The Non-Incitement & The Instigators

In this posting I’ll be providing links to video of the event I attended along with a link to the full text of Trump’s speech. It is long, not that exciting, and very much lacking in any “incitement”. Toward the end, many folks were leaving early due to the cold and the lack of anything really exciting. I’d guess about 10% were sneaking out.

We’d been there from the very start. About 3 hours before first speaker. All told, we stood in a cold wind for about 8 hours straight. At the end, pretty much NOBODY had anything on their mind other than finding a bathroom, getting out of the cold, and finding a place to sit with back support.

The Non-Incitement

Speeches lasted about 5 hours, and were mostly just complaints about the media, lack of support even from RINOs, and a catalog of the various nefarious things done to steal the election. Trump was a little late starting and we speculate that he was trying to talk Pence into sending some States back to re-certify. He basically asked Pence not to accept the clearly fraudulent State votes (where in several cases the States themselves asked for their packet back to re-do it…) and asked us, the audience, to walk to the Capitol Building.

He did use a phrase or three like ~”we need to fight for our nation” as do ALL politicians. It is a political fight, after all. Nobody took that to mean “pick a fight with Capitol Police”. But you decide. Here’s the actual event and speech.

From Rightside Broadcasting Network, the whole series of speeches start to end. I’ve started this video at the start of Trump’s speech / arrival. Notice the crowd is not exactly looking mean or rowdy.

Here’s the transcript. It loses something as cadence and pauses indicate where Trump changes a thread of thought mid utterance, but it is the words I remember hearing so looks accurate.

IMHO, the most “inflammatory” (and even that is a stretch) bit is when he talks about fighting for our country and showing strenght. The context, though, is weak kneed RINOs folding without even minor push back on Democrat dirty tricks and such.

Donald Trump: (07:11)
Rudy, you did a great job. He’s got guts. You know what? He’s got guts, unlike a lot of people in the Republican party. He’s got guts, he fights. He fights, and I’ll tell you. Thank you very much, John. Fantastic job. I watched. That’s a tough act to follow, those two. John is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, ” What an absolute disgrace, that this could be happening to our constitution.” He looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing.
Donald Trump: (12:34)
For years, Democrats have gotten away with election fraud and weak Republicans, and that’s what they are. There’s so many weak Republicans. We have great ones, Jim Jordan, and some of these guys. They’re out there fighting the House. Guys are fighting, but it’s incredible. Many of the Republicans, I helped them get in. I helped them get elected. I helped Mitch get elected. I could name 24 of them, let’s say. I won’t bore you with it, and then all of a sudden you have something like this. It’s like, “Gee, maybe I’ll talk to the president sometime later.” No, it’s amazing. The weak Republicans, they’re pathetic Republicans and that’s what happens.
Donald Trump: (13:45)
The weak Republicans, and that’s it. I really believe it. I think I’m going to use the term, the weak Republicans. You got a lot of them, and you got a lot of great ones, but you got a lot of weak ones. They’ve turned a blind eye even as Democrats enacted policies that chipped away our jobs, weakened our military, threw open our borders and put America last. Did you see the other day where Joe Biden said, “I want to get rid of the America first policy.” What’s that all about, get rid of …? How do you say, “I want to get rid of America first?” Even if you’re going to do it, don’t talk about it. Unbelievable, what we have to go through, what we have to go through and you have to get your people to fight. If they don’t fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that don’t fight. You primary them. We’re going to let you know who they are. I can already tell you, frankly.

Note that the “fight” is all about political fight, and ends in a “primary them” political fight.

He does ask the crowd to walk to the Capitol building, but it is to “cheer on” our Senators… Again he talks about fighting, this time the media, and again it is about political action, not violence.

Donald Trump: (16:25)
Our media is not free. It’s not fair. It suppresses thought. It suppresses speech, and it’s become the enemy of the people. It’s become the enemy of the people. It’s the biggest problem we have in this country. No third world countries would even attempt to do what we caught them doing and you’ll hear about that in just a few minutes. Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer, and we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. If he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country because you’re sworn to uphold our constitution. Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women.

Hardly the stuff of an insurgency bent on mayhem.

Here he’s again talking about media and how they make up stories and how it’s a constant fight to get truth told.

Donald Trump: (27:57)
But it used to be that they’d argue with me, I’d fight. So I’d fight, they’d fight. I’d fight, they’d fight. Boop-boop. You’d believe me, you’d believe them. Somebody comes out. They had their point of view, I had my point of view. But you’d have an argument. Now what they do is they go silent. It’s called suppression. And that’s what happens in a communist country. That’s what they do. They suppress. You don’t fight with them anymore, unless it’s a bad. They have a little bad story about me, they’ll make it 10 times worse and it’s a major headline. But Hunter Biden, they don’t talk about him. What happened to Hunter? Where’s Hunter? Where is Hunter? They don’t talk about him.

Note, again, he’s talking about a fight of words. Fighting for the truth to come out.

At the 1 hour point in his speech, it was getting a bit repetative. I got the sense he knew this was likely the last time he’d have a crowd like this and wanted to hold onto the moment. It isn’t often you get 10s to 100s of thousands of people shouting “We love YOU!”…

Donald Trump: (01:06:37)
With your help over the last four years, we built the greatest political movement in the history of our country and nobody even challenges that. I say that over and over, and I never get challenged by the fake news, and they challenge almost everything we say. But our fight against the big donors, big media, big tech and others is just getting started. This is the greatest in history. There’s never been a movement like that. You look back there all the way to the Washington Monument. It’s hard to believe. We must stop the steal and then we must ensure that such outrageous election fraud never happens again, can never be allowed to happen again, but we’re going forward. We’ll take care of going forward. We got to take care of going back.

Then, in the wrap up:

Donald Trump: (01:11:44)
Our brightest days are before us, our greatest achievements still wait. I think one of our great achievements will be election security because nobody until I came along, had any idea how corrupt our elections were. And again, most people would stand there at 9:00 in the evening and say, “I want to thank you very much,” and they go off to some other life, but I said, “Something’s wrong here. Something’s really wrong. Can’t have happened.” And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.

And, given the horrendous degree of corruption and fraud, that is exactly correct. At this moment, the DNC is is full control of every and all future elections for POTUS, VP, and congress. That isn’t a country, that’s a Kleptocracy on the way to Tyranny without any checks and balances. Fix it, or the country is gone to something else.

Then, the very end:

Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give… The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible. Thank you very much. Thank you.

Essentially to have a show of support for the spineless RINOs to actually do what they are supposed to do: assure the election is valid.

Not a single mention of doing anything illegal or even asking folks to do anything immoral. Just walk to the Capitol Building and stand around waving flags. Which is EXACTLY what folks did. (Please don’t try to tell me that isn’t what we did, I was THERE, in it, watching the folks, taking pictures.)

The Instigators

When we arrived, totally by accident, we were able to park in a staff parking area near the Capitol Building, between the Ellipse / Washington Monument and the Capitol Building. Many others had parked there and one was able to share with us a photo of a handout (from unknown sources) describing the 4 events going on.

Folks self-selected into one of the 4 events.

Like most Trump Supporters, we opted for the one with Trump speaking. That was 1.8 miles down the Capitol Mall at the Ellipse. There was another event listed that, at the time, I didn’t think much about. Just “doesn’t sound like me” and moved on. It was the Storm The Steps event.

IMHO THOSE were the folks who caused the troubles at the capitol.

Those of us who waited for Trump’s speech to end, then had a 1.8 mile walk back to the Capitol Building. It was slow as a full street moves at the rate of the slowest walkers. We stopped at the car for a bit of snack, back support, heat, and listened to Fox News. We were near the middle of the pack of walkers. Fox reported that one wing of the Capitol had been ‘invaded’ and was being cleared by police, and that the other wing was under ‘attack’ with police headed over. We wondered how an attack could be happening when the folks were still in transit and who it might be?..

After about 5 minutes, we got out of the car and continued on to the Capitol Building. Along the way one group was having a prayer circle. Another group of about 30 was having a song session of what I think were traditional and religious songs with some holiday theme. One woman was taking selfies with her three small children (it was a very family oriented group at the Ellipse, set up by a Women Voters league). As we got to where we could clearly see the capitol building, there was a group on the steps in front. They were already there and on top of things like the scaffolding on the right. That took time.

We then rested a moment taking some more pictures while tear gas was used on the steps. Then we chose to meander back to the car to leave. A full and steady stream filling the driving areas was leaving the Capitol Building grounds. Essentially, the real Trump Supporters from the Ellipse, seeing what was happening, turned around and left. It took us a good 20 minutes to get enough clearance in the crowd to drive out of the lot.

This article points out the same thing I observed. The troubles began before we got to the Capitol Building. Heck, before Trump even finished his speech. (I’d speculate the instigators had the schedule and didn’t count on Trump taking an extra 1/2 hour…)

And the official timeline of events constructed by the New York Times through videos shows protesters began breaching the perimeter of the Capitol a full 20 minutes before Trump finished his speech.

This new evidence raises the first compelling question that remains unanswered. How could Trump incite an attack that had already been pre-planned and was in motion before his speech ended?

While we were looking at the Capitol Building, a guy with a megaphone slung on his shoulder and microphone in hand ran up to us and said (via megaphone) “The action is up there, on the steps!!”. When nobody moved, he stopped. It sunk in that he wasn’t getting any takers. Then, 2 others, a man and woman, approached him. ALL were dressed in black. They looked at me a little unsure, but I was all in black too (my motorcycle suit is very warm ;-) and proceeded to talk about his leaving the scene of the steps when the gas started as “his girlfriend was with him” and then some other talk of events and processes.

My overall impression of them was they were NOT your typical Trump Folks. No Red White & Blue. No Trump buttons or hats. No pro-America anything. They DID have typical indicia of ANTIFA. All in black. Hierarchical structure (the woman was clearly in charge). Shoulder slung bullhorn. Promoting chant of “Who’s House, Our House” just like their “Who’s Street, our Street” seen in cities on fire.

Proof? Nope. Just what it seemed like to me, evaluated in the context of all I’ve seen prior.

My GUESS is that some Right Wing Nuts were planning a Storm The Steps event, but not much too violent beyond standing on the steps. Antifa and similar infiltrated and help push it too far (a known and common tactic for instigators / agent provocateurs). But what either group has to do with Trump is beyond me. Many folks hate the Government and Congress. They do not need Trump for their motivation.

One side note:

A group of folks dressed like priests were there, and I think they were in fact priests. One was not wearing their hat, and was walking through the crowd taking a wide photo / movie of the whole thing. Camera held about mid chest as he sort of Groucho Walked fast. That’s the kind of thing an Agent does to document who is present in the crowd. (I’ve seen it before…)

Realize that in ANY major (and most minor) protest events, there are LOADS of agents from all sorts of groups embedded in the crowd. From local LEO Undercovers, to TLAs of all stripes, to media and more. Agent provocateurs and Foreign Agents too. (I’ve been in an undercover cops circle at an anti-war demonstration as we discussed Crowd Dynamics and Agency responses…) This is not speculative.

So was Groucho Priest a TLA Agent documenting folks for later prosecution? Or just for making portfolios? My guess is ‘yes’.

In any case, you can be assured that many Agencies had cameras going and somewhere in some vault in D.C. my photo is being added to my dossier. Once again they can wonder “What agency is this guy with? He keeps showing up, but doesn’t seem affiliated with anyone!”. That’s the thing about being an independent soul. No leads to follow…

I figure by this time I’ve got at LEAST 4 dossiers. I hope they are all cross indexed as otherwise it will be very confusing for them. One was from when I was dating the daughter of the head of the Lawrence Livermore National Nuclear Lab. Yeah, the folks that were making our nuclear bombs. You think she could go out with “some guy” and not have Clarence Clearance do some vetting? (That was the “labbies” nick name for the folks from the TLAs in the bushes making sure that the USSR didn’t kidnap anyone… And yes, they were definitely following and watching. Several times they openly asked her questions about what we did when we ditched them ;-)

So I have “some chops” when it comes to scoping out who’s who at events and when someone is undercover. IMHO, Groucho Priest was a junior undercover assigned to grab photos. Also, IMHO, I ran into one Agent Provocateur trying to recruit Right Wing Nuts to enter the Capitol where “We got a door open!” (but with limited success). He had the energy level right, and the ‘just one of you’ patter, but his Camo was a bit artificial and his ‘good ol boy’ wasn’t quite genuine. Then there was the one Antifa cell where I ‘fit in’ in all black (which was why I wore it…) as they discussed things. All in indirect terms, so not proof, but highly likely.

So it goes.

With that, here’s a few photos:

IMHO most important is this “flyer” that shows who I think actually did cause trouble:

Jan 6 D.C. Event "Flyer"

Jan 6 D.C. Event “Flyer”

Note in particular the one in the middle. “Wild Protest”.

Right now, going to gives a blank page. It was doing that immediately after the 6th January event. It was very rapidly scrubbed.

What does it call for? “Take to the Capitol lawn and steps“, which is exactly where the Trouble began. BEFORE Trump was even done speaking. IMHO, there’s your instigation, not Trump. Jericho March was supposed to be all wrapped up by then, and the other two were off to one side, or at the other end of the Mall, per the map.

Now, given that this information was “out there”: What are the odds that ZERO folks from the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department, BLM, and Antifa didn’t attend and / or instigate? IMHO, near zero. You always go to gather intel and it is SOP for TLAs to try to instigate trouble makers in groups under investigation. Just to “out” the real problem folks if nothing else. You want to separate the Looky Lous from the Agitators, so you both raise your Bona Fides and out the leadership by adopt a strong persona looking for action.

How Trump is responsible for any of those actors is beyond me.

Here’s some real Trump Folks:

Trump Supporters Random

Trump Supporters Random

Notice the dominant RW&B color scheme, and lots of Trump Stuff. Also many women and not a very rowdy looking lot.

As we got to the Capitol Building, the makeup of the crowd changed some. More winter cloths, less Trump gear. Still ordinary folks, more or less.

Capitol Building Approach

Capitol Building Approach

Here a bunch of folks who’ve largely just got there, notice there’s semething wrong on the Capitol Steps. Notice the largely uninvolved (inactive) stances and “WT?” looks on faces. Just standing around.

Folks Looking At Steps

Folks Looking At Steps

What’s on the steps is another group being gassed. NOT the folks from the Trump speech area as this action was already in progress for 20 minutes before the speech ended; and we got there as it was happening. What was happening on the steps? (Click to embiggen):

Capitol Stepps Gassed

Capitol Stepps Gassed

Here you can see a bit of scaffolding (next to the centred USA flag) in a cloud of gas. Notice, too, that the steps seem covered in people dressed in dark clothes. Not the bright colors of the Trump Rally. Now there were a fair number of folks in regular winter cloths, much of it dark, and some like me in ‘all black’ as an attempt to avoid being attacked by ANTIFA thugs, BUT, clearly NOT the same as the folks at the Trump Speech.

It was at this point Mr. Black Megaphone came up, met with 2 others, and discussed how it was going on the steps.

Then my Florida Friend and I headed back to the car to leave. Things were clearly not being as polite as at the Trump Speech / Rally area and we didn’t want to be part of whatever this was. Judging from the flood of folks in Trump Gear and with Flags walking past our car as we waited to leave, lots of others felt the same way.

In Conclusion

In my studied opinion, there were at least 2 sets of “agitators” trying to make a scene at the Capitol Building (and they succeeded). They managed to recruit a few folks from the assembled crowd, but were largely unsuccessful in getting a mass movement going. Those they recruited were mostly, IMHO, from the “Wild Protest” self selected group and not from the Trump Speech group. Most real Trump Supporters didn’t like it and left.

NONE of what happened IN the Capitol or ON the steps was Trump’s doing, nor did he “instigate” anything. Given the surprising speed with which media and the DNC blamed Trump, IMHO, they had prior knowledge of the plan.

In short, I think it was a set-up to leverage the most radical elements who exist in any crowd of that size and “dirty up” the Trump Supporters (who were the most polite and orderly crowed I’ve ever been in…), while providing RINO Swamp Dwellers cover to do a Bums Rush vote to accept Biden and dodge responsibility for endorsing the voting fraud.

But hey, it worked. You gotta give them credit for that. DNC does dirty tricks better than anyone else…

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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122 Responses to The Non-Incitement & The Instigators

  1. cdquarles says:

    Indeed, for the democrats are, in my opinion, the party of slavery and death since their founding in the *1820s*; and have been the main ‘dirty tricks’ party since the “progressives” of the 1890s successfully co-opted them early in the 20th century. “Progressives” have had their way with the Federal Government, mostly, since Wilson’s time. They have ‘long-marched’ through the institutions and culture, again, mostly successfully. We are in for dark times; one of the few times Joe Biden has told the truth, in my opinion.

  2. DoNoNorth says:

    Duplicate from W.O.O.D. – but topical.

    Here is an interesting interview with Japanese journalist Masako Ganaha on the events immediately surrounding the shooting of the Air Force Vet in the Capitol and the role of the agents provocateur present there. New to me is that Japan is now having problems with Antifa-type disturbances in, I believe she said, Formosa.

  3. CoRev says:

    I propose another purpose. That is to create enough violence to move to marshal law as soon as possible after inauguration. I fear that the Dems, already over playing their hand, will be surprised by the ACTUAL ANGER out there compared to their HATRED of those angry US citizens.

    It’s clear we are now irrevocably split between liberal urban and conservative rural factions. At this point much of the power (food, water, power, raw resources, and weaponry) resides with the rural residents, and we can expect the next moves to be to reduce and eliminate that advantage.

    Calls for “Land Ownership Reform” is a typical early step in inciting the urban masses against the rural. When we start to hear that demand it will be the red flag for civil war.

    I surely hope I am wrong!

  4. p.g.sharrow says:

    The Game is Afoot

    Simon Parkes says that the “Boss” Administration has this in hand and wants Us to cool it for a few more days. “The Eagle has Flown” and the rollup has started. They will keep it quiet, as to the public, for as long as possible.

  5. Simon Derricutt says:

    pg – see for some extra information on Simon Parkes that might make you reconsider his analyses of the situation.

    Always hard to know who’s telling the truth and who has drunk the Koolade. In this case looks like wishful thinking and unlikely to have a lot of truth in it.

    Sorry, Another Ian, seems like I’m doing your normal job of cross-referencing between blogs…. I hope your system is back to functionality.

  6. E.M.Smith says:


    Thanks! I was going to put a cross link from here to there, so you’ve saved me that.

    FWIW, the same video is on their Odysee channel:

    It is HIGHLY worth watching. The video “outs” 2 Antifa folks “leading the charge” into breaking Capitol windows, then shows one changing out his “country rube ear flap” hat for other clothes so he can disappear. Andy Ngô is cited as identifying them as Antifa who are active in other Antifa videos / photos.

    FWIW, I’ve downloaded and saved a copy of the video. I have no idea if this is the “best way”, it was just the first link I hit in a search and the software was in the Debian source list file, so used it.

    Points to a Python 3 “script”, so you get to install the Python environment stuff (“pip”) then install it inside that, then it becomes a runnable command. At that time it’s just “command url” in structure and the download happens.

    I already had python and pip installed, so it just nagged me that my “pip” was the most current. Normal behavior when you install again.

    So as root: apt-get install python3-pip ffmpeg

    root@OdroidN2:/# apt-get install python3-pip ffmpeg
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree       
    Reading state information... Done
    python3-pip is already the newest version (18.1-5).
    Suggested packages:
    The following NEW packages will be installed:
    0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
    Need to get 1423 kB of archives.
    After this operation, 1982 kB of additional disk space will be used.
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
    Get:1 buster/main arm64 ffmpeg arm64 7:4.1.6-1~deb10u1 [1423 kB]
    Fetched 1423 kB in 2s (721 kB/s)  
    Selecting previously unselected package ffmpeg.
    (Reading database ... 123012 files and directories currently installed.)
    Preparing to unpack .../ffmpeg_7%3a4.1.6-1~deb10u1_arm64.deb ...
    Unpacking ffmpeg (7:4.1.6-1~deb10u1) ...
    Setting up ffmpeg (7:4.1.6-1~deb10u1) ...
    Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.5-2) ...

    Then the actual python program:

    root@OdroidN2:/# pip3 install youtube-dl
    Collecting youtube-dl
      Downloading (1.9MB)
        19% |���������������������                         | 358kB 780kB/s eta 0:00:    19% |��������������������� 
    [... etc...]
    ��������������������������| 1.9MB 250kB/s 
    Installing collected packages: youtube-dl
    Successfully installed youtube-dl-2021.1.8

    Now you have youtube-dl installed and can run it to download / save a copy of a video:

    ems@OdroidN2:~/Videos$ youtube-dl
     5nvqvvsqJ_s: Downloading webpage
    [download] Destination: Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions���Interview W. Masako Ganaha _ Crossroads-5nvqvvsqJ_s.f137.mp4
    [download] 100% of 104.21MiB in 03:49
    [download] Destination: Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions���Interview W. Masako Ganaha _ Crossroads-5nvqvvsqJ_s.f140.m4a
    [download] 100% of 11.32MiB in 00:24
    [ffmpeg] Merging formats into "Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions���Interview W. Masako Ganaha _ Crossroads-5nvqvvsqJ_s.mp4"
    Deleting original file Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions���Interview W. Masako Ganaha _ Crossroads-5nvqvvsqJ_s.f137.mp4 (pass -k to keep)
    Deleting original file Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions���Interview W. Masako Ganaha _ Crossroads-5nvqvvsqJ_s.f140.m4a (pass -k to keep)

    I then renamed it to something a bit shorter and without all the blanks / spaces in the name (that are a PITA in *nix land…)

    ems@OdroidN2:~/Videos$ mv * Ashli_Babbit_Video_Crossroads_Masako_Ganaha.mp4
    ems@OdroidN2:~/Videos$ ls -l
    total 118656
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ems ems 121503621 Jan 12 07:23 Ashli_Babbit_Video_Crossroads_Masako_Ganaha.mp4

    So now I’m empowered to save any and every single video I see that I think might be at risk of censorship / deletion. Nice, that. 8-)

    Oh how I love the empowerment of *Nix land ;-)

    So, like I suspected, we know have a confirming analysis showing Antifa as the ones “Instigating riot”, not Trump.

  7. E.M.Smith says:

    Interesting… don’t know these folks, but another POV on the same Antifa instigation:


    And another one. Looks like the photo evidence is being fruitful:

    Watching the events unfold at the nation’s Capitol today, a familiar face was spotted inside the capitol and was also standing next to Ashli Babbitt, the woman who lost her life when she was shot and killed by law enforcement while attempting to enter the interior of the Capitol. Three other individuals lost their lives during the protest that turned into a group storming the Capitol. The only problem is… he is definitely not a “Trump supporter”.

    John Sullivan is the founder of the civil rights group Insurgence USA and does not align politically with President Donald Trump. This is not the first time that Sullivan has been in D.C. for protest, and he has been in D.C. this week to plan and prepare for Wednesday’s rally at the Capitol.
    The last time Sullivan was in D.C. for a protest, he had a lot to say about his plans for the future, and it was captured on video. Sullivan openly calls for President Trump’s to be ripped out of the White House. .

    “BLM inc. threatening to “rip the president out of the White House.” They say they won’t wait until the next election.They’re openly calling for a revolution.This is domestic terrorism on full display, out in the open. They don’t even try to hide it.”, wrote Charlie Kirk on Twitter.

    So it is looking like a full on Socialist / Communist / Progressive “revolution” is on the cards, and it has started with a False Flag to stampede Congress into endorsing Biden, while they “dirty up” Trump supporters.

    Pretty much a BAU (Business As Usual) for their side.

    Well, at least it’s being caught on camera…

    Now if we could just get a few Republicans to pay attention…

  8. p.g.sharrow says:

    @Simon; Not much news to me, I already knew about all that stuff. In fact Parkes pointed out nearly all of it himself. On the other hand Trump and Pompao are acting like they have this thing by the tail on a down hill drag while the Democrats are desperate to put this election to bed.
    Pelosi and crew are guilty of sedition with lots of proof and fomenting an insurrection. Lots of proof on her laptop that is in the hands of the Trump military intelligence people, that include her contacts with BLM and Antifa that were attacking the Capitol building under MAMA Colors along with media people that were embedded with them. Trump and the Intel people were watching camera video of the operation in real time from their bunker. Remember that the Democrats had all their Hue and Cry all ready in the MSM before the dust had cleared. Even their scripts and timings. Too bad Trump is long winded and his crowd arrived late to the party that had started on time.
    Back to the original premise, Stay cool, Trump is going no where and the Biden/Harris celebration is premature,

  9. CoRev says:

    EM is it OK to share your report? My wife would like to show some of it in FB and email a few friends.

  10. Tonyb says:

    Has anyone used the way back machine to check out the wild protest web site?

  11. E.M.Smith says:


    Yes. It is a “news report” so fair use share and comment about “news” anyway. I’d not publish it if I wanted things to be private.


    I very much hope you are correct, but letting it run down to the wire seems like bad strategy. IF any little thing goes wrong, you are out of time and the clock runs out…

    Then there’s the minor legal issue that the Constitution says Congress Chuses, and they Chused…..

    I know, silly me, actually thinking the Constitution matters anymore, what with both Dems and Repubs basically ignoring it for 100 years… Then again, I suppose a legal case could be made that the votes were not valid due to the fraud, even if Congress did accept and certify them. (IIRC, the fundamental premise of Contract Law is the “Meeting of the Minds” and a contract is null and void if no such happened, and no meeting of the minds can happen if fraudulent actions set the premises. Or something like that… So perhaps one could say the Congressional vote was null and void due to no meeting of the minds due to fraudulent packets from States…)

    Oh Well, only 1 week more to wait for a final final answer, in any case. Unless it isn’t ;-)

  12. Tonyb says:

    This from vox, I have no idea who they are, who state the wild protest site was set up to enable trump supporters to meet up

    A lucid account and it would be interesting for someone far more knowledgeable than me to read it and comment on their chain of events.

  13. E.M.Smith says:


    Be aware that Vox is hard core left wing. Their spin is strong in the article.

    Just a few examples (as I’m not sure I can make it to the end and document them all…)

    “People associated with far-right online movements such as QAnon breached the Capitol on Wednesday. Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images”

    Since NOBODY knows who QAnon is, how can you say who is “associated” with him?

    Since these people are largely unidentified, how can you know they are “far-right”?

    QAnon mostly makes claims about what Trump is doing / planning. That is reporting. How do you classify a report of provided information as “right wing”?

    Maybe they are, or maybe not, but no evidence is given. One way or the other.

    So that’s from just the caption on one photo…

    Ali Alexander, a far-right activist and conspiracy theorist, posted a video to YouTube on Christmas Day, urging people to come to Washington, DC, on the day that Congress would finalize Joe Biden’s election to the US presidency.

    Who is Ali Alexander? How do we know he is “far-right” or an activist? What evidence is presented? None. So he urged folks to come to DC. So what? I urged it too. Is inviting people to DC a “right wing” or “activist” thing? Then I must point out we’ve got LOADS of evidence that a conspiracy happened across several States to abuse the vote and steal the election including a full on forensic audit. It isn’t a “conspiracy theory” when it is a conspiracy in fact.

    This was just one of a slew of efforts from online communities that came together for the insurrection at the United States Capitol on Wednesday that left at least five people dead and many more injured. Many of these groups had been building enthusiasm online for such an event for years. They planned Wednesday’s event on social media and, as it was happening, gleefully livestreamed the destruction.

    Where is there ANY evidence given in the article that there were a “slew” of “online communities” or that they “came together”? For “insurrection” or otherwise? We’ve got ONE web site cited, that’s it, and no content from it presented in evidence. The vast bulk of ALL the folk in attendance were 1.8 miles away from the Capitol Building when the Troubles began. Pretty damn poor coordination if we were all called there for that event.

    Realize that from a Far Left / Vox point of view, praying or wanting police or wanting to say “I love my wife” is “far right”. (You didn’t ask for permission to use the banned word “wife”, you are asserting Male Dominance, you endorse Police ACAB Violence, and you are clearly deluded for believing in a fantasy in the sky… in who’s name Native Americans were slaughtered…) Keep that in mind:

    The events represent a turning point for the nation in its reckoning with the impact of online extremism. While misinformation researchers have warned for years of the growing influence of groups like QAnon, the Proud Boys, and neo-Nazis, Wednesday’s storming of the Capitol was the clearest evidence yet that these movements threaten to destabilize American democracy.

    Again, QAnon isn’t a “group”. Then the conjoin of Proud Boys and “neo-Nazis”. Well I, for one, have never met a neo-Nazi. Ever. I’ve seen photos of maybe a half dozen someone found up in a mountain somewhere. NONE were at the D.C. Rally that I saw.

    Then the conjoin: The Proud Boys are regularly called “white supremacists”. Never mind that their leader is an Afro-Caribbean guy and it is loaded with Black and Hispanic membership. They are more a Men’s Club who stepped up to stop Antifa beating up old men and women when the Police did nothing. As soon as you see dirt being tossed at the Proud Boys, you can know the author is a propagandist.

    Next we get to their main thread. The need for even MORE censorship. The hallmark of any totalitarian is stopping free speech. The answer to bad speech is MORE speech.

    Note also the pejorative “Capitol mob”. I saw no such “mob”. There were, maybe 2 dozen? folks inside the Capitol I could not see. There was maybe 100? people standing on the Capitol Steps, mostly waving flags and who mostly disbursed when asked, then gassed. Hardly a “mob”. Then 10s of Thousands standing around not-on-the-steps wondering WT? was going on “over there”.

    The Capitol mob began organizing weeks ago for the violence that occurred on January 6, planning inside conspiracy theory and far-right online communities on platforms like Parler and Gab. Groups that typically live in the darker corners of the internet stepped into the spotlight when they took the Capitol and broadcast the breach around the web.

    For the many experts who have long warned that internet platforms had not done enough to curb extremism and misinformation, the event demonstrated how online radicalization could lead to violence and even threaten US democracy.

    Parler and Gab are not “far-right communities” havens. Why conjoin them? To have an excuse to shut down media that complies with the section 230 requirement that you just be a common carrier, not an editor.

    Then that last paragraph. Sheesh! A dozen folks break a door and it’s a threat to US Democracy? BUT, the fraudulent vote stealing isn’t? Just OMG, the spin machine.

    It gets worse from there, but hopefully these examples let you see how to apply critical reading skills to the article. Watch for “assertion without evidence”, then “slander the character” along with “guilt by association” via putting a person or name or group in proximity to a “bad thing” like “white supremacy” or “racist” or “right wing” or “extremist” or… Then look for the action to be done. In this case a plea for censorship. Is that really a good value? Hmmm?

    In short, the article is crap and I’d rather not read any more of it.

  14. David A says:

    I left some specific question for Billinoz here…

    So one more of those…

    Is it reasonable to recognise the hypocracy of the left, as they attempt to impeach and heavily criticised President Trump and his supporters for violent insurrection, when in fact President Trump has NEVER called for violence and always supported law and order, and had dozens of political concerts, with tens of thousands at each event, in dozens of states, and there was never any violence except against his supporters. Especially considering the democrats openly supported BLM and there vastly more violent and destructive riots.

    So if Billinoz can answer this question, and the other questions asked, I will consider reading something he posts. All though my expectations are very low.

  15. philjourdan says:

    President DJT will not be with us much longer. But no matter, the democrats have gotten away with the most overt steal in history. SO I doubt (no I know) my vote is useless.

    But I do know that, symbolically, I will not vote for any cretin that does not back President DJT – the last president of the republic. We are no longer a Republic. We are a DDR.

  16. philjourdan says:

    ” You gotta give them credit for that”

    No you do not. There is no reason to give credit to those who destroyed a republic

  17. philjourdan says:

    I am going to die soon. Heredity. But I will go the way of the dinosaur laughing at the idiots who will either per-decease me or follow quickly behind! That thought that Pol Pot was their savior! That includes Bill NOZ.

    But I will mourn for my children and grand kids that will be forever in bondage. Sadly half of them are welcoming the Anschluss.

  18. Gail Combs says:

    The interview with Japanese journalist Masako Ganaha shows:
    (From memory)
    1. She IDs ‘Furry Hat’ as the guy who takes the hand-off of a helmet that he uses to break the window. (Notice the 4 cops in front of the door move to the wall to ALLOW ‘Furry Hat’ to break the window.)

    2. A Second guy with a stick clears out the broken glass.

    3. Woman climbs up into window and is shot. — Other videos show her being lifted and NO BLOOD ON TILES! Those videos also show the cops against wall with rifles right after that.

    4. ‘Furry Hat’ then calmly walks past all those cops next to the wall, stops just behind them and changes his clothes/appearance.


    There is another VIDEO taken EARLIER. It shows the face of ‘Furry Hat’ AND it shows him calmly walking from BEHIND THE COPS, stopping to talk to them , pat on back? as he walks TO the window before breaking it.

    Anatomy of a Potential Agent Provocateur

  19. Serioso says:

    If Trump wanted the riot to stop, he could have said so. The statement he made this evening would have sufficed. But he didn’t: He said nothing. He could have stopped the violence. He chose not to. That makes him complicit.
    This isn’t complicated: He encouraged a riot. He did nothing to stop it. Or discourage it. But have a look at his remarks today. Had he said a week ago what he said today he could have avoided impeachment. Damn fool!

    [Reply: Given that the folks breaking into the Capitol Building were doing it while Trump was on stage speaking, he had no opportunity to know it was happening until it was ending (i.e. folks being gassed). He intended to walk to the Capitol, but was instead whisked away likely by the Secret Service, who have a protocol that Trump can not override. So your demand is for him to take action against a thing he does not know is happening, against the rules that constrain him once Secret Service is doing a protection action. Not possible. VERY shortly later, he made a statement that folks ought to “go home”. We were already on the road then, but IIRC it was about 1 hour after we left the area. i.e. He DID call on folks to leave as soon as the Secret Service had him in a safe place. (We heard the call to go home in a news report on the radio). Clearly you have NOT bothered to actually listen to his speech or read the text of it. Trump did NOT encourage anything other than political voice and peaceful walk. I was there, you are spouting bull shit. As to avoiding impeachment: Nancy Pelosi is a lunatic bent on vengeance, power mad and acting without limits. She would have done a 2nd impeachment in any case to prevent a return of Trump in the future. You are the one playing the fool, a “useful idiot” to the hard left running a fraudulent election and stealing a government. Good luck with that. -E.M.Smith]

  20. Nancy & John Hultquist says:

    Thanks for the report. If anyone I know was there, I have yet to hear about it.

    Seems to be lots of people being charged as authorities look at all the photos and videos they have been given.
    It is a shame the same level of scrutiny was not applied in Portland, Seattle, and the other places with similar (and worse) behavior. Maybe some of those folks were in D. C. and will be in court with the actual Trump supporters that got entangled in the “moment.”

    There will be a long period of cases as such things work through the courts. Keeping tabs on who was evil and who was dumb will be difficult. Ought to move all of these out of the Washington district – it seems to operate at a snail’s pace.

  21. Gail Combs says:

    The local paper said two guy were arrested.

    ‘May you Live in Interesting Times’ — ERRrrr NO THANKS!

  22. Gail Combs says:

    One of the ladies just posted this:
    From Gab:

    Old Mechanic@Strnj1

    US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant — HE REPEATEDLY THREATENED TO KILL TRUMP SUPPORTERS ON FACEBOOK FOR MONTHS! (Exclusive Evidence)

  23. Gail Combs says:

    “…Who is Ali Alexander? How do we know he is “far-right” or an activist? …”

    Actually he is LEFT. He was analysed over at the other site. AND Ali Alexander is not his actual name BTW. He is also a convicted felon.

    I can go try and dig out the info but they are running 1,000 -2,000 comments now.

  24. Gail Combs says:

    Oh, and about QAnon?

    They even get the name wrong. It is actually just 𝑸 (There are more than one and fewer than a dozen)

    The Anons are the people on the Chan boards.

  25. Gail Combs says:

    The Skuttlebutt is that Xi told the US legislature to Get Rid if Trump on the 6th.

    POTUS just struck back:

    JUST IN – Executive order from @POTUS
    amending EO 13959, which went into effect today at 9:30am ET.

    Dear Madam Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)

    Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby report that I have issued an Executive Order taking further steps to deal with the threat posed by the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) increasing exploitation of United States capital to resource and to enable the development and modernization of its military, intelligence, and other security apparatuses which continue to allow the PRC to directly threaten the United States homeland and United States forces overseas, including by developing and deploying weapons of mass destruction, advanced conventional weapons, and malicious cyber-enabled actions against the United States and its people.

    Through the national strategy of Military-Civil Fusion, the PRC increases the size of the country’s military-industrial complex by compelling civilian Chinese companies to support its military and intelligence activities. Those companies, though remaining ostensibly private and civilian, directly support the PRC’s military, intelligence, and security apparatuses and aid in their development and modernization. At the same time, they raise capital by selling securities to United States investors that trade on public exchanges both here and abroad, lobbying United States index providers and funds to include these securities in market offerings, and engaging in other acts to ensure access to United States capital. In that way, the PRC exploits United States investors to finance the development and modernization of its military.

    To deal with that threat, I signed Executive Order 13959 on November 12, 2020. Executive Order 13959 prohibits certain purchases involving publicly traded securities, or any securities that are derivative of, or are designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any Communist Chinese military company. Those companies are ones the Department of Defense has listed, or will list, pursuant to section 1237 of Public Law 105-261, as amended, or are identified as Communist Chinese military companies or their subsidiaries by the Secretary of the Treasury using similar criteria.

    Today, I signed an Executive Order amending Executive Order 13959. The amendments prohibit certain sales as well as purchases of publicly traded securities, or any securities that are derivative of, or are designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any Communist Chinese military company. They also prohibit possession of such securities by United States persons 1 year after a company is determined to be a Communist Chinese military company. And, finally, they allow the Secretary of Defense publicly to list whether a company is a Communist Chinese military company using the criteria in section 1237(b)(4)(B) of Public Law 105-261, as amended by section 1233 of Public Law 106-398 and section 1222 of Public Law 108‑375, regardless of whether the Secretary must report that determination under section 1237(b)(2).

    I am enclosing a copy of the Executive Order I have issued.


  26. Chiefio

    Thanks for the analysis of Vox, as I say from this side of the pond I knew nothing of them. I tried to find out who owned them and it appears to be an agent

    It certainly doesn’t exist any more but did as per your colour leaflet and I came across a very few references on such sites as ‘next door’ whereby people were merely saying if you want to support the President sign up.

    Got to be worth someone with more knowledge than me on such things to check on Way back to see if the site was legitimate or not.

  27. jim2 says:

    Some people who attended the rally have had their insurance cancelled! After a little research, I’ve found that political affiliation or political speech is not protected. Apparently, the moves by these various corporations is legal. They can fire you if you are a Republican! They can refuse to serve you. Of all the personal orientations that should be protected, our political-related ones should be at the top of the list!

    And before you say it, the First Amendment applies only to government. Private entities can regulate your speech, for example if you are employed by such entity.

  28. M Simon says:

    p.g.sharrow says:
    13 January 2021 at 8:20 pm

    Cool it. It is just a delousing chamber.

  29. M Simon says:

    Simon Derricutt says:
    13 January 2021 at 8:41 pm

    Also note he runs with a kind of occult utopianist crowd. That kind of thing almost invariably leads to mass murder. They will need to find the New Cosmic Man. I think they will be stuck with the old version. I heard something like ==>The evil in the world is caused by a 4D magic spell. It can be broken by people with 5D knowledge. You can assume they are just the fellers to do it.

  30. M Simon says:

    I feel like I’m in a Schrodinger’s cat moment. Is the Republic alive or dead?

    It could be like asking is Israel alive or dead. Dead for now but maybe later……… Or vice versa.

  31. M Simon says:

    Gail Combs says:
    14 January 2021 at 2:27 am

    You may not be interested in war. But war is interested in you.

  32. M Simon says:

    A claim that the cover up is starting (are you kidding me) in DC

    They need to keep the actual rioters secret. The policeman who did the shooting was BLM. That will tarnish the narrative.

  33. p.g.sharrow says:

    I was once involved in the conduct of war back in the late 1960s. We can wait a bit longer before beginning that endevour. It is something I’d rather not have to do again. But if they want to come for my weapons I will be ready to hand them over after I demonstrate how they are meant to be used.
    Keep your anger in check and your powder dry. …pg

  34. M Simon says:

    i thought I left this link:

  35. pinroot says:

    @EM Re: youtube-dl I’ve been using this a while and really like it, it works fine on YouTube and Bitchute (haven’t had any luck on Rumble yet). Whenever I see something interesting, I download it, since you never know if/when Youtube will ban something. There is a compiled version for Windows if you don’t have/want Python ( and for those who don’t like the command line, there are some GUIs available (

  36. pinroot says:

    @Gail Combs – Thanks for the link to the site. The link you provided doesn’t work now (article must have gotten pulled down) but since I live in NC, I’ll follow the site anyway.

    @EM – Thanks for reading that Vox article so we didn’t have to. Of the few times I’ve gone there, I’ve never been able to completely read any article I’ve looked at. It’s not journalism, it’s propaganda, and not very good propaganda to boot.

  37. E.M.Smith says:

    For folks wondering who Vox is:


    Vox Media, Inc. is an American digital media company based in Washington, D.C. and New York City. The company was founded in 2005 as SportsBlogs Inc. by Jerome Armstrong, Tyler Bleszinski, and Markos Moulitsas, and was rebranded as Vox Media in 2011. The company operates additional offices in San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, and London. In June 2010, the network featured over 300 sites with over 400 paid writers. As of May 2020, Comscore ranks Vox Media as the 29th-most popular media company among users from the United States.

    Vox Media owns editorial brands, primarily The Verge, Vox, SB Nation, Eater, Polygon, and New York. New York further incorporates the websites Intelligencer, The Cut, Vulture, The Strategist, Curbed, and Grub Street. The former Recode was integrated into Vox, while Racked was shut down. Vox Media’s brands are built on Concert, a marketplace for advertising, and Chorus, its proprietary content management system. The company’s lines of business include the publishing platform Chorus, Concert, Vox Creative, Vox Entertainment, Vox Media Studios, and the Vox Media Podcast Network.

    IIRC, Tim Pool worked for them in the early days and has some “choice words” to say about when they turned the corner from Journalism to ‘click bait’ merchants. Essentially, they care a great deal about monetizing clicks and not so much about veracity or truth…

  38. E.M.Smith says:


    Umm… “giving credit” for a crime is, er, a bit more slanderous than “damning with faint praise”… It isn’t a complement to say “You are a damn fine liar and thief, sirrah!”

    So yeah, I think I can “give them credit” for that… do I need a /snark; tag?


    Thanks for the pointer to what ought to have been reported about “Alex” whoever… I figured something like that might be the case, but am still catching up on things like, oh, sleep deprivation from 2 back to back crossings of the continent in under 4 days each, sandwiching a 1600 mile round trip… so was not willing to “go fish” on him…

  39. Quail says:

    Kent State of America: What could go wrong?

    “…The 20,000 National Guard troops preparing for pro-Trump demonstrations this weekend in the nation’s capital will be armed and permitted to use lethal force, the headquarters overseeing them says, marking a striking escalation in the way authorities there are preparing…”

  40. @EM Re: Markos Moulitsas (one of the founders of Vox) is also a founder of The Daily Kos, another far left site. He served in the army and was a Republican, but switched to Democrat after getting out of the service.

  41. cdquarles says:

    To see what the enemy was saying/planning, I lurked at the Daily Kos. What a nasty site.

  42. The 10 Republicans who voted for impeachment are:
    Beutler, Jaime Herrera WA, Washington’s 3rd
    Cheney, Liz WY, Wyoming’s at-large district
    Gonzalez, Anthony OH, Ohio’s 16th
    Katko, John NY, New York’s 24th
    Kinzinger, Adam IL, Illinois’ 16th
    Meijer, Peter MI, Michigan’s 3rd
    Newhouse, Dan WA, Washington’s 4th
    Rice, Tom SC, 7th Congressional District
    Upton, Fred MI, Michigan’s 6th
    Valadao, David CA, California’s 21st

    Two of them are from Washington state, which shows how screwed up the Republicans are in my state. Liz Cheney’s state of Wyoming went 70% for Trump. Did she just commit political suicide? Todd Herman, who hosted the Rush Limbaugh show today, gave her a chance to call in and confirm that she was drawing up impeachment papers for Harris–assuming Cheney really believes what she said about Trump. She can just copy Trump’s impeachment and insert the 36 people who lost their lives this summer. What people do (and don’t do) speaks louder than what they say.


  43. Serioso says:

    The breach of the Capitol occurred at about 2:00 pm, and the building was not fully secured until about 5:30. How does that fit your time line? It seems to me Trump had plenty of time to call off the rioters.

    [Reply: Check your timeline. We got there at 6 am something minutes, then stood for 8 hours. I make that about 2 PM. Trump talked for 20 minutes AFTER the Antifa instigated Agent Provocateurs had started things happening. So he ought to have been on the stage at 2:20 PM at least. Then, here’s a contemporaneous report from a Texas station (that’s Central Time, so one hour off Eastern)

    Jakob Rodriguez, Digital Journalist

    Published: January 6, 2021, 4:23 pm
    Tags: Trump, Protest, Capitol

    So by 3:23 Eastern it was already being PUBLISHED in news sources. That means the statement had to come earlier. How much earlier, I can’t swear as Twitter is busy deleting things… We left the area about 2-something and were on the road about 30 minutes away when we heard on the Radio that Trump was telling folks to go home. That constrains it also to about 3 pm or a little before.

    President Donald Trump is asking supporters and protesters to go home following incidents of violence and groups of people entering the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday to condemn the certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over Trump.

    That leaves less than 40 minutes for Trump to exit the stage, be told by Secret Service there’s trouble at the Capitol Building, be bundled off somewhere secure, get a situation update, and issue a direction to “Go Home” AND have it pass through news outlets. And you find that too slow? Really? 2 HOURS before your end time and mere minutes after leaving the stage. Please, get your facts straight before posting crap. I’m tired of doing your homework for you. -E.M.S.]

  44. Serioso says:

    Here’s a detailed timeline:

    Reply: From Here On Down -E.M.S.:

    First off, the NYT has gone fully Left Partisan. Your insistence on them as some kind of truth teller is naive at best. But that aside, Let’s look at the various bits they spin up.

    The footage shows the simultaneous and alternating perspectives of Mr. Trump at the podium, the lawmakers inside the Capitol and the swelling numbers — and growing violence — of the rioters on the ground.

    First off, pretty much everyone was on site by about 8 AM. There were no “swelling numbers” after the initial fill-up of the place first thing in the morning. (I was part of it and can assure you, by about 8 AM there was no space left in the Ellipse area all the way past the Washington Monument)

    Second, there was no “growing violence”. Everything at the Ellipse, where Trump was speaking, was ENTIRELY 100% peaceful through the end of his speech. At the Capitol Building, near as I can tell from other reports of people who were there, nothing much happened until after noon when some Antifa / BLM Agent Provocateurs managed to goad some Useful Idiots into mounting the Capitol Steps (hardly a violent act in itself) and breaking into the building (that video shows was instigated by an Antifa guy – identified as such by photos of him at Antifa events – breaking a door with a helmet) that WAS violent, but very limited in scope.

    Then they label with “rioters on the ground” without any attempt to identify SIZE / Number or WHO they were. Out of something that looked like (and was described as) well over 100,000 folks, you have MAYBE 100 ish on the steps and a couple of dozen inside the building. Why not point that out, eh? WHY try to paint the VAST MAJORITY who were peaceful family types as “rioters” when they were not? SPIN for effect, that’s why.

    Note we’re not even through the first sentences of their piece and it’s already smelling like trash spin for effect. This is what you quote and think is valid evidence?

    Before Noon
    A Brewing Storm

    Yet MORE lies and spin. Again *I WAS THERE*. There was no “brewing storm”. It was a party like atmosphere. Smiling faces. Polite people. Lots of cooperation and sense of hopeful expectations. Folks were largely in a party mood.

    Now I can’t speak to the Antifa / BLM infiltrated and perhaps organized group on the Capitol Lawn, I could see them being cranky. BUT, that’s a very tiny number compared to the huge crowd that covered all the way from the ellipse past the Washington Monument to the Mall. THOSE were the real Trump Supporters. Look at photos of them. Smiles, families, fun people having a good time. (I have more such photos)

    For weeks, Mr. Trump had urged his supporters to go to Washington to stop the certification of the election results, and several simultaneous rallies were planned for Wednesday.

    As the morning arrives, hundreds assemble on the Capitol lawn, more than a mile away from where Trump will soon speak near the White House. Among them are the Proud Boys, a far-right group, identifiable here by their orange hats.

    Yet more garbage spin. Trump was NOT asking folks to “stop the certification”, he was asking folks to ‘certify the legal ballots and audit the illegal ones’. HUGE difference.

    Do you REALLY support the blatant FRAUDULENT ballots being counted? Do you REALLY think it is a good idea to accept a count based on corrupted machines? Shown to be corrupted by what limited audits have been done?

    Then, the Proud Boys are NOT a “far right” group. They do hold some traditional values, but mostly just want their members to be honest with themselves and do what’s right. The painting of them as “far right” is propaganda spin from The Left. Just like calling them ‘Racist’ is. Their leader being Afro Caribbean and having lots of Black and Hispanic membership.

    BTW, I’ve seen no evidence what so ever that the Proud Boys were wearing orange hats. They never have in any prior video I’ve seen of them at other events. That, at this point, is at best a bald assertion, unsupported. We do know that many BLM and Antifa folks where doing a False Flag and wearing Trump gear (or what they thought it was) as some have already been arrested. So just HOW can NYT know who those folks are wearing orange knit caps? No evidence involved…

    We do get occasional glimmers of truth in the NYT hit piece, but scattered in such as way as to hide the meaning:

    At the same time, near the White House, Donald Trump Jr. films the president and his inner circle backstage before his father’s speech. In a video uploaded to his Facebook page, they are listening to the song “Gloria” and marveling at the size of the crowd.

    Juxtaposed with the “asserted Proud Boys” and conjoined with “far right wing” pejorative above, is this text that shows in fact Trump was 1.8 to 2 MILES away with the Big Crowd.

    Why not point out Trump was nowhere near the Capitol Building, and any incipient Troubles? Why not point out that the vast bulk of Trump Supporters were in that Big Crowd and it was full of happy peaceful people? Spin, that’s why.

    Then it goes way off the rails:

    Trump calls for march on Capitol.

    A large crowd heads in that direction.
    About 15 minutes into his speech, Mr. Trump tells rally attendees to walk to the Capitol. “You have to show strength,” he says.

    At this moment, the Capitol grounds are protected by temporary perimeter fences, and there are few officers equipped to defend them.

    First off, they have the time wrong. Second, missing context (a classic propaganda ploy).

    Here’s the actual first occurrence of “show strength” in context:

    Donald Trump: (16:25)
    Our media is not free. It’s not fair. It suppresses thought. It suppresses speech, and it’s become the enemy of the people. It’s become the enemy of the people. It’s the biggest problem we have in this country. No third world countries would even attempt to do what we caught them doing and you’ll hear about that in just a few minutes. Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer, and we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. If he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country because you’re sworn to uphold our constitution. Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.

    So at 16:25+ minutes, and IN THE CONTEXT OF cheering on Senators and congress critters.

    Doesn’t sound so ominous now, does it.

    Then that the Capitol grounds are “protected” poorly again has no context. Was this a coordinated effort to set up a False Flag by Pelosi and Co with the DC folks? SHE repeatedly did thing to weaken “defenses”. Given that we now KNOW Antifa and BLM folks were involved as False Flag participants in Trump Gear (arrests made, photos identified, remember…) it is not a large leap to thinking it was also somewhat “set up” from the defense side. Nor even that the NYT is in on the scam as propaganda wing. They have been so in the past.

    This next one is a hoot…

    Supporters leave the rally in a steady stream before Mr. Trump’s speech ends, and they head toward the Capitol.

    12:29 p.m. Constitution Ave.

    Anyone leaving at that time was either cold to the bone, or looking for a bathroom, or just heading home as there was no adequate facilities.

    I was in the crowd at the Ellipse then. NOBODY was leaving until Trump was ready to speak, and then they were largely “in the moment” until after a full hour of the speech.

    My best guess is that anyone leaving early (as I saw NONE moving through the crowd at that time stamp) would be folks at the far edge of the crowd, down the backside of the Washington Monument hill or way out at the Mall area who could not even hear what was being said as they were so far away. I was near the “Jumbotron” for the overflow area, and the crowd went past the Washington Monument from there. I doubt you could even get to Constitution Avenue from there if you tried (and nobody was trying).

    There was one row of “porta potties” that was clearly inadequate with lines. I had the good sense NOT to “hydrate” so did 8 hours, no pee break. At about the 1 hour mark of Trumps speech (well AFTER the above claimed time) some folks DID start leaving a few minutes early. Most were doing some variation of the “I’m cold slap dance” or the “where’s the potty” wiggle dance. NOBODY was headed to The Capitol Building for any “event”.

    It is a Damn Lie to claim they have any idea what was in the minds of the folks walking down Constitution Avenue. The Reagan building was open for toilets and some folks were headed there (no, I don’t know where it is exactly) along with looking for warmth and / or portapotties and places to put accumulated trash.

    There was also another event at the far end of the Mall. It is just as likely these folks are from that event, seeing that they could not get near the Trump speech area. A real timeline would account for that, too.

    Notice also the use of “march”. Folks were walking, not marching. There was no cadence, no ranks, no deliberation. Just folks walking the only way they could go to get back to where all the parking was at.

    As they arrive, another crowd of Trump supporters that has already gathered along the west perimeter fence becomes more agitated.

    12:49 p.m. West of the Capitol grounds

    Facts not in evidence. How do we KNOW the people walking “arrived” anywhere in particular? There were already 2 ‘events’ at the Capitol Building grounds, so not alot of room for more folks to “arrive”. My best guess is most of them were leaving for food, drink, bathroom, or warmth. There was about a 15 mph COLD wind and unless you arrived in decent cold weather gear, you got significantly cold. Many folks were not ready for that.

    Then the assertion of “more agitated”. I don’t see it in the video in evidence. Just a bunch of folks standing around talking looking a bit unhappy. Nothing much, really, happening at all. I can see one guy in ‘mostly black’ with a bit of green looking like maybe he’s trying to get attention. I’d peg him as an Antifa Agitator trying to drum up excitement and failing.

    We do get a nice time stamp that whatever is happening, it is well before Trump is done talking to all of us Real Trump Supporters down at the Ellipse.

    Then more “slander by association”:

    Around this time, a pipe bomb is reported at the Republican National Committee building, just a block away from the Capitol. Not long after, another device is discovered nearby at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

    So, WELL BEFORE Trump spoke, someone UNKNOWN planned, constructed, and placed some “pipe bombs”. OK, so what does this have to do with Trump? NOTHING.

    The list of what is not known is immense here. WHO did it? WHY? WHEN? Was it an anarchist targeting BOTH parties? An Antifa / BLM False Flag operative (We now have proof they were active in the False Flag events – photos identified, arrests made…)? Were the devices ACTIVE and ARMED? Or just ‘for show’ and to be ‘discovered’ by on side police? “The first casualty” is always the truth. We don’t KNOW the truth. AND neither does the NYT. But they choose to frame this as somehow Trump related.

    Just how is planting pipe bombs “cheering on” Senators? Eh?

    But the good bit is we now have hard evidence there was no way in hell Trump “instigated” this as he was not anywhere near done speaking at this point AND whoever did it was busy making the stuff days before Trump took the stage.

    12:53 p.m.–1:03 p.m.
    First Barriers Breached
    Trump continues speaking.

    Rioters topple a fence to the Capitol’s west.

    Congress begins joint session.

    Again a nice (no doubt accidental) bit of evidence that Trump was still speaking away and most all of the real Trump Supporters were anchored 1.8 miles away (modulo those looking for bathrooms, warmth, lunch or just leaving).

    Interesting side bar:

    Note that the “rioters” toppling the fence were almost entirely dressed in black, as Antifa does… No Trump Gear visible. Perhaps another bit of “accidental truth” from the NYT?

    About 20 minutes before Trump’s speech ends, some people in the Capitol crowd harass officers posted at the barricades and start to get physical. Others follow suit, until they violently overwhelm the police and breach the building’s outer perimeter.

    12:53 p.m. Northwest side of the Capitol

    Again some “accidental truth” that Trump was still speaking and thus could not be instigating something that happened before he was done. Folks 1.8 miles away were not hearing him.

    Then the “violently overwhelm” is a bit much. In some cases the police opened doors for the folks invading the building. Also of note: LARGE areas of fence had no police anywhere near it. IMHO any group choosing to confront an area with police was doing it for the photo op.

    Again I note that the general makeup of the folks “breaching” looks a whole lot more like Antifa than Trump Supporters. LOTS of black and dark clothes. Young crowd. Highly emotional. Look at the photos of Trump crowds. Lots of older folks. Lots of colored clothing. No hats on backwards. Emotionally subdued or emotionally having a great time.

    Doesn’t add up that these particular people are being called Trump Supporters. Only Trump gear I see is what looks like a brand new MAGA hat (being sold all over the place there by street vendors for $10 or sometimes 2 for $10 trying to clear out inventory).

    The next photo / video down also shows a lot of folks in black and dark clothing ‘on the steps’ but not the Typical Trump Gear nor look of the people. There are some flags in the distance, but can’t tell who’s holding them.

    At this time, the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, begins the proceedings to certify the Electoral College vote at a joint session of Congress, alongside Vice President Mike Pence.

    Outside, the chants begin: “Whose house? Our house!”

    That chant is just so lame. A direct lift of “Who’s Street? Our Street!” classical Antifa mode. When I arrived at the front of the Capitol building some long time later (when Trump FINALLY stopped his long winded speech…) there was one dodgy guy trying to get the real Trump Supporters to take up that chant. NOBODY was joining in and he was not getting any traction. My impression of him was “Nut bar, not a Trump person”.

    Meanwhile, 1.8 miles away, where Trump and all his real supporters are located:

    1:12 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
    Trump’s Call to Action

    Trump again calls for a march on the Capitol.

    Um, no. Just no. Trump used the word “march” once. And that was way back at the 18 minute mark:

    Donald Trump: (18:16)
    We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country. Our country has been under siege for a long time, far longer than this four-year period. We’ve set it on a much straighter course, a much … I thought four more years. I thought it would be easy. We created-

    Note again the context. Peacefully.

    What was going on nearer the end?

    Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
    So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give… The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

    Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
    So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible. Thank you very much. Thank you.

    Hardly a giant “Call To Action” for riot and mayhem (that was already in progress thanks to a Leftist False Flag effort). Just WALK down Pennsylvania avenue and an attempt to encourage Congress to do the right thing.

    Which is exactly what folks then did. It took about another hour to get there, as it took time for the crowd at the edges to clear and to walk the almost 2 miles.

    Trump ended up not walking with us. No doubt being informed of Troubles at the Capitol Building when he left the stage.

    As Mr. Trump’s speech comes to an end, he calls on his supporters to “walk down Pennsylvania Avenue” toward the Capitol. Rioters there continue to violently clash with officers, including reinforcements from the local police department who have arrived on the scene. Both sides spray chemical agents.

    But again we have a nice “accidental evidence” that this wasn’t Trump Supporters nor at his urging. It was ALREADY GOING ON when he finally ended his speech. Also, it is another video with mostly young folks dressed in the Antifa like Black colors (a few brown or green, but a minority). Not at all like the folks walking down the avenue in the prior video. Not “Trump Folks” at all, in my opinion.

    As this is already way too long, I’ll not bother with most of the rest of their chronical of what all was going on by this small band of, most likely, False Flag Antifa and BLM along with a few Useful Idiots while all the rest of us Real Trump Supporters were slowly making our way back up the Avenue.

    By the time I got there, this was mostly in the “talking around” phase with the ‘action’ moved inside. I’ve pointed out before we stopped at the car for a drink & snack and heard on the radio that one wing was evacuated and the other ready for it before we could even get to the Capitol Building after Trump’s speech.

    We did a quick turn in front of the steps area, took the photos I posted, and like almost everyone else from the Trump Rally, promptly left. Something about 8 hours standing in the cold without food, minimal hydration, in a cold stiff wind, and with no back support…

    Painting that as some kind of Trump Inspired Mob Attack is just Click Bait Jurno-Porn.

    Just what I’d expect from the NYT.

    There is one nice photo at the bottom showing all the Real Trump Supporters arriving LONG AFTER the rioters and False Flag folks have ‘done the deed’. I think I can even see our car in the staff parking lot! So likely I was sitting in it having some crackers and water when this was taken.

    Note that the general color of the crowd is far more colorful than the rioters… an indication of different “gang colors” at a minimum…

  45. billinoz says:

    I’ve always wondered whether some folks were mixing up fantasy and facts. Rudy Guilliani seems to be a good example :
    “Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani said he was just quoting a popular “documentary” called Game of Thrones when he told a rally “let’s have trial by combat” before last week’s riot.
    …….In an interview with The Hill newspaper this week, he explained he was referring to the “kind of trial that took place for Tyrion in that very famous documentary about fictitious medieval England.”

    And gossip says that trump is now refusing to pat Rudy’s legal bills when he acted for Trump in those failed various election legal challenges.

  46. Gail Combs says:

    OOOoooh, it gets better.
    Looks like Alexander wasn’t just milking dupes for money, he was setting up Republican law makers.

    Stop the Steal Organizer Ali Alexander Names Republican Lawmakers Mo Brooks, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andy Biggs & Paul Gosar as Organizing the Capitol Sedition

    Ali Akbar, a convicted felon and Somali, is now the face of a the scam that was Stop the Steal. He is now in hiding, after a video circulated online of him naming several high-profile Republican lawmakers involved with the Capitol storming last week, including Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama’s Fifth District, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia’s 14th District, and Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona’s Fourth District….

    Other than that the site is garbage.


    On Reddit two months ago.

    Ali Alexander, founder of the stopthecount movement, is really Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar, convicted felon and scam artist preying on desperate Trump Supporters for donations he will keep for himself. I saw a post about these protests and did a bit of research of the founder of this movement, Ali Alexander seemed a bit like a generic fake name, and sure enough it was. Dudes been in jail for a list of things …..

    In fact ,he actually had planned back in September, before the election even happened . He is also being sued for fraud for his last fake non profit




  47. another ian says:

    Some more “truth serum” for you

    “Hillary with her two-bob’s worth on dodgy election results”

  48. cdquarles says:

    Embedded in this CTH post is an indictment of an individual at the scene of the breached Capitol building: This individual is, apparently, not the same one as the person called Ali Alexander.

    I wonder if the NYT will report this? /rhetorical

  49. cdquarles says:

    Oops, not a legal indictment as in a grand jury true bill yet; but an affidavit used for an arrest warrant. Said legal indictment may yet come.

  50. another ian says:

    A long term Oz cheese brand, named after the surname of the bloke who invented the process is being politically corrected. Time to change brands.

    “Mrs Coon gets banned.”

  51. another ian says:

    Bloody Canadians

    Ownership of Coon cheese,%20formerly%20marketed%20as%20Red,Walker%20Cheese%20Co.%20in%201931%20as%20%22Red%20Coon%22.

  52. John Robertson says:

    Thanks for an honest report,yer killing the poor presstitutes.
    Today my local “Newz” channel was bragging up all the efforts to secure the capitol..The pictures show something just like a prison.
    Have these parasites caged themselves and had themselves surrounded with 20 000 Troops carrying live rounds?
    Wall to wall,”Trump Incites Violence”.
    Poor wee press critters,after a Summer of proving their creds as “Fake Newz” and 4 years of blatant lying..they think they matter.
    Me I am pondering the madness of Burn Loot Murder,being “Mostly peaceful protests” and the weak street theatre of the 6th Dec is “Massive Rioting by Rightwing extremists”.
    Leaves me pondering,what is the difference between a media talking head and a pinata?

    I guess we are about to see,if the Big Lie Technique works in the internet age.
    The Tech Lords are betting on it.
    I see their financial suicide and self destruction being more probable.

    All these freeloaders forget one small thing.
    Why would anyone trust anything they say,today or in the future.
    They were trusted with their customers information..They betrayed that trust in every way they could monetize.
    And with the cancel culture witch hunts ramping up,who would be so stupid as to trust such backstabbers again?

    Geez that would be like voting Democrat/Republican,thinking you would get a politician serving the national interest.

  53. David A says:

    Did Billinoz post something.

    , if such a person wishes to have a dialogue, they can actually answer questions.

    So, if an election is fraudlantly stolen, is that democratic?

    Is civil disobedience a respected aspect of democracy?

    Is it conceivable that opposition groups can infiltrate President Trump supporters and behave in violent illegal actions to cast President Trump supporters in a negative light?

    Is there evidence this occured?

    How do you refute this evidence?

    If modern technology and international corporations, and world political organizations have shrunk the world through their growth, is it possible that corruption has likewise grown to global proportions?

    What is the evidence for voter fraud that someone who says there was very little of, refutes?

    Were the many BLM riots far more numerous, violent and destructive then the clearly “mostly peaceful protest” at the Capitol?

    In the dozens of President Trump conventions, with many tens of thousands of supporters in dozens of states, were they not very peaceful?

    Has there been a pattern of violence against President Trump supporters?

    Have the democrats absurdly defended the hate mongering violent BLM and ANTIFA?

  54. Gail Combs says:

    Seems MAGA supporters can not only teleport, they can also time travel.

    POTUS screwed up the plans of ANTIFA by delaying his speech so the violence at the Capitol began BEFORE he finished speaking. There are several people who were at the Capitol who were witnesses BTW and there is plenty of video footage. The most DAMNING is the guy WELL AHEAD OF TIME with the wire cutters pulling up the fence AND THE POLICE DOING NOTHING!

    I will see if I can find the vid again.


    Micheal at the other site posted this:
    Did CNN Accidentally Prove That Trump Did NOT Call for Violence at the Capitol?
    BY MATT MARGOLIS JAN 14, 2021 11:18 AM ET

    The political left and their allies in the mainstream media have gloated over the second impeachment of Trump. In record time, articles of impeachment alleging President Trump incited an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol were filed and approved by the House of Representatives.

    Here is the key claim of the article of impeachment against President Trump

    Shortly before the Joint Session commenced, President Trump, addressed a crowd at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. There, he reiterated false claims that “we won this election, and we won it by a landslide.” He also willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged — and foreseeably resulted in — lawless action at the Capitol, such as: “if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore.” Thus incited by President Trump, members of the crowd he had addressed, in an attempt to, among other objectives, interfere with the Joint Session’s solemn constitutional duty to certify the results of the 2020 Presidential election, unlawfully breached and vandalized the Capitol, injured and killed law enforcement personnel, menaced Members of Congress, the Vice President, and Congressional personnel, and engaged in other violent, deadly, destructive and seditious acts.

    But according to a new report from CNN, “Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance video, suggests a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the attack on the US Capitol was not just a protest that spiraled out of control, a federal law enforcement official says.”

    This completely undermines the entire case Democrats made for impeaching Trump.

    CNN’s story also seems to support other reports that that the FBI had warned Capitol Police a day before the assault that there was evidence that an attack on the Capitol was expected and being planned on social media platforms, including Twitter.

    Despite this stunning admission, CNN also claims that the FBI is examining evidence that there are “indications that some participants at the Trump rally at the Ellipse, outside the White House, left the event early, perhaps to retrieve items to be used in the assault on the Capitol.” But the only quote cited in the article of impeachment, “if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore,” was made toward the end of his speech, not in the beginning. If that was his most incendiary rhetoric—and according to Democrats it must be if that’s what they chose to quote—then the argument that people heard that line and were suddenly motivated to go back home to retrieve items for an assault on the Capitol doesn’t hold up. Especially when Trump only said that after his speech they were going to “walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women.” That hardly sounds like inciting violence, does it?

    The bottom line: CNN’s report contradicts everything the left has alleged about the violence at the Capitol and undermines the justification for impeaching Trump. The riot at the Capitol was either planned in advance, or inspired by President Trump’s speech. It simply cannot be both.

  55. Gail Combs says:

    Talk about NO BRAINS! The idiot live streamed himself breaking a window and inciting people.
    (MAGA people stayed between the velvet ropes and were videoed righting knocked over trash cans and picking up trash and putting it back in the cans.)

    Breaking — FBI arrests left-wing Anarchist leader John Sullivan for inciting riot in Capitol siege…

    Anarchist John Sullivan was just arrested by FBI/DOJ for inciting a riot inside the U.S. Capitol. Evidence shows him agitating the crowd and encouraging violence.


    SULLIVAN, DOB 07/18/1994, is a resident of Utah. Based on publicly available information and information provided by SULLIVAN in an interview on January 7, 2021, described further below, SULLIVAN is the leader of an organization called Insurgence USA through which he organizes protests. On July 13, 2020, SULLIVAN was charged with Rioting and Criminal Mischief by the local law enforcement authorities in Provo, Utah, based on his activities around a June 30, 2020, protest in which a civilian was shot and injured. The case is still pending….

  56. Gail Combs says:

    Witness account of the Jan. 6 happenings at the Capitol.

  57. Serioso says:


    This is curious. You asked for a precise timeline of events. I provided it. Then my post, with the timeline, disappeared (it had been in moderation). Here’s the link once again, with the exact times..

    Reply: From Here On Down -E.M.S.:

    First off, the NYT has gone fully Left Partisan. Your insistence on them as some kind of truth teller is naive at best. But that aside, Let’s look at the various bits they spin up.

    The footage shows the simultaneous and alternating perspectives of Mr. Trump at the podium, the lawmakers inside the Capitol and the swelling numbers — and growing violence — of the rioters on the ground.

    First off, pretty much everyone was on site by about 8 AM. There were no “swelling numbers” after the initial fill-up of the place first thing in the morning. (I was part of it and can assure you, by about 8 AM there was no space left in the Ellipse area all the way past the Washington Monument)

    Second, there was no “growing violence”. Everything at the Ellipse, where Trump was speaking, was ENTIRELY 100% peaceful through the end of his speech. At the Capitol Building, near as I can tell from other reports of people who were there, nothing much happened until after noon when some Antifa / BLM Agent Provocateurs managed to goad some Useful Idiots into mounting the Capitol Steps (hardly a violent act in itself) and breaking into the building (that video shows was instigated by an Antifa guy – identified as such by photos of him at Antifa events – breaking a door with a helmet) that WAS violent, but very limited in scope.

    Then they label with “rioters on the ground” without any attempt to identify SIZE / Number or WHO they were. Out of something that looked like (and was described as) well over 100,000 folks, you have MAYBE 100 ish on the steps and a couple of dozen inside the building. Why not point that out, eh? WHY try to paint the VAST MAJORITY who were peaceful family types as “rioters” when they were not? SPIN for effect, that’s why.

    Note we’re not even through the first sentences of their piece and it’s already smelling like trash spin for effect. This is what you quote and think is valid evidence?

    Before Noon
    A Brewing Storm

    Yet MORE lies and spin. Again *I WAS THERE*. There was no “brewing storm”. It was a party like atmosphere. Smiling faces. Polite people. Lots of cooperation and sense of hopeful expectations. Folks were largely in a party mood.

    Now I can’t speak to the Antifa / BLM infiltrated and perhaps organized group on the Capitol Lawn, I could see them being cranky. BUT, that’s a very tiny number compared to the huge crowd that covered all the way from the ellipse past the Washington Monument to the Mall. THOSE were the real Trump Supporters. Look at photos of them. Smiles, families, fun people having a good time. (I have more such photos)

    For weeks, Mr. Trump had urged his supporters to go to Washington to stop the certification of the election results, and several simultaneous rallies were planned for Wednesday.

    As the morning arrives, hundreds assemble on the Capitol lawn, more than a mile away from where Trump will soon speak near the White House. Among them are the Proud Boys, a far-right group, identifiable here by their orange hats.

    Yet more garbage spin. Trump was NOT asking folks to “stop the certification”, he was asking folks to ‘certify the legal ballots and audit the illegal ones’. HUGE difference.

    Do you REALLY support the blatant FRAUDULENT ballots being counted? Do you REALLY think it is a good idea to accept a count based on corrupted machines? Shown to be corrupted by what limited audits have been done?

    Then, the Proud Boys are NOT a “far right” group. They do hold some traditional values, but mostly just want their members to be honest with themselves and do what’s right. The painting of them as “far right” is propaganda spin from The Left. Just like calling them ‘Racist’ is. Their leader being Afro Caribbean and having lots of Black and Hispanic membership.

    BTW, I’ve seen no evidence what so ever that the Proud Boys were wearing orange hats. They never have in any prior video I’ve seen of them at other events. That, at this point, is at best a bald assertion, unsupported. We do know that many BLM and Antifa folks where doing a False Flag and wearing Trump gear (or what they thought it was) as some have already been arrested. So just HOW can NYT know who those folks are wearing orange knit caps? No evidence involved…

    We do get occasional glimmers of truth in the NYT hit piece, but scattered in such as way as to hide the meaning:

    At the same time, near the White House, Donald Trump Jr. films the president and his inner circle backstage before his father’s speech. In a video uploaded to his Facebook page, they are listening to the song “Gloria” and marveling at the size of the crowd.

    Juxtaposed with the “asserted Proud Boys” and conjoined with “far right wing” pejorative above, is this text that shows in fact Trump was 1.8 to 2 MILES away with the Big Crowd.

    Why not point out Trump was nowhere near the Capitol Building, and any incipient Troubles? Why not point out that the vast bulk of Trump Supporters were in that Big Crowd and it was full of happy peaceful people? Spin, that’s why.

    Then it goes way off the rails:

    Trump calls for march on Capitol.

    A large crowd heads in that direction.
    About 15 minutes into his speech, Mr. Trump tells rally attendees to walk to the Capitol. “You have to show strength,” he says.

    At this moment, the Capitol grounds are protected by temporary perimeter fences, and there are few officers equipped to defend them.

    First off, they have the time wrong. Second, missing context (a classic propaganda ploy).

    Here’s the actual first occurrence of “show strength” in context:

    Donald Trump: (16:25)
    Our media is not free. It’s not fair. It suppresses thought. It suppresses speech, and it’s become the enemy of the people. It’s become the enemy of the people. It’s the biggest problem we have in this country. No third world countries would even attempt to do what we caught them doing and you’ll hear about that in just a few minutes. Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer, and we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. If he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country because you’re sworn to uphold our constitution. Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.

    So at 16:25+ minutes, and IN THE CONTEXT OF cheering on Senators and congress critters.

    Doesn’t sound so ominous now, does it.

    Then that the Capitol grounds are “protected” poorly again has no context. Was this a coordinated effort to set up a False Flag by Pelosi and Co with the DC folks? SHE repeatedly did thing to weaken “defenses”. Given that we now KNOW Antifa and BLM folks were involved as False Flag participants in Trump Gear (arrests made, photos identified, remember…) it is not a large leap to thinking it was also somewhat “set up” from the defense side. Nor even that the NYT is in on the scam as propaganda wing. They have been so in the past.

    This next one is a hoot…

    Supporters leave the rally in a steady stream before Mr. Trump’s speech ends, and they head toward the Capitol.

    12:29 p.m. Constitution Ave.

    Anyone leaving at that time was either cold to the bone, or looking for a bathroom, or just heading home as there was no adequate facilities.

    I was in the crowd at the Ellipse then. NOBODY was leaving until Trump was ready to speak, and then they were largely “in the moment” until after a full hour of the speech.

    My best guess is that anyone leaving early (as I saw NONE moving through the crowd at that time stamp) would be folks at the far edge of the crowd, down the backside of the Washington Monument hill or way out at the Mall area who could not even hear what was being said as they were so far away. I was near the “Jumbotron” for the overflow area, and the crowd went past the Washington Monument from there. I doubt you could even get to Constitution Avenue from there if you tried (and nobody was trying).

    There was one row of “porta potties” that was clearly inadequate with lines. I had the good sense NOT to “hydrate” so did 8 hours, no pee break. At about the 1 hour mark of Trumps speech (well AFTER the above claimed time) some folks DID start leaving a few minutes early. Most were doing some variation of the “I’m cold slap dance” or the “where’s the potty” wiggle dance. NOBODY was headed to The Capitol Building for any “event”.

    It is a Damn Lie to claim they have any idea what was in the minds of the folks walking down Constitution Avenue. The Reagan building was open for toilets and some folks were headed there (no, I don’t know where it is exactly) along with looking for warmth and / or portapotties and places to put accumulated trash.

    There was also another event at the far end of the Mall. It is just as likely these folks are from that event, seeing that they could not get near the Trump speech area. A real timeline would account for that, too.

    Notice also the use of “march”. Folks were walking, not marching. There was no cadence, no ranks, no deliberation. Just folks walking the only way they could go to get back to where all the parking was at.

    As they arrive, another crowd of Trump supporters that has already gathered along the west perimeter fence becomes more agitated.

    12:49 p.m. West of the Capitol grounds

    Facts not in evidence. How do we KNOW the people walking “arrived” anywhere in particular? There were already 2 ‘events’ at the Capitol Building grounds, so not alot of room for more folks to “arrive”. My best guess is most of them were leaving for food, drink, bathroom, or warmth. There was about a 15 mph COLD wind and unless you arrived in decent cold weather gear, you got significantly cold. Many folks were not ready for that.

    Then the assertion of “more agitated”. I don’t see it in the video in evidence. Just a bunch of folks standing around talking looking a bit unhappy. Nothing much, really, happening at all. I can see one guy in ‘mostly black’ with a bit of green looking like maybe he’s trying to get attention. I’d peg him as an Antifa Agitator trying to drum up excitement and failing.

    We do get a nice time stamp that whatever is happening, it is well before Trump is done talking to all of us Real Trump Supporters down at the Ellipse.

    Then more “slander by association”:

    Around this time, a pipe bomb is reported at the Republican National Committee building, just a block away from the Capitol. Not long after, another device is discovered nearby at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

    So, WELL BEFORE Trump spoke, someone UNKNOWN planned, constructed, and placed some “pipe bombs”. OK, so what does this have to do with Trump? NOTHING.

    The list of what is not known is immense here. WHO did it? WHY? WHEN? Was it an anarchist targeting BOTH parties? An Antifa / BLM False Flag operative (We now have proof they were active in the False Flag events – photos identified, arrests made…)? Were the devices ACTIVE and ARMED? Or just ‘for show’ and to be ‘discovered’ by on side police? “The first casualty” is always the truth. We don’t KNOW the truth. AND neither does the NYT. But they choose to frame this as somehow Trump related.

    Just how is planting pipe bombs “cheering on” Senators? Eh?

    But the good bit is we now have hard evidence there was no way in hell Trump “instigated” this as he was not anywhere near done speaking at this point AND whoever did it was busy making the stuff days before Trump took the stage.

    12:53 p.m.–1:03 p.m.
    First Barriers Breached
    Trump continues speaking.

    Rioters topple a fence to the Capitol’s west.

    Congress begins joint session.

    Again a nice (no doubt accidental) bit of evidence that Trump was still speaking away and most all of the real Trump Supporters were anchored 1.8 miles away (modulo those looking for bathrooms, warmth, lunch or just leaving).

    Interesting side bar:

    Note that the “rioters” toppling the fence were almost entirely dressed in black, as Antifa does… No Trump Gear visible. Perhaps another bit of “accidental truth” from the NYT?

    About 20 minutes before Trump’s speech ends, some people in the Capitol crowd harass officers posted at the barricades and start to get physical. Others follow suit, until they violently overwhelm the police and breach the building’s outer perimeter.

    12:53 p.m. Northwest side of the Capitol

    Again some “accidental truth” that Trump was still speaking and thus could not be instigating something that happened before he was done. Folks 1.8 miles away were not hearing him.

    Then the “violently overwhelm” is a bit much. In some cases the police opened doors for the folks invading the building. Also of note: LARGE areas of fence had no police anywhere near it. IMHO any group choosing to confront an area with police was doing it for the photo op.

    Again I note that the general makeup of the folks “breaching” looks a whole lot more like Antifa than Trump Supporters. LOTS of black and dark clothes. Young crowd. Highly emotional. Look at the photos of Trump crowds. Lots of older folks. Lots of colored clothing. No hats on backwards. Emotionally subdued or emotionally having a great time.

    Doesn’t add up that these particular people are being called Trump Supporters. Only Trump gear I see is what looks like a brand new MAGA hat (being sold all over the place there by street vendors for $10 or sometimes 2 for $10 trying to clear out inventory).

    The next photo / video down also shows a lot of folks in black and dark clothing ‘on the steps’ but not the Typical Trump Gear nor look of the people. There are some flags in the distance, but can’t tell who’s holding them.

    At this time, the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, begins the proceedings to certify the Electoral College vote at a joint session of Congress, alongside Vice President Mike Pence.

    Outside, the chants begin: “Whose house? Our house!”

    That chant is just so lame. A direct lift of “Who’s Street? Our Street!” classical Antifa mode. When I arrived at the front of the Capitol building some long time later (when Trump FINALLY stopped his long winded speech…) there was one dodgy guy trying to get the real Trump Supporters to take up that chant. NOBODY was joining in and he was not getting any traction. My impression of him was “Nut bar, not a Trump person”.

    Meanwhile, 1.8 miles away, where Trump and all his real supporters are located:

    1:12 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
    Trump’s Call to Action

    Trump again calls for a march on the Capitol.

    Um, no. Just no. Trump used the word “march” once. And that was way back at the 18 minute mark:

    Donald Trump: (18:16)
    We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country. Our country has been under siege for a long time, far longer than this four-year period. We’ve set it on a much straighter course, a much … I thought four more years. I thought it would be easy. We created-

    Note again the context. Peacefully.

    What was going on nearer the end?

    Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
    So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give… The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

    Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
    So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible. Thank you very much. Thank you.

    Hardly a giant “Call To Action” for riot and mayhem (that was already in progress thanks to a Leftist False Flag effort). Just WALK down Pennsylvania avenue and an attempt to encourage Congress to do the right thing.

    Which is exactly what folks then did. It took about another hour to get there, as it took time for the crowd at the edges to clear and to walk the almost 2 miles.

    Trump ended up not walking with us. No doubt being informed of Troubles at the Capitol Building when he left the stage.

    As Mr. Trump’s speech comes to an end, he calls on his supporters to “walk down Pennsylvania Avenue” toward the Capitol. Rioters there continue to violently clash with officers, including reinforcements from the local police department who have arrived on the scene. Both sides spray chemical agents.

    But again we have a nice “accidental evidence” that this wasn’t Trump Supporters nor at his urging. It was ALREADY GOING ON when he finally ended his speech. Also, it is another video with mostly young folks dressed in the Antifa like Black colors (a few brown or green, but a minority). Not at all like the folks walking down the avenue in the prior video. Not “Trump Folks” at all, in my opinion.

    As this is already way too long, I’ll not bother with most of the rest of their chronical of what all was going on by this small band of, most likely, False Flag Antifa and BLM along with a few Useful Idiots while all the rest of us Real Trump Supporters were slowly making our way back up the Avenue.

    By the time I got there, this was mostly in the “talking around” phase with the ‘action’ moved inside. I’ve pointed out before we stopped at the car for a drink & snack and heard on the radio that one wing was evacuated and the other ready for it before we could even get to the Capitol Building after Trump’s speech.

    We did a quick turn in front of the steps area, took the photos I posted, and like almost everyone else from the Trump Rally, promptly left. Something about 8 hours standing in the cold without food, minimal hydration, in a cold stiff wind, and with no back support…

    Painting that as some kind of Trump Inspired Mob Attack is just Click Bait Jurno-Porn.

    Just what I’d expect from the NYT.

    There is one nice photo at the bottom showing all the Real Trump Supporters arriving LONG AFTER the rioters and False Flag folks have ‘done the deed’. I think I can even see our car in the staff parking lot! So likely I was sitting in it having some crackers and water when this was taken.

    Note that the general color of the crowd is far more colorful than the rioters… an indication of different “gang colors” at a minimum…

  58. Gail Combs says:

    HUGE! CNN-NPR Photo-Journalist Jade Sacker was Embedded with Antifa Leader John Sullivan During Siege of US Capitol – Cheered “We Did It!” After Inciting Riot (VIDEO)

  59. Serioso says:

    Once again, here’s the link to the lime line for the insurrection:

    Reply: From Here On Down -E.M.S.:

    First off, the NYT has gone fully Left Partisan. Your insistence on them as some kind of truth teller is naive at best. But that aside, Let’s look at the various bits they spin up.

    The footage shows the simultaneous and alternating perspectives of Mr. Trump at the podium, the lawmakers inside the Capitol and the swelling numbers — and growing violence — of the rioters on the ground.

    First off, pretty much everyone was on site by about 8 AM. There were no “swelling numbers” after the initial fill-up of the place first thing in the morning. (I was part of it and can assure you, by about 8 AM there was no space left in the Ellipse area all the way past the Washington Monument)

    Second, there was no “growing violence”. Everything at the Ellipse, where Trump was speaking, was ENTIRELY 100% peaceful through the end of his speech. At the Capitol Building, near as I can tell from other reports of people who were there, nothing much happened until after noon when some Antifa / BLM Agent Provocateurs managed to goad some Useful Idiots into mounting the Capitol Steps (hardly a violent act in itself) and breaking into the building (that video shows was instigated by an Antifa guy – identified as such by photos of him at Antifa events – breaking a door with a helmet) that WAS violent, but very limited in scope.

    Then they label with “rioters on the ground” without any attempt to identify SIZE / Number or WHO they were. Out of something that looked like (and was described as) well over 100,000 folks, you have MAYBE 100 ish on the steps and a couple of dozen inside the building. Why not point that out, eh? WHY try to paint the VAST MAJORITY who were peaceful family types as “rioters” when they were not? SPIN for effect, that’s why.

    Note we’re not even through the first sentences of their piece and it’s already smelling like trash spin for effect. This is what you quote and think is valid evidence?

    Before Noon
    A Brewing Storm

    Yet MORE lies and spin. Again *I WAS THERE*. There was no “brewing storm”. It was a party like atmosphere. Smiling faces. Polite people. Lots of cooperation and sense of hopeful expectations. Folks were largely in a party mood.

    Now I can’t speak to the Antifa / BLM infiltrated and perhaps organized group on the Capitol Lawn, I could see them being cranky. BUT, that’s a very tiny number compared to the huge crowd that covered all the way from the ellipse past the Washington Monument to the Mall. THOSE were the real Trump Supporters. Look at photos of them. Smiles, families, fun people having a good time. (I have more such photos)

    For weeks, Mr. Trump had urged his supporters to go to Washington to stop the certification of the election results, and several simultaneous rallies were planned for Wednesday.

    As the morning arrives, hundreds assemble on the Capitol lawn, more than a mile away from where Trump will soon speak near the White House. Among them are the Proud Boys, a far-right group, identifiable here by their orange hats.

    Yet more garbage spin. Trump was NOT asking folks to “stop the certification”, he was asking folks to ‘certify the legal ballots and audit the illegal ones’. HUGE difference.

    Do you REALLY support the blatant FRAUDULENT ballots being counted? Do you REALLY think it is a good idea to accept a count based on corrupted machines? Shown to be corrupted by what limited audits have been done?

    Then, the Proud Boys are NOT a “far right” group. They do hold some traditional values, but mostly just want their members to be honest with themselves and do what’s right. The painting of them as “far right” is propaganda spin from The Left. Just like calling them ‘Racist’ is. Their leader being Afro Caribbean and having lots of Black and Hispanic membership.

    BTW, I’ve seen no evidence what so ever that the Proud Boys were wearing orange hats. They never have in any prior video I’ve seen of them at other events. That, at this point, is at best a bald assertion, unsupported. We do know that many BLM and Antifa folks where doing a False Flag and wearing Trump gear (or what they thought it was) as some have already been arrested. So just HOW can NYT know who those folks are wearing orange knit caps? No evidence involved…

    We do get occasional glimmers of truth in the NYT hit piece, but scattered in such as way as to hide the meaning:

    At the same time, near the White House, Donald Trump Jr. films the president and his inner circle backstage before his father’s speech. In a video uploaded to his Facebook page, they are listening to the song “Gloria” and marveling at the size of the crowd.

    Juxtaposed with the “asserted Proud Boys” and conjoined with “far right wing” pejorative above, is this text that shows in fact Trump was 1.8 to 2 MILES away with the Big Crowd.

    Why not point out Trump was nowhere near the Capitol Building, and any incipient Troubles? Why not point out that the vast bulk of Trump Supporters were in that Big Crowd and it was full of happy peaceful people? Spin, that’s why.

    Then it goes way off the rails:

    Trump calls for march on Capitol.

    A large crowd heads in that direction.
    About 15 minutes into his speech, Mr. Trump tells rally attendees to walk to the Capitol. “You have to show strength,” he says.

    At this moment, the Capitol grounds are protected by temporary perimeter fences, and there are few officers equipped to defend them.

    First off, they have the time wrong. Second, missing context (a classic propaganda ploy).

    Here’s the actual first occurrence of “show strength” in context:

    Donald Trump: (16:25)
    Our media is not free. It’s not fair. It suppresses thought. It suppresses speech, and it’s become the enemy of the people. It’s become the enemy of the people. It’s the biggest problem we have in this country. No third world countries would even attempt to do what we caught them doing and you’ll hear about that in just a few minutes. Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer, and we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. If he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country because you’re sworn to uphold our constitution. Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.

    So at 16:25+ minutes, and IN THE CONTEXT OF cheering on Senators and congress critters.

    Doesn’t sound so ominous now, does it.

    Then that the Capitol grounds are “protected” poorly again has no context. Was this a coordinated effort to set up a False Flag by Pelosi and Co with the DC folks? SHE repeatedly did thing to weaken “defenses”. Given that we now KNOW Antifa and BLM folks were involved as False Flag participants in Trump Gear (arrests made, photos identified, remember…) it is not a large leap to thinking it was also somewhat “set up” from the defense side. Nor even that the NYT is in on the scam as propaganda wing. They have been so in the past.

    This next one is a hoot…

    Supporters leave the rally in a steady stream before Mr. Trump’s speech ends, and they head toward the Capitol.

    12:29 p.m. Constitution Ave.

    Anyone leaving at that time was either cold to the bone, or looking for a bathroom, or just heading home as there was no adequate facilities.

    I was in the crowd at the Ellipse then. NOBODY was leaving until Trump was ready to speak, and then they were largely “in the moment” until after a full hour of the speech.

    My best guess is that anyone leaving early (as I saw NONE moving through the crowd at that time stamp) would be folks at the far edge of the crowd, down the backside of the Washington Monument hill or way out at the Mall area who could not even hear what was being said as they were so far away. I was near the “Jumbotron” for the overflow area, and the crowd went past the Washington Monument from there. I doubt you could even get to Constitution Avenue from there if you tried (and nobody was trying).

    There was one row of “porta potties” that was clearly inadequate with lines. I had the good sense NOT to “hydrate” so did 8 hours, no pee break. At about the 1 hour mark of Trumps speech (well AFTER the above claimed time) some folks DID start leaving a few minutes early. Most were doing some variation of the “I’m cold slap dance” or the “where’s the potty” wiggle dance. NOBODY was headed to The Capitol Building for any “event”.

    It is a Damn Lie to claim they have any idea what was in the minds of the folks walking down Constitution Avenue. The Reagan building was open for toilets and some folks were headed there (no, I don’t know where it is exactly) along with looking for warmth and / or portapotties and places to put accumulated trash.

    There was also another event at the far end of the Mall. It is just as likely these folks are from that event, seeing that they could not get near the Trump speech area. A real timeline would account for that, too.

    Notice also the use of “march”. Folks were walking, not marching. There was no cadence, no ranks, no deliberation. Just folks walking the only way they could go to get back to where all the parking was at.

    As they arrive, another crowd of Trump supporters that has already gathered along the west perimeter fence becomes more agitated.

    12:49 p.m. West of the Capitol grounds

    Facts not in evidence. How do we KNOW the people walking “arrived” anywhere in particular? There were already 2 ‘events’ at the Capitol Building grounds, so not alot of room for more folks to “arrive”. My best guess is most of them were leaving for food, drink, bathroom, or warmth. There was about a 15 mph COLD wind and unless you arrived in decent cold weather gear, you got significantly cold. Many folks were not ready for that.

    Then the assertion of “more agitated”. I don’t see it in the video in evidence. Just a bunch of folks standing around talking looking a bit unhappy. Nothing much, really, happening at all. I can see one guy in ‘mostly black’ with a bit of green looking like maybe he’s trying to get attention. I’d peg him as an Antifa Agitator trying to drum up excitement and failing.

    We do get a nice time stamp that whatever his happening, it is well before Trump is done talking to all of us Real Trump Supporters down at the Ellipse.

    Then more “slander by association”:

    Around this time, a pipe bomb is reported at the Republican National Committee building, just a block away from the Capitol. Not long after, another device is discovered nearby at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

    So, WELL BEFORE Trump spoke, someone UNKNOWN planned, constructed, and placed some “pipe bombs”. OK, so what does this have to do with Trump? NOTHING.

    The list of what is not known is immense here. WHO did it? WHY? WHEN? Was it an anarchist targeting BOTH parties? An Antifa / BLM False Flag operative (We now have proof they were active in the False Flag events – photos identified, arrests made…)? Were the devices ACTIVE and ARMED? Or just ‘for show’ and to be ‘discovered’ by on side police? “The first casualty” is always the truth. We don’t KNOW the truth. AND neither does the NYT. But they choose to frame this as somehow Trump related.

    Just how is planting pipe bombs “cheering on” Senators? Eh?

    But the good bit is we now have hard evidence there was no way in hell Trump “instigated” this as he was not anywhere near done speaking at this point AND whoever did it was busy days before Trump took the stage making the stuff.

    12:53 p.m.–1:03 p.m.
    First Barriers Breached
    Trump continues speaking.

    Rioters topple a fence to the Capitol’s west.

    Congress begins joint session.

    Again a nice (no doubt accidental) bit of evidence that Trump was still speaking away and most all of the real Trump Supporters were anchored 1.8 miles away (modulo those looking for bathrooms, warmth, lunch or just leaving).

    Interesting side bar:

    Note that the “rioters” toppling the fence were almost entirely dressed in black, as Antifa does… No Trump Gear visible. Perhaps another bit of “accidental truth” from the NYT?

    About 20 minutes before Trump’s speech ends, some people in the Capitol crowd harass officers posted at the barricades and start to get physical. Others follow suit, until they violently overwhelm the police and breach the building’s outer perimeter.

    12:53 p.m. Northwest side of the Capitol

    Again some “accidental truth” that Trump was still speaking and thus could not be instigating something that happened before he was done. Folks 1.8 miles away were not hearing him.

    Then the “violently overwhelm” is a bit much. In some cases the police opened doors for the folks invading the building. Also of note: LARGE areas of fence had no police anywhere near it. IMHO any group choosing to confront an area with police was doing it for the photo op.

    Again I note that the general makeup of the folks “breaching” looks a whole lot more like Antifa than Trump Supporters. LOTS of black and dark cloths. Young crowd. Highly emotional. Look at the photos of Trump crowds. Lots of older folks. Lots of colored clothing. No hats on backwards. Emotionally subdued or emotionally having a great time.

    Doesn’t add up that these particular people are being called Trump Supporters. Only Trump gear I see is what looks like a brand new MAGA hat (being sold all over the place there by street vendors for $10 or sometimes 2 for $10 trying to clear out inventory).

    The next photo / video down also shows a lot of folks in black and dark clothing ‘on the steps’ but not the Typical Trump Gear nor look of the people. There are some flags in the distance, but can’t tell who’s holding them.

    At this time, the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, begins the proceedings to certify the Electoral College vote at a joint session of Congress, alongside Vice President Mike Pence.

    Outside, the chants begin: “Whose house? Our house!”

    That chant is just so lame. A direct lift of “Who’s Street? Our Street!” classical Antifa mode. When I arrived at the front of the Capitol building some long time later (when Trump FINALLY stopped his long winded speech…) there was one dodgy guy trying to get the real Trump Supporters to take up that chant. NOBODY was joining in and he was not getting any traction. My impression of him was “Nut bar, not a Trump person”.

    Meanwhile, 1.8 miles away, where Trump and all his real supporters are located:

    1:12 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
    Trump’s Call to Action

    Trump again calls for a march on the Capitol.

    Um, no. Just no. Trump used the word “march” once. And that was way back at the 18 minute mark:

    Donald Trump: (18:16)
    We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country. Our country has been under siege for a long time, far longer than this four-year period. We’ve set it on a much straighter course, a much … I thought four more years. I thought it would be easy. We created-

    Note again the context. Peacefully.

    What was going on nearer the end?

    Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
    So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give… The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

    Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
    So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible. Thank you very much. Thank you.

    Hardly a giant “Call To Action” for riot and mayhem (that was already in progress thanks to a Leftist False Flag effort). Just WALK down Pennsylvania avenue and an attempt to encourage Congress to do the right thing.

    Which is exactly what folks then did. It took about another hour to get there, as it took time for the crowd at the edges to clear and to walk the almost 2 miles.

    Trump ended up not walking with us. No doubt being informed of Troubles at the Capitol Building when he left the stage.

    As Mr. Trump’s speech comes to an end, he calls on his supporters to “walk down Pennsylvania Avenue” toward the Capitol. Rioters there continue to violently clash with officers, including reinforcements from the local police department who have arrived on the scene. Both sides spray chemical agents.

    But again we have a nice “accidental evidence” that this wasn’t Trump Supporters nor at his urging. It was ALREADY GOING ON when he finally ended his speech. Also, it is another video with mostly young folks dressed in the Antifa like Black colors (a few brown or green, but a minority). Not at all like the folks walking down the avenue in the prior video. Not “Trump Folks” at all, in my opinion.

    As this is already way too long, I’ll not bother with most of the rest of their chronical of what all was going on by this small band of, most likely, False Flag Antifa and BLM along with a few Useful Idiots while all the rest of us Real Trump Supporters were slowly making our way back up the Avenue.

    By the time I got there, this was mostly in the “talking around” phase with the ‘action’ moved inside. I’ve pointed out before we stopped at the car for a drink & snack and heard on the radio that one wing was evacuated and the other ready for it before we could even get to the Capitol Building after Trump’s speech.

    We did a quick turn in front of the steps area, took the photos I posted, and like almost everyone else from the Trump Rally, promptly left. Something about 8 hours standing in the cold without food, minimal hydration, in a cold stiff wind, and with no back support…

    Painting that as some kind of Trump Inspired Mob Attack is just Click Bait Jurno-Porn.

    Just what I’d expect from the NYT.

    There is one nice photo at the bottom showing all the Real Trump Supporters arriving LONG AFTER the rioters and False Flag folks have ‘done the deed’. I think I can even see our car in the staff parking lot! So likely I was sitting in it having some crackers and water when this was taken.

    Note that the general color of the crowd is far more colorful than the rioters… an indication of different “gang colors” at a minimum…

  60. Gail Combs says:

    Rex on the planner of the Capitol Siege.

    1. Obama’s children : the most ignorant and arrogant young people on the planet.

    Also, totally detached from reality.
    Many live in a fantasy world in which they are the heroic stars of their own movie.
    Take John Sullivan, the cretin just arrested in what increasingly appears to be a co-ordinated, pre-planned conspiracy by leftist apparatchiks, to frame #MAGA and POTUS Trump.

    Here’s ‘lil John (or as he calls himself, Jayden X) suddenly tasting reality:


    2. Well, I can report to you that John is NOT from Utah.
    He is in fact from VIRGINIA.

    Until 2016, he seemed to have been living a productive life. In fact, he moved to Utah to pursue a career in speed skating.
    He was training with top coaches 50-60 hours a week (no doubt laid for by Mommy and Daddy) but to give him credit, worked to generate an income.

    Here’s a bio of the younger John from 2016:

    3. Here is a fascinating article I found from September this year, that summarizes a young man from a wealthy family, who was radicalized into an extreme leftist anarchist.

    Apparently his family is devastated.
    Not that John would care.

    In his fantasy world, he and his buddies are like the rebels in Star Wars, taking on the evil Empire.
    But their delusion is deeper and more disturbing, than that.

    4. They have somehow convinced themselves that they are the pointy end of the progressive spear.
    The most intelligent, ethical and advanced humans to have ever existed.
    Ergo, their beliefs are not up for ‘debate’ or question. They are ‘TRUTH’.
    Ditto, power is not something that others can be entrusted with. They are ENTITLED to have power over others, because they are superior.
    They are also above human laws and anything they do is justified.
    That includes violence, murder & destruction.

    5. I can’t be the only one struck by the way these lunatics commit crime in public, without a care in the world.

    Lil’ John filmed his entire crime at Capitol Hill, using his own camera, with his own narration. His co-conspirators, including a CNN correspondent, giggled as they congratulated each other and admitted ‘we did it!’.

    They WANT to be seen doing it. That’s the whole point.

    Mystery solved. Now what is Nancy going to use to impeach POTUS?

  61. H.R. says:

    Fire the U.S. Postal Service and hire Gail Combs.

    She delivers!

    Thanks, Gail. I’m not seeing that anywhere except here.👍👍
    (Actually, I’m not seeing much of anything except here. For some reason, E.M.’s blog is the only thing that comes up semi-reliably for me right now. Oh, and p.g.’s blog. I think they haven’t maxed out the complexities that WordPress offers, so I only get dropped half the time.)

  62. E.M.Smith says:

    Well, I take a few hours off for a party with Family & friends and find all sorts of interesting stuff has shown up! Thanks, Gail, for keeping things going!

    Unfortunately, I’m still pretty “road beat” and need yet more sleep to recover from my 2 weeks of sleep deprivation / marathon driving, so as I’m barely keeping awake right now, I’ll be reading all your stuff some time tomorrow.

    A quick skim does confirm the same things I saw. Non-Trump types full of all sorts of energy trying to get others to join in their stupid law breaking, and Trump Supporters either looking at them blandly, are deciding to just leave. ( I did both at two different stages in about 10 minutes from first idiot encounter to last…)

    I’m very glad my “Better Angles” kept me from thinking it might be fun to enter the building (when solicited by an excited 20? something in bad camo to join in with “we did it, we got in!”) or go up the steps (when the Antifa like bullhorn guy was shouting that “the action is up there on the steps” and nobody moved…). I just thought “How does that help anything? It doesn’t.” so took some pictures and left.


    (Everyone else: Note that Serioso is in moderation and now unhappy about it. Expediting me to be his personal servant).

    Dear Serioso,

    I’m so sorry you got yourself into “Moderation” by yet again insulting folks. But them’s the breaks. I’m also sorry you can’t STAND it that I’m not here to service your every whim and comment every single moment of the day. So I come home from a party and find you whining and complaining that you posted 3 comments (mostly repeats of each other) and I’ve not DONE SOMETHING NOW!!!! with them.

    Well, you know what, you can just stew on that until some time tomorrow. I’m just getting home from a good time out, I’m dead tired, and the servicing of whiny complaints in the Moderation Queue is last on my list of things to do. Unfortunately, your snark and flat out deceptive “evidence” requires I spend a good chunk of time including rebuttal information so that you do not just clutter up the place with crap, unopposed. As that’s not time I have before I fall asleep and as I’m just not giving a damn about you and your wants at the moment, you get to wait.

    Maybe next time (whenever that comes) that i take you back out of Moderation, you can remember to not lace all your stuff with insults. Just play nice and the world is nicer in return. Insult and crap in the punch bowl, the world is not so nice.

  63. Gail Combs says:

    More video of Antifa at the Capitol

  64. Gail Combs says:

    HMMmmm Looks like Mitch the Post Turtle and Nancy Pelosi might have been in on the breaking in at the Capitol so they would have an excuse to put Biden in as president as their Chinese masters were demanding. Skuttlebutt — Gnews (Chinese opposition) said Xi had *demanded* that the Dems “take care of Trump” by January 6.

  65. M Simon says:

    Gail Combs says:
    15 January 2021 at 4:02 am

    Sounds a lot like PTSD esp the craving for control. Which would indicate either child abuse or coach abuse.

  66. M Simon says:

    Why did China want Trump out by the 6th? So bad that even their sleepers (Crenshaw etc) were exposed?

    Yeah. More Hopium pron.

  67. M Simon says:

    John Solomon reports about 10 minutes of audio. I replay the opening theme, it is catchy. From the SDA link above.
    [audio src=",788d89c9-f106-5b95-9329-d6532bcee063,6TZ7tneNYJIyzkCgTdSM4u--NqY/episodes/f6d8bfc1-ae9e-4f3c-a1e6-65e40d753d6b/560bcdd9f81df837c39c7c5acf223c42836eba456bf94eaf08d96fc9f0dd49f88654769d4a293b45de90f1cd507fcc0c694c6923765c67273d2e2d152e37c1ed/011421%20JSR.mp3" /]

  68. David A says:

    Some trolls do naught but repeatedly post ignorant biased, many times refuted, perspectives, ignoring
    all available evidence to the contrary. They remain wholly non-responsive to any, or even over-whelming evidence refuting their links. Such persons are unworthy of engagement,

    If such a person wishes to have a dialogue, they can actually answer questions.

    If an election is frauduantly stolen, is that democratic?

    Is civil disobedience a respected aspect of democracy?

    Is it conceivable that opposition groups can infiltrate President Trump supporters and behave in violent illegal actions to cast President Trump supporters in a negative light?

    Is there evidence this occured?

    How do you refute this evidence?

    If modern technology and international corporations, and world political organizations have shrunk the world through their global growth, is it possible that corruption has likewise grown to global proportions?

    What is the evidence for voter fraud that someone who says there was very little of, refutes?

    Were the many BLM riots far more numerous, violent and destructive then the clearly “mostly peaceful protest” at the Capitol?

    In the dozens of President Trump ralleys, with over 1.1 MILLION supporters attending from dozens of states, were they not very peaceful?

    Has there been a pattern of violence against President Trump supporters?

    Have the democrats and corrupt media absurdly defended the hate mongering violent BLM and ANTIFA?

  69. David A says:

    So one example if how a real conversation may go would be to show evidence that President Trump supported the few rioters there were
    ( one would have to ignore massive evidence that those engaging in violence and destruction were NOT President Trump supporters) who engaged in violence and President Trump then actually helped bail them out of jail. That would look very bad for President Trump yes?

    Well it happened, not however by President Trump, yet by Kamala Harris and it was far more violent protestors. The coup installed Harris actively supported violent protestors entering by force public buildings, breaking into businesses, setting property on fire, assaulting people.

  70. David A says:

    Wow, the wife of a publicly known Biden supporter was randomly assulted and hospitalized.

    Whoops, we got it backwards. It was the wife of a known Trump supporter. There are literally hundreds of examples of this, and ZERO of the opposite.

  71. David A says:

    Sometimes such non serious trolls link to articles one has to subscribe to in order to read. They also ignore evidence of massive corruption of intelligence agencies that protect violent criminals and falsely protest simple ” leave us alone” patriots as violent terrorists.

    Such trolls pretend the Capitol must have massive security during Biden’s inauguration. Perhaps they are thinking of how those they support would behave if the rolls were reversed.

  72. E.M.Smith says:


    I’m happy to report that a “right mouse” click on the twitter video gives “copy video Address”; and that gives an address that can be pasted after “youtube-dl ” on a command line and downloads a copy. In short, I was able to copy a twitter video! Nice!

    “ems@OdroidN2:~$ youtube-dl

    did it for me.

  73. E.M.Smith says:


    I think you need to vet your sources a bit better. You DO know the Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos and acts as his personal lever of political influence, don’t you?

    The editorial policy is rather left and hard core TDS Trump hating. Think about it.

    Then think about how you let the media you read shape and direct your thoughts. Critical Reading Skill involves looking for and finding the “spin” and manipulation; identifying the editorial direction and then filtering out the little bits of truth embedded in “the story” from all the chaff of spin and editorializing.

    GOOD Journalism is all about the facts and not much more. BAD journalism is loaded with emotional buttons, innuendo, guilt by association, in short (these days) lots of “click bait”.

    If you can’t tell the difference between those two poles, best you don’t read any media.

    BTW, the entire capitol grounds are wide open to foot traffic. Anyone, from anywhere, can just walk in. Now in a crowd of such massive size, you can reasonably suspect all sorts of Bad People will be in there working the crowd. Pickpockets. Professional trouble makers. Idiots looking for a fight. Just like every single large group of folks showing up to an event. There is NO NEWS in that.

    Now what ought to be news, is just how FEW issues there were in a crowd that large. I stood for 8 hours surrounded by strangers as far as the eye could see. Everyone was polite. Not ONE insult or gruff word to me. I’ve had more insults here, in one page, than all day there. Toward the end, a “garbage bag” was circulated and folks were putting their trash in it. Policing their own area. It was the most peaceful and polite and friendly and moral and honest crowd I’ve ever been in. Not a single fight or disturbance.

    Now, down at the Capitol Building Lawn, it was a different kind of mix. Away from the steps it was the usual Trump Folks. As I’ve said before, a Mom taking selfies with her 3 small kids; a prayer circle; and a choir singing traditional songs. Only up near the approach to the steps did that change. That was where I ran into the Bad Camo Agitator and the All Black Antifa Pod (in my estimation) who were trying to foment violence and illegality. THEY were NOT the Trump Audience. Not at all.

    So where is the news in the notion that given 100,000? people, some were bad actors and wanted? There is none.

  74. E.M.Smith says:


    On slow links, a “high page weight” page can seem to stall as it loads up all sorts of crap. Not just videos and big detailed pictures, but also all the java and related “programs” that some run in the background to display ads and gather information.

    I just do simple pages with mostly text and a couple of links to a video or image, at most. (WordPress may insert some advertizing, but it seems to be mostly small and static images).

    When I’m on the tablet out in Hell ‘n Gone at Bob’s Coffee & Junk Shop with 100 people on his dial-up WiFi, I get that effect in spades…. Sometimes waiting a Very Long Time, the page eventually loads. Sometimes it timers out mid load as some part of their embedded Java / RSS / PHP / etc. code gives up and dies…

  75. E.M.Smith says:


    (Yes, I’m finally catching up with comments on my own blog ;-)

    Yes, they have it:

    It repeatedly references working with “Stop The Steal”, but didn’t Gail point to them being somewhat fraudulent?

    The Non-Incitement & The Instigators

    Ali Akbar, a convicted felon and Somali, is now the face of a the scam that was Stop the Steal. He is now in hiding, after a video circulated online of him naming several high-profile

    Also, they list 48 “invited speakers and guests”. No way you can have 48 people take the stage and say anything meaningful in the time available. They say:

    “Event goes from 1 PM – 5 PM” but we know they Troubles started about 2 pm (or a little earlier) so there was virtually no time for speakers.

    It would be very interesting to find out if any of these “invited speakers and guests” even knew they were invited or showed up…

    Invited Speakers & Featured Guests

    Rep. Paul Gosar
    Ali Alexander
    Roger Stone
    Rep-Elect Marjorie Greene
    Scott Presler
    JennyBeth Martin
    Rep. Lance Gooden
    Rep-Elect Lauren Boebert
    Dr. Simone Gold
    State Rep. Vernon Jones
    CJ Pearson
    Eugene Yu
    State Rep. Mark Finchem
    State Sen. Doug Mastriano
    State Rep. Anthony Kern
    Ed Martin
    Brandon Straka
    Joe Flynn
    Shemeka Michelle
    Rose Tennent
    Michael Coudrey
    Alex Bruesewitz
    Kimberly Fletcher
    Melissa Tate
    Megan Barth
    Courtney Holland
    Ian Smith
    Matt Couch
    John Schlafly
    Jim Hoft
    Maggie VandenBerghe
    Austen Fletcher
    Rogan O’Handley
    Andrew Pollack
    Ricky Rebel
    Lucian Wintrich
    Jason Jones
    Rob Weaver
    Arina Grossu
    Tim Canova
    Rep Ted Budd
    Ryan Fournier
    Pastor Darrell Scott
    Abby Johnson
    Lance Wallnau
    Chandler Crump

    Frankly, I’m smelling a rat.

    Much of their effort on the page is put into gathering email addresses and donations…

  76. E.M.Smith says:


    I was able to download the Rumble video of Furry Hat. It’s a little different than the other sources. First, open their “embed” section, then pick the “IFRAME URL”. That’s the target to use:

    ems@OdroidN2:~/Videos$ youtube-dl
    [RumbleEmbed] v9yjfn: Downloading JSON metadata
    [download] Destination: Anatomy of a Potential Agent Provocateur-v9yjfn.mp4
    [download] 100% of 88.50MiB in 03:02

    So looks like I can at a minimum do Youtube, Rumble, and Twitter video downloads.

    I think I’m gonna need a bigger disk ;-)

    FWIW, this is shaping up to be one giant False Flag Event with BOTH the “wild protest” site AND the “stop the steal” being for the purpose of creating the Troubles and set up / operated by folks from the left.

    Trump ought to have had some security staff assigned to scope out and vet any group setting up an event at the Capitol. Most likely he was told that the D.C. police or some TLA were “on it”, when they were in fact enabling it. Lesson learned? NEVER EVER trust any agency in The Swamp of D.C.

  77. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    Just tried to re-read the SDA links. Got a time out. Has SmallDeadAnimals been fed to the grinder?

    This site can’t be reached 
    took too long to respond.
  78. p.g.sharrow says:

    Military Intelligence knew about the setup and was tracking it in real time. They had a team ready to swoop in, hustle the staffers out of their offices, collect their laptops for examination of the contents. They had to let this play out to gather evidence to be used for a military rollup of the Dark State to take place only after all their traps were sprung.
    The FBI……. the real FBI, are now picking up the known Rioters. Left wing anarchists, Antifa and BLM people that are bragging about their exploits because they think that they are heroes that will be released by friendly prosecutors, Not this time! Among the laptops, communications with the rioters including planning for the Capitol Hill “break in”. 3 of the Capitol Hill Police officials have been “allowed” to resign over their actions in allowing the rioters access into the building. There are heavy Guard and Federal officers presence around the country to pick up Rioters as soon as they make their presence known. There will be no friendly Soros DAs to protect them this time. Every Congress person was presented with a dossier that included proof of the vote count fraud. Those that voted FOR certification of the election are now dirty as accessories after the fact to that fraud. The Country is in emergency status. and as soon as the promised riots start Martial Law. and military Arrest for the plotters
    For 240 years the Military have sworn fidelity to the Constitution and the duly elected President. Trump is the last accepted elected president, The military will not allow Biden/Harris to become their commanders as long as there is a question over the election.

  79. The True Nolan says:

    @ p.g. “For 240 years the Military have sworn fidelity to the Constitution and the duly elected President. Trump is the last accepted elected president, The military will not allow Biden/Harris to become their commanders as long as there is a question over the election.”

    From your mouth to God’s ear. If not soon, then never. We are at a fork in history, not just for the US, but for humanity.

  80. E.M.Smith says:


    I do hope you are right. It would explain why the laptop went missing but nothing is being said about it, and why Pellousy was so hot to do a do-over impeachment. Scared and violent?

    But I do have this yet-again-dejavu of “This time for sure!!!” and then dead air…

    So I’ll wait. But not feeling the love right now…

  81. E.M.Smith says:


    I’ve thought Trump was going to walk into the Trap with “walk down Pennsylvania ave” but got intercepted by the Secret Service and hustled away. What if….

    Did POTUS perhaps know he wasn’t going to make the walk and hit the Situation Room instead? Monitored events as they happened. Issued his “go home” once it was clear they had “the goods”?

    I’d love to think that. Only problem is zero evidence, 100% speculation. Then again, a really secure operation would leave no evidence…

    One bit I’d not mentioned before:

    About the 1/2 way? point of our walk down Constitution Ave, a suite of 2 or 3 black SUVs with lights flashing (of the sort used in the POTUS caravans…) crossed the route of walkers at some major street. I was wondering where they were going in such a hurry and was POTUS in there somewhere, though I didn’t see his limo / special beast. But let it slide.

    This would have been about the time the Antifa / BLM / Useful Idiot groups were past the first doors and entering the interior spaces. It would be about the right timing for a Secret Services team to coordinate picking up the evidence from assigned agents in the ‘invading’ group… I think they turned toward the Capitol Building on the Mall as it was way wider than the streets and a lot faster for a vehicle, but I’m not sure.

    Oh Well. Maybe some day we’ll find out.

  82. Serioso says:

    I am confused. You asked me for a more accurate timeline of the events in the Capitol. I thought I provided you with just that, on two separate occasions. As far as I can tell, you deleted both posts. Here it is once again. I think this is a useful for everyone to see.

    Reply: From Here On Down -E.M.S.:

    First off, the NYT has gone fully Left Partisan. Your insistence on them as some kind of truth teller is naive at best. But that aside, Let’s look at the various bits they spin up.

    The footage shows the simultaneous and alternating perspectives of Mr. Trump at the podium, the lawmakers inside the Capitol and the swelling numbers — and growing violence — of the rioters on the ground.

    First off, pretty much everyone was on site by about 8 AM. There were no “swelling numbers” after the initial fill-up of the place first thing in the morning. (I was part of it and can assure you, by about 8 AM there was no space left in the Ellipse area all the way past the Washington Monument)

    Second, there was no “growing violence”. Everything at the Ellipse, where Trump was speaking, was ENTIRELY 100% peaceful through the end of his speech. At the Capitol Building, near as I can tell from other reports of people who were there, nothing much happened until after noon when some Antifa / BLM Agent Provocateurs managed to goad some Useful Idiots into mounting the Capitol Steps (hardly a violent act in itself) and breaking into the building (that video shows was instigated by an Antifa guy – identified as such by photos of him at Antifa events – breaking a door with a helmet) that WAS violent, but very limited in scope.

    Then they label with “rioters on the ground” without any attempt to identify SIZE / Number or WHO they were. Out of something that looked like (and was described as) well over 100,000 folks, you have MAYBE 100 ish on the steps and a couple of dozen inside the building. Why not point that out, eh? WHY try to paint the VAST MAJORITY who were peaceful family types as “rioters” when they were not? SPIN for effect, that’s why.

    Note we’re not even through the first sentences of their piece and it’s already smelling like trash spin for effect. This is what you quote and think is valid evidence?

    Before Noon
    A Brewing Storm

    Yet MORE lies and spin. Again *I WAS THERE*. There was no “brewing storm”. It was a party like atmosphere. Smiling faces. Polite people. Lots of cooperation and sense of hopeful expectations. Folks were largely in a party mood.

    Now I can’t speak to the Antifa / BLM infiltrated and perhaps organized group on the Capitol Lawn, I could see them being cranky. BUT, that’s a very tiny number compared to the huge crowd that covered all the way from the ellipse past the Washington Monument to the Mall. THOSE were the real Trump Supporters. Look at photos of them. Smiles, families, fun people having a good time. (I have more such photos)

    For weeks, Mr. Trump had urged his supporters to go to Washington to stop the certification of the election results, and several simultaneous rallies were planned for Wednesday.

    As the morning arrives, hundreds assemble on the Capitol lawn, more than a mile away from where Trump will soon speak near the White House. Among them are the Proud Boys, a far-right group, identifiable here by their orange hats.

    Yet more garbage spin. Trump was NOT asking folks to “stop the certification”, he was asking folks to ‘certify the legal ballots and audit the illegal ones’. HUGE difference.

    Do you REALLY support the blatant FRAUDULENT ballots being counted? Do you REALLY think it is a good idea to accept a count based on corrupted machines? Shown to be corrupted by what limited audits have been done?

    Then, the Proud Boys are NOT a “far right” group. They do hold some traditional values, but mostly just want their members to be honest with themselves and do what’s right. The painting of them as “far right” is propaganda spin from The Left. Just like calling them ‘Racist’ is. Their leader being Afro Caribbean and having lots of Black and Hispanic membership.

    BTW, I’ve seen no evidence what so ever that the Proud Boys were wearing orange hats. They never have in any prior video I’ve seen of them at other events. That, at this point, is at best a bald assertion, unsupported. We do know that many BLM and Antifa folks where doing a False Flag and wearing Trump gear (or what they thought it was) as some have already been arrested. So just HOW can NYT know who those folks are wearing orange knit caps? No evidence involved…

    We do get occasional glimmers of truth in the NYT hit piece, but scattered in such as way as to hide the meaning:

    At the same time, near the White House, Donald Trump Jr. films the president and his inner circle backstage before his father’s speech. In a video uploaded to his Facebook page, they are listening to the song “Gloria” and marveling at the size of the crowd.

    Juxtaposed with the “asserted Proud Boys” and conjoined with “far right wing” pejorative above, is this text that shows in fact Trump was 1.8 to 2 MILES away with the Big Crowd.

    Why not point out Trump was nowhere near the Capitol Building, and any incipient Troubles? Why not point out that the vast bulk of Trump Supporters were in that Big Crowd and it was full of happy peaceful people? Spin, that’s why.

    Then it goes way off the rails:

    Trump calls for march on Capitol.

    A large crowd heads in that direction.
    About 15 minutes into his speech, Mr. Trump tells rally attendees to walk to the Capitol. “You have to show strength,” he says.

    At this moment, the Capitol grounds are protected by temporary perimeter fences, and there are few officers equipped to defend them.

    First off, they have the time wrong. Second, missing context (a classic propaganda ploy).

    Here’s the actual first occurrence of “show strength” in context:

    Donald Trump: (16:25)
    Our media is not free. It’s not fair. It suppresses thought. It suppresses speech, and it’s become the enemy of the people. It’s become the enemy of the people. It’s the biggest problem we have in this country. No third world countries would even attempt to do what we caught them doing and you’ll hear about that in just a few minutes. Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer, and we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. If he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country because you’re sworn to uphold our constitution. Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.

    So at 16:25+ minutes, and IN THE CONTEXT OF cheering on Senators and congress critters.

    Doesn’t sound so ominous now, does it.

    Then that the Capitol grounds are “protected” poorly again has no context. Was this a coordinated effort to set up a False Flag by Pelosi and Co with the DC folks? SHE repeatedly did thing to weaken “defenses”. Given that we now KNOW Antifa and BLM folks were involved as False Flag participants in Trump Gear (arrests made, photos identified, remember…) it is not a large leap to thinking it was also somewhat “set up” from the defense side. Nor even that the NYT is in on the scam as propaganda wing. They have been so in the past.

    This next one is a hoot…

    Supporters leave the rally in a steady stream before Mr. Trump’s speech ends, and they head toward the Capitol.

    12:29 p.m. Constitution Ave.

    Anyone leaving at that time was either cold to the bone, or looking for a bathroom, or just heading home as there was no adequate facilities.

    I was in the crowd at the Ellipse then. NOBODY was leaving until Trump was ready to speak, and then they were largely “in the moment” until after a full hour of the speech.

    My best guess is that anyone leaving early (as I saw NONE moving through the crowd at that time stamp) would be folks at the far edge of the crowd, down the backside of the Washington Monument hill or way out at the Mall area who could not even hear what was being said as they were so far away. I was near the “Jumbotron” for the overflow area, and the crowd went past the Washington Monument from there. I doubt you could even get to Constitution Avenue from there if you tried (and nobody was trying).

    There was one row of “porta potties” that was clearly inadequate with lines. I had the good sense NOT to “hydrate” so did 8 hours, no pee break. At about the 1 hour mark of Trumps speech (well AFTER the above claimed time) some folks DID start leaving a few minutes early. Most were doing some variation of the “I’m cold slap dance” or the “where’s the potty” wiggle dance. NOBODY was headed to The Capitol Building for any “event”.

    It is a Damn Lie to claim they have any idea what was in the minds of the folks walking down Constitution Avenue. The Reagan building was open for toilets and some folks were headed there (no, I don’t know where it is exactly) along with looking for warmth and / or portapotties and places to put accumulated trash.

    There was also another event at the far end of the Mall. It is just as likely these folks are from that event, seeing that they could not get near the Trump speech area. A real timeline would account for that, too.

    Notice also the use of “march”. Folks were walking, not marching. There was no cadence, no ranks, no deliberation. Just folks walking the only way they could go to get back to where all the parking was at.

    As they arrive, another crowd of Trump supporters that has already gathered along the west perimeter fence becomes more agitated.

    12:49 p.m. West of the Capitol grounds

    Facts not in evidence. How do we KNOW the people walking “arrived” anywhere in particular? There were already 2 ‘events’ at the Capitol Building grounds, so not alot of room for more folks to “arrive”. My best guess is most of them were leaving for food, drink, bathroom, or warmth. There was about a 15 mph COLD wind and unless you arrived in decent cold weather gear, you got significantly cold. Many folks were not ready for that.

    Then the assertion of “more agitated”. I don’t see it in the video in evidence. Just a bunch of folks standing around talking looking a bit unhappy. Nothing much, really, happening at all. I can see one guy in ‘mostly black’ with a bit of green looking like maybe he’s trying to get attention. I’d peg him as an Antifa Agitator trying to drum up excitement and failing.

    We do get a nice time stamp that whatever is happening, it is well before Trump is done talking to all of us Real Trump Supporters down at the Ellipse.

    Then more “slander by association”:

    Around this time, a pipe bomb is reported at the Republican National Committee building, just a block away from the Capitol. Not long after, another device is discovered nearby at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

    So, WELL BEFORE Trump spoke, someone UNKNOWN planned, constructed, and placed some “pipe bombs”. OK, so what does this have to do with Trump? NOTHING.

    The list of what is not known is immense here. WHO did it? WHY? WHEN? Was it an anarchist targeting BOTH parties? An Antifa / BLM False Flag operative (We now have proof they were active in the False Flag events – photos identified, arrests made…)? Were the devices ACTIVE and ARMED? Or just ‘for show’ and to be ‘discovered’ by on side police? “The first casualty” is always the truth. We don’t KNOW the truth. AND neither does the NYT. But they choose to frame this as somehow Trump related.

    Just how is planting pipe bombs “cheering on” Senators? Eh?

    But the good bit is we now have hard evidence there was no way in hell Trump “instigated” this as he was not anywhere near done speaking at this point AND whoever did it was busy making the stuff days before Trump took the stage.

    12:53 p.m.–1:03 p.m.
    First Barriers Breached
    Trump continues speaking.

    Rioters topple a fence to the Capitol’s west.

    Congress begins joint session.

    Again a nice (no doubt accidental) bit of evidence that Trump was still speaking away and most all of the real Trump Supporters were anchored 1.8 miles away (modulo those looking for bathrooms, warmth, lunch or just leaving).

    Interesting side bar:

    Note that the “rioters” toppling the fence were almost entirely dressed in black, as Antifa does… No Trump Gear visible. Perhaps another bit of “accidental truth” from the NYT?

    About 20 minutes before Trump’s speech ends, some people in the Capitol crowd harass officers posted at the barricades and start to get physical. Others follow suit, until they violently overwhelm the police and breach the building’s outer perimeter.

    12:53 p.m. Northwest side of the Capitol

    Again some “accidental truth” that Trump was still speaking and thus could not be instigating something that happened before he was done. Folks 1.8 miles away were not hearing him.

    Then the “violently overwhelm” is a bit much. In some cases the police opened doors for the folks invading the building. Also of note: LARGE areas of fence had no police anywhere near it. IMHO any group choosing to confront an area with police was doing it for the photo op.

    Again I note that the general makeup of the folks “breaching” looks a whole lot more like Antifa than Trump Supporters. LOTS of black and dark clothes. Young crowd. Highly emotional. Look at the photos of Trump crowds. Lots of older folks. Lots of colored clothing. No hats on backwards. Emotionally subdued or emotionally having a great time.

    Doesn’t add up that these particular people are being called Trump Supporters. Only Trump gear I see is what looks like a brand new MAGA hat (being sold all over the place there by street vendors for $10 or sometimes 2 for $10 trying to clear out inventory).

    The next photo / video down also shows a lot of folks in black and dark clothing ‘on the steps’ but not the Typical Trump Gear nor look of the people. There are some flags in the distance, but can’t tell who’s holding them.

    At this time, the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, begins the proceedings to certify the Electoral College vote at a joint session of Congress, alongside Vice President Mike Pence.

    Outside, the chants begin: “Whose house? Our house!”

    That chant is just so lame. A direct lift of “Who’s Street? Our Street!” classical Antifa mode. When I arrived at the front of the Capitol building some long time later (when Trump FINALLY stopped his long winded speech…) there was one dodgy guy trying to get the real Trump Supporters to take up that chant. NOBODY was joining in and he was not getting any traction. My impression of him was “Nut bar, not a Trump person”.

    Meanwhile, 1.8 miles away, where Trump and all his real supporters are located:

    1:12 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
    Trump’s Call to Action

    Trump again calls for a march on the Capitol.

    Um, no. Just no. Trump used the word “march” once. And that was way back at the 18 minute mark:

    Donald Trump: (18:16)
    We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country. Our country has been under siege for a long time, far longer than this four-year period. We’ve set it on a much straighter course, a much … I thought four more years. I thought it would be easy. We created-

    Note again the context. Peacefully.

    What was going on nearer the end?

    Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
    So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give… The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

    Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
    So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible. Thank you very much. Thank you.

    Hardly a giant “Call To Action” for riot and mayhem (that was already in progress thanks to a Leftist False Flag effort). Just WALK down Pennsylvania avenue and an attempt to encourage Congress to do the right thing.

    Which is exactly what folks then did. It took about another hour to get there, as it took time for the crowd at the edges to clear and to walk the almost 2 miles.

    Trump ended up not walking with us. No doubt being informed of Troubles at the Capitol Building when he left the stage.

    As Mr. Trump’s speech comes to an end, he calls on his supporters to “walk down Pennsylvania Avenue” toward the Capitol. Rioters there continue to violently clash with officers, including reinforcements from the local police department who have arrived on the scene. Both sides spray chemical agents.

    But again we have a nice “accidental evidence” that this wasn’t Trump Supporters nor at his urging. It was ALREADY GOING ON when he finally ended his speech. Also, it is another video with mostly young folks dressed in the Antifa like Black colors (a few brown or green, but a minority). Not at all like the folks walking down the avenue in the prior video. Not “Trump Folks” at all, in my opinion.

    As this is already way too long, I’ll not bother with most of the rest of their chronical of what all was going on by this small band of, most likely, False Flag Antifa and BLM along with a few Useful Idiots while all the rest of us Real Trump Supporters were slowly making our way back up the Avenue.

    By the time I got there, this was mostly in the “talking around” phase with the ‘action’ moved inside. I’ve pointed out before we stopped at the car for a drink & snack and heard on the radio that one wing was evacuated and the other ready for it before we could even get to the Capitol Building after Trump’s speech.

    We did a quick turn in front of the steps area, took the photos I posted, and like almost everyone else from the Trump Rally, promptly left. Something about 8 hours standing in the cold without food, minimal hydration, in a cold stiff wind, and with no back support…

    Painting that as some kind of Trump Inspired Mob Attack is just Click Bait Jurno-Porn.

    Just what I’d expect from the NYT.

    There is one nice photo at the bottom showing all the Real Trump Supporters arriving LONG AFTER the rioters and False Flag folks have ‘done the deed’. I think I can even see our car in the staff parking lot! So likely I was sitting in it having some crackers and water when this was taken.

    Note that the general color of the crowd is far more colorful than the rioters… an indication of different “gang colors” at a minimum…

  83. pinroot says:

    Nice to know that you can use youtube-dl to grab videos off of Twitter. I had been using an online site to do it, not realizing youtube-dl would do it for me. Now, if only I could get it to work on Rumble. I keep getting an error:
    ERROR: unable to download video data:
    Might have something to do with me being at work, I’ll try from home on a different machine and see what happens.

  84. E.M.Smith says:

    @Terry Jackson:

    FINALLY got time to read that link to the Federalist. Yes, it comports with my experience.

    It does look like that guy was near the front of the folks walking (NOT marching, there was no coordinated pace nor cadence) down Constitution Ave. I was on the same route, but as we had been close to the front of the ‘overflow’ area, we were behind at least 1/2 of the crowd…

    What I found interesting was his reports of various “odd cadres” of folks. NONE of them were up near the presentation area. So, being at the front of the walk, they had to be at the edge of the group attending the speeches. That implies they WANTED to have pole position in the walk to the Capitol.

    Also, by the time I got to the Capitol Building, much of the “action” he describes was over. You can see in my photo up top, it is just ‘tear gas cloud on the steps’ and not much else. Then we, too, walked out past the statue he referenced (though we left earlier by, I’d guess, about an hour, so there was NO police presence there, then.)

    IMHO, his account makes a nice counterpoint to mine. He’s in the front of things, I’m near the middle. I see nothing but normal, nice, polite, family friendly Trump Supporters until we work our way all the way up to the “driveway” area in front of the Capitol Building (from where my photo is taken). That’s the first area where we encountered the same “camo not quite right” and dark clothed “exhorting to action” that he describes – but later in the event and further back with nearly no (or entirely no…) takers.

    Nice. Very nice.


    I see you still haven’t caught clue. Once again (what it is, 4 or 5 now?) posting the same daft NYT link, even after I’ve said “I’ll get to you”… last….

    So yeah, stack ’em up. Maybe now that I’ve almost finished morning coffee (breakfast to come…) and caught up on the basic blog comments of the Nice People, I’ll think about dealing with your stuff. Or not. I think maybe the dogs want to be fed…

    Clue Stick: YOU ARE LAST on my priority queue. AFTER Everything else I’ll deal with whatever you phone in… But no, I’ve not deleted any of it.

  85. E.M.Smith says:


    I think it’s on another thread… but I DID download a Rumble. The trick is to hit the “embed link” button, then pick the IFRAME URL link and use that.

  86. Skeptic says:

    I probably missed it but why did the DC mayor refuse NG support? Surely she wasn’t under orders from Nancy or Chucky.

  87. cdquarles says:

    Here are my responses to David A’s questions:
    “If such a person wishes to have a dialogue, they can actually answer questions.

    If an election is frauduantly stolen, is that democratic?

    My response: no

    Is civil disobedience a respected aspect of democracy?

    My response: yes

    Is it conceivable that opposition groups can infiltrate President Trump supporters and behave in violent illegal actions to cast President Trump supporters in a negative light?

    My response: yes

    Is there evidence this occured?

    My response: It sure looks like it.

    How do you refute this evidence?

    My response: by providing a solid rebuttal, which hasn’t happened, as far as I know.

    If modern technology and international corporations, and world political organizations have shrunk the world through their global growth, is it possible that corruption has likewise grown to global proportions?

    My response: yes.

    What is the evidence for voter fraud that someone who says there was very little of, refutes?

    My response: none, if they don’t provide a solid rebuttal, which isn’t the bald assertion that there was very little fraud.

    Were the many BLM riots far more numerous, violent and destructive then the clearly “mostly peaceful protest” at the Capitol?

    My response: as far as I can tell, yes.

    In the dozens of President Trump ralleys, with over 1.1 MILLION supporters attending from dozens of states, were they not very peaceful?

    My response: as far as I can tell, yes.

    Has there been a pattern of violence against President Trump supporters?

    My response: as far as I can tell, yes.

    Have the democrats and corrupt media absurdly defended the hate mongering violent BLM and ANTIFA?”

    My response: as far as I can tell, yes.

  88. pinroot says:

    @EM WordPress cut off part of the error I got, it was embedded in brackets/braces and apparently WordPress thought it was bad HTML and cut it. I was getting an SSL certificate error. I did some searching and found that there is a switch (–no-check-certificate) and used it and was able to grab the file. BTW, if you want to rename a file you can use the ‘-o’ flag and give it a filename you like:

    youtube-dl -o NoSpacesInThisName.mp4 “linktoyoutubevideo”

    For me, it’s easier to do it that way rather than renaming later, plus some of the twitter vids I’ve gotten have had characters that the file system didn’t like.

  89. E.M.Smith says:

    Ah, at work you may be going through a Proxy Server so a cert check would have issues if end to end.

    I have a “buffer” directory where I download stuff, so “mv * new_name” works… but maybe I’ll swap to a sane name ‘in flight’ ;-)

  90. pinroot says:

    This is an interesting video, a 2+ hour Zoom call of ShutdownDC basically planning the Shutdown of DC.

  91. Serioso says:

    It’s good to know you haven’t deleted my links. I thought perhaps you had as I no longer was receiving notices saying “Your message is under moderation”: My posts simply disappeared from your log.. Too bad about the confusion.

    Reply:[ WordPress seems to be acting a bit odd on that count lately. On one occasion, one DID disappear from “moderation”. Then it came back. Go figure… I’m almost caught up enough to address your NTY link. THE issue being that it “tells lies” so I need to document them. -E.M.S.]

  92. Nancy & John Hultquist says:

    At 11:42 am pacific time, I typed ‘small dead animals’ into DuckDuck – Go and the first hit was right there. I went that way out of curiosity.
    The site came right up.
    At this time the 2nd entry (by Kate) was about server issues and a possible upgrade.

  93. another ian says:


    Seems SDA has growing pains

    I’m under doctor’s orders to keep my leg up after removal of a skin cancer so haven’t taken on the unlock of “S mode”. Which means still putting up with Edge and Mail. I’ll be suprised if that doesn’t end up taking quite a while.

    Seems to me that they have added so many bells and whistles that they are now tripping over themselves finding places to stash the plethora of commands.

    And I remember ironically that, way back when, Wordstar was deemed pre-Neanderthal for using control key commands!

  94. M Simon says:

    E.M.Smith says:
    15 January 2021 at 3:30 pm

    I think it will be found that Nancy’s laptop was worth the bad press. – Just a guess.

  95. p.g.sharrow says:

    The president says that “We have Great Military” and “There will be excitement coming soon” and he had a grin like the Cheshire Cat!

  96. philjourdan says:

    @Gail – re: John Sullivan and Jade Sacker – ewetoob has already banned the video. What boggles my mind is why any reputable site would still be posting news to ewetoob!

  97. E.M.Smith says:


    Thank you for that. It’s the first thing that makes me feel hopeful since I was in D.C. at the steps…


    Yeah, I’m trying to download / save any juicy video link posted here (now that I can) but a few have already “Disappeared on posting”… or so it seems.


    IF, at all possible, please try to find links to the Eewtube videos you post, on Bitchute or Go ahead and post the Eewtube link, but if you can find and include a backup link (or even just include text about creator and title so I can search Bitchute and Odysee for it…) that would help.

    Having a dead Youtube handle and NO IDEA AT ALL who made it, what’s in it, or the title of it: I can’t even do the search to try to find it somewhere else.

  98. The True Nolan says:

    The “Calm before the storm” video sounds great — but I have to point out that it is over three years old.

  99. H.R. says:

    You misspelled ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww-t-o-o-o-o-b-e, but at this point, who cares? They are soon to be toast; burnt, blackened** toast at that.
    **’Blackened’? Was that r-a–a-a-a-a-y-cist? Hell NO!

    But c’est la vie, to any offended snowflakes passing by. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and sometimes people get the settings wrong on the toaster.

  100. Compu Gator says:

    p.g.sharrow commented on 15 January 2021 at 4:17 pm GMT:

    [Our] Country is in emergency status. and as soon as the promised riots start Martial Law. and military Arrest for the plotters ⟨.⟩
    For 240 years the Military have sworn fidelity to the Constitution and the duly elected President. Trump is the last accepted elected president, The military will not allow Biden/Harris to become their commanders as long as there is a question over the election.

    Rather a lot of “question[s]” have remained unremedied “over the election“.

    That agreed, your prediction is quite fascinating. So it will be put into actionreal soon now“,  I trust? 

    Many optimistic predictions have appeared in comments in this blog, from many sources (not just P.G.S.), e.g.:
    • Republican-controlled legislatures in vote-fraud-intensive states would block their states’ election certifications to Congress.
    • Republican-controlled legislatures in vote-fraud-intensive states would summarily replace the resultant Biden-Harris electors with Trump electors.
    • Congress would reject state election certifications submitted by vote-fraud-intensive states, according to formal objections submitted by the required duos of 1 member from each chamber.
    • Republicans in Congress, having a thin majority in the exceptional Constitutional 1-vote/state mode, would vote to reëlect Pres. Trump.

    How many of the bulleted predictions have come true to remedy the shameless stealing of the presidential election?  I fear that I’d be found blue and clammy-cold if I were to stubbornly hold my breath while I waited for the quoted prediction to come to pass.

  101. M Simon says:

    p.g.sharrow says:
    15 January 2021 at 10:10 pm

    That video was from Oct 6, 2017. Dang.

  102. p.g.sharrow says:

    @Compu Gator; you will only need to hold your breath until Wednesday. the trap must be sprog by the 20th. The plotters have said that they have scheduled that must be kept. GOD has said that they will succeed, But gives no clue as to the how. I merely put forth the clues available to me as I surf the web,

  103. M Simon says:

    He was leaving the WH with papers in hand? He wanted them to be seen. He knows what inside pockets are for. More hope pron. Also. Look at the way his shirt is not tucked in on his back side. What does that mean? He undressed in the WH?

  104. M Simon says:

    Comment from my gateway link above.

    Oh, come on. Show some stability. Forget about the nation for a moment. Do you honestly believe that Trump is going to let these people go after his family?

  105. David A says:

    cdquarles, now if only billinoz would actually respond and explain his answers, there might be an actual dialogues, yet, alas, I think he is only an ideologue.

  106. The True Nolan says:

    Of course we’ll beat them in the next election, right?
    A thief who has found the PIN number to your bank account would NEVER dream of stealing from you TWICE, would he?

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  109. E.M.Smith says:

    For anyone interested, I finally had time to put some clarifying comments in the Serioso link to the NTY “hit piece” timeline here:

    The Non-Incitement & The Instigators

    So his constant links to it are now out of moderation, since they have appropriate context now.

  110. Serioso says:

    Before you blame the Capitol riot on Antifa or BLM, try checking out the arrest reports. I see a lot of Trump supporters and MAGA fans. Have there been arrests of provocateurs? Out of hundreds, how many? Try not to jump to conclusions without adequate evidence. You sound like a propogandist!

    Reply:[ See response here:

    Carping Comments: Pearl Sand or Voted Off The Island?


  111. Pingback: Carping Comments: Pearl Sand or Voted Off The Island? | Musings from the Chiefio

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