Thank You, Dimocrats!

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a terrible disease to have.

We are now being treated to an extreme case of it.

A Loon D.A. in New York has decided that the Statute of Limitations is a rubber ruler and he can theorize some B.S. to ignore it and indict Trump (for what may not actually be a criminal act anyway) while promoting a mis-demeanor to something bigger (felony maybe?).

So a sincere “Thank You, Dimocrats!”. You have succeeded in showing me just who you fear the most and guaranteeing I’m voting for him. You have also succeeded in being so rude, evil, vindictive, and really just horrible people to the point where I will NEVER EVER vote for a Democrat in any race for anything. This from someone who voted for Obama in the California Primary (as an ABC voter. Anyone But Clinton. Now and ABD voter. Anyone But Democrats.)

I’d been leaning toward DeSantis, even if it did mean losing our Governor. But now? Well, now I know that you do not fear him as much as you fear Trump. So Trump it is.

Simply put: YOU, dear DNC & Followers, have shown me you are fundamentally evil, have no real sense of justice nor fairness, and are only in it to “win at all costs – even if it is illegal or immoral to do; through ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Legal or not.” There is simply no way someone who is fundamentally a Libertarian and believes in Fair Play and real Justice For All under Fair Rule Of Law can ever vote for that.

You have branded yourselves liars, cheats, vindictive, cruel and just evil.
Good luck with that.

So I’m going to sit back and watch the show. Knowing full well that even if you put Trump in an orange suit and imprison him, I’m voting for him. Because he is the antithesis of what you are, and that is a Good Thing.

I have no desire to see the USA turned into a WEF Inspired Banana Republic like Canada or France are becoming. I’m fully on board with the Netherlands Farmers. If you succeed in making the USA a Banana Republic (and you are well on your way); there’s plenty of liberty being freed up in the BRICS+. (Speaking of which, how’s that whole “sanction everyone to blackmail them” working out for you, eh? Last I looked it was 18 countries and rising about one or two a week joining BRICS+. Talk about an own goal…)

Keep at it, at the present rate of “progressive progress” you will make Trump King For Life… and reduce the “Western Rules Based World” to the EU and Five Eyes; all with little manufacturing, not enough oil / energy, inflation running into poverty, and a very grumpy population ready to re-institute The French Haircut.

Remember “I AM Spartacus!”? Well, get ready for “I AM MAGA TRUMP!”; ’cause that’s what you are creating in your stupidity, greed, and evil intent. Abusing folks, either U.S. Voters or whole 3rd World Countries, does not endear them to you. It just creates resentment… that slowly matures into hatred and revulsion. That’s where you’ve reached now.

About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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24 Responses to Thank You, Dimocrats!

  1. Canadian Friend says:

    For what this is worth,

    My girlfriend and I watched many hours of the Hearing on the weaponization of the Federal government.

    And , how do I say this…republicans were presenting facts, talking about those verified proven facts ( they have the emails in which government officials are pressuring Twitter to censure conservatives) and were calm, polite.

    Democrats avoided that topic and instead talked about how a big meannie Trump is, or January 6 or Russia collusion ( because in their ill minds it is still real ) , were very very hostile, very angry, attacked witnesses, tried to discredit witnesses, were impolite, unruly, raised their voices etc etc…

    one of the Democrats ( Mr Lynch if I am not mistaken ) even demanded while shouting, yes shouting, that what the witnesses said be striked ( in a hearing about immoral or illegal government censorship he wanted to censor witnesses…that is how insane, and blind to their own insanity those people are )

    Democrats also lied dozens of times about many different proven facts, while republicans only spoke of things that were supported by the thousands of documents in their possession and did not lie even once, at leats during the 6 or 7 hours that we watched.

    Democrats were hostile and lying

    Republicans were calm and talking about the evidence they had in their hands

    Republicans behaved like respectable civilized humans using facts and logic.

    One female democrat ( Plaskett) threw a paper in one Republican’s face.( Johnson )

    Even if I was a liberal, I’d be disapointed in how Democrats behaved during that hearing, it was shameful and at times simply absurd.

    Democrats reminded me of those people who get angry and try to resist arrest, who try to kick and spit in the police face instead of trying to resolve the issue like civilized adults.

    Democrats were obviously desperate ( because they can see the evidence proves they are 100% wrong ) and were throwing at republicans and at witnesses anything even if it was unrelated to the topic at hand or even if it was completely absurd.

    Their disgraceful behavior was very telling.

  2. Josh from Sedona says:

    Oh yeah guess you kind of missed out on that s*** show, welcome back.

  3. E.M.Smith says:

    @Canadian Friend:

    I’ve only seen about 1/2 hour of it (that was all I could stand…) but saw very similar stuff. The one shouting to censor, the “lady” complaining about being recognized on a “Point of Order” who would not state a point of order but wanted to rant about something unrelated.

    Any person with a sense of what it means to be a polite and orderly Adult would run away as rapidly as possible from what the DNC / Democrats In Power have become.

    FWIW, when I registered here in Florida, I registered as a Republican. First time in about 45 to 50 years that I was not some kind of Libertarian or unaffiliated… So why did I do that? Out of some profound sense of being a Republican? Nope. Just no way I wanted to be affiliated in any way with the Temper Tantrum Left & Dimocrat Crybabies with their Cancel Culture. So, yeah, “The DNC did that!” and turned me into a card carrying Republican and MAGA Trump voter…

    From someone who is pro-“drugs of your choice” and pro-“partner of your choice – just don’t shove it at children” and pro Classical Liberal Values of freedom and liberty.

    Go Figure…

  4. Canadian Friend says:

    I understand how you feel.

  5. cdquarles says:

    I used to be a card carrying Republican and Libertarian. Having watched them being destroyed internally by the Left disgusts me. I know too much about Democrat party history; so would *never* vote for them unless I knew the person running to be sane, particularly for a national office. The pressures on them to conform to the Uniparty are quite high. That said, I am happy enough with my senators (I had doubts about both before voting for them). My congressman is a squish, and only slightly better than average; but is still light years better than any local Democrat.

    There are rumblings to require registering by party here (some nasty shenanigans happened in other parts of the state), which would mean me not voting in primaries. If it came to it, I’d live with not voting in primaries.

  6. E.M.Smith says:


    I got used to not voting in primaries. Saw it as choosing TweedleDee vs TweedleDumb… Then, just before the Hillary / Barack primary, the Democrats opened up their primary to folks not registered Democrat (might have excluded Republicans, don’t remember exactly…). Thus my ability to vote for Barack and ABC.

    Didn’t find it much of an issue one way or the other…

    Next primary, having a lever to pull for Trump or DeSantis? That’s going to be fun ;-)

  7. another ian says:

    When the Russians capture that “must have” Bakhmut might dampen their squib a bit – or raise the volume

    “Russia Captures Central Bakhmut, Raises Flag, Outraged by Tatarsky Murder; Saudi Cuts Oil Output”

  8. Canadian Friend says:

    I have been saying for years, actually about 20 years that there is only 2 kinds of leftists,
    -1- the evil-malicious ones, the ones at the top, the ones that do the promotion or propaganda ( politicians, journalists, university professors et cetera )
    and -2- the ones that don t know enough to know they are being brainwashed, indoctrinated, lied to by the evil-malicious ones.

    When I was in my twenties ( I am 63 now ) and did not care about politics and rarely watched the news or read news paper ( I read a lot but about other stuff, science, nature, history, anything but news and politics) I voted liberal, because I was under informed about who they really are.

    Anyone can be under informed, anyone can be brainwashed, it does not matter if you have a high IQ, are brilliant in your field or in more than one field, and have University degrees, anyone can be fooled, deceived brainwashed.

    The left has spent at least the last 50 years perfecting the art of brainwashing, and they have spread their tentacles, and their mental illness has infected almost every institution.

    They are very good at it, which is why we are now so deep into the nightmare world they have patiently created since roughly the 1960s .

    The left has patiently infiltrated almost every institution and has installed leftists at almost every level ( education, media, government, et cetera ) and now after roughly 50 years of this, we wake up and realize we have an enemy inside our walls who hates everything about this nation and are changing it, and if you don t agree with them, they will destroy your career or throw you in jail.

    The Kremlin just released a document,

    here is an excerpt,

    “… Russia does not consider itself an enemy of the West, does not isolate itself from it, has no hostile intentions towards it, …”

    That is true, and guess who is an enemy of the west and who has hostile intentions towards it ; leftists – liberals-democrats

    they hate everything about the West, about the USA and are changing it by force, sometimes at gun point ( when they send the FBI to raid the homes of Trump supporters to give one example )

    My comment is too long,

    I would have more to say but I ll stop here.

    and my girlfriend broke my stride anyway…

  9. YMMV says:

    Steyn has some good quips in this. It’s mostly vintage Steyn.

  10. LB says:

    There’s one simple solution.

    Trump [or de Santis] has to say, on day zero I will order a full audit of social security. That will include any pensions not included on the balance sheet. Then every tax payer will get an annual statement with their share of the debts.

    What reaction would the average tax payer have to a bill for $1 million dollars arriving in your mail box, with the usual threats from IRS about non payment?

    You could even get an apology for stuffing the bill down the back of the sofa to hide the debt included.

    If you want to rub it in, you could also state what you could have had if your money had been invested [capitalism], and not redistributed [socialism]

    So what does the left do about this? They want socialism. They want redistribution. So they take the can for the consequences.

    My view at that point, they really do run for the hills. Convert to being preppers.

  11. John Robertson says:

    It is never a bad day when my enemies proudly self identify.
    After the last decade of brag and boast from our progressive comrades,the worst thing I can say,is “I believe you”.
    Sure they are serial liars,obsessed with control of all and every thing..
    But I choose to believe them,when they boast of having declared war,upon the “Deplorable Tool Users”.
    Yes,I accept that they really are this stupid.
    For Evil is best defined as compound stupidity,wherein the sufferer has no idea of just how stupid they truly are.
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer was right.
    A crowd of people can be “made stupid” in ways individuals cannot.

    Imagine the processing difficulty our Progressive Comrades represent to productive persons.
    The most useless and clueless members of society have declared war upon those who house and feed them.
    Those with no hand skills,no technological ability and apparently serious confusion about which toilet to use,have declared they shall rule over those who own all the guns..

    A rational person might consider this to be farce..
    I now believe our Demon Rat Friends.
    They act demented,violate all norms and human standards..
    I accept their words.
    They have declared you and me..their enemy.
    They are about to learn a lesson ,one repeatedly lost on Progressives,
    “You really should have left us alone”.
    The warning was obvious during the Burn Loot Murder Theatre,repeatedly put on in Democrat enclaves..
    Every time the actors crossed out of their protected grounds,they were scared straight in seconds.

    Fortress North America..
    An even better concept than fragmenting Canada and The USA into smaller countries.
    Let the sea be our natural borders and banish all progressives from the land..

    Some High Arctic Islands look really promising.
    The perfect sanctuaries for the “Enlightened Ones”.
    Where all their dreams of “Climate Change” can come true.

    Stupid Liberals,they really will not like the “New Rules” they are shoving down our throats.

    Sorry longwinded again.
    For what actions such as our Progressives begat is Retribution.
    Human Nature being what it is.

  12. David A says:

    Canadian friend and John Robertson, are you one and the same? At any rate your comments are, IMV, just fine. Watching one’s nation being attacked by evil (defined here as “Power over others” is certainly worthy of a rant or two.

  13. The True Nolan says:

    @David A: In regard to “power over others”.

    I was puzzled for a long time about just WHY our rulers seemed to so consistently make decisions which were bad for the country and bad for most citizens. I mean, after all, if someone wants power, wouldn’t they want a big, prosperous, smoothly functioning nation, of happy complacent citizens? Well… NO! To a power addict, telling citizens to do what is in their own interest is not expression of power at all. The only undeniable expression of power is when you can order someone to DO WHAT THEY WOULD NEVER CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES, and then make them do it. The psychopaths love passing disruptive, painful laws, because their pleasure is based not on your willing compliance, but rather is based on your grudging, painful, unwilling compliance. To a psychopath THAT is power.

  14. H.R. says:

    To follow up on TTN’s observations regarding power (very astute), over on the Treehouse, Sundance posted an explanation of just who ‘They” are. He lays out the whole DC construct as it relates to power and money.

    It’s a Big Club, and we ain’t in it.

    I’m not 100% sure we can vote our way out of the mess and cesspool that has slowly surrounded freedom-loving, constitutional-abiding Americans. No, sea rise isn’t accelerating, but the rise in the level of the DC cesspool is.

  15. Canadian Friend says:

    No we are two different people

  16. John Robertson says:

    David we be unknown to each other.
    Although my comment was influenced by Canadian Friend’s April 4th comment.

    Being in the same age group I guess we have both seen two Trudeau’s in office and lived 6 decades of The Welfare State.
    And we ,Canadians, have been getting a real crash course in Stupidity.

    Our current Prime Minister,his childish Ministers and the Urban Twits who support these Fools and Bandits,with their vote…kind of focuses the mind on Human Stupidity,The banality of evil.
    And the general drift in Canada is toward the rocks.
    With no anchors of any kind left.

  17. Taz says:

    Alissa Heinerscheid, Bud Light’s VP of Marketing, doubles down on her extreme woke strategy to promote the “declining” American beer brand to “young people”, while smearing her former customers as “fratty and out of touch”.

  18. another ian says:

    One blog comment on Bud Light – IIRC

    “Well that fits – a fake beer promoted by a fake woman”

    And a better source for the cartoon above×900

  19. another ian says:

    And from a cartoon with no link –

    “In 2 days Aheheuser Bush has seen more people quit drinking than AA has in 88 years. Congratulations!”

  20. The True Nolan says:

    Alissa Heinerscheid smears former Bud Light customers as “fratty and out of touch”.

    Her solution? Appeal to woke and out of touch customers.

    Bud Light! The beer for people who were not assigned a gender at birth!

    Yeah… That should work.

  21. Taz says:

    Apr 8: SHOCK: The DoJ now admits that another 40 undercover agents were with the Proud Boys on J6 – from HSI – Homeland Security Investigations. The vast majority of the group was paid by the government as either W2 employees or CHS.

    the follow up post is even crazier
    Proud Boys outnumbered 10 to 1.

    Ten to one! It keeps getting funnier every time.

    Whatsamatta with you EM Smith? Didn’t you know you attended a Fed party? Didn’t you spot the glow?

    This would be so hilarious if it were not so tragic. True political change comes only when one gets cancer – or is attacked. Just too many parasites on the payroll to wade through. How many lives were ruined by this “protest”?

    Change never comes on the cheap. It requires the changers to risk life and fortune. Solzhenitsyn had it right.

  22. E.M.Smith says:


    Unfortunately, I’ve never even seen a Proud Boy’s member in person. Not sure where they were on J6. I was at the Trump Speech, 1.8 miles away from the Capitol building when things got started there (Trump ran over time by about 20 minutes, so the police sting started on time and was happening before the folks listening to Trump even heard the words to walk peacefully to the capitol…)

    Once there, I stayed “between the lines” and on the road. Yeah, I’m that kind of person… even when the barriers were moved out of the way, I just thought “it would be wrong” to cross where they had been. Not exactly the radical type… Sigh.

    Anyway, at one point a tall guy in a redish hat and camo jacket walked up to me and said something like “The action is on the east end, we got the door open, go on in!”. I said ~”Um, that doesn’t sound like a very good idea.” Then he walked on and said the same thing to the people behind me. Remembering the visual, it looks like the photos I’ve seen of Ray Epps…

    I just hope he had a hidden body camera on him recording it, as it is clearly exculpatory…

    Did I “spot the Feds”? Several. More importantly, I knew before walking up there that it would be full of Under Covers. It is SOP. One I’ve nicknamed “Groucho Padre”. In a full cassock, he was holding a video camera about mid chest and doing the “flat pan” of someone recording for TLAs (i.e. not focused on A person or scene, just sucking in all possible faces). Doing a low crouch fast walk like Groucho would do. Wandered over the whole crowed and away from the other group of “priests” with a sign… I figure he was a relatively young recent graduate of the academy so good for an undercover job. There were others.

    So yes, I did “see the glow”. There were some “professional agitators” too. And undoubtedly some others just being quiet and observing (kind of like what I was doing).

    Oh, and an Antifa guy with their typical shoulder strap bull horn came up to me & my buddy and started to talk to us about the “action” on the steps. Just then his actual handlers rushed up to tell him they were his contact, not me ( I was in all black ;-) and they proceeded to discuss the dynamics of the “action” they had gotten going on the steps. From what they said, IMHO, Antifa is used by The Feds as a proxy to cause mayhem on demand (thus none of THEM ever being prosecuted…). So once again I’ve “accidentally infiltrated” an undercovers meeting / discussion. Seems to be something I’m good at.

    His lead handler was a middle aged lady dressed bland dark. She was accompanied by a male of slightly younger age ( I think… didn’t look straight at them, just oblique, so as not to spook them… by “ignoring them” they were willing to hold their discussion right next to me ;-) I think the guy was her protection detail.

    Anyway, yeah, I’m pretty good at spotting the “slightly out of place” and a lot of them seem to detect my ‘awareness and acceptance’ and figure I’m on their side of whatever fence they have…

    Me? I was just there to observe and experience the “ambiance”. Once we saw the “action” on the steps, we decided to bug out by the fastest route possible since police gassing protesters is a pretty good indication of “Time to go”. So we did. Asked some traffic cops the best way out, so ought to be on their body cams too with a time stamp saying “left early”… I think our total time near the Capitol (on the pavement) was maybe 10 minutes? (I have some time stamps on photos I took, so could work it out better if needed).

    Basically, just “walked up, saw the activity on the steps, had the Antifa guy discussion, and then left”. Oh, and took a couple of photos that I posted in my “trip report” on it here:

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