USA Return To Manned Launch At NASA

Today SpaceX is attempting a launch from NASA Pad 39-A of the Crew Dragon with 2 crew on board. One, Doug Hurley, was on the last shuttle flight when we ceased being a space faring nation for about a decade (so far…).

It is nice to see we’re (finally) getting back to the business of manned space flight. No longer dependent on renting rides from Russia.

Lots of tech details here:

So here’s a video in preparation, then “live”:

Interview with Musk & NASA:

SpaceX Feed:

Everyday Astronaut from 3 miles away (i.e. close):

NASA Feed:

PBS Coverage:

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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6 Responses to USA Return To Manned Launch At NASA

  1. E.M.Smith says:

    Interesting… The Odroid XU4 can run all 4 live videos at the same time at the web page size (i.e. small) and I can selectively mute / unmute each panel as it is interesting. Typing this comment is a bit slow and all 8 cores are in use, but not at 100% (70-80% ish).

    For the actual launch, I’m likely to swap to the Roku on the big screen ;-)

  2. ossqss says:

    Cloudy here at SRQ, so we probably will not have a direct live view of the launch. Bummer, as it normally would be a great sight in the NE sky! We used to get the double sonic boom from the shuttle sometimes on landing. That was quite a thing to experience.

  3. E.M.Smith says:

    About T -17 weather abort. Trying again the 30th? Saturday afternoon in Florida.

  4. Compu Gator says:

    E.M.Smith replied 27 May 2020 at 8:22 pm GMT:
    About T -17 weather abort. Trying again the 30th? Saturday afternoon in Florida.

    Reported justification for the scrub was that excessive electricity in the air at the Cape created an unacceptable risk of a lightning strike on the launch vehicle. From Central Florida, the view to the east as the launch time approached was thick gray clouds over the shapeless gray that indicates distant rain. Official revised launch time is now 3:22 p.m. EDT (7:22 p.m. GMT) this Saturday (05-30) [*].

    For future reference, here in Central Florida, “t -17” would be widely interpreted as signifying the countdown time as only 17 seconds, which on the planned day of launch would be more formally displayed as “t -00:00:17”. But the decision to scrub the launch was made with slightly less than 17 minutes remaining, which would customarily be expressed in numeric form as “t -00:17:00”. On this day, a video at FOX35 (Orlando t.v.) shows a stopped Launch America countdown clock displaying “-00:16:54” [#]. Might you have expected readers to infer that upper-case ‘T’ signifies minutes, and lower-case ‘t’ signifies seconds? Such notation would certainly be a new one on me, and my eyeballing of launches from around here dates back at least to Project Mercury’s first orbital mission, and the first to trade the Mercury Redstone for the Mercury Atlas, the mission that made John Glenn famous.

    Note *: Beware that in the wording prevailing in the South, for days that are a known distance into the future, “this Saturday” is the soonest-upcoming Saturday, whereas “next Saturday” is the Saturday that follows it a week later.

    Note #: Quite a large clock, which I assume is located at the news-media site. “SpaceX launch scrubbed due to weather”: I dunno how long the station keeps its news-videos accessible.

  5. E.M.Smith says:

    Never attribute to cleverness that which is adequately explained by lazyness. While I thought “Time of launch minus 17 minutes” in a fit of lazy disappointment I left out the “minutes”.

    FWIW I use the simple pattern that “next” Saturday is the first one you run into going forward from today on the calendar. As in “the very next one”. It can be tomorrow from a Friday. “This Saturday” is also the next nearest one in this week. “Saturday a week” or “Satuday next week” are the next one after this Saturday…

    Why? Because there is no standard for what “next” Saturday means. Near as I can tell, meaning varies by source culture of an area: Germanic derived vs Latin derived? Due to this I usually try to avoid “next Saturday” in favor of Saturday this week or Saturday next week if there is much chance of confusion. And I’m not being lazy…

    When folks say “next Saturday” but context implies Saturday next week, I’ll usually do reflective listening and confirm “So Saturday next week?”

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