Let It Snow…

In the open discussion page, G.C. asked where it was cold as he was in a warm spot. Well, here you go:

Active map via link:

Sniw cover USA

Sniw cover USA

Saved static map:

USA Snow Depth 1 Jan 2020

USA Snow Depth 1 Jan 2020

Here’s the frost and freeze expected by Wunderground:

USA Frost and freeze forecast

USA Frost & Freeze Forecast

Blizzard warnings and travel advisories in the Rockies especially around Wyoming. Then a new snow dumper about to cross Oregon, Idaho, etc.

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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4 Responses to Let It Snow…

  1. philjourdan says:

    Cool on the east coast, but not freezing. So no snow here.

  2. Nancy & John Hultquist says:

    Here is a site:
    Click on the right side map for temps and there is a single zoom.

    George Mason University
    The Center forOcean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)

    can show winds to help explain what is going on
    EX: Wash & Oregon are getting wind directly off the P. Ocean, so we have been warmish, wet, and some wind.

  3. John Robertson says:

    Happy New Year.E.M
    I ran into this late last year
    “Environment Canada’s stations have temperature sensors located at 1.25 to 1.5 metres above ground. … Temperature sensors have an operating range of -40°C to +60°C and are capable of recording temperatures within 0.1°C. All temperature sensors (WIN and Environment Canada) have an accuracy of ± 0.6°C or better.
    Weather Station Locations | SCIC
    https://www.scic.ca › weather-based › weather-station-locations”
    Very convenient for measuring an Arctic Environment if you want the record low temperatures to disappear.
    i just tried a different couple of searches and am still none the wiser,however about 10 years ago I archived an interesting note of a contract between Environment Canada and NAV Canada to replace all the original unmanned stations here in the Arctic,the sensor used at that time only sensed a range of 20 degrees C,with calibration about the “expected” midpoint being required.
    That I stored on a now defunct laptop.
    Should have written it down or printed it off.
    However since the CRU emails all trust is gone.
    Would it be malice or incompetence to ensure normal winter lows cooler than -40 are not recordable as records being out of range for the equipment being used?
    We just had a nice cold snap before Christmas,there were no temperatures lower than -40 of The Weather Channel,which got me thinking about the failure of the first series of sensors and lead to my attempt to find out what is currently in use.
    If as I now suspect,we have no accurate temperature measurements of any lows below -40 since the closure of the manned weather stations in approximately 1990.
    We really might be Warming at twice the rate of everywhere else,using such data.

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