Tag Archives: marijuana

California Going (to?) Pot

So in a few days California becomes Recreational M.J. Friendly. Wonder how long before The Feds make a publicity move? In this highly layered legal mess, what will I do? Sit back and watch? Go for an adrenaline rush? Continue reading

Posted in Emergency Preparation and Risks, News Related, Plants - Seeds - Gardening | Tagged , , , , | 34 Comments

Pot and Brain Shrinkage

While there is evidence for Marijuana curing things like Prostate Cancer, there is also evidence it can do some bad things, like, oh, shrink your brain. But some of us already noticed that ;-) Continue reading

Posted in Biology Biochem, Plants - Seeds - Gardening | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Cancer and Marijuana

The NIH has recently been in the news for admitting that Marijuana kills cancer cells. I show that has been known for a while. Continue reading

Posted in News Related, Plants - Seeds - Gardening, Political Current Events, Science Bits | Tagged , , | 24 Comments

Texas Is An Interesting Place

Willie and The Law, Texas Style. Continue reading

Posted in Human Interest | Tagged , , | 32 Comments