W.O.O.D. – 22 March 2019


This is another of the W.O.O.D. series of semi-regular
Weekly Occasional Open Discussions.
(i.e. if I forget and skip one, no big)

Immediate prior one here:

and remains open for threads running there (at least until the ‘several month’ auto-close of comments on stale threads).

Canonical list of old ones here:

So use “Tips” for “Oooh, look at the interesting ponder thing!”
and “W.O.O.D” for “Did you see what just happened?! What did you think about it?”

What’s Going On?

Venezuela has the lights back on and water again. Still lingering in Hospice…


One Week Left. Or maybe not. Now April 12 for a WMO Brexit or May 22 for a not-quite-a-BREXIT.

Who knows. France 24 reported that the EU has voted to “give” T. May an “extension” to April 12 if no deal (WMO rules) BREXIT, BUT only if Parliament votes to approve her twice rejected not-quite-a-BREXIT ‘deal’ it will be May 22. So we’ll see if Parliament can be bought off with 2 weeks more fence sitting…

The Weather: The big storm that rolled over the USA from The Gulf to Canada has left a load of flooding. Not going to be planting early there. Looks like fresh snow in the Rockies, again. Here in California, I’ve started planting out my beans and squash, but today is cool and drippy “almost rain”.

The oceans, having been warmed by many decades of increased solar UV / Blue into the depths are busy cooling (now that the sun is doing more IR / Red that causes prompt evaporation at the surface) by putting lots of water in the air. This is causing lots of rain globally. The shortening of atmospheric height from the same solar changes in UV / IR ratio has resulted in more snow in the mountains and going further down the slopes. This is what “Global Cooling” looks like. Solar driven cycles, not CO2, is in charge.

Other Stuff: Unfortunately I’ve not kept up on recent political machinations (other than Brexit) nor the Global Warming Cabal attempts at world domination. Something about being deep in coding to get GHCN v4 loaded into a database and ways to compare it with v3. So Y’all will need to fill in this bit. Frankly, watching the TDS Congress Follies has become a bit tedious. Insanity only entertains so long.

Enjoy the Equinox and start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. (Or harvest and the start of Fall in the Southern Hemisphere ;-)

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About E.M.Smith

A technical managerial sort interested in things from Stonehenge to computer science. My present "hot buttons' are the mythology of Climate Change and ancient metrology; but things change...
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232 Responses to W.O.O.D. – 22 March 2019

  1. A C Osborn says:

    E M, there is also the small matter that as part of Brexit the Leaving on the 29th March was written in to British Law.
    So quite how the EU can decide when we leave is beyond me, unless the UK government changes the Law.

  2. Another Ian says:

    “An endorsement by Rush Limbaugh -‘Watts Up With That? It’s a cool little website’”

    An endorsement by Rush Limbaugh -‘Watts Up With That? It’s a cool little website’

    Who next?

  3. Bill in Oz says:

    iI am gobsmacked at the UK Parliament’s utter stupidity.

    The people voted to leave the EU – 17,000,000 of them.

    Just do it you bunch of dopeys.

  4. philjourdan says:

    Mueller submitted his report. But that is about the only news in Politics.

  5. Bill in Oz says:

    Yesterday I discovered a new web site based in New Zealand. And there was a discussion of something called SAM = Southern Annular Mode.

    It turns out that SAM is actually the “Antarctic Circum Polar Vortex”. Yes there is a polar vortex in the southern hemisphere, just like there is one in the northern hemisphere !

    I’ve known about the Antarctic Circum-Polar vortex for decades. It is an inevitable result of the fact that the planet rotates on it’s axis.

    The new bit of info is that the Antarctic Circum Polar vortex sometimes expands Northwards and sometimes contracts Southwards.

    When it expands Northward it brings with it storms and more rain over Southern Australia & New Zealand. ( And probably Chile, Argentina and South Africa)

    When it contracts Southwards, warm & dry air is drawn Southwards ( from the hot dry desert areas ) and all these countries get fewer storms & much less rain.

    BUT the Issue of WHY this expansion Northwards and contraction Southwards by the Antarctic Circum Polar Vortex happens, is completely unexplained.

    Any thoughts on this ?

  6. A C Osborn says:

    Probably the same as the Northern one, which appears to be related to UV changes in Solar Radiation.
    A guy called Ren posts a lot about that one

  7. Bill in Oz says:

    @A C Osborn, Yes it exists for the same reason that the Northern Polar Vortex exists. And the current freezing Winter weather in much of North America is a result of it wandering/expanding Southwards. So there is a huge impact in both hemispheres. But UV changes ? I have not heard anything about that. Any suggested links to Ren ?

  8. Bill in Oz says:

    And is it pure coincidence that while the Northern Polar Vortex has expanded Southwards, the Antarctic Polar Vortex has contracted southwards as well ?

    The planet’s atmosphere is a totally connected system. A push in one region wil have effects elsewhere.

  9. Bill in Oz says:

    Firefox Stuff UP !
    E M I just tried to access this site via Firefox. And was not allowed. I got this message on acreen.
    “Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue

    Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to support.mozilla.org because this website requires a secure connection.

    What can you do about it?

    support.mozilla.org has a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which means that Firefox can only connect to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site.

    The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it.

    If you are on a corporate network or using anti-virus software, you can reach out to the support teams for assistance. You can also notify the website’s administrator about the problem.

    Learn more…

    Someone could be trying to impersonate the site and you should not continue.

    Websites prove their identity via certificates. Firefox does not trust support.mozilla.org because its certificate issuer is unknown, the certificate is self-signed, or the server is not sending the correct intermediate certificates.

    View Certificate”

    WTF is going on ?

    Now I’m back to dopey Chrome !

  10. E.M.Smith says:

    Per “Night Jet”:

    Hot air rises. Cold air sinks. On a global scale most rising happens a the equator or near it, most sinking at the poles (or nearer them). Then there is an annual oscillation as “which pole is coldest” takes a BIG swing. The one in “perpetual dark” for the season gets very very cold so gets a lot more “sinking feeling”… then Coriolis spins that up into a giant swirl. The Polar Vortex.

    Yet it is larger and stronger at the colder pole with much more sinking air blowing more cold toward the equator and bringing a strong winter to place in the “temperate” zone of that pole.


    Polar night jet

    The polar-night jet stream forms mainly during the winter months when the nights are much longer, hence polar nights, in their respective hemispheres at around 60° latitude. The polar night jet moves at a greater height (about 24,000 metres (80,000 ft)) than it does during the summer. During these dark months the air high over the poles becomes much colder than the air over the Equator. This difference in temperature gives rise to extreme air pressure differences in the stratosphere, which, when combined with the Coriolis effect, create the polar night jets, that race eastward at an altitude of about 48 kilometres (30 mi). The polar vortex is circled by the polar night jet. The warmer air can only move along the edge of the polar vortex, but not enter it. Within the vortex, the cold polar air becomes increasingly cold with neither warmer air from lower latitudes nor energy from the Sun during the polar night.

    At the equinox (like now) the air starts to be more evenly split between the two poles (with a bit of lag…) as the major flow shifts from the prior Night Pole to the coming Night Pole.

    Per UV:

    There are several IR vs UV effects, none are in the models, and it was only picked up in the start of the current Solar Funk. The whole spectrum shifts to a lot more UV when the sun is hot or a lot less when it is quiet. I can confirm this as in about 1995 I was good for a max of 20 minutes near noon here or I would be sunburnt. Last summer I worked all day in the yard, no shirt, no sunburn.

    UV and blue light goes 100 m into the ocean before becoming heat, so takes years to get out. IR / red goes very short distances (or in the case of IR immediately causes evaporation of a water molecule). UV/blue loads the ocean with heat for decades (centuries?) then the Grand Minimum and it has decades to slowly cool while the IR causes a lot more prompt evaporation. All that process is hidden when you point at “Total Solar Irradiation” (an average and “averages are used to hide things. -E.M.S.”) and say that didn’t change much… WHERE the heat goes matters as much as HOW MUCH heat…

    In the Stratosphere there are other effects. UV both makes and breaks down Ozone (so not something I can cover in a few sentences… it depends on altitude and more) and it also causes heating at different levels. The net-net is that after this solar minimum began, NASA announced the atmospheric height had shortened. Same amount of air, just not as puffy. We see this in longer orbit life from less drag (and at that announcement I vaguely remembered something similar from about the ’70s when NASA announced the need for higher orbits due to the atmosphere suddenly and unexplainedly getting higher / puffier). So depending on where that UV gets absorbed, sometimes the air is taller and sometimes shorter.

    That matters as it changes the “pressure altitude” of mountains so the snow level can change and total snow area can change. It also matters in that it changes the Jet Stream from flat (zonal) to loopy (meridional) with all the weather changes that come with that (that we are experiencing now as weather returns to more like what I remember from the 1950s-60s). The location of various weather bands shifts too (Ferrel Cells, Hadley Cells, etc.)

    In short, the Sun, via the IR/UV ratio, strongly influences atmospheric hight, jet stream flow, weather band locations, ocean heating / cooling, and total evaporation (and through it precipitation) globally.

    Making CO2 entirely irrelevant to the observed changes over 60 and 400 year cycles.

  11. E.M.Smith says:

    @Bill in Oz:

    You are experiencing Certificate Hell.

    Exactly why I can’t say. In general terms:

    There is an ongoing “push” to ever tighter security requiring specific (new and tighter) encryption (causing failure when an older level is deprecated and not everyone changes at the same minute) and https certs “tightness”. For example, at one time “Self Signed Certificates” were just fine. Now they are considered “bad”. There’s still a bit of controversy on that as some folks think being forced to BUY a cert athority blessing is a Bad Thing and they ought to be allowed to, for free, say “I am Me”. Similarly, being told that a few major global companies tightly in bed with THE major global governing countries can suddenly declare your “cert” invalid and kill your traffic is seen as “a risk” by some…

    So, in specific:

    Was the Cert Authority in question just having a bad day?
    Has FireFox gone to an even tighter level of cert than most and the ROW hasn’t caught up?
    Was there a network “issue” between you and the cert provider or cert authority?
    Did someone forget to pay the Cert Authority bill? (I’ve seen it…)
    [and a few other possibles…}

    Who knows.

    Eventually this will likely blow up and folks will find a better way. For now it’s a bit of a mess.

    Just realize is isn’t all FireFox or all WordPress or all anyone, really. It’s a global universal coordination problem in the face of mutating Bad Guy Attacks.

    Me? I tend to stay “back level” a release or three on FireFox and that has worked OK.

    In the last few weeks, though, I’ve increasingly had to resort to Chromium to edit larger postings on the R. Pi. FFox will just peg a core at 100% and spin for 4 or 5 minutes… locking KB &Mouse. So eventually I just crash the machine and launch Chromium…

    FWIW, all of the bogus FFox behaviours I’ve experienced started about the time they transitioned to RUST as the language of choice using LLVM libraries (i.e. not the GNU ones used by almost everyone else using the gcc compiler). Coincidence? Who knows…

    My impression is that the FFox team has moved to being a bunch of young guys searching for newest hottest trendiest as the Grey Beards took their stock options and retired. Putting FFox on the bleeding edge and moving me to using about 50% Chromium as FFox moved to more flakey, too fat, and prone to spins / hangs.

    Softener: I have had my machine “lock up” twice now when left over night with Chromium open. No idea why (not reading the syslogs unless someone pays me ;-) So I’ve adopted the habit of exiting browsers at the end of the night…

    Eventually something better will replace both…

  12. Larry Ledwick says:

    Well this is going to be hard to explain in court. They knew they were being unethical and probably criminal in their pushing a false narrative to the court.


  13. ossqss says:

    One would wonder if the EU starting to enforce some policies we have seen over the last couple years with the accept button on the page. By the way I never accepted it :-)

  14. Bill in Oz says:

    E M Thanks for the explanation of Polar vortexes and the interaction with solar UV light… It’s clear that the two polar vortexes in the two hemispheres are connected.. As you explained !

    I wonder if anyone has gone back through the records to establish a correlation : Freezing cold Winter in the Northern Hemisphere = drought in the southern hemisphere ?

    Thanks for the explanation of certificate hell with Firefox..Unfortunately a few months ago I allowed someone to change my Firefox settings.So it is the most recent version..And I don’t think I can delete it and get an earlier version now.

  15. H.R. says:

    @ossqss – Same here. I have never clicked on that [Close and accept] button. As a matter of fact not only do I refuse to accept, but now and then I fart in their general direction to show my displeasure.

    There’s probably an Interpol warrant out for me should I ever travel to an EU country.

  16. H.R. says:

    The EU charges?

    Count 1: Failure to Click
    Count 2: Felonious Farting

  17. p.g.sharrow says:

    I just caught cert. hell yesterday. My Hughes.net Satellite feed went dead just after mid-nite. “No Internet service.” due to MicroSoft certificate, March 21,2013, being invalid March 21,2019. I should ask my ISP to renew my Internet account to open the “Gateway” . Further diagnostic query reveled software upgrade underway some place, modem appeared brain dead as to the LAN at the dish, but it would respond to diagnostic query, if I can ask the right question.After a couple of hours I gave up. Upgrade still underway waiting for Satellite download. Sometime after 6 am the the Thing came back to life with Internet connection. No clue as to who was doing who, but I was having visions of needing to replace the all or part of the system. Scary as it is my only connection to a bunch of things I have going on at the moment…pg

  18. Bill in Oz says:









  19. Interesting sidebar on Fluid Dynamics from a retired physicist: the Fluid Catastrophe. http://blackjay.net/?p=588 From a decidedly non-technical glance, it seems that Fluid Dynamics has not made it into the Quantum Era…To use your oft-quoted phrase, it’s yet another ‘Dig Here’….

  20. Bill in Oz says:

    More info : If you use Firefox, make sure that the automatic upgrade feature is turned off.Otherwise you will wind up in the same position as me currently – locked out of about 80% of all sites that are book marked. Totally stupid programming by Firefox !

  21. Steve C says:

    Brexit is becoming ever more surreal. I now read that Uri Geller is threatening to bend Theresa May’s spoons if she goes ahead with Brexit, claiming that “I feel psychically and very strongly that most British people do not want Brexit.” Ye Gods and little fishes. Is it only me who feels like he’s sitting in a theatre watching a really, really bad play?

    Also an informative item on Activist Post about the origins of the “Green New Deal”, which gives a little of its history as a globalist Trojan horse. There seems to be a lot of this sort of “pregurgitated” legislation-in-waiting, lined up to destroy one or another holdout of civilised values wherever it lands.

  22. Steve C says:

    (I note that my last comment went to moderation, which they usually don’t. Also unusually, it isn’t even there to show me I’ve posted it. Not sure whether this is due to my use of a different email address [legit, as I am finally unplugging my old Yahoo junkmail] or WP playing games. Pale Moon on Mint.)

    [Reply: Any change of name, email, or source IP address causes your post to not match the “approved list” and it goes to moderation. Then I find it (as now, just after morning coffee ;-) and click “approved” and that set gets added to the “approved” list and things are fine. Until they change again. Eventually a set of things is built up that covers most of the places / personas you use – until you visit that Starbucks on vacation and comment from there… then I click “approve” again… -E.M.Smith ]

  23. A C Osborn says:

    Bill, I have been using Firfox with upgrade with no problems at all.

  24. Simon Derricutt says:

    Bill – the problem is probably not the site itself, but the adverts it pulls in. I’ve noticed certificate problems on the Amazon certificates (name doesn’t match certificate, since it’s dotomi.com not amazon.com) and frequently on the tablet (Android 6 and the built-in Chrome variant) I get notifications of a bad cert. Not on the Lubuntu desktop using FF 65.0.1, though.

    FF does use a lot of resources, and takes a significant time writing to disk when I stop the program. Probably getting on time to change browsers, but it works fine most of the time. It’s probably bloated too far to be good any longer, whereas it used to be pretty quick relative to the others.

  25. Bill in Oz says:

    I am finding plenty of reasons to dump Firefox..Just wondeing how to transfer all my password etc..

    A friend suggested Opera.

    Any thoughts on it ?

  26. Bill in Oz says:

    E M, Here is the best explanation of what happened aboard the two Boeing 737 MAX crashes.


    And Boeing is in damage control. Today it published a full page ‘letter’ to customers in our national daily “The Australian Weekender”.

    But I doubt it settled any sense of anger here among potential passengers on it’s planes.

  27. E.M.Smith says:

    The main feature of Opera is thier “turbo” mode. This caches web pages on their servers in a compressed form and then when you ask for that site, it gives you the compressed version that decompresses on your machine. VERY nice feature for folks on cell phones (by the byte charge) or slow wires / old modems. I loveed it… until about a year ago…

    CHINA has bought Opera.

    So now, should you want all your contact history and saved versions of web pages you visit (and potentially things you type into them) to pass through Chinese hands, it still works fine. If, however, you want some privacy, not your preferred choice…

    Pale Moon is FFox clone that I really like on my Android tablet.
    Brave is also very attractive and works nicely on the tablet.
    Vivaldi has good reviews but I’ve not used it.
    IceWeasel and SeaMonkey are also FFox knock offs with increasing levels of privacy and “open software” mandates (so things like proprietary codecs for some sound sites will be missing – but I’ve never run into an issue… I use IceWeasel often on the tablet).

    Unfortunately, the choices are much more limited on the Arm Chip / Devuan combination: FFox or Chrome or DIY. I’ve not spent time to compile / install / debug / whatever one of the “variety browsers” on my desktop system. I did spend some time looking at how hard it would be (back when I had that bitch posting about Rust and FFox and that it takes a monster system to compile it). IF I was using an Intel platform it would not be so much of a problem (as the whole build system is designed for Intel based boxes) and I’d not need to do the cross compile thing.

    IF you are on an Intel based PC (which I suspect is most likely) you have the most choices of just “download and install” and I’d suggest any of the FFox clones and a couple of the new idea browsers listed above (IceWeasel, SeaMonkey, Brave, Vivaldi,..)

  28. E.M.Smith says:

    Per the 737 Max:

    IMHO the “root cause” is that they made the tail a bit too small for the size (or alternatively, grew the size of the plane and kept the tail the same old size) such that the elevator is not enough to control the plane in all modes, so the entire stabilizer has to be used. Then, in the case where the plane goes nose up under thrust (like at take off…) it is prone to go into a stall (from that longer nose in the wind…) so they added a computer controlled adjustment of the whole stabilizer to prevent that (but didn’t train the pilots about this changed behaviour) with a sensor that can fail (like in a bird strike or just crap in it).

    Why a small tail? Less drag=better fuel use at high speed. Less force needed from the pilot to control a smaller elevator (use electric motor on jack screw to adjust whole stabilizer)..

    Can this work well? Sure it can. As long as the computer and the pilot do not end up in an argument about who controls the airplane and as long as the computer understands that “controlled decent into terrain” is a Very Bad Idea… both not in evidence at this time…

  29. E.M.Smith says:

    From that MAX link:

    “First, although the 737 MAX has two angle-of-attack sensors, MCAS is connected to only one.”

    Just OMG stupid. Take out one sensor your plane can go insane on you. The angle of attack sensor will stick shake the side that has a problem and when the two do not agree you get an instrument warning that you can’t trust them (so this is a known problem with a known solution) BUT they didn’t give the automated system the same information / choices. Oh Crap.

  30. Larry Ledwick says:

    It is a sad commentary on Mexico when they start stealing razor wire from the border wall to protect their homes.


  31. E.M.Smith says:

    Mexico had every reason to become as rich and successful at the USA. Political corruption fueled by drug money along with the incredible power of the very rich drug cartels sent it down a different path. Your “War on Drugs” in action.

    Make it legal and put it in the drug stores where use can be reported to your doctor and the whole thing will revert to the Mexico of a generation ago – a nice place to visit with good people. Watch some of the old movies and you find folks used to hope over the border to Tijuana for a night in the clubs and music… Now I wouldn’t go there if you paid me to go.

    It is essentially necessary to go to the middle / south of Mexico (past the drug cartel lands) to get to a place worth visiting. Basically, the “tourist areas” reached by airplane. They are not too bad yet. FWIW, my sister was a foreign exchange student to Mexico (near Mexico City) and my daughter has had a few vacations in Cancun (IIRC) while I’ve only been over the border once. So most of my opinion is 2nd hand via news, documentaries & friends reports. Oh, and the couple of times I started to plan a driving trip through Mexico and ran into a wall of “are you crazy?” advice about where to avoid, needed insurance, what to do when your car is stolen, kind of car to use (and kind to NOT use as it will be stolen first sight at gun point…) and more.

  32. Steve C says:

    @EM – I tried to post here hours ago, but got put in moderation and, I see, still am not out. Could you check? It may be because I wanted to update my email so appeared as a new (or dodgy) person. Thanks! (Using old email for this attempt.)

  33. Steve C says:

    @EM – Ah, I see. Thanks. However, since that old Yahoo a/c now just announces that Yahoo is now a part of “Oath”, I am uttering one (more) oath at them and departing thence … ;-)

    … Newer email again … and …

  34. Steve C says:

    … and all is OK again. I’m surprised it includes “source IP address”, though, since mine (as a lowly domestic customer) appears to change randomly. The intervening few minutes between these two posts were me making a coffee ;-)

  35. Steve C says:

    … and all is OK again. I’m surprised it includes “source IP address”, though, since mine (as a lowly domestic customer) appears to change randomly.

    The intervening few minutes between these two posts were me making a coffee ;-)

  36. Steve C says:

    And the double post was me discovering that if you hit ‘return’ after typing in your name …

  37. Larry Ledwick says:

    For those interested in getting some true potato seeds to put in your freezer stash, I just got the Ukrainian true potato seeds I ordered from Amazon. They are obviously commercial seed pack envelopes., unfortunately all instructions and info is in either Russian or Ukranian (dual language) so would require some translation effort if you wanted to extract the full info on the pack. Good news is it has symbolic planting instructions that are easy to interpret. The pack I am looking at needs to be planted a 1 mm depth, will grow about 70 cm tall and need to be planted 35 cm apart and will mature in 70-90 days.

    The earliest of the varieties are 60-75 day, 60-80 day and 60-85 day. Longest is 70 -150 day.

    Seed expiration date (use by date) on envelope shows they are good as is until 2021 – 2022, so current production.

    At $1.98 a pack you can’t go too far wrong by picking up a few if you want a reserve.

  38. ossqss says:

    Well,,,,,,, this incented me to run out and buy a Volvo! NOT》》》》LOL, what the hell are they thinking?


  39. H.R. says:

    @ossqss – I hope that Volvo has done the math and has calculated how much money they will need to put aside for lawsuits when the car is wrong… particularly if it rats you out to the cops and it was wrong.

    OTOH, it may be a feature diabetics would very much like to buy. I used to watch Cops regularly and 2 or 3 times over the years they recorded ‘DUI’ busts which turned out to be severe diabetic sugar imbalances in the driver. The drivers were in serious trouble and needed medical attention.

    Despite the fact the driver wasn’t drunk, the videos showed that the cars looked like they were being driven by someone dangerously drunk and highly likely to cause a serious accident. I would think severe diabetics would want to protect themselves from killing themselves, and possibly others, in an automobile accident.

    Aside from that, nobody likes a ratfink so I’d imagine it would be a tough sell to everyone else.

  40. Another Ian says:

    “The new $74 Trillion dollar climate wishlist of the same old ideas”

    “All 100 are ranked through a kind of divination of a “Plausible Scenario” in a computer model.”


    And a reading suggestion

    A new book with unexpected good news about polar bears

  41. Bill in Oz says:

    A general climate comment : Here in South Australia, the weather gods are promising some rain later today.

    It looks like the Lows that progress from West to East across the Southern ocean are gradually moving Northwards A good drop would be very appreciated as there has been none since early December. Nights have been significantly cooler the past week as well, so Autumn is ‘happening’ despite the global warming alarmist claims.

    @E M, Thanks for the heads up re Opera. No I do not wish to be part of China’s global spying empire. So I will look at the Firefox clones you mentioned.

    The Quadrant posts some interesting articles. It is excessively focussed on presenting a conservative “Christian’ perspective on the world & Australia. And that drives me nuts at times. But then they do something that has insight like the Boeing 737 MAX story.

  42. Larry Ledwick says:

    Small follow up on those Ukraine, Russian true potato seed packs.
    Each pack contains a very small zip lock bag with from 30 – 50 seeds in it. (most are about 35 seeds).

    Due to static cling a pain to get those tiny seeds out of the ziplock bag, best method was to cut the bag in half with scissors length wise and shake the seeds out on a white card, then using a creased file card pour them into those little 1 dram vials, seal the screw lid of the vial with electrical tape and put the vial back in the original seed pouch to retain identification information for the seeds.

    I then dropped that in a snack sizes ziplock bag and sealed the mouth of that with blue painters tape to make sure it did not come open. Then pop in the freezer.

    In those glass vials seeds in the freezer should be good for 20+ years or more.

    I went with the Ukraine and Russian varieties because:
    They know what hunger is and these are probably reliable seeds suited for colder springs and short summers. They also are probably not dependent on fancy fertilizers and pesticides to give a crop.

  43. beththeserf says:

    ‘They know what hunger is .’Lol The Darwin Award for getting it right.’

  44. Larry Ledwick says:

    A story on how the media are all lock step regurgitating the same talking points every day.


  45. Larry Ledwick says:

    Really interesting read on how big money is trying to buy up control of the Caribbean tourist industry. Guess what – the Clinton’s are knee deep in this effort. Looks like an effort to set up a comprehensive vice and money laundering empire in countries which are easily bought and manipulated. Instead of bringing the vice to the consumer, let the consumer pay for the trip to the home base of the vice – skimming money all the way.


  46. Larry Ledwick says:

    Looks like things are moving in Washington:

    7 minutes ago
    More BNL NEWS Retweeted BNL NEWS
    BREAKING NEWS: CORRECTION: U.S. Congress to receive Barr letter on Mueller report in 30-45 mins, multiple sources confirm.

  47. jim2 says:

    I hope the Dimowits pursue their investigations full steam ahead. I think it stands a good chance of turning off independents. This along with the Dimowit Presidential candidates (who all appear to have been raised in Idiocracy) to whom lying is as essential as breathing, and who are a real Loony Toons collection of NitWits; I think independents might just say **** it, I’m signing up with the Republican Party!!

  48. Larry Ledwick says:

    Oh dear! The full Mueller Report has been leaked! Assuming it is the real deal (leaked late last night) this should be interesting!


  49. Larry Ledwick says:

    Sorry I could not resist. ;)

  50. E.M.Smith says:

    Well, you did get me to take a bit of that “Nothing Burger” report ;-0

  51. noyb says:

    Matt Taibbi weighs in:


    Russiagate is a death-blow for the reputation of the American news media

  52. ossqss says:

    When I moved to Florida in 1986, most native Floridians I met told me to assume that any body of fresh water, no matter how small, should be treated as if a Gator was in it. They were definitely right from my experience over the years since. Word up and a prime example of such ;-)


  53. E.M.Smith says:


    Now that’s one big gator in a small pond.

    In the last few years a couple of folks got munched. The “scene” shows they were near the edge of a canal. In once case, the woman had shoes on the bank and it looked like the gator grabbed a foot over the water and pulled her in.

    I learned to “stay lunge distance from the bank” when fishing. Some snorkelers were in another fairly shallow clear water creek of some sort and discovered there was a teens foot long gator just laying on the bottom. It was about as long as the water was wide… They left…

    You could not pay me to swim in any random bit of Florida water.

    In / near Kissimmee there were a bunch of kids playing in the water on the boat ramp. I was up on the fishing peer with the Dads. About an hour into it, one Dad shouts: “Four O’Clock, time to get out”… Then about 4:20 to 4:30 this 12 to 14 foot gator swims by about 15 feet further out than where the kids had been… Expressing some surprise they had kids swimming – was met with the reply “That’s just old Mable. She sleeps in the reeds over there (point left) but about 4:30 goes to the other end (point far off toward the right) to feed. She don’t bother nobody.”

    While I trust local knowledge on how things work, I’d not want to trust my kid to a gator’s innate clock nor to the idea some other gator would never wander by…

    Needless to say, I respect all water in Florida. That’s why any Florida Boat will be inspected for height above water and resistance to tipping / sinking… and why I don’t put my hands over the side…

  54. Another Ian says:


    Without anything terribly knowledgeable on my part your blog, WordPress, Firefox and my computer have decided that the back arrow should work

  55. Another Ian says:

    Willis E’s take on Mueller report

    Russia Is Dead, It Must Be Obstruction

  56. Bill in Oz says:

    Saltwater crocs have been protected in Oz since ~ 1975. And as a a result there has been a population explosion with crocs seeking out new territories.. So they are turning up farther from the sea and in smaller water bodies as well… And in recent years crocs have started taking people in Timur L’Este, hundreds of Ks away… Probably Aussie born salties colonising new territories..

    PS : Crocs and alligators are ambush predators. They don’t need a lot of water just so it keeps them hidden and coolish

  57. Bill in Oz says:

    E M I just discovered your post about Runner Beans from 2015…Did you ever find out why they failed to set pods ?

    I have a suggestion. Salinity in the water used to irrigate. Runner beans are basically upland, understory tropical climate plants..IE from places like Costa Rica dn Panama.. And they have little capacity to deal with salt in the drinking water.

    I have that issue here in the Adelaide Hills of SA. Our mains water comes from the Murray river and has salt in it. Around 600 ppm. Still OK for drinking but so so for beans.
    And most Phaseolus species ( Vulgarus = normal bean or Coccineous = Runner beans ) don’t enjoy growing with even that salt in the water. Which is why some of the folk making comments noticed a rise in pod production after rain. But Tepary beans from the deserty regions of Mexico & USA ) can cope with some salt in the water…

  58. E.M.Smith says:

    @Bill In Oz:

    Folks have forgotten that the reason people killed off all those top predator animals was their tendency to eat children, dogs, sheep, cattle, and even adult people.

    Here is California, the Mountain Lion is now protected. They have been repopulating rapidly. Many suburban areas on the edge of the wild have had increasing levels of loss of farm animals and pets.

    Up the peninsula between Silicon Valley and San Francisco lies Palo Alto and Stanford University. Behind the Stanford Linear Accelerator is a bike / jogging path. There’s now been several sightings, a few attempted but failed attacks, and one believed predation on a lady jogging. That’s an area of extremely large quasi rural ranch style luxury “estates”… With some degree of scrub oak and wild lands (like around the lake that sits in the hole in the ground over the San Andreas Fault a bit further north). So not going to get the cats out of there now that they have gotten back in.

    Essentially, without understanding it, the decision was made to lose a few people to lions every so often.

    A similar edge of urban area down near Los Angeles has had some attacks and a death or two too. One lion was a known “man eater” and got dealt with, but that’s at best a stop gap.

    There’s now a lot of the hills where I went camping as a kid or wandered around alone; where now I’m at risk of being “dinner”. Most folks have no clue this change has taken place… We still have lots of folks camping with nothing more than a fabric tent. Snack in a bag…

    Oh Well. Eventually enough “missing” people will be found as animal droppings that we will again realize living next to a bunch of top predators is not comfortable…

    Part of why I have “informal weapons” in the car. So if I end up stuck in the boonies I’ll have some ability to fend off big animals. We’ve brought back wolf packs to the Lower 48. Bears are expanding their range. Gators (big ones) taking back the water (even up into the Carolinas) and the Mountain Lions are repopulating the mountains down into the foothills. (The presence in Palo Alto hills means they also had to cross a large flat valley area to get there… so in some of the flats too).

    It will continue until it doesn’t. Oh Well…

  59. Another Ian says:

    Another Ian
    March 25, 2019 at 6:22 pm · Reply

    “Claim: Humans are “Rabbits in the Headlights” of the Unfolding Climate Catastrophe”

    “City greens learning “sixth mass extinction” survival skills. I’m not sure whether to laugh or worry. ”

    Claim: Humans are “Rabbits in the Headlights” of the Unfolding Climate Catastrophe

  60. E.M.Smith says:

    The Runner Bean here stops setting pods in hot weeks. The grow better and set better when cooler. Our water here has little salt in it. But in summer it can easily get warm enough that the runners sulk, especially if not watered enough.

    My belief is I was just under watering and over heating them. Planted in full sun… I put some in semi-shade and it was better…

  61. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    Laugh. (Quietly to yourself…)

    Anyone who thinks there’s some giant wild place they can go and “survive” with “primitive skills” is already deluded.

    Every square meter of this continent are “owned” by someone and they don’t take kindly to strangers showing up and claiming some right to use it. Even public lands are owned by the government.

    “Survival” is much more about having the stuff you need at the moment you need it for some extraordinary circumstances – just enough to recover to normal conditions. It just isn’t possible for large masses of urban population to live anywhere but in a large urban industrial place. They can prepare to get through a week or two of some local catastrophe, but that’s about it.

  62. Bill in Oz says:

    E M
    Re Crocs & mountain lions..I agree entirely…I’ve lived in the country/bush most of my life. Stuff happens in the wild…Here in Oz back in 1984 a ding killed and took a baby from a tent near Ayres Rock in central Australia. The mum saw the dingo and raises the alarm. No one believed her. And she was charged with murder, found guilty and served time in jail for the death of her baby.

    Folks did not believe a dingo could kill & eat a child.

    Eventually, years later, a matinee jacket was found half buried hundreds of meters away from the tent site. It was Azaria Chamberlin’s – the baby. And DNA analysis showed dingo DNA on it.
    Mum was released. And was reimbursed for the trauma. But her marriage was destroyed. And the fatherr even though he was not charged with any crime, had his life destroyed.

    There were similar incidents with dingos on Fraser Island off the Qld coast. Folks were not believed at first by the park rangers etc.. But eventually the dingos proved to be a major threat to the tourists. And all members of the pack coming close to humans were shot. The pack learned to stay away from people.

  63. E.M.Smith says:

    Sky News is showing House Of Commons bickering. The Scottish member is busy saying Scotland is going to be an independent country and stay in the EU. T.May is busy saying everyone needs to vote for her deal… but also that there is insufficient support for a third vote. Labor is busy saying they need a do-over with Jeremy in charge and “clean up the mess” (over the next 4 year attempt one presumes…)

    Overall it just looks like pointless political posturing and bickering with the major attempt being to not leave the EU.

    What ever happened to folks who knew that when you have a hard painful act that is necessary, you do it fast and clean. “Grasp the nettle” as it were. “Rip off the patch”. Etc. etc.

    So many mealy mouthed posturing numpties trying desperately to not do anything.

  64. Power Grab says:

    @ EM:

    Do they waste all this time posturing so investors can move their investments around?

  65. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting comments on the future of journalism and the media in an AI world.

    [NOTE: F-Bomb in included twittext. -E.M.Smith]


  66. E.M.Smith says:


    IMHO, no. Any money move happens in hours to days after the first decisions.

    This is entirely a conflict between The People who want to get the hell out of the EU “New Holy Roman Empire” with central authority lining their pockets at the expense of the Little People and the members of the UK Government who are part of that new Aristocracy on the take who do not want to leave under any circumstances.

    So the people vote “OUT!” and their “leaders” are unable to act on that. T.May’s “deal” is just staying in the Globalist Game but without a vote or any future exit. That says it all.

    Look back at how the British Crown subjugated Scotland – by buying off the Scottish Lords… Same deal here just one layer higher up…


    An “F-bomb” warning on that text quote would have been appreciated…

    Censorship never really works. It just creates a very big black market of ideas and enhances cryptic communications methods…

  67. Larry Ledwick says:

    Sorry did not even notice it I was reading the longer comments not Tim’s imbedded comment.

  68. Larry Ledwick says:

    While we are all focusing on Trump and Venezuela, we have another national catastrophy coming soon. South Africa is on the verge of a complete implosion

  69. H.R. says:

    Nice find, chiff! I wasn’t sure until the end where he was going with the capital gains tax, but he ended up where I thought he should.

    He made some points along the way that I was aware of and agreed with, BUT he also brought up some things I really didn’t have a handle on. I like that! Looks like I have a bit of reading to do so I can understand well enough to agree or disagree.

    Thanks for the link.

  70. jim2 says:

    HR – not to worry. All our currencies are backed by nothing but air, certainly not gold. There isn’t much of note that can happen to these worthless pieces of paper that will be significant in any way, shape, or form. So, sleep tight.

  71. E.M.Smith says:

    Per the Deep Throat Thesis:

    The problem with the notion that China will suddenly dump our debt and destroy our economy is that it doesn’t work that way. Dumping the debt just means they get nothing for the paper. They have a crisis, not us. We already collected a generation of cheap goods and stuff. They got inflating paper.

    The only way it works for them is to transform it into real goods and let someone else take the fall. They are busy doing that buying up huge chunks of Africa and South America. (Watch for rampant nationalization just after China tries to squeeze those folks too much…)

    IF China is very lucky, they can convert a good part of it into industrial stock at home, but they’ve already overbuilt there…

    Trump has figured all this out and put the squeeze on them. He’s playing for balanced trade and China is suffering greatly. The next 1/2 dozen years will make or break… so expect a LOT of Chinese money behind the Democrats in 2020…

    Our paper money is already down to about 4 ¢ on the $Dollar (of when I was a kid and it was still silver) so fretting about it “losing it’s value” is a generation late. Just turn your labor into land, hard assets, and a nice home with lots of memories…

  72. E.M.Smith says:

    Per South Africa:

    Yeah. Pretty much been a slow motion train wreck waiting for the punchline as soon as the Marxists too over.

  73. Abolish says:

    Key Greenland glacier growing again after shrinking for years, NASA study shows
    “That was kind of a surprise.”


  74. jim2 says:

    The Dimowit Sock Puppet Mueller and his Dimowit team had to say they couldn’t determine the obstruction question. This leaves a large crack the Congressional Dimowits will pry on and pound on to get the full report PLUS backing documents. I think this was very intentional on Mueller’s part. I hope the Dimowits fail so hard that they get wiped out next election. What a sorry bunch of excuses for a human being.

  75. beththeserf says:

    No crime of collusion was found to have been committed, no collusion therefore no obstruction…When Mueller found no evidence of criminal collusion it follows that Trump cannot be accused of obstruction. Since NO CRIME was committed, an INNOCENT PERSON can not be accused of obstruction for that which did not exist.

  76. H.R. says:

    beththeserf: “Since NO CRIME was committed, an INNOCENT PERSON can not be accused of obstruction for that which did not exist.”

    Letting the Dims in Congress make a go of an obstruction investigation – purely political theatrics – is the only arrow the Dims have left in the quiver, so Mueller handed that arrow over to them.

    What I am seeing in the news is that most citizens, except for the indoctrinated Dem zombie base, are seeing it your way, beth.

    The YSM, Dims, and Never Trumpers hammered on Russian Collusion (Oh my!) way too long past its ‘Best By’ date. Everyone is plain sick of muh… Russia! Russia! Russia!, glad that it’s over with, and ready to move on.

    President Trump sidestepped all of the obstruction traps that were thrown in his path. The ‘Big One’ that “Trump is using his power to obstruct us at every turn” never flew because President Trump made everything requested available, told everyone to cooperate, and though obviously peeved and pained at the witch hunt, still refused to stop it or fire Mueller until it ran its course.

    Yeah, I may be a bit premature in calling this one, but I think muh… Obstruction! is going to fall flat on its face.

  77. Larry Ledwick says:

    Wow Tucker Carleson flat rips the Dems on the Russian colusion story and the Media for how they handled it.

    16;12 minute video

  78. E.M.Smith says:

    @Larry L:

    Clearly we need a special council to investigate Muller collusion with the Russians to hide the truth… that’s the only thing that could possibly make sense, Mueller the Double Agent! Where’s the dunking chair? We need to see if he floats…..

    Seriously sarc laden swalow involved :-)

  79. Larry Ledwick says:

    I don’t think most politicians would float, but that may be a feature rather than a bug in your plan.

  80. E.M.Smith says:

    That Tucker video is epic!

  81. Bill in Oz says:

    RE ” a special council to investigate Muller collusion with the Russians to hide the truth… that’s the only thing that could possibly make sense, ”

    now that sounds to me like an excellent idea. Trump should immediately appoint someone to do it. Preferably a very good comedian though. Sort of like an official court jester !

    This could ensure that the Hilary Dems remain a complete laughing stock for a few years

  82. beththeserf says:

    H.R. ‘Obstruction is going to fall flat on its face’… Like those 15 – year – old – use – by – date wind -turbines –+, anuther one bites the dust, tra la.

  83. Larry Ledwick says:

    The EU is stepping right in the middle of the internet with a major change in copyright and use of internet content.


    I suspect this has much more sinister application than it appears to in regard to shutting down opposing views from the “approved” narrative.

  84. E.M.Smith says:

    @Larry L:

    “Tech giants to share revenue”

    That’s your money shot right there… France recently went ahead with their “Link Tax” when the EU refused. This is the attempt to do the same, but incrementally. First make it “fairness” for the “little guy” and then broaden it and then tax it. Embrace, extend, (tax | extinguish)… [taking the Microsoft Strategy and adding the parasitic Government option]

    Then this bit:

    Helping cutting edge research and preserving heritage

    The directive aims to make it easier for copyrighted material to be used freely through text and data mining, thereby removing a significant competitive disadvantage that European researchers currently face.

    Sure looks to me like “Hobble the Americans with a big fat tax bill”… but maybe there’s some other Stupid EU Law that this is removing to allow the growth of a European Garble / Faceplant / Twitser etc….

    Were I “in the business” I’d simply put an IP filter on my servers that refused to serve the EU blocks of addresses and then tell them to go stuff it. Not doing business there. Not my problem if folks then use an American VPN to get to America and use my service here…

    The “End Game” will just be the growth of the Dark Web. A “black market of ideas”. It already is big, and getting bigger. We’ll find lots more folks setting up personal virtual servers on private VPNs and just ducking the whole government presence thing.

    I DO like the idea of just cutting off a few countries from the Global Internet just to make the point to all the rest… All it would take is a few routing table changes and a push… I’d start with France, as Macron things taxing ephemera of bits is a good idea…


    Just an FYI on the RockPro64… Running Armbian it had “gargle sound” and molasses video on Chromium… so I decided to to an update-upgrade. That seemed to work fine, but now reboots result in no working HDMI. The “blinky lights” on the board seem to show it working, but no response to KB or mouse and no video out.

    This is using the Armbian Ubuntu version “straight” (i.e. no Devuan mods or anything)..

    I can remotely login:

    Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.75 stable Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS 4.4.174-rockchip64
    System load: 0.00 0.01 0.04 Up time: 17 min
    Memory usage: 12 % of 1991MB IP:
    CPU temp: 36°C
    Usage of /: 8% of 29G


    So maybe it’s just a configuration issue they changed…or the upgrade muffs something.

    In any case it looks like it is still not quite Ready For Prime Time.

    (I’d hauled it out of the box to see if sound was fixed yet and figured I might give it a go as a temperature analysis station to speed up some of the graphs… Apparently not quite yet ;-)

  85. E.M.Smith says:

    Well, after another “update” that downloaded about 7 MB of stuff and an “upgrade” that didn’t do anything, I once again have video on the RockPro64. What changed? I don’t know… I could likely dig through the logs but just don’t care that much.

    I would guess that someone pushed an update/upgrade that didn’t have all the necessary config files included, and then when all hell broke loose fixed it…

    Still get Gargle Sound from either FireFox or Chromium as they run videos in slow-mo. So is sound busted or have they just not got video right yet? Again, who knows. It’s an early port so I’d guess it’s that video decoding is NOT happening in the GPU.

    This FFox does have the “windowshade” crap taking up screen realestate, so I’m going back to Chromium on this SBC for now to see if it avoids it. There’s gotta be a way to kill that…

    I find an increasing percentage of my time is being spent fighting off intrusive commercial crap and privacy assaults. That’s not good. On launching a new FFox, I get to spend about 5 minutes changing almost all the default settings from “wide open and be in my grill” to things that are sane.

    I really hope an Arm compatible SeaMonkey is out there soon… Stallman may be an overly picky pedantic jerk, but he does defend your privacy and freedoms…

  86. ossqss says:

    Quite a interesting read based on the reality of global energy needs. I wonder if AOCD or Markey mouse could actually understand it. LOL :-)


  87. Richard Bellew says:

    Re South Africa. Larry L wrote yesterday “…South Africa is on the verge of a complete implosion” This grabbed my attention as I’ve recently come back from a visit to family in Cape Town. Yes, the lights went out a few times due to Load Shedding, but apart from that it all seemed much the same as last time I was there. I listened to President Ramaphosa’s speech at the opening of the SA Parliament and I thought he made a great deal of sense. The stark contrast between what I’d seen and Larry’s quote above made me spend time reading up on the Twitter posts by @Paul_Furber. This guy (based in Jo’burg) paints a completely different picture Among other things he gives a link to http://www.dailmaverick.co.za which has two articles every bit as horrifying as Larry’s phrase — one about the SA electricity grid and the national generating utility, Eskom, and the other about the national water companies. Both teetering on the brink. I don’t know anything about the DM, but it reminds me of the old remark “Sufficiently bad news tends to be self confirming.”

  88. Larry Ledwick says:

    Your link is broken (dropped the y on daily) Here is a direct link to the water supply story:

    (can’t view this if you have ad blocking in place so use a browser that does not ad block)

    I think this is the power article you mentioned

    Related power article on load shedding and cell phone service

  89. Jon K says:

    Interesting article on the plains flooding. I didn’t realize how much the Army Corps policy had shifted and why. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/03/green_insanity_is_flooding_towns_and_destroying_lives.html

  90. Larry Ledwick says:

    This almost makes you feel sorry for AOC – – – – – – – – (Okay just kidding)

    Nate Madden
    ‏Verified account

    FINAL VOTE on Green New Deal fails 0 – 57 with 43 Dems voting ‘present.’

    Jones, Sinema, Manchin, and King voted with Republicans.

    2:53 PM – 26 Mar 2019

  91. Larry Ledwick says:

    Given all the recent crop losses due to midwest flooding thought it would be interesting to see what if anything is happening to grain futures. Might also impact beef and hog prices but so far the major cash crops have not reacted much

    Recent peak
    July 16 2012$8.24

    Current value corn
    March 25, 2019 is $3.7975 per bushel.

    Recent peak value
    Mar 10 2008 = $11.92

    current value wheat
    March 25, 2019 is $4.6950 per bushel.


    recent peak
    July 16 2012 17.58

    current value soybeans
    March 25, 2019 is $9.0650 per bushel.

  92. Larry Ledwick says:

    President Trump just issued an executive order outlining an organized plan to characterize, study and mitigate EMP risk to critical US infrastructure.

    Big job – it will take years to make a significant dent in the risk exposure but this looks like an actual intent to reduce risk and increase planning and preparadness effort toward dealing with it.


  93. E.M.Smith says:

    Final vote WHERE by WHOM?

    I’d “guess” US Senate, maybe? So that would be 100 votes and not one for it?

    Per EMP:

    About time… While I’m fairly confident most cars and small equipment NOT plugged into the wall will be fine (poor coupling to very long wavelength) it would be really nice to have some actual numbers and data…

  94. E.M.Smith says:

    Commodity prices are a global market. Soybeans have massive production in Brazil. Wheat & Rice have big Asia production. Australia has loads of wheat. Nebraska is very small in comparison…

    Then you have demand variation. Folks used to use a lot of rye. Now they don’t. So much demand fell off that German Rye was basically being given away for a few years (government subsidy programs…) and I saw a bunch of articles about how much could be blended in various critter feeds before it was an issue…

    Which points out that many grains and legumes are very fungible as they are critter feed. Excess wheat goes into chicken and pig mash. Wheat rises a tinsy, rye goes in instead and human wheat doesn’t change much. Repeat over about a dozen grains and legumes….

    THEN: IF grain rises too much (where too much isn’t very much at all) farmers see that they can’t get 20 ¢ / lb more for their chickens and that grain went up 7 ¢ and there’s a 3:1 conversion efficiency… so they slaughter and sell instead of feed and expand…

    Frankly, given that hogs & chickens tend to be THE major grain consumers in the mid-West and are typically in balance with the local grain supply and BOTH will have been flooded together, you could easily get grain prices DROPPING if more animals are sold off / drowned than grain lost.

    I could see a case where the land drys out late, but a buckwheat or barley crop can still be had, so total tonnage off, say 10% BUT the local animals were slaughtered and sold and their facilities are still being cleaned and rebuilt as the insurance checks come in… and THEN you start rebuilding from breeder stock out of area… Could easily be a year or two for grain demand to get back to normal. Now you have an overhang of feed grains and not enough demand…

    There’s a reason I’m not a commodity trader. It’s some of the most complicated and unpredictable markets in the world. (And I haven’t even touched on Cargill and that the whole thing is dominated and controlled by about 6 companies globally…)

  95. Larry Ledwick says:

    Yes sorry did not elaborate, that was the senate vote that Mitch McConnell forced on the Democrats for the Green New Deal, none of them willing to go on the record.

    Strategic move or just hanging AOC out to dry – too early to tell.

    I think your assessment on EMP is probably correct for typical standard warheads but if the so called super EMP devices produce the field strengths suggested by several sources even the small stuff might get fried, and the big important stuff will be completely obliterated at those field strengths.

    (suggested they will be capable of EMP fields one or more orders of magnitude over the levels seen and assumed probable in early 1960’s studies.)

    The USSR is the only country in the world that has done real live EMP tests over land with real electrical infrastructure and they managed to burn down a power plant outside the presumed area of risk. Induced high voltages /currents in cables buried 2 meters deep in the earth. That is not supposed to be possible based on our 1960’s tests for typical weapon designs and yields.

    We might have higher exposures than we think and new low voltage surface mount circuitry is likely much more vulnerable given its design (ie designed to operate on very low voltages and intentionally designed to efficiently operate with gigahertz range RF signals. Older designs had much higher operational voltages much wider circuit spacing (harder to cross couple signals) and due to lower frequency design points did no efficiently couple very high frequency signals, which the fast rise time E1 impulse produces.

  96. beththeserf says:

    Ron Clutz posts Happer on CO2 and I repost EM’s post ‘Got Wood.’

  97. ossqss says:

    Too good not to share from todays Vote!

  98. E.M.Smith says:

    Arrrggg…. Another Thing Broken by SystemD and RedHat…

    So I was making an index in MariaDB and had that fail as before then checked and saw that /tmp was a small temporary fs of about 1 GB (likely in compressed memory).

    Went into the fstab and commented out the entry:

    #tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nosuid 0 0

    What makes it? Where? How? Somewhere off in systemd weird land I guess.

    In any case, I reboot and reload and run the index making command again. I can see free space dropping in / (now that nothing is mounted over it in /tmp)

    root@rockpro64:/tmp/ssh-jq7ShJXtM2DH# cd /tmp
    root@rockpro64:/tmp# df .
    Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mmcblk0p1  30398732 11870516  18180776  40% /

    Showing that /tmp is now part of / on the memory card. Later, it IS being used up:

    root@rockpro64:/etc/mysql# df /tmp
    Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mmcblk0p1  30398732 12655356  17395936  43% /

    BUT if you want to watch the file or even just monitor WHERE the disk is being used, it’s invisible:

    root@rockpro64:/etc/mysql# du -ms /tmp
    1	/tmp

    I’m doing this AS ROOT and I can’t see the crap in my file system.

    Digging around we find it is a “Feature”:

    New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Security Feature: PrivateTmp …
    [Search domain access.redhat.com/blogs/766093/posts/1976243] https://access.redhat.com/blogs/766093/posts/1976243
    PrivateTmp, which showed up in Fedora 16, is an option in systemd unit configuration files. > man system.unit … A unit configuration file encodes information about a service, a socket, a device, a mount point, an automount point, a swap file or partition, a start-up target, a file system path or a timer controlled and supervised by systemd(1).
    How can a service with PrivateTmp=true access a unix socket …
    [Search domain unix.stackexchange.com/questions/322231/how-can-a-service-with-privatetmp-true-access-a-unix-socket-in-the-tmp-director] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/322231/how-can-a-service-with-privatetmp-true-access-a-unix-socket-in-the-tmp-director
    The webserver is running Apache, which runs as a service with the systemd property PrivateTmp=true set. This casuses the service to have its own /tmp directory unrelated to the “true” root /tmp. The jobs are actually submitted from PHP (running in the Apache process). PHP makes a system call to qsub, which is a Torque command to submit a job.

    Seems now systemD wants to manage /tmp, too.

    CentOS – [CentOS] systemd private tmp dirs
    [Search domain centos.1050465.n5.nabble.com/CentOS-systemd-private-tmp-dirs-td5735334.html] centos.1050465.n5.nabble.com/CentOS-systemd-private-tmp-dirs-td5735334.html
    [CentOS] systemd private tmp dirs. Is there a generic way that processes written to share files with (say) apache in /tmp can figure out that they are running on an OS with systemd and in that case,…

    Now the minor problem is that “they” expect that tmpfs file system to automagically “go poof” at reboot and be ‘cleaned up” by SystemD in between. I’m done making the index, but not all the space used was released (as some of it is IN the index. BUT do I know all the /tmp was freed? Can I see if it was? Nope.

    I’ve run systems long enough to know that crap can accumulate in /tmp. Now it can be invisible crap. Don’t do /tmp on a tmpfs like they expect? Who knows what crap might stack up forever… Need to temporarily set the tmpfs aside as it is just too small? No problem. Manage the space during or after that use?…. crickets…..

    So here I am at the end:

    root@rockpro64:/etc/mysql# df /tmp
    Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mmcblk0p1  30398732 12198976  17852316  41% /

    Was all the /tmp space freed? Who knows. Had the system crashed in the middle can I see if anything was leftover and never going to be removed? Nope. Need to find some service, maybe, that might help, possibly, or not…

    Just Oh My God dumb.

    There’s a perfectly good “permissions system” that lets you do this already. Make a directory readable only to you then put your private files in it. So /tmp/.privateme/privatefile

    Yet ROOT can still deal with “clean up on isle 7” without being blind. Or monitor the disk usage for /tmp in marginal situations like having a process needing a bit more than is in /tmp (via a variety of means like, oh, putting a symbolic link in to where you have a lot of free space…) But NOOooooo…. It’s SystemD Way or the highway…

    Yes, it is a self inflicted pain in that I chose to run Armbian with systemD on the RockPro64 during these tests. Why? Just because as the base OS it was already young and flaky and layering an adaptation on top of it would be more pain.

    Oh Well…

    I’ll be glad when this bit is done, and doing the happy dance when I can get Devuan on the board…

  99. Larry Ledwick says:

    Gee that is dumb!

    Will it let you run an ls -laiR on /tmp to see what is in there?

    Or better yet ls -aiR (which will walk the whole thing recursively and show you the inodes being used in that file system. The with find -inum you can see the full path to each of the inodes.

  100. corsair red says:

    Thank you for the Manhattan Institute link. Very interesting and informative read.

  101. Larry Ledwick says:

    A bit more from Steve Goddard

    Steve Goddard
    3 hours ago
    In 2012, the center of the Greenland ice sheet went just barely above freezing for six hours on July 11. Read this blog post to see how @NatGeo is misleading their readers about this non-event.


    Steve Goddard
    3 hours ago
    The surface of the Greenland ice sheet has gained more than 500 billion tons of ice in each of the last two years. @NatGeo says this is “the fastest melting in 350 years”

  102. Larry Ledwick says:

    All American Girl
    4 minutes ago
    Whitewash: Cook County Clerk’s Office Stunned as Smollett Case File Vanishes From Records System

  103. Larry Ledwick says:

    20 hours ago
    Not completely off the hook yet.

    Report: FBI Still Investigating Jussie Smollett for Federal Mail Fraud


  104. Larry Ledwick says:

    This is getting interesting Chicago PD obviously wants this case dissected and pushed to the major media’s attention.

    Tim Young
    ‏Verified account
    27 minutes ago

    Jussie Smollett Update: The Chicago Police Department has released their complete investigative file on the Smollett case in the FASTEST RESPONSE to a FOIA request in all of history.
    See it here:


  105. Larry Ledwick says:

    Andy Ngo
    ‏Verified account
    10 minutes ago
    The Chicago police union is calling for the DOJ to investigate the State Attorney’s office after it was revealed that Kimberly Foxx had been put in contact w/Smollett’s family. Union: “she has transformed the prosecutor’s office to a political arm of the anti-police movement.”

  106. Pingback: Ubuntu As Advertiser Monster? | Musings from the Chiefio

  107. Another Ian says:

    And the wheels go round

    “Smollett Drama – Cook County State Attorney Now Says Sealing Case Was Done Accidentally…”


  108. Larry Ledwick says:

    If they had just given him a mediocre sentence everyone would have grumbled and groused and moved on, but they have now raised so many flags on this case it is going to be picked apart by everyone that has any piece of the pie.

  109. E.M.Smith says:

    @Larry l:

    I did an “ls -al” as root and on */* to see if it would pick up one dir down. Crickets…

    Didn’t try exactly your command, but close.

    Someone clearly thinks this is some kind of great new “security feature” tied in with SystemD “unit files”… It isn’t. It’s a PITA at best.

    BTW, also just discovered that in /etc/systemd there’s a file named timesyncd.conf that forces time to sync, only once, with a specified server. Why? Especially when there’s been this wonder full command already debugged and working: ntpdate foo.time.org
    or whatever server you like… Though:
    says the facility is now built in to ntpd so at some point the discrete command will end.

    So that’s why Ubuntu kept polling ntp.ubuntu.com despite my best efforts “in the usual way” to control my time servers and services… Because systemD was doing it’s own thing…

    I’ve now pointed that, too, at my own time server. Attempts to get ntpd to behave as expected on Ubuntu are still marginal, though, so I think I’m not at the bottom of this particular well.

    It uses my server at start up, and syslog says ntpd is started; but ntpq -c peers or ntpq -p both claim “no association ID’s returned” even though I’m using a config that’s debugged on other systems. My “guess” is SystemD(estroyer) has buried another “Easter Egg” Uber_Master_Controller_der_Furor!!! somewhere or other that’s breaking it, too.

    It’s like someone who wasn’t very good at Systems Admin set about rewriting everything they didn’t know how to do in a not very nice way. “One Ring To Rule Them ALL!!!” and badly too.

    If ever I was feeling like maybe it would be OK to use a SystemD system this is once again reminding me why I don’t want to use SystemD Systems. SystemDaft is just too obnoxious.

  110. Larry Ledwick says:

    The way I discovered the ls -lair command was to try to figure out how to view files that I did not have permission to see with the normal ls command.

    (The DBA had stuff really locked down and in the dba directories we could not run an ls).

    I had a file system filling up highlighted on a network monitor screen but only the actual file name, but had no clue what the full path was so I could figure out what process might be filling it.

    Somehow it side stepped the permissions the dba had setup that did not allow me to see files in that directory – I have no clue how or why but it worked.

    I found that by using ls -laiR and then running the find command find -inum xxxxx with the inumber of the biggest files in the directory I could see the whole path of the file name and figure out who to call and tell them they had a run away process.

    Since ls -laiR recursively walks the full file tree it eventually sees every file in the directory you start it in.

    Sort of a kludge way to get there, but it worked in my situation (on older version of Solaris)

  111. Larry Ledwick says:

    Video link for Hannity Trump interview 3/27/2019

    Still watching it but review comments indicate it will be a smoking hot video.

  112. Another Ian says:

    “novel length, EXCELLENT:

    25 Mar: BigLeaguePolitics: Here’s The Full Story of How Obama, Hillary and Brennan Carried Out The Crime of the Century
    by Patrick Howley
    We have explosive information about this scheme, including the involvement of former president Barack Obama, Obama intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok, the Fusion GPS set-up agent Natalia Veselnitskaya, and even foreign leaders including Angela Merkel.
    This article will firmly demonstrate the following…READ ALL


    Also update on Peter Ridd’s courtcase

  113. beththeserf says:

    Collusion conFusion., lol.

  114. Bill in Oz says:

    Meanwhile at your border with Mexico, there is a crisis. Whatever happened to “No Visa = No Entry” ?

    And thus during th Trump administration !

  115. Larry Ledwick says:

    The RSBN video coverage of Trump Michigan speech

  116. H.R. says:

    @beth – My favorite from that Bunker clip was when he said, “Everybody who voted for Trump, leave.” Almost everyone walked out. Too funny! Brilliant writing.

  117. ossqss says:

    TYVM Beth! That was a Classic!

  118. H.R. says:

    Today, I ran across a cookbook my mother had, which I’m adding to my collection of cookbooks. It also contains three handwritten recipes in a Notes section in what appears to be in my grandmother’s handwriting, though no one wrote their name in the book.

    The title is, The Friendly League Cook Book and it was published in 1893 in Waterbury, Connecticut [148 pages]. It was published by The Young Women’s Friendly League in Waterbury and printed in New York.

    It looks to be a fundraising effort with the chief sponsor being by Park Market, 22 North Main Street in Waterbury (Telephone 116 !!! That implies there were less than 1,000 phones in Waterbury CT in 1893). There are about 10 pages of advertisements at the end of the book placed by other businesses in Waterbury. I’m guessing that the Young Women sold the cookbook to raise a little money for their League.

    One interesting little section in Household Hints is on measures. For example: one quart of flour is one pound; two cups of refined sugar is one pound, ten eggs is one pound (I am beginning to see how a Pound Cake got its name).

    The Recipe sections are grouped thusly:
    Breakfast and Tea Dishes
    Preserves and Pickles (A chili Sauce recipe in this section)
    For The Sick Room
    Home Remedies
    Household Hints

    That book popped out while cleaning the downstairs office. I still have the upstairs office to go and there are some interesting things buried there that came to me from my great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents. I’m a neat freak and compulsively clean out my office every decade or two. I cleaned it once in the aughts and we’re fast approaching the ’20s, so it’s due for another cleaning ;o)

  119. beththeserf says:

    The film clip, The Bunker, :) but not as funny as Springtime for Hitler. Time for a send up of the Green Party, Springtime sans CO2…not that satire is permissible these days.

  120. Another Ian says:

    Latest Pointman

    The ramifications of Mueller’s failure.”

    The ramifications of Mueller’s failure.

  121. tom0mason says:

    For those interested in Climate (or ‘Climate Change™) here a link to an old book on the latest research in 1905 of climate. Called Climatic Changes: Their Nature and Causes by Huntington and Visher it is freely available at http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/37855 . And yes CO2, terrestrial variations, solar variations, and stellar effects are discussed. Remarkably modern considering its age.

  122. llanfar says:


    Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association (IPBA) Statement on Jussie Smollett Case Dismissal28 Mar 2019 2:49 PM | Anonymous

    The Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association serves as the voice for nearly 1,000 front line prosecutors across the State who work tirelessly towards the pursuit of justice. The events of the past few days regarding the Cook County State’s Attorney’s handling of the Jussie Smollett case is not condoned by the IPBA, nor is it representative of the honest ethical work prosecutors provide to the citizens of the State of Illinois on a daily basis.

    The manner in which this case was dismissed was abnormal and unfamiliar to those who practice law in criminal courthouses across the State. Prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges alike do not recognize the arrangement Mr. Smollett received. Even more problematic, the State’s Attorney and her representatives have fundamentally misled the public on the law and circumstances surrounding the dismissal.

    The public has the right to know the truth, and we set out to do that here.

    When an elected State’s Attorney recuses herself from a prosecution, Illinois law provides that the court shall appoint a special prosecutor. See 55 ILCS 5/3-9008(a-15). Typically, the special prosecutor is a neighboring State’s Attorney, the Attorney General, or the State Appellate Prosecutor. Here, the State’s Attorney kept the case within her office and thus never actually recused herself as a matter of law.

    Additionally, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office falsely informed the public that the uncontested sealing of the criminal court case was “mandatory” under Illinois law. This statement is not accurate. To the extent the case was even eligible for an immediate seal, that action was discretionary, not mandatory, and only upon the proper filing of a petition to seal. See 20 ILCS 2630/5.2(g)(2). For seals not subject to Section 5.2(g)(2), the process employed in this case by the State’s Attorney effectively denied law enforcement agencies of legally required Notice (See 20 ILCS 2630/5.2(d)(4)) and the legal opportunity to object to the sealing of the file (See 20 ILCS 2630/5.2(d)(5)). The State’s Attorney not only declined to fight the sealing of this case in court, but then provided false information to the public regarding it.

    The appearance of impropriety here is compounded by the fact that this case was not on the regularly scheduled court call, the public had no reasonable notice or opportunity to view these proceedings, and the dismissal was done abruptly at what has been called an “emergency” hearing. To date, the nature of the purported emergency has not been publicly disclosed. The sealing of a court case immediately following a hearing where there was no reasonable notice or opportunity for the public to attend is a matter of grave public concern and undermines the very foundation of our public court system.

    Lastly, the State’s Attorney has claimed this arrangement is “available to all defendants” and “not a new or unusual practice.” There has even been an implication it was done in accordance with a statutory diversion program. These statements are plainly misleading and inaccurate. This action was highly unusual, not a statutory diversion program, and not in accordance with well accepted practices of State’s Attorney initiated diversionary programs. The IPBA supports diversion programs, and recognizes the many benefits they provide to the community, the defendant and to the prosecuting agency. Central to any diversion program, however, is that the defendant must accept responsibility. To be clear here, this simply was not a deferred prosecution.

    Prosecutors must be held to the highest standard of legal ethics in the pursuit of justice. The actions of the Cook County State’s Attorney have fallen woefully short of this expectation. Through the repeated misleading and deceptive statements to the public on Illinois law and circumstances surrounding the Smollett dismissal, the State’s Attorney has failed in her most fundamental ethical obligations to the public. The IPBA condemns these actions.

    This irregular arrangement was an affront to prosecutors across the State, the Chicago Police Department, victims of hate crimes, and the people of the City of Chicago and Cook County. We strongly encourage our members and the public to review the National District Attorneys Associations statement on prosecutorial best practices in high profile cases.

    Best Regards,

    Lee Roupas
    Illinois Prosecutor’s Bar Association

  123. Larry Ledwick says:

    Would you like a job in IT?
    Do you need your first IT certification?
    Now just in time learn how to solve 80% of all help desk problems.

  124. Larry Ledwick says:

    This decision is going to result in some major litigation, as it affirms the Heller tests for protected arms under the 2nd amendment.

    California gets a constitutional SLAPDOWN in federal court over 10-round magazine ban!!

  125. Larry Ledwick says:

    The full case PDF – 86 pages [ Case No.: 3:17cv1017-BEN (JLB) ]

    Click to access Duncan-2019-03-29-Order-Granting-Plaintiffs-MSJ.pdf

    Obviously Colorado gun owners will be watching this case closely since we currently have a 15 round limit with older larger magazines grandfathered to the owner at the time the law was passed.

  126. ossqss says:

    Having trouble with drones? Just buy a flying shotgun. Problem solved! I see a Ronco infomercial in our near future ;-)


  127. Larry Ledwick says:

    I am surprised it has taken this long to get to weaponized drones and fighter versions of drones for local air defense.

    Combating simple civilian style drones would be really easy with a low cost RC plane, just ram them to tumble their stability and crash them. The cheapest RC aircraft go for $20 – $60 range, not bad economics for taking down a 4 rotor drone that costs a couple hundred dollars.

    You might be able to avoid the direct impact ramming method which would destroy your defense fighter RC by having it trail a small tow cable and banner or a diagonal downward pointing wire, so you could just make a very close pass over the top of the 4 rotor drone and entangle one of its rotor props or tumble it with the wire impact.

    On the flying shot gun design they should look at a delta wing with canard like the Swedish Saab Viggen fighter, delta wings are much more forgiving at high angle of attack low and slow flight.

  128. Another Ian says:

    “Methane warming exaggerated by 400%”

    “Let’s all enjoy a hearty guilt-free steak, served with lashings of cheese and butter!”

    Methane warming exaggerated by 400%

  129. H.R. says:

    Did anyone here remember Earth Hour?

    Not a lot of hullabaloo about it this year that I could see. Perhaps there was more of a fuss made about it in your fair cities.

    I only thought about it now (10:45-ish pm EST) because I had a nagging feeling it was supposed to be yesterday, or tomorrow, or maybe today. Looked it up just now and it was today.

    It seems the bloom is off the ruse.

  130. ossqss says:

    Well, upon reconstructing a tablet from scratch, I found this old import link to my browser. I thought it was quite good and worthy to share.. Keep an eye peeled for who who financed it. ⊙¿⊙


  131. Another Ian says:

    Re H.R. says:
    31 March 2019 at 2:53 am

    Did anyone here remember Earth Hour?

    Jo Nova did

    “Tonight celebrate the Power Hour and your incredible good luck”


  132. E.M.Smith says:

    They still have Earth Hour ?

  133. E.M.Smith says:

    Interesting… Using Brave browser at Peet’s Coffee on my old tablet…their login panel (that now only works with 2 of my 6 or so browsers) complained that my “Chrome” browser was out of date… I’m using it to post this, so not a problem, but… It would imply Brave is built on the open source Chromium port….

  134. Larry Ledwick says:

    Yes Brave is a fork of Chrome browser with better security control and built in ad blocking etc.
    To outside web pages, it identifies as chrome but tries not leak as much user information as chrome does to minimize browser signature.

  135. Larry Ledwick says:

    Yes there is still an earth hour but due to global warming it is shrinking and is now only 37 seconds long.

  136. Another Ian says:


    Re that Jo Nova thread the rest of the hour is now “Power Hour”

  137. philjourdan says:

    AOC claims that a Republican Congress “conspired” to get rid of FDR with the 22nd amendment. 2 years after he died. Just more proof that the dead really are democrats!

    And they still do not know anything about the Constitution

  138. H.R. says:

    I fail to see the problem here.


    a) 2 x 0 = 0
    ii) Who stole the Yellowknife thermometer?

    /My two snarks-worth.

  139. Larry Ledwick says:

    An interesting interaction between the immune system and gut bacteria might be a path to more effective cancer treatment.


  140. Another Ian says:

    ” AOC rants (a lot) about using insecure communication channels for govt business
    Wednesday, 03 April 2019

    Prize for the first person to cover their mouth and cough “Hillary”. ”


  141. Larry Ledwick says:

    Looks like Volcano Mt. Popocatepetl in Mexico is perhaps clearing its throat for a big show, could rival Mount Pinatubo, Philippines that occurred in 1991 only affecting Mexico’s densely populated Mexico city.


  142. Larry Ledwick says:

    Looks like you might want to stock up on bacon and other pork products.


  143. Larry Ledwick says:

    Oh good I thought electronic voting was vulnerable to hacking apparently it is only wide open to anyone who knows PC anywhere was in stalled on these machines.


  144. E.M.Smith says:

    Oh My God. PC Anywhere? Really? GAK! Any election using them needs a do over.

  145. E.M.Smith says:

    @Larry L:

    Why I’m not fond of zerohedge… 2 examples from your link:

    1) Often obviously uncareful.

    “That supply swing is already having a major impact, as lean hog prices have jumped to $84 a pound, up 58% since Feb. 22. Bronstein observes:”

    No, Virginia, hogs are NOT selling for $84 a pound. Likey per hundredweight instead. At least 50 years ago that was a common quote basis as a young hog is near that and a truck full is known by the 100s, not the pounds or tons. (Grampa in Iowa knew by when he had to shift gears on the hill how many hwt of hogs he was selling, by the hilltop he knew his likely revenue and profit based on recent market prices).

    2) Wild, often contradictory, claims.

    So grain prices are abysmally low. OK that means cheap hog feed and lots of hogs, so lower prices ahead. They claim going lots higher based on a news story now about China. Just dumb. That news is past. It is already in the prices. Future price depends more on feed prices, that they said are way low and not rising.

  146. Larry Ledwick says:

    I was thinking that china might import lots of pork to cover the losses and in the near future push up prices due to demand not due to costs of production, since china culled out 1.2x the entire US inventory of hogs, I would think that would impact demand pricing a lot.

  147. E.M.Smith says:

    We are in a trade war, er, negotiations, with China. They are moving purchases to others to “punish” us. 2nd problem: How do you get them there? Not going as live. Refer ships are not sitting around empty and not booked. You might get a couple of ships worth added, but not an annual production worth.

    Then there is just the speed at which big pigs make little pigs. 8 to 10 to a litter is not unusual, then a few litters a year. And not long to reproductive maturity (about 6 months…) so any shortage will be over in about 6 months… or less. Faster than you can contract, buy, slaughter, package and ship from here…

    Folks in China will shift to chicken and fish for a couple of months, then prices will normalize, as new production comes on line.

    Like silver mines, gold coins, and penny stocks, the world of commodity stories is more mine field than profit.

    Will bacon rise for a month? I’d guess so. But folks will be happy to swap to sausages made with half chicken for lower prices if the price rises much. Similarly, pork chops at $3/ lb are a “deal” but at $4 to $5 a pound, I’m swapping to New Zealand and Australian lamb chops… not much more costly and a lot better tasting!

    Food is very fungible.

    One example: Hillshire Farms maks a 100% pork smoked kielbasa I like. They also have a turkey version. I buy both, but at the same price go for the pork. Raise that, I’m buying the turkey polish…

    Another? Pork roast is about $3/lb while lamb is $5. I still buy more lamb. Make the pork $5 my buy will be zero… I’ll BBQ chicken instead….

    For those kinds of reasons, commodity predicting is treacherous at best. You must correctly guage consumer substitution along with grower responses and logistics limits. Both largly unknown and typically absent from The Story. “There is always a story” -E.M.Smith.

  148. Another Ian says:

    “Team Mueller and the Predictable “Leak Campaign” – But The Much Bigger Issue is the 40 FBI Agents…”


  149. Larry Ledwick says:

    WXrisk (dot) com is putting out a weather warning for the central US.


  150. Bill in Oz says:

    That seems to say Canada is warming up while to the South of Canada, the USA is going to be frozen or flooded. Wow !

  151. H.R. says:

    Re the WXrisk maps below the tweet box:

    I can’t see the state/province lines on the N. America very well, but where is that warm air coming from in the LH image at the upper right?

    Is that warmer air going to get sucked up there ahead of the cold moving in from the NW and then get trapped/blocked up there?

    So there’s the forecast, but I don’t see how it gets there.

  152. Larry Ledwick says:

    Meanwhile wind subsidies in Germany are about to expire, and we will probably see a lot of decommissioned wind generators.

    (use google translate or equivalent unless you speak German)

  153. H.R. says:

    Oh, I see, That’s the Block over Greenland. No wonder I couldn’t make out a state or province, so never mind that question.

    But I still don’t get where that blocking high came from, i.e. how it moved in over Greenland.

  154. Larry Ledwick says:

    I think that red area indicates high pressure not high temperature, a strong blocking high pressure over Scandinavia is supposed to slide back into north America which will result in those maps.

  155. Larry Ledwick says:

    A related Australian power article – appears they are reaching the point they daily have to manually intervene to keep the power network up.


  156. jim2 says:

    Here’s a movement (bowel) that is very unfortunate. If I were a conservative in NM, I would be trying to figure out how to sue or something to stop this. It basically nullifies a huge number of NM votes.

    Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed legislation Wednesday that could, someday, potentially short-circuit the Electoral College.

    House Bill 55 allows New Mexico to join a compact of states that would allocate their electors in a presidential campaign to the candidate who wins the most votes nationally.

    The idea is to ensure a president cannot be elected with fewer votes than a competitor.

    Donald Trump, for example, won fewer votes than Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election but won enough states to be elected president.

    “Now, every vote in every state will count in every presidential election,” Sen. Mimi Stewart, a Democrat from Albuquerque and co-sponsor of the bill, wrote on Twitter after the governor signed the bill.


  157. H.R. says:

    @Larry – I thought that the colors might be pressure, too, but then the colors didn’t match up completely with the pressure gradient lines. It looked to me like temperature overlaid on pressure.

    The other thought was that it was anomaly temperatures, so that warm blob would be very warm compared to the 30-year average for this time of year and not “We’re all gonna fry!!!” warm.

  158. Another Ian says:


    More on Australian power

    “Renewables stress: The daily battle just to keep the lights on in Australia”


    And comments

  159. ossqss says:

    Here ya go on the weather item. Cranky does well with the detail.


  160. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting short summary from Ned Nikolov regarding albedo and planetary temperature.

  161. H.R. says:

    @ossqss – That link was better than the tweet. It answered my question and answered some questions I hadn’t even thought of ;o)


  162. Larry Ledwick says:

    Interesting article on the effect of armed citizens on active shooter incidents over an 18 year period from FBI records and news reports.

    Over all in those cases where an armed citizen was near enough to take action during an active shooter situation, the armed citizen stopped the shooting or improved the outcome (saved lives) in 94% of the cases where they were able to intervene.

    In none of the cases where an armed citizen intervened did they kill or injure an innocent person.


  163. H.R. says:

    @Larry L: I didn’t know anyone had analyzed the effect of armed citizens on an active shooter situation. That’s an interesting article.

    Obviously the YSM jurinalists aren’t going to report on it since it doesn’t support the Regressive’s** narrative that guns are evil, regardless of the fact that there has never been a known instance of any gun up and deciding to shoot someone.

    I find it interesting that the result of the Parkland School shooting, despite David Hogg’s best anti-gun efforts, has sparked many school districts to start exploring having some of their staff either carry or have ready access to firearms to stop or minimize mass shootings at their schools.

    Many people – I believe women are leading the charge on carrying for self-defense if my wife and her acquaintances are a valid indicator – are starting to realize that “When seconds count, help is just minutes away” is not just a catchy saying. But the YSM isn’t reporting on this, either.
    **There is not a single @#%!-ing thing that is ‘progressive’ in the Progressive/Socialist/Liberal (another ruined term)/Democrat/Leftist agenda. The elements and the sum of Progressive policies are exactly the opposite – Regressive – and as such I will start referring to the aforementioned with the truthful, accurate descriptor “Regressive.” Y’all are invited to join me in that bit of truth-telling.

    So long as I’m ranting, by my observation, many if not most here are what I’d term ‘Liberal’ in the best classical sense, but the Regressives have ruined that term, too. I’d like to Make ‘Liberal’ Great Again. Conservative is an ill-defined term, so I prefer ‘Liberal’, and as it would be used in the USA, would indicate a US Constitutionalist mindset, the Constitution being designed for maximum individual liberty.

  164. rhoda klapp says:

    HR, freedom is the key, and the individual’s rights and responsibilities. That doesn’t fit anywhere on the left/right spectrum the political class uses to fit us all into our pigeonholes. And in my experience you just cannot explain it to them, they just don’t get it.

  165. ossqss says:

    Hummmm, anyone think this would be safe in a Cat 5 Cane, with saaaaay 50′ waves? Ya think?


    I wonder how much somebody paid for this fantsy story….

  166. Larry Ledwick says:

    That Oceanix City concept would not be at the top of my list for safe harbors in a storm. It would work for a while but 10,000 people is not enough “workers” to maintain all that underwater ‘stuff”.

    A couple things I noticed, look at the illustrations there are very strong bias toward Asian occupation in the clothing styles, and general physiology of the population illustrated. They are all also “leisure” people – no workers delivering stuff, or repairing roofs. Classic architects all is rainbows sales pitch. Given it is sponsored by the UN someone already has a vision of where to build it and an inside angle on the contracts. They will sucker in a few thousand “first residents” who will buy reservations for being first occupants and like China’s Ghost cities it will be a money pit that falls apart in 10 years.

    It is really sad that we have so many “visionaries” who have no clue about the realities of keeping a city running, or maintaining structures, or even the supply chain that would be necessary to keep the city alive.

    It would make a nice vacation spot in some sheltered lagoon some where in the south pacific, Caribbean ocean or Persian Gulf, but I would not want to be on it in a major cyclone/hurricane/typhoon.

    It reminds me a lot of the future cities articles in the old Popular Science magazines of the early 1960’s (ie flying cars are just around the corner)

  167. Larry Ledwick says:

    This article linked in the above article on Oceanix explains some of the root problems that are driving this thinking.


  168. jim2 says:


    W.O.O.D. – 22 March 2019

    This is a great idea. The UN building and residents should be forced to live in one. We’ll see how they do off the coast of NY. (Don’t want their kind in Florida … well, on second thought …)

  169. H.R. says:

    That floating city is amazing and do-able… but why? Are we running out of land?

    One of the beauties of that concept is every property is “waterfront property” which is always in high demand and is limited compared to vast inland areas.

    But, anyone who owns a saltwater boat knows that maintenance is costly and never-ending. That’s probably the weak link in the concept. And as ossqss points out, after a Cat 5, if a unit doesn’t sink, it will wind up being inland property anyhow.

    Oh, I noted the little green islands that looked like a golf course. If so, that is a golf course with the mother of all water hazards.

  170. p.g.sharrow says:

    I was asked by a want to be Hollywood produced to create a “sea going city” for a series that Dennis Weaver would star in, back in 1988. After a great deal of thought I settled on Deep Hex hollow caissons made of concrete that would be semi flooded and pressurized to maintain necessary level support for the structures above. The City would include a 10,000ft runway and seaport as it would be an Atomic “Freeport” circumnavigating the Pacific Ocean. Wonder what he did with the plans and script?

  171. H.R. says:

    @Larry – Your posts showed up while I was typing. Yup, yup, yup. Maintenance, particularly in a saltwater environment would be the killer.

    The architect is trying to reproduce living on land in a marine setting. There are already such ‘floating cities’ in many harbors around the world, particularly in Asia, but each resident is responsible for the supply and maintenance of their own floating property. Making a floating city that is like a land-based city is just adding an unnecessary layer of complexity. Ocean living has already been figured out and is ancient technology.

    His idea would have been carried out a thousand years ago if it was practical.

  172. p.g.sharrow says:

    As a blue water sailor that has survived the heart of massive typhoon and maintaining ships at sea I was aware of the problems of creating and maintaining such a creation so even made the city’s creation a part of the plan as to conditions and the place it would have to be done in.
    That thing in the artist’s concept has nothing to do with reality or even the words in the article. It is possible that the project that was “pitched” to the UN was the guy that I was working with as he was “that” kind of person…pg

  173. E.M.Smith says:

    RT is reporting that Asange is about to be expelled from the Equadorian Embassy Real Soon Now… “within hours or days”…

  174. ossqss says:

    For those considering visiting or moving to Florida, if ya didn’t know this, now you do ;-)


  175. Larry Ledwick says:

    As a blue water sailor that has survived the heart of massive typhoon and maintaining ships at sea I was aware of the problems of creating and maintaining such a creation . . .

    Yep getting tossed about in an 9,734 ton ship in a super typhoon like a beer can in the surf, gives you great respect for the power of the ocean. When it is angry, all you can do is hang on and enjoy the ride, because you have absolutely no control over what it does to your puny little ship. You can make minor adjustments to help it take the sea better but that is about all you can do.

  176. E.M.Smith says:


    Yeah, chain link fence is more like ‘climbing exercise’… There are not a lot of fences in Florida anyway ( something about “Gone with the wind” ;-) so my expectation is that you don’t leave the criters out alone, you inspect the yard before going out, and always be prepared for a “gator moment”…

    @Per Ocean:

    Folks need to understand the critical 2 Two Hundreds. 200 km/hour wind. 200 foot waves.

    Best strategy is not to be there then…

    But hey, how about we endorse their idea as long as they move the UN Headquarters to it?

    Then wait… ;-)

  177. p.g.sharrow says:

    I was riding in a loaded 36,000 ton fleet oiler.. Announcements on the 1MC went from “All hands stay clear of the main deck” , no big deal, slowly went up to “All hands stay clear of the 07 level” the stacks and Antenna level ! I was far aft in a passageway and got pitched around like a BE BE in a beer can. Great fun until I got hit in the head by the ship’s bulkhead and an First Aid Box! My head still rings, 50years later…pg

  178. Power Grab says:

    I saw a show on PBS not long ago about something like this:


    It was interesting to see the problems they had getting it to sink when wanted, and to stay watertight. Sounded like a huge money pit to me.

  179. Another Ian says:

    “An idea well worth considering: To Stop the Deep State, Bring Back Mike Flynn!”


    Via SDA

  180. Another Ian says:

    Check the bit on “moon winds” towards the end

    Terminator Winds

  181. ossqss says:

    Hummm, looks like Old Man Winter is not done yet next week!

  182. E.M.Smith says:

    Having a cool wet drippy day here in Kalifornia… I’ve had winter days worse…..

    I think we’ve turned the corner into cold and wet. No idea if the data will ever show it, given the Data Diddlers screwing it….

  183. p.g.sharrow says:

    @EMSmith; you are right there, feels like 1950s all over again. We may see Monsoon summers for a while…pg

  184. Another Ian says:


    “Grid Scale Battery Nonsense 2019″

    Grid Scale Battery Nonsense 2019

    Where were you thinking of in Florida?

  185. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    Inside an hour drive of Disney World… as the spouse is a fanatic.

    Per Grid Batteries:

    While the WUWT article is a nice summary, it left out one important point: A battery is instant while a CCGT or Diesel takes time to get started and warmed up. In the Hospital it took about 30 seconds for the auto-start on a power fail (we did a test every few months to assure readiness – required by some rule or other). So we’d have an announcement that the test was coming (so nobody would be scheduled for surgery then or be in the middle of having a needle stuck in them) and then the lights would blink out …. long pause… and come back on with the generator whirring in the distance.

    Similarly for data centers, the bacup generator takes time to start. To avoid that “blink”, they install a large UPS in front of the computer room. That’s a giant battery / inverter pair. (I’ve installed a few…). You don’t want the “blink”, you use a battery.

    So it seems to me like a good idea to have a small amount of instant battery available to “avoid the blink” when some sag happens. Is this battery enough? I don’t know, but it might depend on just what other equipment is in use that might fail. Cleary it can’t “bridge the gap” for a 1000 MW Nuke plant tripping off line… but it could likely cover for a sudden demand spike while you spin up a CCGT that was on cold standby instead of hot standby… Just saving the cost of wear on hot standby could well pay for it. (There’s a reason all those data centers use a battery UPS instead of leaving the generator on hot standby…)

    So IMHO it will come down to how often it is used and can you avoid enough hot standby time to have a net gain.

    That said: It’s a daft idea to think you can add all the cost of a major battery installation just to cover the 1/2 of the day that solar is dead. You increase the total system cost horrifically for no real production of anything. Batteries can have a use, but patching over night and winter for a bad generation product (wind / solar) is not a good use.

  186. H.R. says:

    E.M.: “Batteries can have a use, but patching over night and winter for a bad generation product (wind / solar) is not a good use.”

    I don’t get the idea of going all in for something that is useful in some instances but counterproductive when used everywhere. It only makes sense if your objective is a crony capitalism boondoggle; perfectly suited for that.

    For example, here’s a nice wind application as shown, but not suitable for universal adaptation.

  187. jim2 says:

    Excellent post by Lubos on AOC and Captitalism:

    So be sure that the massive expansion of her power is not universally agreed to be insane. In fact, people who just point out the obvious fact that AOC is incompetent for all issues like that and her plans are insane are being attacked by her MSM attack dogs. Their self-evidently correct criticism is “politically incorrect” because she belongs into the intersection of several privileged groups. In effect, the likes of AOC – while having a modest content of the brain – end up being politically stronger than the likes of Jamie Dimon – who knows quite a lot and has done quite a lot of successful things. Because identity politics is so powerful in raising some people above others and the “problematic” minorities are the privileged ones, we really live in an anti-meritocratic regime in which the people who are professionally worse get more influential in average and systematically.


  188. jim2 says:

    I don’t see the benefit of batteries for the power grid in any way. Most equipment on the grid can tolerate a blip or even total outage. Those what can’t should make provisions for themselves, like the data centers.

  189. E.M.Smith says:


    I don’t know how the math works out as I don’t have the base data, but what I was talking about was NOT about the “equipment on the grid” having to “take a blip”. It is about hot standby vs cold standby for generation capacity. IF (and it is a very big IF) you can leave your turbines on cold standby and let the battery system take the first {warm-up spin-up period} time of power sucking, then you can have your turbines take way less wear and maintenance costs while you spin them up and warm them up only when needed instead of 24 x 7 “just in case”.

    That’s a question of real dollars saved on fuel and maintenance costs for a standby turbine, vs sunk cost for the battery “ups” in front of it. It very much is a valid use case. The unknown part is how the numbers run out with actual values for cost of hot standby vs cold+battery.

  190. jim2 says:

    Considering the US grid can deliver about 1200 gigawatts, I’m thinking the cost of enough batteries to protect all the grid would be humongous and a maintenance bear over 60 years. Probably better to invest in nuclear plants.

  191. Larry Ledwick says:

    The only storage system that is any where near storing large amounts of power with readily fast response is pumped hydro but even that has issues. It is good enough to store excess power during quite times and come on line during peak power daily but long term storage (2-3 days) not so much.

    Most of the instant on power backup now is natural gas turbine generators which I think they keep turning at idle to keep them hot and bearings from having problems then just turn up the wick when needed.

    Chemical batteries are just not up to the task for large scale storage. I have been looking at battery setups for my solar panels and they are in life cycle terms, about as costly as all the other hardware.

    Solar for semi off grid like I am thinking is best set up to augment commercial power when you have it, and cover some of the load at night.

    My daily power usage is about 14 kwh, best power recovery over all is sizing the batteries at 50% depth of discharge (so for full coverage you would need to have 28 kwh of battery storage). That is a lot of batteries. You also need enough solar panel capacity to recharge the batteries completely in one day of full sun plus a bit of reserve. ( over cast cloudy only produces about 25% of the name plate panel rating, and dark overcast only about 10%) If the batteries go too long without being fully recharged (and periodic equalization charges) their service life drops substantially. You can also lose longivity on the batteries if they are not used at all (just kept on float charge and less than 10% discharge). Best use and charge cycle is between 20% and 50% depth of discharge.

    Since I am not at all interested in 100% off grid operation at my normal power consumption these are all issues I can work around. What I want is 100% power at minimum usage (like during a long period power outage with active power use management – limited lights etc.) At those sorts of power draws, solar makes sense and if you have both off grid and on grid power and run some of your stuff on the off grid side you can cut your commercial power consumption substantially while also having a grid down home UPS system. If you use solar while it is available and finish topping off the batteries with low amp grid charging you can get maximum life out of the batteries because they always get charged fully shortly after discharge.

    I am also looking at a split battery pack where I have two battery packs that I alternate using. One of the problems with large battery packs is if you lose a battery after the battery pack is over a year or so old, you need to replace all the batteries as there will be sufficient difference in battery behavior that the one new battery in the stack will screw up charging cycles as its lower internal resistance will make it take most of the charge current and you will either over charge it to get the others fully charged or leave the old batteries poorly charged which will accelerate their aging.

    If you have 3 battery packs (pack A, pack B and pack C) which you use on a rotating basis, two packs sit on float charge for 2 days so are always fully charged while you draw down the active pack to that 50% state of discharge. Then the next day you go to battery pack B and put pack A on the solar panels followed by grid trickle charger if necessary to get back to 100% state of charge.

    But if one battery dies in the stack you can run one pack one battery short for a while but still have almost all your battery capacity and good charging behavior, then when you need to replace that pack you only buy 1/3 of the total batteries in the system. If you bring the packs on line over time, you also have packs with different age batteries so they are not likely all to die at the same time.

    With modern LED lighting and low power draw computer hardware, for minimal normal function you will only be using about 20 watts of power for lights and 150 watts of power for the computer for the dark hours of the day, so in the winter only about 1 kwh for 6 hours in the evening. That is a much easier nut to crack on battery size and cost, but still makes you basically immune to power outages even if they last for several days. Throw in a small gasoline/diesel/natural gas generator and you have a very good setup even if a hurricane or blizzard takes down the power for a week.

  192. E.M.Smith says:


    Look into Edison Cells ( Nickle Iron). They have astounding lifetimes.

    The notion of a small battery (in grid terms) is NOT to backup the entire grid.

    It is to stand in front of ONE turbine or Diesel site so you can leave it cold, not hot and rotating and wearing and consuming fuel. It is to give MINUTES of power during cold start.

    Do note I’m not advocating that use. I’m saying it is the only thing I can think of where the battery might makes sense (and only IF the economics of wear on hot standby vs cold start worked out… that is an unknown).

    This use case is exactly analogous to the use of a UPS for a data center with a Diesel on cold standby that takes a few minutes to get started. I’ve installed a couple of sites like that and used more of them. It is a known valuable design point at that scale for one large building. I’m just saying that analogy ought to scale to some larger size up to a small turbine site. (Though I have no idea if that’s what FPL is doing or if they are just virtue signaling and subsidy farming).

  193. ossqss says:

    Well, I have to APC 1250 s. Stones backup my network internal infrastructure. I also have a 120 amp hour deep cycle battery and a 750 watt inverter. I had the same set up (deep cycle &converter) after Hurricane Charley and was able to provide a fan for two and a half days to a retirement center in need down in Port Charlotte. That is kinda sorta similar on a small scale. Ya know, it would be much easier, and efficient (think loss), if things ran on 12v dc, instead of inverted power when needed. ;-)

  194. ossqss says:

    Well, it looks like voice to text got about a B- above :-)

  195. Larry Ledwick says:

    Look into Edison Cells ( Nickle Iron). They have astounding lifetimes.

    Already have sounds good at first blush but they have some problems too.

    For one they are very expensive (and only a limited number of vendors produce them) about 5x the expense of top line deep cycle lead acid batteries. (yes if they/you live long enough, you get it back, but I can’t up front 30 years of battery costs )

    They also have a significant self discharge or about 1% of charge a day, so need constant charging.

    They also generate significant amounts of hydrogen when charging, and due to this out gassing water levels need to be checked weekly. Similar to lead acid under heavy charge but would have higher ventilation requirements. Much of the battery controller hardware for solar systems out there is not compatible with FeNi cell characteristics and will not properly charge them, so would have to find a MPPT controller that has a setting for FeNi batteries

    Great if you have buckets of money up front, and know you are going to use them for 30+ years and are meticulous with maintenance routines. Not so good if you want simple and affordable and are willing to spend a similar amount of money but periodically over the life time of the systems.

    In appropriate uses (like a 30 year backup battery pack for a phone or cell site) they might be a good deal, but even though I have a local vendor here in Denver, I am not at this point impressed with them. They might work in a hybrid battery setup where you have a high current lead acid stack and a low current FeNi stack that helps recover the lead acid batteries as a way to get both high current demand and the long life features.

    One interesting twist to the tale is Exide Corporation bought the rights to the FeNi cells from Edison Storage Battery company in 1975 for several million dollars and then abandoned the technology. Sounds like they might have been trying to kill a competitor but so far I have found no explanation other than that intuitive conclusion.

    The charge voltage can vary from 1.46 to 1.55 volts per cell with a recommended float charge of 1.46 volts to minimize water loss. Periodic equalization charge of 1.65 volts per cell for 8 hours using at least C/10 current. Edison suggested completely discharging the batteries periodically before the equalization charge and changing the electrolyte every 5 – 10 years.

    A 100 Ah FeNi battery goes for $1,093.00, you can get a deep discharge lead acid of that capacity for $168.99, so it is a trade off of opportunity cost vs long life which you may not keep they system long enough to get the value out of the FeNi system.

    If I look at what I have right now, I have 1000 watts (nominal) of solar panels, assume 5 hours of full sun a day on average, I can only charge 5 kw of battery capacity per day under ideal conditions (minus system losses in the batteries etc.)

    My normal power usage is about 12 kwh per day on the grid.
    In a full grid down situation the Fridge would use about 1.6 – 2 kwh, that leaves me with 2-3 kwh of capacity for other needs.

    LED lights – 50 watts total for 6 hours a day = 0.3 kwh
    computer 200 watts for 12 hours a day = 2.4 kwh

    So not counting electrical use for heating and air conditioning my 1 kw panels will just cover frugal use of the most important electrical demands.

    To provide 5 kwh at 13.8 volts I would need to have 362 amp hours of usable storage.
    Most cost effective depth of discharge on lead acid batteries is 50% so I would want at least 700 ah of lead acid batteries which at 168.99 each for 100 ah batteries from wall mart we are talking a base first cost of $1182 for the lead acid batteries. If you go high end Lead acid like the Sun Xtender PVX-1030T (103 AH 6v) you are talking about $450 for a pair of them to net 103 AH @ 12V which bumps the cost up to $3150 or 3x the Walmart deep discharge cost.

    For FeNi batteries most cost effective depth of discharge is 80% so you get 80 Ah usable out of a 100 ah battery. would take 4.525 100 ah FeNi batteries (round up to 5) so first cost for the FeNi battery pack would be $5465.

    That is of course assuming the FeNi will provide enough current to cover starting load on the refrigerator. Looking at the data sheet maximum ideal current discharge rate is the C/2 rate, so a 100 ah battery could provide 50 amps during discharge or 6000 watts peak discharge so should be able to cover motor start currents.

    There is an interesting option here I just thought of while putting together this post. Unlike lead acid batteries it does not hurt FeNi batteries to sit for long period so you could buy an initial lead acid stack that gets the minimal job done, and gradually over time buy FeNi batteries to assemble a long life stack without having to put the money out all at once and you would not have to worry about battery failure in storage. ( Hmmmmmm )

    This is the local FeNi vendor here in Denver

    The high end lead acid vendor is

  196. Larry Ledwick says:

    Oh one other down side of the FeNi batteries I forgot to mention – they take up a lot of room compared to Lead Acid.

    A single 12V 100 AH FeNi battery consists of 10 cells which are each 3.2 in wide, 5.6 inches deep, and 14.5 inches tall, or a battery array that is approx 16 inches by 11.2 inches by 14.5 inches, so about half again more space required than the same electrical capacity in Lead acid.

  197. Another Ian says:

    Murkier and murkier

    “Bigger Issues – Suspect Cesar Sayoc Writes Letter to Judge Denying Packages “could have worked”…”


  198. Another Ian says:

    “Mandatory listening on Russia collusion hoax and DOJ/FBI attempted coup d’état:”


  199. Larry Ledwick says:

    If this is current (not some misattributed image) this is a big change, and probably signals a warning to Macron.

    Foreign Legion turn up to protest alongside yellow vests👍
    6:20 AM – 6 Apr 2019

    Any local commentary from the folks living in that part of the world?

  200. jim2 says:

    This hydrogen can be converted to water and recycled. (IIRC, the cold fusion guys used some sort of catalyst to do this, but search results mostly for water to hydrogen – sucks!)

  201. Larry Ledwick says:

    If you are talking about the FeNi batteries, yes there are ways of dealing with it, it is just a more serious hazard that it is with a lead acid batteries. They apparently make vent caps which include a catalyst to recombine the gases and return the water created to the battery. Some are also talking about a gas capture system to turn that escaping hydrogen into a gaseous fuel for other uses. Not practical on small instillation but in theory a good way to recover the work expended to produce the gas in the first place while charging the batteries.

    Having witnessed a lead acid battery explosion due to spark ignition of hydrogen it is not a risk I take lightly.

  202. jim2 says:

    Here’s one:

    Click to access pmr-v10-i2-060-064.pdf

    Platinum catalyst to produce water from hydrogen and oxygen. It could be placed in the gas outlet of the cell and the water dribbled back into it.

    There are other catalysts that would work.

  203. Another Ian says:

    By the way

    “It is a fact that the German War Department has advertised (10th April 1940) for an ersatz accumulator, to be constructed almost entirely from materials found within the Reich. A prize of RM 10,000 is offered and the competition closes on 1st Jnuary 1941”

    R.V. Jones “Most Secret War”

  204. Larry Ledwick says:

    Well it looks like a few Europeans are getting fed up with immigrant behavior and are serving up some “reprimands”


  205. E.M.Smith says:

    @Another Ian:

    “Accumulator” of what? Marbles? Static charge? Tabulations?

  206. E.M.Smith says:

    @Larry L:

    I think as The Police do less and less we’ll see more “vigilante justice” like that (and worse). Then as “PC Enforcement” attempts to punish the instruments of Karma, a full on revolt / purge will follow.

    Folks have an innate sense of “what is fair” even by age 3. Go against that too long and you get rage. Don’t fix it when the rage comes, or punish the rage, you get war. Only question is overt or covert.

    Islam has required beliefs that are antithetical to the foundations of western culture and Christianity. We know what happens when they are mixed ( see 1400 years of history). Europe will not end well.

  207. Larry Ledwick says:

    Hmmmm might want to set aside a bit of time near noon eastern time tomorrow to see if this turns out to be important.


  208. Another Ian says:


  209. jim2 says:

    The Queen has now formally failed the Brits. I’m having a hard time understanding why common Brits have to support this useless entity. It’s of no benefit and a rather large expense. From the article:
    Any hopes that Queen Elizabeth II would block the legislation aimed at frustrating and blocking the June 2016 Brexit decision were dashed when barely a quarter of an hour later, the bill received Royal Assent — where the Monarch agrees to make a bill an Act of Parliament.


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