Bill, A Regular Guy, “Gets It” On Global Warming & Crops

It is interesting to watch the “transition” of a regular guy, Bill, of Tinyhouse Prepper as he “gets it” about the Global Warming scam and the reality of our present cooling regimen.

He has the same experience a lot of us have had. Starts with “curiosity” about what he needed to prepare for, then he got the “usual” attack by the warmistas with the “pile on” of appeal to authority (“you are not a scientist” or “you MUST listen to the REAL Climate Scientists”). Well, no. We’ve seen their email and know they are “lying for effect” (The “Nature Trick” for one…) We’ve seen the rewrite of the IPCC report to invert the “findings” to make the policy section match the desired goal of grabbing control. We’ve seen those “scientists” erase the very hot 1930s and the 30 year cold plunge into the mid ’70s from the data records (the ’70s that I lived through AND remember…).

When you have directly observed someone lying, why would you treat them as a “source of authority”? Eh?

So the inevitable transition happens. You trust your own eyes, memory, experience, observations. Then you start the search for other information that might be less biased, adjusted, manipulated; frankly you start looking for truth in the forest of lies.

For Bill THP, he does, IMHO, look a bit too much at “YouTube Channels” (and of them, a couple that are more prone to “excitability” than I like…) and not enough at analysis sites. Then again, I regularly get “beat up” with complaints about NOT being emotional about things. I just don’t do the emotional thing much, being hard core “centered” and “at peace”. I’m also way over the top analytical and don’t mind at all being in the middle of a few GigaBytes of data looking at the bytes. So maybe it is me more than Bill.

Hopefully he’s looking at some of Tony Heller’s stuff. A science oriented channel by someone heavy with clue, who also presents things in a way approachable by a regular joe or jane.

Now this video isn’t all just realizing and seeing. Bill also does a bit of a Dig Here! into some particulars on crops and planting. He cites pages from some places I’d not thought to look, so on my ToDo List is to watch this again, and find the URLs for places like the crop insurance report and others.

Then he talks about crop losses last year in Canada. I had not heard of wheat in Canada having problems last year ( I wonder why…) so that’s put me onto another idea: Find historical records for crop production in Canada and plot it. Being further north, Canada will have “issues” from cold before the rest of us. Similarly crops in Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway – even Germany, Poland and Ukraine might be indicators.

So there’s a few reasons to watch this video. From the human sympathy for a “fellow traveler” getting pelted by the same Warmista Drones, to the “watching someone get it”, to the way he does his “self proving up” and then collecting the data sources he’s used to add to the kit. Besides, he’s just a nice guy and does cool stuff. (In one video he install a cubic foot or so sized wood stove in his tiny house. I didn’t even know they existed. Just right for warming a small bungalow in the woods, efficiently, while having a place to keep your pot of coffee warm on top! Made in Canada, BTW.)

19 minutes:

As he notes, his major focus is NOT Global Warming or Grand Solar Minimum stuff and he’s not going to change that. He’s continuing to focus on “Prepping” stuff and “Tiny House” stuff. His spouse, Elizabeth, does videos on cooking, so when Bill made his version of a pile of bricks rocket stove, she did the cooking on it demo. They are both just nice regular folks, and with some interesting ideas in their videos.

Oh heck, why talk about them when I can link them in for anyone interested:

Here’s his rocket stove and Elizabeth cooking. 24 minutes:

She uses “Thrive” brand freeze dried vegetables and meat. I’ve not bothered laying in a stock of freeze dried stuff. I had done that 30 years ago when the family was larger and space much more dear. Then about 20 to 15 years ago “ran off the stock” and used it up. It was a bit old and needed some ‘rotation’ anyway, and I was having trouble meeting all the bills, so it was a nice financial relief to avoid food costs for a few months. Everything was fine and taste was quite good. So on my “maybe soon” list is to once again look at buying some #10 cans of freeze dried stuff. It really is good and does keep easily for years.

Then, here’s the one on the wood stove. It would be just right for a small cabin in the woods, or maybe even for that one cool week in a home in Florida ;-)

Here’s the one where Bill installs the tiny wood stove. 24 minutes:

They have several other videos of doing different things with the stove. I’ve not watched most of them (yet ;-) but it is exactly what I wish I had in the living room for just heating that one room.

So there you go. Hopefully you find their videos interesting and useful.

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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19 Responses to Bill, A Regular Guy, “Gets It” On Global Warming & Crops

  1. Ossqss says:

    Good stuff EM.

    Albeit, I still prefer the Farm Girl rocket stove video’s ;-)

  2. E.M.Smith says:


    Yeah, I really liked that one a lot too… but they didn’t show the stove as much as…. other things ;-)

  3. Larry Geiger says:

    From a while back about them tracking our usage:

    Second comment on the YouTube:
    Rubn Moreno
    2 years ago
    “I was a normal person, now I have marble vids on recommended”


  4. Larry Geiger says:

    Ok. I’m confused. Wrong video. Oh well.

  5. Power Grab says:

    That rocket stove works really well!

    It reminds me of how my great uncle cooked us some hamburgers outside one time using an empty 5 gallon coffee can, crumpled newspaper, and a window screen.

    One time my dad commented that cooking with a wok likely became popular because you could use a tiny amount of fuel to prepare your meal. Of course, you have to cut everything up real small so it can cook in just a short time.

  6. Another Ian says:

    E.M. Seems to fit about here

    You know the saying that “you can fool all the people etc”?

    Well the fourth line usually isn’t quoted, which is that “If caught trying to fool people anything you ever say or said is then suspect”.

  7. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    Yup. Also “A reputation, once lost, is very hard to ever recover”… The whole Global Warming machine is so far into “Corrupt lying bastards” land that I’d not trust them to give me change for a counterfeit quarter.

    @Larry L:

    THANKS! You’ve just save me a whole lot of time (or cost me a few days… ;-)

    @Power Grab:

    For some reason, beyond my ken, I have a modest fascination with fire and stoves. I suspect some ancestral selection on the Smith lines (Dad, and an entirely separate line of Smith’s in England with an ocean and 250 years between them…) but it is what it is.

    So I like buying, building, and playing with stoves.

    Rocket Stoves work really really well. When I get pissed at the Kalifornia PUC for electricity rates that are eye watering, I cook on the patio on various stoves, including Pile Of Bricks stoves.

    I find that I like my Pile Of Bricks more than my Kerosene (that I like a lot… and it does make baked bread better than any other without strange smells) and more than my gasoline / white gas stoves. I barely like my propane stoves better, but only because they are soooo easy to light, control, and use.

    I’m planning that “whenever” we finally get moved to Florida, I’m building a built in Rocket Stove on a covered patio / deck set up for use as a main stove. We’re talking “no expense spared” not just a pile of cinder blocks. Heck, I might even spend $90 on it ;-) Though I can’t figure out how…

    FWIW, I bought a set of cinder blocks to make one of those and put them in the back yard. Did it about 5 years ago “for that day”. Just so “post quake” I’d have both a Pile Of Bricks BBQ AND a Cinder Block Rocket Stove next to the tent…

    Yeah, I’m a sick puppy that way. Waiting Oh So Patiently for The Big One so I can open Smith’s Kitchen in the rubble and start feeding all my neighbors… (“Bring me your fridge contents and I’ll preserve it. Then pick up meals for your family based on what you contribute to the kitchen. If you have nothing, we have a soup & bread line to the right”…) Still waiting though…

  8. Power Grab says:

    @ EM:

    Ah! So you came by your interest-in-fire honestly! ;-)

    Makes sense.

  9. Another Ian says:


    A different sort of “rocket stove”.

    A lot of our eucalyptus trees are hollow. An old time cattle brands heater was a section of hollow log about 3’6″ long on end with a notch out of the bottom. Start the fire there and the chimney effect was a very effective heater of brands at the top of the log. You could get several uses if, when done, you tipped the log flat and shovelled dirt into both ends.

  10. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    Like a Swedish Fire Torch (log) or the subsequent Canadian Candle:

    Some good ideas just keep coming around…

    (Split log into 4 parts, stand them on end with a small gap in the middle. Start a fire in the bottom of the gap. The splits feed air to the fire in the middle and the center burns itself into a chimney…

    I’ve even seen a video by one guy (does roughing it in the woods videos) where he put lets on the sections and held it all together with a chain around the outside, then ran a pipe up the middle to duct fresh air (convectively) into his tent in the snow. Yeah, made a tent heater out of a chunk of log, a bit of chain, and a small bent pipe. One log good for at least a day, sometimes more…

  11. cdquarles says:

    He he. We have chimney fire starters for our grills. We have one trailer sized one (was a local band boosters unit). Dried grass, chimney starter (doesn’t have to be metal, though a steel can works quite well), some wood or charcoal or even real mineral coal) and a grate. Lots of fun. Mineral coal is *very* hot when it burns. Only gas is hotter, if I am remembering correctly.

  12. tom0mason says:

    And at there’s a small collation of major food crop areas of the world affected by recent cold.
    As the say —

    Persistent “Worldwide Cold” Brings Serious Breadbasket Concerns
    July 8, 2019 Cap Allon

    The world’s biggest breadbaskets are struggling this year.
    Cold front after cold front continue to batter the largest and most important growing regions on the planet: from East Asia to the Canadian Prairies, from Europe to Brazil.
    Farmers almost everywhere are struggling to cope with the unpredictable weather patterns brought on by a weakening jet stream associated with historically low solar activity.
    Are we welcoming in the official beginnings of the next Grand Solar Minimum cycle?

  13. E.M.Smith says:

    The Article Tom0Mason linked also had a “related” article link to this one:

    That’s not good news at all. Historically Australia is a next exporter of wheat.

    When your exporters are becoming importers things are very much not good.

    As a YouTube tonight by a Michigan farmer lamenting that “all over Michigan” the fields were basically too muddy to plant, and that he had only 3 sunny days (when he cut his first hay crop) but it didn’t have time to dry before the rains returned. So he things it is likely going to rot, but he baled it anyway as “I have to feed something to the animals”.

    Green hay can ferment, heat up and burst into flames causing barn fires….

    Then both Yahoo Finance and CNBC were talking about corn futures starting to rise, and that Soybeans are planted after corn, but with such a late start on corn, soybeans were looking bleak as they would not have time to grow in many regions. So soybean futures were rising faster than corn futures.

    This is going to be a very rough year for farm animals, and poor people around the world. And restaurant owners… They said food costs are about 30% of a restruant’s total cost (and labor most of the rest) so higher food costs were likely to strain a lot of restaurants as the grains shortage leads to higher prices for meat and all the products that depend on corn, corn syrup, and soy.

  14. Bill in Oz says:

    E M It’s curious that Electroverse has that article still up on it’s site.

    Why ?

    Well since the start of May most parts of Southern Australia have had reasonable rains. In My part of the world 115-120% of the average for those two months. The grains crops are sown and growing. Parts of NSW are still in drought – yes. But I suspect that one of the big lows that have been blowing through will send fair bit of rain there before Spring ends. There is one such big low blowing through here tomorrow afternoon with forecasts of 10-25 mms of rain for Wednesday…

    Plus WA is the biggest grain producing state in Oz. It’s had an excellent ‘break’ in almost all the cropping areas unlike last year.

    I doubt we will be importing wheat for very long unless it is some specific type of wheat which is in short supply.

  15. E.M.Smith says:

    @Bill In Oz:

    I think it is about “Crop Year”. The wheat you eat today is based on the prior crop year. The rains you are getting now won’t matter until next crop year…

    Like right now in the USA, corn and soybean futures ARE rising on our horrible planting conditions, BUT they are rising from a very low point, lower than most of the entire prior year. It won’t be until late in the season, when harvest amounts are more clear, that prices will maximize. Then over the next year folks will be talking about the scarcity of corn and soybeans due to The Flooding…. even as they may well be planting into near ideal conditions…

    Crop Weather: What is happening to your crop Right Now.
    Crop Climate: What happened to your crop last year (or more).
    Crop sales NOW: Mostly from silos of stored grain from last year (or before.

    So right now it is actually more of a “big deal” that a bunch of farmers had their silos flood. That’s product NOW, but from last crop year. They are planting now for what will be sold after harvest and drying and into next year.

    IF you ever trade commodity futures, those timing issues are paramount.

    Like, just a month or so ago, soy futures were on a hard bottom. Why? China trade spat had China stop buying our soybeans. We are a major exporter of soybeans and China is major buyer. That’s happening NOW and for a 4 month futures contract, it is what matters. Next year may have a complete failure of soybeans, but without an “acres planted” and without a “projected yield” and without a “China buying or not” you just can’t say what those futures are worth. So only as it is becoming more clear that late corn and no let up in the rains means soybeans going to take a hit, have soybean futures started to get up off that bottom…

    So it’s all about your “time scale” (my term for it). IFF you were trading annual length futures, then you would be looking at the weather now…

    From my POV, it means “now” and likely for a few more months is a very good time to put that 100 lbs of beans, rice, flour, oats, etc. etc. in the pantry / food storage system. It is all cheap and plentiful. Next year, even with a good crop start, it might not be so.

    From the Australian POV, on wheat, “now” isn’t as good a time to buy for the pantry as it is being imported due to the drought last year… but in 6 months (or whenever your harvest cycle runs) you may be in local excess for wheat.

  16. Bill in Oz says:

    E M I don’t keep track of crop futures. I don’t trade. It’s more an academic interest now I’m retired.

    But we will harvest our grain crops ( Wheat, barley rye and canola ) in November through December..

    Grain farmers here are hoping for a good harvests accompanied by good prices per tonne given that the $A is down against the greenback…High world gatin prices will hep them recover from the last year’s drought and disastrous crops..

  17. E.M.Smith says:

    It ought to be very good for Australia next year, as that’s about when everyone else will be having low harvests and world prices ought to be high. One hopes…

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