aka loony crony-capitalists), or even with Mephistopheles himself …

    As long as he gets a saving of £39 billion, leaving the single market, customs union, and jurisdiction of the ECJ.
    Now that’s really opening the field to the deal-makers :-) .

  37. Larry Ledwick says:

    Speaking of video – pod cast from Dan Bongino about the FBI bungled dossier.
    He is a bit high energy but he lays out the case that there are some big contradictions in the available evidence that no matter how you cut it the FBI was lying to the FISA court and their sworn testimony that source #1 (steele) was not a reliable source and they knew it before they swore in front of the FISA court.

    More importantly they recently retroactively tried classifying a typed memo that contradicts a written note on the same issue from the same source. If this classification is to hide the info that conflicts this is by law explicitly illegal (you cannot use classification to hide embarrassing info that is not otherwise classified.) That is specifically prohibited.


  38. Larry Ledwick says:

    Now Apple is shutting down science from NASA that does not conform to catastrophic global warming dogma.

    The idea that CO2 increase enhance plant growth is considered heretical and is now taboo in the Apple universe.


    They are going to have a tough time explaining when major rivers and harbors freeze over at high CO2 concentrations in 15 years.

  39. Another Ian says:

    Popcprn stocks check time?

    ” @Techno_Fog – Barr appointed John Durham, who uncovered evidence the FBI framed men for murder and brought the corrupt FBI Boston office to justice. This is bad news for @JohnBrennan ”


  40. cdquarles says:

    Heh. The source is not the best, in my opinion, since much of the facts cannot be known outside of a small government circle and some of the players were not villains, but victims. Still: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/05/rod-rosenstein-unloads-on-james-comey-in-blistering-speech-video/.

  41. ossqss says:

    Heads up, literally, for those in the area that may be able to see it.

    Space Weather Message Code: ALTK07
    Serial Number: 114
    Issue Time: 2019 May 14 0901 UTC

    ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 7
    Threshold Reached: 2019 May 14 0859 UTC
    Synoptic Period: 0600-0900 UTC

    Active Warning: Yes
    NOAA Scale: G3 – Strong

    NOAA Space Weather Scale descriptions can be found at

    Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 50 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude.
    Induced Currents – Power system voltage irregularities possible, false alarms may be triggered on some protection devices.
    Spacecraft – Systems may experience surface charging; increased drag on low Earth-orbit satellites and orientation problems may occur.
    Navigation – Intermittent satellite navigation (GPS) problems, including loss-of-lock and increased range error may occur.
    Radio – HF (high frequency) radio may be intermittent.
    Aurora – Aurora may be seen as low as Pennsylvania to Iowa to Oregon.

  42. Larry Ledwick says:

    Looks like President Trump has finally bit the bullet on space travel.

  43. pouncer says:

    Traditionally the US Vice President has lead role in outer space management. A Pence-led space accomplishment before 2024 would set him up nicely to accept a hand off from DJT.

    This, assuming Pence persists as VP on the 2020 ticket. Who knows?

    If Pence in 2024, who for Veep?

  44. E.M.Smith says:

    @Larry Ledwick:

    I’ll believe it when there’s a flight going to the Moon each month and a hotel open for bookings…

    Until then, we’re just one election away from the next Sky Is Falling Chicken Little cancelling the space program because it isn’t “Green Enough” or “sustainable”. But life isn’t sustainable, it’s an open ended elaboration on a planet that is eventually doomed…

    (And yes, I get more pessimistic when I’m debugging broken programs ;-)

  45. Another Ian says:


    You know that a pessimist is an optimist with inside information?

  46. Larry Ledwick says:

    I stumbled across this interesting historical summary regarding the British efforts to disarm American colonials and how it led to revolution. This is usually glossed over in history classes and they talk much about stamp acts etc. but the real primary grievence that lead to the shot heard round the world was gun confiscation.

    Modern politicians might want to refresh their memory regarding this bit of history.


  47. Larry Ledwick says:

    Well this is going to get interesting!


  48. jim2 says:

    I’ve mentioned that Lubos Motl, a particle physicist, has zealously defended his science. One of his targets, Sabine Hossenfelder (quantum gravity physicist) has demanded Lobos pay her 10,000 dollars or euros, don’t remember which, or get sued. I have donated to his cause and wanted to alert you guys in case you feel moved to do so.


    SH also writes “popular” science articles. I guess she is trying to be a female Sagan or Tyson. She is arguing that a higher energy collider should not be built because particle physicists can’t predict what will be found. Obviously, an irrational argument. Columbus, there is no reason to explore new regions of the Earth – you don’t even know what you will find!!


    I’ve browsed her blog and can’t determine if she wants the money saved by not building a new collider for an experiment in HER field, or for the UN to buy socks for every human on the planet.

    But at any rate, Lubos is a strong voice against political correctness and irrationality, and in my view deserves our support. Please share with your friends and acquaintances.

  49. Bill in Oz says:

    Meanwhile here in Australia, Bill Shorten the leader of the Australian Labor Party which is tipped to win our national elections on Saturday, faces accusations that as a 19 year old he raped a 16 year old women at a Young Labor weekend ‘conference’ in 1986. This was reported to the Victorian state police by her in 2014 but the police did not pursue the matter. Now she has gone public and prsented new evidence to the police with assistance from a noted Australian Queen’s Counsel.

    We face the real propsect of having a pollie elected on Saturday who may faces charges of rape !

    Ohhh Bugger !

  50. Jon K says:

    Looks like there may be an overflow at Oroville again this year. Hopefully the repairs are far enough along to handle a standard overflow.


  51. cdquarles says:

    Thanks, Jim. It has been some time since I last read The Reference Frame. Bookmarked.

  52. Another Ian says:

    The smell of toast?

    “BOOM! Joe diGenova: For the First Time I Believe These Guys are Going to Jail… This is Big Time! Brennan and Comey Needs 5 Attorneys Each (VIDEO)”


  53. Larry Ledwick says:

    The white house is taking reports from people who feel they have been censored by social media.

  54. E.M.Smith says:

    Guess it’s time to come up from air for a bit from coding / programming and notice who’s being persecuted or prosecuted now ;-)

    Then there’s that whole “Somebody attacked Saudi tankers and oil pipelines” (or “war by any other name”) going on that’s being largely ignored by The Media.

    Well, at least we live in interesting times…. Oh! Wait!!

  55. Larry Ledwick says:

    A very simple summary from our cousin in the UK about what is going on in the body politic.

    Now if we can just get a few million TDS sufferers to watch this and internalize what is being said.

  56. Larry Ledwick says:

    President Trump is getting ready to ban foreign technology that poses unacceptable risk to US infrastructure (ie has imbedded back doors or out of spec construction that allows back door access)


  57. Larry Ledwick says:

    Related to above – note that Amazon appears to be vulnerable to some of these issues.


  58. Ossqss says:

    Interesting that my Ebay order was delivered by Amazon today. And I thought this write up by Mish was not something in the near future. Turns out it was the immediate future. Those vans now say Prime on the side.


  59. H.R. says:

    @Ossqss – UPS has withstood and KOd a lot of competition. I think it may be because the employees are the major stockholders, IIRC. They get lean and mean when someone tries to muscle in.

    However, the wrinkle in this case is that all of the Amazon package delivery that used to go UPS will be taken away from UPS. It will be tough to compete against one of your larger customers who has turned into a competitor. And according to your report, their former customer seems to be poaching UPS’s other customers.

  60. Ossqss says:

    @HR, all I am gonna say is if you have UPS stock, take your margin.

    On another note, it is Gator mating season here. They have become very aggressive to the point they are stalking and charging my dog. Not a good move. 2 will be legally removed tomorrow.

    I just don’t like seeing a large Gator coming towards me or Zeus thinking about dinner.

    No fast food here ;-)

  61. E.M.Smith says:


    Do Gators respect the Electric Fence?

    IF they do, you can get portable versions. I know a farmer who herds goats to craze off chunks of land. He has a portable electric fence unit and just stakes out an area with the wire, turns it on, and the goats don’t wander.

    Would keep dog in and gators out, if gators are smart enough to know what a shock is and not grumpy enough to trash it / bite it…

  62. Larry Ledwick says:

    Oh goody, Clippy and Cortana go PC in a new version of Word from MS that will try to correct your non-PC wording.

    Microsoft Releasing Word Version That Makes Grammar ‘Politically Correct’

    Will it also report back to Microsoft that you are in need of re-education, and issue a summons for you to be picked up?

  63. H.R. says:

    @Larry L: I just may have to go back to writing letters. And if I use cursive, it would be just as good as writing in a nearly unbreakable code that today’s ‘youts’ could not decipher… if they cared enough to look up from their smart phones.

    Now all I have to do is arrange for carrier pigeons for me and my social network and we’ll be ghosts as far as the PsTB, SJWs, and GEBs are concerned.
    @Ossqss – I’d hate to see your office assistant and security force get eaten by alligators. I found your office staff to be friendly and competent, though I suspect your assistant’s spelling skills may be slightly below par. Just sayin’. ;o)

    BTW, are those alligators going to be relocated or are they going to be made into a briefcase, tablet cover, boots, and a belt? If they are big enough, maybe a nice purse for the missus and a new golf bag, too?

  64. ossqss says:

    @HR, problem Gators are typically recycled in full and could potentially end up on a plate at the Linger Lodge :-) The bugger was actually under my dock close to the bank in ambush position when I checked the last time last night. Fortunately, their eyes are like reflectors when above the water and pretty easy to ID with a flashlight.

    @EM, no need for de fence, just offense. >>>

  65. E.M.Smith says:

    I’m really fond of Gator Jerky…. Jus’ sayin’…. if you have too much… it isn’t hard to make… I have a “food dryer”… and a smoker… and some spices…. and a machete…

  66. Another Ian says:

    Latest Pointman

    “The early Dem candidates for 2020 – part 3. Planning the succession.”

    The early Dem candidates for 2020 – part 3. Planning the succession.

  67. Larry Ledwick says:

    One more small increment toward sane weapons laws. Some weapons are so simple and some laws written so broadly that even children’s toys are technically banned.

    Often times only because some activist or legislator gets a wild hair after watching a movie or reading a book that involves a specific type of weapon.

    I remember in the 1950’s early 1960’s the fuss over zip guns and switch blade knives about the time West Side Story came out.


  68. E.M.Smith says:

    What makes the Nunchucks law particularly stupid is that it clearly misses the point of their history.

    The Nunchuck is a “rice flail”, just like the “side handle baton” is a well crank handle.

    The came about because Japan banned weapons in Okinawa when they took it over… so the Okinawan’s improvised weapons from what WAS allowed and developed lethal skill with them. It is the skill that makes the weapon.

    Look at any Jackie Chan movie. It is all about improvised weapons. In a few he uses his shirt as a “flexible weapon” to entrap knives or strangle. Similarly a belt or shoelaces even. At one time the C.I.A. trained to use the ball point pen as a dirk. (I now always carry a very sturdy pen ;-)

    What is one of THE major “causes of death” when someone is attacked or has an accident?
    “Blunt Force Trauma”. Going to ban all the “blunt instruments”? Then Oscar Statues must go!

    What is the classic thing in a bar fight scene? Break the end off a beer bottle and you have a great knife… Going to ban all glass containers? All belts, shirts, shawls? Rope and cordage? Canes, sticks, chairs, walkers? (Chan does interesting things with wooden chairs ;-) I can be lethal with a computer mouse (garrote), pen (dirk), or crescent wrench (blunt club). Going to ban all tools and writing instruments and computers? No more phone chargers?

    The martial art of Okinawa, Karate, comes from “Empty Hand”. It was the response to the Japanese weapons ban too. I am never without weapons, for I come to you with empty hands…

    That’s what makes all these laws so stupid. Not only do they not work, but they create more weapons as folks learn to improvise and change. The nunchuck in the hands of someone NOT practiced in its use is more damaging to the user than the target. In the hands of someone trained to use it, it isn’t necessary as they can already kill you with empty hands. (Weapons training comes after you rank in karate…)

    Oh Well, “you can’t fix stupid”… (To quote Ron White)

  69. jim2 says:

    EMS – after they ban everything that is a potential weapon – we will be left naked and still afraid!

  70. Ossqss says:

    Back in the day when I did do some sparing, I would use a Tonfa in the left hand and chucks in the right. A Tonfa resembles the night sticks the Police use now days and is a good 2 way device. Still have 2 sets of Rose wood chucks and 1 set of Tonfa’s.

    @EM, dunno about Gator Jerkey, but I would tell you that nothing over 7′ is worth the effort. Way too much sinew to mess with for individual use and effort. 4′ is about optimal, but still a pain to clean and dress.

  71. Larry Ledwick says:

    Things are about to get mighty ‘interesting’.


    From twitter:
    George Papadopoulos
    · 5h
    The Italian prime minister has suddenly requested resignations from 6 deputy directors of Italian intelligence agencies: DIS, AISI and AISE. This was all after I outed Mifsud in Rome and the president called the Italian prime minister. Italy has flipped and are giving up Brennan.

    George Papadopoulos
    Remember the text messages between Strzok and Page on March 14th, 2016, where they are discussing “their guy now talking”? That was the same day I met Mifsud in Rome. Conspiracy is a hell of a charge. It’s coming down on a lot of these freaks.

    Looking more and more like it is going to start hitting the fan next week.

  72. E.M.Smith says:


    Even if made into gator sausage or cooked “low and slow and moist” like a several hour pot roast or pulled pork?

    BTW, the Tonfa is the “side handle baton” I referenced above. That’s the generic term that covers both the police stick and the tonfa. The police side handle baton evolved from the straight Night Stick after the USA / Europe encountered Tonfa…

    @Larry L.:

    I’m trying to maintain my skepticism in the face of the qasi-news sorta-leaks about something “soon”. I keep waiting for tomorrow or next week to get here, and it hasn’t yet… ;-)


    Timcast has a video mocking the UK Police having bragged about all the “weapons” they took off the street, with a photo, showing one of them is a large spoon. Yes, that lethal spoon attack move… In it he mentions the use of a padlock and string… I forgot to mention the use of bike locks with the associated chain… Guess nobody will be allowed to secure their bikes. Then there’s the lehtal Neck Tie (as most of us guys can attest, they are a strangle…)

    Though I’m still unclear on how restaurants and cafes will work without plastic stir sticks, knives, forks, or spoons… Guess it’s “finger food” and black coffee only…

    While they have also started to confiscate hammers and screwdrivers, one wonders when they will get around to files and such. Will women have their purses raided and the nail files removed? If not, can a man sue for sex discrimination when his is taken? What about those hair forks used by blacks to keep the Afro fluffed? Will metal combs be banned, in general?

    For now, I think I just need to add a small padlock to my “kit”. Through the belt buckle it will make a dandy “flail”… and once you have stunned someone at a couple of foot distance, then you can close and use the belt as a strangle / garrote…

    Then what about studio microphones? Those “blunt objects” with attached wires… Guess it is time to shut down all those broadcast studios and confiscate their “arms cache”…


  73. E.M.Smith says:

    Sky news is reporting on “Floods in Canada”. Then we’ve had flooded fields all over the midwest of the USA. Floods in India and Asia and more.

    Yet nobody is mentioning what these floods mean. They mean a LOT of extra snow melt and rain, and those mean more evaporation / condensation happened, and that means more ocean cooling happened.

    Year over year we are slowly pulling all the decades of accumulated ocean heat (from lots of blue and UV light depositing energy at depth) out of the oceans and dumping it to space at the tops of cloud columns, then having the cold rain and snow return to Earth.

    With the sun now making a lot less blue / UV light, and more red / infrared light, there is more “prompt evaporation” as it is absorbed in the very surface of the oceans.

    The net result of all this is that the oceans are getting colder, the land getting more snow and rain, and the mountains more persistent ice.

    We’ve made the turn to Global Cooling. This ought to last for the next 20 to 30 years…

    So I’d not buy a home near any creeks or rivers, nor plan on a winter cottage high up the mountains…

    “Somewhere” I saw a report on the Argo Buoys data showing the seasonal “warm spikes” down to depth, with the last several years having ever shallower depth and narrower time duration. It was rather dramatic, but now I don’t know where it is to be found.

    There will be lots of hollering that the cold is caused by the Global Warming, but never forget that precipitation is just the end stage of ocean evaporation and cooling the oceans.

    Eventually the ocean will be cold and evaporation will reduce. Then we’ll have the cold dry part of the cycle. At the extreme end, during glacials, this makes for a very dusty cold desert over all sorts of the planet. So sometime around 20 years from now we ought to be more cold and dry, as the cycle turns and the UV returns. Then for a decade or two the heat goes deep, and we are very cold and dry. Until the ocean warms enough to evaporate more again. The ocean is the heat capacitor and the UV / IR input tickles the oscillator. Precipitation cycles lag by about a decade (as a guess). So we’re going to have floods for a while yet.

  74. Larry Ledwick says:

    Wonderful nickname for the homeless villages in California:

    @Larry L.:

    I’m trying to maintain my skepticism in the face of the qasi-news sorta-leaks about something “soon”. I keep waiting for tomorrow or next week to get here, and it hasn’t yet… ;-)

    Understand, too many people expect the word “soon” to mean in the next 24 hours, or next week, in the context of a process timed to run up until the 2020 election, it is simply a marker that key trigger events are happening. They are shifting from an investigatory phase to filing charges and starting to put peoples jobs at risk as info gets released regarding what they were doing.

    Nothing much visible will happen until after the IG report gets released (which apparently is now in staff review just prior to release) and declass when all the dirty laundry suddenly is open for discussion in the media.

    This process is going to have impacts in the intelligence and law enforcement communities of several countries as it was an international effort to stop Trump, and lots of folks in those communities bent the rules or out right ignored the rules to cooperate with the Obama admin efforts to poison the well for Trump.

  75. Ossqss says:

    @EM, you can slow roast plastic, but it is still plastic and in this case reptilian tasting plastic. If anything, you soak it in milk for a loooong time and chew your way through it. I will pass on it myself ;-)

  76. E.M.Smith says:

    Are you saying if you chew on it long enough this too shall pass? ;-)

    OK, I’m not advocating eating old gators other than in an emergency… just wondering if there isn’t some way to processes it, like other tough cuts of meat, that might work.

    I’d had a couple of critter where the flavor just didn’t cut it. In particular, some catfish from the shallow parts of the Florida Gulf and from a pond near where I was living. Very definite algae flavor in it. A known problem too in farmed catfish in warm shallow waters in the South.

    I’m used to California catfish that are from colder waters and taste great. So it was a surprise to me to have catfish that wasn’t good.

    I could easily see some way that the “bad flavors” from their dinner could accumulate in gators, getting stronger as they age (and the meat tougher as they battle and survive…) and I’m not about to argue with local knowledge. (The catfish convinced me that the locals, giving the the hairy eyeball for wanting to take it home, are to be respected.)

    Mostly just curious if the locals had not worked out some method not in wide discussion. I’m willing to accept ‘no’ ;-)

  77. Ossqss says:

    Have a peek at the lodge menu at the bOttoman of this paget (it is a PDF) . Most of the Gator is marinated in butter milk for a reason. I have not tried the

  78. Ossqss says:

    Hummm, ghost post,,, I was referencing the Gator Ribs when it posted.

    HR and I shared the platter, which was quite good. Gator for me is best Cajun style.


  79. Another Ian says:

    ‘Though I’m still unclear on how restaurants and cafes will work without plastic stir sticks, knives, forks, or spoons… Guess it’s “finger food” and black coffee only…”

    Not for some. As that song had it

    “I see that you’re a logger and not just a common bum
    For no-one but a logger stirs his coffee with his thumb”

  80. Larry Ledwick says:

    Amazon developing a fully automated order packing machine.

  81. Terry Jay says:

    “If you put whiskey on it, he would eat a bale of hay.”

  82. Another Ian says:


    We’re not supposed to remember the temperatures mentioned either in this era of:-

    “Delingpole: Guardian Invents Scary New Name for ‘Global Warming’ — ‘Global Heating’”


  83. Larry Ledwick says:

    Colorado enhanced their traction law (chain law)

    The beefed-up traction law takes particular aim at drivers of two-wheel-drive passenger vehicles. Each September through May, they will face the requirement of having specialized winter tires or carrying traction devices while traveling on I-70 between Dotsero and Morrison. The old traction law had been activated only before and during actual winter weather.

    House Bill 1207 also increases the minimum tread depth for tires on all vehicles — including those with four-wheel-drive — from an eighth of an inch to three-sixteenths of an inch.

    Though I-70 is the only highway corridor where the increased restrictions will be in effect for nine months a year, they will apply to other corridors when the state activates the traction law for storms. . . .

  84. E.M.Smith says:

    @Larry L:

    Remind me not to go through Colorado… Oh, wait, I don’t anyway ;-)

    I generally do toss chains in the car when the weather is marginal, but then again, I’ll also just take the southern route to avoid the snow. Then again, last time I did that I was in snow in the Sonoran Desert….

  85. jim2 says:

    Telling the pollsters one thing then voting the other way: It’s not just in the US!!

    Australia votes 2019: Climate action bombs. Pollsters crash. A win for skeptics!


  86. E.M.Smith says:


    I saw the election results on Sky News but had no idea how to interpret them. Anyone familiar with the players feel free to elaborate / enlighten. (And yes, I’m going to “hit the link!”)

  87. philjourdan says:

    @Larry L – OK, what happens to the poor sucker traveling from New York to Portland and just happens to be passing through?

    There are also federal laws about interstates. How much pot do the Colorado legislatures use?

  88. E.M.Smith says:

    an interesting bitchute video about a food fight on YouTube over “Soph” – a 14 year old who’s being shut down.

    Well, I watched one of her videos. Like a salty sailor with moxy and brains. I liked it (though the language is a bit, um, “rich”. This one about her, relatively safe.


    Soph’s channel:


    The “Be Not Afraid” video was the one that got the attention of the PC Police…


    Censorship, just say no… ;-)

  89. Larry Ledwick says:

    It appears the puzzle pieces are starting to all fit together and create an understandable scenario of how and why the previous administration weaponized the intelligence and law enforcement community to gather intelligence on their opposition.

    This level of surveillance is right out of 20th century KGB methods to create a blanket detailed picture of the lives of people who do not support the approved political program.


  90. p.g.sharrow says:

    The ObamaNation attempted to utilize the Leninist seizure of power playbook of , take over the powers of security enforcement to eliminate opposition. and ensure their permanent control over the government. “Win one vote, one time and take over.” Van Jones bragged about this as they swept into the White-house
    Fortunately American internal law system is diffused and restricted by design and greatly impeded their attempts to actually seize total power long enough to prevent their sweep into total control.
    The 40 year Communist drive to take control over the Democratic Party has driven much of their electorate away as they pushed their more centralist candidates from the field. Their favorite Hillary Clinton, Lost out to a “No name Nobody” from Illinois and then lost to non-political businessman in-spite of her massive over weight in resources. Massive vote cheating was not even enough. The Trump organization has been LOUDLY accused of every crime and trick the Democrats have committed.
    Now the shoe is being transferred to the other foot as the second half begins. Hillary bragged if she fell half of Washington DC would fall with her. Popcorn time! finally. ;-)…pg

  91. David A says:

    I may have posted this previously, but thought I did here. At any rate it would fit in well with E.Ms ” no shortage of energy posts.
    ( Not sure how much it improves the Japanese method E.M. referred to.


  92. Larry Ledwick says:

    First news I saw about that direct extraction process was about 30 years ago, as I recall Israel was looking at it.

    That said this would be a perfect companion process to desalination operations by running the extraction process on the highly concentrated brine effluent from the desalination process.



  93. Bill in Oz says:

    Folks I have been taking an active interest in Politics here in Oz for the past year or so. The win by the Liberal National Party Coalition was an unexpected & pleasant surprise on Saturday night. The polls had been predicting a Labor/Greens landslide for months. And in fact one Sportsbet company paid out $1.3 million on bets that Labor would win 2 days before the election because of the polls. WTF ?

    What happened ? Well it seems that in Qld, Tasmania & WA, ordinary Australians decided not to back parties with a a huge greenist agenda. Put frankly not interested in being poor but virtuous. In NSW & Victoria the balance of public opinion was more balanced. There were some unexpected losses ( Eg Tony Abbot a former PM lost his seat in what was a a safe Liberal party seat. ) Unfortunately in South Australia, the the seat of Mayo where I live, the voters voted to re-elect an incompetent Greenist. Why ? My own suspicion is that she won because she is good at hugging old ladies. This seat has a high proportion of elderly voters with significant retirement areas in it. ( One town Victor Harbour, is nicknamed “God’s Waiting Room”.

    So locally here, disapointmnet. But Nationally great pleasure.
    And there are messages in it :
    1 : Ordinary folks do not appreciate being hectored and lectured at by Greenists and will vote them down. But they tend to be quiet in their views unlike the very voluble greenists.
    2: The polls are buggered. They cannot form an accurate prediction of how Australians will vote any longer. Why ? Well the polls use landlines to select who will be rung and polled. And a high proportion of Aussies do not have land lines any more..Just Mobiles ( = Cell phones in USA )
    but there is no public ‘white pages ‘ of everyone with a mobile. So they are not useful for getting a representative sample.

    But I guess with you folks in the USA already having gone through the 2016 campaign and elected Trump, you already knew these things.

  94. Larry Ledwick says:

    Part of that is that polls no long function as people expect. The polls which are published are not intended to accurately represent the likely vote, but to encourage a certain voting pattern by giving the impression that a certain candidate is the most popular and in so doing induce fence sitters to switch their vote to the “expected” winner rather than to actually vote their conscience backing a likely loser. In short they are push polls to influence the vote not accurate surveys.

    That is why the polls missed so badly in the US with Trump they were over sampling democrats women and younger voters to intentionally give strong numbers for Hillary. When observers corrected for those intentional manipulations they showed Trump would win, but most did not try to correct their numbers at the last minute and in doing so destroyed their credibility just like the major media.

    Most polls tell you who the EBs of the deep state want to win, not who will win.

  95. Larry Ledwick says:

    @Larry L – OK, what happens to the poor sucker traveling from New York to Portland and just happens to be passing through?

    Traction laws are only enforced when it is snowing, if they invoke the traction laws, they will set up check points and cars which do not meet the guide lines will not be allowed over the pass until the bad weather clears – – – or if they have an accident when they are not inspecting cars due to slick roads they get fined per the penalties in the law for driving on inadequate tires.

    They will get to spend time in various mountain towns until the weather clears.

    The laws are either enforced by physical check points that force drivers to demonstrate adequate tires, or they post warning signs that the regulation is in effect on that stretch of road and it becomes a proceed at your own risk basis and pay steep fines if you have an accident or obstruct the road because you cannot get up the hill.

  96. E.M.Smith says:

    The Uranium article is a nice one in that it shows the USA if finally noticing this.

    The Japanese have been doing it for decades. I wrote an article about it a while back:

    ULUM – Ultra-Large-Uranium-Miner-ship

    Where I speculate about the idea of packing a large oil tanker sized ship with a nuclear drive chain, a lot of this fiber stuff, and an on-line refiner / processor. Then you just drive around the oceans and occasionally someone comes out to pick up a load of Uranium….

    I figured it to be no more disruptive than shipping oil in oil tankers, does not require building any large on-land refineries or pumping huge amounts of coastal water either.

    FWIW, THE big problem with this tech, as it has been from the beginning, is that contrary to the Big Scare Stories, we have no shortage of cheap Uranium on land. Last time I looked it was about $170 / kg (or maybe pound…) to extract U from seawater, but was about $100 from a land based mine. So way cheap enough to be economical as fuel for ships, subs, and for making electricity but not as cheap as the stuff we presently mine.

    BTW, the amount of U that erodes into the sea each year is more than would be needed to power ALL uses on the planet. There is no energy shortage. We run out of fuel when we run out of planet. Granite has more energy / ton than the carbon in a ton of coal, just from the trace U in it. Other fun fact: Coal has as much energy from U in it as from C, so all those fly ash dumps are future U sources…

  97. Larry Ledwick says:

    Well this is an interesting perspective.
    Bear paw for scale.

    7 miles from Anchorage Alaska – why Alaskans are not going to give you their guns.

  98. E.M.Smith says:

    @Bill in Oz:

    We call them “cell phones” or ‘mobile phones” or even “my electronic leash”… Sometimes just ‘cell’ or ‘mobile’…

    I suspect Caller ID also has a big impact. I don’t answer anyone I don’t know, land line or not.

    So who is getting polled? Folks with nothing more important in their life, who are not very security aware, and who “talk to strangers”… That’s a very biased sample.

    The polling operations then make it worse by using too small a sample (i.e. much less than the minimum 1200) and worse again by not properly grading their sample against known properties of the population at large. (i.e. if you poll 1200 and get 700 Democrats in an area with a 50-50 split, you need to adjust for that…)

    Then there is the social dimension….

    So we’ve had a few years now of folks being assaulted for being conservative, egged or now “milkshake-ed” for supporting Trump or other conservative candidates. Pilloried and deplatformed and DOXed and hit with “lock on a chain” by Antifa for saying perfectly reasonable things like, oh, “All lives matter”… then some Random-I-Don’t-Know wants to know who I’m going to vote for? I’m giving them the answer that avoids the risk. I’ll vote as I like in private…

    Have I mentioned lately that I voted for BOTH Obama and Bernie Sanders? (In different elections)… I’m sure I’ve said that in public, and often…. Even donated to Bernie. (Think of it as $5 of “insurance”…)

    So some pollster asks me who I’m going to vote for in the next Primary, I’m going to say “Probably Bernie just like last time!”… and not mention that I voted for Trump in the POTUS race… Certainly what I’d say if in public, on the street, on camera, etc. etc….

  99. E.M.Smith says:

    @Larry L:

    That’s one big paw…

    Slowly, over time, as the Big Green Push to have Mountain Lions flourish in all their prior domain, have Big Gators roam in large numbers as far north as the Carolinas and in to Texas, and get Wolf Packs and Griz back into the North near Yellowstone:

    More and more folks will get eaten and more and more folks will “just say no” to gun confiscation.

    It is really very simple: EITHER you have the means to be the Top Predator, or you are lunch.

    (FWIW, I selected the .357 Magnum as my Basic Rural Set – sidearm & rifle – as it is able to stop all of Wild Boar, Bear, and Mountain Lion. Maybe not 100% of the time on the first shot, but well enough. It is “enough gun” for my needs. Oh, and it also stops a Buick ;-)

  100. Larry Ledwick says:

    Space riddle – how old is the Universe?

    If two different approaches give different results and have no errors than the theory must need a tweak or two.


  101. Ossqss says:

    I am a little suspicious! :-)

  102. Power Grab says:

    @ E.M. re:

    “Oh, and it also stops a Buick ;-)”


  103. Larry Ledwick says:

    Time line of illegal spying beginning to firm up.


  104. Larry Ledwick says:

    Threadreader rollup of above tweet storm


  105. Larry Ledwick says:

    How the NSA tracks you – video by former technical director NSA Bill Binney.

    How the NSA tracks you

  106. E.M.Smith says:


    Did they have any Lox seeds? And where are the cream cheese seeds?

    @Larry L:

    What they are missing is that the “Big Bang” is a constant event. The Universe is always expanding from its start in the “White Hole” at the start of time and expanding into the end of time as it all gets sucked into the universe of Black Holes. It is what I call The Steady State Big Bang.

    The Magic Sauce comes from the simple fact that in a black hole, space and time cease to exist. This has a very important effect later in this story….

    So, as of now, we can see that all over the universe “Stuff” is falling into Black Holes. At the center of galaxies and elsewhere. Huge numbers of suns down the cosmic drain. As this happens, they go down the funnel to where space and time end. We still see their gravity on our side of the horizon, but nothing else. They enter with huge acceleration and so huge momentum.

    What else has no space and no time? A “white hole”. We know of only one. The one at the Big Bang. “Stuff” comes flying out of it as light, only later condensing into matter. Light has no weight. So initially there is no time, no space, and no mass or weight. As this huge flood of photons comes flying out of the White Hole, it expands at a tremendous rate, but also starts condensing into matter, creating mass / weight, gravity to start trying to slow things down, and even space and time come into being.

    Between there, and the end of time in a cold dark sea of black holes, you have our view of things. We see it all as a progression from past to future. From “big bang” to extinction. What we don’t see is the connection between all the different Black Holes to the one White Hole. We see them as scattered in space, and time. But what happens when space and time cease to exist?

    The Singularity.

    My assertion is just that all the “singularities” are (sort of by dfinition) the SAME singularity. Furthermore, they they all also exist at the same “time”. All that stuff, over all those Billions of years, falling into all those Black Holes turning into massless photons…. leave behind their gravity on their singularity surface, and then all that energy flux all meets up a no-where no-when and comes flying out as a blinding flash of The Big Bang creating space and time and mass in the process.

    Space and Time being a bit rubbery at the start of time, we get various notions about how “old” things are and how fast they are “moving away from each other”… In reality our rulers are changing. Space and time both.

    It starts as none, grows to a lot, then eventually thins out again to “none” as the black holes suck it all in again.

    All that is constant is the momentum and energy. They are conserved. All the “falling in” turns into the great rush outward of the White hole. All the energy of the universe, sucked into all the black holes at the end of time and over time, comes rushing back out of the White Hole at the start of time. We call it a Bang, but in reality it is both an infinity long time of everything finding a black hole to consume it, and an infinitely fast flash back into being at the start of time, again.

    A Cosmic Flywheel always turning, always winking out of existence as time and space go to zero, then just as always flashing back into being and creating the start of time. Black Holes are the end of time side of the door, and the White Hole is the start of time side of the same door. Everything else is just coasting down the exit door and finding it back at the start, again.

    So just how old IS a perpetual motion machine of infinite size?….

    What has “age” is the part of the universe we can see. But we can’t see past our own speed of light limit, and we can’t see the future. We live in a Hubble Bubble and that’s the only part we can date.

  107. Bill in Oz says:

    E M your reply jotted my mind about differences in democratic systems.

    We don’t have any primaries here in Oz. Parties select the candidates by vartious means including a poll of members in each electorate..But even by the Party HQ selecting the candidates sometimes.

    Hence here we have no ‘declared’ Labor” or Liberal or Green , or National etc voters.

    Pollsters have to work all that out for themselves !

    And yes there are loads of folks who simply do not answer the landline unless they know who is ringing…Or just hangup once they realise who is calling.. Lots of times these polls are not even done by humans..But by Robo-calling… Leads to even more hangups.

  108. Bill in Oz says:

    Plus we have compulsory voting which means we regularly have a voter turn out close to 100% of the electoral rolls… And an informal of around 2% from those who do not want to vote for any of the candidates in their electorate…
    Plus we have preferential voting. This means it is compulsory to vote for all the candidates in the electorate in order of preference.. A candidate is only elected when he/she gets a total of 50% plus 1 of the total number of formal votes cast…

    The differences make for a different type of democracy here in Oz. Different to the USA, Canada, Uk, Ireland France, etc.

    But it does give interesting results a lot of the time..

  109. cdquarles says:

    Time exists as we know it only for mutable things. Is the photon that shifts frequency the same photon or two different ones? Before and after were the first epoch.

    Mutable things, as we know them, cannot create themselves. Something outside that creates them directly and indirectly. Once started, that Something sustains them as they change. The Universe, that is, all that Is, is both material and not material. The Not-Material can’t be sensed by electrochemical means, and remember, we sense light by electrochemical means. As absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, that one can’t sense something does not mean it must not exist.

  110. David A says:

    E.M. says – Larry L:

    What they are missing is that the “Big Bang” is a constant event…

    Hum? So we have infinite energy beyond space and time, beyond cause and effect, manifesting everything in the dance of creation – preservation – destruction.

    It is one big mystery!

  111. E.M.Smith says:

    @Power Grab:

    That may be an Americanism….

    Back in the ”60s to 70s when GMC made Big Iron Block V8 engines, and the .357 was relatively new and widely used by rural police (city cops often had .38 Special) the discussion of the caliber for police use was common too, and also included the assertion it would punch a hole in an engine and destroy it. I.e. it would “stop a Buick”

    Sometime later some wag with time and money showed that it would not actually penetrate a big block iron V8 engine. Then that statement tended to wane a bit. Though that ignores things like the radiator, distributor, carburetor, fuel pump, and, now, control computers and sensors. Not to mention the driver…

    Well, times move on, and now we have sensitive little darling engines made of aluminum and with fragile electronics, fuel injection lines and systems, and everything subject to a computer just shutting it all down if things are out of spec enough to not pass some government mandate. So I’m pretty sure at this point a .357 can make it through some parts of the aluminum engines and certainly can take out a lot of critical bits. (Not to mention the driver… he mentioned…)

    So the point of that little tag line was to evoke a bit of nostalgia among the over 60 folks while at the same time, perhaps, reawakening the question of “stop a Buick” in this era of fragile aluminum cars with engines 100% dependent on their electronics….

    Because, after all, if you are out in the wilderness of Not-Los-Angeles you need something that can stop the Top Predators you might find… be they bears, or mountain lions, or a person in a Buick With Attitude using it as a lethal weapon.

    Just realize that Buick is a metaphor for “Large Vehicle” and that today you would be most likely to be facing a rented truck or a charging GMC / FORD Pickup Truck in that scenario. And in that case, I’d rather be punching holes in the (radiator, water pump, fuel injection, mass / air flow sensor, computer, crank sensor, oil pan, aluminum case, and maybe even driver) with a .357 Magnum FMJ than with a 9mm tossing 89 grain hollow points…. Just sayin’… When faced with the Wiley Buick, you need “enough gun”… ;-)

    @Bill in Oz:

    Never understood the value of having forced voting. Having people forced to pick when they don’t give a damn, or are incompetent (and know it so choose to not vote), or don’t like any of the choices so MUST pick someone they don’t like; it just seems a bit wrong.

    I know if I were forced to participate against my will I’d be choosing whatever choice caused the most trouble. One step past passive-aggressive into the land of pot-stirring… A petty revenge.

    @David A:

    Call it the Wheel Of Fate or the Cycle Of Time or the Cycle Of Croatian or Brahma Cycles or… what we see is the Universe from our present point on the Wheel. To us, time and space look constant, as do all the other “constants” in physics. But they are not constants. They are “spoken into being” as the energy (and time and space and…) comes flying out of the White Hole side of the cycle / door and “time begins”, then the universe, and us with it, flies through this evolution of space and time and matter and existence as tiny bits gather into bigger bits and then huge bits and form black holes and time and space get sucked into them and starts to ‘wink out’… but from our perspective, still stuck in passing time, we don’t realize that the ending of the matter sucked in is also the ending of time for that matter.

    So where does “no time” and “no space” exist? That’s the interesting bit… We know it exists at both the start and end of “time”… They connect for they are the same. So all the “stuff” being hoovered up by Black Holes for Billions and Billions of Years is only “spread over time” where time exists. On the other side of the event horizon, it all arrives “at once” since there is no time axis… and goes flying out the White Hole “all at once” as time is spoken back into being….

    What is conserved is the energy (mass is energy) and the momentum (what accelerates into the black holes comes flying out of the white hole). Nothing else, not even time nor space, is conserved. Time and space are just elaborations (side effects) of the turning of the wheel of momentum and energy…

    One other slightly more speculative bit on my part (as if this wasn’t speculative enough…):

    Black Holes become ever more massive, despite the event horizon not letting anything out. Might it be that just as the white hole spews out pure energy at the start of time, the black hole is the end result of entropy turning all energy into mass? Might this all just be one giant cycle of “energy conversion into mass” as the arrow of time flies one way, then the “POOF!” of all that mass jumping back to energy as time and space wink out of existence… Are time and space the creators of the property of “mass”, and when they are gone, all reverts to energy flooding out of the white hole? Then fending that as it condenses into time / space / and mass again, the property of gravity forms and things start that long slide into making black holes again…

    Cold that be why we still see gravity from Black Holes? Because the property of gravity can not make the journey into the singularity, so gets “left behind”? Think of it as a giant diode, with mass / gravity piled up on one side of the junction and energy piled up on the other. The waves of energy all repelling and flying away to slowly convert to mass and be collected at the other side of the circuit… joined by a barrier of no-time that does not see a beginning of the cycle and and end billions of years later, but only sees mass on one side and with space and time reaching zero, it flashes to energy on the other.

    As crazy as that sounds to us, mired in time and fixed in spacial dimensions, I do think that is how the universe works. We err in that we measure things with units of space and time. We need to think in terms of creation and destruction of time and what cycles that would cause. They are not the ruler to measure, they are the object of the change cycle. Mass extinguishes space and time when enough accumulates (singularity) while energy creates it when there is no longer the concepts of space and time to allow mass to continue to exist… at the exit from the singularity of the White Hole were there is zero gravity due to zero mass from zero space and time. The other size of the gravity diode…

  112. E.M.Smith says:

    Just a minor FYI about the Raspberry Pi M3, Chromium, Firefox, and heat.

    I have the small stick on heat sink on the Pi M3. For almost everything it is good enough. BUT, if you run all 4 cores at full speed it will heat limit.

    The Firefox browser tends to not use all the cores effectively. Often only one full and the others partial. Chromium is MUCH more effective at using all the cores. Firefox tends to “peg a core” doing spell checking if you are editing a posting (as I often do). This looks distressing on the Intel Compaq as it only has one core, but it seems to interrupt seamlessly so typing is smooth and liquid. The Pi has poorer interrupt even though it has multiple cores, so it tends to have pause and keystroke lag even with cores that are not fully loaded in Firefox. (Odd that.)

    So I’d taken to using Chromium to edit web pages on the Pi. It is somewhat less prone to the keystroke lag thing and doesn’t have perpetual pegged core doing nothing of use…

    With the Africa posting, it is so big and so long that Chromium keeps all 4 cores somewhat loaded all the time and pegs all 4 on any save or load to preview changes. In fact, the heat load is great enough that I get the “thermometer” warning showing up in the upper right hand corner. The Pi is thermal limiting on edit of that page with Chromium.

    IF you use Chromium on the Pi M3, you need a big heat sink, not the dinky one.

    But it was still smoother than FireFox even with the occasional “hang / crash” that it does. (I’ve not figured out why, but about once / day Chromium just locks up. I think it is when the multiple threads hit a mutual lock out point when I did too much at once ;-) So I used it for all the graph uploading.

    But now, despite the one Intel Pentium 4 core showing 100% pegged in Firefox, I’m doing the rest of the “add commentary” edits on the old Compaq in Firefox. It just doesn’t have the keystroke lag nor the interrupt lag. Disk is slower than the USB disk. Total CPU is less. Memory is a bit more (that helps with not swapping). The one core speed is higher and that’s helpful, even if FireFox is so stupid as to always peg it at 100% due to God Only Knows why…

    Sometimes I’ve fixed that “peg at 100%” by adding the USA dictionary. Sometimes adding it again. Sometimes it doesn’t help. Oh Well. It works (and it helps keep the room warm ;-) This time, adding the USA dictionary didn’t help.

    FWIW, after lunch, now that making graphs is done for a while, I’ll likely swap to the Odroid N2 for the rest of the edits. That takes a little bit of “tear down / set up” so it will be after a break in the schedule.

  113. Power Grab says:

    @ EM re “Buick…”

    Ah. I see. I thought it was a vague reference to my recent experience at not being even slowed down by an impact with a deer on the highway…in my Buick.

    Even though I am over 60, I don’t remember hearing that line before.

  114. Power Grab says:

    @ Bill in Oz re:

    “Plus we have compulsory voting…”

    Do they give you a choice that reads “None of the above”?

  115. Power Grab says:

    Here is an article that discusses the 5G rollout and those who oppose it–because it will affect how we detect water vapor for the purposes of weather forecasting:


    This ties in with some of my recent comments.

  116. Ossqss says:

    I recall discussions with law enforcement on the .357. It was stated that it would penetrate windshields where the 9 and 38 would bounce off. I have not tested the theory myself, and hope I never have to, but could. They never brought up a .45, or now days a .40, in the discussion, so there is a lingering opinion question there…..

    The one comment that has always stuck with me from my discussions with them was “It is not all about the round used, it is all about your accuracy”.

  117. Another Ian says:

    Power grab – Re

    “Do they give you a choice that reads “None of the above”?”

    Once you get your name crossed off as “voted” you are clean with that bureaucracy and you can write your vote selection. Or in a round about “None of the above” write nothing or rude remarks which qualify as an informal vote.

    And, no, we don’t have a “write in ” option and there are times we should IMO.

    IIRC compulsory voting here is a literal ending to the history of “the hard fight to get the right to vote – use it or lose it”

  118. Larry Ledwick says:

    The behavior of bullets and glass is interesting. All bullets can be deflected by glass at some critical incidence angle (especially tough sandwich layer glass used in windshields). Steeply angled streamlined windshields are more prone to that effect and to some extent your position relative to the glass makes a difference. A short person firing from a kneeling or prone position at a windshield is highly likely to have the shot deflect because that angle of impact is very low (like skipping a stone off water). The same person, same projectile fired from a standing position near the car where the bullet is moving downward slightly will probably punch through the glass.

    This is where it gets interesting. The mechanics of how the glass breaks tends to turn the slug toward a normal angle (right angle) to the glass. It shifts the trajectory in that direction but only a few degrees.

    The result is shots coming toward a windshield form the outside tend to hit low of point of aim inside the car, (ie they are turned downward as they hit the back edge of the hole in the glass) and shots from inside the car at an external attacker tend to go high as they are turned upward as they strike the rear edge of the hole in the glass.

    My idea (although it is illegal to shoot at a fleeing occupied car in many jurisdictions) there are times if the car is being used as a weapon, it would be a choice of evils decision (ie get run over or try to center punch the driver)

    I think at some distance I would shoot the first couple rounds at the radiator (front of engine) you know that will absolutely stop the car eventually if you hole the radiator, and lots of gear on the top of the engine will not like getting a hole punched in it.

    Once the car gets close enough that you have near 100% chance of striking the driver move shot groups to the driver. (don’t forget to lead the target if off angle!)

    If time of bullet flight is 0.1 second (most self defense handguns develop velocities between 1000 – 1200 ft/sec) that implies a range of 100 – 120 feet (30 – 40 yards), a car moving 35 mph will cover 5 ft in the time it takes the bullet to get to the target, so you need to aim your shots at where they intended target (radiator / driver) will be after the car moves 5 ft.

    Obviously if the driver is a suicide driver trying to run you down, the lead problem resolves to shooting a little low if you are above the car or a little high if you are shooting from a low position.

    There is something to be said for the psychological effect of a round through the windshield right in front of the driver will have on his focus to do what he intends to do and perhaps upset his visibility.

    It is actually not an intuitively obvious situation and untrained shooters who have not thought about it, tend to miss their intended target for both those reasons in addition to random wild shots due to the stressful situation.

    Door gunners in Vietnam had to learn to shoot behind their targets on the ground (in the sense of the direction of flight is forward), as the bullets due to the forward speed of the chopper had a significant drift in the direction of the choppers travel by the time they got to the target if the chopper was not in a hover.

    A 158 grain .357 magnum may not break the engine block, but it can punch holes in the front of the water pump or intake manifold, take out spark plugs or fuel injector lines, the alternator, battery, and radiator, or damage the drive belts on the front of the engine causing the engine to toss or break the belts. It will also shoot through both the hood and the firewall into the instrument cluster and the driver.

    My target band would be the stripe between the head lights about 1 foot high. Any hole in that area has a high likelihood of hurting something important.

  119. Larry Ledwick says:

    I have always pondered if their might be an effect like fusion for a black hole that when it gets big enough rules change (perhaps gravity turns off) or huge energy burst over whelms gravity etc.

    What if all the matter in the universe was concentrated in two super super super sized black holes, what happens as they try to merge and for an instant the gravitational fields cancel each other out as the event horizons meet? Would that momentarily cause a huge explosion of matter?

    As noted all the rules we think we understand break down under those extreme conditions and new forces and processes might trigger at high enough densities that exist in end state black holes.

  120. Larry Ledwick says:

    By the way one of the justifications for the .40 S&W adoption by police forces was precisely because the 9mm was not a reliable penetrator of glass and other barriers police sometimes have to shoot through to engage a bad guy.

    The 9mm has about 40% more energy than the .38 special, where the .357 magnum has close to 100% more energy than the .38 special. where the .40 S&W has just about the same energy as the .357 depending on bullet and load choice, but being rimless works well in common auto pistol designs although it is a bit harder for some people to shoot because it has more felt recoil than the 9mm. Most pistols chambered in .40 S&W were actually 9mm designs upgraded to handle the .40 rather than being clean sheet designs tailored to the .40 S&W from the start.

  121. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting idea, probably another boon-doggle but who knows might net savings in the long run rather than shipping CO2 to oil field locations “mine it from the air directly on site” seems to have some advantages if they can get the costs down enough.


  122. jim2 says:

    Morgan Stanley cut its bear (worst-case) forecast on Tesla’s stock from $97 to just $10 on Tuesday, citing concerns about the company’s increased debt load and geopolitical exposure.

    In particular, Morgan Stanley analysts said the reduction was driven by concerns around Chinese demand for Tesla products.

    “Our revised bear case assumes Tesla misses our current Chinese volume forecast by roughly half to account for the highly volatile trade situation in the region, particularly around areas of technology, which we believe run a high and increasing risk of government/regulatory attention,” the research team, which included analyst Adam Jonas, said in the note.


  123. philjourdan says:

    @Bill in Oz

    As you probably guessed, many of us are old cusses who HATE to be told what to do, regardless of the merits of the order. Voting is one of those things. So suppose I go to the polls and leave my ballot blank. Voting is still secret, so no one would know that I basically did not vote. Am I correct? Or did Castro get his cue from Oz?

  124. Bill in Oz says:

    E M we’ve had compulsory voting since 1923. And there is no one wanting to abolish among the political parties. It takes away the big chore of ‘getting out the vote’ that you have in the USA & in the UK,
    And we are not compelled to actually vote for any candidate. People vote informal..At the election last Saturday the informal vote was 2.9%. A blank ballot paper, or a scrawled across ballot paper or a simple “None of the Above” written on the ballot paper makes it informal. It is compulsory to attend a polling booth and actually get a ballot paper and make a secret decision about how to vote. And put the ballot paper in the box.

    So it is not a forced vote.

  125. Bill in Oz says:

    E M I enjoyed reading your thoughts on white holes and black holes.
    And by way of making a contribution here is something to think about.
    We think that matter with it’s weight and occupation of space as what actually “IS’.
    But it is an illusion.
    And Gravity ? It is just ‘sticky’ energy.
    A form of energy that attracts everything else to it.. Even light photons are bent by gravity even though they are not stopped by it.

  126. p.g.sharrow says:

    I think that the “Big Bang” is more the result of BS (Bad Science) rather then an actual event. “Black Holes” have a leak and “evaporate” as they geyser mater and energy from their poles where “Gravity” is reduced by the intense EMF spin caused by their rotation and magnetic fields. As a proof I offer the evidence of energy/Mater fountains or “Searchlight” as seen in astronomical renditions of areas with “Black Holes”. Pulsars may also be the result of this phenomena when viewed from an area above a rotating pole. A”Black Hole” can only grow as long it has nearby Mater to feed on. Once it has cleared it’s area it will evaporate until it’s energy density exceeds it’s gravitational caused event horizon and then will Super Nova.
    The concept of ever expanding Universe was based on the mathematical extension of the “Hubble Constant” and the constant ” Speed of Light” in free space. Both of which may not be all that constant. Much of Astrophysics is the result of circular logic of one proof based on assumptions of accepted proofs of others based on the assumptions of the earlier ones.
    The creation of “Laws of physics” is just as suspect as The “Laws of Climatology” I have watched the “creation of the sausage” of both. …pg

  127. Larry Ledwick says:

    Not a surprise to us here, many of us predicted these sorts of issues with the solar road panels.

    The special solar panel mat on the provincial road was supposed to remain in place for two years, but caused too unsafe traffic situations. The road was completely slippery in cold weather. After the winter, the panels began to release due to wear.

    The mat, which consists of 48 solar panels, was installed last May on one lane with a length of twenty meters. He delivered around 2200 kWh in one year. In addition, motorists initially crossed the mats without problems.

    The mat must be further developed for use on busy motorways, according to the province.


    De speciale zonnepanelenmat op de provinciale weg zou eigenlijk twee jaar blijven liggen, maar zorgde voor te onveilige verkeerssituaties. Bij koud weer was de weg spekglad. Na de winter begonnen de panelen door slijtage los te laten.

    De mat, die bestaat uit 48 zonnepanelen, werd vorig jaar mei aangebracht op één rijstrook met een lengte van twintig meter. Hij heeft in een jaar circa 2200 kWh opgeleverd. Daarnaast reden automobilisten in eerste instantie zonder problemen over de matten heen.

    De mat moet verder worden ontwikkeld voor gebruik op drukke autowegen, aldus de provincie.

  128. Larry Ledwick says:

    Black holes “evaporate” due to hawking radiation which is a theoretical process that causes small black holes to evaporate.


    Note in the article on wiki, black holes near the mass of the moon would be in radiation equilibrium with the cold of space while larger black holes would gain radiation (mass) simply because they would emit less radiation through the hawking process than they received from space even if they did not gobble up any matter.

    Way beyond my pay grade, so just take it at face value that no one really “knows” what goes on in and near a black hole as the discontinuities from normal physics are so large as some computer books say ” the behavior is undefined” and just leave it at that.

  129. Simon Derricutt says:

    On Black Holes, and cosmology, Mike McCulloch has found some interesting anomalies. For a somewhat mind-bending proposition of what’s actually happening, try http://physicsfromtheedge.blogspot.com/2019/05/halton-arp-vs-big-bang.html where it’s looking more that there wasn’t a Big Bang at all, but instead that Fred Hoyle’s continuous creation may have legs. The basic idea here is that the inertia of matter is caused by the amount of other matter it has got information about, and that since the speed of light is finite and that information will only travel at the speed of light, “new” matter will only see a quantity of other matter within the “bubble” that spreads out at the speed of light, and thus will have lower inertia (and gravity) than older matter. “New” matter will thus have a larger red-shift, and this appears to be borne out by observation.

    Though this explanation certainly isn’t intuitive based on what mainstream theories would imply, it does hang together nicely with actual observations and explains the anomalies in a way that standard theories can’t. There’s a fair chance that this is closer to reality than the Dark Matter/Dark Energy/Big Bang ideas, and also (if true) allows FTL travel and maybe the creation of a USSS Enterprise to go visit other stars.

  130. Bill in Oz says:

    The Climate warmists have been fiddling with sea level data as well . as temperature data.This is reposted from Jo Nova today
    “David Maddison
    May 22, 2019 at 11:10 am · Reply
    Sea level data ALTERED by scientists to create false impression of rising oceans


    A scientific paper published by a team of Australian researchers has revealed a startling find: Scientists at the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) have been “adjusting” historical data regarding tide levels in the Indian Ocean. Their “highly questionable” activities have depicted rapidly rising seas — but the truth is that there is no reason to be alarmed at all. Scientists have found that sea levels are stable — and have been for the entirety of the 20th century.

    To put it simply, these PSMSL “scientists” have been arbitrarily changing their data in order to create the illusion of a problem that doesn’t actually exist.

    According to the Australian research team, sea levels in the Indian ocean have remained stable for decades. Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier recently published their astounding research in the journal Earth Systems and Environment; their extensive research gives an in-depth look at how this massive deception was undertaken.

    PSMSL “realigned” stable sea level trends

    As the researchers report, there are multiple lines of evidence that show sea levels in the Indian Ocean are completely stable. Further, the scientific duo explains that the data-adjusters at PSMSL were taking “misaligned or incomplete” sea level data (which showed no rise in sea levels, or even decreasing sea levels) and “realigning” them.

    As Parker and Ollier contend, “It is always highly questionable to shift data collected in the far past without any proven new supporting material.” But what makes the PSMSL’s data shifts even more questionable is the fact that older datasets were adjusted to look lower while all newer sets of sea level data were re-configured to appear higher. When these arbitrary adjustments are taken together, it creates the appearance of a significant and concerning rise in sea levels — one that is entirely artificial.


  131. jim2 says:

    Deduction based on false premises resulted in this:

    For example, Aristotle, speculated that earthquakes resulted from winds within the Earth caused by the Earth’s own heat and heat from the sun. Volcanoes, he thought, marked the points at which these winds finally escaped from inside the Earth into the atmosphere.



    That’s why deduction should be based on facts gleaned by observations rather than baseless assumptions. And even then, the conclusions (hypotheses) have to be tested.

    This in spite of the fact that physics is more abstract than ever and sometimes is isn’t evident how to test it.

  132. H.R. says:

    Hey! I just saw a Monarch butterfly. First of the season for me. It was at the back screen door trying to get in. It is a bit nippy today.

    Until recently, I haven’t been tuned to when Monarchs appear and when they leave my area. The recent articles on “All the Monarchs are gonna DIIIIEEEE!!!!!” because ‘Climate Change’ made me take notice of this one.

    I thought it was here early so I looked up when they normally appear. It turns out that May 22nd is pretty late. The earliest sightings around here are about mid-April and typically they should be spotted by the end of April.

    I guess the tipoff that it’s cold and he was late should have been those tiny flannel long johns he was wearing ;o)

  133. Larry Ledwick says:

    President Trump is running out or patience with the Democrats after their shenanigans prior to the infrastructure meeting at the White House..

    Jack Posobiec
    ‏Verified account
    50 minutes ago
    BREAKING: Before Rose Garden speech, Trump did not sit down or shake anyone’s hand. He looked at the Dems and said, “once your investigation is done, we can talk about these things.” And then he left the room before anyone else could speak – NY Times


  134. E.M.Smith says:

    Just posted the Africa graphs. It is VERY long, but done now. I’m taking a garden break, then I’ll be back to catch up on other stuff.

    Even if you don’t read all the graphs and comments, at least spot check a few and see what you think. Also the (very short) conclusion at the end and a scan of the intro before all the graphs.

    IMHO, there’s plenty of evidence for not trusting GHCN data in those graphs and the changes between v3.3 and v4. You just can’t have 1.5 C to 2 C of change to the recent data that is supposed to be the best without asking “Is that your error bar? 2 C?” and wondering how you can find 1/2 C of veracity inside a 2 C error band.

    Then there is just the question of why almost all the “changes” in this “usnadjusted” data cool the past, drop the baseline period, and warm the recent period. Ought not the changes fixing errors be less “systematic”?

    Anyway, it’s up, I’m hitting the garden for a break. The sun is (finally!) out and I’m gong to enjoy it for a while!

  135. Larry Ledwick says:

    Flooding on the Cimmaron River takes a house off its “river front property”.

  136. Larry Ledwick says:

    Speaking of flooding potential, interesting video about Lake Almanor in California which flows into the Orville Reservoir.

    Given they just got 2 ft of new snow in mid May and water is very high by local resident reports, lake Almanor may be critical storage which is about exhausted.

    Lake Almanor video

  137. E.M.Smith says:

    @Larry L:

    I’ve fished Lake Almanor, camped there too I think. As a kid with Dad.

    One of my earliest memories is visiting the Feather River (from what is now Lake Oroville) during a flood stage event. It took out the bridge to my town and the water was about 2 feet from the top of the levee (meaning our town would flood if it topped). So I have a long awareness of that river and floods.

    What they ought to be doing is right now running the river as close to flood as they can get, and not actually flood. Can they do it fast enough? I don’t know… but if we get a warm late rain on the large snow pack under decent sun…. that dam won’t be enough.

    What is worse, since it hasn’t been a flood risk in a generation, lots of stuff has moved closer to the river. What had been orchards and farmland now is growing houses. It could get real messy. I doubt the same level of care has been given to the flood levees as was present in 1950 since folks would figure it wasn’t needed anymore.

    So get your barrel of popcorn ready, this spring can get real interesting real quick.

    FWIW, earlier today, one of the weather channels on the Roku showed “Winter Storm Warming” continuing for the mountains, so snow may not be done yet… We had rain last night, but none yet today. I’ve had to dump a couple of inches out of various things in the yard (and I’d dumped them a couple of days ago too…) It is presently sunny and pleasant, but with some scattered clouds, so this could change in an instant. Ridge Lift on the mountains can still squeeze some rain (or snow) out of the clouds passing me by.

  138. Ossqss says:

    All I can say is if you live in a floodplain or behind a levee, don’t.

  139. Larry Ledwick says:

    Colorado Wedding with a special wild life guest.


  140. Power Grab says:

    Speaking of floods…two barges have come loose in the Port of Catoosa waterway, above Webbers Falls, Oklahoma. They have been telling the residents of Webbers Falls to evacuate ASAP. They have shut down I-40 in anticipation of the barges taking out that bridge.

    They’re comparing the flooding to what happened in 1986 (33 years ago, another multiple of 11–the solar cycle length). The I-35 bridge over the Cimarron River was taken out in 1986. IIRC, it took them 2 years to rebuild it.

  141. p.g.sharrow says:

    @Larry Ledwick
    watched the Aplanetruth2 video on Lake Almanor;
    Grrrrrrr what an Idiot! Lots of erroneous “information”. The guy obviously has no clue as to facts on the ground except for the fact that Almanor is in the headwaters of Lake Orville. …pg

  142. Larry Ledwick says:

    Any valid concerns or just kitchen quarter backing?

  143. jim2 says:

    Well, after about 1 minute, I found the lake’s level.


    And the projected level as well:

    Click to access pge_almanor2019.pdf

    Looks like the guy is an alarmist of some sort.

  144. jim2 says:

    This page has just about anything you would like to know about the state of Lake Almanor.


  145. jim2 says:

    Update on the barge situation. Now the barges may take out a dam, even though for now they are stuck on rocks. Seems like government there would take this opportunity to tie them off.


  146. E.M.Smith says:

    If you do nothing and they take out a bridge or dam, the owner is liable.

    If you do anything, and then it doesn’t prevent the Bad Thing, then you are liable.

    To avoid liability, never do anything.

    Thus is government run.

  147. jim2 says:

    After years of development, SMRs are close to obtaining Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    (“NRC”) regulatory approval. DOE has identified that these small nuclear power plants will “play
    an important role in addressing the energy security, economic and climate goals of the U.S. if they
    can be commercially deployed within the next decade,” making it a primary element of the DOE
    Office of Nuclear Energy’s Nuclear Energy Research and Development Roadmap.

    Click to access Purchasing%20Power%20Produced%20by%20Small%20Modular%20Reactors%20-%20Federal%20Agency%20Options%20-%20Final%201-27-17.pdf

  148. Power Grab says:

    Here is a video of the 2 barges sinking after they hit the dam at Webbers Fall:

    Watch: Two barges sink after hitting dam at Webbers Falls

    So it looks like this time the dam won.

  149. Larry Ledwick says:

    Talk about a warning shot across the bow.

    Unreal press conference with Trump right now. Reporter straight up asked, “Treason is punishable by death, who exactly are you accusing?” And he rattled a few names such as Comey, McCabe and Strozk and his wonderful lover Lisa Page.

    You thought they were in a panic before this should push them over the edge.


  150. Larry Ledwick says:

    The brown stuff just hit the air circulator and is incoming:
    President Trump has directed the intelligence agencies to facilitate release and declassification of documents related to the spying efforts on his campaign and staff.

    Shannon Bream
    BREAKING: more on
    directive on declassification –

  151. Larry Ledwick says:

    Also Julian Assange gets new charges.

    BREAKING NEWS: U.S. charges WikiLeaks founder Assange for publishing classified information. First such charge in U.S. history

  152. Larry Ledwick says:

    And he covered all the bases for other executive departments – direct orders from the President

  153. Larry Ledwick says:

    Hmmmm – fun little tidbit – looks like President Trump blind sided the swamp critters while they were heading out of town for the Memorial Day Weekend.

    Kambree Kawahine Koa
    President Trump authorizes declassification the same time Democrats
    and some Republicans are all flying home for recess.

    Trump is the epitome of a stable genius. 😂

  154. E.M.Smith says:


    I think I need to open a new thread… ;-)


    IIRC I had a lot less trouble with the Rockies than I did with the Sierra Nevada. The major interstates kind of take their time climbing the Rockies and bypass the highest parts ( you must try to get to the 11,000 – 12,000 foot pass as I remember it) while the Sierra Nevada has I-80 just lay into it and climb in as straight a line as they could manage. ( I’ve coasted most of the way from Truckee down to just outside Roseville / Sacramento modulo a few “dip & climb” bits.

    Also, the bit out of Reno and drop down the mountains is NOT one to take a night if you can avoid it. Last time I came through it was more “white knuckle” than when I was 20 something… then again I was in the 1980 car with very dim regular incandescent headlights so about 1/4 the brightness of the current Eye Blinders in the oncoming traffic. Something about heading into tight turns at 70 MPH while momentarily blinded kind of spoiled the memories of prior runs…

    I’ve done that run at least 3 times in the last decade and I don’t remember a single worry moment in the Rockies (even in my old 240 D – normally aspirated under-powered 2.4 liter Diesel that does 0 to 60 in about 10 minutes… ) but clearly remember sweating about maybe needing to downshift AGAIN after a 4 to 3, to do a 3 to 2 …to get up the Sierra Nevada on the long stretch just before Donner Pass; but they have a slow truck lane there so I fit right in ;-) 6% grade? Something like that, maybe more…

    Wonder if there are maps of grade points…


    One hopes… Nuclear, done well, is the right path.


    Today I did my first hydroponics planting. Found there are a couple of hydroponics stores inside 10 miles of me. Stopped in one and bought some rock wool starter plugs, a seed starter box w/lid and planted 5 different things in it. In theory, in a week or two, I need to start putting them somewhere…

    I also bought some “net cup”. A dozen 2 inch ones at 19 ¢ each and a dozen 3-ish inch ones at a little more. The big ones exactly fit the mouth of a wide mouth jar. Then also bought a fairly large bag of clay pellets to fill out the big cups (the little ones don’t need anything but the rock wool block).

    There’s something called the Kratky Method

    The net cup goes into the jar with the nutrient solution just touching the bottom. As the plant grows, it consumes the solution and the level drops, keeping enough of the root aerated. Probably not ideal, but works.

    So I took a 1 qt wide mouth jar, wrapped it in foil (to prevent algae), made some nutrient solution, and then plucked (spooned really) a very small lettuce from the “bag on the ground” experiment, placed it (with a bit of potting soil in the root ball) into the cup, put ceramic spheres around it, and placed the cup in the jar. That was several hour ago and it isn’t looking like it is dying yet! ;-)

    All up I am out about $25 for the hydroponics stuff I bought, and about $10 for some Styrofoam board I bought to make floating platforms for my construction tubs.

    I did NOT buy the expensive super-D-duper nutrient solutions on offer. At $16 / quart of concentrate I figured I’d get some experience on the cheap first. (Amazon has Bag-O-Nutrient for about $45 that’s enough to make a few years worth…) I’d seen in that Florida video that they had Miracle Grow (though they chose another one to mix). Some web searches turned up LOTS of pages saying, basically, “Use Miracle Grow and Die” or really, “or your plants will die”. Then there are a few that say it will work, but your buds, man, they just won’t have as much resin… Then a bunch that detail all the things Cannabis needs that it doesn’t supply…

    EVENTUALLY, you find one or two, including that Florida school site, that explain that the “missing nutrients” are basically Magnesium for everything and Calcium IF you grow high calcium demand crops like squash and tomatoes. Then gives the formula to fix it…

    2 Tsp Miracle Grow (regular old general purpose)
    1 Tsp Epsom Salts
    1 Gallon of hard water (has calcium in it).

    So that’s what I mixed up and what I’m using. I’m not worried that my lettuce won’t have enough resin… and I’m not growing tomatoes… and I already have too many squash ;-)

    Later, IF I like this whole thing, I’ll order the big Bag Of Stuff from Amazon…

    I don’t feel the need to be an absolute purist, so I’ll be happy to sprinkle a Tsp of Oyster Shells in the bottom of a jar if needed for the calcium and all the ultra micro nutrients.

    Tomorrow or the next day I’ll do the cutting of the styrofoam board….

    So now, sitting in my office window is a small lettuce in a quart jar wrapped in aluminum foil. If it grows at all, I’ll be happy. If it fails, then I’ll throw more money at a more perfect & approved nutrient solution and “system” and try again. But my guess is that it will do just fine. If nothing else, I can plant the rock wool cubes in the regular garden as a way to fix my difficulties with starting small seeds.

    So, with that, the Rapid Prototype is underway, lessons learned will start accumulating soon, and I’m on my way to Hydroponic Salad Land ;-0

  155. Larry Ledwick says:

    Wonder if there are maps of grade points…

    The USGS does make a map called a “slope map” that color codes different grades.
    Originally used by the military to determine if armor could operate on certain terrain or what the easiest grade was for troop movement as I understand it.


    Go to layers list and check
    Geographic names
    elevation contours
    3DEP elevation – slope map

    Looks like the slopes used in Interstate construction 6% -7% max fall in the band 1 shallow slope catagory.


    SlopeMap – the degree of slope is represented by a colormap that represents flat surfaces as gray, shallow slopes as light yellow, moderate slopes as light orange and steep slopes as red-brown.

    Maximum grade: Maximum grade is determined by a design table based on terrain and design speeds,[1] with up to 6% generally allowed in mountainous areas and hilly urban areas with exceptions for up to 7% grades on mountainous roads with speed limits below 60 mph (97 km/h).

  156. H.R. says:

    Oooooo…. that slope resource will come in handy. Thanks, Larry.

  157. wyzelli says:

    Given your recent graphing exercises, you may be interested in this NASA article about the GISTEMP record https://blogs.agu.org/geospace/2019/05/23/new-studies-increase-confidence-in-nasas-measure-of-earths-temperature/

    The article leads to the paper itself which is unfortunately paywalled. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2018JD029522

  158. Larry Ledwick says:

    Oooooo…. that slope resource will come in handy. Thanks, Larry.

    Unfortunately I think its classifications are a bit too wide for what I suspect you need, but you can get a more detailed slope value if you are willing to do some math.

    If you just use the contour lines on the map (check the key to see what their interval it, it changes in different areas) and then calculate the rise and run percent slope over a distance, you can get the exact slope value.

    In your case where you know a highway stretch that stresses your rig to the max you can spend the time to get an exact calculation of the slope of that segment and then use that as reference when looking at other routes. If the contour intervals are the same you can get a simple rule of thumb of how many contour lines you cross per mile.

    For example the stretch of I70 just outside Denver called Genesee hill
    ( 39.705 -105.267 ) rises from 7320 ft elevation to 7520 ft elevation in just 0.64 miles.

    On that map you can use the little ruler icon to bring up a linear distance measure feature. but the steepest segment there goes from 7320 ft elevation to 7480 in only 0.46 miles.

    That short segment is 160/2448.8 which is a 6.5% grade and puts a lot of RV’s and semi trucks in that same hard pull mode you discuss going a max of 30 mph reving the snot out of the engine in a lower gear.

    Of course part of that is altitude here. At this altitude the engine is only producing about 80%
    of its sea level power due to the lower air pressure.

  159. Larry Ledwick says:

    Climate Realists Retweeted
    Philip Klotzbach
    ‏Verified account
    10 hours ago
    For the first time since the US Drought Monitor began in 2000, none of the continental US is in severe #drought.

  160. E.M.Smith says:

    While it is nice to know that The Drought is over, bear in mind this really means we’re heavily flooded…

    You might think that to be in drought you must have below average precipitation. Not so. The Palmer Drought Index takes the bogus heat claim and says plants will need more water prortioal to that heat, so if you have above average precipitation, down rated by the “heat”, you can still be in a drought.

    Worse, even if you are above average after that, they say you must make up the ground water deficit, so even above average rainfall in a year leaves you “in drought”.

    I’ve made several postings about “Flooding drought” where places are shown “in drought”, yet the news was reporting (and showing photos of…) floods with folks being rescued by boats from their homes…

    Essentially, you must be significantly above actual average precipitation (thanks to the bogus temperatures used to “juice up” the drought claimed) for a few years (to make up the hypothetical ground water deficit from the prior bogus “droughts”) before you can be shown as “not a drought”. So for the nation to be “not in drought”, we’re having floods…

    Note that at present this map shows most of the Mississippi basin is in some degree of flood…

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