Hydrothermal Therapy, Hot Baths, Cold Showers, Better Immunity


It was in common use against diseases prior to antibiotics. Used to reduce the percentage of patients converting to pneumonia, when pneumonia was largely untreatable and highly lethal.

It was tested and shown to increase immunity cells, particularly the monocytes that are reduced by Covid-19 / Wuhan China Virus as part of its attack strategy.

It has the potential for a large decrease in ICU cases. No joke, this is an important video. It covers the theory and evidence.

Then, some fascinating history on it. In some ways more important as it covers ways to do it and historical evidence for efficacy:

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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9 Responses to Hydrothermal Therapy, Hot Baths, Cold Showers, Better Immunity

  1. H.R. says:

    How far back do saunas, followed by a dive out the door for a roll in the snow, go?

    I always thought it was a bit daft, but now I see wisdom at work hundreds of years before science and medicine caught up.

  2. Foyle says:

    San Marino leads the world for number of infected. But if you compare their 12% death rate to Iceland’s 0.2% and assume that is down to not picking up on everyone who was infected then that suggests up to 50% of San Marino might have been infected. Maybe they have achieved herd immunity already?

  3. Ewing Caldwell. says:

    Look into Vitamin D3 research.
    Start here: Dr. John Campbell of UK on vitamin-d efficacy as an immune system reinforcement. He covers some of the literature.

    The size and intensity of the American epidemic may be directly proportional to Vitamin D deficiency.

  4. View from the Solent says:

    Did you spot the Wee Pee (P < 0.05) at the bottom of the text in the first video around 8min 20 sec?

  5. tom0mason says:

    People here may also be interested in one of my natural little favorites, along with ginger, turmeric, licorice (liquorice) root, there’s garlic.
    From https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4103721/

    Antiviral properties

    In comparison with the antibacterial action of garlic, very little work has been done to investigate its antiviral properties. The few studies have reported that garlic extract showed in vitro activity against influenza A and B (Fenwick and Hanley, 1985 â–¶), cytomegalovirus (Meng et al., 1993 â–¶; Nai-Lan et al., 1993 â–¶), rhinovirus, HIV, herpes simplex virus 1 (Tsai et al., 1985 â–¶), herpes simplex virus 2 (Weber et al., 1992 â–¶), viral pneumonia, and rotavirus. Allicin, diallyl trisulfide and ajoene have all been shown to be active (Hughes et al., 1989 â–¶; Weber., 1992 â–¶).

    In the case of HIV, it is thought that ajoene acts by inhibiting the integrin dependent processes (Tatarintsev et al., 1992 â–¶). Allyl alcohol and diallyl disulfide have also proven effective against HIV-infected cells (Shoji et al., 1993 â–¶). No activity has been observed with allicin or S-allyl cysteine. It appears that only allicin and allicin-derived substances are active. Taken together, the beneficial effects of garlic extract make it useful in medicine. There are insufficient clinical trials regarding the effects of garlic in preventing or treating the common cold. A single trial suggested that garlic may prevent occurrences of the common cold, but more studies are needed to validate this finding. This trial randomly assigned 146 participants to either a daily garlic supplement (with 180 mg of allicin content) or a placebo for 12 weeks.

    The investigation revealed 24 occurrences of the common cold in the garlic group compared with 65 in the placebo group, resulting in fewer days of illness in the garlic group compared with the placebo group. However, claims of effectiveness of garlic on common cold appear to rely largely on poor quality evidence (Lissiman et al., 2012 â–¶). Many countries have used garlic extract for clinical treatments, but the untoward actions of garlic following long-term administration should be fully noted. Even though many studies on garlic and its derivatives have been performed, the exact biological mechanism of garlic extract still remains to be elucidated.

    So it appears to be an antiviral for some illnesses.

  6. jim2 says:

    Something on the lighter side …

  7. Steve C says:

    I’ve heard the ancient Romans used to treat lead poisoning with prolonged immersion in hot baths, the thought, presumably, being that this would leach the metal out of the body. To what extent the treatment was effective, I don’t know, but the idea of using hot baths as treatment certainly seems to go back a long way.

    (Might it work? The heat opens up the pores, osmosis works to equalise the concentration of lead ions on either side of the now more semi-permeable skin … distinctly possible.)

  8. H.R. says:

    In the early American ‘Wild’ West, victims of lead poisoning were ventilated and then sent to Boot Hill to recover.

    Sadly, the recovery rate was even worse than the 50% death rate for victims of the Wuhan Flu who are put on ventilators.

    Boot Hill had a 100% failure-to recover rate.

    An odd historical note: In the 1930s, Bonnie and her husband Clyde Barrow were ventilated and subsequently died of lead poisoning. It’s now the year 2020, almost 100 years later, and Doctors still haven’t learned much about treating those with acute lead poisoning who have been well-ventilated.

    (Can’t put enough winkies on this one.)

  9. E.M.Smith says:

    @H.R.: Probably to the first caveman that made a too big bonfire to heat up the cave, it got out of control, then he finally decided to dash past it for a roll in the snow to put out his hair…. (some things never change… think bbq flair ups and swimming pools… not me, mind you, no, no photos, so definitely not me…. ;-)


    Somewhere like that will be the first to have no new cases and give us clue to actual extent of infection.


    I think that also explains why so few deaths in San Francisco compared to New York, and the disproportionate deaths among northern Blacks globally.


    Thanks for that ;-)


    Entering black humor phase, eh? Works for me ;-)

    @Steve C:

    Sweat Lodges are a long standing Native American tradition too.

    The sweat glands are used as a garbage disposal sytem for various things. I don’t how broad, but do know eating too much salt, my sweat gets salty enough to burn my eyes, and eating crappy fats like some long chain fat In peanut oil makes my pores grumpy as it clogs them some. I syspect it generalizes to other stuff.


    Good find. FWIW, I have a big shaker bottle of garlic granules and have been making a lot of Garlic Chicken lately. Defrost chicken. Put in roaster pan. Sprinkle over with salt, pepper, garlic granules. Optional soy sauce / pickle juice marinade first. Roast about an hour 350 F to 375 F.

    Also froze a bunch of garlic rich Polish Sausages.

    Oh, and part of the last minute prep buy was a bag of a few dozen garlic bulbs at COSTCO. More than we can eat, but when they get too old I’ll plant them out for more.

    I’m a believer in the power of garlic.

    Plus, it helps assure social distancing for some folks ;’)

    FWIW, Gilroy, the self appointed “Garlic Capital” complete with Garlic Festival is about 25 miles south of me. During harvest, driving past it, you can smell the garlic dryers for miles. A glorious thing!

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