Friends Don’t Let Friends Use Google Search…

I know, it’s a topic we’ve covered in conversations many times. Mostly having to do with the biased search results on “Global Warming” that always promote the Warmista Agenda and always down rank or block the Skeptic POV.

But it has gone far beyond that.

In this video, a Google Management Person in a position of authority describes their desire to “Prevent a Trump Situation” in 2020 and actions they take to do that. To suppress the ability of roughly 1/2 of the USA Electorate from getting information favorable to their political views and to advance the Democratic Agenda.

Isn’t there something in the campaign finance laws about “in kind” contributions? Isn’t selectively providing information in support of one party and antagonistic to one opposing candidate a “contribution in kind”? Ought not Google be up on charges of campaign law violations?

25 Minutes of Oh My Gawd!…

UPDATE: To see this, now censored, video, please click this link to watch it on BitChute: (Thanks, Google, for proving the point of the video… Nice to have everything it said validated.) Or watch it on the Project Veritas site:

At a minimum, they need to be broken up and the parts scattered to the winds.

Until then, you can always use other search engines. I tend to use DuckDuckgo, but sometimes use others.

It is a very long list… There are many search engines dedicated to a particular niche, like Real Estate or food and recipes. There are also many search engines that are based on a few other larger core engines. For those based on Google, you will have the same “issues” to some degree or another. I have no idea if Bing is similarly being SJW Rotted or not, but as I’m unfond of Micro$oft for other reasons, I generally don’t use it anyway.

1 By content/topic
1.1 General
1.1.1 Based on Based on (formerly) Based on Bing Based on Google Based on Yahoo!

So personally I’d suggest exploring those based on and Yahoo!, but anything non-Google will reduce their income and given that they are actively fighting to enforce a particular Hard Left Political Agenda, why would you want to fund someone who hates you and is working to destroy you?

Obligatory Disclaimer: I am NOT a Republican. Heck, I’m not even “Right Wing” (let alone “alt right”). I’m staunchly “Middle of the Bird” and generally a Libertarian. I don’t care what you do, or what you believe, as long as it does not harm me & mine. I’ve voted (once each) for Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders in the California Primary. I support your right to put whatever drug you want into your body and believe you ought to be free to grow any plant on the planet. I’ve also voted for Trump; but largely because he was NOT an “establishment Republican”. He is a Middle Of The Bird Nationalist working for the betterment of the USA and us Deplorables. Had it been a choice of Anyone But Hillary vs Republican Drone, I’m not sure how I would have voted. A JFK like Democrat with Nationalist advocacy and a healthy skepticism about Global Warming would get my vote. Corrupt Clinton Machine, no way. I also believe 100% in Freedom Of Speech and an IMPARTIAL judiciary and media (and that includes search engines).

So my “issue” with Google is simply that what they are doing is strongly Alt Left SJW bullshit manipulation and abuse of their customer. I want to see ALL the information and make up my own mind. I LIKE to do “opposition research” (as do all political parties and most of the Radical Left Machine, btw) and that is inhibited when finding things in opposition to a given position is suppressed. I want to see the radical racists spewing trash NOT because it will “turn me” but because it inoculates against the disease. (To convince kids not to smoke, we show them smokers as they really are and the damage it does to their bodies…) Similarly, I want to see the Black Panthers doing voter intimidation outside polling places with weapons in hand as it shows that racism is not a one sided thing. You can not find truth if 1/2 of the data are hidden.

Since the Number One thing that a person or organization can do to really really Piss Me Off is attempt to manipulate me, especially by indirect or hidden means, and since I’m bright enough to usually detect it (sooner or later), I simply can not bring myself to use Google Search (unless it is to prove the bias…). I’m not their product (so I deny them my ‘data’ as much as possible) and I’m certainly not interested in being their molded ‘creation’ or target of influence operations.

Google, just Say No!

(Though if they offered an option of their search as based on link counts as it was in about 1987 I’d use it…)

In these lists, extracted from the Wiki doc, I’ve deleted those names that are now extinct. Why mention a browser here, that no longer exists? I’ve also added some of my own comments.

First, what in some way supports Google via traffic if nothing else?

Based on Google

MySpace Search
Netscape (now part of Verizon)
BOL (Brasil On Line – in Portuguese but can be translated)

These ought to still suffer from the Google Bias Engine, but at least you reduce their income from data mining you, at least a little.

Then there are alternatives:

Based on (formerly)


Based on Bing (The Amazon search engine so not very useful for general search)

AOL AOL, from 2015

Alexa Internet – Owned by Amazon and does traffic analysis more than actual searches for you.

Ecosia A “Green” site in Germany that plants trees with their income.

Egerin – in Kurdish so I’m not bothering to link to it. Any Kurds reading here can get the link from the Wiki.

HotBot Privacy pitch on their web page…


Based on Yahoo!

Everyclick (formerly based on UK based “charity” funding site. (Though given the number of “charities” that have become or always were Left Wing PACs, I’d check out just what charities.)

They also list a lot of “metasearch” engines and even some P2P search engines, but I’ll leave those for the technically inclined to explore. The only mention of DuckDuckGo is here:

Privacy search engines
See also: Search engine privacy


HotBot (linked above)

Mojeek UK based from scratch implementation

Qwant Out of Paris. Claims to be the only European search engine, but I guess they don’t know about the others ;-)

Search Encrypt Per the sidebar in the search on their name that I think comes from a wiki page somewhere:

Search Encrypt differentiates itself from other search engines by using local encryption on searches and delayed history expiration. Search Encrypt emphasizes steps to anonymize user data, rather than building behavioral retargeting profiles on users.

Searx which points you at a DIY solution OR at various public instances here: where this is one instance out of a few dozen listed:

So you can try it before deciding to “roll your own” ;-)

This looks rather interesting:

Searx (/sɜːrks/) is a free metasearch engine, available under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, with the aim of protecting the privacy of its users. To this end, Searx does not share users’ IP addresses or search history with the search engines from which it gathers results. Tracking cookies served by the search engines are blocked, preventing user-profiling-based results modification. By default, Searx queries are submitted via HTTP POST, to prevent users’ query keywords from appearing in webserver logs. Searx was inspired by the Seeks project, though it does not implement Seeks’ peer-to-peer user-sourced results ranking.

Each search result is given as a direct link to the respective site, rather than a tracked redirect link as used by Google. In addition, when available, these direct links are accompanied by “cached” and/or “proxied” links that allow viewing results pages without actually visiting the sites in question. The “cached” links point to saved versions of a page on, while the “proxied” links allow viewing the current live page via a Searx-based web proxy. In addition to the general search, the engine also features tabs to search within specific domains: files, images, IT, maps, music, news, science, social media, and videos. (linked above)


An interesting “Family Friendly” option out of Switzerland:

Swisscows is a web search engine launched in 2014, a project of Hulbee AG, a company based in Egnach, Switzerland.

The search engine is based on semantic data recognition that give faster “answers” to queries. In addition, Swisscows does not store users’ data. Swisscows also deems itself “family-friendly”, with explicit results entirely omitted. The website’s servers are based in underground data centers under the Swiss Alps.

Swisscows uses Bing for web search, but has also built its own index for the German language edition. It also has shopping search, music search (powered by SoundCloud), and a language translator powered by Yandex.

So Bing without the MicroSoft “bing” at the register…

But I guess I’m OK with that…

UPDATE: Conservative Search

I did a DuckDuckGo search for “conservative search engine”. These showed up:

“ is the Conservative Search Engine for those who are tired of the liberal bias. Part of the network of alternative search engines.”

“Stop the liberal propaganda machine one search at a time”

In Conclusion

You have choices. Your friends have choices. Just say NO to being “socially manipulated” and tagged, bagged, tracked and sold.

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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37 Responses to Friends Don’t Let Friends Use Google Search…

  1. Larry Ledwick says:

    Thanks EM. this deserves a thread of its own, although I knew it was skewed badly I had under appreciated how much malicious intent is involved. (fairness “they don’t think it is malicious” like all zealots they think they are doing a good thing, but shutting down news sources like dictators burned out independent news papers that did not walk the approved administration line or burning books digitally, (the equivalent of burning libraries) is not a good thing no matter what the basis of the idea is.

    Of course that is what self righteous totalitarians always think, they are so sure they know the true path that it never crosses their mind that they are committing a horrific crime against freedom, because they kill the beast with a 1000 cuts very slowly and each seems like a reasonable small step to them but in aggravate it is like storm troopers destroying alternate media in the night or hauling off independent journalists never to be seen again.

  2. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting item here on what is likely the root cause of this abuse of power. The folks who are in charge have a very warped view of conservatives (ie highly educated have the most skewed view of their opponents and it is especially significantly warped for highly educated liberals)

    This of course come directly as a result of skewed exposure to information that is strongly biased to reinforce the warped view of reality.

  3. pouncer says:

    So much for “net neutrality”… yes I know that the phrase referred to another kind of neutrality but still.

    From Dallas I note our big croporation, AT&T, formerly Southwestern Bell, is losing money and laying off employees in the aftermath of their takeover of content factory Time Warner. That seems a foreseeable consequence of what used to be called “horizontal trust” style monopolies. The whole idea of the merger claimed that people wouldn’t care about who manufactured the lies, but would be happy to take non-neutral preferential lies bundled with the delivery service. Why the business people think this, I can’t imagine. Let us find our own lies, thank you very much.

  4. E.M.Smith says:


    I’ve run away from AT&T at least 1/2 dozen times since Southwestern Bell bought Pacific Bell (that was quite good). I had fibre on the side of my house, one month to activation of GigE, in about the late 1989 push to early 90s. Southwestern killed the project. I changed cell service. I dumped DirectTV after they bought it and moved to Ruku. I used Yahoo! as an alternative and for financial date then AT&T bought them. Etc.

    I find a good service, AT&T buys it. The good starts to become annoying, then worse. I move on.

    Were there a practical alternative to them for internet, I’d not have them in the house. Unfortunately, everyone else has to run over their wires anyway, except cable that is even worse, or wireless that is very expensive; so I’m stuck on that point. For now…

    I’m actively looking to end any remaining Time Warner products I use… I.e. free AOL mail that is becoming more annoying…

  5. Taz says:

    Believe this is most people:

    Obligatory Disclaimer: I am NOT a Republican. Heck, I’m not even “Right Wing” (let alone “alt right”). I’m staunchly “Middle of the Bird” and generally a Libertarian. I don’t care what you do, or what you believe, as long as it does not harm me & mine. I’ve voted (once each) for Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders in the California Primary. I support your right to put whatever drug you want into your body and believe you ought to be free to grow any plant on the planet. I’ve also voted for Trump; but largely because he was NOT an “establishment Republican”. He is a Middle Of The Bird Nationalist working for the betterment of the USA and us Deplorables. Had it been a choice of Anyone But Hillary vs Republican Drone, I’m not sure how I would have voted. A JFK like Democrat with Nationalist advocacy and a healthy skepticism about Global Warming would get my vote. Corrupt Clinton Machine, no way. I also believe 100% in Freedom Of Speech and an IMPARTIAL judiciary and media (and that includes search engines).

    And many are now in shock things came to this :(

  6. Taz says:

    Trump did not get my vote – Democrats lost it.

    They’ve lost it even more now.

    Hoping many nominal Dem voters come out this next election to deal a severe spanking to Democrats. They have one coming.

    Normally don’t like either party to secure complete control, but would relish an epic Democrat beatdown right now.

  7. Graeme No.3 says:

    How long before politicians decide to break up Google? They have already indicated that they will favour one side of politics, so how will the other side (the one currently holding power) tolerate being discriminated against? Wasn’t it a Republican President who broke up the robber baron cartels?
    And Google has a lot of business outside the USA. That’s a lot who won’t be pleased.

  8. E.M.Smith says:

    I did a duckduckgo search for “conservative search engine”. Found 2, so there is now an update near the conclusion above with links to them

    I suppose I’ll need to test various browser choices now.

  9. jim2 says:

    On AT&T. We cut Direct TV. Had it for many months. But it got to buffering continually. It’s streamed through ROKU, so don’t know who or what was to blame, but the wife got fed up with it, so it hit the dust bin :)

  10. Larry Ledwick says:

    The search conservative engine returns hits for a search string of “Hillary’s emails” so that is promising.
    3,500,000,000 results

    Google on the other hand returns
    About 113,000,000 results (0.46 seconds)

  11. Bill in Oz says:

    Currently using DDG for searches and Dissenter for brousing on the web.
    But it would be useful to know if this Goggle policy is being applied here in Australia.

  12. Bill in Oz says:

    PS I notice that there is a Goggle icon here below to the right. I assume it is a away of logging on to this blog. But it would make sense to eliminate it surely….

  13. Bill in Oz says:

    The power that Google has to try and influence your USA elections is based on a much wider deeper power: how it makes money. That power is spelled out here :
    Seems to me that boycotting Goggle entirely is the only way.

  14. andrewsjp says:

    The first video is gone.

  15. philjourdan says:

    By your own words will the next plague be decided.

    Just like Pharaoh, the arrogance of google is their downfall. Only the morons will ,blindly follow them now, Even the smart on the left will understand that half truths are no better than lies. Knowledge is power.

    And there is the problem that regardless of who wins in 20, Trump is CEO now. He does not have to destroy them (they are doing that all by themselves), but he will investigate them to death.

  16. philjourdan says:

    @Pouncer – Net neutrality has nothing to do with POV. It is about governing (as in limiting) some sites bandwidth usage on your network.

    Nor do I think the government should EVER be involved with regulating speech, regardless of the stupidity of it. Google can limit what they want The simple truth is they are not a monopoly (their revenue took a hit recently). They are big, but not the only game in town, Let the market penalize them. As I said above, only morons will use them now. Even smart democrats (almost as rare as Dodo birds) will want to get real results, not pushed results.

  17. Larry Ledwick says:

    Mark Dice
    ‏Verified account
    2 hours ago
    YouTube just censored the new @Project_Veritas video exposing how YouTube is suppressing conservative channels!

    The Orwellian irony is just too much.
    The video is still up on their website.

  18. tom0mason says:

    It would appear someone (Youtube? Google? Alphabet?) has removed the first Project Veritas video.
    some comments
    1 hour ago
    Your new video on this just got deleted from my list and history
    1 hour ago
    Watched the vid earlier today and now it’s gone. I was sharing with friends and got the message below….
    “This video is no longer available due to a privacy claim by a third party. Sorry about that.”
    Humm, taken down due to a “privacy violation”
    Write-up at
    and there is a video at bitchute ( ) but I can not get it to run.
    Too close to the mark, eh?

  19. tom0mason says:

    Nice write-up at about Project Veritas take-down with advice —

    BREAKING: YOUTUBE/GOOGLE HAS REMOVED OUR GOOGLE INVESTIGATION as it was approaching 50K likes and a million views. IMPORTANT: Please download it on @bitchute and repost it.

    — James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) June 25, 2019

  20. The trouble is, if you are just searching for ‘non-controversial’ stuff Google delivers by far the best results and the best semantic context. DuckDuckGo is useless in comparison.
    If your are searching for ‘who should be the next president of the USA’ – you will get junk. But who searches for that?

  21. Graeme No.3 says:

    Reading today’s The Australian and buried in the back pages is a suggestion that Google should be investigated and perhaps curtailed. From a backbencher in the government – actual power close to zero so probably a kite being flown – whether for the government to do something or possibly as something the Murdoch press would like. Not the sort of idea that Google would like,

  22. E.M.Smith says:

    @Bill in Oz:

    I have no such “Google Icon” on my display of the page. Perhaps because I am already identified via my “Worldpress login”.

    When making comments, IIRC, and not already logged in, you can choose to identify yourself via your Facebook login, Google account, and a couple of others.

    There is nothing I can do about that as it is “boiler plate” supplied by WordPress.

    @All per the video evaporating:

    I figured it would, and that we’d end up with the Bitchute link to actually see it. However, WordPress only lets me embed YouTube videos “for free”. All others require a paid plan (which further means identity information and financial information…). So I’ll usually embed the YouTube and then if / when needed supply the BitChute link.

    In the longer term I hope to change that, but for now, it is what it is.

    But OTOH, with them showing their bile and spite, I think it makes the point more strongly ;-)

    Anyone who didn’t get the video on the first round, look in the comments above for links to it on Bitchute and at the Project Veritas site.

  23. E.M.Smith says:

    I’m liking those “conservative” dearch engines…..

    Top results from searching on “Russiagate”

    Google gets you the biased Wiki and Hard Left YSM:

    It’s official: Russiagate is this generation’s WMD – Matt Taibbi’s Substack
    #Russiagate debuted as a media phenomenon in mid-summer, 2016. The roots of the actual story, i.e. when the multi-national investigation began, go back …

    #russiagate hashtag on Twitter
    They lied about #Russiagate They lied about the #Skripals They lied about and smeared #Assange Then they lied about a #FalseFlag used to bomb #Douma …

    RIP, Russiagate | The Nation
    Mar 26, 2019 – The implosion of the collusion theory is a humiliation for everyone who promoted it.

    Taibbi: Russiagate Happened Because We Never Faced Why Trump ……/taibbi-trump-russia-mueller-investigation-81506…
    Mar 29, 2019 – Last weekend, I published a book chapter criticizing the Russiagate narrative, claiming it was a years-long press error on the scale of the WMD …

    Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections – Wikipedia…/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections
    The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goal of harming the campaign of Hillary Clinton, boosting the candidacy of …

    ‎Cyberattack on Democrats · ‎Intelligence analysis and … · ‎U.S. government response
    I Warned That Russiagate Would Help Trump. Now You See Why … › Commentary › Mueller report
    Mar 28, 2019 – As one of the vanishingly few people in journalism who has been pointing out the fundamentally fallacious premises behind “Russiagate” since …

    Russiagate Is Ending Like Any White-Collar Crime – Mother Jones…/russiagate-glenn-greenwald-matt-taibbi-denia…
    Apr 3, 2019 – Russiagate is best understood as a story of international white-collar crime. I’ve argued this point in various publications since the 2016 …

    The Hard Truths and High Cost of the Russiagate Scandal | Vanity Fair…/the-hard-truths-and-high-cost-of-the-russiagate-scandal
    Mar 26, 2019 – The Hard Truths and High Cost of the Russiagate Scandal. The reality is complex, but the central fact is simple. On the question of conspiracy, …

    Matt Taibbi Is Mistaken: Russiagate Isn’t WMD Times a Million ……04…/no-russiagate-isn-t-this-generation-s-wmd
    Apr 1, 2019 – Barr gave Trump and media critics a fresh rallying cry. And the Steele dossier is back in vogue. Does anybody really know what’s going on …

    While from the conservative sites:

    Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate? – Forbes…/paulroderickgregory/2017/06/19/is-russiagate-really-hillarygate
    Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate? Paul Roderick Gregory Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. World Affairs I cover domestic and world economics from a free- market …

    It’s official: Russiagate is this generation’s WMD
    Russiagate happened in an opposite context. If the story fell apart it would benefit Donald Trump politically, a fact that made a number of reporters queasy about coming forward. #Russiagate became synonymous with #Resistance, which made public…

    Russiagate | Know Your Meme
    Russiagate refers to the ongoing political scandal surrounding allegations regarding President Donald Trump’s ties to the Russian government, including speculation of collusion between the Trump Presidential campaign and the Russian hack of the DNC…

    #russiagate hashtag on Twitter
    65% of Americans want to drop #RussiaGate.65% of Americans want to investigate Obama spying on Trump. 100% of the Democrat Leadership wants to talk about #RussiaGate and ignore Obama spying. That’s called out of touch folks.

    How Did Russiagate Begin? –
    It cannot be emphasized too often: Russiagate—allegations that the American president has been compromised by the Kremlin and which may even have helped to put him in the White House—is the worst and (considering the lack of actual evidence) most…

    Russiagate, Seen From the Far Left | Power Line
    Stephen F. Cohen is a leftist professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton and NYU. He published this article, How Did Russiagate Begin? in the Nation, a left-wing journal edited by Cohen’s …

    Russiagate, Like Count Dracula, Will Never End | Black …
    “Russiagate, like Count Dracula, will never end because new political blood will be fed to this vampire . . . The Russiagate fable—fraud—has become a kind of theocratic cult, and it has millions and millions and millions of self-interested and unwitting…

    Russiagate: A coming of age moment for Soviet immigrants
    RussiaGate wasn’t a media “failure,” it was a success: “If you look at it dispassionately — as if you were analyzing the politics of someplace far away like, say, late Romanov Russia — it’s easy to see how RussiaGate has been a success.”

    Why Comey, Clapper, and Brennan Aggressively Pushed …
    Why Comey, Clapper, and Brennan Aggressively Pushed RussiaGate Conspiracy Theories

    READ: US Justice Department releases Mueller report on …
    WikiLeaks allegedly sent Trump Jr the password to access, which appears to be a website peddling the ‘Russiagate’ narrative. Wikileaks asked Trump Jr to tweet a link to the leaked emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta,…

    1. Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate? – Forbes…/paulroderickgregory/2017/06/19/is-russiagate-really-hillarygate

    Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate? Paul Roderick Gregory Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. World Affairs I cover domestic and world economics from a free- market …

    2. Russiagate and the missing ducks
    American Thinker – 2019-06-04 08:22

    Stephen Cohen of The Nation is consistently one of the best commentators on the Russiagate affair. He just published another excellent piece analyzing “How Did Russiagate Begin?, which canvasses some possibilities and leans toward the explanation that it …

    3. Russiagate is No Watergate
    The American Conservative – 2019-06-14 18:09

    “History is repeating itself, and with a vengeance,” John Dean told the Judiciary Committee, drawing a parallel between Watergate, which brought down Richard Nixon, and “Russiagate,” which has bedeviled Donald Trump. But what strikes this veteran …

    4. PATRICK BUCHANAN: Russiagate is no Watergate
    Sioux City Journal – 2019-06-19 05:00

    “History is repeating itself, and with a vengeance,” John Dean told the judiciary committee, drawing a parallel between Watergate, which brought down Richard Nixon, and “Russiagate” which has …

    5. Joe diGenova: RussiaGate was a hoax perpetrated against …

    One of the most shameful chapters of American political history ended Sunday – not with a bang, but with stunned silence over the realization that Americans have been fed an utter lie for nearly …

    6. The cost of the Russiagate hoax
    American Thinker – 2019-04-01 10:08

    The media that promoted the hoax originally generated by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic Party are in full denial mode. They don’t merely ignore their role, they defend it. Jake Tapper is “unaware of any mistakes” that his …

    7. What if Russiagate is the New WMDs?
    The American Conservative – 2018-08-16 17:16

    “The evidence against Trump and Russia is huge and mounting every day,” declared liberal celebrity activist Rosie O’Donnell at a protest in front of the White House last week. “We see it, he can’t lie about it,” she added. “He is going down …

    8. How Did Russiagate Begin? | The Nation

    One is the orthodox Russiagate explanation: Early on, sharp-eyed top officials of President Obama’s intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA and FBI, detected truly suspicious “contacts ..


    Google definitly comes in last for interesting articles.

    I think that searchconservative at first glance is most interesting, while 4conservative has more balance with Alt Left POV included. DuckDuckGo doesn’t do too bad either:

    Russiagate | Know Your Meme
    Search domain
    Russiagate refers to the ongoing political scandal surrounding allegations regarding President Donald Trump’s ties to the Russian government, including speculation of collusion between the Trump Presidential campaign and the Russian hack of the DNC email server.

    #russiagate hashtag on Twitter
    Search domain
    65% of Americans want to drop #RussiaGate. 65% of Americans want to investigate Obama spying on Trump. 100% of the Democrat Leadership wants to talk about #RussiaGate and ignore Obama spying. That’s called out of touch folks.

    It’s official: Russiagate is this generation’s WMD
    Search domain
    Russiagate happened in an opposite context. If the story fell apart it would benefit Donald Trump politically, a fact that made a number of reporters queasy about coming forward. #Russiagate became synonymous with #Resistance, which made public skepticism a complicated proposition.

    How Did Russiagate Begin? –
    Search domain
    It cannot be emphasized too often: Russiagate—allegations that the American president has been compromised by the Kremlin and which may even have helped to put him in the White House—is the worst and (considering the lack of actual evidence) most fraudulent political scandal in American history …

    How Did Russiagate Begin? | The Nation
    Search domain
    One is the orthodox Russiagate explanation: Early on, sharp-eyed top officials of President Obama’s intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA and FBI, detected truly suspicious “contacts …

    Russiagate or Intelgate? | The Nation
    Search domain
    The publication of the Republican House Committee memo and reports of other documents increasingly suggest not only a “Russiagate” without Russia but also something darker: The “collusion …

    Russiagate, Seen From the Far Left | Power Line
    Search domain
    Stephen F. Cohen is a leftist professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton and NYU. He published this article, How Did Russiagate Begin? in the Nation, a left-wing journal edited by Cohen’s …

    Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections …
    Search domain
    The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election with the goal of harming the campaign of Hillary Clinton, boosting the candidacy of Donald Trump, and increasing political or social discord in the United States.

    Russiagate, Like Count Dracula, Will Never End | Black Agenda …
    Search domain
    “Russiagate, like Count Dracula, will never end because new political blood will be fed to this vampire . . . The Russiagate fable—fraud—has become a kind of theocratic cult, and it has millions and millions and millions of self-interested and unwitting followers.”

    Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate? – Forbes
    Search domain
    Jun 19, 2017 · Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate? Paul Roderick Gregory Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. World Affairs I cover domestic and world economics from a free- market …

    I’m going to try adding the “conservative” engines to some of my browsers to see if they integrate ok. If not, it is still clearly better to use DuckDuckGo.

    @”Administrator”: I’ve been using DuckDuckGo almost exclusively for the last year or two for all kinds of searches with no complaints. It has worked fine for me for all sorts of things from chemistry to mechanics to finding videos, news articles, DIY pages and more. I do not miss Google at all. For any search types. It seems much better for the climate related searches I do.

  24. E.M.Smith says:

    @”Administrator”: BTW you really ought to choose a different handle. You are likely to be blocked as probable phishing misdirection on many sites.

    I just did a Google vs DucDuckGo search for “DIY Hydroponics” .

    VERY comparable results. DuckDuckGo puts the videos (more of them too) and the images (also more) in discreet tabs so a much cleaner lower page weight layout (faster loading, less memory and bandwidth consumed unless you ask for the images and video). Also missing the Amazon ads.

    All in all, the DuckDuckGo search is very preferable to me, even on non political things.

  25. Another Ian says:


    I don;t see a Google anything so it might be on your side

  26. Bill in Oz says:

    1 :When ever I go to make a comment There are 4 icons for logging in. WordPress, Google, Twitter and Facebook.
    2 But my log in details are always already there via WordPress ( ? )
    3: I don’t use Google for emails ever, or facebook or Twitter

    So maybe this is bolted on by WordPress

  27. E.M.Smith says:

    Here’s another one:

    Their results are rather lijecthe other conservative searches. Does have an interesting side bar with related topics.

    Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate? – Forbesnew windowpreview
    Is Russiagate Really Hillarygate? Paul Roderick Gregory Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. World Affairs I cover domestic and world economics from a free- market ……/06/19/is-russiagate-really-hillarygate–Yippy Index V
    How Did Russiagate Begin? | The Nationnew windowpreview
    One is the orthodox Russiagate explanation: Early on, sharp-eyed top officials of President Obama’s intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA and FBI, detected truly suspicious “contacts …–Yippy Index V
    Russiagate or Intelgate? | The Nationnew windowpreview
    The publication of the Republican House Committee memo and reports of other documents increasingly suggest not only a “Russiagate” without Russia but also something darker: The “collusion …–Yippy Index V
    It’s official: Russiagate is this generation’s WMDnew windowpreview
    Russiagate happened in an opposite context. If the story fell apart it would benefit Donald Trump politically, a fact that made a number of reporters queasy about coming forward. #Russiagate became synonymous with #Resistance, which made public skepticism a complicated proposition.–Yippy Index V
    Russiagate | Know Your Memenew windowpreview
    Russiagate refers to the ongoing political scandal surrounding allegations regarding President Donald Trump’s ties to the Russian government, including speculation of collusion between the Trump Presidential campaign and the Russian hack of the DNC email server.–Yippy Index V
    Enough collusion talk. It’s time to focus on Trump’s corruption | Michael Paarlbergnew windowpreview
    Date: 2019-03-31T10:00:01.000Z
    If there is a silver lining to the confusion and disappointment of Russiagate, it is that we can now pay attention to the real fleecing…p-russia-collusion-mueller-corruption-cache-Yippy News
    How Did Russiagate Begin? – PaulCraigRoberts.orgnew windowpreview
    It cannot be emphasized too often: Russiagate—allegations that the American president has been compromised by the Kremlin and which may even have helped to put him in the White House—is the worst and (considering the lack of actual evidence) most fraudulent political scandal in American history.–Yippy Index V
    #russiagate hashtag on Twitternew windowpreview
    65% of Americans want to drop #RussiaGate.65% of Americans want to investigate Obama spying on Trump. 100% of the Democrat Leadership wants to talk about #RussiaGate and ignore Obama spying. That’s called out of touch folks.–Yippy Index

  28. Larry Ledwick says:

    Bill :

    Try clearing you cookies and browser history.
    If you have more than one browser loaded, open a different browser which has no other active sessions that might be tracking other things you have visited.

    Using brave browser or dissenter browser they do not show up but I have seen them in the past with other browsers.

  29. E.M.Smith says:

    Not a search site, but an interesting news aggregator site with a non-progressive bent

  30. H.R. says:

    I just passed on two marked down phones because googleyoogleyoo was powering them. I had my choice of a flip phone or a smart phone for $9.99. Or I could choose to take a pass, which I did.Even at an insane markdown, google isn’t going to get a penny from me.

    However, I’m a friendly fellow, so even though it’s nowhere near Thanksgiving, I’ll go ahead and give google the bird.

  31. E.M.Smith says:

    @H.R.: A bit geekly, but you can replace Google Android on some phones with an open alternative:

    Something like this is in my future. My very old LG Flip phone is 3G and my carrier is shutting it down in a few months. I have a 4G “Burner phone” but is pricy per minute and Android.

    So on my plate in the next quarter or two is to pick an alternative that is as secure as my old dumb phone and NOT filled with google. I’m not interested in tossing a $ kilobuck at Apple every coupke of years, so that limits my options.

    Probably only Repicant or “roll my own”. But I need to re-survey the field first. There are some open Linux phones in development (last I looked) so I need to see if any are done now.

    It will be a bit of work in any case, but must be done.

  32. Bill in Oz says:

    E M I used to do a search about Australian politics.
    It grossly over represents stories from the Guardian..
    Not to be trusted when it comes to Australian politics.

  33. H.R. says:

    @E.M. re phones – We still have a land line that’s not VOIP. It’s good ol’ ‘Ma Bell’, so to speak.

    The one nice thing about a land line is that only the TLA’s are listening in and they don’t give a rat’s patootie about you unless they pick up some terrorist keyword. They also only know you are in one place. They have no idea where you’ve been between calls.

    Mobiles, OTOH, are subject to hacks and are picking up everything and selling to every kid and his brother.

    I might just go ahead and pick up that $9.99 4G Android and throw it in a drawer. Someone somewhere has already figured out a way or is working on a way to make it more (paranoid) user friendly.

    BTW, it’s not really paranoia if everybody actually is out to get you ;o)

  34. Larry Ledwick says:

    Just realized I should have posted this here rather than the other thread.

    Google search results likely shifted election results

  35. E.M.Smith says:

    While reading an article about Google Chrome blocking topics in the browser:

    Purging Nature? Google Chrome To Block Sites

    I found down in the bottom that it points to a search engine that claims “which searches only the independent media. “:

    So another one worth taking a look at. Expecially when you get tired of scrolling past 2 pages of YSM / LSM (Yellow Stream Media / Lame Stream Media) cruft at the top…

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