New Years: W.O.O.D. – 1 January 2022

Welcome In The New Year! Me? I’m prepping a nice bottle of wine and have an emergency Tequila Bottle (only if necessary!)

Weather here is sunny, mild but a bit cool especially at night. Hope all finds you well.

But as others have said: “Buckle up for 2022, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!”

Though one does hope it will be better than 2021…


This is another of the W.O.O.D. series of semi-regular
Weekly Occasional Open Discussions.
(i.e. if I forget and skip one, no big)

Immediate prior one here:
and remains open for threads running there (at least until the ‘several month’ auto-close of comments on stale threads).

Canonical list of old ones here:


The Weekly Memes

I really really like these guy’s “top 10 memes”. They watch what is going on on Gab and and select the ones that they like best. A nice filtering service if nothing else; but the way they match music to the theme is also good. Unfortunately, can’t do an embed that works with my free WordPress plan (it does do free EwTube embeds… but only them, so you get to ‘Hit the link’!

[To be filled in with an Update later, as I’m way behind on “stuff” and also being Nurse & Housekeeper ATM.]

Some News Bits

For now, just Merry Christmas Everybody! And a Happy Druid Winter Solstice! (and all those other holidays this time of year too!)

I may add some bits here as time permits.

For more recent events, see:

Trump Social Media site:

Bongino Report:

Or Whatfinger:

I’ve also gotten addicted to the Top Ten Memes of the week from WatchMAGA here:

They have interesting “bite” to them, along with a tendency to highlight the news of the week in memes, so good as a social attitude pointer too. Plus they are “way fun” ;-)

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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197 Responses to New Years: W.O.O.D. – 1 January 2022

  1. another ian says:

    Happy New Year

    Doing New Year differently (bumped from the last WOOD)

    “Dr. Robert Malone issues profound response to big tech banning him on Joe Rogan’s podcast”

  2. E.M.Smith says:

    So it’s 6 pm here, meaning, I think, that it is Midnight in the middle of the Atlantic.

    Everyone from the mid-Pacific, through Australia, New Zealand, Asia, India, Russia, Africa, Europe: You’all have had your New Years. Me? I’ve got 6 hours to go (and one bottle of White Zin already in the recycle ;-)

    So, OK, EAST COAST! You folks awake still? 3 hours or so to go! Look alive!!!

    I’ve just started on a bottle of “Two Buck Chuck Red Blend” (that now costs $3, so a nice inflation metric there…) A very decent wine, especially so for the money. Sold at Trader Joe’s everywhere and grown / fermented in California ;-)

    So counting down…

  3. YMMV says:

    2021 was a strange year, so it’s fitting that it went out with a strange bang.
    A woman who declares herself to be a man put one over on a social media platform which does not agree with “free the nipple”. But since she was a man, she could go topless.

    In 2022, Biden can become the first woman president, just by saying he is. Take that, Hillary!

  4. Terry Jackson says:

    A couple of items for the Holiday: An essay on winners and losers.
    An excerpt :You will see there is no going back now to an old normal, because there is no old normal to go back to, and there can be no accepting their new normal. We will have to start from scratch, together. Decentralization is the order of the day, but be wary the new bosses of that order who are funded by the old bosses of the tyrannical order. Many occupy the same silicon valley venture capital boardrooms. There will be no place for them in any rebuilding process. Be suspicious the lack of privacy in blockchain and it’s engineered certainty, and its tirelessly loud and obnoxious advocates, all speculators with their eyes on their own digital wallets in cultish beams of laser red.”
    In praise of the social value of drinking. In Vino Veritas.

  5. E.M.Smith says:

    OMG! I just love “In Vino Veritas”!!! Then again, one bottle down the other in progress, so I might be biased ;-)


    By all means! Free The Nipple!

  6. E.M.Smith says:

    Happy California New Years!!!

  7. H.R. says:

    2022 /\/\/\/\/\/\ 🚙🚎 (Bumpy ride ahead)

    2021 is over and done. Nothing we can do about it, now.

    Let’s see if we can all give the GEBs*** a poke in the eye. It would be nice to see a bunch of one-eyed GEBs hunkering down in their bunkers.

    *** Globalist or Greedy or Government Evil Bastards… some of those EBs are all three.

  8. cdquarles says:

    Happy New Year! Hmm, GGEB works for me :p.

  9. YMMV says:

    Best wishes for all in the new year!

    What we don’t know about viruses:
    “Amazing virology (fun clip)”

    ‘Fun’ may not be the right word; at least it’s not with deadly serious tone.
    virus — it’s a mystery

    Every living thing has viruses, there are several types of virus, which came first the living thing or the virus, where did viruses come from, and so on.

    The human DNA is 30% virus. That is probably not junk DNA, but it is unknown what it does, what those virus DNA bits are good for.

  10. E.M.Smith says:


    My “thesis” is just that as life evolved, it developed in a puddle of mud (posting on relative concentrations of minerals in mud matching metabolism a few years ago…) as a set of chemical reactions devoid of cell wrapper, THEN the cell rapper evolved. In that context, a “virus” was just the ordinary way of “life” in the earliest stages. As the Cell evolved, the “virus” (i.e. bundle of RNA or DNA causing replication) had to adapt and those that found a way to make a carrier (capsid) and connect with cells (“spike” or similar) survived. In this thesis, viruses were early and just had to cope with the rest of biology creating “cells”… as “life” was the whole mud pot until the cell developed…

  11. E.M.Smith says:


    The complete collapse of the China Housing Bubble may end up a bit more than heart burn to the GEBS… I’m pondering it right now, but no big insight yet. Just realize it is about the ONLY investment available to the Chinese Citizen and it is collapsing. (With valuations a few times higher than in the 2008 USA Housing Bubble so a few times worse in the collapse….)

  12. H.R. says:

    @E.M. – There are a lot of jokers in the deck for the coming year.

    With nasty inflation in the U.S. already baked into the cake, housing sales should flatten or drop. People will need their income to keep up with the basics and won’t have much left over for house buying.

    OTOH, those who already have a house locked in at the low mortgage rates and get wage boosts for inflation, they get to pay off their mortgage with inflated dollars. It’s a delicate dance. Too much inflation and there are no inflated dollars left over to make the payoff. A bit of luck doesn’t hurt.

    Gonna be some winners, though.

  13. another ian says:

    “As I’ve pointed out since this started and have continued to point out the question is not, ever, whether an unproved option is effective. It is whether it is likely to harm you.

    An approved drug for moderate conditions of any sort is not likely to harm you. A prophylaxis used in acute circumstances is by definition unlikely to harm you. It is not impossible that you will not be harmed by acute use of a prophylaxis but it is wildly unlikely since by definition a prophylaxis is taken to prevent a bad outcome that you might never experience in the first place, and thus its risk of harm must be measured against null rather than some condition.

    For example Ivermectin is used prophylactically against parasitic infection in many nations. HCQ is used prophylactically against malaria. Neither parasitic infection or being bitten by a mosquito carrying malaria is a certainty; ergo, both must be extremely safe to use this way on a chronic basis because the risk of the bad thing they defend against is not certain.

    Both are approved drugs that have gone through the full FDA certification process and have decades of experience associated with them. Likewise Budesonide is also fully FDA approved and is used for chronic conditions in which it is judged to be reasonably safe. Used for an acute exposure it would be extraordinarily unlikely to harm you since people use it for years without ill effect while you propose to use it for days.”

    More at

  14. Compu Gator says:

    I offer my belated wishs to Chiefio & all his denizens for a Happy New Year. And indisputably belated wishes that all had a Merry Christmas [✡].

    For various reasons, I’ve just opened my first bottle of New Year’s champagne within this past couple of hours [🍷]. But now I can feel that I’m mellowing as I type. And the other bottle might be removed from the freezer sooner rather than later.

    Note ✡  : I missed Channukah ( חֲנֻכָּה‎ ) (i.q., Festival of Lights) by quite a lot: ‘2021 date[:] Sunset, 28 Nov.–nightfall, 6 Dec.’,  per by Danny Sadinoff and Michael J. Radwin (CC-BY-3.0). So Channukah began, in 2021, on the day after U.S.-national ceebration of the Yankee Thanksgiving-Myth (Thu. 11-27).

    Note 🍷  : “Jaume Serra Cristalino”,  “Rosé-Brut CAVA”. “Produce of Spain”. BOGO[F] deal at Publix on New Year’s Eve, ∴ operationally $5/bottle.

  15. another ian says:

    “Interesting Shift – Australian Government Now Casually Saying They Will Pay for Adverse Reactions to Vaccine in Booster Phase, Media Calls 79,000 “The Rare Few”
    January 1, 2022 | sundance | 105 Comments”

  16. p.g.sharrow says:

    @EMSmith; you might find this presentation on possible Geo-polymers interesting;

    Geopolymer or Natural Rocks? The Geological Truth of Sacsayhuaman, Peru
    Narrator’s delivery is a bit annoying. Examination of the lower largest “stones” is telling…pg

  17. another ian says:

    ““Polar researchers in Antarctica have contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated and living miles from civilization.”

    “Two thirds of the 25 staff based at Belgium’s Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have caught the virus”

    “The outbreak took hold despite all staff passing multiple PCR tests, quarantining and living in one of the most remote places in the world.”

    More at

    “COVID outbreak at Antarctic station among fully vaccinated researchers like a horror movie”

    We need a better mask (/s)

  18. another ian says:

    It is obviously a long way ahead of that men’s toilet graffiti on syphilis of a long time ago that said 

    “And don’t try standing on the seat

    ‘Cause spirochete can jump six feet”

  19. AC Osborn says:

    another ian says: 2 January 2022 at 1:14 am
    It is a good read.

    Did you read the origin of that Market Ticker post.
    It is very good and describes something that I knew without really acknowledging it.
    That denying us the therapeutic treatments IS PART OF THE CONTROL in the Control Group.
    It is also breaking International laws.

    Denial of Early Covid-19 Treatment – A Crime Against Humanity

    There is also a decent video by the Canadians, which unfortunately has an error, they say that Pfizer “skipped” animal trials when they didn’t. They counducted 7 very poor trials instead.
    I have emailed them about it, but I do not expect them to change anything as I am not “medical” or Canadian.

  20. another ian says:

    “It’s just a fashion: Even the Climate Worriers don’t want to fly less, drive less or eat less meat either”

  21. another ian says:

    More fashion – goes with that Jo Nova above (IMO)

    “Sunday Talks, Fauci Says CDC Quarantine Guidance Will Change Tomorrow After Feedback from Media, Not Science
    January 2, 2022 | Sundance | 49 Comments”

  22. another ian says:

    A close look at some hospital data

    “The ‘Find Your Balls’ Challenge”

  23. Paul, Somerset says:

    Thanks for posting that Bob Mortimer compilation, EM. Left me in tears of laughter. I’d almost forgotten what it’s like to have a great big happy grin on my face.

  24. Ossqss says:

    I have question I have been pondering. How efficient is a plug-in hybrid compared to a traditional hybrid car? I am not looking at actually energy costs, but efficiency of the process involved in charging, I am looking at energy loss through process to get it into a battery. Generation, conversion, transmission, conversion again etc. to charge a battery vs. add gas, generate locally and charge. I had viewed some energy loss stats some time ago but thought to pose the question here for some of the propeller heads who may have that on the tips of their fingers :-)

    This is not about CO2 footprints or anything like that on the car itself. It’s about energy and waste/loss of such via paths for charging.

  25. philjourdan says:

    In the spirit of Wokeness, Happy New Year 2020 Beta,

  26. philjourdan says:

    BTW – been in the 60s all week. Hit 70 today. We are getting 3-6″ of snow come morning.

  27. H.R. says:

    @Ossqss –
    The line loss for the Honda is as minimal as it gets. I have to assume that both the power plant and the generator are running at steady state.

    My WAG is that the difference in efficiency of a power plant vs the little Honda has to be based on the energy input to both being the same in order to compare the output. (Your question already accounts for all that so far.)

    And so far, the only difference in efficiency I can see is how each process deals with waste heat produced during generation. For thermal processes, I’d think a power plant gets the nod because more of the heat energy can be contained and directed towards the generator. OTOH, the Honda is air cooled and all of the energy lost to heat is gone with the wind.

    I still think you are missing the boat by not just looking at the costs of each. Just compare the costs of a kwh on your electric bill – higher than the actual raw cost of generation what with, regulations, taxes, and whatnot – to what you spend to get a kwh out of a Honda.

    BUT, the power plant has the advantage of huge economies of scale over someone running down to the gas station and buying fuel at the price of the day. So we’re right back to your question; what is the engineering difference in efficiencies?

    My only answer to that is I don’t ever recall seeing a giant (27 cubic km 😜) Honda generator being used as a power plant. There must be some reason for that.

  28. E.M.Smith says:

    Couple of data points:

    Best ship sized Diesel is about 55% and it goes down hill from there. Gasoline engines run about 33%. That’s mechanical not electrical, figure about 96% efficient generator. Coal is about 39% efficient and a lot cheaper and that is to final electric product.

    For gas hybrid you skip charger and battery losses for most of your use time. That’s about 10% of stored power (charger & battery charging inefficiencies) and 1% of battery capacity per day (internal self discharge).

    Trains in the USA are largely Diesel electric as that is cheapest & more efficient than anything but nuclear electricity.

    More than you want to know:

  29. E.M.Smith says:

    Oh, and THE big advantage of a hybrid is just regenerative braking. Recovery of energy otherwise lost to heat in the brakes. That’s why most hybrids have a small Ni battery instead of a big Li. An ideal car would be Diesel Electric with just enough battery for braking energy recovery.

    Plug in hybrid major advantage is saving engine wear on short runs. Energy not so much…

  30. H.R. says:

    @E.M. – It is tough to answer Ossqss’ question without factoring in costs.

    If one process is 10% more efficient than another, but the fuel for it costs 50% more, then the less efficient process gets favored.

    Your 1st paragraph gets to the heart of the matter and bypasses costs.

    So I’d think that we’d be seeing power plants consisting of 50 or 100 (more?) of those giant ship-size diesel engines if that’s the most efficient way to supply a generator.

    OTOH, you mention nuclear as being the most efficient, but Honda doesn’t sell nuclear generators for use in your garage. 😜

    How efficient are waterwheels? I’d think the only mechanical losses would be in the shaft and the connection to the generator.

    I’m going to claim that the most efficient way to charge your plug-in hybrid is to have a waterwheel in the creek in your back yard turning a generator. Line, friction, and heat losses are minimal compared to any other system. And that’s without discussing costs.

    Maybe a backyard wind turbine could enter the conversation, if you’re not concerned with the intermittency. I’m not sure about solar.

    Ossqss does raise an intriguing question if costs are not to be considered.

  31. Ossqss says:

    Let me try again, what energy is lost in the process of using stored energy from the initial state of conversion from raw energy, to converted voltage, through transmission lines, converting it back again to appliance levels and converting it again to make a battery charge, vs. a gas engine moving a local generator in a hybrid car to do the same?

    I am just trying to do some math that escapes me.

    In other words, how efficient is a plug-in hybrid or an EV in the physics process with respect to energy?

  32. another ian says:

    Horse paste indeed?

    “I think what this confirms is that it is — and always was — crazy to try to hide from a virus. It’s also pretty crazy to think these vaccines do anything at all.

    These particular ” vaccines” are right up there with leeches as a medical treatment.

    People are victims of mass hypnosis. They are so fearful, they can no longer distinguish between truth and fiction.”

  33. E.M.Smith says:


    I was spending more time on the actual generation than it looks like your question asks…

    The actual spinning generator (alternator) is very efficient. About 92% is typical

    Consider the published efficiency value for an alternator rated at above 150kVA. The tolerance
    advises that losses can increase by 10%. If the typical efficiency is advised as being 92%, then
    invoking the -10% consideration suggests:

    It doesn’t change much with scale (size) but smaller ones can be less efficient by a percent or two. Not much more.

    Power transmission losses:

    Considering the main parts of a typical Transmission & Distribution network, here are the average values of power losses at the different steps*:

    1-2% – Step-up transformer from generator to Transmission line
    2-4% – Transmission line
    1-2% – Step-down transformer from Transmission line to Distribution network
    4-6% – Distribution network transformers and cables
    The overall losses between the power plant and consumers is then in the range between 8 and 15%.

    So at this point, with maybe 2% more loss in your smaller alternator vs 8-15% line losses, the DIY at point of use is up, net, about 6%-13%. BUT, you are not done yet…

    The Charging Unit in your car will have about 5% loss in the conversion from wall power to battery volts. Depending on how a gas-hybrid is wired, you might skip some of that. Overall though, it’s likely close to a wash, but again the car born alternator can have a bit of an advantage here, too.

    In both cases, about 10% will be lost to battery inefficiencies in the charge / discharge cycle. Just heating up the battery instead of storing electrons. This also includes the Motor Controller losses where some of the power is lost to electronics making just the amount of power you need to make the motor turn the way you want. It can vary a Percent or 2 depending on specifics of design and things like passive vs active cooling. But for comparison of wall vs on board charging, it’s largely a wash.

    So just from a generation and transmission, charging and discharge cycle, the onboard generation runs about 6+5% = 11% to 13+5%= 18% so 6%-13% up to 11-18% more efficient.

    Now, the two Biggies that we’ve glossed over so far. This is JUST looking at charging a battery pack from wall power or onboard generator, not “Fuel to battery” total efficiency. And not “Fuel to wheels” either.

    Early I pointed at the relative efficiencies of Diesel, Gasoline, and Coal. (55%, 33-35%, 39%) but note that the first two are MECHANICAL efficiency. Need to knock them down by those alternator efficiency numbers to be comparing “electrons to electrons” with the coal. So -8% from them for the alternator and you get: Diesel Electric: 47%, Gasoline Electric 25-27%, Coal 39%. (And that, boys and girls, is why Diesel Electric trains are in use and Coal Electric is not… Ditto large ships).

    So why do we use coal to make electricity? Because it is, quite literally, Dirt Cheap.

    Now for the champs at making electricity efficiently, look at combined cycle gas turbines. This is especially true if you can use the “waste” heat for building heating or similar:

    Combined cycle gas turbines
    Topic last reviewed: 10 April 2013

    Sectors: Upstream

    Category: Power and heat generation

    A combined-cycle power system typically uses a gas turbine to drive an electrical generator, and recovers waste heat from the turbine exhaust to generate steam. The steam from waste heat is run through a steam turbine to provide supplemental electricity. The overall electrical efficiency of a combined-cycle power system is typically in the range of 50–60% — a substantial improvement over the efficiency of a simple, open-cycle application of around 33%.

    A combined-cycle power system is the traditional technology of choice for most large onshore power generation plants, and is therefore well established. The technology have also been used on a few offshore installations for over 10 years. Most offshore installations are designed to generate power from open-cycle gas turbines which offer reduced capital costs, size and weight (per MW installed), but with compromised energy efficiency and fuel costs per unit output. Combined-cycle system operation is suitable for stable load applications, but less suitable for offshore applications with variable or declining load profiles. In a new ‘greenfield’ development incorporating a combined-cycle system design, the size of the gas turbine can be optimized and is likely to be smaller than an equivalent open-cycle configuration. Additionally, the waste heat recovery unit (WHRU) can replace the gas turbine silencer, thereby mitigating some of the space and weight constraints. Residual heat may be used instead of fired heaters, thereby improving the overall system efficiency. As such, the use of combined-cycle power technology is dependent on the power and heat demand of the installation. Combined-cycle technology is most cost-effective for larger plants. On an installation where the heat demand is large, the waste heat from the WHRU will normally be used for other heating applications, and hence there will be little residual heat left for power generation.

    Note that “open cycle” gas turbines are about the same efficiency as the “open cycle” gasoline motor driven alternator. It’s all that secondary heat to power conversion equipment that makes the difference.

    But once you have one of these guys built and running, you are getting THE most power per pound of fuel you can do. SLIGHTLY better than a monster Diesel. BUT they can use a variety of relatively cheap gaseous fuels. Diesel fuel costs significantly more to refine and purify compared to a hole in the ground with natural gas coming out…

    So here you have a good 25% to 60% range of thermal efficiency of turning fuel into electrons based on the kind of plant and scale used. So why would you ever use anything other than a combined cycle gas turbine? Differences in Capital Cost and Fuel Available and Fuel Cost.

    I’m not interested in having a home generator that takes up a city block and costs a $Million, I want a $700 generator that’s OK on a gallon of gas and I use it maybe 2 x a year… so I just don’t care about efficiency.

    The other “biggie” is that a hybrid electric when running on the engine is typically NOT charging the battery. It’s making electricity that gets directly used to turn the electric motor. The charge controller / battery charge & discharge losses & standby leakage losses, inverter losses (if any) are all ZERO when you make the power and use it right now. For a plug in E-Car, you ALWAYS have them. For the plug-in hybrid, you only have them for the first 20 to 40 miles of the day (or less for some cars).

    Hopefully that will be enough for you to get the math together for your answer.

    FWIW, a “rule of thumb” I worked out for SMALL size Diesel Generators is that the price in a US Gallon Of Diesel, divided by 10 (move the decimal point one space) is roughly the cost of making a kW-hr of electricity. So with Diesel at $4.00 / gallon, you get $0.40 / kW-hr electricity. As the Rip Off Highway Robbery PG&E rate is $0.29 / kW-hr, it is still cheaper to buy it than make it. In places like Florida with $0.10 / kW-hr rates, even better… (last time I looked a few years ago).

    Now if you can buy Bunker Fuel Oil instead of road taxed car Diesel, and use a house sized engine, you can get the cost per kW-hr of Diesel Electric down to about the same as the “utility company”, and if you use natural gas in a “micro turbine” with use for the “waste” heat, even better. Capstone has a nice 30 kW unit good for heating a swimming pool while making lots of electrons ;-)

    Let me know if there’s some bit I need to expand on.

  34. E.M.Smith says:

    A much shorter form of that:

    A Gasoline / Alternator hybrid will be about 25%-27% efficient at making electrons, then you MAY lose another 5% in the charge controller / power management gear.

    A Plug in Hybrid will be getting electrons made at about 33% to 60% efficiency, depending on kind of thermal plant (open cycle, coal at 39%, combined cycle gas at 60%) but you lose about 8%-15% in the transmission / conversion and the you WILL lose another 5% in the charge controller and about 10% in the battery chemistry but only when it is charging the battery, not when you are using the power immediately to drive down the road. So between (33-8-15= 10% to 60-8-15=37% efficient for the first “battery only” range of driving. After that you are running directly from the generator and skip the battery charge / discharge losses. IFF you have lousy transmission in your area, that can be even worse by about 7% more transmission losses.

    Note that I cascade the losses in this calculation and that is not strictly valid. For example, if you make 20 kW-hrs and lose 10% in transmission, that’s now 18 kW-hrs. Losing another 10% of that in the battery chemistry is not another 2 kW-hrs but is really 1.8 kW-hrs, so overall efficiency is not 20% lower, but really 20-3.8 = 16.2 kW-hr or 81% overall efficiency, not 80%. But this is generally inside the error bars on estimated loss ranges except at small numbers.

    Note two that I’m ignoring differences in battery chemistry. NiCd can take a big fat fast charge of regenerative braking efficiently. Lion likes slower charge profile to be efficient. For regular hybrids they often use a fast charge chemistry that’s less efficient, like NiCd and the overnight charge folks with plug in will use things like Lion for more efficiency from the wall plug.

    Realistically, the biggest issue is just that gasoline generators are not very efficient and that’s what’s in all the plug-in hybrids I’ve seen so far. They would be a lot better with a small diesel in them or a Capstone like turbine. Also note that charge controller, inverter, etc. losses are GUESSES as each car maker will be different. One might use a DC motor with no inverter. Another an AC motor. Etc.

  35. jim2 says:

    An audit of Texas voter rolls identified nearly 12,000 non-citizens suspected of illegally registering to vote and nearly 600 cases in which ballots may have been cast in the name of a dead resident or by a voter who may also have voted in another state.

    Texas Secretary of State John Scott released the findings of the first phase of his audit on the last day of 2021, announcing 224,585 deceased residents were removed from state voters rolls as a result of the review

    Statewide, a total of 11,737 potential non-U.S. citizens were identified as being registered to cast ballots, with the lion’s share located in the counties around Texas two largest cities of Houston and Dallas. It is illegal for foreigners to vote in Texas elections.

  36. Simon Derricutt says:

    One of the things about Carnot efficiency is that in real life we don’t start at zero degrees absolute but at ambient, and so the calculated thermodynamic efficiency is a little misleading. In fact, a perfect Carnot engine converts 100% of the fuel energy (or other input heat) into mechanical energy if you look at it more carefully. Carnot efficiency is in fact a restatement of conservation of energy, which is why it cannot be exceeded. In a real (thus imperfect) heat engine, you lose heat to other things (mainly heating the environmental air) and thus won’t get a perfect conversion. If we design a cycle that minimises that lost heat, we’d maximise the usable mechanical energy produced too. Back in ’86 I designed such a cycle (see ) but it never got anywhere. The essential thing here is the gas cycle, effectively using a constant-pressure throughout the cycle and using reverse-flow heat-exchangers to transfer heat between the inlet and exhaust gases in each section and thus retain the heat in the hot side and the cool in the cool side. Since we neither need to cool the hot side nor exhaust hot gas, the efficiency can be ridiculously high as regards conversion of fuel to mechanical power though the Carnot efficiency would be calculated as somewhat less. I couldn’t build one well-enough with the tools I had at the time, and couldn’t afford to pay someone else to make one, but maybe I’ll build some version of it in the next few years just to prove it works. Such an engine wouldn’t be that good in a car (fairly slow to accelerate without losing efficiency) but would be good to drive a constant-load generator. The drawing I did back then wasn’t that clear, but if you use any type of compressor on the right and any type of motor on the left, and the capacity per second of each is related to the absolute temperature ratio of each side, then it works the same. Standard gas laws apply. The innovation here is the addition of that reverse-flow heat exchanger which recycles the heat between the flows of gas, and where the extra heat is supplied to the hot side after it’s already been heated by the exhaust from the hot side. The bigger you make that heat exchanger, and thus the smaller the differential temperature across the membrane/foil separating the gasflows, the lower the amount of energy lost to the environment and the more mechanical energy you get out for the same amount of heat put in.

    A lot of the losses in a standard ICE are to do with the piston/cylinder cooling the gases when you want to keep them hot and of warming the gases when you want to keep them cool, since the heating and cooling happen in the same cylinder sequentially. Thus separating the hot side and cool side and keeping them at the gas temperature in that side saves the temperature cycling and losses. Whereas the Stirling engine goes some way towards this ideal, there’s not enough separation of the hot and cool sides and the design of the heat-exchange is not near enough to ideal. It’s also useful to keep gas velocities as low as possible to avoid losses from vortices and drag in general, and to avoid other sources of friction. Running at higher internal pressure allows a smaller machine to produce the same power as a larger one at lower pressure.

    Not that this really is relevant, since at the moment you can’t buy such a high-efficiency engine to charge your EV, but could be interesting to some people anyway.

  37. jim2 says:

    Even if the cold sink is absolute zero, the Carnot efficiency will not be 100%. The entire point of Carnot efficiency is that some energy will be converted to heat, no matter what. So not all the energy will be converted to work, some will be converted to heat, which means less than 100% efficiency.

  38. Simon Derricutt says:

    Jim2 – the point of saying a perfect Carnot engine is that it does not lose any energy in friction. It also runs very slowly so that it is always in thermal equilibrium and is perfectly insulated when needed. In short, not attainable, but useful for theory. In theory, whatever the cold sink temperature is, the input energy will be 100% translated into mechanical energy with no losses. The quoted Carnot efficiency tells you what percentage of the total hot-side thermal energy you can get out with a certain cold-side temperature. However, with a real system, that’s the temperature you start with, so you only need to add the inverse of the Carnot efficiency number to it to raise it to the hot-side temperature. That heat you need to add is the maximum you can get out again, either as heat or as directional energy.

    In fact, since energy is conserved, you cannot lose energy at all in the engine. All the heat that goes in comes out one way or another. What you lose during the use of the mechanical energy that engine produces is the directionality that that engine has imposed on the energy.

    You get a different viewpoint when you look at the directionality of the processes. The number of joules of energy remains the same whatever you do. Thus talking about losing energy, which thermodynamics does, leads to thinking about things the wrong way. Took me a long time to see things the other way, though.

  39. another ian says:

    New fashion coming

    “Bored With The Current China Virus? New One Coming!”

  40. another ian says:

    Another look at EV’s

    “Reality vis-a-vis Energy And The Economy”

    And Kunstler on a different subject


    At the usual “cluster —” address

  41. jim2 says:

    @Simon. You are correct that the Carnot engine is an ideal and can’t be created, and in that ideal conception, there is no friction.

    But you are not correct that 100% of the available energy is converted to mechanical energy. That’s the whole point of the exercise, some of it will escape as heat. Therefore, it’s efficiency is less than 100%.

  42. jim2 says:


    energy in = mechanical energy created + heat which is lost to the environment.

    So mechanical energy created = energy in – heat lost to the environment.

  43. jim2 says:

    The most efficient heat engine cycle is the Carnot cycle, consisting of two isothermal processes and two adiabatic processes. The Carnot cycle can be thought of as the most efficient heat engine cycle allowed by physical laws. When the second law of thermodynamics states that not all the supplied heat in a heat engine can be used to do work, the Carnot efficiency sets the limiting value on the fraction of the heat which can be so used.

  44. another ian says:

    Tripping the “light sarcastic”

    “Good News, Joe Biden Announced He Just Discovered Grocery Inflation Might Be a Problem
    January 3, 2022 | Sundance | 67 Comments

    Comrades, the White House occupant announced today that someone told his wife’s sister about grocery store inflation. The surprising incident happened when a guest made the comment while visiting over the holidays.”

    More at

  45. another ian says:

    Kicking the house of cards

    “Megyn Kelly on the COVID Truth That’s Starting to Come Out Now | The Megyn Kelly Show – YouTube”

  46. Ossqss says:

    Well, thank you everyone for the feedback on the efficiency thing. They were quite easy to understand and fully interpret. Well, maybe not so much :-)

    Bottom line, I am getting a bicycle now. LOL

    In reality, I am still debating a Rav4 in varying configurations (TRD vs XSE), and moving away from my 2013 AWD MKT. Only being considered due to an ACM I need to replace and will have the matching part this Wed.

    I would add, the MKT (station wagon) has 72k miles, gets around 20 mpg, a 365 hp engine that does a 5.9s 60, and has a refrigerator/freezer under the back seat armrest that holds a 12 pack, and what they call tailgate, push button, rear facing seats functional at the back hatch. No BS.

    So, you see my challenges. I have even considered lifting the MKT, but it was expressed not to do so in forums. The modeling imagery was very enticing, I would say.

  47. another ian says:

    And evolving fashion with a few questionables!

    “New York Science Teacher Vaccinates Son’s Friend, Without Parents’ Consent, During Visit to Her House
    January 4, 2022 | Sundance | 43 Comments”

  48. another ian says:

    On reflection I guess the only suprise would be that New York beat California at being first

  49. another ian says:

    More reading

    “Did banned mRNA vax inventor Robert W. Malone M.D. just break the Google algorithm?”

  50. Tony Hansen says:

    A simple question beyond my pay-grade.
    What are the options for a layman such as myself (semi-retired cattle rancher( in US terminology)) to get a published science paper retracted if it has a significant (ie fatal) flaw.
    The paper in question underpins a departmentally backed multi-national program.
    Does any internet discussion of such flaw automatically preclude any chance of a reasonable outcome?

  51. Tony Hansen says:

    re my previous post.
    Academia, at times, seems to have an inordinate defensive response to protecting what they perceive to be their own.
    So many of the journals have shown themselves to be ethically compromised.
    I do not know if my providing links will vitiate any future progression of my complaint.
    Any feedback appreciated.

  52. jim2 says:

    Covid microchip developer says there’s no stopping roll-out: ‘Whether we like it or not!’

    He said: “This technology exists and is used whether we like it or not.
    “I am happy that it is brought into the public conversation.
    “New technologies must be broadly debated and understood.
    “Smart implants are a powerful health technology.

  53. Simon Derricutt says:

    Jim2 – a numerical example may help. Let’s say we have a perfect Carnot engine filled with a perfect gas that has a constant heat-capacity over temperature, and we’re running with a cold sink of 100K and a hot sink of 200K. At 100K, the gas has a total energy of Q joules. To raise it to 200K we thus need to add another Q joules, and the gas now has a total energy of 2Q joules. Running the Carnot engine between 200K and 100K, the Carnot efficiency will be 50%, and so we get Q joules out of the engine. We put Q joules in as heat, we get Q joules out as mechanical energy, and the Carnot efficiency was only 50%.

    In reality, of course, the efficiency of conversion when we look at the joules in and out is 100% if we have that perfect Carnot engine and perfect gas, and the Carnot efficiency of 50% is only really a restatement of Conservation of Energy (which is why it cannot be exceeded using a classical heat engine). Also in reality there will not only be losses through imperfect insulation, not enough time allowed to reach thermal equilibrium, drag and frictional losses, and temperature cycling of the piston and cylinder, but also with a real gas the heat capacity will vary with temperature too, so in our example above the amount of energy in the gas at 200K will not be exactly twice that at 100K anyway. Thus with real materials even the Carnot efficiency will not be accurate, even though Conservation of Energy still applies and you won’t get out more energy than you’ve put in.

    I spent quite a long time nitpicking this process because I had a hunch there was something wrong with the concept but couldn’t quite see it. Everyone seems to regard the thermodynamic efficiency as being equivalent to the actual conversion rate of fuel energy to output mechanical energy, and to ignore the point that in the real world we don’t start with the cold-side working fluid at zero absolute but at the ambient temperature.

    There are some other failures in the classical deductions and even in the definitions of the words and concepts used. The main one is that work is regarded as being a scalar, when it is actually a vector – force times distance gives you the work, but that distance must be in the direction that the force is acting and you must know the directions of both the force and the movement to correctly calculate the (scalar) work done. Kinetic energy is regarded as a scalar, too, but it can only be measured when it is carried by some particle and that particle must be moving and therefore has a direction. You can’t have (scalar) kinetic energy without a momentum vector. Heat itself is regarded as a scalar, too (we simply talk about the number of joules and ignore directionality). Of course, when you’re dealing with calculations for steam engines (what thermodynamics was really invented for) the maths works when you deal with the energy and heat as scalars. Because this works well, and always gives the right answers when dealing with heat engines, it is regarded as being well-tested and correct. Thus the prediction that you can only get usable energy when working between two temperatures is regarded as being absolutely true.

    It’s true as long as you have ignored the directionality of the particles that carry that heat. When you add that directionality back into the logic, though, more things are obviously possible. What is the difference between a joule of heat and a joule of usable energy? It is simply that with the heat, the (many) particles carrying that joule are in random directions and thus cannot move an object in a particular direction, and thus do (vector) work. If all those particles were in fact going in the same direction, you’d have a wind which can obviously do work. When we use energy, and thermodynamics counts the energy “lost”, it’s not in fact energy that’s lost but instead the directionality of the particles that becomes more random.

    How to reverse this loss of directionality? What’s changed here is the momentum vectors, and so what we’re looking for is a momentum exchange. If you look at the definition of a conservative field (electrical, magnetic, gravity, or nuclear), such a field maintains the sum of potential and kinetic energy of the affected particle, yet changes the momentum vector in the direction of the field. Generally, we ignore the philosophical implications of this ordering effect and only recognise the tendency of collections of entities to become disordered. Without the ordering effect of such fields, though, we wouldn’t exist. Bit of yin and yang here – without both the ordering and disordering effects life would be very much different if it could exist at all.

    Still, let’s say you are carrying that heat energy (random momentum vectors) on a collection of electrons and you subject those electrons to an electric field. Pretty obviously, those electron vectors will go upfield towards the +ve pole of what is generating the field. If you look at how a solar panel works, this is indeed what is happening here. The field is produced by the PN junction, which generates a depletion zone for some distance either side of the junction itself where carriers are swept out of the depletion zone. Photoelectrons produced within this depletion zone are swept out of the zone before they have time to recombine and generate a photon again. Looked at another way, random-direction photons coming into that zone produce random-direction photoelectrons which are then given a direction by the inbuilt electric field and end up on one electrode (holes go the other direction). This ordering effect happens without any extra energy needing to be supplied to the PV, and delivers ordered energy (that is, unidirectional momenta) from disordered energy (the incoming photons) because of the field structure produced by the arrangement of P and N semiconductors. This spontaneous production of order is one of the things that thermodynamics says can’t happen, and yet we know that solar panels do actually work. People are in general so sure that the laws of thermodynamics are inviolable that they find ways to prove that a PV doesn’t violate them even though it’s pretty obvious that it spontaneously produces more order and thus violates them.

    The difference between the near-IR photons that a solar panel converts to usable energy and the long-wave-IR photons associated with room-temperature IR radiation is solely the quantity of energy each photon carries. Thus logically we should be able to use the same principle to convert room-temperature radiation to usable energy. Practically, I haven’t managed that yet, but that’s more of a technical problem (it’s a bit hard to build a semiconductor fab on the kitchen table, and to get or produce pure-enough materials) than a problem in theory. The commercially-available PVs go down to a band-gap of around 100meV (a Mercury-Cadmium alloy doped with Tellurium), but those are somewhat expensive since they are hard to make and have the consistency of a banana. There are some other alloys that would give us a band-gap of around 24-30mev which would be compatible with room-temperature radiation. I’m not yet sure what dopants would be required for these. There are people who can produce Graphene with a specific band-gap in this range, though (basically, by adjusting the number and location of holes in the lattice) so it’s possible that someone will make such a device using Graphene. Not a kitchen-table job, though.

    Sorry this ended up as somewhat of an essay than a quick reply. The omission of directionality from thermodynamics leads to a prediction of some things being impossible that are not only obviously possible but easily commercially available.

  54. jim2 says:

    Washington, DC — Today, Congressman Troy E. Nehls (R-TX-22) entered the transcript of the Joe Rogan Experience #1757 – Interview with Dr. Robert Malone, MD into the Congressional Record after Twitter and YouTube removed the interview from their platforms. Dr. Malone is a widely published mRNA vaccine expert who went on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast to raise concerns over the COVID-19 vaccine. Twitter’s move to deplatform Dr. Malone and remove the interview from their site is the latest in a string of censuring individuals who dissent against the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine mandates.

  55. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    Last night I paid $30 for a miniature “8 Piece Bucket Meal” of Kentucky Fried Chicken. We’re at almost $4 / piece at that rate (just a few pennies shy of it…) when not that long ago it was $1 / piece and a $12 bucket of 10 pieces. Yeah, food inflation is very real.


    TRD? XSE? MKT? Certainly not TMI, But WTF Is the BFD? TLAs are so OMG PITA…


    Yup. Protesting “overmuch” via censoring Dr. Malone was a big mistake…

    Hard to confuse folks about what “inventor of the technology” means…. but you can call a LOT of attention to him….

    Frankly, it has reached the point where, for me, someone or some topic being banned from Twitter or Facebook is now a Gold Standard Proof Of Truth…. Tell me someone or something was banned, my first thought is “Oh, so they are confirming he / it was true, eh?”….

  56. another ian says:

    “Opinion: Climate finance could be the next bubble to burst”

  57. Power Grab says:

    @Ossqss re:
    “Bottom line, I am getting a bicycle now. LOL”

    I just picked up my bicycle today!

    It’s a 1961 J.C. Higgins that is just one year older than my first bicycle (also a J.C. Higgins, now long gone). I got this bike off Ebay. It was in Ohio. The bike was $115. The shipping was $95. That was a better deal for a bicycle like I wanted, and in great shape! Other similar bikes that were were closer and in good shape were priced at several hundred dollars ($300 to $700 to $1,000 and more).

    This one is a one-speed cruiser with coaster brakes, like my first bike. The seller said he rode it in a bike show and it rode and stopped just like it was supposed to. We weigh about the same, so it was good to hear that it worked well even for a person who isn’t a grade-school-size child anymore.

  58. H.R. says:

    @Power Grab – Congrats!

    Was this the model you bought, or was it one with a little less flash?

    Those days, you got your bike from Sears, Western Auto, or a bike shop that sold Schwinns and or Raleighs. ‘Tanker’ models were the cool thing.

  59. jim2 says:

    More that a SOC, less than a PC …

    What is a Thin Client?

    It is a physically small low-powered (both in terms of computing power and electrical power consumption) computer. It has no mechanical disk, no fan and has an operating system and a few basic applications embedded in some flash memory along with some RAM. It’s been designed to effectively act as a terminal to a central server. Usually the operating system is an embedded version of Windows – starting with Windows CE thru to the latest version depending on the age of the hardware – or Linux. The “applications” are usually implementations for Windows Terminal Services (RDP) and Citrix ICA.

    The concept behind them is for businesses to run all of their applications on a central group of servers and have users remotely log onto a desktop session on these servers to access their applications and data. The advantages with this type of set-up are centralised management and reduced hardware cost as users only need a small, inexpensive client device (the thin terminal) instead of a fully functional desktop computer.

    Also, in my trawlings of the Web, I’ve come across one individual with a largish family who has actually used them this way at home to reduce his own personal IT budget!

  60. H.R. says:

    @Ossqss – You lookin’ for something like this? 😜

  61. Ossqss says:

    @HR, that chain is a bit loose. :-)

  62. Ossqss says:

    Remember when things were normal… Those were the days, eh?

  63. another ian says:

    Robert Malone


  64. another ian says:

    “Why suppress early safe treatments for Covid? Here’s $24 billion reasons”

  65. another ian says:

    Quite a lesson on hydrogen here

    Heat Pumps v Hydrogen: (Scalded Or Burned!!)


  66. jim2 says:

    RE: 40% increase in deaths. The excess mortality peaks have been around 40%, but the average over the year is lower, eyeball estimate of 30% for 2021. But the point still stands – it ain’t a good thing.

  67. H.R. says:

    @jim2 – The Mrs. watches Tucker and last night he had a segment on Omicron. I only pay half-attention, but the gist of it was that those who were never jabbed aren’t getting it and those who were jabbed seem to be especially susceptible to getting the Omicron variant.

    Since the excess deaths aren’t coming from the high number of people getting FauXi’s Flu v3.2, then they must be coming from the jabs.

    The Peking Pox has already taken the most vulnerable with comorbidities, so that leaves…?

    The excess deaths data has a range from year to year varying by many thousands, plus or minus, and mostly the elderly. But it’s my understanding that many of the current excess deaths are in the 18 to 65 age group, and I guess that just doesn’t happen.

    So, we’re left with a flu variant, which isn’t happening, the jabs, which may be happening, or some undiscovered mystery cause.

    What is one to think?

  68. jim2 says:

    HR – I looked for a temporal correlation between vaccinations and deaths – didn’t see it in the WorldMeter data.

  69. H.R. says:

    @jim2 – Thanks for the input. Since I didn’t look at the WorldMeter before making my guess, I’ll have to check it out when I get a chance.

  70. Ossqss says:

    This is gonnna be hard to hide on the news. Quite the large study from the UK linked in the post.

  71. another Ian says:

    “Let’s Make This Simple”

  72. p.g.sharrow says:

    These are a good set of observations and forecasts for present events as well as a bit of insight on the evolution of Trumps tweets and speeches; Well worth watching
    Patel Patriot – Devolution Power Hour – Clif High Interview 1:15 hr

    Clif_High: LOST IN THE WOO 0:45 hr

    Clif High is a polymath that thought he could create an Algorithm to be used as a search bot on the Internet to gauge stock market moves / directions so he could make money. It did not work for that but did give a forecast of public future events

  73. another ian says:

    “American but applies just as well to Australia

    China claims that coronavirus came from an old stupid bat, but Nancy Pelosi denied having been involved.

    “Payday” candy bar is changing its name because it’s offensive to those who don’t work.

    If the current power grid can’t handle a night of 20 degrees temperatures without rolling blackouts, how are we going to plug 100 millions electric cars up at night?

    Are there any countries that tax their citizens and send some of it to Americans?

    Imagine, if you will, a world where every tweet and meme must be fact checked but not a ballot.

    How to stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers? Ban sober drivers from driving. That’s exactly how gun control works.

    Can we still order black coffee? Are brownies being taken off the shelf? Is White Castle changing it’s name? I’m sure Cracker Barrel is screwed. Can we still play Chinese checkers? Is that season still called Indian summer? No more Italian sausages? How far do you want to go with this foolishness?

    Hell of a job, Democrats! You’ve managed to bring back the 1918 pandemic, the 1929 depression, the 1968 race riots and the 1973 gas prices – all at the same time.”

    From an email

  74. another ian says:

    The opposite of the KISS Principle

    Check out the CDC flow chart at the end of

  75. AC Osborn says:

    Ossqss says: 5 January 2022 at 5:51 pm
    “This is gonnna be hard to hide on the news.”
    I doubt very much that it will appear on any UK News site.

  76. another ian says:


    “In a startling reversal, women who have had the COVID vaccine are being shunned in the dating scene by potential partners due to issues with possible birth defects and infertility.”

    “Vaccine-free sperm – the new bitcoin”

  77. jim2 says:

    The left is headed full tilt into a WWII Germany stance … or is it a full blown Communist approach. Probably the latter.

    Rather than a spate of attacks by organized groups — largely what the Biden administration has prepared for — instead we have seen a massive expansion of the broader ecosystem of far-right extremism. I study terrorism and regularly monitor the rhetoric traversing Telegram and other platforms frequented by far-right extremists. Over the past year, it’s become clear that the violence underpinning the Capitol rioters’ ideology has seeped into mainstream culture and politics. As a result, many more people can — and do — engage in extremist thoughts and actions, not just members of groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. This raises risks of violence by radicalized “lone wolves,” who are much harder to track and thwart.

    What some scholars call “mass radicalization” — the mainstreaming of extremism beyond a more organized core — presents a different sort of counter-terrorism challenge for the Biden administration. Rather than playing defense through a law enforcement-driven approach, the administration needs a comprehensive strategy that cuts across different parts of society to weaken the growing pool of extremists prepared to use violence to advance their ideological goals.

  78. jim2 says:

    More on the jackboot.

    That sentiment comes from a small group working in a cutting-edge field known as unrest prediction. The group takes a promising if fraught approach that applies the complex methods of machine-learning to the mysterious roots of political violence. Centered since its inception a number of years ago on the developing world, the field’s systems since last Jan. 6 are slowly being retooled with a new goal: predicting the next Jan. 6.

    “We now have the data — and opportunity — to pursue a very different path than we did before,” said Clayton Besaw, who helps run CoupCast, a machine-learning program now connected to the University of Central Florida that predicts the likelihood of coups and electoral violence for dozens of countries each month.

    The efforts have acquired new urgency with the recent sounding of alarms in the United States. Last month, three retired generals warned in a Washington Post op-ed that they saw conditions becoming increasingly susceptible to a military coup after the 2024 election. Others have worried about other forms of subversion and violence.

  79. E.M.Smith says:


    Unfortunately, the Coup already happened and it was via fraudulent vote counting…

    (Remember to apply Rules For Radicals to the news. ~”Always accuse your opponent of what you do.” So what the “News” claims the “radical right” or “far right” is doing, is in fact, what they have done.)

  80. p.g.sharrow says:

    The Communist coup has already happened, they think that they are being threaten by a peoples counter-coup that always takes place. Communist take overs only succeed if they capture control of the military and police forces.. It remains to be seen if the military will turn on the people. The Communists will use every argument and False Flag operation to convince police and military to side with them. The one major stumbling block is that the American people are armed and dangerous, And the field forces of both military and police are known to be “undependable” so every effort is being used to purge them of those that might support the people.
    From what I see the Communists are losing the argument in spite of their control of the media.
    The fruits of their final victory are slipping through their fingers and they are desperate to close the trap on their enemies before it closes on them. All of the loud noise about their Plandemic is becoming counter productive as the people are wising up to their actual danger from the “Official Planners” efforts.

  81. jim2 says:

    All the military trained people who were drummed out will be a natural militia.

  82. p.g.sharrow says:

    @jim2; You are correct, they are well trained, experienced and pissed Our best people.
    The Communists know that and are desperate to brand them/us all as “Domestic Terrorists” They should take care of what they wish for. We are the largest army in the world. If they start a real war they will lose, Meanwhile we will wait as we know what it really looks like and fear letting that monster out of it’s cage. Antifa and a few lapdog Generals will not save them….pg

  83. E.M.Smith says:


    You would think they would have learned after the debacle of Russia at the start of W.W.II (after the Stalin purges). But no…

  84. p.g.sharrow says:

    Back in the days of founding of America, the men of the community formed themselves into Militia for mutual protection and assistance, to put down fire and bandits that might treated their communities. Actually, the local Body Politic, Good old boys club, Civic aid organization. Volunteer fire fighters, police and military. Self motivated and funded to protect their community.
    I grew up in such a place. Volunteer Fire fighters, VFW, Rotary, and Sheriff’s Posse, all often the same people, that make up the local militia. Self funded, armed, motivated and trained to protect their community from all enemies. They make up the local “Body Politic” as well.

  85. p.g.sharrow says:

    @EMSmith; Communists never learn from experience. They follow the Religion of Socialism That was formed perfectly and can have no defects. Any failure is only caused by not following the plan exactly.. So they dreamily start out to execute “The Plan” and will do anything deemed necessary to achieve The Plan. They know that they must destroy everything that preexisted to be able to create their Utopia and create the perfect Modern Man. We are in their way to their Utopia.

  86. jim2 says:

    If they really want to get the people who “fanned the flames” of the “insurrection,” they need to look no further than within the ranks of the FBI.

  87. E.M.Smith says:


    Oddly (or maybe not so odd…) my home town had an all volunteer fire department… Also the Elks and Moose Clubs did a lot of volunteer work. And, come to think of it, the Sheriff did have a Posse group… some of them official Sheriff’s Reserve Officers, some of them “just folks”. (As a teen, I did a dive in a canal looking for a drowned kid for the Sheriff Deputy on site, our Eagle Scout leader…, while the guy with SCUBA tanks worked under the weir outflow; which was where they found the kid. Not sworn is as Posse, but still recruited as needed since I had snorkel gear and diving skills.)

    The local Masonic Lodge had a bunch of folks who did some kind of medical support for folks without the means…. Shriner’s Club? Funny Fez hats…

    There was a lot of “it’s our town and we are the only ones available so we are responsible” going on then…

  88. Ossqss says:

    So, I have heard from several “Experts” that we should expect this current virus to add to the 4 seasonal Corona Viruses. Think about it….

  89. another ian says:

    “January 6th is Ashli Babbit Day now.”

    Though a protest in the next comment

  90. another ian says:

    Re tennis

    I think “Mudcrab” has done an exceptional job here

  91. H.R. says:

    @another ian – That Mudcrab piece is really good, particularly for those of us non-Aussies who are not tapped into the day-to-day of Aussie politics.

  92. jim2 says:

    Ossqss. That’s what I’m thinking, that COVID-19 will become just another virus that causes cold-like symptoms. Of course, IANAE. But here is a paper concerning the seasonal corona viruses and points out that immunity to those is fleeting.

    Caution should be taken when relying on policies that require long-term immunity, such as vaccination or natural infection to reach herd immunity. Other studies have shown that neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels decrease within the first 2 months after infection, especially after mild COVID-197,8, and we observed a similar decrease in anti-nucleocapsid antibodies of seasonal coronaviruses (Extended Data Fig. 6). However, antibodies are only one marker for immunity, which is probably also influenced by B cell- and T cell-mediated immunity. In our study, we monitored reinfections, which can occur only when protective immunity (cellular and/or humoral) is insufficient. We show that reinfections by natural infection occur for all four seasonal coronaviruses, suggesting that it is a common feature for all human coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2. Reinfections occurred most frequently at 12 months after infection, indicating that protective immunity is only short-lived.

  93. Power Grab says:

    @ HR re:
    “Was this the model you bought, or was it one with a little less flash?”

    No, it wasn’t that model. My original bike did have a “tank”, but my recent purchase doesn’t have it. The bike in your photo strikes me as being from the 1950s. I think either my first bike (or my sibling’s first bike, both purchased c. 1962) had a headlight, but it wasn’t big and round, like a car’s headlight. It was more the shape of a 2-cell flashlight, although mounted on a bike.

    We’re having a cold snap. I’m waiting for warmer weather on Saturday to un-box the bike I bought. In the meantime, it’s riding around with me in the back of the Odyssey. They’re predicting highs in the 60s for Saturday. Since I picked up the bike, we’ve had lows in the teens and a high yesterday in the 20s. Aside from working until 10 PM, 10PM , 1:15 AM, and 11 PM this week, I also didn’t really have time to work with the bike. I assume the handlebars and/or seat were removed to fit it all in the box. So I reckon I’ll need to break out my tools. ;-)

    I imagine my parents got our bikes from Sears. I’m not sure our town had a Western Auto back then. We shopped at Sears and Montgomery Ward a lot for durable goods. (Do bikes count as durable goods??)

    OTOH, my dad’s first guitar was purchased with S&H Green Stamps! It had nylon strings. Several of us played on it, to varying extents. I wasn’t into chords then, so I didn’t strum. Being a music reader and piano player, I just learned where the notes were and played by note most of the time. Eventually, I acquired a few simple chords and dabbled with that. If I hadn’t already been practicing piano regularly, I might have gotten into playing guitar in the classical style.

    I learned how to play Classical Gas on it from the piano sheet music. Eventually, I saw that the notes in most measures were covered by the chords that each measure was labeled with. Who knew?!? LOL!

  94. another ian says:

    Supply problems – North America

    BUT there is a circular from Coles warning of “lack of items” here. One town supermarket is rationing mince per customer I heard.

  95. jim2 says: has been demonetized by Google for “unreliable and harmful claims”. This means I can no longer generate revenue to support the website using the Google Adsense program.

    UAH’s Earth System Science Center Records Considered Unreliable and Harmful By Google

  96. E.M.Smith says:

    Anyone depending on Gargoyle for income MUST diversify into other channels. Period.


    Tim Pool was doing an IRL Livecast and got SWATTED while on air. Didn’t know that they had this other channel, too, but it’s the “Cast Castle” that covers the backstory of things in the giant house that is their HQ & Studio. There’s a video up that starts off mundane with replacing a chicken coop, and a guy getting a fancy new phone, but then shows the SWATTing cops arriving and going through the place.

    Tim is not a happy camper:

    Per that last video, it is a Felony to do a SWATing and his neighbors were also bothered by cops knocking on their doors and those neighbors are in many cases DC Lawyers and related, so he has been assured some serious investigation it going to happen…

    So just FYI: Be Prepared for folks doing all kinds of Nasty Stuff if you become a Name. (Part of why I try to keep a low profile… then again, searching on my name is basically Anon Anon as there’s one of “me” per 2000 of working population… so several thousand just here in The Bay Area… )

    Interesting times…


    For those who don’t know, Tim Pool is a mostly “Left Adjacent” skateborder type who is also a good reporter of straight news and has found success that way. “The Left” has been trying to brand him as “Right Wing” due to not supporting their agenda of fraud and lying, but wanting to do straight news instead. As in ~”a riot is a RIOT not a ‘mostly peaceful’ torching of a city” kind of reporting.

    He gets more views on his reporting channels than CNN gets audience. But it is broken up over several videos a day.

  97. H.R. says:

    I’ve mentioned this before, E.M. There’s an ‘E. M. Smith’ 6 doors down from me on my street.

    You guys are all over the place! 😜

    Hmmmm… could be a helluva mess if enough people wrote in ‘E.M. Smith’ for President. Exactly which one were they all voting for? 🤣🤣

  98. Ossqss says:

    @jim2 says:
    7 January 2022 at 1:15 pm

    Our vaccinated relateds (wife sister) came here last Wed (from the NE)., not the vaccinated BIL that had tested positive and had covid the second or 3rd time, and the wife seems to have caught it, so it seems. She spent hours in the car from the Orlando Airport and travels to the beach several times, like all accommodated tourists here this time of year.

    She is doing fine after a few days of PITA chills and concern.

    I have done fine with the Busch Light Prescription along with periodic Vicks spray. I am telling ya, that stuff works well for many things. Have not had a sinus infection for 10 years since using it when needed.

    My take,,,, just do it and be done with it. It will be the 5th circulator at this point. It is gonna happen to all of us…

    Note, the wife said this was not like anything she has ever felt. Neighbors who had it said the same.

    Exposure, exposure, exposure to consistent high load.

  99. another ian says:


    Ancient Greeks – “Those the gods wish to destroy they first make confident”

  100. another Ian says:

    One up for blogging

    Read the links and comments

  101. another ian says:

    ““Democracy is apparently the greatest threat to our way of life”

    Democracy is apparently the greatest threat to our way of life

    So you get the idea

    “This is from the comments to the vid which kind of explains what’s happening.

    Okay, it’s really quite simple. The third dose increases immunity, so after the fourth dose you’ll be protected. Once 80% of the population has received the fifth dose, the restrictions can be relaxed as the sixth dose stops the virus from spreading. I am confident that the seventh dose will solve our problems and we’ll have no reason to fear the eighth dose. The clinical phase of the ninth dose will confirm that the antibodies remain stable after the tenth dose. The eleventh dose will insure that no new mutations will develop, so there is no longer any reason to criticize the twelfth dose.

    What else is there to know?”

  102. rhoda klapp says:

    Ossqss, how do you use the Busch Lite? Nasal lavage? Gargle? Rub?
    Please don’t tell us you drink it.

  103. H.R. says:

    @rhoda klapp – Yeah, if you read the can, there’s a warning label that says, “The State of California has determined that his product is known to cause cancer.”

    To be fair, everything sold in California has that label, so you can’t really go by that. Come to think of it, I believe that label is even on the cancer treatment medications.

  104. Ossqss says:

    @rhoda klapp says:
    8 January 2022 at 11:10 am
    Ossqss, how do you use the Busch Lite?

    I recycle it :-)

  105. philjourdan says:

    I recycle all my beer.

    But Busch Lite is not on the menu

  106. Ossqss says:

    Lemme splain the migration to Busch Light for ya.

    When I moved to this neighborhood decades ago, I got to know all the neighbors and we all enjoyed having a beer together. The universal sign for Beer30 was to open the garage door. I soon found that my beer stash was being cleaned out on a regular basis from such neighbors. I was drinking Michelob at the time.

    I made a strategic decision to move to Mich Light, and that worked to slow the resupply process for about a week. Then I moved to Bud. That lasted about a month before the thirsty hoards consumed it. Then Bud light, month and a half.

    Upon further consideration, I made the move to Busch. It was grand. Nobody would touch it and I was saved, so I thought. After about 3 months, the marauders eventually tasted it and took to it like crispy bacon just out of the skillet. It made sense to them. It was cheap and tasted pretty good.

    At that point I was faced with a life changing decision. Do I go to Busch Light as a last resort?

    Yes, and I did!

    It was a miracle, I found something that my neighbors will not touch and have saved thousands of dollars in beer costs since.

    There is probably some kinda moral to the story here about teaching a man to fish or something :-)

  107. p.g.sharrow says:

    I used to have friends like that. I kept good beer in my outdoor fridg and these guys would come around, offer me their Busch Lite while drinking my beer !. I of course demurred as I drink real beer. After a time I no longer kept beer out there and these friends no longer came around. After a time I finally cleaned my area of their empties. Seems that when empty they would discard and walk back to the ice chest for a fresh one. Never could figure why they could not take their empties back with them.

  108. E.M.Smith says:

    @Ossqss & P.G.:

    Don’t suppose a sign on the ‘fridge saying “Replace what you take” would help?

    I visit a guy with a fridge of beer, and consume from his stash, but show up with a case of replacements at about the same rate I consume (sometimes a bit more than replacement). Then again, he’s still stocking really good beer and I bring his brand, so maybe it’s just us…

    @Per California Labels:

    Yeah, it’s funny. Since LIFE causes cancer, all sorts of stuff has that label. The one that gets me is when you enter some restaurant or grocery store and there’s a banner on / near the door warning that the place is just chock full of things known to the State Of California to cause cancer. OK… so what, never eat again?

    Sidebar: It has been shown that Thermal Shock increases the risk of mouth and throat cancer. Folks who drink their coffee or tea at very high temps, have higher rates than those that let it cool off a bit. I’m waiting for the demand that every hot water faucet get the label… but it seems The State is not yet aware of that one…

  109. E.M.Smith says:

    A Vote For Pabst:

    I had an outdoor mini-fridge for beer, and a Golden Retriever. One day, I shared a bit with him. He tasted, and made a face. Then tasted a bit more, and stepped away. Then came back and drank a bit. Then more… After the first one, he liked beer.

    Fast forward a few weekends of garden work…

    I’m noticing my beer bill is rising as Mooch Pooch is soliciting for his share. What to do…

    I decided to buy “cheap beer” for the dog and Pabst was / is pretty cheap. Mr. Dog thought it fine too.

    One weekend, I run out of mine, so I hit “the Dog’s Beer”. It was an OK drink (or I was already far enough along to not care…). Well… The Dog had about as much as he could hold too.

    The Next Day:

    Dog had a hangover. I said my usual “Burt! Beer Burt!” (he being Burt). I got a “hang dog look”. Cringe / Owe look. Again a bit in the bowl and a sip, then 2 sips, and pretty soon he was feeling OK. Yes, my Dog had “the hair of the dog”… Spouse never forgave me for giving Her Dog a hangover, though…

    But I discovered that, of the horrible cheap beers, Pabst was OK.

  110. YMMV says:

    “One day, I shared a bit with him. He tasted, and made a face. Then tasted a bit more, and stepped away. Then came back and drank a bit. Then more… After the first one, he liked [it]”

    This is one of the universal truths, so I left out the dog and the beer parts.
    Coffee, cigarettes, and beer were some of the early ones. No need to list all the “bad habits”.

  111. YMMV says:

    rhoda klapp: “how do you use the Busch Lite? Nasal lavage? Gargle?”

    An earlier comment remarked about using Vicks Nasal Spray for Covid protection.
    Nasal sprays and gargling against Covid are not new, but they never got much traction.
    Busch Lite? We need a RCT. FDA might ban that off-label.

    But I did a search for nasal spray and Covid and got some promising hits.
    With Covid-Lite (Omicron), this should become a standard go-to recommendation.
    Stop Omicron early, in your nose and throat, makes sense.
    That is, if you want to stop Omicron. You could also make a case for getting it and being done with Covid. Of course, there are risks there, so nobody is going to recommend that to you.

  112. E.M.Smith says:


    One of Mum’s standard care methods was warm salt water. A bit over normal saline (i.e you could taste the salt in it, sort of like ocean water). This was used as gargle AND to “snort up the nose” and wash it out.

    Seemed to work well on all sorts of buggers trying to live in my nose & throat over the years.

    So ocean salty and about 130 F to 140 F I’d guess. Hot but not hurtful, just like a very warm / low hot bath.

  113. Jon K says:

    According to this report, the uprising in Kazakhstan was initiated by a vax pass requirement to be able to withdraw money from your bank. How long before this happens here?

  114. YMMV says:

    From one of the above another ian SDA links:
    Stephen McIntyre graphs of “ratio of new cases PER 100K of fully vax to unvax”.
    As he says, “startling”

    Vaccines were doing excellent (even if not perfect) job against cases, not just against ICU and hospitalization. In midDecember, with arrival of omicron, advantage disappeared, then reversed

    in all age groups.

  115. E.M.Smith says:

    @Jon K:

    VERY interesting catch on Kazakhstan! Yes, many MSM / LSM articles say it was about gas prices going up. I’m not buying it either. That banks were “looted” causes me to lean a lot more toward the implementation of a Vexxine Passport to get your money out.

    These folks think it is more geopolitical / strategic and it looks like Russia is getting involved (perhaps a good thing given that Putin knows what Soros is up to and kicked him and his “NGOs” out).

    So let’s see, a double of price of one commodity, … vs / or … demanding submission to Shots On Demand, Tracking via Vexxine Passports, taking your money (needed VexPass to go to the bank), loss of bodily self determination, and functional house arrest. I wonder which one is enough to cause a revolt… /snark;

    Given the way the EU has behaved toward individual freedoms, liberties, and rights; Putin is looking like a step up… (very hard for me to say that as I’m from the Russian / USSR Cold War era…) When Putin / Russia is looking like the better choice, the other option is pretty damn crappy… Then we have China Joe ruining the USA, so there’s that and we’re not looking all that good at the moment…

    Think any of the other Vexxine Oligarchs of the EU / Australia / Canada / USSA / UK will catch a clue about French Haircuts, Royal Neck Lengthening (gallows) of old, or Old West “percussive submission”? Nah… they don’t impress me as understanding that “Brittle Failure” has sudden onset with nearly no warning and that societies and peoples are subject to brittle failure under too much oppression.

    “Just one more ‘nilla wafer. It’s wafer thin!”….

    So anyone keeping score?

    We’ve got Russia saying “No Way, get the hell out”. We’ve got India doing the same, and using Ivermectin to good effect. We’ve got Japan heavy with clue too. Yellow Vests in France on the cusp (but it’s been a very long slow boil, not reaching pressure…). Now Kazakhstan has “done the deed”… Others? I’m sure there are…

    Somehow I’m getting this feeling that 2022 is going to be an “interesting” year…

  116. another ian says:

    “Report: Californians Leaving for Texas So Rapidly, U-Haul Ran Out of Trucks”

  117. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    That is why I’ve bought my own tow vehicle and am shopping for a cargo trailer…

    On just the 2 blocks I can see from my yard, 3 moving vans… This Week.

    Only thing I don’t understand is who is moving in to replace them. So far it looks like Tech Workers from up near San Francisco taking their money and leaving the Hell Hole while they still can and what with “work from home” being “OK”, being 50 miles away is also “OK”.

    For a good long while, South of Market and China Basin (and a bit south) old industrial was The Hot Place to do start-ups (actual Silly Con Valley being full at that time) and a LOT of money was made there. Now, being in San Francisco has lost some of the, er, “charm”… and an apartment there is not as interesting to a late 20-something or early 30-something looking for that whole family experience… That’s my guess anyway.

    (House 2 doors down was that. Asian guy & white wife. With $1.5 Million in pocket and looking to start a family experience…)

    I do note in passing that a significant percentage (like an observed 30% or so?) look to be Asians. I suspect a lot of Hong Kong and Taiwan escapees. They are welcome here and San Francisco China Town gives them a cultural touchstone. Wife’s nurse after surgery was from S. Korea. I’ve also known a couple of Mainland China expats (worked for one, briefly) but no way to know how many are escapees and how many are infiltrators. But even California Crazy Laws will look like ultimate freedom to them… Plus an influx of India H1B visa conversions. Folks that made the money over the last decade+, and now want to move out of the apartment shared with 5 other guys… One bought the Spousal ancestral home (though she was a she… odd, since most Indian Programmers are guys) and brought her parents over to care for them in their old age.

    But yeah, there’s a LOT of folks who’ve been here for a while who are packing up and leaving. Most seem to look to Nevada and Texas, a bunch in Arizona too. ( I have 2 siblings in Nevada now…) I’m a bit odd in that I’m looking at Florida from the far other edge of the continent. (More folks escaping to Florida come from East of the Rockies…). Doing it because of Florida Friends & Spouse Loves Disney World. But even at that, it’s hard to bypass Texas. Spouse has family there and houses are big, effective, and inexpensive. Still a possible.

    Frankly, if this move doesn’t come together in the next couple of months, I’m looking at renting “something, anything” in Arizona or Texas and making “1/2 a move” to that. Finish the move to Florida later… I can “Get ‘er done!” much faster that way, if needed. Bit of a PITA, but we are looking at a double move anyway. Move to a Florida rental for about a year while we sell this place and find The Great Home to buy… So putting that Rental in Texas for a year is “OK with me”.

    FWIW, rentals of trucks for one way and “Pods” for shipping are crazy expensive due to the demand too. Again: Why I bought a tow vehicle. (Worst case, I drive to Texas, rent a trailer, and drive back to move the stuff…)

  118. YMMV says:

    From a link in the comments to the SDA posting that another ian pointed to.
    The SDA comment was: “A quick readable primer about the importance of Kazakhstan to Russia”
    “Why The Kazakhstan Crisis Is A Much Bigger Deal Than Western Media Is Letting On”

    A bunch of quotes from that:

    “In America, the situation in Kazakhstan is a small news item” but it remains that “in Moscow, it is currently receiving 24/7 news coverage, like it’s an apocalyptic threat to Russia’s security.

    This isn’t just any former Soviet republic. It’s almost as important to Russia as Belarus or Ukraine.

    Russia perceives this to be an act of “hybrid war.” Right or wrong, that perception is fueling a desire for revenge.

    What is “hybrid war”? From the Russian perspective, it is a two-pronged approach to regime change. First, Western-backed NGOs encourage large protests against an incumbent government. Second, armed provocateurs use the protests as cover to stage kinetic attacks.

    Sound familiar? Portland riots, DC “riots”?

    Moscow believes that this playbook was employed successfully in Ukraine to oust the Russian-aligned government in 2014. And it believes that the West unsuccessfully attempted to employ the same strategy to topple Russia’s allies in Syria and Belarus.

    Ukraine, absolutely. Maidan. The definitive source on that is Motls blog. Syria and Belarus, I don’t know anything.

    Activists from prior color revolutions are already publicly taking credit for what is happening in Kazakhstan.

    The Kremlin’s biggest fear is a “Maidan on Red Square” – i.e., a repeat of the Ukrainian revolution inside Moscow. The more that it appears the West is pursuing similar revolutions in former Soviet republics, the more aggressively Russia will push back.

    And from RT:
    “the reasons that the Kazakh government is teetering on the brink of collapse are domestic in nature, and are related to the prolonged and increasingly weird transfer of power after the almost three-decades-long rule of veteran leader Nursultan Nazarbayev.”

    People don’t riot because they don’t like something, that would be a protest.
    People riot because they hate something. The individual reasons may vary, but the hate unites them.

  119. E.M.Smith says:

    @YMMV / Kazakhstan:

    When I read that Russia thinks it is CIA / Western Backed NGOs stirring up trouble and running the protests to remove the sitting leader: I can’t help thinking that it’s the CIA along with Soros’ NGOs that are stirring up trouble and running the protests to remove Trump…

    It isn’t “The West” vs Russia. It’s “The Western Globalist Oligarchs running the Govt Agencies and NGOs” vs “Russia and other Free Non-Globalist Nations”.

    That we are just as much victims of that machinery as is Belarus or Ukraine or Russia or Kazakhstan…

  120. philjourdan says:

    @Ossqss – Re: Busch Lite

    I would have gone to Stroh’s. That will cure anyone!

  121. Ossqss says:


    Fire brewed always was fire outbound :-)

    This was an interesting read.

  122. jim2 says:

    In the second episode, Baudet talks about climate change, and it’s what I’d like to draw some attention to. Because in a short seven minutes, Baudet truly destroys the talking point repeated time and again by leftist goons: that 97% of scientists supposedly agree that a) the climate is heating up and b) that this is (largely) due to mankind.

  123. E.M.Smith says:

    Just a minor side note on us Deviants and what Neurotypicals expect:

    I have about 3 ounces left in my wine glass from a bottle of wine. At this time, I’m resizing a set of disk partitions, moving file systems, changing my core system structure on disk, as it were. I’m also doing dinner (planning bit done, but in 5 minutes I start the cook), and this is while I’m being nurse maid to the spouse post-surgery.

    I’m “a little bit happy” but fully functional and nowhere near “drunk enough”. That will take about 1/2 bottle to a whole bottle more, that I don’t have.

    How does one explain this to “the other”? Eh? I’m STILL a fair amount over the function level of 90%+ of the people I meet while I ought to be “3 sheets to the wind” (which does not reference sails, BTW. The “sheet” is the line (rope) to the sail and that statement is about letting go of ropes… but I digress).


    So, do I make a “wine run” in the hopes I can reach that state of non-function where cares fall away, or do I accept that it just isn’t really very available to me?

    FWIW, the answer is that I’ll finish my Systems Admin, Cook, and Nurse duties before I even consider the answer. By that time the present “slightly buzzed” level will have departed and I’ll likely just do dishes and go to bed.

    The life of a marginal Aspe, in perspective….

  124. YMMV says:

    “I can’t help thinking that it’s the CIA along with Soros’ NGOs that are stirring up trouble and running the protests to remove Trump…”

    That was the obvious conclusion, but that was before we found out how deep the Biden family was into enriching itself in the Ukraine and now Kazakhstan.

    Which is pretty much the U.S. playbook, as such terms go: Start a Sorosian “color revolution,” with glorious talk about “democracy” and all those Kazakhs out there who really want to be Jeffersonian democrats, and then get some disgruntled elites to maneuver to power behind the scenes to get the standing oligarchs out. It worked in Ukraine…

    Hunter Biden was evidently buddy-buddy with Karim Massimov.

    But no one knows that H. Biden received payments from KazMunaiGas, since he was a member of the management of the Kazakh company Burisma Kazakhstan.

    It was created jointly by the Kazakh state concern and a private Ukrainian company.

    Now the Burisma Group corporate website is unavailable, but we know that it was Karim Massimov, being the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, who received the leaders of Burisma in Astana and instructed KazMunaiGaz to create a joint venture with it. What for? Is it not so that you can legally pay American politicians? This is the money that Kazakh oil workers and their families did not receive …

    See the link for the photo of Hunter and Joe standing together with Massimov.

    That’s also Massimov standing on the right, next to Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.

    They had a controversial meeting, unmasked by anti-corruption activists inside Kazakhstan.

    It’s awkward for the U.S. President to be linked to the man accused of heading an anti-Russian uprising.

    According to a statement from Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee (KNB), the country’s intelligence and security service, on January 8 its former head, Karim Massimov, was arrested on January 6 on charges of treason.

    Massimov had led the powerful organization until his dismissal on January 5.

    So Biden is linked to Massimov who is linked to the attempted coup.

    And FWIW, some details of what actually happened (?

  125. jim2 says:

    As the Wendat Amerindians noted of European society, “You are subjugated equally under the King.”

  126. Ossqss says:

    Where the heck is Serioso? C’mon man!

  127. Ossqss says:

    I have been tossed into moderation for mentioning a name that is apparently, forbidden. Doh!

  128. E.M.Smith says:

    Yes, Like BeetleJuice (which see…) it is a name that merely mentioning causes you to go to purgatory for a while ;-) But I’ve redeemed your comment….

    Note, though, that anyone responding to it with the name of He Who Does No Longer Exist will cause them, too, to wander in the halls of never never land for awhile…

    Just Sayin’ there’s some things not worth sayin’… and some names….

  129. Ossqss says:

    You don’t know what you got till it’s gone> :-)

  130. jim2 says:

    You can’t be Serious Oh So.

  131. Simon Derricutt says:

    H.R. – could be useful as regards slowing the progress of Alzheimer’s:
    OK, it’s hard to prove whether the progress is slowed or not, since it’s an experiment of one person with no control, but the logic looks sound and it’s basically a no-risk option apart from the cost of the vitamins providing you don’t go wild on overdosing. I hope she likes Marmite….

  132. cdquarles says:

    Well, I for one knew I needed magnesium; but I also took chemistry and biochemistry. Sodium is pumped out of cells. Potassium is pumped in. Calcium is pumped out of cells (too much saponifies your mitochondria …). Magnesium is pumped in. And so forth. Vitamin and mineral supplementation of foods began in the USA around 1900, and in earnest around 1920. This is part of why many physicians in the USA overlook it. They think “We cured this decades ago”, and thus, don’t think of it. Another part is using reference populations for ‘normal ranges’, so if said population is deficient … you may not see that the individual in front of you is deficient. That’s without considering that the individual in front of you has needs that may vary greatly from the general population. So, another reminder that medicine is best when tailored to the person in need, not to the politics of governments.

  133. cdquarles says:

    Lol! Professor Tolkien had recently passed when I was at the university. Tolkien stuff was a regular for some of the chemistry department.

  134. H.R. says:

    The Professor was right, “Mathrindir” was the best rejoinder. One sharp kid who thought that one up.

    One of my calculus professors was fresh in from Hong Kong (Prof. S.K. Wong). He was like nothing I had ever encountered. He was a teacher… and, oh by the way, someone working on whatever it is math professors work on in their spare time.

    In all other math classes, the professors gave the lectures and the TAs (Teaching Assistants) graded homework, proctored exams, and answered questions, The math professors did have office hours if you wanted one-on-one discussion.

    Anyhow, the professor would show up at the ‘lab’ sessions. Unheard of! And he’d take over the class from the TA.

    He would pick someone from the class to come up to the blackboard to work a problem. It did not matter if the student was aces, trying hard but clueless, of a goof-off trying to get by. He would walk through the problem if/until the student got stuck. Then he’d query the class, “What’s next?” And so on and so on until the problem was solved. Then he’d call up another student for the next problem.

    His teaching method was amazing. After the first few times, no one was horror stricken to get called to the board. He was non-judgmental. You were the chalk-man and it was up to you and the class to see the problem through. Do it yourself? Fine. Got stuck? Fine.

    He also quickly gleaned who in the class were math whizzes with clue. So, when the person at the board got stuck, he’d ignore the ‘help’ from the students with clue to take a moment to explain what was confusing or perhaps not obvious to most people. Then he’d pick someone – not a whiz – who had the lightbulb come on to complete the step.

    I don’t think anyone totally flunked his course.

    He taught the second portion of the 3 segments of calculus that were required at my university. I got through the first segment… OK. Not lost, but not brilliant. I started the second segment and was getting lost, until the Professor showed up. That’s when I finally ‘got’ math, thanks to S.K. Wong.

    For the last segment, I was a whiz; aces. I even found a mistake in the text that absolutely no-one – no-one – had caught. The text example problem was to calculate how much material was removed from a sphere of radius ‘R’ when a hole of diameter ‘R’ was drilled through parallel to an axis line 2R long, and the outer diameter of the hole was tangent to the 2R line and a point perpendicular to the axis at point at R distance from the axis.

    The text was in error, and I showed that, first to the TA, because I didn’t trust that I was right,and then to the professor.

    Anyhow, the last segment of the calculus series included triple integrals, and just I loved them. Any 3D object that interested me; I’d run the descriptive integrals that defined the shape through my head. I also got a kick out of linear algebra once I got the gut comprehension of what ‘mutually orthogonal’ meant.

    Math is a language that describes what you are seeing or can convey what you conceptualize. Once you get to that point, the rest falls into place.

    Nowadays? 2 + 2 = 4… I think. Well, I’m pretty sure. I might even be willing to bet on it if the odds are in my favor. 😜

  135. E.M.Smith says:


    I was one of those weird kids who actually liked Math. BofA Math Award out of High School. I enjoyed Calculus (we actually started it in High School as we’d finished all of the Advanced Math Class that a dozen of us were invited to be in and there were a few weeks left in Sr. year…)

    I even liked Statistics. Go figure.

    Oddly, Integrals and Partials were most interesting to me. I found it interesting how the whole thing held together as a Reality Descriptive Language…

    And yes, it really is “just another language”. An extremely precise one, with “several grammars” for different classes of problem. Unforgiving of errors. In some ways Geometry was my favorite. Sadly, only Euclidean. Never did spherical. There’s a lot of times I could have used Spherical…

    Ah, well. Long ago and far away now. I still use some of it, but not nearly enough to keep it fresh. Kind of like German… Spanish is kept reasonable by the need. French (written at least) by the desire. But poor German… barely learned some once then never used and now rotted away… I can look at it and remember what it was all about, but don’t ask me to speak it…

  136. Compu Gator says:

    I’ve never seen Stroh’s [*] here in Central Fla.  It’s brewed in Dee-trooit, so I assume it’s deemed “regional only”, and thus not shipped here. Maybe to far-Southwest Fla., the overwintering ground of northern Midwesterners?  Ooops!  Stroh’s bought Schlitz (1982) & others, but later sold off their accumulated “labels” (i.e., brands?) to Pabst and Miller (1999) [†]. Lamentable tho’ that would’ve been to many people, even now, it’s Pabst that now brews a beer they label “Stroh’s” [⸸].

    But I’d vote for Iron City, brewed in Pittsburgh, or Sterling, brewed in Evansville (Ind.), as being less drinkable than Stroh’s–and it ain’t close. Assuming that either still exists at all. I believe it was the latter that brewed the only beer that ever gave me a headache in my 50 years of enjoying beer.

    Well, hey-ell!  I’ve already done more Internet research on these beers than I think they deserve, but figure that I might as well cite the URLs that I mostly relied on.

    Note * :

    Note † : §1.4.

    Note ⸸ : §1.5 ff.

  137. another ian says:

    Re Compu Gator says:
    12 January 2022 at 8:00 am

    On local beers and descriptive/derogatory comments

    There was a Rockhampton local beer called Mac’s. It was reckoned that an experienced drinker could hold a glass up to the light and tell you the flood height of the Fitzroy River.

  138. another ian says:

    Climate science

    “NASA’s Gavin Schmidt Replaced by Dr. Katherine Calvin”

    NASA’s Gavin Schmidt Replaced by Dr. Katherine Calvin

    Or maybe not – in comments

    “Tom Harris
    January 11, 2022 11:09 pm
    Look at the topic of her PhD thesis: “Participation in international environmental agreements : a game-theoretic study” in 2008.[3]

    Lots of game playing ahead, I forecast.”

  139. Elect H.R. says:

    If you want a memorable quaff, there’s always Old Frothingslosh. “The pale, stale, ale with the foam at the bottom.”

    Yes, that was on the can, as well as an image of the current ‘Miss Frothingslosh’ in bathing suit and with a beauty contest sash. There was also a bit of wordplay and wit scattered about on the can.

    It was a special edition can put out annually by one of the regular old American beer companies. IIRC, it was always near Christmas. The cans are quite collectable. The contents were American bier ordinaire and perfectly safe to drink 😜

  140. cdquarles says:

    I am another of those ‘weirdo nerds’ that like math. (Then again, I love languages, whether natural human ones or artificial ones like mathematics or computer languages.) One of my elder age regrets is not going further in math (calculus at the university, statistics in grad school, and linear algebra for my youngest son). I can see how the ‘normal distribution’ logically follows from a Pascal’s triangle when you take that to an infinity limit under certain conditions, for instance.

  141. philjourdan says:

    Stroh’s is regional. But forget Iron City. Go for one of their sub-brands – Olde Frothingslosh

  142. philjourdan says:

    @HR and EM – Yep, Math geek here as well. I loved Lambda differentials! Took 3 pages of paper to solve, but the solution was always there.

    That must be why the woke hate math. THe solution is always there, but you have to WORK to get to it.

  143. philjourdan says:

    Oops! Sorry Elect HR, did not read your comment before posting mine. Olde Frothingslosh – best beer to not drink!

  144. E.M.Smith says:

    FWIW, for a really GOOD beer, try Radeberger Pilsner or Pilsner Urquell. Both spectacularly well balanced. Not OTT Hops like is trendy with the IPA crowd. Not “beer water” like the “Lite” stuff pushed by the brewers (as it has nearly no ingredients in it that cost money…). Just a traditional fully flavored Pilsner.

    For a beer to avoid: I was at a sports venue on a college campus where they had an extremely limited view of beer. ONLY served 2 x “3.2” beers (3.2% alcohol beer, at one time, was the only beer legal in parts of The South for those between 18 and 21, to get them through the learning process /snark;). There is NOTHING so pointless as Coors 3.2% Lite Beer. Might as well have had water in the can. It was $6 a pop too (double entendre intended…)

  145. another ian says:

    EV’s explained

  146. another ian says:

    It might be worse than you thought

    “Fraud, obstructionism and defiance: the appalling state of America’s voters’ rolls”

  147. H.R. says:

    I stopped a RAM dealership today to schedule time for a recall inspection on the truck (possibly over-torqued lug nuts).

    After getting an appointment, I went to check out the used cars on the lot.

    In the most prominent spot on the lot, where customers would see it first, was a gorgeous 2020 “performance” Tesla in a deep metallic red. Only 12,000-and-something miles on it. This is the model that puts the ‘ludicrous’ in ludicrous mode. Oh, and have a chiropractor on speed dial to fix your neck after you tromp on it.

    I had two questions pop into mind.

    1) Why did the owner dump the best-looking Tesla I’ve ever seen so soon?

    2) What did the owner replace it with? This is a Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM dealer. None of those lines are remotely associated with “green”. Think big, hemi V-8s and diesel engines.

    Anyhow, it gave me a chuckle and plenty of opportunity for idle speculation. What was bought, the 800+ hp Challenger or perhaps a pickup truck with the high output turbo diesel? Whatever, you can be darn sure it wasn’t a 4-cyl Jeep Liberty.

  148. Ossqss says:

    C’mon, you all have not mentioned, Mickey’s Big Mouth Beer, Goebles, Lone Star, Genesee, Rolling Rock, Schaefer, Keystone, Natty, Milwaukee’s best, Hamm’s, Colt 45, or Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull!

    I have stories to tell with a case of Bull 24’s and the Cheat River bridge while at WVU. Instant lesson to cross your legs when jumping 60′ into frigid water. LOL

  149. Ossqss says:

    @HR, my bet would be the expensive EV lost its love when they had to charge-up between St Pete and the Keys and moved to a hybrid. Might have been hard to find a fast-charging station in the Everglades.

  150. H.R. says:

    Ah! That would explain the alligator skin trim on the interior. They had loads of time to do a little hunting while waiting for the EV to charge from a motel wall outlet.
    😜 and just in case 😜😜

  151. YMMV says:

    Climate models, covid models, playthings of the friends of the GEBs, guardians of Truth, prophets of Doom.

    In actuality, the early data from South Africa turned out to be a better guide than the most sophisticated models produced for the British Government.

  152. Compu Gator says:

    E.M.Smith commented on 12 January 2022 at 5:08 pm UTC [*]:

    FWIW, for a really GOOD beer, try Radeberger Pilsner or Pilsner Urquell. Both spectacularly well balanced.

    In the early 1990s, there was some kind of pub in an industrial property in Sunnyvale (Santa Clara Co., Cal.). I’d previously drank Pilsner Urquell only from 6-pk. bottles, but that pub served it in kegs shipped from the old brewery in Pilsen, in the Czech Republic (a part of what was once known as Bohemia). “Urquell” is German for “original source”; indeed, that beer was the original pilsener [🍺]. Omigawd!  I thought my glass of it had been filled with the Nectar of the Gods!

    Not OTT Hops like is trendy with the IPA crowd.

    Meaning over-the-top quantities and combinations of hops in IPAs?  Alas, that seems to be practically all that early microbrewery Sierra Nevada (Chico, Cal.) is interested in doing nowadays, beyond their flagship “Pale Ale”.  That said, I’m writing this while trying 1 of their exceptions: “Narwhal Imperial Stout” [♚]. How “stout”?  Its alcohol-by-vol. is 10.2%, whose underlying malt ought to be adequate to balance the 60 bitterness units.  And now having finished my 1st bottle, that does indeed seem to have resulted in a quite drinkable balance. Beneficial for mellowing the grim snowscapes of our brutal Florida winters.

    Note * :

    Note 🍺 :  Pilsen and pilsener are Germanizations of the city-name, Plzeň, & its adjective. “NOTHING BEATS THE ORIGINAL”.

    Note ♚ :  “Imperial Stout : Narwhal : A malt-forward monster lurking in the darkest depths.”

  153. E.M.Smith says:


    Um, why might I ask ought one mention them?….

    Mickey’s Big Mouth: Green Bottle with large opening. Remembered from about 1974? OK beer, with more hopes than most cheap stuff. Other than that, don’t remember much… about the beer or the rest of the night ;-)

    Goebles? Genesee? Natty? Think I’ve not had them…

    Lone Star: Ah… that night in a bar in Houston… good BBQ and OK beer with a dance going on with ladies in tall boots and short shorts….

    Rolling Rock? Had it once (or maybe twice), never saw the point… but didn’t spit it out. (Hmmm… have I ever spit out a beer?… don’t think so….)

    Schaefer, Keystone, Milwaukee’s Best? Seem to remember them from the late ’70s or early ’80s fishing the Delta… Cheap but wet…?

    Hamm’s: Ah, from when I was about 15… it was good… then…

    Colt 45: Had a few in the ’70s I think it was. Big and had a kick. Flavor? Um… I don’t remember it.. but then it wasn’t about the flavor was it?…

    Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull? I remember Schlitz, but not their malt liquor… OTOH, I did jump off a bridge at Nelson’s Bar into the then new Lake Oroville. About 80 feet into cold water. Twice. Came up about 20 feet from a boulder… Aim was important… Didn’t get my arms fully down to my side so had deep black and blue on both arms from about the underside of shoulder to elbow… (from about a 6 inch gap between arms and body… not much at all really, but enough). OTOH, did have feet together, knees slightly bent and toes angled well so “no problem” with anything else… It isn’t necessary to cross the legs if you get the very slight leg bend just right ;-)

  154. E.M.Smith says:


    Tied House? Or maybe Faultline? Doubt it was Rose & Crown… or Britannia Arms…

    I’ve had it on tap somewhere but I’m just not sure where it was… When it is on tap, it’s what I order… IIRC, some pub in Palo Alto had it on tap too… across the street from the Old Time Movie Theatre and about a block away…

    Oh Gawd, I think I need to do a Pub Crawl again… but I don’t know anyone to go pub crawling with here anymore… (Used to be workmates, but that was 20 years+ ago and most recent work was in Florida at Disney… And old friends have moved away… Last time was with my Son to Gordon Biersch and that was a decade+ ago…)

  155. beththeserf says:

    Oh Gawd, I think I need to do a Pub Crawl again… but I don’t know anyone to go pub crawling with here anymore… ‘ )

  156. Ossqss says:

    This relates to the short barrel discussion some time ago. Thought to share it.

  157. E.M.Smith says:


    Good info.

    FWIW as I recall it, what matters is enough “case volumes of expansion” so shorter fully packed cases do best in short bbls while long mostly empty cases need longer bbls. Also short case and short barrel benefit from fast powders while rifles benefit from slower powders and a longer burn time.

    That would mean that old Black Powder revolver cartridges with small loads of smokeless powder in them will want longer barrels… So a .45 Long Colt will not have the same barrel response as a .45 ACP. Figure a 6 inch or better barrel for the L.C….

    That was also why .22 Magnum out of a pistol lost a lot of power. It’s a long case and with slower burning powder.

    Also note that pretty much all the Browning designed auto pistol cartridges have a short case and short powder column so work well in short barrels. Even the .25 ACP and .32 ACP match very short barrels with their case volumes of expansion (and why the .22 Short is actually fairly good out of mouse guns… while the .22 LR makes a lot of noise and flash…)

  158. another ian says:

    Canadian news

    “Liberal environment minister Steven Guilbeault said in a recent interview that he hopes to phase out fossil fuels within two years.”

    In comments there

    “Electric Cars lost to Steam…think about that.

    What would be the market for electric, without government force tipping the scale?”

  159. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    And just how will they build / buy all those ships, trains, planes, trucks, etc. etc. that run on not-fuel? In 2 years. With a decade or so lead time and 30+ year lifetimes?

    Oh, just NEW private Cars you say… Got it… (keeping my 2 Diesel cars “going forward” as they work well on Jet Fuel and I can make Bio-Diesel myself from cooking oils if needed…)

  160. another ian says:


    Sadly. I guess they didn’t think of those things

  161. H.R. says:

    @another ian re “in two years”:

    Some of our ruling class are nutters. Some are stupid and some are evil. Then there are the stupid, evil nutters, which seems mostly to be the case, and they want to “do something.”

    I’d be willing to pay them double if they would just stay home and do nothing.

  162. jim2 says:

    I once calculated the size battery needed to run a tractor. IIRC, the tractor would barely be able to move with it.

  163. p.g.sharrow says:

    YES all, it is physically impossible to effectively provide useful propulsion with Electric from batteries. An Internal Combustion Engine fed with liquid fuels is the only way that works. If they did not exist they would have to be invented. The only way to end the use of “Fossil Fuels” is to make liquid fuels to replace them. Then massive amounts of cheap energy would need to be created BUT, Ecoloons are against that as well. Time to call them what they are, Terrorists committing crimes against humanity. The same bunch of Nutters that promote the Plandemic have the same goal in mind. A great reduction in the numbers of humans and slavery for the rest. They are too willfully stupid to realize that they are not among the Elite, but in fact will be the first to be eliminated as useless “Eaters” by their leaders once “The Solution” is completed.
    The Leadership does not care if an Electric car does not work well. You won’t need a car in the future that they have in mind for you. They want Borg to man their factories, slaves to the hives that they control. For Them the Chinese, CCP model, is the way to the future that they crave.

  164. cdquarles says:

    Also, these folk seem to forget that ‘fossil’ fuels saved the whales and the forests, beginning in the 19th Century. Tree farming became a thing here in the mid 20th Century (so no need to clear cut new areas, just plant and harvest set acreage that’s rotated over the years, besides, the deer love it, drawing in more critters).

  165. philjourdan says:

    @Ossqss – did not mention Carling Black Label either Just not enough hours in the day to list all the beers that are best used as hornet traps.

  166. Compu Gator says:

    Ah, yesss.  The noble-victim whales!  Once metallurgy technology advanced far enough to allow production of mechanical devices with precise movements, notably chronometers, whale oil became far-&-away the preferred lubricant. It was a rational engineering choice. It was only later that chemical engineering was able to produce a viable substitute from the underground “rock oil” that was initially discovered [∆] in Pennsylvania [⍖][★].

    Note ∆ :  Of course, I mean “discovered” in the Eurocentric sense. Various Amerind cultures were aware of natural petroleum seeps in their vicinity, but they used the material pretty much in whatever form they found it, except, I suppose, for using fire to modify its physical properties somewhat. Most relevantly those cultures in N. Pennsylvania. Altho’ my interest was in the Chumash of the S.-Cal. Bight: e.g., using petroleum from seeps to make their seaworthy tomols, i.e., plank-canoes, water-tight, and to seal vent holes in abalone shell to make large bowls and handleless spoons.

    Note ⍖ :  Col. Edwin L. Drake and his driller William A. Smith are credited with the practical method of obtaining “rock oil” in commercial quantities, when drilling in 1859 in Crawford Co., in far-N.W. Pennsylvania. But already in 1849, Samuel Kier had salt-water wells on his property (for making salt), and intruding oil was widely regarded as a pollutant. Yet he began extracting the oil to sell as a remedy, competing with the medicinal oil already on the market. In the “1850s”,  he partnered with John T. Kirkpatrick to “build the first refinery”.  See, e.g.:

    Note ★ :  Most of what I learned about oil-as-industry, I learned from Daniel Yergin’s 1992 Pulitzer Prize-winning nonfiction book (ironically) The Prize: The epic quest for oil, money, and power. Touchstone (Simon & Schuster), 885 pp.!,_Money,_and_Power.

  167. H.R. says:

    I don’t know of any beer that tastes bad after the 4th one 😵

  168. Pouncer says:

    Since the prior discussion of ammunition calibers is back, see here:

    New competitor for 9 mm slightly narrower but same length cartridge.

  169. another ian says:

    Re another ian says:
    15 January 2022 at 7:48 am

    And watch the bird behind him

  170. Ossqss says:

    Impressive, even from satellite.

  171. E.M.Smith says:


    Looks like it was underwater near the main island but not on it:

    Explosive underwater volcano eruption in Tonga spotted from space in satellite images
    By Chelsea Gohd published about 5 hours ago

    The ongoing eruption is about seven times more powerful than this volcano’s last outburst.

    Has more images / video.

  172. E.M.Smith says:

    Tim Pool on censorship in media:
    In the last half, has a bit of news on CNN. Seems their audience is down 91% after their 2021 horror show coverage of news (and arrests…).

    Has a chart of who folks trust for Chinese Wuhan Covid information. Private M.D.s scored highest while “News programs” came in last at about 11%. Looks like the propaganda efforts are failing.

  173. jim2 says:

    I enjoy survival shows and ones about how people live in remote areas off the grid. But I have to laugh as some of them when they describe off-the-grid living as “sustainable.” It may appear so at first glance, but if everyone got their 40 acres and tried it, there would be massive tree and animal loss. Stupid!

  174. E.M.Smith says:


    Quite true. The human population only can be this large due to economies of scale in agriculture and industrial production. Every time a “back to the land” movement is tried, it ends in starvation as a small scale novice farmer discovers just how hard it is (and has lousy yields in the process…)

    Take a look at Rhodesia -> Zimbabwe breadbasket -> starvation.

  175. another ian says:

    I’d recommend the first link as a good read on “sustainability”

  176. philjourdan says:

    China -> Great Leap Forward -> Starvation.

    Communism and socialism are not natural to humans. They are forced doctrines and that is why they never work. Let a man keep his fish and sell them to whom he wants, and you have riches for all that want to work for it.

  177. Pingback: New Years: W.O.O.D. – 16 January 2022 | Musings from the Chiefio

  178. Compu Gator says:

    Another example of the superiority of free enterprise vs. communism, took place raaat chere in the Western Hemisphere: The Plymouth Colony of the “Pilgrims” of U.S. history & myth [⚓]. The Web article I’m citing is an arguably rare one that focuses on that aspect:

    “The failure of the pilgrims’ first Christmas”
    By Will Sellers · [inferred publication on December 20, 2021] [⚖]

    Readers in a hurry can skip to the paragraph beginning thus:
    • “As the colony was first constituted, everything was held in communal form
    • “Having everything in common had drastic results.”

    The article failed to mention the ship Fortune, which arrived unexpectedly on 9 November 1621. On balance, having brought few supplies including food, but disembarked 3 dozen new settlers, its overall impact was to burden the colony with more mouths to feed, shortly before the onset of New-England winter [⛵].

    Note ⚓ :  What I’ve learned about the “Pilgrims” of U.S. history & myth came from
    reading Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War, by Nathaniel Philbrick (2006). New York: Penguin Group. ISBN 0-670-03760-5. This is not to claim that I remembered all the details, thus my for-the-nonce referrals to Wikip., which relies extensively on this book.

    Note ⚖ : Alas, the title and this article contain a major misnomer: The article is about the Pilgrims’ Christmas in 1621. But their “First Christmas” was actually in 1620, very soon after they began to settle into Plymouth Colony; it ought to matter not whether they were aware of that date or not.

    Note ⛵ :  Arrival on what was 9 November 1621 was 46 days (nearly 7 wks.) before the Christmas cited above. In haste, I referred to “Growth of Plymouth” (§1.8) : Plus for a few details it’s missing :

  179. Ossqss says:

    I gotta tell, been watching “Age of Tanks” on Netflix tonight. A 4-part series that is pretty good.

    This came up on E3 on target stabilization. So, I share, as I was inspired by the chicken too! :-)

  180. YMMV says:

    philjourdan: “Communism and socialism are not natural to humans.”

    Yes but utopian thoughts are. It’s the translation of utopian ideas into concrete systems where everything goes to hell. Democracy is not natural either, but it can be made to sort of work. Whereas communism and socialism are doomed to fail.

    Capitalism, in its most basic form, is natural to humans. But nobody ever confused capitalism with utopia.

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