Tips – August 2017

About “Tips”:

While I’m mostly interested in things having to do with:

Making money, usually via trading
Weather and climate (“Global Warming” & “Climate Change”)
Quakes, Volcanoes, and other Earth Sciences
Current economic and political events
(often as those last three have impact on the first one…)
And just about any ‘way cool’ interesting science or technology

If something else is interesting you put a “tip” here as you like.

You can also look at the list of “Categories” on the right hand side and get an idea of any other broad area of interest.

This ought not to be seen as a “limit” on what is “interesting”, more as a “focus list” with other things that are interesting being fair game as well.

The History:

Note that “pages” are the things reached from links on the top bar just under the pretty picture. “Postings” are reached from the listing along the right side of any given article (posting).

Since WordPress has decided that comments on Pages, like the Old Tips Pages, won’t show up in recent comments, it kind of breaks the value of it for me. In response, I shifted from a set of “pages” to a set of “postings”. As any given Tips Posting gets full, I’ll add a new one.

I have kept the same general format, with the T page (top bar) still pointing to both the archive of Tips Pages as well as the series of new Postings via a link to the TIPS category.

This is the next posting from prior Tips postings as they had gotten so large it was taking a long time to load. Same idea, just a new set of space to put pointers to things of interest. The most immediately preceding Tips posting is:

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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275 Responses to Tips – August 2017

  1. H.R. says:

    Here’s a note for the long-time readers: Last year I commented about starting the search for assisted living for my mom – just turned 94 at the time and still in her own house – and I got a few good tips, suggestions, and nice things said about mom. Thank you.

    Mom died Friday. She dozed off and never woke up. She did make it to 95-years old with her birthday being earlier this month. We should all live so long, enjoying independence, a clear mind, and a peaceful and quick end. It is a blessing.

    I’m headed to the latest post on diabetes because I noticed and learned a few things over the past year that, although anecdotal with a sample size of one, support some of the research and observations that E.M. has written about. As they say, “He’s onto something!”

  2. jerry l krause says:

    Hi H.R. and E.M.,

    Here is some more anecdotal observations with a sample size of two. Both my parents lived pass 90, but not with clear minds. My father was 13 years older than my mother and so he obviously died first. He loved to work but when he couldn’t get off the tractor by himself after working in the fields one cool (cold?) fall day, he wasn’t allowed to do this again. So he began mowing a larger and larger lawn on a rider. After awhile my bother decided, probably correctly, that it was not safe for them to live in the country because of South Dakota blizzards might isolate them when they needed help. So they were moved to an apartment in town where there was nothing for my father to do except get out of bed and maybe walk around the block.

    After he died my mother retired from living because her objective had long been to take care of her husband. So lived nearly 19 years after he died and most of these years she did not know who I was.

    Given this history, I (at 76) try to run about 4 miles most mornings, fall trees, mill lumber, build things because I too love to work. But I also love science which involves using one’s mind. Will these activities allow me “live so long, enjoying independence, a clear mind, and a peaceful and quick end”, I do not know but I know that what I am doing is something positive, even possibly productive. I will check out the diabetes post because I love my cookies.

    Have a good day, Jerry

  3. cdquarles says:

    My mom didn’t make it to 90. Her oldest sister didn’t either. The middle sister did, making it to 91, though she spent 8 years in the nursing home. My mom required 24/7 care for years. She got it, from her children. My mom passed away on the vernal equinox, 2016.
    @HR, sorry to hear it and you and the rest of your family have our well wishes. From me and mine to yours. We’ve been there.

  4. Larry Ledwick says:

    Sorry to hear about your Mom H.R. My condolences.
    I lost both my parents when they were quite young (44 and 46), so never had to deal with extended care, although some of my cousins did.

    I just got back from a 1.5 hour walk. I try to get in from 1 – 2 hours a day. I find it a good time to just let my mind wonder and solve problems with no distractions. I am currently in my late 60’s so obviously think about those things, and over the last few years have made an effort to get back into shape since my job involves a lot of sitting it is easy to get out of the habit of physical activity.

    I am basically following an aerobics walking program as outlined in the 1970’s by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper from his work with fitness in the US Air Force. I feel much better and have more energy if I get in my minimum daily requirement of walking and just recently returned to doing short running segments during the walks. So far going slow enough not to make my knees angry which makes me very happy. I am currently down to just 10 pounds above the weight I had when I got out of Navy boot camp in 1970.

  5. Larry Ledwick says:

    In other news – a Stratfor summary of what is going on in Venezuela.

  6. Larry Ledwick says:

    Cool tech – US Navy demo on large scale 3D printing for prototyping and production.

  7. jim2 says:

    Electric cars is a clever idea to allow cars to burn coal.

  8. jim2 says:

    Beaker is a peer-to-peer browser with tools to create and host websites. Don’t just browse the Web, build it.

  9. philjourdan says:

    Sorry for your loss H.R. I just got a note last night that my father’s oldest sister just had a heart attack. She is fine, but the onset of dementia is not helping.

  10. jim2 says:

    This explains a lot:

    Musk is ‘bipolar’ and suffers from ‘unrelenting’ stress, he reveals in astonishingly honest tweets

  11. philjourdan says:

    The “big lie” is starting to crumble.

    The fact that fascism and Nazism is not right wing, but left is becoming more widespread.

  12. Zeke says:

    inre: age and dying

    Thank you for sharing HR. I was blessed by what you wrote about your mom reaching her 90’s with clarity of mind, and passing away peacefully during a nap.

    Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land God gives you.

  13. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting tidbit about China. It implies that the Chinese government is concerned about Chinese companies dumping lots of money into overseas properties rather than keeping the money at home.

    Obviously makes you wonder exactly what they are concerned about. Are they concerned that those overseas investments might tank for some reason or are they more concerned about the capital being used for those investments not being available within their economy for productive investment and growth?

  14. Zeke says:

    philjourdan links dinesh d souza,
    inre: leftist roots of German National Socialism of the 30s and 40s.

    I absolutely agree that was a leftist movement and imposed leftist policies; but that particular article was horribly confused and appears to rely very heavily on the work of a progressive scholar. I actually think he does more to confuse the issue than trace its roots and branches to the American left’s main LOVES:
    population control,
    Darwinist genetic theories,
    gun registries,
    gun control,
    elimination of freedom of education/control of education,
    nationalized health care,
    promotion of psychiatric diagnosis and psychotropic medication of all people,
    and vegetarianism+environmentalism.

    It would be fun to analyze that article but maybe another time.

    This is a better one by Dinesh D Souza:

  15. beththeserf says:

    Yes, philjourdan and Ian,

    Apollo versus
    getting it right in
    human behavior,
    perhaps Feynmann,
    certainly not H*tler.

  16. Another Ian says:

    Saving us from an ice age

    “Scandal: Australian Bureau of Meteorology caught erasing cold temperatures”

  17. beththeserf says:

    Heh, Ian I was just about to relay that.
    My comment @ Jo Nova …
    ‘Everything’s not up to date
    at BO Meteorology.
    They’ve gone about as low
    as they can go, tra la. :)

  18. beththeserf says:

    Just what do you think you are doing, Dave?

  19. jim2 says:

    @ Larry Ledwick says: 1 August 2017 at 1:17 pm

    I read that, too. Judging from the gibberish generated by the robots, they may have simply failed, considered from a systems perspective.

  20. Larry Ledwick says:

    That is what I was thinking, they just latched into a loop of some kind, and the reporter is inserting the idea that they were “communicating”. I don’t see any reference to any coordinated action that would confirm “communication” But just a “Nothing can go can go can go can go can go wrong” moment.

  21. Larry Ledwick says:

    Have we turned the internet in to a gossip mill with the power to destroy peoples lives?
    Should we allow or encourage, people “signal boosting” comments that they think are offensive or “wrong think”?

    Some interesting observations in this article.

    Against Signal-Boosting As Doxxing

  22. E.M.Smith says:


    Looking at the ‘robot language’ link, it looks to me like a simple edge case bug in their code:

    Bob: i can i i everything else . . .

    Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to.

    Bob: you i everything else . . . .

    Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me.

    “Bob” is having trouble with the “I have” verb is in “Can I have everything else” and is doing “I” repeats as it has a verb failure. (Or perhaps the “give” or “sell” as in “Can I give everything else”…)

    “Alice” looks to just be reaching a repeating loop “to me”…. and in trying to say “balls are worth zero to me” ends up in a loop that eventually times out. Either when ball=0 or trying to express that as an object of zero value (where ‘ball’ has that value) so you get “balls have a ball” to me (or balls have a zero value like a ball).

    I’d not count any of that as a ‘new language’. It’s just failure of their grammar parser, IMHO, and that has a feedback via their learning loop into the dictionary selector and ends in gibberish as the zero case causes looping Similarly, at the ‘everything’ end they have issues. So whoever programmed the ends (or edge cases) of zero and “all” handling screwed up.

    That’s what I see, and NOTHING indicates anything but click bait based on lack of understanding of how computer language recognition works (i.e. nothing semantic, really, just pattern matching and grammar / lexical maps). Maybe some day we will end up with computers that can actually understand languages as spoken, but for now it’s more like a very very advanced phone tree. Once you hit the edge of the map of actions, it goes non-determinant…

  23. Another Ian says:

    Better watch your Linux systems

    “WikiLeaks Latest in Vault 7”

  24. Another Ian says:

    How to claim nearly anything as progress

    “SA reduces blackouts by closing Holden Factory”

    (SA is the Oz advanced example of what not to do re renewable power, Holden id GM in Oz)

  25. Another Ian says:
  26. Another Ian says:

    By the coments looks like cobalt supply is more critical

  27. Another Ian says:

    Pointman’s latest

    The deep state.

  28. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    At one time I employed a dozen folks in California. Now, zero, and zero interest in having a business in Californua…

    Per Lithium and Cobalt:


    Reread that 4 times….

    There are alternatives to Cobalt in lithium cells.
    Sodium and Potassium cells exist replacing lithium.
    The list goes on.

    Any time the price gets too high, folks will change battery chemistry.

    Per Linux:

    No operating system has zero risk. Many known exploits exist for Unix and Linux. The difference is in the number and difficulty. Absolute fewest exposures and hardest to crack is a clean, tuned, well configured BSD Unix. Then comes other Unix types with professional support & Mac OS followed by Linux. Several other minor OS types, then far far away, off in the marsh of Wide Open Cesspit, is Microsoft Windows.

    So yeah, you can’t ignore security and just be happy running Linux, but almost…

  29. Another Ian says:

    The latest from the rhymester at Jo Nova

    August 2, 2017 at 3:55 am · Reply

    The Bureau will strive to uphold,
    The warming the warmists foretold,
    And will homogenize,
    All the lows, not the highs,
    As when temperatures read very cold.”

    August 3, 2017 at 7:12 am · Reply

    When temperatures near minus ten,
    Are they tweaked to warm up there and then,
    As the BoM wouldn’t like,
    A cold downward spike,
    Would they homogenize data again?”

    There is hope that Jo will eventually do a compilation of these Ruairi’s

  30. David A says:

    EM, regarding our brief discussion of the tide gauge record at WUWT, here is the link to daveburtons site…

    Are Ice Age Glacials Caused By Orbital Inclination?

  31. LG says:

    Re: That pesky 14-foot Crack at the Gates of Oroville Dam.

    Millie Kay is wondering : Are Oroville Dam spillway gates safe? (And what about those trunnions and tendons?)

  32. Larry Ledwick says:

    Got a bit of a thermal shock this morning when I went to leave for work. First week in August and at 11:00 am local time, temp is 56 deg F and overcast. Feels like middle of Sept weather just as it would be turning to fall. There have been a couple unseasonably cool days this summer, and no sweltering hot stretches, although the weather folks insist it is record warm and dry, my personal experience tells me this summer has been not particularly warm here in the metro area (may have set a few records out at DIA but that location is really in a different micro-climate from the historical reporting locations here in Denver).

    Will be interesting to see when we get first snow in the metro area this year. Record early snow is about the first week in Sept (Sept 3 1961 earliest on record 11-12 in other years). Normal first measurable snow here is in late October early November on average.

  33. jim2 says:

    WRT to temp, yep, I see the ENSO meter at WUWT is moving towards neutral. UAH sat global moved up a tad, but trend is down. 2017 might set off a furious bout of adjustments. (Up, of course.)

  34. jim2 says:

    pyOBD – Open-source OBD-II diagnostics

  35. E.M.Smith says:


    I’m not worried about the spillway gates failing.

    It would be great to start replacing the gates, one or two at a time, but even if they failed it ought not matter much.


    Water level is below the gates entirely most of the time. Often for years on end.

    They are at the very top of the water column.

    The spillway works with all the gates open, so any stuck open or even washed away, just results in lower lake level. Even several full open does not flood downstream.

    The comparison with Folsom Dam is bogus. Folsom is shallow, so 40% water loss was possible (yet we heard of no catastrophic flooding…) Oroville dam is dramatically higher so the gates are a much lesser part of the water content. IIRC, someting like 50 foot of water max at the gates of a 700 foot max lake depth. (Needs checking…)

    IF the water ever reaches the gates, you want a couple open anyway to prevent overtopping.

    That’s the big bits. By all means, they ought to be fixed, and soon, but the failure mode is to mild reduction of dam management choices at full flood. Enough still remain anyway, and full flood is rare and predictable, so things like running the turbines more is available.

    IMHO, the biggest risk is just massive public embarrassment should one fail just after replacing the spillway ramp.

    Oh, and remember that many dams have NO GATES at all on their spillway. You really don’t need them. They mostly let you spread spike surges of inflow into longer pulses of outflow.

  36. jim2 says:

    We know some Redimiwits have been anti-Trump all along. But in my mind, the below gels the idea that most of the Redimowits want Trump out. They are OK with Pence, it appears. Trump needs to have DOJ launch a couple of special prosecutors right now to investigate un-maskings and Hillary.

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller III received a bipartisan boost from Capitol Hill on Thursday, even as news broke that he’d moved to a more serious phase of his investigation of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and whether Donald Trump’s campaign or associates colluded with Moscow to help him win the presidency.

    In a clear warning to the president not to mess with Mueller, two bipartisan sets of senators Thursday proposed laws that would require judicial oversight of the firing of a special counsel.”

  37. jim2 says:

    Also, any convictions should be overturned by Trump and if it’s Trump, the whole process should be challenged due to the way Comey illegally leaked information to get a special proseccutor.

  38. LG says:

    For those who might be interested, there is a Oroville Dam California USA Information page which assembles a bunch of Oroville Dam related links.

  39. Another Ian says:

    BOM digs deeper

    “BOM scandal: “smart cards” filter out coldest temperatures. Full audit needed ASAP!”

    And on lifestyles etc

    August 5, 2017 at 2:52 am · Reply

    Investments in Green were a boom,
    In profit, for the prophets of doom,
    While each kilowatt hour,
    From fossil-fuel power,
    Their homes, by the million,consume.”

    Comment at

  40. sabretoothed says:

    Video of the year, all health care is BS

  41. Larry Ledwick says:

    From twitter:

    Al Boe BREAKING NEWS‏ @AlBoeNEWS 2 hours ago
    President Trump has officially notified the United Nations that the U.S. is withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord.

  42. Larry Ledwick says:

    Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸‏Verified account @JackPosobiec 2 hours ago
    Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 Retweeted Media Matters
    When’s the last time Brock-Soros’ Media Matters defended a Trump official? Something is going on here

  43. Pingback: More Data than the “Data” – The Stupid, It Burns… | Musings from the Chiefio

  44. Larry Ledwick says:

    If true, an interesting possible back story to the “mother of all bombs” attack a while back in Afghanistan.

  45. Larry Ledwick says:

    Related to the above – a different view of this event. Perhaps the real target were the Pakistani army troops and no one wants to publicly admit that. If true that would definitely send a message to “another country” (ie Pakistan)

    By the way if that bomb was detonated at ideal altitude for maximum over pressure over the widest area there would be little if any cratering, but the lethal over pressure to exposed troops would have been nearly doubled in radius.

  46. pouncer says:

    Larry says ” the Chinese government is concerned about Chinese companies dumping lots of money into overseas properties rather than keeping the money at home.”

    I have no idea about the Chinese but I have similar concerns about immigrant and often non-permanent laborers in the United States sending (remitting, dumping, however) money “home” to nations and economies of their origin rather than circulating their wages in the market from which it was earned.

    The typical reassurance offered when I express such a concern is that our economy is extracting the real labor value from these workers while exporting symbolic paper. And until (and unless) that paper comes back into our market, we’re ahead, and if (and after) the paper does come in, we’re still slightly ahead because of interest, inflation, etc.

    I don’t find this as reassuring as the economists appear to hope. That may be because I’ve learned from similar economists about a concept called the “multiplier effect” in which a single dollar magick’d out of nothing but the fiat of federal power enters our economy and “multiplies” into many dollars * as it runs round in circles from worker to grocer to banker to builder to laborer to tax collector …. If a federal input stream helps the economy by circulating a dollar why doesn’t an international export stream weaken our economy with a similar multiplier pulling several dollars of value out of local circulation for each dollar remitted?

    * the economists also appear to argue that although the first “magic” dollar is next thing to imaginary, the resulting “multiplied” dollars represent some sort of real product or value. How THAT happens I never quite wrapped my mind around.

  47. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting item here, (including some of the imbeded links).
    It looks like Saudi Arabia is trying to push toward a more western liberal social order (obviously a very long term project).

    Hard to tell if this is an honest move by the new Monarch to westernize and soften its strict religious laws and move away from the Wahhabi strict sharia governance or simply a commercial move to capture a western tourism market share in a secluded area, away from their own population, perhaps on the model of the old Lebanon before it was shredded by warfare a few decades ago.

  48. E.M.Smith says:


    An absolutely facinating video. The presenter is fast enough that I am challenged, a rare event. His mastery of genetics is evident. (I’ve had upper division genetics, so that isn’t praise from ignorance, but praise from knowing…). I’m now looking forward to when mitochondia transplants begin.

    I note in passing the Jewish tradition that only the mother confers true Jewish heritage. I wonder if this is related to matralineal mitochondrial inheritance. They had a rule against sources of Mad Cow Disease before we knew it existed… so one wonders what else was known…

    I’d also note this has implications for things as diverse as surrogate mothers and species recovery by putting nuclear materisl in related egg cells. The mitochondria matter rather more than most folks consider…

  49. sabretoothed says: 50 years of cooling

    @EM Smith I think, he’s got it, you need that blue light from the sun rise every morning, otherwise you can’t make dopamine, then in evening no blue light, change bulbs or wear orange glasses the unex ones from ebay. I notice a big difference.

    Trying some lizard UV lamps and that black UV CFL one as well (There was a club in Chicago for 25 years nobody got sick and that’s the lights they used there :P)

    I need to watch this one when have more time

  50. jim2 says:

    It’s difficult to believe, but at least one part of the government has found and articulated a problem with buying stuff from China. Maybe there is hope after all??

    “The U.S. Army has ordered its members to stop using drones made by Chinese manufacturer SZ DJI Technology Co Ltd because of “cyber vulnerabilities” in the products.

    An Aug. 2 Army memo posted online and verified by Reuters applies to all DJI drones and systems that use DJI components or software. It requires service members to “cease all use, uninstall all DJI applications, remove all batteries/storage media and secure equipment for follow-on direction.””

  51. jim2 says:

    Mosque bomb looks small and suspiciously like maybe the mosque people planted it. No one hurt.

    “In a news conference, Mohamed Omar, the executive director of the mosque, said the explosion had occurred “in the direction of the imam’s room.””

  52. sabretoothed says:

    Researcher/inventor Ott the creator of stop motion photography and the full spectrum light bulb, suggests that we all need indirect sunlight absorbed into our eyes between 30 minutes and 2 hours a every day to maintain optimum health. Ott and the Environmental Health and Research Institute concluded that there is a dramatic improvement in health when sunglasses are removed from one’s ‘visual diet’. When a person wears sunglasses certain frequencies are blocked out. Many glasses promote UV blocking, but most glasses block out much more than just that frequency. The deprivation of specific light frequencies can have emotional and physiological effects. UVA lights in Chicago night club, nobody got sick for 25 years!

  53. E.M.Smith says:


    A few years back I bought a batch of relatively cheap LED bulbs and put them in the highest use areas of the house. The spouse started having insomnia:

    superchiasmatic LED light insomnia

    Seems you need to know how to operate your superchiasmatic nexus…. it senses about 450 nm (bright sky blue) light to set your biological clock.

    There are two major types of LED bulb. VERY expensive and somewhat rare 3 LED bulbs that mix light from three colored LEDs for best color effect and highest efficiency, and 1 LED bulbs that use a very bright blue or almost UV LED and then have phosphors downshift that to the desired primary colors (throwing away a bit of energy in the process). These tend to put out a lot of light about 450 nm …

    I supposed I could put two lights in each room, the LEDs that are currently in a drawer for morning use, and CFL 2700 K / Incandescent for evening use. ( I stocked up on a lifetime supply of plain old Incandescent bulbs before the ban ;-)

    As my preferred domiciles are California and Florida, I think I’ll just take morning coffee on the patio instead ;-)

  54. Pingback: Rope-A-Dope’s End? | Musings from the Chiefio

  55. sabretoothed says:

    Incandescent is the best. Lutein helps protect the eye from the 460nm blue light damage. But you need IR A and also UV A in morning and UV B at noon for 15-20min or so.

    The Incandescent party orange light is still available, its a good evening light for like $3 for 2 :P (cheaper in shops then ebay)

    LED is only good for 620nm near infrared lights and 830nm infra red. See I put one of these out when I used the UV light to protect the body.

    I think there is a blue light toxcity epidemic and UV deficiency epidemic :P I wouldn’t touch LED lights.

    The body has to make 85kg of ATP a day and its not all coming from food ;)

    Too much carotenoids in crazy vegan lifestyles blocks your body’s ability to absorb UV = cancer

  56. Larry Ledwick says:

    Under Cool military tech – update on the Navy’s rail gun development.

  57. Larry Ledwick says:

    A little additional info related to my earlier post on Saudi Arabia trying to diversify and move away from oil as their sole cash flow source.

    Larry Ledwick says:
    5 August 2017 at 2:48 am

  58. Larry Ledwick says:

    A bit more related to my earlier comment about how cool days have been this summer.
    It has been cool and overcast all day today, had to wear a long sleeve shirt when I went for my walk near noon.
    From twitter:

    essica Lebel‏ @JessicaLebelWX 1 hour ago
    Tomorrow Denver will only be 3 degrees away from the record coldest maximum temp for August 7th! Feeling like fall! #cowx

  59. Larry Ledwick says:

    How the Trump message and related topics get pushed on twitter.
    How the MAGA folks own social media coverage.

  60. Larry Ledwick says:

    Electronic payment systems being used by banks in Libya to side step shortages of physical cash and allow customers access to their funds via electronic payment.

    Now here we enter the gray zone that there is no physical limitation to the rate at which such funds can be inflated. Like a stock split, the government could just tell the banks to multiply all funds by X, and instantly blow up the money supply. Or if they wanted to be just a little bit subtle a daily inflation factor that was small enough it would get lost in the daily transaction noise.

  61. Larry Ledwick says:

    Countries are moving back to eLoran systems to serve as backup for GPS/ GNSS systems to mitigate jamming of GPS signals.

    They might want to look at inertial guidence systems too, as a check on locations.
    US Submarines have been using that technology since the late 1960’s.

    I wonder if any pulsars are powerful enough emitters to be detected by ship board equipment?
    Guided Missiles use star fixes to verify their location, for at least half the day (clouds permitting) stars can be seen (even before sunset and after sunrise with sensitive camera systems.

  62. E.M.Smith says:


    Banks can already create any degree of cash eDeposits as desired. This is standard practice. The only restraint is accepting that when The Fed says “your reserves rate is to be 5%” the banks actually make it 5%. Make that number zero (and it CAN be set to that by The Fed or by banks ignoring the Fed … at least until some law enforcement or other folks with guns come to ‘take them out’) and America can have infinite money creation too.

    It’s the “fraction” in “fractional reserve banking”… Doesn’t depend on fiat money, either. Even under the Gold Standard, banks could loan out 100% of their gold deposits (to then be redeposited to be loaned again to be redeposited again to be… Unless you require a ‘fraction’ to be kept in the vault each cycle that goes to infinity…). This was the cause of many early “Bank Runs” and why The Fed and “fractional reserve” rules were set up…

    I’m pondering a posting on BitCoin and similar eCurrencies that talks about that a bit… or maybe not; it’s a bit Econ Geeky ;-)


    It isn’t only Australia… But that’s part of why I packratted some older versions of GHCN a few years back. “Someday” I can do an A/B compare site by site…

  63. sabretoothed says:

    Schumman reasonance has been rising lately. I think there is only 10 years of data, but I’m sure Michael Mann can take it back to 1200AD? But anyway, maybe there is some link with worlds being at war and changes in this. As our brain works at the similar frequency to it. It is natural EMF (before radio/wifi came :P)

  64. p.g.sharrow says:

    Guest talking head on Fox Business says he has observed abnormalities in the reported VICs.
    For the last 12 days it appears to being set before the market rather then after. Someone BIG is attempting to set up the market for big moves. DANGER!! …pg..

  65. Jon K says:

    Short post on why we should always take wikipedia’s info with a grain of salt.

  66. Larry Ledwick says:

    p.g.sharrow says:
    7 August 2017 at 3:15 pm
    Guest talking head on Fox Business says he has observed abnormalities in the reported VICs.

    Sounds ominous, – – – what is a VIC?
    Google search returns a billion hits starting with Victoria’s Secret and a Rapper named V.I.C

  67. p.g.sharrow says:

    The VIC is a measurement of stock market sales and seems to being preset low to cover volume moves. Mike understands this much better then I. The talker has been a trader for over 30 years and urges

  68. Larry Ledwick says:

    There is a volatility index called VIX perhaps that is what he was talking about?

  69. p.g.sharrow says:

    sorry Larry, my bad deslexia.;-(…pg

  70. Another Ian says:

    It continues

    “Hmm. You Might Not Want To Fly In An Airplane Built By A Current Purdue Graduate”

  71. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting look at recent stress test for Mortgage underwriters Fanny May and Freddie Mac

  72. Larry Ledwick says:

    On a similar economic note, consumer credit card debt, student loans, car loans hit new highs.

  73. pouncer says:

    World’s Worst HOA property management firm (ever!) :

    Laurence Property Management; 1242 Francisco St. Apt 3; San Francisco CA 94123 (

    who allowed a $14 / year nominal city property tax on the common area landscaping and parking to go unpaid for nearly 30 years; missed notice of lien, missed the sheriff’s notice of a courthouse auction to settle the tax debt; failed to buy the property at auction, and then failed to buy BACK the property from the couple who did, in fact, win the public auction for a mere $90K. (Each house in the association is a multi-million dollar estate housing luminaries such as Rep. Pelosi or Sen Feinstein) THEN the managers failed to keep the whole deal out of the news, letting the Striesand Effect kick in.

    Can anybody nominate a better candidate for bad property management?

    Better yet, can anybody name a more incompetent HOA owner/resident board-of-trustees?

  74. Larry Ledwick says:

    Oh goody!
    Time for a new re-branding of global warming – Ooops I mean Climate Change – Oh nuts that is now Weather Extremes.

    Got that – Climate Change is out , Weather Extremes is in.

  75. Larry Ledwick says:

    New look a Neanderthal genetics and populations, more numerous than previously thought but lived in small isolated bands which lead to inbreeding due to lack of genetic diversity.

    Interesting question is this a common situation/outcome for nomadic bands and tribal cultures?
    Could this be why the Anasazi disappeared?
    Does this imply that cultures that develop large population groups (cities) are blessed with better genetic diversity to thwart disease and other challenges, than cultures who mostly live as small family based bands? (this would assume that those small bands do not interact enough to intermarry and breed significantly with other family groups)

  76. jim2 says:

    The EU it totally nuts. Now they want to install a single point of failure for a major chunk of their electricity. Never a good idea. I would much rather have a bunch of smaller power plants sprinkled around the country. Much more resilient.

    “In the global race to ditch fossil fuel reliance for more renewable energy sources, Europe is already making some impressive strides. That is likely to ramp up considerably thanks to a new European Union plan to build a large solar plant in the Sahara desert — with the ability to generate enough power to keep much of Europe juiced up. In all, the enormous solar farm aims to produce 4.5 gigawatts of power, which can then be transmitted across the Mediterranean from Tunisia to mainland Europe. TuNur’s proposed solar farm utilizes an enormous quantity of mirrors to reflect sunlight onto a central collector, which uses molten salt to store the energy as heat. Three HVDC submarine cables will then transport the power to Europe. The first cable will link Tunisia and Malta, the second will link Tunisia to central Italy, and a third will link Tunisia to the south of France.”

  77. jim2 says:

    TITLE: Earth’s Diminishing Magnetic Dipole Moment is Driving Global Carbon Dioxide Levels and Global Warming

    (Incidentally, these two have a 2011 paper that is the basis of the Climate Change report currently in the news)

  78. Pingback: T2 Diabetes – Hibernation Lite? | Musings from the Chiefio

  79. Another Ian says:

    Comment around Google’s latest

    The Deplorable Phantom | August 8, 2017 9:24 AM | Reply

    This type of thing is why maintaining alternatives to the DemocRat dominated mono-culture is important. They really will stifle anything that goes against their ideology, or even things that are just inconvenient. Having an un-fudged search engine is important.

    On the bright side, Google is a private sector company. I can’t think of anything that will sink a tech company faster than ideological blinders. The people who work there are -SMART- and will see through the smoke-screen instantly. The best ones will leave, the scumbags and hacks will stay and play along with the gag.

    The number of people in the world who can successfully lead a software project to completion is small. Its a hard thing to do, and it requires massive innate talent and training. The number of women who can do it is smaller than the number of men who can. That’s how it is. Too bad, so sad.

    When you put unsuitable people in charge of a project, that project will fail. For sure. Nothing can save it. So when people are chosen for political reasons, not for their good fit with the task, the project will fail.

    Enough failed projects, and you get Hewlett Packard. A company getting by on ripping people off with overpriced toner cartridges. Or IBM, former giant, now reduced to also-ran.

    That is Google’s future. Faster, please”


    Kevin | August 8, 2017 10:48 AM | Reply

    I am going to stop using the terms from ‘1984’; it is not doublethink pure thought is now Googlethink. Correct language is now Googlespeak.

    What is best in life? To think only Google thoughts, to hear only Google words, and to live in perfect conformity.”

  80. Another Ian says:

    Re Google above

    “Steve Jobs used to talk about a phenomenon called a ‘bozo explosion,’ by which a company’s mediocre early hires rise up through the ranks and end up running departments. The bozos now must hire other people, and of course they prefer to hire bozos. As Guy Kawasaki, who worked with Jobs at Apple, puts it; ‘B players hire C players, so they can feel superior to them, and C players hire D players’.” ”

  81. E.M.Smith says:


    Don’t need carriers there as we are based in S. Korea and Japan. Gold is rising as $ US comes off a long strong streak. Oil rising as it was too low too long and somebody blinked. Possibly Russia and Saudi slowing output in summer as heating ended.

  82. sabretoothed says:

    CNN changed from climate change to Guam getting his, Trump about to strike?

  83. Another Ian says:

    “The Diversity Paradox”

    “Here, I just want to take a step back from the [Google] memo controversy, to highlight a paradox at the heart of the ‘equality and diversity’ dogma that dominates American corporate life. The memo didn’t address this paradox directly, but I think it’s implicit in the author’s critique of Google’s diversity programs. This dogma relies on two core assumptions:

    The human sexes and races have exactly the same minds, with precisely identical distributions of traits, aptitudes, interests, and motivations; therefore, any inequalities of outcome in hiring and promotion must be due to systemic sexism and racism;
    The human sexes and races have such radically different minds, backgrounds, perspectives, and insights, that companies must increase their demographic diversity in order to be competitive; any lack of demographic diversity must be due to short-sighted management that favors groupthink.

    The obvious problem is that these two core assumptions are diametrically opposed.”

    More at

  84. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting note on shadow banning, apparently the Brave browser completely blocks the hill as links to it come back with a notice that the site cannot be reached but work just fine in fire fox

    Gives this warning banner:

    This site can’t be reached

    The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

    Point being it is not unreachable it just does not pass their security screening tests and gives you no easy way to set an exception to see it – – – – – I have started using several browsers to out flank this sort of nonsense.

  85. sabretoothed says:

    Comets and water :P

    Pansperma? Remember comets often brought plaques of disease in the past

  86. sabretoothed says: Carbs only good when UV B is high in summer

  87. sabretoothed says:

    ATP synthase subunit rotation dependent on UV-B and IR-A

    Boron is a cofactor in FAD

  88. philjourdan says:

    @Larry – Re: Brave (and others). It is the retiring of the TLS1.0/1.1 standards that seems to be causing a lot of problems with many browsers, not just Brave. Like you, I have to switch between them when blocked from adding an exemption. Chrome is the worst. The Hill is the first time I have seen it in Brave. But then I do not use it for a lot of things yet (it just got spell check added with the last update).

  89. E.M.Smith says:

    Per Browsers:

    It is worse than that… It isn’t just the Browser. Each web site can individually set what security protocol it is willing to negotiate (in fact, must set it, though often folks take the default).

    So now you have a handshake over potentially all protocols and release levels. So I offer TLS 1.1 and you refuse it, maybe you only like 1.0, or maybe I’m only accepting TLS 1.3 (draft) and you haven’t upgraded to that as it is only in draft form. Or maybe I only do SSL and you don’t.

    As each protocol and release ages, folks find attacks. New release and new protocols are made and pushed. Over time, the matrix of N x M gets very large.

    Now the Security Nazi type will demand that only the newer or newest “secure” handshake be allowed to succeed. At the same time, “just some guy showing his photos” may not give a damn about a potential intercept and see no reason to upgrade (or even be aware of the ‘need’).

    So every time there’s a MAJOR security risk, the Security Nazi folks will make a bunch of sites only work with the ‘newest browsers’ or the ‘newest secure browser’ folks will make it only work with the newest secure protocols. Getting all those holes to line up right gets exponentially harder.

    The common “out” until Poodle Exploit came along was to just let your non-commercial (i.e. not processing payments) web site negotiate ANY ANY protocol / release. Then exploits that could get into the server showed up and site operators were Strongly Encouraged not to do that. ( I got to ‘tighten up’ several server sites then, and that was when most folks were complaining about particular sites or particular browsers being “broken”…)

    Then things settled down for a while….

    But this cycle is doomed to repeat until security stabilizes on a fixed secure solution or the browser guys find a way to fix it other than just refusal to negotiate a link (like maybe offer to install FOO security protocol for that connection).

  90. Larry Ledwick says:

    The thing I find interesting is they don’t offer any human interaction option to take place, just drop you to a misleading error message and that is it.

    It would be nice if they still let you set a temporary exception for a known site, or they could have the browser open that link in a secure sand box
    They could give you a more detailed error message that actually gives info on the true failure (click for more information button) etc.

    It would be nice if the error message said failed to negotiate Foo.x123 protocol, only Foo.x122 is allowed.

  91. E.M.Smith says:


    All perfectly reasonable suggestions. Unfortunately, the guys who want to restrict their browsers to “only the newest” don’t want to let you down-level to an “insecure” security level. Similarly, a web site owner may be very unwilling to ‘back off’ to a level that now exposes his site to a take down.

    That just really leaves “on the fly upgrade” to newer protocols. That gets into regression testing and support issues and browser guys want to just declare “EOL” and move on. Sigh. Upgrade Hell strikes again.

    And, speak of the devil, I’m running an older Firefox on the MacBook Air (as it is now out of support with way too little memory… ONLY 2 GB !!) So this is about as far as it can go. A couple of weeks ago I was reading a Slackware site and left the window open. Just went back to it, and guess what I got?

    Your connection is not secure

    The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.

    Learn more…

    Now I STRONGLY doubt Slackware was busy down-leveling security on their site over the last couple of weeks… Which leads me to think they’ve gone to a “Mandatory FOO” level where FOO is beyond FireFox 48.0.2 ability.

    Yet I get a message saying the SITE is wrongly configured. Yeah, right…

    OK, so I guess “something big broke” in Transport Layer Security in the last few week and I wasn’t watching. Now the “Dance Of The Browsers” begins again…

  92. E.M.Smith says:

    Well, digging a bit further, that was likely not a good example. The Slackwiki failure is due to their site certificate having expired yesterday and they haven’t updated (yet). OK, it happens…

    Wonder if there is any synchronicity in cert expiration dates? If, say, a large cohort signed up at the same time and all expired 5 years later, a bolus of ‘failures’ would happen in sync too…

  93. Another Ian says:


    More certificates

    “Google’s rejection of Symantec’s SSL certificates never made the major headlines but illustrates the role trust plays in society. ”

    And links

  94. sabretoothed says:

    I’m starting to think its harmless to run a UV B bulb in the house and may have a lot of benefits?

  95. sabretoothed says:

    Looks like LED UVB does exist, but might be difficult to find. This
    study is interesting having a bracelet with short term exposure. I
    wonder who the maker of this is.

  96. sabretoothed says: does anyone know how to make this run :P Using the frequency from the study above that produced the most Vit D?

  97. Larry Ledwick says:

    LEDs are usually very simple components to deal with, looking at the data sheets, depending on which device you select you need to simply hook it up to DC voltage supply capable of from 3.5 – 7 volts. A quick glance at the study looks like 298 nm gave the best output, so that would make the 295 nm LED the closest match and it appears it needs a nominal voltage supply of 6 volts to operate in the middle of its range of acceptable voltage supply limits.

    Buy one and an adjustable DC power supply and fiddle a bit to see what works.
    LEDs have a critical minimum voltage required before they “turn on” and start producing light, then as you increase supply voltage the get brighter but also draw more current and run hotter.

    Typical operational window is around 1.5 – 2 volts above the turn on voltage before you burn up the LED by over heating it with high currents.

    Being a form of diode it will only work if voltage is of the proper polarity, other than that really simple devices to work with.

  98. sabretoothed says:

    Thanks Larry :) Wonder how many LEDs you need

  99. E.M.Smith says:


    If you just want some UV to play with, the easiest thing to do is get a Lizard Lamp. Exotic Pet Stores sell them (as does the local not-so-exotic Pets-R-Us like place) for about $20.

    We got one for the spouse (despite them going out of their way to state not for human use…) and it cured her S.A.D. in winter. I ran a test to set exposure limits by sitting with my back to the bulb at about 2 feet. Got a very mild “sunburn” after about 2 hours, IIRC. So she uses it at about 3 feet for 20 minutes or less.

    When my Son moved to Chicago, the dark winters there got to him, too (Native Californian and had Real Sun ™ his whole life ;-) so he now uses one as needed.

    Seems Amazon sells both the “curly bulb” kind like we have and a halogen version. Long Long ago I looked up the spectrum on ours (the vendors tend to publish them) and it was nicely proportioned to be more like natural sun. YMMV on other bulbs, so check the package.

    Search terms “lizard UV lamp” will turn up a lot more.

    Do Note: Like ALL UV sources, this will fade some colors in fabrics, give sunburns, degrade some plastics, etc. etc. Use only in spaces where you don’t care about UV damage to the materials near it. DO NOT LOOK AT IT in use for any length of time (i.e. 20 minutes will give you an eye “sunburn” if you are close enough…) UV is NOT NICE above a very low level.

  100. Larry Ledwick says:

    Regarding the planetary temperature dance – or – is it cool yet:

  101. E.M.Smith says:

    I think where Guulagle has got them selves in trouble is by punishing someone rather severely for stating the truth we all know. Generally, folks accept the “polite lie” that gender differences don’t matter so that the (whatever%) 20% ? of women who are good engineers or 10% of men who want to be nurses are not excluded. Yet we all know little boys take things apart to see how they work and little girls play nurse to the cat…

    So as long ss it wasn’t draconian enforcement, we tended to support equal opportunity. Now they have gone way nuts into equal OUTCOMES & ENFORCED GROUPTHINK. That’s just too far.

    As soon as the NFL and NBA are 10% black, the balance white, asian, snd hispanics, oh, and 51% female, then I’ll believe there are no real differences…

  102. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting bit on solar power and the coming total solar eclipse.

    Seems it will be a bigger challenge than power suppliers originally thought as most of the continental US will see anywhere from a total loss of solar illumination for 2 min 43 seconds to 60% in the areas far from the path of totality. Probably manageable now that they have recognized it and at the very least a nice drill on what happens when the country suddenly loses solar over a wide area.

    I presume the smart move is to just shut down all solar power generation input to the grid and carry the load on conventional generation – the bad news is all those grid connected homes with roof top solar they will all drop out at the same time over state wide areas, then come roaring back on line a few minutes later.

  103. E.M.Smith says:


    Maybe I’ll shut down my electronics for the eclipse pulse… and give the generator a service… and fresh gas ;-)

    After all, Californis is very “proud” of their excessive reliance on unreliables….

    Oh, and I wonder what the solar lull will do to wind. Balloonists fly first thing in the morning as the sun hasn’t raised the wind yet…

  104. sabretoothed says:

    Vaccines = Climate change 2.0 no questioning allowed :P

  105. Larry Ledwick says:

    Oh, and I wonder what the solar lull will do to wind. Balloonists fly first thing in the morning as the sun hasn’t raised the wind yet…

    A total eclipse also changes the local wind environment just like night time cooling, there should be outflow winds from the cold core of the total eclipse path until the atmosphere re-balances forces.

  106. sabretoothed says:

    If we could see UV light, we’d really notice it when going inside that the UVB doesn’t follow us inside :P

  107. Larry Ledwick says:

    Here is a NWS page for eclipse related info.

    Here is info on some effects of the eclipse and research that will be conducted during the eclipse.

    Click to access SLU2016_Eclipse_Meeting_pdf.pdf

    Some interesting notes on the eclipse experience.

  108. Another Ian says:


    Pointman on door keeping a blog

    The Man on the Door.

  109. aE.M.Smith says:


    What Trump knows, and the various Nit Wits don’t grasp, is that the way to deal with a Street Thug is NOT diplomacy. It’s a ‘flash’ of jacket showing you are armed, then a cold stare with your hand on the handle. (A small ‘quiver’ of tension in that arm, if you can manage it, also adds to the effect…)

    Nice article, BTW.

    What Trump knows, because he grew up with some time on the streets, is that diplomacy NEVER EVER WORKS ON BULLIES. (He has a school record of defending weaker folks from such…) What does work is direct, forceful, uncluttered confrontation.

    Those who have never left their Nanny, their Nanny Schools, and their Nanny State have no ‘effing’ clue how to handle a real rough spot. (Assume a slightly angled stance, put your arms in a non-threatening but ready position – like one resting on the other at about belt height, subtly shift your weight for a front snap or thrust kick, and stare directly at mid-chest of your opponent. Then, if they move toward you in any way at all, launch all you have at them. I like the snap kick to lunge punch throat rip out myself… The 2nd guy will not have any issue deciding he has urgent business elsewhere…)

    What Trump has done is Blatantly Obvious to any knucklehead who’s ever been in a fight. He’s flashed the jacket to show the hilt, and said “If you want to die, stay here.” then assumed a light defensive posture at the ready. Ignoring all the cat-calls from the peanut gallery folks who have neither the balls not the sense to do it.

    For my money, I’m hoping hoping hoping the Kim Butter Ball does something really really stupid (like have a missile test next week) and Trump just flattens “anything interesting”. It would be a ‘make my day’ moment ;-)

    Per the nonsense that the NK artillery would lay waste to the top 1/4 of S. Korea: Um, can you say cluster bombs in sync? Those nutbars like to have them all in a cluster as set pieces per the video. That is what is called a “Fat Target”. Put ALL our B52s up with cruise missiles with cluster bombs in them just on the S. Korea side. On signal, they ALL drop drop drop. Sealaunch for things away from the border. B2 dropping “goodies” on their nuclear facilities. Essentially “light em up” wherever they have anything fixed or massed. All over in about 20 minutes. Best done when Kim Nutbar is in a known location so he can get a ‘double tap’ of precision bombs / cruise missile followup with Drone on top.

    It would guarantee “peace in our time” for as long as Trump was in office…

  110. sabretoothed says:

    Lots of volcanoes in West Antarctica :P

    Interesting article about latent viruses, lysine, Vit D, Vit C, B3, Selenium, Iodine why it seems to help people?

  111. sabretoothed says:

    Even with faked up data, massive cold in Arctic and Greenland during ‘hottest year ever’ :P

  112. sabretoothed says:

    Coal stocks? Which ones :P

    Peabody is trading again, whats going on. Cooling should increase now too over the next 15-20 years.

    Obviously the solar and wind scam won’t work with more clouds with the solar minimum

  113. sabretoothed says:

    Raggedy Ann was created in 1915 by Johnny Gruelle, whose daughter Marcella died at the age of 13 after receiving a vaccination, which was given without parental consent.

  114. E.M.Smith says:

    Looking at several reports of the “car vs antifa” event in Virginia, this one has a few videos, but also reports what is likely only rumor at this point that a rock was thrown at the car as it was passing the area, THEN the driver returned to ram the crowd.

    In other words, road rage.

    Now I have zero information about the driver. Not race, nor political affiliation, nor age. The Police have arrested a man, but that is the only indication on gender I’ve seen.

    Yet on the Nightly News this is being presented as a radical racist attack. Really? The folks being run over look more whites than blacks. Also, by some slight of hand, it is being made Trump’s fault . Curious since he wasn’t involved in this local petty criminal act.

    Antifa set out to turn an act of free speech by a vilified minority into a violent protest. They succeeded, but not in the manner they intended… it will be interesting to see just how callous The Left are in exploiting the dead , and if their tactics shift.

    Also of note: So far there is zero connecting this event to the “Nationalist” protestors…. it will be interesting to see just who this driver is.

  115. pouncer says:

    Obligatory traditional disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. I wonder about the constitutionality of sending bombers to a warzone before congressional declaration. Oddly the US Congress has never actually voted on the Korean War. Individual outspoken members have supported the President, as when Democratic Senator Tom Connally told President Harry Truman “If a burglar breaks into your house, you can shoot him without going down to the police station and getting permission”. It’s not clear to me that Connolly was equally supportive of President Dwight Eisenhower or other congressmen of either party have been equally laid-back about later presidential actions in Korea. Or, for that matter, in-actions: It might have been useful during the presidential transition period between the outgoing Democratic President Lyndon Johnson and the incoming Republican President Richard Nixon, in the post-inaugural weeks of January 1968, to clarify just how warlike the remaining and still-controlling Democratic Congress felt about responding to the seizure of the US Navy ship “Pueblo”.

    Given that the Pueblo remains on the list of commissioned Naval vessels and is still held by a government the United Nations designates as a “sanctioned state”, Congressional clarification might still be useful.

    The Korean situation is perhaps unique in all the world and in all of world history in that (1) the “war” as a formal action distinct from violent action was initiated by the United Nations itself rather than the parties to that war. (Although, the US rather took custody of the war not by allowing General MacArthur to command the UN’s actions, but by asserting the presidential prerogative to revoke that authorization.) (2) the on-going and the “cease fire” has lasted two generations, at least, without any actual progress toward the UN’s original, 1947 vintage, objective of peninsula-wide elections about governing the disputed territory and (3) only one side of the armistice “agreement” continues to claim that such an armistice remains in place and restricts belligerent actions. (Yeah, it’s the belligerent side that claims that deal revoked.)

    In 1950 it was reasonable to argue that a nation or alliance of nations had no ability to declare “war” on one rebellious faction within a protected occupied territory. But since 1991 and the admission of North Korea into peer status with the other governmental states of the United Nations, the situation seems to me to call for admission of the change.

    A declaration of war is a different thing than acts of war. A declaration of war should set out war aims which, once accomplished, would frame the terms of the ensuing peace. In this example, the US might see no modern need to require a peninsular plebiscite establishing a replacement government for both North and South. The Congress might nevertheless require dismantling the military infrastructure north of the DMZ. Under a declaration, the Commander in Chief would be authorized to take actions he would not otherwise have power to accomplish. These would include non-military acts. Confiscation of assets, counterfeit of an enemy’s currency, propaganda actions or jamming of enemy commo… Military actions might be indirect. The undersea cables providing an enemy phone and internet service might get targeted for cuts. Ditto connections to the region’s electrical power grid or rail service. Ocean blockades are traditional. “Fire and Fury” are all very well, but there is no reason such reactions should be the ONLY reactions. And if members of Congress object to fire-and-fury, a formal resolution regarding just what goals are desired and how the response can be guided are within their Constitutional authority.

  116. Larry Ledwick says:

    What I have pieced together so far.

    Suspect arrested is named James Alex Fields Jr. from Maumee, Ohio.

    The ADL is asserting he was participating with the group Vangard Amercia.

    It is a bit jumbled but apparently the “Unit the Right” march had a permit and that they and counter protesters were kept separated by the police earlier in the day. There were a few scuffles and the Gov. Declared a state of Emergency and the protests were declared to be unlawful assemblies and folks were asked to leave.

    This is when it gets interesting apparently at that point they pulled down the barricades and the police simply disappeared as Antifa and BLM groups took to the streets for an unpermitted march.

    Some are saying someone threw a rock at Fields car and that is when he drove into the crowd.

    This if true would make it more legitimately a case of road rage rather than some premeditated racist incident.

    The other issue is the police being ordered to disperse so that the Antifa and BLM protestors could take over the streets. If true this seems to be a set up for some violent out come. If there was a declaration that it was an unlawful assembly normal police procedure would have been to systematically sweep the streets and clear the area.

    The lady that was killed apparently got pinned in between cars when he collided with the car in the crowd. I saw one item that she might have been a paralegal for a local Charlotte legal firm, but that is unconfirmed.

    Given that a Civil Rights case is open on this the major media are pretty quiet about details.

  117. Larry Ledwick says:

    I think Paul Joseph Watson makes an excellent point here, and that the pro-Trump community is ceding the discussion to the left by not clearly stating this distinction (perhaps a bit of extra effort at proper branding is needed by team MAGA before another cultural myth like “Hands up Don’t Shoot” takes root and permanently associates team MAGA with the racist tag)

  118. cdquarles says:

    Pouncer, that war was declared some 70 years ago. That war is still technically on, while under a cease fire. If North Korea does anything stupid in violating the cease fire, we have every right to flatten them. Yes, the War Powers Act covers just such an emergency action.

    There is no such thing as an undeclared war in our system. When Congress appropriates money for combat operations, they’ve declared war. That’s all it takes. Usually, there is a pro-forma Authorization of the Use of Military Force of some kind (AUMF) and there is one still in effect today. Congress is still spending money on it.

  119. Larry Ledwick says:

    Bit more info coming out, on James Alex Fields Jr.
    Apparently he was on prescribed anti-psychotic medication and had been refused enlistment in the military for mental issues. (all this subject to confirmation of course) but there is a long list of folks who have committed violence that had a history of psychoactive drug use.

    It is clear now that the media are trying to blame President Trump for not being specific about denouncing the White Supremacists, although others have been issuing messages of that kind most of the day.

    This is the comments the President made on Charlottesville

    It is interesting to me on a couple of accounts. First President Trump made a very specific effort to be non-specific (ie not blame only one group ) for the violence. This is not compatible with the Democratic talking points so they are claiming it is inadequate. The president was apparently trying to avoid getting mired in a finger pointing game by making general statements aimed at all who wish to engage in violence.

    The other thing I noticed was his uncharacteristic broken speaking style. I presume he had a lot on his mind and was mentally editing his comments on the fly, but it came off as a bit broken and clumsy.
    He has never been a smooth orator, more of a salesman and in that sense these comments required a very different style of commentary than he is used to. He was clearly working off a written transcript but I suspect he interjected some ad lib comments into the body of the prepared announcement.

    That said by opening with comments that address all those involved with violence he is pushing open the door a little to allow commentary on BLM and Antifa with out being accused of making cynical political comments if at the same time, Sessions is knee deep in a civil rights investigation of the white supremacists and what happened at this event. If his administration can come down hard on the white supremacists and their promotion of violence it will give him a lot more credibility to do the same on BLM and Antifa if they attempt to escalate things in following days and weeks.

  120. Larry Ledwick says:

    More coverage about how the police retreated from the area instead of trying to control things.

    Meanwhile BLM uses the violence as a fund raising opportunity.

    Victim of the attack Heather Heyer confirmed as being the paralegal I thought might be the same person.

  121. Another Ian says:



    “This is the initial release of my new GHCN software, titled UNHIDING THE DECLINE. It is designed to allow you to process large GHCN databases on a small computer with little memory, and make graphs very quickly.”

  122. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    I’d bookmarked this one:
    to play with, but that Python one looks interesting too!

    I plan to download one or the other of them to play with…

  123. Larry Ledwick says:

    Hmmmm I wonder if there is a difference in health outcomes between introverts and extroverts?

  124. sabretoothed says: Interesting if you slept in a farraday cage you would get sick because you don’t get the reasonance from the earth

    I think there is definetly somesort of oxidative stress going on from wifi, probably best to limit it if you can. I think its more problemtic as it is pulsed?

  125. philjourdan says:

    @Another Ian – I just read his article (Pointman’s) and it reminded me of when Chiefio does his cupboard cleaning. They are fun to read.

  126. philjourdan says:

    @E.M. – Re: Charlottesville

    Several weeks ago, there was a smaller rally. I was in the city working the entire day. At one point, late in the day, I stepped outside for a few minutes (the building I was working in was about 4 blocks from where the rally was). While standing outside, I observed a couple of BLM punks throw junk at a couple of white guys (they did not have any insignias indicating they were part of the white supremacists, but they could have been. As I said, I was inside most of the time). They missed.

    I can easily see where it was a road rage incident. The Antifa people are very violent (that rally only had antifa arrested).

  127. sabretoothed says:

    At the core of the problem is a pervasive arrogance and apathy within the field of oncology. Physicians unquestioningly rely on cookie-cutter treatments (chemotherapy, radiation) that do as much harm as good—and sometimes inflict hideous suffering on patients without improving their chances for survival. Worse, this “one-size-fits-all” mentality bars admittance to novel findings on nutritional strategies that combat cancer at multiple stages in its development.

    Don’t expect to hear much from your doctor about vitamin K. It may be ten years before the medical establishment catches on to the remarkable properties of this low-cost nutrient.

  128. Larry Ledwick says:

    Another interesting genetic twist on human evolution. New research suggests humans migrated into Africa from older populations not out of Africa. Tracing a protein in saliva shows that humans commonly interbred with near relative species and this evidence suggests a “ghost” species (one we have no fossil evidence of) but much older than known early primate/pre-human subspecies that originated outside Africa.

  129. sabretoothed says:

    1941 JAMA supports Eugenics, just like Climate change and over doing the vaccines today

  130. sabretoothed says:

    JAMA at the Paris Climate change like conferences in 1923 to save the world

    1989 JAMA changes the facts, USA invented it not Germany :P :P ‘Alternative facts’ ??? :P :P Darwin and Major Darwin invented Eugenics and they had three conferences like Paris

    Study in JAMA links climate skepticism with vaccines: Claims ‘significant proportion of US is impervious to scientific facts’

  131. E.M.Smith says:


    BTW, the multiple bond in Vit K is destroyed by microwaves….

    What has become pervasive in things from cooking to WiFi?….

    Just sayin…..

  132. sabretoothed says:

    New research is demonstrating that antibiotics may have a dramatic effect in terms of damaging mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles that live within our cells. When we recognize that problems with mitochondrial function underlie many of our degenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, the idea that commonly-used antibiotics might threaten mitochondrial function becomes quite important.

  133. sabretoothed says: Study from above. Makes sense, mitochondria are really similar to bacteria

  134. cdquarles says:

    @ sabretoothed,
    Be aware that ordinary heat-shock proteins induce calcium poisoning of the affected cell via apoptosis, or programmed cell death. The calcium kills the cell by saponification of the semi-permeable triglyceride membranes, including the ones the mitochondria have. The affected membranes leak potassium and magnesium out and leak sodium and calcium in. That eventually stops oxidative phosphorylation. Once that has progressed far enough, it is irreversible. For the cell, that is its death. For the body, that is also its death.

  135. sabretoothed says:

    @cdquarles for which were you referring this to?

    Interesting video

  136. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting item on a possible path to a general blood test for cancer that gives detection of existing cancers before they are detectable by common methods like physical symptoms or routine screenings.

  137. sabretoothed says:

    Glucosamine doesn’t go to joints it just binds lectins in the gut :P

  138. sabretoothed says:

    Water damaged buildings and sinus / chronic disease

  139. E.M.Smith says:


    Well, our primate ancestors DID eat a lot of leaves, trees and otherwise. I’ve started a program of deliberately adding a lot more leaves to our diet (prior to the posting above) just for that reason. Non-starch roots, leaves, meat. That’s the direction I’m going. It seems to fit what works best. Grains not so much… Also fits our evolutionary history as leaf eaters who started eating meat and other things found on the plains…

    @Another Ian:

    I tried running the code, but lack of a “cairo” caused it to fail… It seems that installing ‘wicd’ also brings py-cairo with it, so I’m going to try again.

    As per bugs: ALL SOFTWARE HAS BUGS – what changes is “do you know about them” and “what do they do?”….


    Well, this particular “Tips” had gotten very painful to load on the Pi M3, but loads and lets me comment / respond easily on the Odroid XU4 / Debian board. Guess it is either that 2 x processors or the 2 x memory or more likely the way those Video Loads get handled by all those {processors, memory, threads, etc. etc.}

    Given that it’s turned this thread from “Dread to load it to follow up” to “Hey, not bad!”, I think I’m going to be camping on the Odroid for a while… Hopefully with the advent of W.O.O.D postings, the “Tips” will get less congested too….

  140. E.M.Smith says:

    Well, that was a surprise….

    Clicking on a video caused the Odroid to go to a Black Screen… unresponsive…

    I’ve moved over to the MacBook for this comment. I’m going to let it sit for a while and see if whatever it is times out or the video runs out or whatever.

    Looks like playing youtubes is not working on the Odroid Debian rith now…

    That’s the kind of thing you get on ‘young ports’ Stuff is just great, until something goes bat shit crazy… Mature software on established platformes has far fewer WTF? surprises in it.

    So, OK, maybe the Devuan upgrade will run videos…

  141. sabretoothed says: I think there is too much chemistry in medicine and not enough physics :P

  142. sabretoothed says:

    A Retinal Neuroscientist’s Rebuttal: Why Humans Can’t See Near Infrared, No Matter What They Eat

    Using Vitamin A2 to see infra red :P

    Our research has indicated that human beings are fully capable of using vitamin A2 to form our pigments; however, vitamin A1 has a 3-4x greater bioactivity as compared to A2. We believe this to be as a result of both cellular transport mechanisms having a greater affinity for A1, and competitive inhibition (for the layperson, “first come, first serve”).


    The aim of the NIR visual perception pilot study is to exploit this opening in the human visual pathway in a brute force metabolic hack. The members of Science for the Masses and a handful of our collaborators will completely eliminate all retinoids and caretinoids (vitamin A and its provitamins) from our diets by switching to a special vitamin A deficient (VAD) blend of Soylent provided to us by special request. We will then supplement with two compounds: 3,4-dehydroretinol (A2) and retinoic acid (RA). Retinoic acid is a derivative of vitamin A which plays a critical role in gene transcription and a host of other systemic processes, and without which we would quickly fall ill and be forced to discontinue the pilot study. Unfortunately, RA has not been shown to synthesize from vitamin A2 in mammals; luckily, however, it appears that there is severely limited intraconvertibility between RA and vitamin A, if any, and so we don’t expect this additional supplementation to sabotage our attempts to hack the visual pathway.

  143. Larry Ledwick says:

    Fascinating article here on social media engineering, AI and big data and how it is changing the landscape of mass media and political campaigns. Much of this we have talked about before but this story fills in some blanks, and supplies a few missing puzzle pieces.

    It is especially relevant after the recent news that Bannon is going back to running Brietbart.

    By the way wordpress is incredibly slow right now, not sure if it is just tips being too big and too many links or something else going on.

  144. jim2 says:

    After Google Analytics have helped both Obummer and Bilously, I can’t get too worked up over Cambridge Analytica.

  145. jim2 says:

    So I’m asked to be believe that the conservative billionaire only now came up with the idea to help a Republican get elected? So, how was it Obummer got elected two years in a row and Biliously lost by a gnat’s hair? No, not buying any of this. It’s very similar to the “Russian’s stole the election” meme. Nope, Trump won by being Trump.

  146. sabretoothed says:

    Since they linked not believing in vaccines as climate change denying its time to attack vaccines

  147. jim2 says:

    Here’s a good analogy to “global warming.”

    “According to ancient Hindu mythology, the deity Rahu is beheaded by the gods for capturing and drinking Amrita, the gods’ nectar. Rahu’s head flies off into the sky and swallows the Sun causing an eclipse.

    Korean folklore offers another ancient explanation for solar eclipses. It suggests that solar eclipses happen because mythical dogs are trying to steal the Sun.

    Traditionally, people in many cultures get together to bang pots and pans and make loud noises during a solar eclipse. It is thought that making a noise scares the demon causing the eclipse away.”

  148. E.M.Smith says:


    As the count of videos in a page / comments rises, the sloth of the page to load rises… Each one launches some code that loads the active window and image and listens for your click to run the video. With, say, 20 videos, that’s a lot of code to run. Especially given it is interpreted stuff each invoking an interpreter…. I believe you can shut off Javascript and speed things up.

  149. Reference, which talks about how the IT on cargo ships is easily hacked and some examples of money-making frauds from this, but also some speculations that the navigation systems may be hacked.

    Also note about the second collision between an oil tanker and a US warship in a couple of months.

    Could it be possible that such collisions are organised by hackers (possibly Chinese government) to knock out some US capabilities? The collisions happened in early mornings, where it may be expected that few of the lookouts are at their best, and the earlier collision involved the cargo ship doing some pretty strange manoeuvres. No such data yet on this morning’s collision.

    Like using cars/trucks as weapons of war, using ships seems pretty simple given the poor security of the software. There’s also not a lot that can be done where a few hundred thousand tons is heading in your direction and you can’t turn the warship that quickly.

  150. E.M.Smith says:

    WOW! Opening a video laden “Tips” in Armbian on the Odroid XU4 is actually comfortable… Still a bit of pause as the video loads images from the internet, but not at all a bother…

    I put a ‘first use’ comment here:

    Notes on Devuan on Disk on R.Pi Model 3

    So far, I’m quite impressed.

  151. Another Ian says:


    Some of the comments here on the temperatures observed might be of interest

  152. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    Score another one for Minnesotans For Global Warming! That was a welcome hoot!

  153. E.M.Smith says:


    And people wonder why my Tablet does NOT have built in telephone, why I shut of WiFi when I’m not using it, why I don’t have a gmail account, why…

    Just Say No to corporate espionage masquerading as “help”…

  154. LG says:

    Jennifer Marohasy applies Neural Networks and Big Data mining techniques to 2000-year old climate proxies.

    What I do have are whizz-bang gaming computers that can run artificial neural networks (ANN), which are a form of machine learning: think big data and artificial intelligence.

    My colleague, Dr John Abbot, has been using this technology for over a decade to forecast the likely direction of particular stock on the share market – for tomorrow.

    Since 2011, I’ve been working with him to use this same technology for rainfall forecasting – for the next month and season [4,5,6]. And we now have a bunch of papers in international climate science journals on the application of this technique showing its more skilful than the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s General Circulation Models for forecasting monthly rainfall.

    During the past year, we’ve extended this work to build models to forecast what temperatures would have been in the absence of human-emission of carbon dioxide – for the last hundred years.

    We figured that if we could apply the latest data mining techniques to mimic natural cycles of warming and cooling – specifically to forecast twentieth century temperatures in the absence of an industrial revolution – then the difference between the temperature profile forecast by the models, and actual temperatures would give an estimation of the human-contribution from industrialisation.

    Firstly, we deconstruct a few of the longer temperature records: proxy records that had already been published in the mainstream climate science literature.

    These records are based on things like tree rings and coral cores which can provide an indirect measure of past temperatures. Most of these records show cycles of warming and cooling that fluctuated within a band of approximately 2°C.

    For example, there are multiple lines of evidence indicating it was about a degree warmer across western Europe during a period known as the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). Indeed, there are oodles of published technical papers based on proxy records that provide a relatively warm temperature profile for this period [7], corresponding with the building of cathedrals across England, and before the Little Ice Age when it was too cold for the inhabitation of Greenland.

    I date the MWP from AD 986 when the Vikings settled southern Greenland, until 1234 when a particularly harsh winter took out the last of the olive trees growing in Germany. I date the end of the Little Ice Age as 1826, when Upernavik in northwest Greenland was again inhabitable – after a period of 592 years.

    The modern inhabitation of Upernavik also corresponds with the beginning of the industrial age. For example, it was on 15 September 1830 that the first coal-fired train arrived in Liverpool from Manchester: which some claim as the beginning of the modern era of fast, long-distant, fossil-fuelled fired transport for the masses.

    So, the end of the Little Ice Age corresponds with the beginning of industrialisation. But did industrialisation cause the global warming?

    In our just published paper in GeoResJ, we make the assumption that an artificial neural network (ANN) trained on proxy temperature data up until 1830, would be able to forecast the combined effect of natural climate cycles through the twentieth century.

    We deconstructed six proxy series from different regions, with the Northern Hemisphere composite discussed here. This temperature series begins in 50 AD, ends in the year 2000, and is derived from studies of pollen, lake sediments, stalagmites and boreholes. Typical of most such proxy temperature series, when charted this series zigzags up and down within a band of perhaps 0.4°C on a short time scale of perhaps 60-years. Over the longer nearly 2,000-year period of the record, it shows a rising trend which peaks in 1200AD before trending down to 1650AD, and then rising to about 1980 – then dipping to the year 2000: as shown in Figure 12 of our new paper in GeoResJ.
    Considering the results from all six geographic regions as reported in our new paper, output from the ANN models suggests that warming from natural climate cycles over the twentieth century would be in the order of 0.6 to 1 °C, depending on the geographical location. The difference between output from the ANN models and the proxy records is at most 0.2 °C; this was the situation for the studies from Switzerland and New Zealand. So, we suggest that at most, the contribution of industrialisation to warming over the twentieth century would be in the order of 0.2°C.

  155. Larry Ledwick says:

    An article in National Review about first amendment rights and the latest effort of Nancy Pelosi to misinterpret it. (also has some case law references on the subject)

  156. sabretoothed says:

    Mitochondria and light
    80% of disease comes from heteroplasmy of the mitochondria.

  157. sabretoothed says:

    I think all the things which improve mitochondria will improve disease

    B3, CoQ10, PQQ, Blue light blockers, UVA in am, UVB at lunch. Other B vitamins. Also Li seems to have healing properties? Maybe because it allows B12 into the cell?

  158. sabretoothed says: Most efficient Mitochondria the original model :P Why they win all the races

  159. I’ve been improving my explanation of the underlying logical errors in 2LoT, and how we can actually recycle the energy we already have rather than needing to burn stuff to convert mass to energy. Some people may find and interesting, therefore.

    At the moment I’m chasing vacuum leaks in the (cheap and home-made) sputtering kit, but should shortly have practical devices to test. We’ll see if the logic works in real-life. Those device then go to Australia to be verified by CSIRO – Phil convinced some people that the science was valid.

  160. Jradig says:

    This originally came out in 2016 (I just saw it on Facebook today) so you may have already seen it. A man from Michigan moves huge concrete blocks by hand. Is building his own mini-Stonehenge.
    “Forgotten Technology: Man Lifts 20 Ton Block By Hand”

  161. sabretoothed says:

    Circadian rhythm disorders strong in singers because of their constant night concerts under blue light :P Only Bono and Elton John have worked it out and wear orange glasses why they are still alive :P Katie will probably be another Michael Jackson

  162. sabretoothed says: 90 years since microwave thoughts

  163. sabretoothed says:

  164. Another Ian says:


    “Instrument errors, noise, may account for a quarter to one half of our national warming trend in the last century.”

    Might apply to GISSTemp et al too?

  165. Larry Ledwick says:

    Yet another security exposure for folks with clearances?
    Really sloppy handling of data and just another example of why for years seriously security conscious companies and organizations insisted on having full physical control over their IT systems and all data.

  166. Larry Ledwick says:

    New tech meta material that is not only reflective to incoming radiant energy but has high emissivity in the infrared.

    Now they suggest it as a passive cooling treatment for roofs – question how do you turn it off in the winter when you want your roof to absorbed the suns energy and not emit away your houses heat?

  167. Steve C says:

    A couple of interesting articles on one of my occasional visits to Activist Post today. Hadn’t heard about (1) at all, while (2) is about as flesh-crawlingly repellent a prospect as could be asked.
    (1) “Cloud Seeding Was Used Before Hurricane Harvey, Did It Amplify Its Impact?” and
    (2) “SPIDER: DARPA’s Program to Create a Web of Miniaturized Spy Satellites”

    @Larry – Wait for the liquid crystal version which you can make go black by flipping the polarity … ;-)

  168. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting initiative in electronics trying to push back the limits of Moore’s law by exploring other ways of doing things.

  169. sabretoothed says:

    Very interesting talk

  170. Larry Ledwick says:

    8.2 earthquake off southern coast of Mexico (near Guatamala) tsunami warning in place possible up to 3 meter wave height.

  171. Larry Ledwick says:

    Cool medical tech. Mass spec pen developed by Univ of Texas identifies cancerous cells by touch detecting their signature metabolites in only 10 seconds at 96% accuracy.

  172. Larry Ledwick says:

    Irma info from twitter:
    WeatherTAP Retweeted
    Michael Lowry‏Verified account @MichaelRLowry 2 hours ago

    Michael Lowry Retweeted John Morales

    I measure the size of a hurricane by radius of maximum winds. According to NHC, that doubled overnight. Folks, this isn’t good news. #Irma

    John Morales‏Verified account @JohnMoralesNBC6

    Don’t be misled by lower winds. The eyewall replacement cycle is nearly complete. Windfield expanding and could return to Cat 5. Cuba radar.

    Last night I was looking at sea surface temps and there is a pool of warmer water south west of Bermuda that Irma will run over just prior to hitting Florida. This might result in the storm suddenly revving up just prior to reaching the keys and Miami.

  173. Larry Ledwick says:

    Isotherm plot of local sea surface temps. Pool of water is about 88 deg F, and Irma will be getting into this warmer water pool later today in over night.

  174. Larry Ledwick says:

    Oh swell looks like Equifax impact checker website language strips users of their rights to participate in class action law suits if they use their tool. But more importantly the site is hosted by a domain that might not have proper protection for handling PII (Personally Identifying Information).

    If this is correct another big screw up and predatory behavior on the part of Equifax.

  175. E.M.Smith says:


    The fundamental underpinning of contract law is the “meeting of the minds”. You can void such rights stripping of you can show no such meeting of the minds happened. Things like claim was hidden from view, or even just a note to them saying “I do NOT agree to those terms as they are illegal, immoral, unjust or just mean”. The latter needing a sympathetic hearing judge…

    So I can state: “Using my site bequeaths me your estate”, but it isn’t going to hold up since there was no “meeting of the minds” and the claim is abusive anyway…

  176. Larry Ledwick says:

    New attack vulnerability for voice assistants, Chinese researchers discover they can hear and decipher commands given in ultrasonic frequencies humans cannot hear.

    This raises all sorts of interesting attacks, like get a user to play a video that has ultrasonic audio embedded in the sound track that instructs the device to load a virus malware site?

    The question is how difficult will it be to deactivate this attack by putting an audio frequency filter in the system so that it disregards both sub-audible and ultrasonic command instructions?

  177. Pingback: Tips – September 2017 | Musings from the Chiefio

  178. E.M.Smith says:


    For new devices, it’s pretty easy. Just put a high / low pass filter on the microphone (i.e. use a cheap one ;-) but for existing devices… Hmmm…. One wonders if the software can be instructed to even see the audio frequencies. It may well be past sound decode by then. Depends on what’s in hardware, firmware, and software…

    Also has me wondering about infrasound and low bit rate limits. Make a 10 Hz “elephant call” that says “Alexa, order 20 cases of Fine Scotch for this address”… and embed it in a “Free Animal Show!”…

  179. Larry Ledwick says:

    Yes EM like those injury waivers for dangerous activities that try to make the sponsor totally immune to all legal actions no matter how negligent they are in conducting their activities. Not enforceable if you have a good lawyer, but still expensive to contest.

    Maybe this will be suitable grounds for outlawing or severely restricting credit reporting agencies due to their abuses.
    They are essentially legal extortion rackets which force people to pay for services not rendered no matter how the vendor abused their customer unless they are willing to go through the hassle of suing for non-performance.

Comments are closed.