11,000 Clicks Sound The Alarm!… and other YSM Fantasies

Rebel News uncovcers a good one. Seems there was a 4 Walled not-news-hype push in all the Yellow Stream Media (YSM) to “Raise The Alarm!” about how we are all doomed, doomed I say! Due to Climate Change and if we would just hand over $200 Billion a year to the UN it would all be better… I’d managed to miss the hype (guess my embargo on YSM sources had paid off after all) so I guess per his terms I’m “living in a cave” (or just trying to debug Linux, but I repeat myself ;-)

So these “11,000 Scientists” are in fact 11,000 clicks on their web site saying “un, yeah man, like I really worry about it and uh, (sucking sound of drag on joint), cough, it’s like really worth a click for me to suppory you bro and stuff… and sumbody got a cooky I’m gettin munchies over here… ”

/sarc; for the sarc impaired…


I tried to find their web page, but couldn’t. I did find this Canadian Club Of Rome page pushing them as being of some importance (and if the Club Of Rome is involved, you know it’s crap):


The Alliance of World Scientists (AWS)

The AWS is a new international assembly of scientists, which is independent of both governmental and non-governmental organizations and corporations. We submit, that in order to prevent widespread misery caused by catastrophic damage to the biosphere, humanity must practice more environmentally sustainable alternative to business-as-usual. Our vital importance and role comes from scientists’ unique responsibility as stewards of human knowledge and champions of evidence-based decision-making. The main goal of the AWS is to be a collective international voice of many scientists regarding global climate and environmental trends and how to turn accumulated knowledge into action. Other organizations do laudable work toward this goal, but to our knowledge, AWS is the only independent, grass-roots organization comprised of scientists from around the world committed to the well-being of humanity and the planet

Why do I smell the faint odor of Soros wafting through the NGO Mill…

I don’t know if this is them, or not, but it does have their heading:


Really? It looks a lot like some grad student in forestry at OSU trying to bag a grant… and CNN fell for this? Really?

Or maybe this is it?


The Alliance Of World Scientists
The Alliance of World Scientists (AWS) is a new international assembly of scientists, which is independent of both governmental and non-governmental organizations and corporations. It asserts that in order to prevent widespread misery caused by catastrophic damage to the biosphere, humanity must practice more environmentally sustainable alternative to business-as-usual.

The vital importance and role of the AWS comes from scientists’ unique responsibility as stewards of human knowledge and champions of evidence-based decision-making. The main goal of the AWS is to be a collective international voice of many scientists regarding global climate and environmental trends and how to turn accumulated knowledge into action.

Maybe that’s it!

Or maybe, this is just Yet Another Bull Shit Propaganda Ploy getting SJW types all excited and “contributing” and feeling all “empowered” and stuff…

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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13 Responses to 11,000 Clicks Sound The Alarm!… and other YSM Fantasies

  1. Larry Ledwick says:

    Supposedly one of the “scientists” who registered with that web page was named Mickey Mouse.

    “11,000 scientists” climate emergency petition includes a bunch of fake names

    Well if Mickey is supporting it I am really impressed – where do I send my money? ( /sarc )

  2. Taz says:

    I like Mickey. You say he needs money?

  3. p.g.sharrow says:

    They claim to be funded by a garden club!

  4. Sandy McClintock says:

    Interesting! … but lets be fair … it was more than just “a click”; they also had to give their name and occupation too. ;)

  5. Mike b says:

    11000 – mickey and the potters, out of how many scientists (whatever that is) in the world. Think the percentage is against them I don’t count political scientists as sientists nor Eccnomin. In fact if they are not STEM then ha ha


  6. Graeme No.3 says:

    Sandy McClintock:
    Such as the chap in Namibia giving is occupation and qualifications as pensioner?
    Also the home of Mickey Mouse. Must be something in the water in Namibia.

    Someone (Sorry, I forget who) contrasted the 11,000 (before adjustment) with the 4 million+ people in the USA entitled to call themselves scientist.

  7. H.R. says:

    E.M. wrote: “[…] getting SJW types all excited and “contributing” and feeling all “empowered” and stuff…”

    “Empowered” is one of those words whose meaning has been twisted. You properly tied it in with “feeling” which is what it’s all about.

    Roman provincial governors were empowered. Law enforcement is empowered. Anyone who has been empowered (given power) has been given authority by someone higher up. The power is defined in its scope, and along with that power is a measure of responsibility.

    For example, the Roman governors had enormous power including the power of life and death. Their power was constrained. The power was constrained by responsibility; keep the locals constrained to peaceful servitude and generate revenue for Rome. If a governor abused his power, perhaps by unlawful treatment of Roman citizens in his province, or did not fulfill his responsibilities, such as uprisings occurring in his province or raising insufficient revenue, that governor was disempowered one way or another; recall and or death.

    SJWs are told they are empowered. When you hear an SJW speak of being empowered, it is almost always in conjunction with the word feeling. “I feel empowered now by…” whatever the topic.

    Were they given any authority or rights that they didn’t already have under existing law? Generally not. Did any responsibilities change? No.

    That word, empowered, is part and parcel of the coercion of PC speech. It does provide some power in the form of the Power of The Mob, where the user perceives that the mob will enforce whatever it was making the person feel empowered.

    Where I recall “empowered” first being used was by women who began pushing back on workplace discrimination and by rape victims who began fighting back through the legal system. But the only empowerment going on was the power of the mob of sympathetic and supportive that was made loudly obvious, and so gave courage to women to change their lot, either through existing laws or by advancing legislation.

    Anyhow, “empowered” has been substituted for “courage” and not by accident. Language changes, as recently mentioned here on another thread, but some words are being deliberately distorted by people wishing to diminish individual freedoms and gather power to a few at the head of government, the fewer the better.

    I’ve just taken a shotgun – single shell – at that term. It’s obviously not a thorough going over of the term “empowered”, but it’s an example of the deliberate changing of the meanings of words to change how people think.

    I’m out of time for now, but there are quite a few other words that have recently had their meanings deliberately distorted so as to change how people think and behave, and it’s usually to the detriment of the people using the words in the changed sense of the word. (Hey, “climate change” is another good example; WTF is it?!?)

    The best pushback I can see is to demand definitions by users, point out the classical use with its meaning, and then support or counter ideas based on everyone knowing exactly what is being talked about. Sloppy language leads to sloppy thinking and can put one on a slippery slope.

  8. cdquarles says:

    I know that people shag semantics and do so too often, yet semantics is *key* in doing logic (the relationship between propositions) and communication. Words mean things, and single words have multiple meanings and context won’t always help you. Note the plural, so specificity is important.

  9. E.M.Smith says:


    Well said. I’d only add that it is a feedback loop. Sloppy thinking also leads to sloppy language. That people who “know better” are actually encouraging that feedback loop to a sloppy mind is unforgivable.

  10. H.R. says:

    @E.M. – It’s not sloppiness and encouragement thereof. It’s deliberate manipulation of language for the purpose of manipulating and controlling thought.

    Social Justice or anything “Justice,” for that matter, is anything but justice. But it conveys some sense of moral virtue. Everybody is for justice. Only bad people don’t want justice, right?

    [Something, something] Justice wasn’t put to use out of sloppy thinking. The sloppy thinking has been promoted in close to a couple of generations so that Newspeak terms (from Orwell’s 1984) can be pushed on the population to manipulate behavior and attitudes. Newspeak terms are mostly used to convey the opposite of their original meaning. They help people accept that 2 + 2 =5.

    Newspeak doesn’t work as well on older people who got marked down in school for using words incorrectly. That’s people older than us, our age, and perhaps maybe a decade younger, by my reckoning.

    Anyhow, it’s so pervasive now, and insidious, that I was hoping to jog others here throw in other words or phrases they see and hear that raise trigger** them. There’s so many I can’t think of them all.

    **Trigger – now there’s a word which used to be a noun only, but I like how it has morphed to a verb, depending on context. It’s a changed meaning and usage, A trigger precipitates something, and as it is now used to indicate someone has been set off, its a logical shift in the usage of the word.

  11. philjourdan says:

    So did the Union of Concerned Scientist exhaust their usefulness? Seems they had to come up with another mickey mouse outfit.

  12. Another Ian says:

    Did Anthony Watts’s dog sign this latest one?

  13. Another Ian says:

    Background to that question

    Anthony Watts’ (WUWT) family dog is a signed up member of the “Union of Concerned Scientists”? Details here.


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