Ode To President Dunsel

NSFW more or less, but WT? anyway…

Here is my reaction to our present president in name only (PotuSINO) Biden AKA President Dunsel:

Suck it, Biden and the Dims.

I’m not giving in and I’m not giving up.


Australian Sangria (who knew? It seems it’s a thing…) was involved in the making of this posting. But apparently not quite enough as I can still type and spell…

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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12 Responses to Ode To President Dunsel

  1. E.M.Smith says:

    The Scat Man:

  2. E.M.Smith says:

    The Sangria in question was Yellowtail Sangria. I’m pretty sure it is made with a Shiraz wine. It has the stronger flavor. They didn’t over do the juices in it, so it has citrus flavors in it, but only enough to enhance the wine, not so much you have wine flavored sweet fruit punch as so many are. This is an 11.5% alcohol wine with an “infusion” of fruit flavors.

    Very nice.

    Looks like Australians know how to make Sangria ;-)

    (This out of cycle wine also makes up for the missing wine on the Australian Friday posting last…)

  3. E.M.Smith says:

    Looks like all those “Stay At Home” orders were a mistake.

    I’d guess it is because being outside in the sun get you some amount of Vit-D.


    Last summer, NBC News reported that New York state health officials were stunned by the number of hospitalized patients who said they had contracted COVID-19 while staying at home.

    The data, collected from 113 hospitals who surveyed patients over a three-day span, suggested more than two-thirds had contracted the virus while staying at home.

    “Sixty-six percent of the people were at home, which is shocking to us,” Governor Andrew Cuomo told a gaggle of reporters at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research in May. The percentage far outnumbered other more likely places, such as nursing homes (18 percent), assisted living facilities (4 percent), and homeless shelters/streets (2 percent).

    “This is a surprise,” Cuomo said. “We were thinking that maybe we were going to find a higher percent of essential employees who were getting sick because they were going to work — that these may be nurses, doctors, transit workers. That’s not the case. They were predominantly at home.”

    Households Have Highest Transmission Rates
    A year later, a new study sheds light on the mystery.

    A new National Bureau of Economic Research working paper offers fresh evidence to show stay-at-home orders may have backfired.

    “Micro evidence contradicts the public-health ideal in which households would be places of solitary confinement and zero transmission,” writes University of Chicago economist Casey B. Mulligan. “Instead, the evidence suggests that ‘households show the highest transmission rates’ and that ‘households are high-risk settings for the transmission of [COVID-19].’”

    At first glance, the findings are a bit surprising. Models early in the pandemic assumed less transmission would occur in households. This explains why Cuomo was surprised when he learned 66 percent of those hospitalized with COVID had been staying at home—it ran counter to the pre-pandemic science, which showed viruses are more commonly spread in work environments and schools.

    But Mulligan says that is the mistake. Modelers were basing their assumptions on pre-pandemic work and school environments, which didn’t have the safety precautions in place that so many institutions implemented in the wake of COVID.

    So 66% at home. 24% combined in nursing homes, assisted living, and homeless shelters. 90% summed up. So only 10% left over for: School, work, church, etc. etc.

    So why the heck are all them closed?

    Or is this a case of finding out that since everyone was locked up at home that’s where it is found?

    For example, the Duke Health system—which consists of several hospitals and some 180 clinical practices in 10 counties in North Carolina—and 11 meat processing facilities in Nebraska saw infections rates plummet after implementing various safety precautions, such as erecting barriers between employees. In the case of Duke Health, an hour worked at the hospital system became exponentially safer (by a factor of three) than an hour worked outside the health system.

    The irony, of course, is that even as work environments were increasingly becoming safer, many Americans were being forced to stay home in environments that were less ideal—such as crowded, poorly ventilated housing.

    Or in high-rise apartments with shared air systems… and high recycle rates to meet “green” energy efficiency goals…

  4. E.M.Smith says:

    Florida recognizing individual rights and liberties:


    Ron DeSantis signs bill banning vaccine passports and suspends local virus emergency orders
    by Emma Colton, Social Media Manager | | May 03, 2021 01:02 PM

    Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill suspending local COVID-19 emergency orders in Florida as well as prohibiting the use of “vaccine passports.”

    “I’m going to sign the bill. It’s effective July 1. I’ll also sign an executive order pursuant to that bill invalidating all remaining local emergency COVID orders effective on July 1,” DeSantis said at a press conference in St. Petersburg on Monday. “But then, to bridge the gap between then and now, I’m going to suspend, under my executive power, the local emergency orders as it relates to COVID.”
    He added that the suspension will only affect government-mandated orders, not how businesses enforce coronavirus restrictions.

    “In terms of what a supermarket or some of them choose to do, a Disney theme park, this does not deal with that one way or another,” he said. “It’s simply emergency orders and emergency penalties on individual businesses.”

    So the private businesses can still be a PITA.

    Will this mean I can fly back from Florida without a Vaccination Passport? Or just that it will be required by the private airline company? Or the TSA asserting preeminence?

  5. Jim Masterson says:


    I like the “Dunsel” term for our Fuhrer, er, um, President. I believe it was from TOS Star Trek episode: The Ultimate Computer. :-)


  6. E.M.Smith says:

    @Jim Masterson:

    It was made popular by TOS, but they got it from an older nautical use:

    Dunsel is a ‘clipped’ form of Dunsail (like Mainsel or f’castle)


    English citations of dunsail
    (nautical) A type of sail on a sailing vessel? [Uncertain; requires attention from a subject expert. It is unclear in the quotations whether what is referred to is a particular type of sail, or a dun-coloured sail. Also, the references are to the term “dun sail” rather than “dunsail”.]
    1830 March 27, “Eily Ban; or, The Benshee of the Ruin”, in The Athenæum: Weekly Review of English and Foreign Literature, Fine Arts, and Works of Embellishment, volume III, number 126 (New Series; no. 12), London: J. Lection, OCLC 889809294, page 184, columns 2–3:
    She ascended with the rapidity of a winged creature up a curtain-wall that shut out the northern view of the lake from the interior of the castle, when, having gazed long and wistfully (as I thought) upon the dun sail of my little bark in the hazy distance, she descended again with the same careless activity, to a mound of ivy and wild flowers that sprang up spontaneously in the ruin, like sweet, but unbidden recollections of happy days gone by in a broken heart!
    [2009 January 12, “BoB”, “What’s a dunsail? Anyone know?”, in Making Light‎[2], archived from the original on 6 August 2016:
    A Dunsail is a sail that serves no purpose in catching the wind, but a small sail from the forward mast to the prow of the ship. It comes from the days of the tall sailing ships. It was not usually used in normal sailing operations, but used to complete the full sailed appearance of the ship in battle and when the ship was on dispaly coming in or leaving a harbor. A Dunsail is a useless sail. It is only for show. The other sails do all the work.]


    Fairly consistent with the citations on the other tab of this page, my grandfather said that the term refers to any sail that is downwind of the standing yardage that usually provides most of the thrust, and is only usable during extreme tack, when the angle of attack & wind slip, expose the sail to enough air to provide additional control & marginally more thrust than is usually available in that configuration. It was usually smaller than the foresail because it was often too far forward to be (well) attached to the keel, and therefore not very strong.
    The dunsail cap was a cover used to keep rats, birds, & water out of the usually furled sail (presumably to prolong its above deck storage life).
    His colloquial definition was “for a part which had a usually hidden or unappreciated value or use” (rather than none. A more nuanced meaning than that used in Star Trek; the writers & actors of which persistently & irksomely screw up ‘damper’,’damping’, and ‘damped’).
    He pronounced it ‘dunsel’, but spelled it ‘dunsail’ and said that was “because it was usually furled (down on its boom) and also the most down-wind sail, and the illiterates are winning the spelling war”. ;-)

    It’s hard to find references to the original use under all the folks banging on with articles about ST TOS…

    Note, too, the common use of “Dunsel Cap” to mean a knit cap. Brings a whole new depth of meaning to that…

  7. philjourdan says:

    Excuse me! Please silence! Excuse me?

    The P in Psaki is silent, just as the P is President Bideb is silent.

    Now that we have settled that, carry on.

  8. E.M.Smith says:

    So is a Bideb like Bidet with a silent last letter? Do you pronounce it “Bee-Day”?

    so pResident Bida…

    I can see that ;-)

  9. Steven Fraser says:

    @E.M?b:it is cinco de mau there, already

  10. E.M.Smith says:

    Presently, my blog clock reads 5:12 GMT / UTC on 5 May 2021. Look at the time stamp on YOUR comment.

    My bedroom clock reads 10:12 PT on 4 May 2021, though

  11. philjourdan says:

    @EMS – Yes, they are all silent! :-)

  12. Pingback: Friends Of Australia Friday Shoulder Chops, Asparagus, eSteamed Broccoli, and Yellowtail Sauvignon Blanc | Musings from the Chiefio

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