California Wildfires – By Warmista Design?

Ran into this article in a BitChute Video. It mostly just consists of a person reading the article out loud, so you can choose the “audio” version from this video link:

or the text original:

Brown has managed to divert the fawning, slobbering California media away from his actual responsibilities as California Governor, and instead has them focused on hysteria, doom, gloom, and intangibles like “climate change.”

CA Gov. Jerry Brown Vetoed Bipartisan Wildfire Management Bill in 2016

By Katy Grimes —— Bio and Archives–August 8, 2018

Last year, as all Hell was breaking loose in California as residents were burned out of their homes, neighborhoods and businesses, Gov. Jerry Brown was jetting around the world spouting climate change propaganda, and calling this California’s ‘new normal.’

“With climate change, some scientists are saying Southern California is literally burning up, and burning up as maybe a metaphor or a description not just to the fires right here, but what we can expect over the next years and decades,” Brown said.
“Supporting Obama-era regulations have resulted in the new normal: an endless and devastating fire season. Obama-era regulations introduced excessive layers of bureaucracy that blocked proper forest management and increased environmentalist litigation and costs—a result of far too many radical environmentalists, bureaucrats, Leftist politicians and judicial activists who would rather let forests burn, than let anyone thin out overgrown trees or let professional loggers harvest usable timber left from beetle infestation, or selectively cut timber.”

Mismanaged, overcrowded forests provide fuel to historic California wildfires, experts say. The 129 million dead trees throughout California’s forests are serving as matchsticks and kindling.

Jerry Brown, busy mulling ways to prevent the end of the world, took the Clinton and Obama-era gross regulations a step even further when he vetoed a bipartisan wildfire management bill in 2016.

At the request of the City Council of Laguna Beach, Sen. John Moorlach (R-Costa Mesa), authored SB 1463 in 2016, a bipartisan bill which would have given local governments more say in fire-prevention efforts through the Public Utilities Commission proceeding making maps of fire hazard areas around utility lines.

California fires produced as much pollution in 2 days as all the state’s cars do in a year

Sure looks like a bill “killed for effect” by the Climate Crisis True Believer Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown.


Looks like a related article with more detail on the Obama portion here:

It is interesting that the New York Times mentioned the 2012 date, but only attributed the wildfire increases to “the recent historic drought,” and “rising temperatures,” caused by climate change. Nothing could be further from the truth.

As California burns, many Californians have been asking why the dramatic increase in wildfires in the last five years? Except for Governor Jerry Brown. Governor Brown claims that devastating fires are the “new normal.” Supporting Obama-era regulations have resulted in the new normal: an endless and devastating fire season.
Obama-Era Eco-Terrorism through Environmental Regulations

Under Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, “the Obama administration finalized a rule governing the management of 193 million acres of national forests and grasslands, establishing a new blueprint to guide everything from logging to recreation and renewable energy development,” the Washington Post reported in 2012
. “The rule will serve as the guiding document for individual forest plans, which spell out exactly how these lands can be used.”

These Obama-era regulations introduced excessive layers of bureaucracy that blocked proper forest management and increased environmentalist litigation and costs—a result of far too many radical environmentalists, bureaucrats, Leftist politicians and judicial activists who would rather let forests burn, than let anyone thin out overgrown trees or let professional loggers harvest usable timber left from beetle infestation, or selectively cut timber.

In a 2016 Townhall column, Paul Driessen explains:

It’s a short step, or perhaps hardly a step at all, from “Never let a serious crisis go to waste” to making disasters to exploit.

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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11 Responses to California Wildfires – By Warmista Design?

  1. p.g.sharrow says:

    I’ve been watching this Holocaust being created for all of my 72 years. First was the creation of the Smoky the Bear campaign, then the early Ecos demanding the end of livestock being grazed in “their forests”, Then they pushed for the end of logging in their forests and the ending of access roads into their lands and return those lands into untouched “wilderness”. Something that had not existed for thousands of years. Fire was a tool that the early inhabitants used to create the environment that the early Anglo settlers encountered as they arrived into California. Small fires burned all summer and fall, but large fires rarely happened because the trees were thinned and brush was kept down due to grass fires and grazing. Grazing breaks down the brush and thins out the grass so fires are low and slow.. As the settlers thinned out the wildlife they added their own domesticated grazers and continued burning out the brush thickets just as the earlier people had done.
    In the late 1940s the Bureaucrats and their Ecoloon friends began driving the ranchers livestock from the public lands and instituted professional fire suppression. In the 1970s the drive to “Save” their forests from loggers began and with that elimination of maintaining access roads.

    I remember seeing the first Massive Forest Fire start south of highway 88 in 1958 IIRC, Lasted for weeks. One of the first areas that the Forest Service had eliminated all grazing in. The access roads had been washed out in earlier floods and not repaired because logging was stopped. Loggers created and maintained the road system throughout the forest areas.

    Now most of the former Ranchers in the foothills are gone, their lands subdivided into “California Estates” Grass and brush abounds, just waiting for the next fire storm. The once open forests are now thickets of fuel.
    Oh yes, one other thing, The propaganda that thick forests result in cool water filled streams flowing out of the mountains in the Summer! BS! every mature tree sucks up over 40 gallons of water a day in the summer. Heavy brush does the same and they suck up that water from deep in the ground. They dry up the springs and lower the local water table often to the point that they die and add their bulk to the dry tinder. Bugged and dead forest is the result of too many trees for the carrying capacity of the land. Grass lands only suck up the shallow water and allow the land to feed the streams and rivers over the summer….pg

  2. Hifast says:

    pg–well said

  3. Pingback: California Wildfires – By Warmista Design? – HiFast News Feed

  4. John F. Hultquist says:

    On the “Opinion” page of the WSJ [A13, 8/10/18]:

    NASA’s New Probe Sails Into the Solar Wind
    Its namesake, Eugene Parker, is a living legend of astrophysics.
    BY: Angela Olinto , dean of the Division of the Physical Sciences at the University of Chicago.
    She wrote:
    Scientists can be narrow-minded like anyone else. But the scientific method overcomes this failing, as new theories and ideas are constantly tested against data. Science demands a willingness to challenge and be challenged.

  5. gail combs says:

    My goat herd is doing a very nice job of cleaning out the underbrush in the wood all around our house. They managed to find a way out of the fence so I gave up for now. They come home ~ 1/2 hr before sundown to go back into their ‘pasture’ and head out each day around 10 AM

    It is amazing how well they clear out the under brush. The cows across the street do the same.

  6. p.g.sharrow says:

    @Gail, yes goats and sheep love to browse young brush, cows not so much but they are good at breaking the brush down as they search for grass. Making it easier for the sheep and goats to get at the brush. A few forest managers are beginning to get the message…pg

  7. E.M.Smith says:

    Goats are browsers, cows are grazers… A good separator question to figure out who has clue: What is the difference between browsers and grazers?

  8. philjourdan says:


    I am ready for a new browser too. Tired of the old Firefox, Chrome and IE. :-)

  9. H.R. says:

    Well, I can’t stomach most browsers, phil. 😜

  10. Jason Calley says:

    “It’s a short step, or perhaps hardly a step at all, from “Never let a serious crisis go to waste” to making disasters to exploit.”

    It is, as you say, a short step between the two, but psychologically, at least for those of us who were programmed in grade school to think that our leaders would never do such things (only foreign rulers did that!) it is very disturbing to realize that making disasters has long been a common practice. Check YouTube for “Operation Gladio”…

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